[ { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Bonjour .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It won't wake up . Yeah . I was a bit early . Like {disfmarker} What ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Why ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , I just came in . Uh normally I was one of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hello .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Check check check check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oop .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Why won't it wake up ? Is it on ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The power light doesn't work . You turned it off .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But how ? Ah , there it is .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I received an email with uh a few possibilities on uh the materials . So I'll discuss them with you .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we're just going to the {gap} later .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I received an email as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we're going to talk about the conceptual model .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which one was mine ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh okay . So {disfmarker} Uh okay . Okay , so I just show you the m the no mm mm the the the the the the minutes , minute . {gap} What's it called , I dunno . Whatever .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The minutes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we just talked about uh {disfmarker} Oh you want me to show that there or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just tell us .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we just talked about it looks . Has to look nice . Usability is very important . People don't want to spend money on something that's similar to cheaper ones . Um {disfmarker} It has to be very basic , not too many buttons . Light switches on if you use a button . Uh text T_V_ still has to be a possibility . And it has to be easy to learn . That were the things I uh make minutes of . And the functions are volume , channel to choose channels , an on-off , a mute uh button , and a text T_V_ button . That are the functions . That right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I just want to give you uh Mike again , the first uh presentation of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I start ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound} No . Okay well {disfmarker} I received an email {disfmarker} Okay . I searched the web , uh and uh I searched uh on this d document , recent investigation of the remote control market . It has been done in Italy uh Italy and in uh another country in Europe , I forget it . Uh but uh they found out the most important aspect for remote controls happens to be a fancy look-and-feel , instead of the current functional look and feel . So it's very important for us to create something new . So what Michael just said , it must be uh some very different from ordinary uh remote controls . Fancy stands for an original look-and-feel of the case and interface . Uh this uh aspect is the most important one . Uh it came out of the research . It uh is twice important as the following . {vocalsound} The second uh most important aspect is that a remote control should it uh technological innovative . Uh that stands for uh uh new technical uh features . And then uh that uh {disfmarker} This is a point of discussion , because we just decided that we don't make use of uh L_C_D_ or uh speech recognition .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But um {vocalsound} this is the second uh important uh aspect , and I think uh we must use some of the new technology , to be uh innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we already have the flashing flashing light on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh maybe maybe something new .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to discuss about it s uh {disfmarker} Okay , uh {gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I'll I'll get back on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "features not uh do not exist in current remote controls . And that's very hard I think . Uh the third one is the aspect of the remote control should be easy to use . But uh that was an overall uh point . We already discussed that . Um I've got one picture . Uh d our our target group uh we thought about was young and trendy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I took uh that part of the webpage . And it says uh fashion-watchers of uh uh Pari {vocalsound} uh France and uh Italy , yeah , uh have detected the following trends . This trends I th uh trend I think it's not um that meaningful for us , maybe . But it's about uh clothes and shoes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the uh the next uh aspect also in contrast to last year , the feel of material is expe uh uh is expected to be spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But spongy , what what does spongy says ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Spongy , like sponge .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Spongy . Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So rubber , kind of .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh soft materials .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But maybe th that's al definitely a good idea ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you've you're you drop y your remote control very often on the ground . So it has to be {vocalsound} flexible .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it's something that uh it stand there . But I didn't knew uh knew what it means . So spongy means y Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's like a sponge .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Soft , sponge .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's also a stress-ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's a good {disfmarker} That's a good idea . If it's de like that . That's good , a good idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , somewhat like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is it a bit like like the the the the {gap} remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "How are you gonna make it ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "R_ soft .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I've some uh material uh information , but I'll give you it later in my presentation .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What do I think ? Uh because a fancy look is the most important thing uh for remote control uh control , I think about changeable fronts .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh maybe a see-through one in a a fruit front . Because it's uh it's hot .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh some basic uh colour fronts . {vocalsound} Uh so we can make uh five different fronts to start with or something . Uh maybe an extraordinary shape , like a sponge . {vocalsound} Uh or uh , yeah , just another shape than a normal uh remote control ha uh has .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just uh something round in it , or uh maybe not uh not uh {disfmarker} Yeah , I dun dunno . We have to discuss about that . Uh y yeah . Main point uh still uh is the technolo technological innovative . Yeah , how do we do that ? Maybe speech ? We ma must have some kind of gadget .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'll get back on that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's very uh difficult to to to do it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Intro", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because it's only twelve and a half Euros you have to spend on every remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the problem . That's the main problem .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I got f also an email from the the technology department .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Maybe we watch the first uh the next two presentations .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have done uh research about it , and uh even more possibilities now with speech . So they recommended using it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll check what they exact mean .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh let's first watch Paul's presentation first then .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , well actually we have don't have an idea how much it's gonna cost . But maybe it's cheap", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and it's easy to implement .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th that's the only problem . I d They don't say how much it will cost , so {disfmarker} Um but uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "if we implement uh speech recognition , I think it would be better to implement L_C_D_ as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . It's mass production . So you can say , you can {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Since you have to uh configure speech thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But that's definitely more expensive than {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's that's something I dunno .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . But how uh we we're gonna make many of those . So we can start a mass production , and then the cost will still will be {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but a telephone {gap} {disfmarker} Okay , yeah . But a telephone also have a L_C_D_ and and it's about t two hundred Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so uh we gotta de", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have to decide on that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay . That was this ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh I got an email uh {disfmarker} And it says uh the chip can be uh simple , regular or advanced . And {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} They say uh a display requires an advanced chip . And this is more expensive than all the other chips . So", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_D_C_ doesn't require {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's m the most expensive . Yeah , it says in the email . The display requires an advanced chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And speech recognition ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , probably too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced {gap} . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I haven't got anything about speech recognition , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll I'll give you my design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it d That's that's the most expensive chip , we need . If we're doing uh if we're doing a display .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . So we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Well we can {disfmarker} I had uh to make a sort of a design . So I did some searching on the internet . I watched the old remote controls and news com remote como uh remote controls . I think we should um {disfmarker} This is one of the modern remote controls of the moment . I think we should go more to the iPod and M_P_ three players . Mobile phones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , just modern modern but still uh basic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "More modern . Y yes . Um you probably have to make it a bit bigger and a bit smaller . 'Cause remote con control , you can see it here , you have to bo reach both out {disfmarker} both sides . And here you just have one , few buttons . So that's that's the main difference . But looks uh I definitely think we should go like this . And then changeable fonts , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's the most important part , I think . But {disfmarker} And the home base is something like that , something simple . Well and then I just ordered the the buttons a bit . Uh basic buttons . On-off , mute . And th maybe two others , I dunno . Text buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe the teletext tel", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , text button , maybe there and there . And then the colour buttons , if we want it on . I don't find it very usable ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , I don't uh {disfmarker} I don't like it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I don't think it's fits in the the modern theme as well . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then yeah we saw the the pla display , in the the iPod . They can put the basic buttons , one , two , three , four . And uh f above ten . {vocalsound} And I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it {disfmarker} That's on on the display .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no . That th there is no display there . But it's on the place of the display . And I think we should uh light this up much more than that part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So the focus is on these two parts .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you don't see all the buttons you else need .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But it sounds very difficult to use . Because um the volume and channel is on the on the the bottom of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you can't use your thumb for it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is how it is now . Um {disfmarker} Here uh {disfmarker} Well we have volume .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it is on uh on the bottom too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "down there . But it's not not the best best .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well here we have also side scrolls . I dunno if we can use that . Do we want to use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , for volume . For volume , or a channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've I've got something of that uh too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For volume ? Well then we can even simplify it more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Scroll .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "By just putting the volume on the side .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the channels as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And and just channel buttons here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , or uh maybe uh {disfmarker} The channel buttons are often used . And you can't use them now with your thumb , because the thing is not , it's not easy to control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well . Yeah , well it's {disfmarker} Basically it's it's here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , m maybe we cho should put that on top , and buttons we we don't use on , in the bottom .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're on top ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , just th th th other buttons like text T_V_ . Put that on the button bottom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Because uh you can't hold it . You can't hold it th the control and push the buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You mean uh these to the low ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Yeah . Except from the on-off button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Well , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But I I think w you'll use uh the switch channels buttons uh more often than the normal uh channel buttons , like one two three . So maybe we can put that on the bottom .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker} Maybe . I dunno , but yeah we'll {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Like zapping is just switching one channel at a time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe it's not easy if it's below . It's harder to zap . So I think uh it should be should be easy to {gap} . I think it's pretty standard , these rubber buttons on the top .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh if you don't light 'em up , they don't uh {vocalsound} you don't see 'em very good .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's good , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think it's modern to light this area up , and to light this area up . So the focus gets on these parts and not on there .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But uh the position of course can be different . It's s We have to look uh what's easy to use , and how it's easier to use .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can uh switch these to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno if it l will look good , if you put those on t on the bottom half .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , I think th the the top buttons are okay . They sh Those should be on top .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But uh we we can switch those two ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Those two , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , you have to make sure it's easy to uh {disfmarker} Yes , it has to be big enough so you can hold it , right . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well that's that's my findings . So uh my personal opinion is that we should go more modern look . M_P_ three player . And uh well um if we want to put in speech rec recognition or something , we {disfmarker} I don't think we should put it on top then . I think that , if we're gonna put in more technology , that you need to be able to uh switch it open .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , that's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "To use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So if you put in uh speech recognition , you need so more uh many more buttons . Which won't look good on the front side I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So that's something we have to decide on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to keep it simple .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to decide this this lecture , or this this this uh fifty minutes , yeah , how it is gonna look .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . What we're gonna do . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , the component design . I looked at uh some similar devices , and uh my own common knowledge . So uh this was on the web site . If you aim at a young public , you should use materials that are soft with primary colours like green , blue , red . So flashy kinda colours . Uh shapes should be curved , so round shapes . Not {disfmarker} Nothing square-like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker} Hmm , okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah well uh iPod is trendy . And it is well curved {gap} square .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Square . Like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but mm is uh has round corners I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So not {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we shouldn't have too square corners and that kind of thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Not uh the old uh box look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . And um sports and gaming device style characteristics . I don't know exactly what that means , but it should be , well yeah , popular kind of", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to put our Real Reaction logo as well on the on the {vocalsound} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "looking , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the colours also .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have ha to ma make it in black , black , yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Black yellow control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe the sides in yellow and the the the top in black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , mm n Not that weird , because we definitely want to make it kind of flashy , to attract a young public .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but uh {vocalsound} I don't think the the colours black and yellow go well together . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We make i Maybe you can put yellow on the side and black on the on the front .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , okay . That's a that's a sen That's just a matter of tastes , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have to use uh kind of flashy colours , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh can't we use um different uh fron uh fronts , with all with the the logo on it ? Can we do that ? So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's cool . Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Like fronts in in red and yellow and blue", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And still trans", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Still still transparent .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . But with all with logo on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well this is a remote control , a very old one . Um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Then the components . The case has just a {disfmarker} Here's black .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we make it som Maybe we have to make it from soft material . Uh I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe . But anyways uh it should be transparent . We decided that , huh ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well one of the options .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} Just like a mobile phone , you can make um different fronts on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can just replace them I think . That was the idea ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we could do that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or just uh release one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just give five with them , just in a box . {vocalsound} Five different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker} Or just uh sell different ones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you could you could make 'em uh uh like blue and transparent .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can still th look through it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the buttons . Normal rubber I think . Like normal ordinary buttons . Soft .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I uh I dunno .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it could be like a Nokia , like {gap} plastic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "A more {disfmarker} Yeah , just uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's better prob", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "With the hard hard buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think uh rubber really has an odd look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . The the the new uh new modern uh remote controls , uh the buttons are part of the {vocalsound} uh the style , I think is part of the remote control itself .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's one uh a one uh out of one shape . Uh it's n doesn't {disfmarker} Is {vocalsound} uh a button uh um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} How do you say it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's it's all on one level .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It it didn't it i it don't come out of the {vocalsound} on the background .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , on one level .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It is in uh the c a remote control uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you mean . So we have to keep it on the one level . Like th the top it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "like mobile phones . Like uh the iPod .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , it's chos So that should be hard plastic . Then the buttons ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I dunno what uh kind of material it is .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think . Or maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But maybe you can m make a uh round fluff or soft material . Just only the basic uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "basic remote control from normal plastic ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the rounds of it from softer s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Then the L_E_D_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The normal infrared L_E_D_ I think s sufficient . And back light L_E_D_s .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think we have to make the case transparent , otherwise the back light won't work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So if you put {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Y i if you {disfmarker} The numbers could be can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh you can just make them around the buttons uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or it runs the whole {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we can still make it transparent . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They can choose .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can halfs transparent ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or no", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or just that it's comes out a bit .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Good . And in green colour , the back lights", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Different , I think , also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Blue . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Blue or red .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Whatever you want it , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh depends on the colour of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you can't choo You can't choose it when you buy it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh i {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You have to choose {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , but I think there are multiple colour LEDs . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I know {disfmarker} I dunno . Is {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but can you change it if you already bought the the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it can .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause this a mo mib uh mobile phone as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe it's it's more impor more expensive .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe put some different ones in it . Doesn't matter . It's just {disfmarker} No , just some LED .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have the mo mi I have a blinking light on my phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And I can change the colour of it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , cool . Just make it some different colours . Blue , red and green , or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I dunno . Maybe it's too expensive , but it {disfmarker} I th I don't think so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , we don't put put in any fancier technology yet . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Then uh some more technical things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know what it is , but it should be there {vocalsound} I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um this is the normal circuit board , like a chip board in in a lot of uh things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to hurry up a bit , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "W {vocalsound} So we d we just need this and {vocalsound} this transistors and resonators . There's all these kind of things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um they they basically said that that's almost the same on any uh remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm sure we can fit in .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we j we just need that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know what they do or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "you can you can change {disfmarker} Yeah . No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Nah , but they just said we need it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh the battery contacts , like normal batteries ca you can put in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , a recharger maybe .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to make sure to uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We still want to have a recharger , don't we ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that still the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it i We don't wanna have a ar an {disfmarker} How do you call it ? Accu .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A recha Oh no . Uh {disfmarker} Battery . It's just a battery . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Re recharger . Base station .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Y uh just just batteries , rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , batteries . Yes , rechargeable batteries , I think's best .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Not a separate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , just rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . And uh a chip , that's this one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Then uh I received some possibilities . Um for the energy source we can use batteries or a kinetic uh {disfmarker} Like with the pulse watch . So it operates on your wrist kinda .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah cool . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But normally you put a remote control on the table or on the couch .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So if you hold it , it gets powered .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you hold it . Yeah , I don't think it will work , and {disfmarker} Or we can also use solar cells . But you mostly use it indoors ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's dark in the room . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just batteries ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that's cheaper {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , and and we can use the home station kind of thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um cases , flat , so uncurved . Uh two D_ curved is um like front to the back . And three D_ curved is also in depth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's possible . Uh but with three D_ uh curved uh remote controls , we must use rubber buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we can't use the flat buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we need uh two D_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Definitely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think . Um these kinda materials can be used .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it doesn't really matter , we just make it plastic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The scroll wheels , that's cool . That's for the volume .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , scroll wheels um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's good . We can use multiple scroll wheels , w if we want to .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think just the volume is enough .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} Uh {disfmarker} For channels it's not handy ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because you scroll too fast .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And uh the L_C_D_ . So we need uh the expensive , most expensive chip , if we use an L_C_D_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think that's an opportunity . Just skip it . Because we don't have time for that to to put it in .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , then we we use m must use the second most expensive chip . So th so the regular chip . Because we use scroll wheels .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um {disfmarker} Yeah , that was it I guess .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh are are we using a a rubber case , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh just sk", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We haven't decided yet .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe you have to skip that one as well . It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I don't think a rubber case looks {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "L", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh but we have to do something about the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , i it it should be soft . You said so ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The trend is uh spong spongy uh and uh fruit or fresh fresh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . That {disfmarker} Uh fruit and veg , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And uh now we have nothing about uh about those those two .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , fruit and veg can be just the covers .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah i Just {disfmarker} Just on front .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you can {gap} the the spongy {disfmarker} yeah , I dunno . I can't imagine a soft remote control .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Neith uh I don't like it uh neither .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just can't imagine it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So just hard plastic ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Titanium . It's mentioned here uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Titanium , uh I think it's too expensive .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But maybe the form has to be a bit different . Not the sh the square form . Just a bit", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "more rounded .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can make it curved or mm round . But just in two D_ , not in depth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} We have to decide which one we're going to choose from these . What exactly . Because we have to know it . So the energy uh is the recharger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We already know that . Just a normal battery .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . We have batteries .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . The chip-on-print is a normal one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Regular .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , the case is just a plastic one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah th yeah , the chip is the the regular one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , re Yeah , regular . Yeah , okay . Yeah , regular .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the simple one , regular and advanced . So it's b should be regular uh the second .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think I'll just check it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And we need a plastic case , with a scroll wheel . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's pretty much it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And a flashy light .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "User interface concept .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So uh I'm not sure . But we do I don't know if we expected to draw on this one at this moment . But {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I dunno either .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . Or should we do it in the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh I_D_ and U_I_D_ work together on prototype drawing on smart board .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's for the next one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we should did it here ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's for th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we're staying here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh that {disfmarker} I think that's the next next meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or should we do it in the next meeting ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you definitely get a specific instruction . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so now we're ka thirty minutes alone again ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But th think about something that's more rounded . Just {disfmarker} And more {disfmarker} It has to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh I dunno . But the iPod and etcetera , M_P_ three players , mobile phones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh a bit . Just just on the top or on the bottom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just a bit cur Okay , I'll see if I can see any of those .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe the wheel can be uh like uh like this . O um if you draw it like this , you get a {disfmarker} What the fuck is it ? {vocalsound} Okay . Mm {disfmarker} Doesn't work . {vocalsound} You see what I mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If I draw here {disfmarker} {vocalsound} It draws about four centimetres lower than {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Nah okay . Just {gap} . Maybe you can make it like this . And this is all the wheel for volume . So that you just um {disfmarker} It's all rounded , so you can do uh turn this one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a very big scroll-wheel . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just not on the top , but uh on the side of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so we {vocalsound} have this at the moment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think uh you'll get a a lot of uh volume changing when it's not wanted .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we'd have this . Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's a little problem , of course , as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's probably better .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but maybe we can make a a plastic , so that you i if you like drop it , it won't change the volume . Only if you use your finger .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe you just have to make it uh {disfmarker} That's not scrollable too easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Like this . And uh what's the channel choose ? Where do we uh put that ? Still on the bottom", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think in middle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh wh what is the middle part ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's the numbers .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Numbers , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I think th the numbers should be in the bottom , and and the switch channel in the middle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It doesn't make a difference , if you put the s uh the switch channels on side of each other or on top of each other .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use the dz", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Because you already have the volume here , so {disfmarker} You can also put it here one butt and the other one there . Next to each other . {gap} back and forth .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you can also can put it all on the top , and this , you keep this empty . Because you have to hold it as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or you could do the switch channel up button above the the numbers and switch channel down button below .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But that's not {gap} want to zap very quick , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think uh zapping is the highest priority .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ? Is this a opportunity ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then you use those uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "or you don't want a different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , of course uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh but I think we we should bu uh put 'em on top of each other , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Why ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Because then it's it's easy to know m if I push the the the up {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But still the next {disfmarker} It's still the next one . Doesn't make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the top the top button is is like you switch channel up , and down button is {disfmarker} {vocalsound} If you put them {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but fo from left to right is exactly the same . It ma it doesn't make a big difference .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I I think it's {disfmarker} It's it's obvious , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But uh but I I think uh left to right is more often associated with volume , and top down is more with uh channel changing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's not not {disfmarker} It's not al uh always the same .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But it's exactly th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In uh {disfmarker} On most on most remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Every remote control's uh different .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So so if we use that , they will probably have a long learning uh time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno . I {disfmarker} You already have the volume on the side ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , uh I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you can't make it you can't ma make a mistake .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's s so simple", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So but that's for that's for you ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay I'll d I'll take a look at it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so hmm . What did {disfmarker} What else we have to discuss about ? I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Think we need to work uh thirty minutes again ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to care that it r uh looks really new . Because uh we still hold on to the uh ordinary uh uh square uh remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause wha what I see the only difference i i i in fact is that we use a scroll-wheel on the outside .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And the LED .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , you have uh {disfmarker} It is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but i i it should be round in in shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh the current uh controllers are all black and plastic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You have to look at that image of the iPod .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "More that uh kind of style .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And a bit uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Not not the old grey black {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Some some kind of bling bling uh mm can we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Where you can put a ve Uh we have {disfmarker} If we do it like that we have below have we uh a lot of room to put a nice logo .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh the logo was has to be on there . Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and how many uh fronts uh fronts do we put on the market then ? Uh five or something ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , five . Let's give five .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or more or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe you can buy separate ones and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um uh {vocalsound} uh buy the product . You buy , you get one . And uh basic .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or you can choose one uh if you buy the project .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker} Yeah . That's your choice , I think huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , tha that will be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So y you can put the bottom of the remote control in recharger ? Is that is that a good good opportunity ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you could put it like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so top down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you sl uh you let it slide in the docking station .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Do we have to design that w as well ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The docking station ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But th Yeah , that can be very simple . Least .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we can b It c it could be just just a square , just a packet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a recharger .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , just where you're around something . Li Yeah , we had one example .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we have to make contacts on the on the remote control and the recharger as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which w", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that's a round one . Maybe we can choose then .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Here you see one that's very round .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think that can be all kind of shapes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But maybe you can just round up the corners a bit . That's all .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Of the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just round it up {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so y you don't want uh this uh like the iPod {gap} . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "More rounded . Yeah , I think it will just look like more like this one . Since it's {disfmarker} This is also rounded .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , just just the corners .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , tho those are al already a bit cornered . Mm {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we can we can do all kinds of uh {disfmarker} As long as it isn is in two D_ we can use all kind of round shapes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shapes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , but then we have to think of something totally new .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Not in depth . Yeah , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Yeah , if if we want to make it kind of , yeah , new .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I've uh {disfmarker} I had a lot of picture of old ones . And all curves have already been done .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bit annoying , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . What do we do wrong ? Hmm . Just just more like this and not uh a square .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , yeah well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we could do a lot of , lot more curving . I would do it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know we can do a lot more , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like in this kind of shape or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's very annoying . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I dunno . I dunno if it's handy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} I think it will only look more like the old remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The olden the olden ones had looked like just a square thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . But uh I had a lot of pictures {disfmarker} Oh I can show you here {vocalsound} what the old ones look like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Curves , curves .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've more {gap} there as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It wasn't very small one . {gap} very simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That is for elderly .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have to make a decision , what kind of form it's gonna have t going to have .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think if w My opinion . If we just uh take the iPod , and the same look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So uh light or just whatever colour , but the same light colours . And uh just with uh together with uh the back-lights b look will look very new .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No rubber buttons or something . Just together with the back-lights you'll get a totally new look . More like the M_P_ three player M_ um P_ M_ P_ three player .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And you have the scroll button inside . {gap} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Just a simple scrollb", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But why do we have to round it on the t bottom then ? Of {disfmarker} Skip that one as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Doesn't have to be .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah , it's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , though that's a trend . If we want to make it . But yeah , I'm not a Trendwatcher , you are . {vocalsound} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh the t the trend is", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber spongy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "spongy and fruity .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . No . Spongy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongeball kinda .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not not a lot of trends I uh I found uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so we have s still one minute left . So just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's okay if you just keep it a bit square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} The th th", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I d I don't know n something about ergonomic kind of fits-in-the-hand uh stuff .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I I think it's still for older people . You j still have older people . It's only annoying if it if it's like that f formed like that , like f Whatever . Just you have a normal {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we're we're aiming at a young public .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is one {disfmarker} There's just one overall important aspect is that we must make it fancy and it looks original , and I hope we can uh make it look not like the iPod itself . It must have uh uh uh a very different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , {gap} idea . But {vocalsound} you're {disfmarker} If you look at the way remote controls are now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i it is it is it is already fancy . Because of the lights on the bottom of it . That's already fancy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And if you make it look like the iPod {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , they're all the same .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . So that's already a very big change", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh maybe maybe make the the mm the {vocalsound} wha what's it called uh scroll wheel . Make it in in yellow or something . Just like the colours of Real Reaction .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "compared to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ye yeah . Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we could do that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah , but uh if you the f uh front , the scroll wheel will still uh be yellow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , I think {disfmarker} Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Think the scroll wheel {vocalsound} won't be very big . Since if you put it uh somewhere , the chances that it will scroll are too big .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it will just be a small small scroll wheel . So it won't uh stick out much .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Maybe the ones we are going to draw there . Maybe we have to ask uh to the the mm to her if it has {vocalsound} if it can work better than this . Because it doesn't work properly . So maybe you have to ask her .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Well ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "maybe we can just open images there , and I'll paint and paint .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah . That's probably {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll be able to do a better job .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you set the pen yeah , he will draw here . Doesn't work .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , so just finish it . So we make it a bit like m that one probably . Yeah . Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'll see it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah , I agree more like iPod {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , only the colour and the flashy light and the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We just we just skip the the the voca or was it the the speech recognition .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just a {disfmarker} Speech . Yeah , do we s keep that ? Yeah , I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or keep that ? It's okay . But you'd definitely need a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "advanced chip .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then it w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah , I don't know . Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we we have to build in a microphone and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's very easy . We already have uh the beeping of the {gap} home station ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , and I do I don't know anything about that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I d I didn't receive any information on speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh strange that I received {vocalsound} the information about that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh that's hard . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh the ma the main points I I I uh just said . We have to be original and uh technological innovative . Becau", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Can we just put it speech recognition in it as well ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ma", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "shall we {gap} it open then ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can put all the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The function of that in there . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And we need a {disfmarker} Probably we need a uh advanced chip then .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . Yeah , we probably do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it doesn't say anything about it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we don't have any f information about the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We started with information about the cost was now th", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I just I just received the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh I have I have some some information about the cost . But just a about the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And how much is the chip ? The the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know how much , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , our division has developed a new speech recognition feature , the integrated programmable sample sensor simple speaker u unit .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just in inexpensive or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is a very small electronic unit , will give a standard answer after it recognise a question .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And how how does it work ? Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Doesn't say . Just {disfmarker} You say record , followed by your question sample , and after a few seconds the answer uh sample . Because uh {disfmarker} So it works like uh good morning remote control , and then the remote control says good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It doesn't has to say anything . Just {disfmarker} You have to just talk to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah uh th that's just {disfmarker} It's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it say does it say something back ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we have to stop it now . So just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No . Yeah , it {disfmarker} Well that's integrated in the chip , so if you use the speech recognition , that's in it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's a r That's that's a advanced {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But i it's a separate chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , but if we use speech recognition , that will be in it as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't know anything about this ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , we just decide not to put it in ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Nah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because it's too difficult .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I dunno . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well it it would be would be a good feature feature .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we just put it in , because it's a good feature .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to stop now .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No no worries about the cost , etcetera .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's a chip in it that will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We have to stop it now .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" } ]
The group decided to have the normal batteries, the scroll wheel with rubber buttons together with back-lights, the beeping of the home station, the round shape as well as the speech recognition with an advanced chip. And they would skip the LCD because they would need the most expensive chip if they used an LCD.
Summarize the discussion about remote control features.
[ { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Bonjour .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It won't wake up . Yeah . I was a bit early . Like {disfmarker} What ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Why ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , I just came in . Uh normally I was one of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hello .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Check check check check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oop .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Why won't it wake up ? Is it on ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The power light doesn't work . You turned it off .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But how ? Ah , there it is .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I received an email with uh a few possibilities on uh the materials . So I'll discuss them with you .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we're just going to the {gap} later .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I received an email as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we're going to talk about the conceptual model .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which one was mine ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh okay . So {disfmarker} Uh okay . Okay , so I just show you the m the no mm mm the the the the the the minutes , minute . {gap} What's it called , I dunno . Whatever .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The minutes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we just talked about uh {disfmarker} Oh you want me to show that there or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just tell us .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we just talked about it looks . Has to look nice . Usability is very important . People don't want to spend money on something that's similar to cheaper ones . Um {disfmarker} It has to be very basic , not too many buttons . Light switches on if you use a button . Uh text T_V_ still has to be a possibility . And it has to be easy to learn . That were the things I uh make minutes of . And the functions are volume , channel to choose channels , an on-off , a mute uh button , and a text T_V_ button . That are the functions . That right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I just want to give you uh Mike again , the first uh presentation of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I start ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound} No . Okay well {disfmarker} I received an email {disfmarker} Okay . I searched the web , uh and uh I searched uh on this d document , recent investigation of the remote control market . It has been done in Italy uh Italy and in uh another country in Europe , I forget it . Uh but uh they found out the most important aspect for remote controls happens to be a fancy look-and-feel , instead of the current functional look and feel . So it's very important for us to create something new . So what Michael just said , it must be uh some very different from ordinary uh remote controls . Fancy stands for an original look-and-feel of the case and interface . Uh this uh aspect is the most important one . Uh it came out of the research . It uh is twice important as the following . {vocalsound} The second uh most important aspect is that a remote control should it uh technological innovative . Uh that stands for uh uh new technical uh features . And then uh that uh {disfmarker} This is a point of discussion , because we just decided that we don't make use of uh L_C_D_ or uh speech recognition .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But um {vocalsound} this is the second uh important uh aspect , and I think uh we must use some of the new technology , to be uh innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we already have the flashing flashing light on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh maybe maybe something new .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to discuss about it s uh {disfmarker} Okay , uh {gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I'll I'll get back on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "features not uh do not exist in current remote controls . And that's very hard I think . Uh the third one is the aspect of the remote control should be easy to use . But uh that was an overall uh point . We already discussed that . Um I've got one picture . Uh d our our target group uh we thought about was young and trendy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I took uh that part of the webpage . And it says uh fashion-watchers of uh uh Pari {vocalsound} uh France and uh Italy , yeah , uh have detected the following trends . This trends I th uh trend I think it's not um that meaningful for us , maybe . But it's about uh clothes and shoes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the uh the next uh aspect also in contrast to last year , the feel of material is expe uh uh is expected to be spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But spongy , what what does spongy says ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Spongy , like sponge .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Spongy . Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So rubber , kind of .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh soft materials .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But maybe th that's al definitely a good idea ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you've you're you drop y your remote control very often on the ground . So it has to be {vocalsound} flexible .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it's something that uh it stand there . But I didn't knew uh knew what it means . So spongy means y Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's like a sponge .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Soft , sponge .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's also a stress-ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's a good {disfmarker} That's a good idea . If it's de like that . That's good , a good idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , somewhat like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is it a bit like like the the the the {gap} remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "How are you gonna make it ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "R_ soft .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I've some uh material uh information , but I'll give you it later in my presentation .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What do I think ? Uh because a fancy look is the most important thing uh for remote control uh control , I think about changeable fronts .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh maybe a see-through one in a a fruit front . Because it's uh it's hot .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh some basic uh colour fronts . {vocalsound} Uh so we can make uh five different fronts to start with or something . Uh maybe an extraordinary shape , like a sponge . {vocalsound} Uh or uh , yeah , just another shape than a normal uh remote control ha uh has .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just uh something round in it , or uh maybe not uh not uh {disfmarker} Yeah , I dun dunno . We have to discuss about that . Uh y yeah . Main point uh still uh is the technolo technological innovative . Yeah , how do we do that ? Maybe speech ? We ma must have some kind of gadget .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'll get back on that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's very uh difficult to to to do it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Intro", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because it's only twelve and a half Euros you have to spend on every remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the problem . That's the main problem .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I got f also an email from the the technology department .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Maybe we watch the first uh the next two presentations .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have done uh research about it , and uh even more possibilities now with speech . So they recommended using it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll check what they exact mean .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh let's first watch Paul's presentation first then .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , well actually we have don't have an idea how much it's gonna cost . But maybe it's cheap", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and it's easy to implement .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th that's the only problem . I d They don't say how much it will cost , so {disfmarker} Um but uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "if we implement uh speech recognition , I think it would be better to implement L_C_D_ as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . It's mass production . So you can say , you can {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Since you have to uh configure speech thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But that's definitely more expensive than {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's that's something I dunno .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . But how uh we we're gonna make many of those . So we can start a mass production , and then the cost will still will be {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but a telephone {gap} {disfmarker} Okay , yeah . But a telephone also have a L_C_D_ and and it's about t two hundred Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so uh we gotta de", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have to decide on that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay . That was this ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh I got an email uh {disfmarker} And it says uh the chip can be uh simple , regular or advanced . And {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} They say uh a display requires an advanced chip . And this is more expensive than all the other chips . So", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_D_C_ doesn't require {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's m the most expensive . Yeah , it says in the email . The display requires an advanced chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And speech recognition ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , probably too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced {gap} . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I haven't got anything about speech recognition , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll I'll give you my design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it d That's that's the most expensive chip , we need . If we're doing uh if we're doing a display .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . So we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Well we can {disfmarker} I had uh to make a sort of a design . So I did some searching on the internet . I watched the old remote controls and news com remote como uh remote controls . I think we should um {disfmarker} This is one of the modern remote controls of the moment . I think we should go more to the iPod and M_P_ three players . Mobile phones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , just modern modern but still uh basic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "More modern . Y yes . Um you probably have to make it a bit bigger and a bit smaller . 'Cause remote con control , you can see it here , you have to bo reach both out {disfmarker} both sides . And here you just have one , few buttons . So that's that's the main difference . But looks uh I definitely think we should go like this . And then changeable fonts , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's the most important part , I think . But {disfmarker} And the home base is something like that , something simple . Well and then I just ordered the the buttons a bit . Uh basic buttons . On-off , mute . And th maybe two others , I dunno . Text buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe the teletext tel", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , text button , maybe there and there . And then the colour buttons , if we want it on . I don't find it very usable ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , I don't uh {disfmarker} I don't like it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I don't think it's fits in the the modern theme as well . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then yeah we saw the the pla display , in the the iPod . They can put the basic buttons , one , two , three , four . And uh f above ten . {vocalsound} And I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it {disfmarker} That's on on the display .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no . That th there is no display there . But it's on the place of the display . And I think we should uh light this up much more than that part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So the focus is on these two parts .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you don't see all the buttons you else need .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But it sounds very difficult to use . Because um the volume and channel is on the on the the bottom of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you can't use your thumb for it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is how it is now . Um {disfmarker} Here uh {disfmarker} Well we have volume .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it is on uh on the bottom too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "down there . But it's not not the best best .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well here we have also side scrolls . I dunno if we can use that . Do we want to use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , for volume . For volume , or a channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've I've got something of that uh too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For volume ? Well then we can even simplify it more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Scroll .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "By just putting the volume on the side .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the channels as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And and just channel buttons here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , or uh maybe uh {disfmarker} The channel buttons are often used . And you can't use them now with your thumb , because the thing is not , it's not easy to control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well . Yeah , well it's {disfmarker} Basically it's it's here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , m maybe we cho should put that on top , and buttons we we don't use on , in the bottom .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're on top ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , just th th th other buttons like text T_V_ . Put that on the button bottom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Because uh you can't hold it . You can't hold it th the control and push the buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You mean uh these to the low ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Yeah . Except from the on-off button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Well , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But I I think w you'll use uh the switch channels buttons uh more often than the normal uh channel buttons , like one two three . So maybe we can put that on the bottom .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker} Maybe . I dunno , but yeah we'll {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Like zapping is just switching one channel at a time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe it's not easy if it's below . It's harder to zap . So I think uh it should be should be easy to {gap} . I think it's pretty standard , these rubber buttons on the top .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh if you don't light 'em up , they don't uh {vocalsound} you don't see 'em very good .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's good , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think it's modern to light this area up , and to light this area up . So the focus gets on these parts and not on there .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But uh the position of course can be different . It's s We have to look uh what's easy to use , and how it's easier to use .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can uh switch these to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno if it l will look good , if you put those on t on the bottom half .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , I think th the the top buttons are okay . They sh Those should be on top .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But uh we we can switch those two ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Those two , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , you have to make sure it's easy to uh {disfmarker} Yes , it has to be big enough so you can hold it , right . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well that's that's my findings . So uh my personal opinion is that we should go more modern look . M_P_ three player . And uh well um if we want to put in speech rec recognition or something , we {disfmarker} I don't think we should put it on top then . I think that , if we're gonna put in more technology , that you need to be able to uh switch it open .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , that's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "To use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So if you put in uh speech recognition , you need so more uh many more buttons . Which won't look good on the front side I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So that's something we have to decide on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to keep it simple .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to decide this this lecture , or this this this uh fifty minutes , yeah , how it is gonna look .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . What we're gonna do . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , the component design . I looked at uh some similar devices , and uh my own common knowledge . So uh this was on the web site . If you aim at a young public , you should use materials that are soft with primary colours like green , blue , red . So flashy kinda colours . Uh shapes should be curved , so round shapes . Not {disfmarker} Nothing square-like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker} Hmm , okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah well uh iPod is trendy . And it is well curved {gap} square .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Square . Like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but mm is uh has round corners I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So not {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we shouldn't have too square corners and that kind of thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Not uh the old uh box look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . And um sports and gaming device style characteristics . I don't know exactly what that means , but it should be , well yeah , popular kind of", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to put our Real Reaction logo as well on the on the {vocalsound} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "looking , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the colours also .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have ha to ma make it in black , black , yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Black yellow control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe the sides in yellow and the the the top in black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , mm n Not that weird , because we definitely want to make it kind of flashy , to attract a young public .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but uh {vocalsound} I don't think the the colours black and yellow go well together . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We make i Maybe you can put yellow on the side and black on the on the front .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , okay . That's a that's a sen That's just a matter of tastes , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have to use uh kind of flashy colours , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh can't we use um different uh fron uh fronts , with all with the the logo on it ? Can we do that ? So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's cool . Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Like fronts in in red and yellow and blue", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And still trans", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Still still transparent .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . But with all with logo on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well this is a remote control , a very old one . Um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Then the components . The case has just a {disfmarker} Here's black .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we make it som Maybe we have to make it from soft material . Uh I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe . But anyways uh it should be transparent . We decided that , huh ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well one of the options .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} Just like a mobile phone , you can make um different fronts on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can just replace them I think . That was the idea ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we could do that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or just uh release one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just give five with them , just in a box . {vocalsound} Five different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker} Or just uh sell different ones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you could you could make 'em uh uh like blue and transparent .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can still th look through it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the buttons . Normal rubber I think . Like normal ordinary buttons . Soft .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I uh I dunno .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it could be like a Nokia , like {gap} plastic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "A more {disfmarker} Yeah , just uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's better prob", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "With the hard hard buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think uh rubber really has an odd look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . The the the new uh new modern uh remote controls , uh the buttons are part of the {vocalsound} uh the style , I think is part of the remote control itself .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's one uh a one uh out of one shape . Uh it's n doesn't {disfmarker} Is {vocalsound} uh a button uh um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} How do you say it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's it's all on one level .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It it didn't it i it don't come out of the {vocalsound} on the background .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , on one level .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It is in uh the c a remote control uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you mean . So we have to keep it on the one level . Like th the top it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "like mobile phones . Like uh the iPod .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , it's chos So that should be hard plastic . Then the buttons ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I dunno what uh kind of material it is .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think . Or maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But maybe you can m make a uh round fluff or soft material . Just only the basic uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "basic remote control from normal plastic ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the rounds of it from softer s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Then the L_E_D_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The normal infrared L_E_D_ I think s sufficient . And back light L_E_D_s .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think we have to make the case transparent , otherwise the back light won't work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So if you put {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Y i if you {disfmarker} The numbers could be can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh you can just make them around the buttons uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or it runs the whole {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we can still make it transparent . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They can choose .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can halfs transparent ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or no", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or just that it's comes out a bit .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Good . And in green colour , the back lights", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Different , I think , also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Blue . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Blue or red .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Whatever you want it , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh depends on the colour of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you can't choo You can't choose it when you buy it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh i {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You have to choose {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , but I think there are multiple colour LEDs . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I know {disfmarker} I dunno . Is {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but can you change it if you already bought the the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it can .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause this a mo mib uh mobile phone as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe it's it's more impor more expensive .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe put some different ones in it . Doesn't matter . It's just {disfmarker} No , just some LED .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have the mo mi I have a blinking light on my phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And I can change the colour of it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , cool . Just make it some different colours . Blue , red and green , or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I dunno . Maybe it's too expensive , but it {disfmarker} I th I don't think so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , we don't put put in any fancier technology yet . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Then uh some more technical things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know what it is , but it should be there {vocalsound} I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um this is the normal circuit board , like a chip board in in a lot of uh things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to hurry up a bit , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "W {vocalsound} So we d we just need this and {vocalsound} this transistors and resonators . There's all these kind of things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um they they basically said that that's almost the same on any uh remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm sure we can fit in .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we j we just need that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know what they do or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "you can you can change {disfmarker} Yeah . No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Nah , but they just said we need it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh the battery contacts , like normal batteries ca you can put in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , a recharger maybe .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to make sure to uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We still want to have a recharger , don't we ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that still the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it i We don't wanna have a ar an {disfmarker} How do you call it ? Accu .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A recha Oh no . Uh {disfmarker} Battery . It's just a battery . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Re recharger . Base station .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Y uh just just batteries , rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , batteries . Yes , rechargeable batteries , I think's best .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Not a separate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , just rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . And uh a chip , that's this one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Then uh I received some possibilities . Um for the energy source we can use batteries or a kinetic uh {disfmarker} Like with the pulse watch . So it operates on your wrist kinda .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah cool . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But normally you put a remote control on the table or on the couch .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So if you hold it , it gets powered .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you hold it . Yeah , I don't think it will work , and {disfmarker} Or we can also use solar cells . But you mostly use it indoors ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's dark in the room . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just batteries ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that's cheaper {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , and and we can use the home station kind of thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um cases , flat , so uncurved . Uh two D_ curved is um like front to the back . And three D_ curved is also in depth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's possible . Uh but with three D_ uh curved uh remote controls , we must use rubber buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we can't use the flat buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we need uh two D_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Definitely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think . Um these kinda materials can be used .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it doesn't really matter , we just make it plastic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The scroll wheels , that's cool . That's for the volume .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , scroll wheels um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's good . We can use multiple scroll wheels , w if we want to .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think just the volume is enough .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} Uh {disfmarker} For channels it's not handy ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because you scroll too fast .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And uh the L_C_D_ . So we need uh the expensive , most expensive chip , if we use an L_C_D_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think that's an opportunity . Just skip it . Because we don't have time for that to to put it in .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , then we we use m must use the second most expensive chip . So th so the regular chip . Because we use scroll wheels .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um {disfmarker} Yeah , that was it I guess .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh are are we using a a rubber case , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh just sk", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We haven't decided yet .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe you have to skip that one as well . It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I don't think a rubber case looks {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "L", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh but we have to do something about the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , i it it should be soft . You said so ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The trend is uh spong spongy uh and uh fruit or fresh fresh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . That {disfmarker} Uh fruit and veg , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And uh now we have nothing about uh about those those two .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , fruit and veg can be just the covers .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah i Just {disfmarker} Just on front .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you can {gap} the the spongy {disfmarker} yeah , I dunno . I can't imagine a soft remote control .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Neith uh I don't like it uh neither .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just can't imagine it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So just hard plastic ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Titanium . It's mentioned here uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Titanium , uh I think it's too expensive .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But maybe the form has to be a bit different . Not the sh the square form . Just a bit", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "more rounded .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can make it curved or mm round . But just in two D_ , not in depth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} We have to decide which one we're going to choose from these . What exactly . Because we have to know it . So the energy uh is the recharger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We already know that . Just a normal battery .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . We have batteries .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . The chip-on-print is a normal one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Regular .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , the case is just a plastic one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah th yeah , the chip is the the regular one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , re Yeah , regular . Yeah , okay . Yeah , regular .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the simple one , regular and advanced . So it's b should be regular uh the second .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think I'll just check it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And we need a plastic case , with a scroll wheel . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's pretty much it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And a flashy light .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "User interface concept .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So uh I'm not sure . But we do I don't know if we expected to draw on this one at this moment . But {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I dunno either .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . Or should we do it in the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh I_D_ and U_I_D_ work together on prototype drawing on smart board .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's for the next one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we should did it here ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's for th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we're staying here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh that {disfmarker} I think that's the next next meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or should we do it in the next meeting ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you definitely get a specific instruction . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so now we're ka thirty minutes alone again ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But th think about something that's more rounded . Just {disfmarker} And more {disfmarker} It has to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh I dunno . But the iPod and etcetera , M_P_ three players , mobile phones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh a bit . Just just on the top or on the bottom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just a bit cur Okay , I'll see if I can see any of those .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe the wheel can be uh like uh like this . O um if you draw it like this , you get a {disfmarker} What the fuck is it ? {vocalsound} Okay . Mm {disfmarker} Doesn't work . {vocalsound} You see what I mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If I draw here {disfmarker} {vocalsound} It draws about four centimetres lower than {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Nah okay . Just {gap} . Maybe you can make it like this . And this is all the wheel for volume . So that you just um {disfmarker} It's all rounded , so you can do uh turn this one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a very big scroll-wheel . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just not on the top , but uh on the side of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so we {vocalsound} have this at the moment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think uh you'll get a a lot of uh volume changing when it's not wanted .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we'd have this . Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's a little problem , of course , as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's probably better .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but maybe we can make a a plastic , so that you i if you like drop it , it won't change the volume . Only if you use your finger .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe you just have to make it uh {disfmarker} That's not scrollable too easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Like this . And uh what's the channel choose ? Where do we uh put that ? Still on the bottom", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think in middle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh wh what is the middle part ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's the numbers .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Numbers , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I think th the numbers should be in the bottom , and and the switch channel in the middle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It doesn't make a difference , if you put the s uh the switch channels on side of each other or on top of each other .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use the dz", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Because you already have the volume here , so {disfmarker} You can also put it here one butt and the other one there . Next to each other . {gap} back and forth .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you can also can put it all on the top , and this , you keep this empty . Because you have to hold it as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or you could do the switch channel up button above the the numbers and switch channel down button below .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But that's not {gap} want to zap very quick , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think uh zapping is the highest priority .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ? Is this a opportunity ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then you use those uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "or you don't want a different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , of course uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh but I think we we should bu uh put 'em on top of each other , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Why ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Because then it's it's easy to know m if I push the the the up {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But still the next {disfmarker} It's still the next one . Doesn't make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the top the top button is is like you switch channel up , and down button is {disfmarker} {vocalsound} If you put them {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but fo from left to right is exactly the same . It ma it doesn't make a big difference .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I I think it's {disfmarker} It's it's obvious , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But uh but I I think uh left to right is more often associated with volume , and top down is more with uh channel changing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's not not {disfmarker} It's not al uh always the same .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But it's exactly th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In uh {disfmarker} On most on most remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Every remote control's uh different .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So so if we use that , they will probably have a long learning uh time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno . I {disfmarker} You already have the volume on the side ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , uh I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you can't make it you can't ma make a mistake .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's s so simple", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So but that's for that's for you ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay I'll d I'll take a look at it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so hmm . What did {disfmarker} What else we have to discuss about ? I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Think we need to work uh thirty minutes again ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to care that it r uh looks really new . Because uh we still hold on to the uh ordinary uh uh square uh remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause wha what I see the only difference i i i in fact is that we use a scroll-wheel on the outside .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And the LED .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , you have uh {disfmarker} It is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but i i it should be round in in shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh the current uh controllers are all black and plastic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You have to look at that image of the iPod .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "More that uh kind of style .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And a bit uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Not not the old grey black {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Some some kind of bling bling uh mm can we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Where you can put a ve Uh we have {disfmarker} If we do it like that we have below have we uh a lot of room to put a nice logo .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh the logo was has to be on there . Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and how many uh fronts uh fronts do we put on the market then ? Uh five or something ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , five . Let's give five .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or more or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe you can buy separate ones and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um uh {vocalsound} uh buy the product . You buy , you get one . And uh basic .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or you can choose one uh if you buy the project .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker} Yeah . That's your choice , I think huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , tha that will be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So y you can put the bottom of the remote control in recharger ? Is that is that a good good opportunity ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you could put it like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so top down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you sl uh you let it slide in the docking station .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Do we have to design that w as well ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The docking station ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But th Yeah , that can be very simple . Least .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we can b It c it could be just just a square , just a packet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a recharger .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , just where you're around something . Li Yeah , we had one example .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we have to make contacts on the on the remote control and the recharger as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which w", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that's a round one . Maybe we can choose then .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Here you see one that's very round .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think that can be all kind of shapes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But maybe you can just round up the corners a bit . That's all .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Of the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just round it up {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so y you don't want uh this uh like the iPod {gap} . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "More rounded . Yeah , I think it will just look like more like this one . Since it's {disfmarker} This is also rounded .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , just just the corners .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , tho those are al already a bit cornered . Mm {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we can we can do all kinds of uh {disfmarker} As long as it isn is in two D_ we can use all kind of round shapes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shapes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , but then we have to think of something totally new .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Not in depth . Yeah , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Yeah , if if we want to make it kind of , yeah , new .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I've uh {disfmarker} I had a lot of picture of old ones . And all curves have already been done .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bit annoying , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . What do we do wrong ? Hmm . Just just more like this and not uh a square .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , yeah well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we could do a lot of , lot more curving . I would do it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know we can do a lot more , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like in this kind of shape or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's very annoying . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I dunno . I dunno if it's handy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} I think it will only look more like the old remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The olden the olden ones had looked like just a square thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . But uh I had a lot of pictures {disfmarker} Oh I can show you here {vocalsound} what the old ones look like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Curves , curves .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've more {gap} there as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It wasn't very small one . {gap} very simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That is for elderly .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have to make a decision , what kind of form it's gonna have t going to have .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think if w My opinion . If we just uh take the iPod , and the same look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So uh light or just whatever colour , but the same light colours . And uh just with uh together with uh the back-lights b look will look very new .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No rubber buttons or something . Just together with the back-lights you'll get a totally new look . More like the M_P_ three player M_ um P_ M_ P_ three player .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And you have the scroll button inside . {gap} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Just a simple scrollb", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But why do we have to round it on the t bottom then ? Of {disfmarker} Skip that one as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Doesn't have to be .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah , it's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , though that's a trend . If we want to make it . But yeah , I'm not a Trendwatcher , you are . {vocalsound} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh the t the trend is", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber spongy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "spongy and fruity .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . No . Spongy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongeball kinda .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not not a lot of trends I uh I found uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so we have s still one minute left . So just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's okay if you just keep it a bit square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} The th th", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I d I don't know n something about ergonomic kind of fits-in-the-hand uh stuff .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I I think it's still for older people . You j still have older people . It's only annoying if it if it's like that f formed like that , like f Whatever . Just you have a normal {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we're we're aiming at a young public .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is one {disfmarker} There's just one overall important aspect is that we must make it fancy and it looks original , and I hope we can uh make it look not like the iPod itself . It must have uh uh uh a very different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , {gap} idea . But {vocalsound} you're {disfmarker} If you look at the way remote controls are now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i it is it is it is already fancy . Because of the lights on the bottom of it . That's already fancy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And if you make it look like the iPod {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , they're all the same .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . So that's already a very big change", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh maybe maybe make the the mm the {vocalsound} wha what's it called uh scroll wheel . Make it in in yellow or something . Just like the colours of Real Reaction .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "compared to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ye yeah . Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we could do that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah , but uh if you the f uh front , the scroll wheel will still uh be yellow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , I think {disfmarker} Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Think the scroll wheel {vocalsound} won't be very big . Since if you put it uh somewhere , the chances that it will scroll are too big .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it will just be a small small scroll wheel . So it won't uh stick out much .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Maybe the ones we are going to draw there . Maybe we have to ask uh to the the mm to her if it has {vocalsound} if it can work better than this . Because it doesn't work properly . So maybe you have to ask her .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Well ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "maybe we can just open images there , and I'll paint and paint .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah . That's probably {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll be able to do a better job .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you set the pen yeah , he will draw here . Doesn't work .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , so just finish it . So we make it a bit like m that one probably . Yeah . Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'll see it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah , I agree more like iPod {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , only the colour and the flashy light and the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We just we just skip the the the voca or was it the the speech recognition .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just a {disfmarker} Speech . Yeah , do we s keep that ? Yeah , I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or keep that ? It's okay . But you'd definitely need a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "advanced chip .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then it w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah , I don't know . Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we we have to build in a microphone and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's very easy . We already have uh the beeping of the {gap} home station ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , and I do I don't know anything about that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I d I didn't receive any information on speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh strange that I received {vocalsound} the information about that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh that's hard . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh the ma the main points I I I uh just said . We have to be original and uh technological innovative . Becau", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Can we just put it speech recognition in it as well ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ma", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "shall we {gap} it open then ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can put all the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The function of that in there . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And we need a {disfmarker} Probably we need a uh advanced chip then .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . Yeah , we probably do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it doesn't say anything about it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we don't have any f information about the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We started with information about the cost was now th", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I just I just received the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh I have I have some some information about the cost . But just a about the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And how much is the chip ? The the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know how much , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , our division has developed a new speech recognition feature , the integrated programmable sample sensor simple speaker u unit .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just in inexpensive or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is a very small electronic unit , will give a standard answer after it recognise a question .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And how how does it work ? Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Doesn't say . Just {disfmarker} You say record , followed by your question sample , and after a few seconds the answer uh sample . Because uh {disfmarker} So it works like uh good morning remote control , and then the remote control says good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It doesn't has to say anything . Just {disfmarker} You have to just talk to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah uh th that's just {disfmarker} It's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it say does it say something back ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we have to stop it now . So just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No . Yeah , it {disfmarker} Well that's integrated in the chip , so if you use the speech recognition , that's in it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's a r That's that's a advanced {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But i it's a separate chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , but if we use speech recognition , that will be in it as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't know anything about this ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , we just decide not to put it in ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Nah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because it's too difficult .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I dunno . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well it it would be would be a good feature feature .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we just put it in , because it's a good feature .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to stop now .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No no worries about the cost , etcetera .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's a chip in it that will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We have to stop it now .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" } ]
Marketing and User Interface suggested the group could choose the shape of the remote either like an iPod square or a more innovative round shape. Project Manager thought they should choose a round shape with rounded corners, instead of looking like an iPod so that would be more innovative.
What did Project Manager think of the shape of the remote when discussing the remote and the recharger contact?
[ { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Bonjour .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It won't wake up . Yeah . I was a bit early . Like {disfmarker} What ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Why ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , I just came in . Uh normally I was one of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hello .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Check check check check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oop .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Why won't it wake up ? Is it on ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The power light doesn't work . You turned it off .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But how ? Ah , there it is .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I received an email with uh a few possibilities on uh the materials . So I'll discuss them with you .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we're just going to the {gap} later .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I received an email as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we're going to talk about the conceptual model .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which one was mine ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh okay . So {disfmarker} Uh okay . Okay , so I just show you the m the no mm mm the the the the the the minutes , minute . {gap} What's it called , I dunno . Whatever .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The minutes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we just talked about uh {disfmarker} Oh you want me to show that there or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just tell us .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we just talked about it looks . Has to look nice . Usability is very important . People don't want to spend money on something that's similar to cheaper ones . Um {disfmarker} It has to be very basic , not too many buttons . Light switches on if you use a button . Uh text T_V_ still has to be a possibility . And it has to be easy to learn . That were the things I uh make minutes of . And the functions are volume , channel to choose channels , an on-off , a mute uh button , and a text T_V_ button . That are the functions . That right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I just want to give you uh Mike again , the first uh presentation of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I start ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound} No . Okay well {disfmarker} I received an email {disfmarker} Okay . I searched the web , uh and uh I searched uh on this d document , recent investigation of the remote control market . It has been done in Italy uh Italy and in uh another country in Europe , I forget it . Uh but uh they found out the most important aspect for remote controls happens to be a fancy look-and-feel , instead of the current functional look and feel . So it's very important for us to create something new . So what Michael just said , it must be uh some very different from ordinary uh remote controls . Fancy stands for an original look-and-feel of the case and interface . Uh this uh aspect is the most important one . Uh it came out of the research . It uh is twice important as the following . {vocalsound} The second uh most important aspect is that a remote control should it uh technological innovative . Uh that stands for uh uh new technical uh features . And then uh that uh {disfmarker} This is a point of discussion , because we just decided that we don't make use of uh L_C_D_ or uh speech recognition .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But um {vocalsound} this is the second uh important uh aspect , and I think uh we must use some of the new technology , to be uh innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we already have the flashing flashing light on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh maybe maybe something new .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to discuss about it s uh {disfmarker} Okay , uh {gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I'll I'll get back on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "features not uh do not exist in current remote controls . And that's very hard I think . Uh the third one is the aspect of the remote control should be easy to use . But uh that was an overall uh point . We already discussed that . Um I've got one picture . Uh d our our target group uh we thought about was young and trendy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I took uh that part of the webpage . And it says uh fashion-watchers of uh uh Pari {vocalsound} uh France and uh Italy , yeah , uh have detected the following trends . This trends I th uh trend I think it's not um that meaningful for us , maybe . But it's about uh clothes and shoes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the uh the next uh aspect also in contrast to last year , the feel of material is expe uh uh is expected to be spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But spongy , what what does spongy says ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Spongy , like sponge .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Spongy . Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So rubber , kind of .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh soft materials .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But maybe th that's al definitely a good idea ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you've you're you drop y your remote control very often on the ground . So it has to be {vocalsound} flexible .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it's something that uh it stand there . But I didn't knew uh knew what it means . So spongy means y Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's like a sponge .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Soft , sponge .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's also a stress-ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's a good {disfmarker} That's a good idea . If it's de like that . That's good , a good idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , somewhat like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is it a bit like like the the the the {gap} remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "How are you gonna make it ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "R_ soft .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I've some uh material uh information , but I'll give you it later in my presentation .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What do I think ? Uh because a fancy look is the most important thing uh for remote control uh control , I think about changeable fronts .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh maybe a see-through one in a a fruit front . Because it's uh it's hot .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh some basic uh colour fronts . {vocalsound} Uh so we can make uh five different fronts to start with or something . Uh maybe an extraordinary shape , like a sponge . {vocalsound} Uh or uh , yeah , just another shape than a normal uh remote control ha uh has .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just uh something round in it , or uh maybe not uh not uh {disfmarker} Yeah , I dun dunno . We have to discuss about that . Uh y yeah . Main point uh still uh is the technolo technological innovative . Yeah , how do we do that ? Maybe speech ? We ma must have some kind of gadget .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'll get back on that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's very uh difficult to to to do it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Intro", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because it's only twelve and a half Euros you have to spend on every remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the problem . That's the main problem .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I got f also an email from the the technology department .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Maybe we watch the first uh the next two presentations .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have done uh research about it , and uh even more possibilities now with speech . So they recommended using it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll check what they exact mean .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh let's first watch Paul's presentation first then .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , well actually we have don't have an idea how much it's gonna cost . But maybe it's cheap", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and it's easy to implement .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th that's the only problem . I d They don't say how much it will cost , so {disfmarker} Um but uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "if we implement uh speech recognition , I think it would be better to implement L_C_D_ as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . It's mass production . So you can say , you can {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Since you have to uh configure speech thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But that's definitely more expensive than {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's that's something I dunno .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . But how uh we we're gonna make many of those . So we can start a mass production , and then the cost will still will be {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but a telephone {gap} {disfmarker} Okay , yeah . But a telephone also have a L_C_D_ and and it's about t two hundred Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so uh we gotta de", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have to decide on that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay . That was this ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh I got an email uh {disfmarker} And it says uh the chip can be uh simple , regular or advanced . And {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} They say uh a display requires an advanced chip . And this is more expensive than all the other chips . So", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_D_C_ doesn't require {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's m the most expensive . Yeah , it says in the email . The display requires an advanced chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And speech recognition ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , probably too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced {gap} . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I haven't got anything about speech recognition , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll I'll give you my design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it d That's that's the most expensive chip , we need . If we're doing uh if we're doing a display .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . So we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Well we can {disfmarker} I had uh to make a sort of a design . So I did some searching on the internet . I watched the old remote controls and news com remote como uh remote controls . I think we should um {disfmarker} This is one of the modern remote controls of the moment . I think we should go more to the iPod and M_P_ three players . Mobile phones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , just modern modern but still uh basic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "More modern . Y yes . Um you probably have to make it a bit bigger and a bit smaller . 'Cause remote con control , you can see it here , you have to bo reach both out {disfmarker} both sides . And here you just have one , few buttons . So that's that's the main difference . But looks uh I definitely think we should go like this . And then changeable fonts , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's the most important part , I think . But {disfmarker} And the home base is something like that , something simple . Well and then I just ordered the the buttons a bit . Uh basic buttons . On-off , mute . And th maybe two others , I dunno . Text buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe the teletext tel", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , text button , maybe there and there . And then the colour buttons , if we want it on . I don't find it very usable ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , I don't uh {disfmarker} I don't like it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I don't think it's fits in the the modern theme as well . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then yeah we saw the the pla display , in the the iPod . They can put the basic buttons , one , two , three , four . And uh f above ten . {vocalsound} And I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it {disfmarker} That's on on the display .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no . That th there is no display there . But it's on the place of the display . And I think we should uh light this up much more than that part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So the focus is on these two parts .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you don't see all the buttons you else need .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But it sounds very difficult to use . Because um the volume and channel is on the on the the bottom of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you can't use your thumb for it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is how it is now . Um {disfmarker} Here uh {disfmarker} Well we have volume .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it is on uh on the bottom too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "down there . But it's not not the best best .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well here we have also side scrolls . I dunno if we can use that . Do we want to use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , for volume . For volume , or a channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've I've got something of that uh too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For volume ? Well then we can even simplify it more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Scroll .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "By just putting the volume on the side .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the channels as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And and just channel buttons here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , or uh maybe uh {disfmarker} The channel buttons are often used . And you can't use them now with your thumb , because the thing is not , it's not easy to control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well . Yeah , well it's {disfmarker} Basically it's it's here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , m maybe we cho should put that on top , and buttons we we don't use on , in the bottom .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're on top ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , just th th th other buttons like text T_V_ . Put that on the button bottom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Because uh you can't hold it . You can't hold it th the control and push the buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You mean uh these to the low ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Yeah . Except from the on-off button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Well , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But I I think w you'll use uh the switch channels buttons uh more often than the normal uh channel buttons , like one two three . So maybe we can put that on the bottom .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker} Maybe . I dunno , but yeah we'll {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Like zapping is just switching one channel at a time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe it's not easy if it's below . It's harder to zap . So I think uh it should be should be easy to {gap} . I think it's pretty standard , these rubber buttons on the top .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh if you don't light 'em up , they don't uh {vocalsound} you don't see 'em very good .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's good , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think it's modern to light this area up , and to light this area up . So the focus gets on these parts and not on there .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But uh the position of course can be different . It's s We have to look uh what's easy to use , and how it's easier to use .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can uh switch these to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno if it l will look good , if you put those on t on the bottom half .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , I think th the the top buttons are okay . They sh Those should be on top .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But uh we we can switch those two ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Those two , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , you have to make sure it's easy to uh {disfmarker} Yes , it has to be big enough so you can hold it , right . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well that's that's my findings . So uh my personal opinion is that we should go more modern look . M_P_ three player . And uh well um if we want to put in speech rec recognition or something , we {disfmarker} I don't think we should put it on top then . I think that , if we're gonna put in more technology , that you need to be able to uh switch it open .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , that's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "To use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So if you put in uh speech recognition , you need so more uh many more buttons . Which won't look good on the front side I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So that's something we have to decide on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to keep it simple .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to decide this this lecture , or this this this uh fifty minutes , yeah , how it is gonna look .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . What we're gonna do . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , the component design . I looked at uh some similar devices , and uh my own common knowledge . So uh this was on the web site . If you aim at a young public , you should use materials that are soft with primary colours like green , blue , red . So flashy kinda colours . Uh shapes should be curved , so round shapes . Not {disfmarker} Nothing square-like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker} Hmm , okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah well uh iPod is trendy . And it is well curved {gap} square .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Square . Like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but mm is uh has round corners I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So not {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we shouldn't have too square corners and that kind of thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Not uh the old uh box look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . And um sports and gaming device style characteristics . I don't know exactly what that means , but it should be , well yeah , popular kind of", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to put our Real Reaction logo as well on the on the {vocalsound} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "looking , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the colours also .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have ha to ma make it in black , black , yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Black yellow control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe the sides in yellow and the the the top in black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , mm n Not that weird , because we definitely want to make it kind of flashy , to attract a young public .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but uh {vocalsound} I don't think the the colours black and yellow go well together . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We make i Maybe you can put yellow on the side and black on the on the front .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , okay . That's a that's a sen That's just a matter of tastes , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have to use uh kind of flashy colours , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh can't we use um different uh fron uh fronts , with all with the the logo on it ? Can we do that ? So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's cool . Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Like fronts in in red and yellow and blue", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And still trans", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Still still transparent .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . But with all with logo on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well this is a remote control , a very old one . Um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Then the components . The case has just a {disfmarker} Here's black .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we make it som Maybe we have to make it from soft material . Uh I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe . But anyways uh it should be transparent . We decided that , huh ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well one of the options .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} Just like a mobile phone , you can make um different fronts on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can just replace them I think . That was the idea ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we could do that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or just uh release one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just give five with them , just in a box . {vocalsound} Five different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker} Or just uh sell different ones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you could you could make 'em uh uh like blue and transparent .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can still th look through it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the buttons . Normal rubber I think . Like normal ordinary buttons . Soft .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I uh I dunno .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it could be like a Nokia , like {gap} plastic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "A more {disfmarker} Yeah , just uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's better prob", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "With the hard hard buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think uh rubber really has an odd look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . The the the new uh new modern uh remote controls , uh the buttons are part of the {vocalsound} uh the style , I think is part of the remote control itself .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's one uh a one uh out of one shape . Uh it's n doesn't {disfmarker} Is {vocalsound} uh a button uh um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} How do you say it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's it's all on one level .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It it didn't it i it don't come out of the {vocalsound} on the background .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , on one level .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It is in uh the c a remote control uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you mean . So we have to keep it on the one level . Like th the top it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "like mobile phones . Like uh the iPod .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , it's chos So that should be hard plastic . Then the buttons ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I dunno what uh kind of material it is .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think . Or maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But maybe you can m make a uh round fluff or soft material . Just only the basic uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "basic remote control from normal plastic ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the rounds of it from softer s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Then the L_E_D_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The normal infrared L_E_D_ I think s sufficient . And back light L_E_D_s .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think we have to make the case transparent , otherwise the back light won't work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So if you put {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Y i if you {disfmarker} The numbers could be can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh you can just make them around the buttons uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or it runs the whole {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we can still make it transparent . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They can choose .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can halfs transparent ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or no", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or just that it's comes out a bit .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Good . And in green colour , the back lights", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Different , I think , also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Blue . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Blue or red .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Whatever you want it , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh depends on the colour of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you can't choo You can't choose it when you buy it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh i {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You have to choose {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , but I think there are multiple colour LEDs . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I know {disfmarker} I dunno . Is {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but can you change it if you already bought the the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it can .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause this a mo mib uh mobile phone as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe it's it's more impor more expensive .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe put some different ones in it . Doesn't matter . It's just {disfmarker} No , just some LED .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have the mo mi I have a blinking light on my phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And I can change the colour of it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , cool . Just make it some different colours . Blue , red and green , or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I dunno . Maybe it's too expensive , but it {disfmarker} I th I don't think so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , we don't put put in any fancier technology yet . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Then uh some more technical things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know what it is , but it should be there {vocalsound} I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um this is the normal circuit board , like a chip board in in a lot of uh things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to hurry up a bit , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "W {vocalsound} So we d we just need this and {vocalsound} this transistors and resonators . There's all these kind of things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um they they basically said that that's almost the same on any uh remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm sure we can fit in .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we j we just need that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know what they do or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "you can you can change {disfmarker} Yeah . No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Nah , but they just said we need it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh the battery contacts , like normal batteries ca you can put in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , a recharger maybe .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to make sure to uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We still want to have a recharger , don't we ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that still the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it i We don't wanna have a ar an {disfmarker} How do you call it ? Accu .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A recha Oh no . Uh {disfmarker} Battery . It's just a battery . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Re recharger . Base station .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Y uh just just batteries , rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , batteries . Yes , rechargeable batteries , I think's best .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Not a separate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , just rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . And uh a chip , that's this one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Then uh I received some possibilities . Um for the energy source we can use batteries or a kinetic uh {disfmarker} Like with the pulse watch . So it operates on your wrist kinda .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah cool . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But normally you put a remote control on the table or on the couch .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So if you hold it , it gets powered .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you hold it . Yeah , I don't think it will work , and {disfmarker} Or we can also use solar cells . But you mostly use it indoors ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's dark in the room . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just batteries ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that's cheaper {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , and and we can use the home station kind of thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um cases , flat , so uncurved . Uh two D_ curved is um like front to the back . And three D_ curved is also in depth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's possible . Uh but with three D_ uh curved uh remote controls , we must use rubber buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we can't use the flat buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we need uh two D_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Definitely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think . Um these kinda materials can be used .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it doesn't really matter , we just make it plastic .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The scroll wheels , that's cool . That's for the volume .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , scroll wheels um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's good . We can use multiple scroll wheels , w if we want to .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think just the volume is enough .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} Uh {disfmarker} For channels it's not handy ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because you scroll too fast .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And uh the L_C_D_ . So we need uh the expensive , most expensive chip , if we use an L_C_D_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think that's an opportunity . Just skip it . Because we don't have time for that to to put it in .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , then we we use m must use the second most expensive chip . So th so the regular chip . Because we use scroll wheels .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um {disfmarker} Yeah , that was it I guess .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh are are we using a a rubber case , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh just sk", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We haven't decided yet .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe you have to skip that one as well . It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I don't think a rubber case looks {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "L", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh but we have to do something about the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , i it it should be soft . You said so ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The trend is uh spong spongy uh and uh fruit or fresh fresh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . That {disfmarker} Uh fruit and veg , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And uh now we have nothing about uh about those those two .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , fruit and veg can be just the covers .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah i Just {disfmarker} Just on front .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you can {gap} the the spongy {disfmarker} yeah , I dunno . I can't imagine a soft remote control .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Neith uh I don't like it uh neither .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just can't imagine it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So just hard plastic ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Titanium . It's mentioned here uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Titanium , uh I think it's too expensive .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But maybe the form has to be a bit different . Not the sh the square form . Just a bit", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "more rounded .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can make it curved or mm round . But just in two D_ , not in depth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} We have to decide which one we're going to choose from these . What exactly . Because we have to know it . So the energy uh is the recharger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We already know that . Just a normal battery .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . We have batteries .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . The chip-on-print is a normal one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Regular .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , the case is just a plastic one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah th yeah , the chip is the the regular one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , re Yeah , regular . Yeah , okay . Yeah , regular .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the simple one , regular and advanced . So it's b should be regular uh the second .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think I'll just check it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And we need a plastic case , with a scroll wheel . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's pretty much it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And a flashy light .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "User interface concept .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So uh I'm not sure . But we do I don't know if we expected to draw on this one at this moment . But {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I dunno either .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . Or should we do it in the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh I_D_ and U_I_D_ work together on prototype drawing on smart board .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's for the next one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we should did it here ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's for th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we're staying here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh that {disfmarker} I think that's the next next meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or should we do it in the next meeting ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you definitely get a specific instruction . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so now we're ka thirty minutes alone again ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But th think about something that's more rounded . Just {disfmarker} And more {disfmarker} It has to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh I dunno . But the iPod and etcetera , M_P_ three players , mobile phones .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh a bit . Just just on the top or on the bottom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just a bit cur Okay , I'll see if I can see any of those .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe the wheel can be uh like uh like this . O um if you draw it like this , you get a {disfmarker} What the fuck is it ? {vocalsound} Okay . Mm {disfmarker} Doesn't work . {vocalsound} You see what I mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If I draw here {disfmarker} {vocalsound} It draws about four centimetres lower than {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Nah okay . Just {gap} . Maybe you can make it like this . And this is all the wheel for volume . So that you just um {disfmarker} It's all rounded , so you can do uh turn this one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a very big scroll-wheel . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just not on the top , but uh on the side of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so we {vocalsound} have this at the moment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think uh you'll get a a lot of uh volume changing when it's not wanted .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we'd have this . Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's a little problem , of course , as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's probably better .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but maybe we can make a a plastic , so that you i if you like drop it , it won't change the volume . Only if you use your finger .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe you just have to make it uh {disfmarker} That's not scrollable too easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Like this . And uh what's the channel choose ? Where do we uh put that ? Still on the bottom", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think in middle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh wh what is the middle part ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's the numbers .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Numbers , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I think th the numbers should be in the bottom , and and the switch channel in the middle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It doesn't make a difference , if you put the s uh the switch channels on side of each other or on top of each other .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use the dz", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Because you already have the volume here , so {disfmarker} You can also put it here one butt and the other one there . Next to each other . {gap} back and forth .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you can also can put it all on the top , and this , you keep this empty . Because you have to hold it as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or you could do the switch channel up button above the the numbers and switch channel down button below .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But that's not {gap} want to zap very quick , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think uh zapping is the highest priority .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ? Is this a opportunity ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then you use those uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "or you don't want a different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , of course uh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh but I think we we should bu uh put 'em on top of each other , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Why ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Because then it's it's easy to know m if I push the the the up {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But still the next {disfmarker} It's still the next one . Doesn't make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the top the top button is is like you switch channel up , and down button is {disfmarker} {vocalsound} If you put them {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but fo from left to right is exactly the same . It ma it doesn't make a big difference .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I I think it's {disfmarker} It's it's obvious , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But uh but I I think uh left to right is more often associated with volume , and top down is more with uh channel changing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's not not {disfmarker} It's not al uh always the same .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But it's exactly th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In uh {disfmarker} On most on most remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Every remote control's uh different .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So so if we use that , they will probably have a long learning uh time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno . I {disfmarker} You already have the volume on the side ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , uh I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you can't make it you can't ma make a mistake .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's s so simple", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So but that's for that's for you ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay I'll d I'll take a look at it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so hmm . What did {disfmarker} What else we have to discuss about ? I dunno .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Think we need to work uh thirty minutes again ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have to care that it r uh looks really new . Because uh we still hold on to the uh ordinary uh uh square uh remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause wha what I see the only difference i i i in fact is that we use a scroll-wheel on the outside .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And the LED .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , you have uh {disfmarker} It is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but i i it should be round in in shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh the current uh controllers are all black and plastic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You have to look at that image of the iPod .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "More that uh kind of style .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And a bit uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Not not the old grey black {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Some some kind of bling bling uh mm can we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Where you can put a ve Uh we have {disfmarker} If we do it like that we have below have we uh a lot of room to put a nice logo .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh the logo was has to be on there . Yeah , that's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and how many uh fronts uh fronts do we put on the market then ? Uh five or something ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , five . Let's give five .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or more or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe you can buy separate ones and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And um uh {vocalsound} uh buy the product . You buy , you get one . And uh basic .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or you can choose one uh if you buy the project .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker} Yeah . That's your choice , I think huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , tha that will be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So y you can put the bottom of the remote control in recharger ? Is that is that a good good opportunity ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you could put it like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so top down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you sl uh you let it slide in the docking station .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Do we have to design that w as well ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The docking station ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But th Yeah , that can be very simple . Least .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we can b It c it could be just just a square , just a packet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a recharger .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , just where you're around something . Li Yeah , we had one example .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we have to make contacts on the on the remote control and the recharger as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which w", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that's a round one . Maybe we can choose then .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Here you see one that's very round .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think that can be all kind of shapes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But maybe you can just round up the corners a bit . That's all .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Of the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just round it up {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so y you don't want uh this uh like the iPod {gap} . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "More rounded . Yeah , I think it will just look like more like this one . Since it's {disfmarker} This is also rounded .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , just just the corners .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , tho those are al already a bit cornered . Mm {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we can we can do all kinds of uh {disfmarker} As long as it isn is in two D_ we can use all kind of round shapes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shapes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , but then we have to think of something totally new .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Not in depth . Yeah , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Yeah , if if we want to make it kind of , yeah , new .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I've uh {disfmarker} I had a lot of picture of old ones . And all curves have already been done .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bit annoying , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . What do we do wrong ? Hmm . Just just more like this and not uh a square .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay , yeah well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we could do a lot of , lot more curving . I would do it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know we can do a lot more , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like in this kind of shape or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's very annoying . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I dunno . I dunno if it's handy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap} I think it will only look more like the old remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The olden the olden ones had looked like just a square thing .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . But uh I had a lot of pictures {disfmarker} Oh I can show you here {vocalsound} what the old ones look like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Curves , curves .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've more {gap} there as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It wasn't very small one . {gap} very simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That is for elderly .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have to make a decision , what kind of form it's gonna have t going to have .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think if w My opinion . If we just uh take the iPod , and the same look .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So uh light or just whatever colour , but the same light colours . And uh just with uh together with uh the back-lights b look will look very new .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No rubber buttons or something . Just together with the back-lights you'll get a totally new look . More like the M_P_ three player M_ um P_ M_ P_ three player .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And you have the scroll button inside . {gap} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Just a simple scrollb", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But why do we have to round it on the t bottom then ? Of {disfmarker} Skip that one as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Doesn't have to be .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah , it's cool .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , though that's a trend . If we want to make it . But yeah , I'm not a Trendwatcher , you are . {vocalsound} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh the t the trend is", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber spongy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "spongy and fruity .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . No . Spongy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Spongeball kinda .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not not a lot of trends I uh I found uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so we have s still one minute left . So just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's okay if you just keep it a bit square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} The th th", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I d I don't know n something about ergonomic kind of fits-in-the-hand uh stuff .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I I think it's still for older people . You j still have older people . It's only annoying if it if it's like that f formed like that , like f Whatever . Just you have a normal {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we're we're aiming at a young public .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is one {disfmarker} There's just one overall important aspect is that we must make it fancy and it looks original , and I hope we can uh make it look not like the iPod itself . It must have uh uh uh a very different {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , {gap} idea . But {vocalsound} you're {disfmarker} If you look at the way remote controls are now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i it is it is it is already fancy . Because of the lights on the bottom of it . That's already fancy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And if you make it look like the iPod {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , they're all the same .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . So that's already a very big change", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh maybe maybe make the the mm the {vocalsound} wha what's it called uh scroll wheel . Make it in in yellow or something . Just like the colours of Real Reaction .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "compared to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ye yeah . Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , we could do that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah , but uh if you the f uh front , the scroll wheel will still uh be yellow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , I think {disfmarker} Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Think the scroll wheel {vocalsound} won't be very big . Since if you put it uh somewhere , the chances that it will scroll are too big .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it will just be a small small scroll wheel . So it won't uh stick out much .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Maybe the ones we are going to draw there . Maybe we have to ask uh to the the mm to her if it has {vocalsound} if it can work better than this . Because it doesn't work properly . So maybe you have to ask her .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah okay . Well ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "maybe we can just open images there , and I'll paint and paint .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah . That's probably {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll be able to do a better job .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you set the pen yeah , he will draw here . Doesn't work .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , so just finish it . So we make it a bit like m that one probably . Yeah . Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'll see it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah , I agree more like iPod {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , only the colour and the flashy light and the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We just we just skip the the the voca or was it the the speech recognition .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just a {disfmarker} Speech . Yeah , do we s keep that ? Yeah , I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or keep that ? It's okay . But you'd definitely need a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "advanced chip .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then it w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah , I don't know . Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we we have to build in a microphone and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's very easy . We already have uh the beeping of the {gap} home station ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , and I do I don't know anything about that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I d I didn't receive any information on speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh strange that I received {vocalsound} the information about that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh that's hard . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh the ma the main points I I I uh just said . We have to be original and uh technological innovative . Becau", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Can we just put it speech recognition in it as well ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ma", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "shall we {gap} it open then ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can put all the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The function of that in there . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And we need a {disfmarker} Probably we need a uh advanced chip then .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . Yeah , we probably do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it doesn't say anything about it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we don't have any f information about the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We started with information about the cost was now th", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I just I just received the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh I have I have some some information about the cost . But just a about the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And how much is the chip ? The the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know how much , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , our division has developed a new speech recognition feature , the integrated programmable sample sensor simple speaker u unit .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just in inexpensive or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is a very small electronic unit , will give a standard answer after it recognise a question .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And how how does it work ? Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Doesn't say . Just {disfmarker} You say record , followed by your question sample , and after a few seconds the answer uh sample . Because uh {disfmarker} So it works like uh good morning remote control , and then the remote control says good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It doesn't has to say anything . Just {disfmarker} You have to just talk to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah uh th that's just {disfmarker} It's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it say does it say something back ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we have to stop it now . So just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No . Yeah , it {disfmarker} Well that's integrated in the chip , so if you use the speech recognition , that's in it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's a r That's that's a advanced {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But i it's a separate chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , but if we use speech recognition , that will be in it as well .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't know anything about this ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , we just decide not to put it in ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Nah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because it's too difficult .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I dunno . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well it it would be would be a good feature feature .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we just put it in , because it's a good feature .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to stop now .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No no worries about the cost , etcetera .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's a chip in it that will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We have to stop it now .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" } ]
Marketing emphasized on the importance of technology innovation. So Project Manager suggested putting the speech recognition in the remote directly and they would need an advanced chip. The group agreed on it and Industrial Designer supplemented that the division had developed a new and inexpensive speech recognition feature: the integrated programmable sample sensor, indicating that the cost would not be too much.
What was the conclusion about choosing a regular chip or an advanced chip inside the speech recognition when discussing the remote features?
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
The whole meeting was a special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic. After some regulations proposed by The Chair, the members presented many petitions on behalf of different areas. Then the meeting proceeded to questioning ministers, the attendees asked for the reasons that the government put easy policy for fraudulence and tax evasion of businessmen. Moreover, the participants required government support under the COVID-19 Pandemic, not only for the elderly and vulnerable people, but also for energy resources and tourism sectors. At the same time, the exact funding from the government should be given to green economies including agriculture and forestry. In addition, the meeting also discussed the current situations of different sectors such as employment, fishing and tourism, oil and gas and business affected by the Covid-19 and called for government support for these sectors. Last but not least, the attendees required strict implementations of the laws and appealed for process following. They wanted a transparency and open environment for voting and debating under the precondition of community safety. Also, they wanted affordable medication including vaccines as a part of a sound health care system for their people.
Summarize the whole meeting.
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
Mr. Dan Albas asked about the handling of fraudulence by the Canadian government but Right Hon. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister, was saying that the government put giving support and help to Canadians in the first place. Then Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie questioned the reason why the government supported the profiteers for tax evasion when implementing the large employer emergency financing facility. However, Right Hon. Justin Trudeau thought they were making plans to help workers to survive this pandemic and was always their priority to overcome. Hon. Candice Bergen required that how they were dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada and put out a violence case that why the Liberals were making this gun illegal and What the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle was. It was demonstrated by Hon. Bill Blair that many Canadians were murdered by these guns which was their explanation of banning guns.
Summarize the discussion about petitions fraudulence, tax evasion, violence handling and their supervisory.
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie first asked the prime minister whether the government would outlaw what was immoral and then, put it precisely, made an example that a bank relocated its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and registered them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Under this situation, the government might not consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada and that was why Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie said that the Prime Minister continued to support the profiteers.
What did Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie mean by saying that the Prime Minister continued to support the profiteers?
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
First, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. And Hon. Bill Blair thought what their regulations said very clearly, was that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers in Canadian society.
Why did Hon. Bill Blair support banning Iver Johnson?
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
During the pandemic of Covid-19, the government should fix this gap so that the single parents and their children could get the support they need. Also, matching funds and adequate housing should be given to support the affected in Canada. In addition, the elderly, one of the highest risk populations, had obtained extra funding from the government. Besides, vulnerable people like the disabled could gain more funding support and workers affected by the pandemic could also gain support.
Summarize the discussion about Government support for the elderly and for vulnerable people.
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
Ms. Jenny Kwan gave an example that a single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She paid taxes on her spousal income, but she was not eligible for CERB. That meant a complicated program delivered by the government that left many people behind, and more importantly, there was no action reacting to it. So Ms. Jenny Kwan called for a fixation for this gap and proposed that matching funding and adequate housing should be arranged for those who were affected.
What did Ms. Jenny Kwan mean by saying there was a gap between program making and its implementation?
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
As one of the highest risk populations, the elderly's costs had gone up. Many seniors who were facing extra dispensing fees were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It was so important that the government be there to support them. The government announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This meant there would be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, they announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that would help seniors to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected.
What did the Canadian government do to support the elderly.
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
Since Quebec was Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, renewable energy sharing through an energy corridor was very essential for different areas in Canada. And as a hard-hit sector, tourism needed much support from the Canadian government. The government was going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions would be ready when the economy reopened. When it came to the green economy, the government now gave priority to the virus and making through this disaster. Also, they paid much attention to the small businesses and carried out measures to help them out.
Summarize the discussion about Government support for energy resources and tourism and funding in green economy and small businesses.
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
The current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. And the pain would be felt by thousands of Canadians, who would have to find new jobs in order to survive. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people had lost their jobs and needed assistance from the government. That was why they were here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they could come out the other side.
What was the current situation of the tourism sector and what was the government going to do?
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
They shared the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why they've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, they were encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations were under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity Hon. Bill Morneau talked to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. They would continue to support small businesses. It allowed for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. It was a sound program and would require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.
What did the Canadian government do to help small businesses out?
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
During the pandemic, the lobster fishery was being negatively affected and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Many fishermen had their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it was the whole family on the boat. Moreover, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals were having to deal with considerable losses of income. As for oil and gas, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. The oil and gas sector was suffering through two crises --COVID and the effects of a global price war.
Summarize the discussion about things including fishing and tourism, oil and gas affected by the Covid-19.
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
The fish and seafood sector had been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. They've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who had run out of their fishery EI, but they knew that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises were uniquely structured, which was why they were looking at measures to address the concerns they had. Because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they were not eligible for many of the supports they had put in place. They had made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who ran out of the fishers EI were eligible as well as seasonal workers.
What did the government do to help the fishing industry?
[ { "content": "I call this meeting to order. Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen. I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters. Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets. We'll go on to ministerial announcements. I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes. I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions. We will now proceed to presenting petitions.", "speaker": "The Chair (Hon. Anthony Rota (NipissingTimiskaming, Lib.))" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. World Maternal Mental Health Day took place last week, and today I'd like to take a moment to present a very important petition on behalf of the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative. Whereas perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are the most common obstetrical complication, whereas in Canada and worldwide 20% of women and 10% of men suffer from a perinatal mental illness, resulting in an annual economic cost to Canada of approximately $11 billion, and whereas the U.K., Australia and parts of the U.S. have perinatal mental health strategies and screening guidelines in place and Canada does not, the Canadian Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative is calling upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to create a national perinatal mental health strategy that will provide direction, policy and funding to develop specialized, comprehensive perinatal mental health care services, which include universal screening and timely access to treatment for all women and men during pregnancy and the postpartum period.", "speaker": "Ms. Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. My petition relates to cystic fibrosis. If we were in the House now, as May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, one of the days this month we would all be wearing yellow roses in sympathy and solidarity with those who suffer from what is the number one disease killer in Canada of young people. The petitioners have asked us to look at the situation with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which is scheduled to go through some important and potentially detrimental regulatory changes very soon. They ask that the amendments to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board be rescinded, as these will restrict Canadians from receiving life-saving medications for cystic fibrosis and other illnesses, but in particular, a medicine called Trikafta, which can have the effect of treating cystic fibrosis in the case of 90% of cystic fibrosis sufferers. They ask the government to work with the provinces to find a strategy to jointly allow for the delivery of this life-saving medicine to Canadians across the country and to take a leadership role in negotiating a price for gene modulators throughout all the provinces of Canada.", "speaker": "Mr. Scott Reid (LanarkFrontenacKingston, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's an honour to take the mike today, with all colleagues here. It's good to see you all virtually and safe. Petitioners in my community point out in this petition, which, of course, predates the pandemic, that the family doctor shortage is severe in this country. Nearly five million Canadians lack a regular family doctor. This problem is particularly profound in more rural areas, including, as the petitioners reference, the community in which I live, Sydney, British Columbia. We have a very significant crisis and a lack of family doctors. The petitioners call on the government to work with provinces and territories to find a collaborative, holistic solution so that every Canadian has a family doctor and we address the family doctor shortage.", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May (SaanichGulf Islands, GP)" }, { "content": "Good morning, Mr. Chair. I'm presenting a timely petition today that emphasizes the concerns constituents in my riding of MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon have with the Liberal government's inherently flawed and undemocratic approach to firearms legislation and regulation. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to stop targeting law-abiding firearms owners; to cancel all plans to confiscate firearms legally owned by federally licensed RCMP-vetted Canadians; to focus taxpayer dollars where they will actually increase public safety, which is on keeping at-risk youth from being involved in gangs and on anti-gang enforcement; and to provide our men and women in uniform at the Canada Border Services Agency with the resources they need to stop the flow of illegal guns into this country. Through this petition, my constituents take issue with how the Liberal government continues to target law-abiding firearms owners instead of the gangs, drug traffickers and illegal weapons smugglers responsible for the violence in our communities. They note that the use of the phrase military-style assault rifle is purely political posturing, as the term is undefined in Canadian law. They also draw attention to the numerous inaccuracies about current firearms legislation and regulation", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis (MissionMatsquiFraser Canyon, CPC)" }, { "content": "I'd like to remind the honourable members that this is a concise prcis of what a petition says, not a speech. I'll let Mr. Vis continue. I'm sure he'll be very brief in wrapping up.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Yes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. That's sufficient.", "speaker": "Mr. Brad Vis" }, { "content": "Okay. Now we'll go to Mr. Johns.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's a huge honour to table e-petition 2512, which was signed by 1,198 petitioners, primarily from the province of Nova Scotia. The Province of Nova Scotia invited multinational companies to scope out and develop expansive open-net salmon farming operations. The petitioners cite that the expansion would increase environmental degradation, as seen in similar aquaculture operations in British Columbia, Newfoundland, Norway, Vietnam and elsewhere in the world. It also, they cite, would pose risks to native fish stocks, pollute coastal ecosystems, impair at-risk wild Atlantic salmon, and threaten established fisheries and tourism operations. They also raise concerns that open-net fish farming would not create significant employment and would undermine existing lobster and other fisheries. They are calling on the government to uphold Bill C-68 and species-at-risk legislation, protect our oceans, ban expansion of open-net finfish aquaculture in our oceans, work to phase out any existing open-net fish farming operations currently in place and, lastly, invest in land-based, closed-containment finfish aquaculture. I want to thank these petitioners for fighting for clean oceans, for their local economy and for the well-being of Nova Scotia.", "speaker": "Mr. Gord Johns (CourtenayAlberni, NDP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. This petition was signed and sent in by constituents of my riding of NanaimoLadysmith. It calls upon the House of Commons to commit to upholding the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by immediately halting all existing and planned construction of the Coastal GasLink project on Wet'suwet'en territory, ordering the RCMP to dismantle its exclusion zone and stand down, scheduling nation-to-nation talks between the Wet'suwet'en nation and the federal and provincial governmentssomething that has already happened, thankfullyand prioritizing the real implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "speaker": "Mr. Paul Manly (NanaimoLadysmith, GP)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I have the pleasure of presenting a petition on behalf of my constituents of Don Valley East. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada not provide any financial assistance to Canadian airlines until they promptly provide full refunds for flights that were cancelled due to COVID-19. They are asking the same for any foreign airlines that fly to, within or from Canada. The petitioners feel that these Canadians are facing economic hardship and need a refund.", "speaker": "Ms. Yasmin Ratansi (Don Valley East, Lib.)" }, { "content": "We'll now proceed to questioning ministers. The first question will go to Mr. Albas.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Today we've learned that federal workers have been told to ignore obvious signs of fraud when it comes to applying for government benefits. Can the Prime Minister confirm that 200,000 applications have been flagged as potentially fraudulent?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas (Central OkanaganSimilkameenNicola, CPC)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Our priority from the beginning has been to make sure that Canadians get the support they need. We moved very quickly to get the Canada emergency response benefit out, to get the wage subsidy out and to help Canadians in this unprecedented situation. We recognize there will be challenges, and we are going to work through those challenges. Our priority every step of the way was to make sure we helped as many Canadians as possible.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, can the Prime Minister confirm that the instruction has been given to federal employees to ignore these 200,000 applications being flagged as potentially fraudulent? This is important.", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Our focus has been on helping as many people as we possible can. Our decision from the very beginning was to get the help out to people and figure out, with retroactive action if necessary, where and when there may have been fraudulent use. Our priority was getting that help out.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this came from a memo issued by a deputy minister. Did the minister's office or the Prime Minister sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Again, in this unprecedented situation, our focus has been on helping as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Other parties might have made a different choice had they been in government, but our focus was getting help to people when they needed it as quickly as possible and cleaning it up afterwards.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I asked a very simple question. Did the Prime Minister or his minister sign off on this memo that was issued by the deputy minister, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have been focused entirely on getting help to Canadians when they need it, and that has meant that yes, there will be things we will need to clean up after the fact and work to fix, but getting that help into Canadians' pockets during this pandemic was our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I'm asking the Prime Minister to show some accountability. Did he or his office sign off on this memo?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my office and I have been absolutely focused on getting the necessary help to Canadians. Perhaps, as Mr. Albas points out, other parties would have been slower to get the money out. We were flowing money to people who needed it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the question was quite simple. Obviously the Prime Minister doesn't seem comfortable with the answer. Will he at least then commit to investigating every individual case of fraud, or will he write them off, as the story said?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, in this unprecedented situation Canadians have lost their jobs; they've lost their paycheques; they don't know how they're going to be able to support their loved ones and pay for their groceries. We made a decision as a country that we would be there for them and that has been and will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the Prime Minister can leave the cottage talk for the cottage. We're asking a very simple question here. Will he commit as a government to enforce the rule of law and to enforce the attestation that says that if someone commits fraud, the fraud will be pursued?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "My commitment as Prime Minister and as a government is to support and protect Canadians. That is what we are doing by giving them the support they need through this unprecedented situation. Perhaps other parties don't think it's important to support Canadians. We will keep focused on supporting Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That's not what I'm asking here, Mr. Chair. The Conservatives supported the legislation that allowed those supports to go through. What we are asking about is fraud. All along we've been told fraud would be detected through audits after the fact, and we expect that to happen. Can the Prime Minister at least confirm that this will happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Dan Albas" }, { "content": "When we made the determination that we needed to move quickly to help Canadians, we knew there would be a need to clean up after the fact, to go after fraudulent cases. We will do that. Our priority now and in the coming months is to ensure Canadians get the support they need, and our economy comes roaring back. That's what we're focused on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Ste-Marie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, yesterday, the Prime Minister announced the large employer emergency financing facility. That's good. What's even better is that he announced that the loans would be tied to conditions. One of those conditions forces companies not to resort to tax evasion or tax avoidance through tax havens. Excellent! Unfortunately, I quickly became disillusioned because it is more about abusive tax evasion and avoidance. Basically, we're talking about fraudsters. There are no conditions that would allow us to tighten the screws on profiteers. Companies that legally take advantage of tax havens to avoid paying their taxes will have access to the large employer emergency financing facility. Why does the Prime Minister continue to support the profiteers?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie (Joliette, BQ)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will always be there to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance. It's a priority of our government. There is no tolerance for tax evasion and tax avoidance. In the current situation, our priority is to help workers across the country who could lose their jobs or who have lost their jobs. That's why we are introducing measures that support workers, who will continue to be our priority.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'm delighted to hear the Prime Minister say that there's no tolerance for tax avoidance. The problem is that his remarks don't reflect reality. Tax avoidance is the legal use of tax havens. The five big Bay Street banks benefit from this, as do the big multinationals. It's time to tighten the screws on these companies. They have to pay their share. Will the Prime Minister and his government outlaw what is immoral?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when we announced the large employer emergency funding facility, we recognized that those who wanted to receive tax dollars had to have paid their fair share of taxes. That's why we're putting in place measures to carefully assess the tax structures of these businesses before we loan money to them.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, sometimes a bank will relocate its most profitable activities carried out in Canada and register them in a subsidiary in the Bahamas, Barbados or another tax haven. Does the Prime Minister consider this bank to be paying its fair share of taxes in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we will assess applications for the large employer emergency funding facility on a case-by-case basis. We don't expect the big banks to need these funds. Before we provide any money, we're going to make sure that whoever wants to access these funds is transparent about how the money is being managed, including internationally.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'll change the subject now. Consumers are paying more and more with their credit cards, which allows contactless payments in shops, not to mention online shopping. This benefits Visa and Mastercard, which charge appallingly high user fees, known as interchange fees. These are almost 10times higher than in Europe and Australia, and it costs our merchants a fortune. Can the Prime Minister follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping interchange fees at0.3%?", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are always looking for ways to reduce costs for consumers. We have worked with the big banks and the financial industry to ensure that people who need it have access to the help they need. We're reassessing how we can lower costs for consumers. Right now, we're sending money to consumers across the country who need it to get through this crisis. That's what we'll continue to focus on.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the question doesn't concern consumers, but merchants. A credit card company, such as Visa and Mastercard, that charges a fee of 2.5%to3% per transaction undermines the merchant's profit margin and gets richer at the expense of consumers. I invite the Prime Minister to follow the example of Europe and Australia by capping these fees at0.3%.", "speaker": "Mr. Gabriel Ste-Marie" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we continue to work with financial institutions and the big banks to help consumers during this exceptional and difficult situation. Of course, there are some things we can look at over the longer term as well.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "We'll now go to Ms. Kwan.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Instead of providing a universal direct payment for all, the government has decided to implement a complicated program that leaves many people behind. A single parent with four school-age children lost her spousal and child support due to COVID-19. She pays taxes on her spousal income, but she is not eligible for CERB. The Minister of Employment said that she is looking into this gap. It has been weeks, and still no action. Will the Prime Minister step in and fix this gap so that the single parents and their children can get the support they need during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan (Vancouver East, NDP)" }, { "content": "I'm happy, Mr. Chair, to correct the honourable member by pointing out that we actually moved in the most rapid and simplest possible way in providing income replacement to millions upon millions of Canadians who needed it through the Canada emergency response benefit. However, as the member points out, when one moves quickly and efficiently, there will be gaps, and that's why we've been working diligently to try to fill those gaps. We want to make sure that Canadians who need help, get it.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "While the Minister of Employment has been aware of this for three weeks and says she is looking into it, there's still been no action. The truth of the matter is that single parents and their children who depend on spousal support and child maintenance are not getting support. Will the Prime Minister fix this gap?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "We recognize the particular challenge faced by families, single parents and families with young children, which is why we increased the amount of the Canada child benefit to be able to support people in this particular moment. On top of that, we have looked to fill further gaps that have existed with the Canada emergency response benefit. Well over seven million Canadians have access to CERB, and we will continue to work with them", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "That does not replace spousal support and child maintenance, Prime Minister. Across the country there is no national standard to address the homelessness crisis amidst this pandemic, leaving communities at heightened risk from COVID-19. Canadians who are homeless or living in substandard housing have no access to bathroom facilities for basic hygiene. Those living in crowded SROs and shelters cannot practise social distancing. The problem is particularly acute in my riding in the Downtown Eastside. While the B.C. government has implemented an initiative to house some of the homeless population in empty hotels in the short term, support from the federal government is needed to secure permanent solutions post-COVID-19. Will the Prime Minister commit to providing matching funds and take the right to adequate housing seriously?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "I know that the honourable member wouldn't want to inadvertently mislead the House. The fact is, the federal government almost immediately sent significant resources, hundreds of millions of dollars, to shelters across the country to enable them to create facilities, including renting new spaces, to be able to house homeless people without increasing the danger of the spread of COVID-19. I recognize there's always more to do, but as we demonstrated with our national housing strategy, we are serious about fighting homelessness and supporting vulnerable Canadians, and we will continue to do that.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "The Prime Minister must know that the money the federal government sent is deficient. Many people still remain homeless, and they are at risk. Cutting chronic homelessness by 50% over the next decade is not good enough, and that is this Prime Minister's national housing strategy. Will the government stop just making empty promises and ensure that every Canadian has the right to housing? Will he top up the support for provinces to at least match their funds?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, cutting chronic homelessness by 50% is an ambitious goal that no one else has ever been able to do as a government, and we are well on track for it. I would suggest that the member opposite not dismiss that as an empty promise, because we have demonstrated actions on it. I recognize there is more to do. There is always more to do. We will be there and continue to be there for vulnerable people, including homeless Canadians.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "I would remind the Prime Minister that it was the federal Liberals who eliminated the national affordable housing program in 1993, so we have this homeless crisis today as a result of the Liberals. We in Vancouver East have the third-largest urban indigenous population in the country, yet we got less than 2% of the pandemic urban indigenous housing funding. They're overrepresented among the homeless population. Why?", "speaker": "Ms. Jenny Kwan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we recognize there is more to do in supporting urban indigenous people. We have moved forward, both through the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, to address the challenges facing urban aboriginal populations. We will continue to work with them, recognizing that they are among the most vulnerable people in Canada who deserve the right support from all orders of government, and we will be there to support them increasingly in the coming years.", "speaker": "Right Hon. Justin Trudeau" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I'm hearing in my riding of PortageLisgar that individuals who are dealing with Service Canada through the mail are experiencing delays. It seems that the mail that's going to Service Canada has not been opened. In fact, one of my constituents sent documents, including a doctor's note, two months ago on March 12 and is now being told that she must resend them because they've never been opened. Can the government tell us whether this is a widespread problem, and how are they dealing with unopened mail at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen (PortageLisgar, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to assure the honourable member that we are doing everything that we can in Service Canada to meet the expectations of Canadians. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had unprecedented volumes, but we have redeployed thousands of staff to front-line services by phone and by other means. We had to close a number of the centres because of COVID-19 concerns and the safety and well-being of Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)" }, { "content": "Is the minister aware whether this is a widespread problem? Is this happening rarely, or frequently? I'm hearing about it. I know, from many MPs, we are at the front lines of dealing with and helping constituents who are not only wanting to get support but also are trying to get programs unrelated to COVID-19. Is unopened mail a widespread problem at Service Canada?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy to look into the particular case that the honourable member brings up. I am not aware of unopened mail being a widespread issue. I'm happy to work with the honourable member to see what happened in this individual case.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Thanks very much. Mr. Chair, the Iver Johnson single-shot rifle is a standard farm gun used by many farmers in my riding, in fact, passed down from generation to generation in some cases. Why are the Liberals making this gun illegal? What's the purpose of banning this particular farm rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I just wish to advise the member that we worked very closely with the Canadian firearms program, with law enforcement and with their firearms verification to identify the makes, models and variants of nine rifles, all of which had in their earliest provenance a design for military use, for soldiers to use in combat. Those are the weapons that have been", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair (Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)" }, { "content": "We'll now go back to Ms. Bergen.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would challenge the minister on that. I do not believe that he has been consulting with front-line officers. We're hearing from front-line officers that they are concerned about gangs, drug dealers and illegal weapons being smuggled across the border. They are not concerned with these types of farm rifles that are being used by our farmers and, in some cases, hunters. These are specifically used for hunting. So, Mr. Chair, we'd like to see the evidence on why the Liberals are once again targeting law-abiding Canadians, ignoring gangsters and drug dealers. Why are they banning the Iver Johnson?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "It's a great opportunity, I think, when the member opposite says what the police are saying. Let's hear what the police are saying. The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police declared that military assault rifles were produced for the sole purpose of killing people in large numbers and urged the government to enact legislation to ban all military assault rifles, except for law enforcement and military purposes. The Ontario police leaders said that they support a prohibition on all military-designed rifles. They said, In our view, these weapons have no place in our communities and should be reserved for use by Canada's military and law enforcement.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Ms. Bergen, we have about 50 seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we've seen this before, where the Liberals introduced a long-gun registry that cost billions of dollars and did absolutely nothing to stop violent crimes. This is a repeat of what the Liberals have done before. Is the minister saying that the Iver Johnson that farmers use is an assault rifle?", "speaker": "Hon. Candice Bergen" }, { "content": "Actually, what I'm saying, and what our regulations say very clearly, is that weapons that were designed not for hunting and not for sport purposes but for soldiers to use in combat to kill other soldiers have no place in Canadian society. I would also advise the member that any Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many. We have far too many tragedies where these types of weapons have been used to kill Canadians.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "We'll now continue with Mr.Rayes.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. My question is for the Prime Minister. Is it true that Canada Revenue Agency employees who process applications for the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, have been asked to send the payment even if fraud had been detected, as was pointed out in a national media report today?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes (RichmondArthabaska, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, our government considers these to be very difficult times for Canadians. We're going to do everything we can to support them by helping them pay for their housing and their groceries. I'm very proud of the public servants who work at the Canada Revenue Agency. Nearly sevenmillion", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier (Minister of National Revenue)" }, { "content": "I repeat my question, which is extremely simple: Is it true that the Canada Revenue Agency sent a memo to its employees asking them to ignore the fraudsters and still send the CERB payments??", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "I'll finish my response, which was interrupted: Nearly 7.8million Canadians have applied for the Canada emergency response benefit. The priority is for Canadians to be able to pay for their groceries and their housing.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Yes or no: Did the Canada Revenue Agency send a memo to its employeeswho are doing an exceptional job, I'd like to point outso that they would ignore the 200,000potential cases of fraud that they detected?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "The answer is no.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "The CERB has been distributed since March25, so for seven weeks now. The federal government website clearly states that if an employee returns to work, the employee must pay back the CERB. Can the Prime Minister tell us whether employees who decide to return to work have to pay back the full $2,000per month, or only $500for week of the month?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "As I mentioned, we believe that Canadians are going through a very difficult time, and we need to support them. We need to help people pay for their groceries and their housing. That's what our government is committed to, and that's what we'll continue to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Diane Lebouthillier" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the extremely simple question I am asking the Minister comes from companies and workers. None of the officials dares to answer it when we call on technical matters, even though they are supposed to give us information that we can pass on to the public with complete transparency. So let me repeat my question; I don't think there can be a simpler one. The answer will benefit the workers and the companies that want access to the Canada emergency wage subsidy. If an employee is called back to workwhich is perfectly fineagrees to do so and wants to reimburse the CERB, must he reimburse $500for each week he works during the month, or the entire $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can clarify that Service Canada will work closely with anybody who transitions either from the CERB to the wage subsidy or from the CERB back to employment to ensure that there's no overpayment, but of course that there's no undue hardship on the individual.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion)" }, { "content": "That announcement was made seven weeks ago. The workers want to know how much they have to reimburse. The companies want to know the situation so that they can make decisions on salary assistance. It seems to me that my question is not complicated: do people have to reimburse $500for each week they work in a month, or the full monthly amount of $2,000?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that will depend on the individual circumstances of the particular worker. That's why Service Canada is reaching out to individuals to make it as seamless as possible for them. I can assure the member that nobody will be put in a difficult situation. I recognize that there is some uncertainty, but we're trying to address that. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Mr.Rayes, you have 35seconds left.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The answers that we are getting today are incredible. This is unacceptable, in my view. If an employer complies with the hygiene conditions, can employees still refuse to return to work, and therefore continue to receive the CERB?", "speaker": "Mr. Alain Rayes" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure all Canadians that at the same time as employees have a right to refuse work and employers have an obligation to ensure healthy and safe workplaces, we want all people to be able to go back to work and feel safe. There are established processes and federal and provincial labour processes for refusal to work, and at the end of the day the CERB is there for workers who aren't working due to COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "We're going to have to go on from here. The next question will come from Mr. Schmale.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Chair. The Wet'suwet'en elected chiefs and community members have been excluded from negotiations on a memorandum of understanding affecting land rights and titles. Only a few hereditary chiefs have been part of these secret negotiations. The elected chiefs have issued a press release asking for the government to halt the joint announcement scheduled for May 14 on the MOU until the community has had a chance to look at and understand how the MOU will affect them. Will the minister agree with the democratically elected chiefs and the Wet'suwet'en people they represent and delay any announcement until proper consultation can be completed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale (HaliburtonKawartha LakesBrock, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I want to reassure the member that communication is ongoing with and between our partners on how to go forward on implementing the Wet'suwet'en rights and title with a Wet'suwet'en-led solution. We encourage the leaders to continue their ongoing, necessary and important conversations with their community on how they want to proceed on a path toward implementing their rights and title. As we work to rebuild Canada's relationship with the Wet'suwet'en, we need to give them space for these important discussions.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations)" }, { "content": "Minister, is that a yes that the signing will be delayed until the elected chiefs have a chance to look at the agreement?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I believe the elected chiefs have had a look at the agreement. These are very difficult conversations on complex issues around rights and title. This has been outstanding for a long time", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The current health crisis should not be used as an opportunity to sideline the Wet'suwet'en people and their elected chiefs. The federal government should be bringing the community together rather than actively excluding Wet'suwet'en members. The chiefs are so concerned that they are now calling for the resignation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations for failure to engage in proper consultations, which has stoked divisions within the community. Will the minister reconsider and put in place a consultation process that honours both their traditional house system and the governance responsibilities of elected chiefs and councils?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Yet again, it's very important the member understand the engagement must take place and be led by the Wet'suwet'en nation. That means the elected chiefs and the hereditary chiefs need to work with all clan members as they determine how they wish to work with Canada and the Province of British Columbia to implement the rights and title of the Wet'suwet'en people.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "I agree that the Wet'suwet'en should have the opportunity to look at the proposed agreement, but we are still seeing news coming out of the elected chiefs and the people they represent that they have not had a thorough chance to look at this proposed agreement. Will the minister delay the signing?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I think the member will agree that there's a lot more work to do with all the parties. I believe, in terms of the kind of engagement that has taken place in the feast houses and the notification that took place even before COVID-19, that the work is under way and it will have to be Wet'suwet'en-led in terms of what eventually will be their choice as to how they implement their rights and title.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, for two weeks now the Liberals on the indigenous affairs committee have shut down Conservatives and witnesses every time we mention the word Wet'suwet'en. They don't want to talk about the issue, an issue that is very much aggravated by the COVID-19 crisis. The Liberals profess to be the advocates for indigenous communities and the champions of reconciliation. Can the minister tell us why the Liberals are determined to shut down discussion and public debate?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "I would have to disagree with the member. I don't believe that there's, at any time, an interest in shutting down discussion or debate. I think, though, that at the COVID committee the issues facing indigenous communities, first nations, Inuit and Mtis around COVID-19 are very important to them. We need to work with them to make sure they can keep their communities safe.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "Mr. Schmale, you have 30 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I would argue with the minister and challenge her to talk to her committee members. Each time Conservatives have brought up the topic of the Wet'suwet'en and the situation happening with the elected chiefs and the people they represent, we have been shut down every single time. When will the minister allow the public debate to happen?", "speaker": "Mr. Jamie Schmale" }, { "content": "Again, in a committee, it is the work of the committee and the decision of the committee. I believe the chair and all members want first nations, Inuit and Mtis to be able to keep their communities safe during COVID-19.", "speaker": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett" }, { "content": "The next question goes to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It has been three months since this pandemic started and the Liberals just got around to announcing help for seniors. Seniors are a priority and should be treated as such. Why do the Liberals treat seniors as an afterthought?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie (Calgary Midnapore, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much. There is definitely an interest in and support for our seniors. We've been working to support seniors since the very beginning of this pandemic. I've just had the opportunity to introduce additional measures today wherein we are introducing a one-time special payment for those who receive OAS.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte (Minister of Seniors)" }, { "content": "Nearly two months into living in some form of isolation, watching their retirement savings take a hit and having to take additional health precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, eligible seniors are set to receive a one-time payment of up to $500. Why does this government consistently undervalue seniors compared with everyone else?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I just want to make sure that my honourable colleague remembers that we have already given a GST top-up of almost $375 for single seniors and over $500 for couples. This is in addition to what we've just done today where, as you said, it's $500.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "According to Abacus Data, 69% of Canadians feel that there will be a second wave in the pandemic, and 52% of Canadians believe that there is a shortage of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment. Given these surprising figures, what is the government's plan to bring in enough personal protective equipment, should there be a second wave of the pandemic?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Our government is aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies that Canada needs, from a diverse range of suppliers around the world and here at home. We're working directly with businesses across the country to rapidly scale up domestic production capacity to meet current and future needs. At this point, our primary focus is on front-line health care professionals, but we are also exploring federal government assistance in areas of essential services so that PPE exists where workers need it. We are following public health guidance on this issue in looking to see where we can best assist.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand (Minister of Public Services and Procurement)" }, { "content": "According to Public Services and Procurement Canada, despite 1.8 billion units of PPE being procured, less than 6% of N95 respirator orders have been filled, less than 8% of surgical mask orders have been filled, and just 1.4% of face shield orders have been filled. We know that orders are not deliveries, so what's the delay?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "Let me start by saying that we are working in an incredibly difficult and competitive global environment and are procuring millions of items: face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, and N95 surgical masks, and ventilators every single day. There is a delay in the production of these goods, but we have had many deliveries coming into Canada, including over two million face shields", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll have to go back to Mrs. Kusie.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "A national security expert from the University of Ottawa has said that the national emergency strategic stockpile has failed in the current crisis, resulting in some provinces such as Saskatchewan using expired PPE, and provinces such as Alberta using faulty PPE that cause rashes and headaches. What is the government doing to expedite procurement and to counter the risk of faulty PPE, given that 34 of the suppliers are from China, which has already supplied significant faulty PPE?", "speaker": "Mrs. Stephanie Kusie" }, { "content": "I will start by saying that we have multiple supply chains operating at the same time, from China, and domestically, and from the United States and other countries around the world. Our first priority is to make sure that we get safe, effective equipment and supplies into the hands of our front-line health care workers. Given the global supply chains and their competitive nature, this is an ongoing project and we are having success for our front-line health care workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to the next question from Mr. d'Entremont.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Ten weeks ago the Minister of Fisheries, in responding to my question in question period, acknowledged that the lobster fishery was being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and was facing losses of up to 95% of its Asian markets. Mr. Chair, on April 28 I asked the minister what she was doing to support harvesters who were left out of the $62.5 million aid package. She mentioned that she was looking at sector-specific areas to make sure that the issues were addressed. Can the minister tell us what the government's plan is to directly support seafood harvesters?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont (West Nova, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank my colleague for that very good question. We know that the fish and seafood sector has been extremely adversely affected because of COVID-19. We've started to put measures in place to address the issue with the $62.5 million for processors, as well as to make sure that the CERB is available for seasonal workers as well as people who have run out of their fishery EI, but we know that more needs to be done. The fishery enterprises are uniquely structured, which is why we're looking at measures to address the concerns they have. I'm working with my provincial colleagues, as well as my caucus colleagues.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan (Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, most fishermen are not eligible for the wage subsidy program due to the stipulation that it cannot be used for employees who are related to their employer. Most fishing enterprises, like farm enterprises, are family oriented. Many fishermen have their wives, their sons, their uncles or their fathers working for them, and sometimes it's the whole family on the boat. Can the minister explain what the government's plan is to support fishermen who do not fit into any actual program and who desperately need direct financial help from the federal government to survive?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that, because of the unique structure of fishing enterprises, they are not eligible for many of the supports we have put in place. We have made changes to the CERB to make sure that people who run out of the fishers EI are eligible as well as seasonable workers. We know that more needs to be done for the harvesters directly. We are working on direct supports. We have put in place measures to address processors' concerns so that harvesters continue to have a place to sell their product. We know that more has to be done. I am working with my cabinet colleagues to find solutions, and I hope I will have more to say about that very soon.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "In recent weeks, lobster fishermen in the gulf region of the Maritimes were shocked to read an additional subsection of regulations that was added to their fishing conditions for the 2021 fishing season. This addition was for a catch limitation or quota to which none of the harvesters or advisory members were privy. This created quite a chill within the lobster fishery, for sure. Can the minister tell us how these detailed regulations managed to get added without her authorization, and can licence-holders expect to see these same regulations in their conditions when their season gets going in the future?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the people who brought to my attention the conditions that were put on licences in the gulf. Those were not done under my authorization. They were removed right away from the condition of licence, and they will not happen.", "speaker": "Hon. Bernadette Jordan" }, { "content": "My next question is for the Minister of Health. Mr. Chair, on Wednesday, February 26, after the death of 23-year-old Chantelle Lindsay from Nova Scotia due to complications from cystic fibrosis, I asked the Prime Minister whether the government was going to make Trikafta, which might have saved Chantelle's life, available to Canadians. Now that almost 12 weeks have passed, we understand that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has not yet applied to Health Canada for study. Many of my Conservative colleagues and I have recently sent a letter to the minister asking for an update on how we support those negotiations with Vertex. Can the Minister of Health tell us when this drug will be available to CF patients in Canada?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "Honourable minister, the floor is yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My heart goes out to the family of Chantelle, who are obviously suffering an unbearable loss. I agree with the member that we want to make sure that effective drugs are available in Canada. As the member has pointed out, Vertex has not applied to sell Trikafta in Canada. However, there is the special access program that makes drugs like Trikafta available. In fact, the majority of people who have applied through the special access program to get access to the drug have received access. I would encourage the member to continue his correspondence with the manufacturer, as will we.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health)" }, { "content": "Mr. d'Entremont, you have 36 seconds.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the tourism season is already deeply affected by COVID-19. A number of industries, businesses and festivals are having to deal with considerable losses of income. In my constituency, tens of thousands of tourists use the ferry between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. What is the government planning to do to help the ferry to survive and to resume service next season, if the borders remain closed this summer?", "speaker": "Mr. Chris d'Entremont" }, { "content": "I have had the opportunity to speak to my colleague Mr.d'Entremont about solutions to assist people in the tourism sector all over the country, and particularly in the Atlantic region. In light of the new funding for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA, I will be happy to work with him and with the leaders of the tourism sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly (Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages)" }, { "content": "Mr.Savard-Tremblay, the floor is now yours.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Despite all the upheaval it causes, the crisis we are experiencing, considerable in scope though it is, can also be an opportunity to begin a transition. What is essential in normal times may, during a crisis, become crucial. What is unjust may, in times of crisis, become frankly scandalous. In Quebec, we are generally allergic to blatant injustice and inequality. Yesterday, Ottawa announced new support for large companies. Many of us in Quebec feel that, when a company knocks on the state's door to ask for assistance, it is totally legitimate for the state to impose conditions before providing its support. We in the Bloc Qubcois feel that there should be a limit, a ceiling, on the assistance provided to large companies, in order to avoid abuses in executive compensation. That is also the prevalent position in Quebec. A few years ago, after the Bombardier affair in QuebecI will not dwell on that because Quebecers are all too familiar with itthree of the four political parties that sat in the National Assembly and that still sit these took a position of that kind. A number of civil society groups in Quebec share it also. The United States, which, you will agree, is no bastion of socialism, has already implemented similar policies for periods of crisis. The idea is to offer support, but with conditions. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives on January2, the 100highest-paid CEOs in Canada earned 227times more in 2018 than the average worker. The average salary for workers increased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Given that inflation was then at 2.3%, it can be said that there was practically no increase. By contrast, the salary increase for CEOs in the same period was 18%, even in cases where the companies suffered losses. Let us be clear that we were not in a crisis when that study was conducted. We cannot even imagine what the figures are today. At this point, we are no longer talking about a gap but an abyss. Wealth is concentrated at the top of the pyramid, but clearly does not flow down to the base. Does the government intend to put a ceiling on executive compensation to ensure that they are not the only ones to profits from the support at this time of crisis? The question is clear and I am asking you to give me a clear answer. If I don't get one, I am going to have to demand a new version of the Clarity Act.", "speaker": "Mr. Simon-Pierre Savard-Tremblay (Saint-HyacintheBagot, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable Minister has the floor. I would also like to remind members to ask their questions through the Chair", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. We know that our approach has to help small and medium-size companies, but also large companies in order to provide a bridge to the end of the crisis. In our opinion, that is very important. It will protect the jobs of Canadians and the future of our economy. That's why the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility is very important. That said, we know that it is necessary and important to impose conditions. Yes, we do want to make sure that the facility is available for companies that are going to continue to support our economy, to protect their employees, and to make a significant contribution to our communities. That is why we have attached a number of major conditions to our approach. We will have more details on the subject in the coming days. We established from the outset that we had to impose conditions on executive compensation. That is very important. We are going to consider the rules and conditions that are needed in order for the facility to be available to the companies, the operations and the employees. Of course, conditions are required to ensure that the facility is available for operations, not for dividends or share buybacks, for example. We will impose conditions of that kind. We also want to make sure that we are aware of the situation the companies are in. For example, we want to be sure that they are not engaged in tax evasion.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau (Minister of Finance)" }, { "content": "We'll now go on to Ms. Sgro.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the opportunity. I will be sharing my time with the member for KingsHants. Canadian seniors are worried about COVID-19. In my own riding of Humber RiverBlack Creek, 30% of the population are 65 or older. We know they are one of the highest risk populations. During this time, their costs have gone up. They have had to spend extra on medication and grocery delivery, as many cannot leave their homes. I have also heard of many seniors who are facing extra dispensing fees. These costs all add up, and many seniors were already carefully budgeting before the pandemic. It is so important that our government be there to support them. Can the minister please tell us what our government is doing to ensure that vulnerable seniors get the support they need during this very difficult time?", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro (Humber RiverBlack Creek, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "My colleague is right. Seniors have faced increased costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and our government today has responded to that with additional action. We announced a one-time, tax-free payment of $300 for seniors eligible for OAS and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for GIS. This means there will be up to $500 for the most vulnerable seniors to help them with their financial security to get through this challenging time. Beyond this, we announced $20 million to expand the new horizons for seniors program to kick-start initiatives and services that will help seniorsfor example, to get grocery deliveries right to their door and to stay connected. We've worked tirelessly on this as well as on other recent measures like the GST credit to help the most vulnerable seniors. Thank you to my colleague for her advocacy.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "You have 30 seconds left, Ms. Sgro. Go ahead with a short question and a response.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton (Simcoe North, CPC))" }, { "content": "Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I want to applaud the minister for that work. I know she's been working extremely hard to make sure that we get some additional announcements over and above all of the ones we have already made, so congratulations. Keep up the work. You know there is lots more we want to do.", "speaker": "Hon. Judy A. Sgro" }, { "content": "Please give a short response. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you very much to my honourable colleague for her advocacy. Thanks for everyone's advocacy. Seniors across the country have been communicating with us and letting us know their needs, and we have been responding.", "speaker": "Hon. Deb Schulte" }, { "content": "Now I'll go over to Mr. Blois. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's always a privilege to have a chance to speak on issues that matter to Canadians, whether it's from the floor of the House of Commons or, indeed, from my house here in Nova Scotia. It's great to see everyone across the country. Like my colleagues, I'd like to thank the staff of the House of Commons for their continued work to make sure that we have this forum to be able to continue the democratic process. I would also quickly like to thank my staff both here locally in KingsHants and in Ottawa for their continued work for my constituents. Mr. Chair, my question through you is to the minister of agriculture. In KingsHants, agriculture is an important economic driver for our economy. We have the greatest concentration of agriculture producers east of Montreal. From our beef industry to our wine industry and everything in-between, it is extremely important. We have the Kentville Research and Development Centre and the Hants County agricultural exhibition, the longest-standing exhibition in North America. We know that COVID-19 has had impacts on the agriculture industry to differing degrees. In particular, KingsHants is home to an important dairy sector. We also have a growing and important horticulture sector. Can the minister specifically provide an update to the House on the measures our government has taken on those two particular commodity groups that are so important in my riding?", "speaker": "Mr. Kody Blois (KingsHants, Lib.)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. We are targeting support to some of the most critical challenges facing the food supply chain. Last Tuesday I was proud to announce our emergency processing fund for a total of $77.5 million, $50 million for the surplus food program and $125 million through AgriRecovery to support our beef and pork producers. Concerning the dairy sector in particular, I'm hopeful that tomorrow we will get the support of all of the parties to be able to respond to their request for an increase in their loan capacity from $300 million to $500 million. I would like to encourage all farmers to apply to the business risk management programs, including AgriStability, for which we have improved some of the mechanisms.", "speaker": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau" }, { "content": "We'll go on with questions, but I'll also just ask Mr. Blois to excuse me for mispronouncing his name. Let's go now to Mr. Masse for Windsor West. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has become an epicentre of the outbreak. The city of Detroit alone has more deaths than the entire province of Ontario. The border communities of Sarnia and Windsor have higher per capita infection rates than the rest of the province. Next week, the border restrictions between the U.S. and Canada expire. With the premiers of B.C., Quebec and Ontario opposing the opening of the border at this time, will the restrictions be extended, or is the Prime Minister discussing changing the restrictions?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse (Windsor West, NDP)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Let me assure the honourable member that, first and foremost, all decisions about Canada's border are taken by Canadians and with the health and safety of Canadians first and foremost in mind. When it comes to the current agreement's coming up next week, we are in very close conversations with Americans about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs)" }, { "content": "What changes are on the table?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just be clear that I didn't speak about any changes; I spoke about a very collaborative conversation with our American neighbours about next steps.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Are you discussing any changes to the current status right now?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I found during the NAFTA negotiations that negotiations are best not conducted in public, but let me just assure Canadians that the health and safety of Canadians is first and foremost. Our government is taking a cautious approach, and we're working effectively.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "This is not negotiation. This is whether there are changes on the table. What are they?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just say that I think the honourable member was actually seeking to know what exactly is being discussed with our American partners. Let me just say that we are taking a very cautious approach to the health and safety of Canadians. A very collaborative discussion is happening.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Will more information be shared between your government and the American government on Canadians and Americans crossing the border on both sides?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "I'm not sure what the member is alluding to, but let me just say that the current arrangements are working extremely well. Non-essential travel is down very sharply. Essential travel, particularly for trade, continues, and that's a good thing, too.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "With border communities having more rates of infection, will they receive additional PPE and financial assistance to deal with the loosening of current border restrictions that is being discussed?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Let me just emphasize to the honourable member that on a couple of occasions he has implied that a loosening of the current restrictions is being discussed. Let me be very clear that this is his assertion; I have not said that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Apparently, we're meeting for nothing. I'll move to the large commercial banks who are profiteering off or squeezing Canadians during this public crisis. Credit card interest rates are still high from previous price-gouging levels. Despite numerous favours from the Liberals, there have not been significant changes. Vancity Savings Credit Union demonstrated leadership when it set credit card rates at zero. Will the government use its statutory powers and force the banks to offer the credit card relief that Vancity has already done?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to say that we recognize the challenges that Canadians face, especially with issues like credit card rates. That's exactly why we've been working on this issue since we came into office. We came to an agreement on interchange fees that was important for consumers. Most recently, during the COVID-19 crisis, we've negotiated with the banks and encouraged them, and they have come out with reductions in their credit card fees that are significant, and deferrals for customers", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Will you use your statutory powers, yes or no, to do what Vancity has done to help Canadian consumers?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "As I've said, Mr. Chair, we're continuing to support consumers. We're continuing to work together with banks to make sure that they are giving the kind of support necessary to their customers, and we've seen actions in this regard, supporting customers.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Why do banks have to profit at higher interest rates on Canadian consumer and retailer exchange rates during COVID-19?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I think it's important to clarify that banks have come forward and given deferrals to customers in trouble and cut their interest by half Mr. Brian Masse: Not on credit cards. Hon. Bill Morneau: and that's been important on credit cards.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "There's time for one more short question. Go ahead, Mr. Masse.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Will the minister use his powers if the banks continue to charge Canadian consumers interest rates that are higher than Vancity's?", "speaker": "Mr. Brian Masse" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, again, we will continue to work with banks to ensure that they're supporting their customers. What banks have done on credit cards by cutting their fees in half is an important nod in that direction.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Next, we have Jacques Gourde.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. Quebec is Canada's biggest producer of hydroelectricity, a renewable energy that is the pride of the Quebec nation. The only problem is that it seems to be a tough sell west of Quebec, in Ontario, for instance. This competitively priced power could help us reduce our environmental footprint and further cut greenhouse gas emissions. Will the government show leadership and allow Canada's provinces to share renewable energy through an energy corridor, as we proposed?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde (LvisLotbinire, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, we are continuing to work towards that end. It is always very important to protect Canadians, and we are going to stick to that approach.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, Canada's dairy processors have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and the new CanadaU.S.Mexico Agreement, or CUSMA. Some of them have incurred losses ranging from 10% to 50%, depending on the processed product. Will the government commit to granting import permits under CUSMA to Canada's dairy processors, not retailers directly?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I can assure you that dairy producers will receive fair compensation. I should also point out that we preserved supply management when negotiating the new NAFTA. That is important to Canada and Quebec, and I'm very pleased that we were able to do that.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the minister seems to be missing the issue in hand. Canada's dairy processors invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bring high-quality products to consumers, while contributing $19billion to GDP. Now those very processors are being asked to try to export Canadian value-added products. Will the minister commit to giving Canada's dairy processors import permits, instead of encouraging American multinationals?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, I'd like to thank the member for his question. I fully understand, as we all do, the important role processors play in our system and our country. I can assure the members of the House that we will continue to work with Canadian processors as the agreement comes into force.", "speaker": "Hon. Chrystia Freeland" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, when it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, what Canadians will remember is that those with access to reliable high-speed Internet will have fared better, feeling less financial strain, than those who are cut off from the rest of the world. Is the government ready to invest in making high-speed Internet available to all Canadians, no matter where they live in the country?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes, we are, Mr. Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Maryam Monsef" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, the current economic situation could lead to the disappearance of Canada's tourism industry. The pain will be felt by thousands of Canadians, who will have to find new jobs in order to survive. Is the government going to protect the tourism-based economy by investing in tourism infrastructure and upgrades to ensure Canada's tourist regions are ready when the economy reopens?", "speaker": "Mr. Jacques Gourde" }, { "content": "Yes.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Ms. Joly, you have to switch to the French channel and turn on your microphone.", "speaker": "Mr. Bruce Stanton" }, { "content": "Yes, I look forward to working with my fellow member on this issue. I know the tourism sector is important to him and, especially, his constituents. Let's work together to find ways to get this hard-hit sector moving again. Many people have lost their jobs and need assistance from the government. That is why we're here, providing a helping hand at this difficult time so they can come out the other side.", "speaker": "Hon. Mlanie Joly" }, { "content": "Continuing with questions, we'll go to the honourable member for SaskatoonUniversity, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Good afternoon, everybody. With respect to entering Canada, does the government consider spousal reunification as essential travel, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor (SaskatoonUniversity, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The CBSA has exercised the appropriate discretion in determining when a non-Canadian citizen, who has no status in Canada, attempts to enter the country for any consideration considered non-essential. They are turned back because we have restrictions in place for non-essential travel.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Respectfully to the minister, you're letting down Canadians. People are being stranded, and you need to do better as a government. Changing gears a little, all Canadians would agree, or can agree, that the Prime Minister requires suitable accommodation. Why did the government simply not tell Canadians that the Harrington cottage needed to be rebuilt and massively expanded?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "I would ask the honourable members to direct their questions through the chair. The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The NCC is an independent Crown corporation. It recognizes the importance of the official residences it has jurisdiction over. The work at Harrington Lake is part of a broader program to preserve and maintain and restore all official residences under NCC management, and we will support the NCC in its important work.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Was there something in particular that this government did not want Canadians to know about the cottage, or is secrecy all this government knows how to do?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, this information was and has been public since 2018. There is no effort to hide any information from the public in this regard.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Respectfully, Canadians feel misled on this, and we're not clear on what the expenses were, how large an expansion it was", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "Go ahead, the honourable government House leader.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "On a point of order, Mr. Chair, I believe this has absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic, so the questions are out of order, in my opinion. Thank you.", "speaker": "Hon. Pablo Rodriguez" }, { "content": "I thank the honourable government House leader for his comment. Certainly the scope of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic does expect and anticipate that the subject matter will be related to the matter at hand, so I would ask honourable members to continue to keep within those bounds. Of course, members will also know that we're unable to gauge that until members have spoken, so I would ask members to keep on subject. Let's go back to Mr. Tochor to finish his question, and we have about two minutes remaining in this spot.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Yes, thank you, Chair. The point I was making was about transparency or lack of transparency that is hurting our efforts with COVID-19. Changing gears onto CERB, who came up with the number for CERB? Why is it $2,000? A senior gets $1,200, people with disabilities get $1,600, and now we've added another ad hoc program on top of those. I'd like to know a little more about how and who came up with those unique numbers.", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Working collaboratively between ESDC and the Department of Finance, we determined that that would be an appropriate amount, based on what workers were earning and what we anticipated they would need to live on, and what we anticipated they would be losing by way of employment income.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Your last question, Mr. Tochor.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "I have a really quick question, which I've heard in my office, on charities and non-profits that do not have their own payroll number and are ineligible for the wage subsidy. Does the Prime Minister have a program fix coming so that charities and non-profits can receive the wage subsidy?", "speaker": "Mr. Corey Tochor" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we understand the important role that charities and non-profits are playing to help vulnerable Canadians at this difficult time. We have announced supports in the amount of $350 million to ensure that not only do they continue that great work, but also expand it to serve the most vulnerable to get through the COVID-19 pandemic.", "speaker": "Hon. Ahmed Hussen" }, { "content": "Okay. We will move to the next questioner, Mr. Aboultaif from Edmonton Manning. Mr. Aboultaif, go ahead with your question.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, last week markets were shocked when leaks regarding the state of our economy came to light before the market even opened. This caused worry to investors at home and abroad about the integrity of our markets and the nature of the leak, which is, in itself, unprecedented. Section 34 of the Statistics Act indicates the following: Every person who, after taking the oath set out in subsection 6, is guity of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to impreisonment for a term not exceeing five years or both: wilfully discloses or divulges directly or indirectly to any person not entitled under this Act to receive the same any information obtained by him in the course of his employment that might exert an influence on or affect the market value of any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article, or uses any information described in paragraph for the purpose of speculating in any stocks, bonds or other security or any product or article My question for the minister is this: Does the government consider this case to be subject to paragraph 34 or 34 and a criminal offence, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning, CPC)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, my hon. colleague is absolutely right that the current situation with regard to the COVID crisis is deeply problematic, and we want to make sure that any information we share with the Canadian public with regard to economic measures or labour market numbers follows the appropriate process. The breach that occurred is completely unacceptable. Our government has denounced this breach. That breach was not the way to deal with such sensitive information. The member has alluded to several paragraphs within the Statistics Act. I can assure him that we are looking into this matter and that Statistics Canada is looking into this issue as well. Going forward, we will ensure that such a breach does not occur again, because it's important that we continue to have the confidence of Canadians during this current health care crisis.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains (Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry)" }, { "content": "Okay, I will take that as a yes. So this matter should be investigated, yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "As I have indicated very clearly, what has happened is completely unacceptable. This breach should not have occurred. This matter is being looked into, and we want to assure Canadians going forward that", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Back to Mr. Aboultaif.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "In that case, the minister said the matter will be looked into. Basically, my understanding of this case is that Statistics Canada is going to investigate itself, or does the minister think that the government should refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Sorry, could you repeat that question? I had a bit of an issue and could not hear the question.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Will Statistics Canada investigate itself or will the government refer this to the RCMP?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, there are appropriate protocols in place to look into such breaches. Those protocols will be followed, and the appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Mr. Aboultaif, you have about a minute left. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "The minister indicated that this will be investigated, but during the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the Liberal staff refused to co-operate. Will the minister commit today that all Liberal staff will co-operate with this investigation?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "Again, we've been clear that it's important that any such breach be taken seriously. What has happened is unacceptable, and we will ensure that the appropriate steps are taken to make sure that such breaches do not occur going forward.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "You have time for one short question, Mr. Aboultaif. Go ahead.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "There's no doubt about the general terms, but I need to make sure that the government will commit that its staff will co-operate. Yes or no?", "speaker": "Mr. Ziad Aboultaif" }, { "content": "The process is very clear. The protocols are very clear. The law is very clear, and we will make sure that the process is followed and the law is upheld.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "We'll continue. The next question will go to Mr. Yurdiga.", "speaker": "The Acting Chair (Mr. Bruce Stanton)" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Before I start my questions, I would like to thank the various ministers, parliamentary secretaries and the Speaker of the House for reaching out to me during the severe flooding in Fort McMurray. Your support during these trying times is much appreciated. The oil and gas industry is under severe strain. Over the past number of years, we have seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the no more pipelines bill, Bill C-69, which will prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil. Mr. Chair, 48 days after the finance minister promised liquidity loans to oil producers and service companies, there are still no applications open for these loans. Can the honourable Minister of Natural Resources tell us when the Liberals will act on their promise?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga (Fort McMurrayCold Lake, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I'm happy that we were able to announce today some liquidity measures for large cap corporations in the oil and gas sector. These measures will provide them with the liquidity that they needed, and this is also the liquidity that they asked for. It was on April 17 that we started liquidity measures for small and medium-sized businesses in the oil and gas industry, and those are the ones in which 85% of workers are affected. Today's measures will complete that. I'm very happy that we've had such people as the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers come out and say that this is what they asked for and this is what they need, and we have produced what they need in order to ensure the future competitiveness of Canada's oil and gas sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have seen junior oil companies close their doors. The larger companies have sent contractors home and laid off employees. Many of these contractors are indigenous companies, and they are having a difficult time qualifying for programs to save their businesses. Can the honourable Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations inform us of the measures the government is taking to ensure there are no gaps in the current programs, and commit to review the eligibility criteria for owners of aboriginal businesses struggling to qualify for financial help?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canada's oil sector provides jobs for more than 576,000 people, including 11,000 indigenous people, in every part of Canada. It is essential that we support those businesses. It is essential that we support the many indigenous people who work in our oil and gas sector, particularly in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We have provided supports for those businesses, and we will continue to do so, also keeping in mind that in many of these communities the importance of public health and safety is foremost in our minds.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, western Canada oil storage is under extreme pressure. If thermal projects such as SAGD are shut down, those facilities could be lost forever. If the global oil markets remain oversupplied into the summer and industry must shut down production, what is the government's plan to ensure Canada's energy security and the economic future of the oil sands with the potential shutdown of oil production?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we have worked with industry and with provinces on every front to ensure the stability of the oil and gas sector of our country. We have concentrated on workers. We need the workers in our oil and gas sector in order to lower emissions and achieve a greener economy. We need their determination and their ingenuity. We need to make sure that their jobs are held whole. Therefore, we are looking after workers and we are looking out for companies that hold onto those jobs for those workers.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the government's assistance package for the Canadian oil and gas industry provides some hope to the industry. The lack of detail and action has led to some challenges. Can the minister clarify? On a medium-sized energy company's eligibility, if the company is in default to financial institutions, does it still qualify for the business credit availability program?", "speaker": "Mr. David Yurdiga" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, we know that our oil and gas sector is suffering through two crises. We have the impacts of COVID and the effects of a global price war, and we have been tackling both of these on each front. On April 17, we announced liquidity measures to support the small and medium-sized players. That made up 85% of the jobs in this sector. We have announced liquidity will be further made available to larger players. As well, through the BCAP, we are making sure that more companies are eligible so that they can remain whole and so they can hold onto the jobs that we need.", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Ms. May.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues. It's lovely to see all of you. My first question is directed to the Prime Minister. It's a higher-level abstraction. As we all know, we're being told we need a vaccine, and the quest for a vaccine is all-consuming globally. However, people who think about this issue and the question of the power structure and profit motive, particularly Dr. Matthew Herder of the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University, are questioning this model. We know that Jonas Salk never sought a patent on his polio vaccine. Can we ensure that public dollars for finding a vaccine will result in a product that is shared globally, openly, and is not for profit?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for her question. Our approach has been very clear when it comes to science. We have an open science model, and we're working with different partners and different jurisdictions to help develop vaccines and look at countermeasures and other therapeutics. Our goal is to make sure that we do so in a collaborative fashion, because this is a global pandemic, but make no mistake: If it's Canadian ingenuity and Canadian IP that's driving it, we want to support them as well.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "As a follow-up to the minister's comment, I note it was interesting to see the claim made by this public health institute at Dalhousie about the wonderful research that was being done in Winnipeg on an Ebola vaccine. Because of the for-profit motive and the interests that big pharma had in seeing their market before they developed the product, it is alleged that the Ebola vaccine was actually delayed by the for-profit model. I wonder if we might consider examining this profit motive around the development of life-saving vaccines and other drugs. Is that a conversation the minister is having with others?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I'd like to thank the member for her question. I'm working very closely with Minister Hajdu and the chief science advisor to look at all options. I'm glad the member highlighted the Ebola virus vaccine, which was developed here in Canada. I'm proud of the fact that the DNA sequencing for SARS was also done in Canada. We have incredible scientists and researchers. We are engaging with them and empowering them, and we will continue to share details of this with the public.", "speaker": "Hon. Navdeep Bains" }, { "content": "Changing gears, we know that the new regulations limiting what are described as military-style assault rifles and guns have been very controversial. It's very clear to me as an opposition member why we haven't seen legislation on any fast track. It's obviously not the sort of legislation that would gain unanimous consent. Wouldn't it be wise to table for first reading the entire legislative framework so that we know what we're talking about in the long term with regard to the buyback program and other aspects of this issue?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I want to thank the member for the question. I want to assure her that at the first opportunity, we will bring forward legislation dealing with a number of aspects of our commitment to strengthen gun control in Canada, including legislation to deal with a buyback program, which we've indicated we will put in place. There are a number of other significant measures as well that we intend to bring forward to strengthen gun control legislation. We understand that it's a priority. The pandemic does not diminish our responsibility to do what is necessary to keep Canadians safe, and we will bring that legislation forward at the first opportunity.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "I confess that I was disappointed by this morning's announcement on support for seniors. I had been hoping for much more, because I hear from many seniors. I'm going to focus my question for the minister on the issue of seniors homes. Some that are being run by not-for-profit societies are actually running very well, certainly in my community, but they are facing increased costs that could bankrupt them. As yet, there's no program to help a well-run seniors home that is not experiencing a loss of revenue and has lots of staff working hard. These homes have increased costs for wages and increased costs for PPE and nowhere to look for help. Is there help coming?", "speaker": "Ms. Elizabeth May" }, { "content": "I offer my gratitude to the many people who are working in these long-term care facilities day and night to keep seniors safe. The member certainly highlighted that there are not only additional expenses for some of the not-for-profit seniors homes, but also additional new measures that will increase all kinds of things, including costs. We continue to work with the provinces and territories and support them through, for example, generous transfers of money to boost their health care systems in ways that they think are most appropriate. We continue to have conversations at the health ministers' table on how we can support them.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "I'm afraid we're out of time on that one. The next question will go to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians are appalled by the disgraceful treatment of seniors in care homes across this country. Old folks are being left in soiled clothing and are going without baths for weeks. They are packed four to a room in dangerously unhealthy conditions. The situation is so bad that the armed forces had to be called in to intervene. To the Minister of Health, is her government prepared to take strong action to address this crisis in seniors health care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway, NDP)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member has illustrated some of the horror stories that have appalled us all as Canadians and certainly as parliamentarians. We know that seniors deserve to live in dignity and safety with the utmost care, and that just hasn't been happening in this time of COVID and certainly, in some cases, in previous times as well. As the member knows, I've said publicly that I believe we need to hold long-term care homes to stronger standards. I have begun those preliminary conversations with my counterparts. I am working with many ministers across our government to think about how we do that, how we", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "We'll go back to Mr. Davies.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, if we treated children the way we do seniors in this country, social services would seize them. Over 80% of the deaths in Canada from COVID-19 have occurred in long-term care homes. Canada has the highest proportion of deaths in long-term care home settings among 14 comparable countries, including France, Germany, Denmark and Ireland. Canadians want action. What specifically is the minister going to do about the crisis in long-term care?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, the member opposite knows that long-term care homes have rested largely in the jurisdiction of provincial governments and, in fact, municipal governments, which often run them and fund them partially as well. That's why it's important that we have those conversations with our provincial and territorial partners, but the member can rest assured that it is on the top of my priority list to engage with my colleagues all across the country, including many experts who have studied this issue multiple times, to come up with stronger standards so all seniors have quality of life, safety and dignity in their elder years.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Canadians don't want politicians pointing fingers at each other; they want our seniors taken care of. COVID-19 didn't cause the problems; it exposed them. Decades of neglect by governments at all levels have resulted in this calamity. Not a single province or territory in Canada is meeting the minimum standards of hands-on care for seniors, and death rates from COVID-19 in private, for-profit facilities are two to three times that of public or non-profit homes. Will the minister agree with New Democrats that we need strong national standards, federal funding tied to enforcement and public delivery of care to effectively improve care for seniors?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, certainly the member of Parliament has made an assertion that there is finger pointing. I don't think that's the case at all. As a matter of fact, what I hear from my colleagues at the provincial and territorial level is the willingness to collaborate on how, first of all, we get through this crisis together and strengthen safety for seniors in homes right now and then how we look to the future to build a stronger network of long-term care or care alternatives that will ensure that seniors have the right and the ability to live with dignity and safety in their homes.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, what I'm not hearing is a single concrete proposal or measure that this minister is suggesting her government can take, but let me move to another subject. Like long-term care, COVID-19 has exposed other major gaps in our health care system. Millions of Canadians lost their prescription benefits when they lost their jobs, revealing the fundamental weakness of medical coverage tied to employment status. Will this government finally move to ensure all Canadians get the medicine they need by bringing in universal pharmacare at the earliest opportunity?", "speaker": "Mr. Don Davies" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as you know, in the mandate that the Prime Minister gave to me, working on a national pharmacare plan is still there. I know it feels like a lifetime ago, but the member has very aptly illustrated why affordable medication is so important as part of a robust health care system. I look forward to continuing our work on ensuring that all Canadians can afford the medication they need.", "speaker": "Hon. Patty Hajdu" }, { "content": "It is now over to Mr.Simard.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. A few weeks ago, the Prime Minister made a big announcement expressing his desire to launch an economic recovery plan that fast-tracks the transition to a green economy. MinisterGuilbeault, MinisterMcKenna and MinisterWilkinson were appointed to a group tasked with doing just that. Today, I worry that the group is nothing but an empty shell, a convenient post-crisis political pitch. On the natural resources front, the government's two main announcements primarily involve fossil fuels. We need only think of the $1.7billion being invested to clean up orphan wells. Perhaps there is an environmental component, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around yesterday's announcement by Export and Development Canada. It's going to lend TC Energy $500million to build its Coastal GasLink pipeline. That's $500million for a pipeline project that will eventually produce 8.6million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. How does the government reconcile that with its desire to transition to a green economy?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard (Jonquire, BQ)" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you very much for the question. Certainly at this time, Canadians are most particularly focused on ensuring that support is provided so that they can put food on the table and pay their rent. We are starting to focus on the relaxation measures in many provinces and territories in Canada. That is the primary focus of the government, as it is of Canadians. Certainly as we move forward, we need to be thinking about the kind of society and economy that we want to create for the future. In that context, we need to learn lessons coming out of this experience, and certainly we need to ensure that we are addressing challenges that are on the horizon, including the challenge of climate change. Those are conversations that will need to be had as we move beyond this phase of the crisis, but at the current time, the focus is clearly on combatting the virus.", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson (North Vancouver, Lib.)" }, { "content": "Ms.Pauz has a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There was absolutely no interpretation while the minister was speaking.", "speaker": "Ms. Monique Pauz (Repentigny, BQ)" }, { "content": "Since so many are having issues with the interpretation, let's take a quick break while I try to fix the problem on my end. I'm going to ask the minister to repeat his answer, and we'll see whether the interpretation comes through this time. If not, please let me know, Ms.Pauz and anyone else who doesn't hear it.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Of course, the issues of the future are very important. That means not just climate change, but also other challenges that we saw during the coronavirus crisis, challenges we need to take into account. Now, I think Canadians want us to take the time to focus on what is currently going on. We have put rules in place to protect Canadians. We really need to think about this. We need a plan. Of course, we need to think about the future, but I want Canadians", "speaker": "Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson" }, { "content": "Mr.Simard has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr.Chair. I want to tell you that, of all industries, the one best positioned to make the energy transition is probably the forestry industry. Unfortunately, in Canadaa petro statethere always seem to be two sets of rules when it comes to helping key industries, including providing liquidity support. Yesterday's announcement suggests that the $500million being provided by EDC is for a single project: Coastal GasLink. In 2017, under the softwood lumber action plan, EDC's entire budget for the forestry industry was exactly $500million. Now, EDC is shelling out $500million for just one project, Coastal GasLink, even though the whole of the forestry industry also received $500million when it needed EDC's support under a 2017 action plan to deal with tariffs. The industry accounts for 58,000jobs in Quebec and $6billion of Quebec's GDP. As I see it, there is a fundamental inequity. My question is for the natural resources minister. Does he think this situation is fair? Will he commit to providing the forestry industry with the same amount of liquidity being made available to the fossil fuel sector?", "speaker": "Mr. Mario Simard" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, since 2017, our government has invested billions of dollars. I'll answer the question in English. Sorry. We launched our softwood lumber action plan to support workers in communities. We introduced funding through the strategic innovation fund specifically for forestry. Building on our work today, we have included traditional investments to make sure this sector innovates, diversifies and grows. Over these past two and a half months, I have spent an inordinate amount of time with CEOs, with heads of the forestry sectors from coast to coast to coast. A few days ago, I convened a meeting of CEOs from all parts of this country, from Quebec to British Columbia, to talk to them about solutions, about answers. The liquidity measures that were announced yesterday will help some of them. We will continue to work closely with industry to make sure we are there for them and that we stand by them through the COVID crisis, so we make sure that", "speaker": "Hon. Seamus O'Regan" }, { "content": "The next question will go to Mr. Dalton.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm hearing from small business owners like Joel, who runs a fitness club here in Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, and is very concerned that their landlords refuse to participate in the rent assistance program. These businesses have seen revenue drops between 50% and 100% and are asking for just 25% off their rent. When will the government help small businesses whose landlords refuse to be team players during this pandemic?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton (Pitt MeadowsMaple Ridge, CPC)" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, first of all, we share the member's concern that small businesses be supported. That's why we've moved forward with a number of measures that are designed to be of assistance. With respect to rent support, we are encouraging landlords to support this measure. Obviously, rent and landlord-tenant relations are under provincial jurisdiction. At every opportunity I talk to the provincial finance ministers to encourage them to get engaged there. We will continue to support small businesses. We believe this program has significant merit. It allows for small businesses to significantly reduce their rent and for landlords to be protected with up to 75% of the rent. We think it is an excellent program. It will require the provinces to step forward and enforce it.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Morneau" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, here in B.C., businesses are preparing for phased reopening. A number of my constituents, including Kathy, who owns a beauty salon, are concerned about meeting the PPE requirements. What is the federal government doing to ensure businesses in my riding can get access to the PPE they need to keep their employees and customers safe when they reopen?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, as a federal government, we are aggressively buying life-saving equipment and supplies. Our first priority is to provide PPE to our front-line health care workers. However, we are actively involved in trying to ascertain how the federal government can work with the provinces and territories to provide essential services and other businesses with PPE.", "speaker": "Hon. Anita Anand" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, Craig and Matt are co-owners of Wanstalls, a firearms retail outlet in downtown Maple Ridge that employs eight people and serves thousands of law-abiding firearm owners in my riding, people who are now made to feel like criminals by the Liberal government. Further, they are now stuck with tens of thousands of dollars of inventory that they can no longer sell. What are they supposed to do to keep open in this already tumultuous COVID environment?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "It's important to understand that none of the restrictions that we have put in place, the new prohibitions, in any way impact weapons that are used for the lawful purposes in Canada of hunting and sport shooting, so those weapons remain available to Canadians engaged in those lawful activities. We have prohibited weapons that were not intended for the legal purposes of hunting and sport shooting and for which firearms are available to Canadians. What we prohibited were weapons designed for another purpose, an unacceptable purpose.", "speaker": "Hon. Bill Blair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, according to the CERB website, if a recipient earns over $1,000 in a reporting period, their entire $2,000 benefit must be repaid. I have constituents who are working part time and casually. They're worried that if they take an extra shift, they will lose their CERB, but if they refuse a shift, they will also lose their CERB. It's a classic Liberal catch-22. A worker may unknowingly make over the $1,000 by a couple of dollars. Does the government intend to make them repay all their CERB if they barely go over the threshold?", "speaker": "Mr. Marc Dalton" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, that is why we're working with individual eligible CERB recipients to make sure they are not put in positions of undue hardship. At the beginning, the registration restricted it to basically not working, and then we relaxed the condition to earning up to $1,000. I can assure the member that we will work with individuals. Service Canada is reaching out to people so that nobody is in the difficult position he is talking about.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean, BQ)" }, { "content": "There's a point of order.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "There were some technical issues earlier during my fellow member Mario Simard's turn. Normally, each person gets five minutes. According to our calculations, he had about 45seconds left. This is a serious point of order. We shouldn't get the short end of the stick because we speak French in the House. Thank you, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "All right. We'll check what happened, but I had stopped the clock.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I assure you he lost some time.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "The minister had to repeat his answer. We'll check and make sure it doesn't happen again. The good thing is that this is all being filmed, so we can watch the video back to see what happened.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr.Chair, because the ministers chose to answer in French owing to a technical issue, their answers were unduly drawn out, which cost my fellow member speaking time. I think he should be given a chance to ask one last question, to be fair. Otherwise, French speakers are going to be at a major disadvantage.", "speaker": "Mr. Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe" }, { "content": "As I said, I'll check what happened and we'll have a solution for next time.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I have a point of order, Mr.Chair.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "We have another point of order. Mr.Guilbeault now has the floor.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "I hope the member isn't suggesting that, because some members of the House are making an effort to speak French, they are unduly dragging out the time, as he seems to have said. Good for them, I say, for trying to speak a language they aren't necessarily comfortable in for the benefit of other members.", "speaker": "Hon. Steven Guilbeault" }, { "content": "I think a debate is brewing, but I'm sure that's not what people want, so I don't want an argument to break out over the fact that different languages are being spoken. We'll look into what happened and fix the problem so it doesn't happen again. We will go back to Mr. Dalton. You have about 30 seconds for a question. Thank you. Mr.Chair, many farmers in my riding and elsewhere are afraid they won't have enough workers this summer and fall. What is the government going to do to make sure those receiving the CERB and CESB have the right information and know about the job opportunities in the agri-food sector in our communities?", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "The honourable minister has 15seconds to answer.", "speaker": "The Chair" }, { "content": "Mr. Chair, I can assure the member that while we are supporting Canadians through both the CERB and the CESB, we are creating tens of thousands of jobs, including in the agriculture sector, to make sure there is labour available in this important and essential sector.", "speaker": "Hon. Carla Qualtrough" }, { "content": "Those are all the questions we will have for today. I want to thank everyone. When I first got elected as Speaker, one of the things I mentioned was that you would want everyone who was watching, including your families and your friends, to be proud of you. I can honestly say that they would all be very proud of what we went through today. I am very proud of today's session. I want to thank everyone for wearing the headsets. I didn't see anybody answer without one, and it is very much appreciated, not only by our fellow members but also by the people who are translating into the other language that you are not speaking. Thank you all again. Have a good day everyone. The committee stands adjourned until tomorrow at noon.", "speaker": "The Chair" } ]
The oil and gas industry was under severe strain. Over the past number of years, they had seen tremendous pressure on the federal government from anti-oil and gas lobby groups demanding that the oil sands be shut down. The federal Liberal government's response to the anti-oil lobby was the introduction of the Bill C-69, which would prevent any major oil and gas projects from being developed in Canada; and the oil shipping ban, Bill C-48, for the northern coast of British Columbia, which also had a negative effect on the oil industry. These two bills alone pushed over $200 billion of investment out of Canada, causing the Alberta economy to retract to recession levels. To compound Alberta's economic problems, we have an international oil price war and the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a huge drop in demand for oil.
What did the stress faced by oil and gas?
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
This was a meeting on the detailed design. First, the user interface designer presented a prototype to show the basic colour and shape of the product. Next, the marketing suggested doing some product evaluation instead of just talking about it, so the group started to judge the design in three aspects: how fancy, technologically innovative, and easy-to-use the remote control was. It got three, two, and four in separate aspects, which meant the design was acceptable. Later, the group discussed the quotation and made some decisions on details of industrial design to make sure the cost was within the budget. Furthermore, they came up with some new ideas about future products, such as a fruit collection of electronic devices or a customizable TV that followed the trend and people's moods. Finally, the group named the product as pineapple remote control.
Summarize the whole meeting.
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
The user interface designer put forward that the basic colour would be red and yellow and there would be two basic shapes - circle and triangle, which was called a mushroom design. Specifically, the prototype had 3 key features - a fuzzy look, a spherical channel selection and a stable triangle base. However, the marketing thought mushroom was not in the trends so the group decided to change it into a pineapple.
Summarize the discussion about product appearance.
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
Because yellow was their company colour and red was more attractive, which met the product requirement that the remote control should have a fancy look to attract the customers.
Why did the user interface think the basic colour should be yellow and red when talking about the product appearance?
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
In the user interface designer's design, the shape of the product and the buttons were all mushrooms, but the marketing thought mushroom was not in the trends because mushroom was neither a vegetable nor a fruit.
Why did the marketing disagree with the user interface designer on the shape of the product when discussing product appearance?
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
The marketing suggested measuring how good the design was instead of just talking about it so the group started to judge the design in three aspects on a scale of one to seven, one being true and seven being false. The criterion was how fancy, technologically innovative, and easy-to-use the remote control was and it got three, two, and four in separate aspects, which meant it was acceptable.
Summarize the discussion about product evaluation.
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
The controller had an embedded microphone array which could recognise simple vocal commands and the four microphones could capture voice from different directions. It also had tactile buttons, which was a really good point.
Why did the group think the design was technologically innovative?
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
The user interface designer thought it was easier than a traditional controller because you didn't have to press a button, just turn the ball to a certain angle to select channels. However, the marketing and the industrial designer thought it was quite difficult because users didn't know the angle was the correct one and they had to go through all the channels if they wanted to jump from channel one to twenty.
Why did the marketing and the industrial designer disagree with the user interface designer when judging whether the controller was easy to use?
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
The group decided that the product would have a low level chip, one button with LCD, a scroll wheel with a push button on it, a battery in the base, a single curve, and solar cells and it would be plastic instead of wooden so that the costs were 12.5 Euros which was within the budget. Furthermore, they came up with some new ideas about future products, such as a fruit collection of electronic devices or a customizable TV that followed the trend and people's moods.
Summarize the discussion about industrial design and quotation.
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
Although solar cell was the most expensive part of the whole product, it still played a crucial role in making the controller technologically innovative. Plus, it would be interesting for their marketing team to make a lot of advertisements to sell it.
Why did the group decide to keep the solar cells when discussing the industrial design?
[ { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm So , ready ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No not really Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Crap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Sorry , {vocalsound} I I um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Your judgement it's {disfmarker} is biased . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm afraid {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh thi this remote control will stay a prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay , so whe where is the remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , we are {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Where ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's here . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} let's go for our detailed design meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I will still play the role of the secretary , and we'll have um first the project presentation by our User Interface Designer , David Jordan ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} and our Industrial Designer , Baba .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we'll have to evaluate the uh {disfmarker} your proposed remote control ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and um have an idea of the price that uh this thing will cost . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And in case if we're {disfmarker} we all agree on the fabrica of um building of this remote control , we'll evaluate the um production .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So maybe I will let the {disfmarker} our two designers talk about so their {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have slides .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have s oh , sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Effectively one slide and maybe we can discuss everything .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Product prod", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What slides ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} So , this is our product or prototype . This is made by clay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Looks strange . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Uh the basic colour is uh yellow and red . Yellow is uh our company colour ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh red it's uh is more attractive . So we used two basic colour , yellow and red . And the shape , there's two basic shape . The first is a circle and the second is a triangle s piece .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} we call it a mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's looks like some mushroom , so we call it mushroom design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So this is a introduction of our product .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Genetically modified mushroom I will say , but", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Next a mo", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {disfmarker} keep on speaking .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , so next slide . So there are several key features of our pr prototype . The first is that it is fuzzy . I'm sure this would be the unique design the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , yeah I'm sure {vocalsound} . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe , I hope so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , so it's a fuzzy design , and a unique design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's true .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and uh the second key feature is that uh s circle channel um selection . In the traditional key uh traditional controller use button to to select the channel but now we have a s circle , so we can turn this ball to t to select channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Chan", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's quite convenient for user to use it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay , but don't touch {disfmarker} don't destroy your prototype . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , s {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay . Uh the third feature is a stable triangle base . Uh this sta uh this triangle base is very stable , so uh so it's it's um it's unlikely you cannot found it . So it's v Um , you can put it in the table so you can turn the the ball to cha to select the channel and there's some cute button . You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Everything's mushroom . So we can call our remote control the mushroom .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , everything's mushroom . Mush Mushroom design , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh {vocalsound} like lemon shape , you know , centre {vocalsound} is yellow and t d", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's why if you put it in the table , be careful , somebody will eat it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "To integrate , you know {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I hope nobody will eat it {gap} You know , to integrate the fruit aspect , you know the {vocalsound} the {vocalsound} in", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , because mushroom was not in the trends . I mean there was fruits {disfmarker} yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Really ? But {disfmarker} Fruit and vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so mushroom was a kind of you know {gap} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think it is .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's vegetable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mushroom ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh , uh I'm not sure . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So th it's something eatable .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We can {disfmarker} it's a veg a kind of vegetable ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but you know we we integrated them with different colour .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But anyway this is not a mushroom anyway , so it's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} I think we take into account what you said about fruit and vegetable {gap} you know . This , you know , very enlighted colours , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , I mean , yeah {vocalsound} yeah . Inspira inspiration is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And inspired colour", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and {vocalsound} and very sophisticated material , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Next slide .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no this our only two slides . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So what we w what I can add is that , you know {vocalsound} he talk about what is outside , so what is inside is what we dis what we talked before about , you know , the chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it is a low level chip , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we cut it to see . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know , we don't need to k {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know wi {vocalsound} the low level chips inside and you know the L_C_D_ button and the i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . So where's the battery battery ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The battery it is under {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the base .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It is in th in {disfmarker} in the base , yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In the basement . In the basement .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Base . Here ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And where is the solar solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But we say uh we sa we said solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Where is the solar cell ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In fact this this this this is a kind of you know revolutionary solar receptor that we can put outside and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Do you think it won't be {disfmarker} It won't cris increase the price ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} I don't think so ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll see after .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} but it it's might be okay , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We will have first to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I it might be okay . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so , mister money , what's your opinion according to this remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean , we gonna try to measure how good it is instead of just talking about {disfmarker} uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we had three keys {disfmarker} {vocalsound} key points to uh for this remote control design ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and first one was uh", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So w we'll try to judge this feature uh with a one to seven scale , one being uh no , I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh just let me check .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , four point {disfmarker} three point five , it means it's acceptable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One one being true , and seven being false . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ouch . So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do we have a fancy look and feel , according to you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think so .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you have nice colours . {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The sha the bowl shape people like .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , the shape is unique , and the colour {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll agree it's unique , but is it really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is it really fancy ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So it depend on how d do you define fancy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean , fancy was was defined by s fruit and vegetable look .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} you have the lemon aspect of this th this {vocalsound} this thing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe if you change {disfmarker} if you take the buttons out , and maybe do things like that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Do Don't do that , please .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno where the lemon is , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I it's it's i this shape is a lemon like , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean it's not obvious .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would be bet more like a lemon ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno , maybe improving the texture of like having it less smooth or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Less button .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh so , my mush {disfmarker} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Looks like more fruit . Maybe a pineapple ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but you don't have any button now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you know , you have the finger here , with the buttons ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's uh yeah , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's a good idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's getting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks {vocalsound} more like a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's great . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What's the use for that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , for turn turn the ball . If you want to turn the ball , it's very it's very convenient for you to to to turn the ball to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I have no idea {vocalsound} what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} And where is the voice recognition ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh . Ah , it's embedded , your microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Th this th th there's two two functions .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's {disfmarker} Wait th that's the second point .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is microphone array {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "First one is we have to judge the fancy look and feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If it is fancy or not .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Is it better like that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Looks {disfmarker} okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can we can say t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's say it's a pineapple now . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The colour , is the colour acceptable ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colour is okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the shape now .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It looks like a {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I would say there is more {disfmarker} too much red .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "now you took it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's too much red ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "In the basement ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It looks like a pineapple with cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Right . So , from one to seven ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I will give {disfmarker} I will {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm uh {disfmarker} Seven is the ma the maximum ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll gi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , seven is false and one is true .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll give two or three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three , I will say three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three , it's okay . Three , three . Three is fine for me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Isn't it bitter like that {gap} ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Then {vocalsound} uh let me {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What other {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The other criterion is is it technologically uh technologically in innovative .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it easy to use ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Feasible ? {vocalsound} You said previously that you {disfmarker} there's um microphone inside an", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ye uh {disfmarker} Embedded .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this is microphone array , in fact .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's a micro array , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There four microphone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So they they they they {disfmarker} there's a microphone array .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you have the {disfmarker} there's the technology inside that recognise simple vocal comments ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you can turn it so maybe it's techno technologically innov innovative ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you can capture voice {disfmarker} yeah , you c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , so you can capture s voice from different directions . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I think you {disfmarker} you've never seen a rou a round remote control , so it is {disfmarker} I", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah bu but when you say technologically it's more uh I dunno , in the core , or single .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} W Yeah , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have tactile buttons .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I see , you have microphone array embedded . You have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , that's good . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , th that's another really good point . Maybe {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think technically it's acceptable , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So using the same scale , two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Two ? I would say two", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two , yeah , two . It's it's fine , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": ". You agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's better like that , isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now maybe the most critical one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Most {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} L last one w I would like to judge is is it easy to use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Eh , for th the vocal command yes , it's might be easy . But it's just speaking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's very easy .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You just need the command .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can use this in this way .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but this this turning {disfmarker} can you can you just re explain me the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "As a principle . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Please .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Th this is the base .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can turn to change the channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah but how how intuitive is it to turn things to change channels ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just tu turn d d", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think maybe if you he", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , ok I understand .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like if you want to go from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You take take {vocalsound} the remote , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "If you hear some click {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and you can turn like that to change the channel ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but imagine you y", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's quite easy to so s zapping , but maybe it will be too fast . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'm I'm no I'm not definitely convinced it's it's the best way to {disfmarker} if you wanna jump from , I dunno , one to twenty ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , that's difficult . That's dif that's difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "How can you go directly to twenty , for example ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I {disfmarker} if y uh if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it depend on the the angle you turn the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I agree . I agree .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but y how {disfmarker} you need to know {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I mean if you're fro from two ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I if if this is a channel one . So it c it could be channel two , channel three , channel four , channel five .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think something that {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you have a {vocalsound} , like that , and so on .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So change . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ju just imagine you have fifty fifty channels uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y uh fifth channel divided by the num by the {disfmarker} by three hundred thirteen degree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not talking {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you got how many degree you you {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y but you have to go through all the channels if you want to go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you can if you have a scale , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no , you don't have to y no it's uh when you when you stop t uh when you stop , the the turn ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "then the angle you stop is the angle you {disfmarker} is the channel you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . How d how do you know this angle is th is the correct one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you you count {gap} one degree , two degrees , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , it's a bit difficult .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think so {vocalsound} I think so you can do it . {vocalsound} I think so , you can just change .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think b but the the vocal command is easy too . You can say fifty and fifty it's okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah voc vocal command is okay . But w we've said previously that maybe it's not going to be th l the main {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's uh also a number , you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but when you're zapping you're changing from one channel to the other , so you're passing through all the channels . So , when you say I want to go to the channel number twenty that's {disfmarker} you've decided to go to channel twenty , so you can say channel twenty , or channel four , because you really want to go on this channel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , and y that's {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But if you really want to to do zapping you you don't really know what you want to do , you can turn it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And this would be more for browsing , ah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Just go through all the channels and maybe stop if there is something interesting ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . To see uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Seems to be good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Good choice , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean you're famous . You {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And but I'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And also you can , if you i", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} yeah , what's what's this cherry ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You ca you can turn this . Or you ca you can you can also turn this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It is a turn off t turn off button , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "For this you can tune it's for tune . You you if you want to skip from channel one to channel two , you you skip this . If you want to from uh skip from channel one to channel ten you tune this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like fine , from coarse to fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is coarse , this is fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah yeah . That's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's coarse to fine design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that's very technologic , so . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay the uh th this looks better . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah is is {disfmarker} this is , from one channel to maybe to ten channel .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S But I di I didn't see where the t f the turn off t turn on turn off button so much activates", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "This is from one channel to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "maybe one of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th you have the vocal commands .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh it's k {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "on off , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , but it has to be on to recognise fas", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Most of the time you have the {disfmarker} yeah it's a sleeping remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , sleeping .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's true . W that why we have the solar ti yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} To compensate {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , which number ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} three .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Easy to use , it's very relative but three it's fine , I think , it's reasonable three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , agree , agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So reasonably , is four , is one ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Three f three for me , it's o it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , three .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Four or three . Maybe you can vote to see how many everybody gives and {disfmarker} no and just take the mean .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And what's your opinion ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Will you give four ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh we wouldn't say , I mean , those are sort of agreed but this one would be more five to me .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Five ? Yeah , so maybe if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh w w what do y what uh {disfmarker} you compare with traditional uh um tr traditional controller ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it's easier than traditional controller . If you use traditional controller you have to put a button , but now you don't have to put button , you have {disfmarker} you just turn the turn the ball .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but y you know {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There's two kind of balls ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the smaller the the the {disfmarker} so you can c you can c you can control the scale .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But in the traditional controller , how do {disfmarker} how can you control the scale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh by pushing zero after after the first one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You just push two button , zero and and one .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , y you you can do it , but you can also do it in the b if you you do not wa if you do not want to browsing all the channel you can just p there's also a button here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are there some buttons ? Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , this function is just for your browsing , from one channel to th the next one , the next s sn s , the th the third one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not what you said previously .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Previously you said that turning this was the fine {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you're changing your mind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine to coarse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And from ten to ten channels here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y one to ten , ten to twelve , uh ten to t uh twenty . Ten to twenty and this one , t one two three four five six , like this .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh there's different scale , so you can you can choose how much do you want to sc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . But this this has to stay on the table , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "This has to stay on the table .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} In fact on a flat place {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I i this is just a base . You can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but then uh when you turn turn it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , no no , no . You can't put it out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh ye yes , that's right .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker} It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's just your turning from the base . You need to have everything in hand . If you want to turn , you can't use it and turn .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's impossible . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You need to put it on and turn . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You know tha that's the weak point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You use your y", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because with a traditional one you just have one hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , but nobody would be able to take it in the pocket and bring it in the kitchen and say I've lost the remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "my God .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So th this is a d next generation controller . {vocalsound} Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Nobody would take it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure . {vocalsound} Yeah , you would never you would never lose this one , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So nobody w will lost {disfmarker} lose it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} yeah maybe , maybe may", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's the next prototype , maybe we cou", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay okay , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S maybe we can change from th", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four . Maybe four , it's okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Four . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Four ? Easy to use , four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'll put four .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Gonna say four .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh it's even easier to {disfmarker} maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can you can erase with this er yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ok", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , four it's more reasonable , so . So it's nine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , average ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "nine over three .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Trois . Three . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , it's {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Trois . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It need maybe some wo further work , but it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , especially on the easy to use", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh s yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "target .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Might {disfmarker} it might be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , th the project is accepted ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , b I think {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But I d m I think that it will be good to do some more work to transform this into a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you re we really want to have a fruitful remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So uh mm mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's the finance .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay and we we had a project prototype presentation with the evaluation . So as we all agree to accept , under certain conditions , the prototype , we'll have look to the final sh financial view .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So we need to calculate the production cost . As I said in the first meeting we need to have so a remote control that would cost not more than twelve and point fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And if not {disfmarker} if it's not the case y you would have to redesign it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , just have a look at the {disfmarker} okay here is the Excel sheet , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so it has the energy source . We have hand dynamo . No , we don't use that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We have battery , right ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we have battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Kinetic , we don't have it , I suppose ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but we have solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "um solar cells , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , how many do y do you need , solar cells ? Do you think one would be enough , or {disfmarker} such as {vocalsound} as number of branches ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think in each ball you have three {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Three ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "three uh yeah , three , yeah . Three {gap} three solar cells .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , electronic . Single simple chip on print ? Just one would be necessary ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "S s simple , simple , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Zero for the others . And sample sensor , sample speaker . One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . One maybe , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "As we have voice recognition , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the case .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is sh it {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we are all already nineteen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wooden . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Okay ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just keep on going , just to have an idea .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cell is too expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is {disfmarker} Yes a wooden pl I and that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There's no wood , so plastic just only , I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , but what what about case ? Uncurved , flat , single curved , double curved . I think it's more like double curved .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's gonna be double curved , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve , yeah , double curve .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One , you have .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh wood ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's {disfmarker} yeah , a a rubber uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Rather four buttons .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh no , interface .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y maybe , two ? We have two special colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Y y yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah that's special colours , sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah , we have four .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Five ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Five . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Scroll wheel . We don no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It it's more like integrated scor .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah tha that's wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Y you tu you turn you turn it , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No no no , it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe two scroll wheel , as we have the coarse coarse to fine scroll wheel .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , true . Yeah , yeah . Yeah . Okay , yeah , yeah . Scr", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , no button supplements ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the price is okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay we {disfmarker} I think we have problem . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "L_C_ display , maybe . Interface .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think we s if we keep on adding things {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's okay . {vocalsound} {gap} fine {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah w one of the m key point is solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if w t if suppose if we change and we g put just one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Has it changed .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was stage one , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No y i it did change , but", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We have change the electronics to {disfmarker} from from the the the sample sensor to regular chip . Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just imagine we have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We have to delete the the sample sensor , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we have {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} the the voice recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but this one one of the feature we were not really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah it's the one it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "m maybe we ha we have two versions , the first version , the basic version .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think you can transform the wood into plastic , maybe .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Advanced version we have speak .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because uh it seems that this can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or it would be better .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , wood into plastic and it it should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Plastic is free . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So , do we need special colour ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's one of the requirement .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because we have red .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , red and yellow .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Red and yellow .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wait .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Fancy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We we can we can we c {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We could turn we could turn everything in either yellow or black .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yellow .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Black then is a regular colour , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so we need {disfmarker} if we try to have a kind of", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "pineapple bee . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So push button then it's it's the next expensive one .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . An but we have integrated scroll wheel with push dut button . And I think this is one . Integrated scroll wheel push button", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , thi this might be .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": ". So we'll {disfmarker} we have only one ? And push button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Close to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So if we have all integrated i in the scroll wheel and push button , it's uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . I can remove maybe f you have five with push buttons , so we can just , I dunno , try to modify some of them to have {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so what's the bottleneck ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How about we change the sale ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Double curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Something flat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "F some {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but flat {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Single curve {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Case , what's the ca", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Single curve should be fine , so . Oh , what {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Nearly .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah we have one {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And then one Euro left .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Maybe don't bat no battery , only solar cells .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's a bad idea , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think there's a problem with the push push button . We only need maybe just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Two ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just one .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "One . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's fine . That's fine . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . {vocalsound} Agree .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {vocalsound} yeah , you will have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have one button ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} One s one scroll wheel , so", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "one wheel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So one button , and s scroll wheel with push button on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} {vocalsound} And the vocal chord , it's fine . {gap} It I th it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's good they're not charging anything for that . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , yeah . It think we we've done good job , as the cost is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cou could we have look {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "twelve fifty e", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could we have look at the p the the prod the p the cost ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah y actually it's wrong . We're not under twelve Euros and a half .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , but it's under or equal . It's not written . Sometimes it's under or equal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's fine . It's under or equal . It's fine , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . So let's say {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Twelve fifty .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Wha what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's fine , twelve fifty uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Which part is the most expensive part ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Solar cells .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The solar cells , r is i is it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's not t t", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think , yeah . But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , to be able to si to sell it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Cheaper .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's nice argument ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , with mi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if it's it's still four our of twelve .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker} it is really really uh really very very expensive , though .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe if uh {disfmarker} okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but it will be technologically innova innovative , so . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but we just have one button . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it's easy to use and powerful , as the remote control a has only one button .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Easy . I don't know about powerful . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Easy , powerful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's easy to use . It's very easy to use . {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh that's what we've just done .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We've done it with {disfmarker} it is under the {disfmarker} if it was low , high or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} So what are we going to do with this project evaluation ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I think we have just have to discuss if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay , it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So did you enjoy your clay modelling ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes . Of course . This is my job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ? {vocalsound} Was it a nice way to create your remote control ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's uh it's good , to to create a control instead of a computer . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I find it really funny and amazing and interesting to go through all the process to {disfmarker} from the beginning to the end . And designing , looking at the chips , the solar cells and uh and it was very {vocalsound} informative for {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And for the marketing guy ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh tha that was good but we should have more brainstorming like meetings , maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause we just presenting one is presenting his stuff", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "next one his stuff and then we try to combine afterwards , so it {disfmarker} um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And new ideas about new products , maybe , wi which would be fashion and uh and yellow . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yellow . {vocalsound} I think you can think about a yellow T_V_ now after {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a fruit T_V_ or I dunno .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It can be an interesting I don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , just lemon .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just a lemon T_V_ it'd be {vocalsound} yellow lemon .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but y you know the traditional T_V_ it's um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's flat , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah it's flat ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Squared ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah the shape is very boring .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's right . It's really boring , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Could we come up with new T_V_ with {disfmarker} such as this kind of T_V_ ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have base , triangle base so you the T_V_ you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Ah , the lemon T_V_ with the pineapple remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah , that's {disfmarker} that would be really interesting , actually .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Because the T_V_ you {vocalsound} also {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , that's interesting . You could f we could do a kind of fruit collection of electronics things . Electronic device .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} Device devi", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The fruit ? {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe two years it's dead .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , but this is good because it's not a long long life product .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "T_V_ is more like fifteen years , maybe , so .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . That's a {disfmarker} yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If you have a lemon lemon T_V_ for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We can think about T_V_ with you know where you can change you know the aspects o like for the cell phones , you know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "fifteen years {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Customable T_V_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , you customise it every ti so every ti if people change , you just change the appearance , and y y you can keep {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah such {disfmarker} yeah . You've already said mobile phones .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Tha that would that would make it . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , you can keep the global appearan", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , and following {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The mood of persons , the fashions uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's interesting , maybe we can create a a line of uh T_V_ with uh a a tr", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We int {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound} Yeah , T_V_ , yeah . A T_V_ for autumn and a T_V_ for winter , you know , so it's {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what i and do w is it {vocalsound} {disfmarker} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So I think the costs are within the budget . We're just at twelve fifty Euros .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , the pr {gap} at {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "do you think you can celebrate your creation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you can celebrate your leadership . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , thanks a lot . {vocalsound} Thank you , mister David Jordan . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but I think f {vocalsound} it's really a celebrating object . {vocalsound} So it's yellow and very {disfmarker} a very ha it's very happy , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh it's it's a pr it's like {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . It's party party remote control .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The thing now is to to sell it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's your job . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sell it . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right , go and sell it . Goo and good luck , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay and the twelve fifty {disfmarker} twelve uh twelve {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It should be fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it's {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's maybe a little bit expensive . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five Euros .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's cheap , yeah . {vocalsound} No , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , it's not so expensive .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Wh really ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It should be it should be fine , you know , actually . {vocalsound} S", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe what you can do a test . Put it outside , and if bees come , {vocalsound} it's really fruit . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I think I like {vocalsound} the the colour a the colour are very good , so actually so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But don't put sugar in it , it's not working .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No , the colours are uh {disfmarker} it's perfect , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's perfect , and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "True . Uh yeah , another thing is the logo is missing still .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I p is th y {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but the colour , I think the colour is more {disfmarker} is most important ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the the yellow ball thing that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because I I don't think you have ever seen something like that before for a remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Still that was one of the requirements we had . It's {disfmarker} yeah but it {disfmarker} I don't think it's such a problem just putting the logo somewhere .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh f like y we can we can put some uh double R_ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but we decided to have something yellow and red , for the costs .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So maybe we can just integrate it on th on one side , the double R_ .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay yeah , yeah . That's actually good idea , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So we have the logo , we have the colour , and we have the fashion in electronics ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have to give a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we have the slogan too .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we have give him {disfmarker} give it a cute name .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "th no , it's the it's the pineapple control {disfmarker} remote control .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mush mushroom controller .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Cute na You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not a mushroom . {vocalsound} It's a pineapple remote controls .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not the trend .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pineapple .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Pa Pine apple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , pineapple remote remote control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , but just flying saucer , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With cherry on top .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I would say flying saucer .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh unid uh unidentified remote control , so {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's more appropriate , somehow .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's that's pineapple remote control . I think it's fine .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Will you buy one ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah I will try {vocalsound} I'll try {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Try to . Okay uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Twenty five {vocalsound} Euro .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} . I can hel I will try versions so to see how easy easy to manage {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Yeah you told me you h you d you d you lost your control your T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah I always lose my {disfmarker} Yeah , so so i if it is a universal one I can use it with my T_V_ , so it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so you need to buy one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} One thing I like is the shape , because you know it's not like the uh the remote controls you can put in your pocket , on uh in your jacket .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Traditional one ? Yeah . So this one and this one . What do you choose ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I prefer the laser remote control . {vocalsound} No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I think I would choose this one because of the colour . It's", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} What do you choose ? Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's will enlight your house , your home and your T_V_ , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe next if we decide to do something we'd {disfmarker} can put light inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , yeah that would be uh an idea .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah but that's going to be expensive , you know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We had some problems {vocalsound} going to twelve Euros and uh I dunno .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it it would be interesting to {disfmarker} just to see if we can {disfmarker} if people will buy this one , and maybe add some features to it after yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , afterwards , if", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if it's a new trend . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah that's that fine . So we can celebrate now . That's our new product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Champagne {gap} , mister Baba . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We should celebrate .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's it's fine . It's {disfmarker} I like it {vocalsound} . {vocalsound} Next time . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So buy one . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , I'll buy one here .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I will close this . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . No ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So I think we have finished the designing and the evaluation of our remote control", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and we have a nearly final product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Our final prototype which {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Final prototype , yeah , ye yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Final prototype , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Prototype , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very productive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Thanks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S so who is going to take the remote control ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" } ]
The marketing thought they should not trust too much the trend because it wouldn't last long - fruits and vegetables were in fashion this year but maybe next year it would be insects. However, the industrial designer believed it was good to follow the flow now and then since electronic devices were not long life products: if people changed, the product appearance should change as well.
Why did the industrial designer disagree with the marketing when talking about some new ideas about future products?
[ { "content": "Hmm hmm hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Are we {disfmarker} we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's fine . Am I supposed to be standing up there ? Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we've got both of these clipped on ? She gonna answer me or not ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've got {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right , both of them , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Jesus , it's gonna fall off {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Yep , yep . {vocalsound} Okay . Tu tu tu tu", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Hello everybody .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hi , good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm Sarah , the Project Manager and this is our first meeting , surprisingly enough . Okay , this is our agenda , um {vocalsound} we will do some stuff , get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other . Um then we'll go do tool training , talk about the project plan , discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that , as far as I can understand . Now , we're developing a remote control which you probably already know . Um , we want it to be original , something that's uh {disfmarker} people haven't thought of , that's not out in the shops , um , trendy , appealing to a wide market , but you know , not a hunk of metal , and user-friendly , grannies to kids , maybe even pooches should be able to use it . Okay , um , first is the functional design , um this is where we all go off and do our individual work , um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product , um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that . Um , conceptual design , what we're thinking , how it's gonna go and then the detailed design , how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , right . We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board , I'll go first , and um sum up the characteristics of that animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , I'll leave space for everyone else . Um {disfmarker} What's missing ? We're running out of blue . Okay . I'm not gonna ask you to guess , I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I see them as majestic , and independent , and proud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh sorry . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now , who would like to go next ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} Cat . Where did this come from ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is that your lapel then ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There you go .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . Uh , maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "A kind of dog ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep . It's actually sitting , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's sitting down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's sitting , it's not standing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I see it as one thing it's very supportive . It's your best friend and your {disfmarker} you can talk to a dog , it can be your best friend , it doesn't discriminate between you , based on what you are . Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition . {gap} dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'll have a go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Please , please leave me a space at the bottom , I'm little ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can get to the top , with standing on a chair .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do , I'll have to have to go for something a bit random .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it look like a dog actually ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And also , my drawing skill isn't that great so , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , as you can see , the quality of the work today is um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's outstandingly good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because that looks like a beak now , so . {vocalsound} Yeah , it can be a crocodile , it can be a crocodile .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Crocodile ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Gonna be a bird . Is it gonna be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well it was it was an {disfmarker} at first {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} it's gonna be a bird .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "O", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but it can be a crocodile now actually {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is . Um", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Beauti that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "uh scary , uh strong , yeah that's about it I think {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay {vocalsound} it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Um , I'm very impressed with your artistic skills ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "mine's {disfmarker} are dreadful . Oops this is now coming apart , let me just put the top in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wo {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I hope that clicks in , I'll just {disfmarker} I'll hold it on , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops , oh dear , what happened there ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Technical help .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hopefully that'll stay on , two-handed version .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh {disfmarker} Again this is off the top of my head , I was gonna do a big cat too , um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh dear , it doesn't look what like what I want it to be {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not a vampire bat honestly {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and somewhere there's a body behind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , some sort of bird {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's my dreadful {disfmarker} that's the worst yet , that's {disfmarker} it's meant to be an eagle {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A seagu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Eagle , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah eagle , right okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "not a seagull {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can tell it's a flying animal {vocalsound} could have been a seagull , I never thought of a seagull . An eagle , um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness . I suppose they're all so independent , I'd put that one down again . {vocalsound} Da dum um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They're good at golf .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Indepen independent , right , did you say they're good at golf ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Eagle .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , no yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Are they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "an eagle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh right , okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm not good at golf .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'd say they're quite free-spirited , flying around everywhere , doing their own thing . And uh , birds of prey aren't they ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "oh dear , intrepid . I'll put that , intrepid .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There we go ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hope that pen's gonna be okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . That was fun , right . Um finance-wise , we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros , which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds , at all . Any ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One point four or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "mm , mm yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , something like that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "D fifteen ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah about seventeen , seventeen Pounds , something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Seventeen Pounds .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , that's expensive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Should we be making notes of this ? We can just refer to this later can't we ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so , I think so ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll be able to um pull it up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or I could put it in the shared folder or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Havi having said that though , if you wanna get one of those {disfmarker} the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , it'd still be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , we had to buy one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price , we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , um production cost's at twelve fifty , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , pretty huge margin .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "half of the selling price is taken up by building it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and profit aim is fifty million Euros ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In our first year ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yi yes , um yeah , I presume so . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a {disfmarker} um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just t we're not focusing on business market , any particular thing , it's everyone", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} user-friendly to everyone . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Big target group {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes , yes , I don't think we have to {disfmarker} I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that , um making that a key point ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia , America , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . What are your experiences with remote controls ? I mean I've got {disfmarker} we got um {disfmarker} we had three videos , a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we got one of the universal remote controls , um that you programme each of your things into ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again . I think it was quite a cheapie as well , so that might have had something to do with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah uh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that was quite good , the fact that you could {disfmarker} You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use all the ones at the same time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , you wanna integrate everything into one like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy , not doing any tampering with it and programming , using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things . But basically on , off , volume up and down , channel one , two , th that basic functions ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think I could go any further with it than that , so , I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , the main {disfmarker} that's the main stuff anyway , I mean", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} and you don't want to {disfmarker} I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . And symbols that you don't necessarily understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "symbols you're meant to understand that you don't .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So simplification of symbols you could think of .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um . When they're {disfmarker} when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording , things like that inside it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it doesn't make {disfmarker} when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's obvious what you're doing , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Actually that just raises a point , I wonder what our design people think , but you know on a mobile phone , you can press a key and it gives you a menu , it's got a menu display ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Menu , alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got a little L_C_D_ display .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , I was thinking on the same lines you , instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user , may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that , like a mobile , yeah and with menus .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "With menus , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone , people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about the older generation ? What about granny and grandads ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You mean to save it lesser number .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , my grandad can answer his mobile phone , but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think they tape things ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't think they use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah , the age gap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , what it just needs to be {disfmarker} as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing , 'cause I mean , menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know , I d", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I don't know how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't like the , you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I find it really confusing , I kept getting lost {vocalsound} in the phone , I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost , but that's just me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't I don't know how for twenty fi , or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway , I'd assume .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Teletext has got that option as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Obviously it displays less on the screen , it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Or what about kind of a dual function ? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play , volume , programme things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures , obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Mm-hmm . Mm . The other thing is , just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again , it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top , your screen is {disfmarker} you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , okay . S", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think that's a cost thing , I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It might", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it might save a b bit of space , it's i instead of looking bulky , it might look small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes , no that's important .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it might have its cost implications .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , like smaller .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone , it can still be lightweight plastic , you know ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Something that's easily moulded and produced .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , right , okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we've got half an hour before the next meeting , so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things . Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just just a quick thing about the um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "about what you're saying about the uh {disfmarker} does does it need to be fashionable ? The sort of {disfmarker} I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh {disfmarker} we put the fashion into electronics , so I think think the whole design thing might be qui", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you don't {disfmarker} you you can still have plastic", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure b y yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it'd look quite good but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} yeah , I mean it doesn't have to be that , you know {vocalsound} th that was my main point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we don't have to use metal , I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I presume it would .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it would probably . I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything . They're kind of moulded and look a bit different , and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic , which looks a bit smarter ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so let's break it up there . Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , see you in half an hour .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do we go back to our room ? Yep ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think so , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Project Manager introduced a new remote control project. The team started to know each other by drawing favourite animals. Project Manager proposed to price each remote control at 25 Euros, considering the 12.5-Euro production cost. The market range would be international and over all age groups. After the financial targets, the team discussed the remote design. Despite the "one-for-all" style, the remote was still supposed to be user-friendly. Standard features such as sorting through channels and adjusting volume would not lose their priority. The team, therefore, agreed on a style of basic buttons with a self-intuitive screen menu. Silver lightweight plastic was temporarily decided to be the material, for it is easily moulded and cost-saving.
Summarize the whole meeting.
[ { "content": "Hmm hmm hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Are we {disfmarker} we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's fine . Am I supposed to be standing up there ? Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we've got both of these clipped on ? She gonna answer me or not ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've got {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right , both of them , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Jesus , it's gonna fall off {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Yep , yep . {vocalsound} Okay . Tu tu tu tu", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Hello everybody .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hi , good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm Sarah , the Project Manager and this is our first meeting , surprisingly enough . Okay , this is our agenda , um {vocalsound} we will do some stuff , get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other . Um then we'll go do tool training , talk about the project plan , discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that , as far as I can understand . Now , we're developing a remote control which you probably already know . Um , we want it to be original , something that's uh {disfmarker} people haven't thought of , that's not out in the shops , um , trendy , appealing to a wide market , but you know , not a hunk of metal , and user-friendly , grannies to kids , maybe even pooches should be able to use it . Okay , um , first is the functional design , um this is where we all go off and do our individual work , um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product , um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that . Um , conceptual design , what we're thinking , how it's gonna go and then the detailed design , how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , right . We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board , I'll go first , and um sum up the characteristics of that animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , I'll leave space for everyone else . Um {disfmarker} What's missing ? We're running out of blue . Okay . I'm not gonna ask you to guess , I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I see them as majestic , and independent , and proud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh sorry . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now , who would like to go next ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} Cat . Where did this come from ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is that your lapel then ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There you go .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . Uh , maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "A kind of dog ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep . It's actually sitting , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's sitting down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's sitting , it's not standing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I see it as one thing it's very supportive . It's your best friend and your {disfmarker} you can talk to a dog , it can be your best friend , it doesn't discriminate between you , based on what you are . Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition . {gap} dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'll have a go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Please , please leave me a space at the bottom , I'm little ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can get to the top , with standing on a chair .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do , I'll have to have to go for something a bit random .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it look like a dog actually ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And also , my drawing skill isn't that great so , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , as you can see , the quality of the work today is um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's outstandingly good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because that looks like a beak now , so . {vocalsound} Yeah , it can be a crocodile , it can be a crocodile .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Crocodile ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Gonna be a bird . Is it gonna be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well it was it was an {disfmarker} at first {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} it's gonna be a bird .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "O", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but it can be a crocodile now actually {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is . Um", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Beauti that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "uh scary , uh strong , yeah that's about it I think {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay {vocalsound} it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Um , I'm very impressed with your artistic skills ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "mine's {disfmarker} are dreadful . Oops this is now coming apart , let me just put the top in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wo {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I hope that clicks in , I'll just {disfmarker} I'll hold it on , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops , oh dear , what happened there ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Technical help .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hopefully that'll stay on , two-handed version .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh {disfmarker} Again this is off the top of my head , I was gonna do a big cat too , um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh dear , it doesn't look what like what I want it to be {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not a vampire bat honestly {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and somewhere there's a body behind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , some sort of bird {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's my dreadful {disfmarker} that's the worst yet , that's {disfmarker} it's meant to be an eagle {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A seagu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Eagle , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah eagle , right okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "not a seagull {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can tell it's a flying animal {vocalsound} could have been a seagull , I never thought of a seagull . An eagle , um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness . I suppose they're all so independent , I'd put that one down again . {vocalsound} Da dum um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They're good at golf .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Indepen independent , right , did you say they're good at golf ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Eagle .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , no yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Are they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "an eagle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh right , okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm not good at golf .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'd say they're quite free-spirited , flying around everywhere , doing their own thing . And uh , birds of prey aren't they ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "oh dear , intrepid . I'll put that , intrepid .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There we go ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hope that pen's gonna be okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . That was fun , right . Um finance-wise , we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros , which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds , at all . Any ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One point four or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "mm , mm yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , something like that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "D fifteen ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah about seventeen , seventeen Pounds , something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Seventeen Pounds .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , that's expensive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Should we be making notes of this ? We can just refer to this later can't we ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so , I think so ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll be able to um pull it up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or I could put it in the shared folder or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Havi having said that though , if you wanna get one of those {disfmarker} the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , it'd still be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , we had to buy one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price , we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , um production cost's at twelve fifty , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , pretty huge margin .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "half of the selling price is taken up by building it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and profit aim is fifty million Euros ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In our first year ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yi yes , um yeah , I presume so . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a {disfmarker} um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just t we're not focusing on business market , any particular thing , it's everyone", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} user-friendly to everyone . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Big target group {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes , yes , I don't think we have to {disfmarker} I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that , um making that a key point ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia , America , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . What are your experiences with remote controls ? I mean I've got {disfmarker} we got um {disfmarker} we had three videos , a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we got one of the universal remote controls , um that you programme each of your things into ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again . I think it was quite a cheapie as well , so that might have had something to do with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah uh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that was quite good , the fact that you could {disfmarker} You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use all the ones at the same time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , you wanna integrate everything into one like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy , not doing any tampering with it and programming , using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things . But basically on , off , volume up and down , channel one , two , th that basic functions ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think I could go any further with it than that , so , I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , the main {disfmarker} that's the main stuff anyway , I mean", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} and you don't want to {disfmarker} I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . And symbols that you don't necessarily understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "symbols you're meant to understand that you don't .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So simplification of symbols you could think of .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um . When they're {disfmarker} when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording , things like that inside it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it doesn't make {disfmarker} when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's obvious what you're doing , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Actually that just raises a point , I wonder what our design people think , but you know on a mobile phone , you can press a key and it gives you a menu , it's got a menu display ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Menu , alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got a little L_C_D_ display .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , I was thinking on the same lines you , instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user , may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that , like a mobile , yeah and with menus .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "With menus , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone , people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about the older generation ? What about granny and grandads ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You mean to save it lesser number .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , my grandad can answer his mobile phone , but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think they tape things ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't think they use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah , the age gap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , what it just needs to be {disfmarker} as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing , 'cause I mean , menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know , I d", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I don't know how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't like the , you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I find it really confusing , I kept getting lost {vocalsound} in the phone , I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost , but that's just me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't I don't know how for twenty fi , or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway , I'd assume .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Teletext has got that option as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Obviously it displays less on the screen , it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Or what about kind of a dual function ? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play , volume , programme things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures , obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Mm-hmm . Mm . The other thing is , just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again , it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top , your screen is {disfmarker} you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , okay . S", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think that's a cost thing , I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It might", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it might save a b bit of space , it's i instead of looking bulky , it might look small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes , no that's important .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it might have its cost implications .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , like smaller .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone , it can still be lightweight plastic , you know ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Something that's easily moulded and produced .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , right , okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we've got half an hour before the next meeting , so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things . Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just just a quick thing about the um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "about what you're saying about the uh {disfmarker} does does it need to be fashionable ? The sort of {disfmarker} I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh {disfmarker} we put the fashion into electronics , so I think think the whole design thing might be qui", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you don't {disfmarker} you you can still have plastic", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure b y yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it'd look quite good but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} yeah , I mean it doesn't have to be that , you know {vocalsound} th that was my main point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we don't have to use metal , I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I presume it would .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it would probably . I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything . They're kind of moulded and look a bit different , and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic , which looks a bit smarter ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so let's break it up there . Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , see you in half an hour .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do we go back to our room ? Yep ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think so , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer desired to integrate remote controls for different appliances into one. Marketing pointed out that such integration would lead to too many buttons, which was not user-friendly enough. Instead, Marketing suggested that a menu display should be incorporated. Project Manager and User Interface agreed and added that basic buttons could remain. User Interface and Industrial Designer refused the flip top, however, for it costs a lot. The team temporarily chose lightweight plastic to be the material.
What did the group discuss about remote control style and design optimization?
[ { "content": "Hmm hmm hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Are we {disfmarker} we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's fine . Am I supposed to be standing up there ? Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we've got both of these clipped on ? She gonna answer me or not ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've got {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right , both of them , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Jesus , it's gonna fall off {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Yep , yep . {vocalsound} Okay . Tu tu tu tu", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Hello everybody .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hi , good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm Sarah , the Project Manager and this is our first meeting , surprisingly enough . Okay , this is our agenda , um {vocalsound} we will do some stuff , get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other . Um then we'll go do tool training , talk about the project plan , discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that , as far as I can understand . Now , we're developing a remote control which you probably already know . Um , we want it to be original , something that's uh {disfmarker} people haven't thought of , that's not out in the shops , um , trendy , appealing to a wide market , but you know , not a hunk of metal , and user-friendly , grannies to kids , maybe even pooches should be able to use it . Okay , um , first is the functional design , um this is where we all go off and do our individual work , um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product , um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that . Um , conceptual design , what we're thinking , how it's gonna go and then the detailed design , how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , right . We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board , I'll go first , and um sum up the characteristics of that animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , I'll leave space for everyone else . Um {disfmarker} What's missing ? We're running out of blue . Okay . I'm not gonna ask you to guess , I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I see them as majestic , and independent , and proud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh sorry . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now , who would like to go next ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} Cat . Where did this come from ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is that your lapel then ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There you go .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . Uh , maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "A kind of dog ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep . It's actually sitting , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's sitting down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's sitting , it's not standing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I see it as one thing it's very supportive . It's your best friend and your {disfmarker} you can talk to a dog , it can be your best friend , it doesn't discriminate between you , based on what you are . Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition . {gap} dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'll have a go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Please , please leave me a space at the bottom , I'm little ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can get to the top , with standing on a chair .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do , I'll have to have to go for something a bit random .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it look like a dog actually ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And also , my drawing skill isn't that great so , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , as you can see , the quality of the work today is um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's outstandingly good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because that looks like a beak now , so . {vocalsound} Yeah , it can be a crocodile , it can be a crocodile .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Crocodile ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Gonna be a bird . Is it gonna be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well it was it was an {disfmarker} at first {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} it's gonna be a bird .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "O", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but it can be a crocodile now actually {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is . Um", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Beauti that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "uh scary , uh strong , yeah that's about it I think {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay {vocalsound} it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Um , I'm very impressed with your artistic skills ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "mine's {disfmarker} are dreadful . Oops this is now coming apart , let me just put the top in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wo {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I hope that clicks in , I'll just {disfmarker} I'll hold it on , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops , oh dear , what happened there ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Technical help .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hopefully that'll stay on , two-handed version .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh {disfmarker} Again this is off the top of my head , I was gonna do a big cat too , um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh dear , it doesn't look what like what I want it to be {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not a vampire bat honestly {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and somewhere there's a body behind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , some sort of bird {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's my dreadful {disfmarker} that's the worst yet , that's {disfmarker} it's meant to be an eagle {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A seagu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Eagle , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah eagle , right okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "not a seagull {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can tell it's a flying animal {vocalsound} could have been a seagull , I never thought of a seagull . An eagle , um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness . I suppose they're all so independent , I'd put that one down again . {vocalsound} Da dum um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They're good at golf .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Indepen independent , right , did you say they're good at golf ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Eagle .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , no yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Are they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "an eagle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh right , okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm not good at golf .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'd say they're quite free-spirited , flying around everywhere , doing their own thing . And uh , birds of prey aren't they ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "oh dear , intrepid . I'll put that , intrepid .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There we go ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hope that pen's gonna be okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . That was fun , right . Um finance-wise , we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros , which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds , at all . Any ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One point four or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "mm , mm yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , something like that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "D fifteen ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah about seventeen , seventeen Pounds , something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Seventeen Pounds .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , that's expensive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Should we be making notes of this ? We can just refer to this later can't we ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so , I think so ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll be able to um pull it up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or I could put it in the shared folder or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Havi having said that though , if you wanna get one of those {disfmarker} the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , it'd still be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , we had to buy one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price , we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , um production cost's at twelve fifty , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , pretty huge margin .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "half of the selling price is taken up by building it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and profit aim is fifty million Euros ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In our first year ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yi yes , um yeah , I presume so . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a {disfmarker} um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just t we're not focusing on business market , any particular thing , it's everyone", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} user-friendly to everyone . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Big target group {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes , yes , I don't think we have to {disfmarker} I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that , um making that a key point ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia , America , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . What are your experiences with remote controls ? I mean I've got {disfmarker} we got um {disfmarker} we had three videos , a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we got one of the universal remote controls , um that you programme each of your things into ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again . I think it was quite a cheapie as well , so that might have had something to do with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah uh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that was quite good , the fact that you could {disfmarker} You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use all the ones at the same time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , you wanna integrate everything into one like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy , not doing any tampering with it and programming , using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things . But basically on , off , volume up and down , channel one , two , th that basic functions ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think I could go any further with it than that , so , I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , the main {disfmarker} that's the main stuff anyway , I mean", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} and you don't want to {disfmarker} I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . And symbols that you don't necessarily understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "symbols you're meant to understand that you don't .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So simplification of symbols you could think of .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um . When they're {disfmarker} when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording , things like that inside it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it doesn't make {disfmarker} when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's obvious what you're doing , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Actually that just raises a point , I wonder what our design people think , but you know on a mobile phone , you can press a key and it gives you a menu , it's got a menu display ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Menu , alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got a little L_C_D_ display .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , I was thinking on the same lines you , instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user , may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that , like a mobile , yeah and with menus .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "With menus , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone , people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about the older generation ? What about granny and grandads ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You mean to save it lesser number .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , my grandad can answer his mobile phone , but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think they tape things ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't think they use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah , the age gap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , what it just needs to be {disfmarker} as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing , 'cause I mean , menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know , I d", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I don't know how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't like the , you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I find it really confusing , I kept getting lost {vocalsound} in the phone , I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost , but that's just me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't I don't know how for twenty fi , or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway , I'd assume .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Teletext has got that option as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Obviously it displays less on the screen , it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Or what about kind of a dual function ? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play , volume , programme things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures , obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Mm-hmm . Mm . The other thing is , just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again , it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top , your screen is {disfmarker} you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , okay . S", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think that's a cost thing , I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It might", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it might save a b bit of space , it's i instead of looking bulky , it might look small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes , no that's important .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it might have its cost implications .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , like smaller .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone , it can still be lightweight plastic , you know ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Something that's easily moulded and produced .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , right , okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we've got half an hour before the next meeting , so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things . Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just just a quick thing about the um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "about what you're saying about the uh {disfmarker} does does it need to be fashionable ? The sort of {disfmarker} I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh {disfmarker} we put the fashion into electronics , so I think think the whole design thing might be qui", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you don't {disfmarker} you you can still have plastic", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure b y yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it'd look quite good but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} yeah , I mean it doesn't have to be that , you know {vocalsound} th that was my main point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we don't have to use metal , I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I presume it would .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it would probably . I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything . They're kind of moulded and look a bit different , and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic , which looks a bit smarter ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so let's break it up there . Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , see you in half an hour .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do we go back to our room ? Yep ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think so , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Marketing believed that most of the market would want convenient channel browsing and volume adjustment features instead of any tampering or programming with too many buttons. User Interface agreed with the simplification of symbols. The team came up with a menu display to make the remote more user-friendly.
Why did the group decide to incorporate a menu display when discussing remote control style and design optimization?
[ { "content": "Hmm hmm hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Are we {disfmarker} we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's fine . Am I supposed to be standing up there ? Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we've got both of these clipped on ? She gonna answer me or not ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've got {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right , both of them , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Jesus , it's gonna fall off {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Yep , yep . {vocalsound} Okay . Tu tu tu tu", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Hello everybody .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hi , good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm Sarah , the Project Manager and this is our first meeting , surprisingly enough . Okay , this is our agenda , um {vocalsound} we will do some stuff , get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other . Um then we'll go do tool training , talk about the project plan , discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that , as far as I can understand . Now , we're developing a remote control which you probably already know . Um , we want it to be original , something that's uh {disfmarker} people haven't thought of , that's not out in the shops , um , trendy , appealing to a wide market , but you know , not a hunk of metal , and user-friendly , grannies to kids , maybe even pooches should be able to use it . Okay , um , first is the functional design , um this is where we all go off and do our individual work , um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product , um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that . Um , conceptual design , what we're thinking , how it's gonna go and then the detailed design , how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , right . We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board , I'll go first , and um sum up the characteristics of that animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , I'll leave space for everyone else . Um {disfmarker} What's missing ? We're running out of blue . Okay . I'm not gonna ask you to guess , I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I see them as majestic , and independent , and proud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh sorry . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now , who would like to go next ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} Cat . Where did this come from ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is that your lapel then ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There you go .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . Uh , maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "A kind of dog ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep . It's actually sitting , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's sitting down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's sitting , it's not standing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I see it as one thing it's very supportive . It's your best friend and your {disfmarker} you can talk to a dog , it can be your best friend , it doesn't discriminate between you , based on what you are . Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition . {gap} dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'll have a go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Please , please leave me a space at the bottom , I'm little ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can get to the top , with standing on a chair .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do , I'll have to have to go for something a bit random .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it look like a dog actually ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And also , my drawing skill isn't that great so , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , as you can see , the quality of the work today is um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's outstandingly good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because that looks like a beak now , so . {vocalsound} Yeah , it can be a crocodile , it can be a crocodile .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Crocodile ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Gonna be a bird . Is it gonna be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well it was it was an {disfmarker} at first {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} it's gonna be a bird .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "O", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but it can be a crocodile now actually {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is . Um", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Beauti that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "uh scary , uh strong , yeah that's about it I think {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay {vocalsound} it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Um , I'm very impressed with your artistic skills ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "mine's {disfmarker} are dreadful . Oops this is now coming apart , let me just put the top in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wo {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I hope that clicks in , I'll just {disfmarker} I'll hold it on , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops , oh dear , what happened there ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Technical help .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hopefully that'll stay on , two-handed version .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh {disfmarker} Again this is off the top of my head , I was gonna do a big cat too , um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh dear , it doesn't look what like what I want it to be {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not a vampire bat honestly {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and somewhere there's a body behind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , some sort of bird {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's my dreadful {disfmarker} that's the worst yet , that's {disfmarker} it's meant to be an eagle {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A seagu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Eagle , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah eagle , right okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "not a seagull {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can tell it's a flying animal {vocalsound} could have been a seagull , I never thought of a seagull . An eagle , um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness . I suppose they're all so independent , I'd put that one down again . {vocalsound} Da dum um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They're good at golf .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Indepen independent , right , did you say they're good at golf ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Eagle .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , no yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Are they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "an eagle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh right , okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm not good at golf .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'd say they're quite free-spirited , flying around everywhere , doing their own thing . And uh , birds of prey aren't they ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "oh dear , intrepid . I'll put that , intrepid .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There we go ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hope that pen's gonna be okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . That was fun , right . Um finance-wise , we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros , which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds , at all . Any ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One point four or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "mm , mm yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , something like that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "D fifteen ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah about seventeen , seventeen Pounds , something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Seventeen Pounds .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , that's expensive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Should we be making notes of this ? We can just refer to this later can't we ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so , I think so ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll be able to um pull it up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or I could put it in the shared folder or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Havi having said that though , if you wanna get one of those {disfmarker} the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , it'd still be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , we had to buy one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price , we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , um production cost's at twelve fifty , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , pretty huge margin .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "half of the selling price is taken up by building it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and profit aim is fifty million Euros ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In our first year ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yi yes , um yeah , I presume so . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a {disfmarker} um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just t we're not focusing on business market , any particular thing , it's everyone", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} user-friendly to everyone . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Big target group {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes , yes , I don't think we have to {disfmarker} I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that , um making that a key point ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia , America , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . What are your experiences with remote controls ? I mean I've got {disfmarker} we got um {disfmarker} we had three videos , a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we got one of the universal remote controls , um that you programme each of your things into ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again . I think it was quite a cheapie as well , so that might have had something to do with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah uh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that was quite good , the fact that you could {disfmarker} You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use all the ones at the same time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , you wanna integrate everything into one like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy , not doing any tampering with it and programming , using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things . But basically on , off , volume up and down , channel one , two , th that basic functions ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think I could go any further with it than that , so , I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , the main {disfmarker} that's the main stuff anyway , I mean", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} and you don't want to {disfmarker} I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . And symbols that you don't necessarily understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "symbols you're meant to understand that you don't .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So simplification of symbols you could think of .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um . When they're {disfmarker} when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording , things like that inside it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it doesn't make {disfmarker} when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's obvious what you're doing , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Actually that just raises a point , I wonder what our design people think , but you know on a mobile phone , you can press a key and it gives you a menu , it's got a menu display ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Menu , alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got a little L_C_D_ display .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , I was thinking on the same lines you , instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user , may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that , like a mobile , yeah and with menus .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "With menus , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone , people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about the older generation ? What about granny and grandads ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You mean to save it lesser number .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , my grandad can answer his mobile phone , but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think they tape things ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't think they use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah , the age gap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , what it just needs to be {disfmarker} as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing , 'cause I mean , menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know , I d", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I don't know how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't like the , you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I find it really confusing , I kept getting lost {vocalsound} in the phone , I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost , but that's just me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't I don't know how for twenty fi , or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway , I'd assume .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Teletext has got that option as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Obviously it displays less on the screen , it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Or what about kind of a dual function ? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play , volume , programme things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures , obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Mm-hmm . Mm . The other thing is , just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again , it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top , your screen is {disfmarker} you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , okay . S", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think that's a cost thing , I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It might", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it might save a b bit of space , it's i instead of looking bulky , it might look small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes , no that's important .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it might have its cost implications .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , like smaller .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone , it can still be lightweight plastic , you know ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Something that's easily moulded and produced .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , right , okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we've got half an hour before the next meeting , so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things . Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just just a quick thing about the um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "about what you're saying about the uh {disfmarker} does does it need to be fashionable ? The sort of {disfmarker} I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh {disfmarker} we put the fashion into electronics , so I think think the whole design thing might be qui", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you don't {disfmarker} you you can still have plastic", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure b y yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it'd look quite good but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} yeah , I mean it doesn't have to be that , you know {vocalsound} th that was my main point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we don't have to use metal , I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I presume it would .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it would probably . I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything . They're kind of moulded and look a bit different , and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic , which looks a bit smarter ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so let's break it up there . Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , see you in half an hour .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do we go back to our room ? Yep ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think so , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer initially worried about the replacement of buttons. Industrial Designer was soon convinced by Marketing that the age gap was a problem regardless of any design modifications and insisted on the incorporation of a menu display, however.
What did Industrial Designer think of the older generation when discussing remote control style and design optimization?
[ { "content": "Hmm hmm hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Are we {disfmarker} we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's fine . Am I supposed to be standing up there ? Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we've got both of these clipped on ? She gonna answer me or not ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've got {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right , both of them , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Jesus , it's gonna fall off {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Yep , yep . {vocalsound} Okay . Tu tu tu tu", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Hello everybody .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hi , good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm Sarah , the Project Manager and this is our first meeting , surprisingly enough . Okay , this is our agenda , um {vocalsound} we will do some stuff , get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other . Um then we'll go do tool training , talk about the project plan , discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that , as far as I can understand . Now , we're developing a remote control which you probably already know . Um , we want it to be original , something that's uh {disfmarker} people haven't thought of , that's not out in the shops , um , trendy , appealing to a wide market , but you know , not a hunk of metal , and user-friendly , grannies to kids , maybe even pooches should be able to use it . Okay , um , first is the functional design , um this is where we all go off and do our individual work , um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product , um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that . Um , conceptual design , what we're thinking , how it's gonna go and then the detailed design , how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , right . We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board , I'll go first , and um sum up the characteristics of that animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , I'll leave space for everyone else . Um {disfmarker} What's missing ? We're running out of blue . Okay . I'm not gonna ask you to guess , I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I see them as majestic , and independent , and proud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh sorry . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now , who would like to go next ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} Cat . Where did this come from ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is that your lapel then ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There you go .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . Uh , maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "A kind of dog ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep . It's actually sitting , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's sitting down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's sitting , it's not standing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I see it as one thing it's very supportive . It's your best friend and your {disfmarker} you can talk to a dog , it can be your best friend , it doesn't discriminate between you , based on what you are . Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition . {gap} dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'll have a go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Please , please leave me a space at the bottom , I'm little ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can get to the top , with standing on a chair .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do , I'll have to have to go for something a bit random .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it look like a dog actually ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And also , my drawing skill isn't that great so , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , as you can see , the quality of the work today is um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's outstandingly good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because that looks like a beak now , so . {vocalsound} Yeah , it can be a crocodile , it can be a crocodile .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Crocodile ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Gonna be a bird . Is it gonna be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well it was it was an {disfmarker} at first {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} it's gonna be a bird .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "O", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but it can be a crocodile now actually {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is . Um", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Beauti that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "uh scary , uh strong , yeah that's about it I think {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay {vocalsound} it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Um , I'm very impressed with your artistic skills ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "mine's {disfmarker} are dreadful . Oops this is now coming apart , let me just put the top in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wo {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I hope that clicks in , I'll just {disfmarker} I'll hold it on , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops , oh dear , what happened there ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Technical help .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hopefully that'll stay on , two-handed version .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh {disfmarker} Again this is off the top of my head , I was gonna do a big cat too , um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh dear , it doesn't look what like what I want it to be {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not a vampire bat honestly {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and somewhere there's a body behind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , some sort of bird {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's my dreadful {disfmarker} that's the worst yet , that's {disfmarker} it's meant to be an eagle {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A seagu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Eagle , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah eagle , right okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "not a seagull {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can tell it's a flying animal {vocalsound} could have been a seagull , I never thought of a seagull . An eagle , um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness . I suppose they're all so independent , I'd put that one down again . {vocalsound} Da dum um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They're good at golf .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Indepen independent , right , did you say they're good at golf ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Eagle .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , no yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Are they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "an eagle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh right , okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm not good at golf .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'd say they're quite free-spirited , flying around everywhere , doing their own thing . And uh , birds of prey aren't they ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "oh dear , intrepid . I'll put that , intrepid .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There we go ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hope that pen's gonna be okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . That was fun , right . Um finance-wise , we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros , which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds , at all . Any ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One point four or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "mm , mm yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , something like that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "D fifteen ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah about seventeen , seventeen Pounds , something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Seventeen Pounds .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , that's expensive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Should we be making notes of this ? We can just refer to this later can't we ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so , I think so ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll be able to um pull it up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or I could put it in the shared folder or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Havi having said that though , if you wanna get one of those {disfmarker} the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , it'd still be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , we had to buy one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price , we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , um production cost's at twelve fifty , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , pretty huge margin .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "half of the selling price is taken up by building it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and profit aim is fifty million Euros ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In our first year ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yi yes , um yeah , I presume so . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a {disfmarker} um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just t we're not focusing on business market , any particular thing , it's everyone", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} user-friendly to everyone . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Big target group {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes , yes , I don't think we have to {disfmarker} I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that , um making that a key point ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia , America , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . What are your experiences with remote controls ? I mean I've got {disfmarker} we got um {disfmarker} we had three videos , a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we got one of the universal remote controls , um that you programme each of your things into ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again . I think it was quite a cheapie as well , so that might have had something to do with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah uh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that was quite good , the fact that you could {disfmarker} You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use all the ones at the same time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , you wanna integrate everything into one like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy , not doing any tampering with it and programming , using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things . But basically on , off , volume up and down , channel one , two , th that basic functions ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think I could go any further with it than that , so , I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , the main {disfmarker} that's the main stuff anyway , I mean", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} and you don't want to {disfmarker} I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . And symbols that you don't necessarily understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "symbols you're meant to understand that you don't .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So simplification of symbols you could think of .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um . When they're {disfmarker} when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording , things like that inside it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it doesn't make {disfmarker} when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's obvious what you're doing , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Actually that just raises a point , I wonder what our design people think , but you know on a mobile phone , you can press a key and it gives you a menu , it's got a menu display ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Menu , alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got a little L_C_D_ display .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , I was thinking on the same lines you , instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user , may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that , like a mobile , yeah and with menus .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "With menus , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone , people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about the older generation ? What about granny and grandads ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You mean to save it lesser number .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , my grandad can answer his mobile phone , but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think they tape things ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't think they use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah , the age gap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , what it just needs to be {disfmarker} as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing , 'cause I mean , menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know , I d", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I don't know how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't like the , you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I find it really confusing , I kept getting lost {vocalsound} in the phone , I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost , but that's just me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't I don't know how for twenty fi , or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway , I'd assume .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Teletext has got that option as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Obviously it displays less on the screen , it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Or what about kind of a dual function ? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play , volume , programme things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures , obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Mm-hmm . Mm . The other thing is , just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again , it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top , your screen is {disfmarker} you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , okay . S", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think that's a cost thing , I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It might", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it might save a b bit of space , it's i instead of looking bulky , it might look small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes , no that's important .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it might have its cost implications .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , like smaller .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone , it can still be lightweight plastic , you know ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Something that's easily moulded and produced .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , right , okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we've got half an hour before the next meeting , so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things . Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just just a quick thing about the um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "about what you're saying about the uh {disfmarker} does does it need to be fashionable ? The sort of {disfmarker} I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh {disfmarker} we put the fashion into electronics , so I think think the whole design thing might be qui", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you don't {disfmarker} you you can still have plastic", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure b y yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it'd look quite good but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} yeah , I mean it doesn't have to be that , you know {vocalsound} th that was my main point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we don't have to use metal , I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I presume it would .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it would probably . I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything . They're kind of moulded and look a bit different , and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic , which looks a bit smarter ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so let's break it up there . Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , see you in half an hour .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do we go back to our room ? Yep ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think so , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer was uncertain about whether the remote could look fashionable with plastic at first. Marketing and Project Manager exemplified other remote controls to make Industrial Designer believe that silver plastic could look smart.
What did Industrial Designer think of plastic when discussing remote control style and design optimization?
[ { "content": "Hmm hmm hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Are we {disfmarker} we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's fine . Am I supposed to be standing up there ? Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we've got both of these clipped on ? She gonna answer me or not ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've got {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right , both of them , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Jesus , it's gonna fall off {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Yep , yep . {vocalsound} Okay . Tu tu tu tu", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Hello everybody .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hi , good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm Sarah , the Project Manager and this is our first meeting , surprisingly enough . Okay , this is our agenda , um {vocalsound} we will do some stuff , get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other . Um then we'll go do tool training , talk about the project plan , discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that , as far as I can understand . Now , we're developing a remote control which you probably already know . Um , we want it to be original , something that's uh {disfmarker} people haven't thought of , that's not out in the shops , um , trendy , appealing to a wide market , but you know , not a hunk of metal , and user-friendly , grannies to kids , maybe even pooches should be able to use it . Okay , um , first is the functional design , um this is where we all go off and do our individual work , um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product , um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that . Um , conceptual design , what we're thinking , how it's gonna go and then the detailed design , how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , right . We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board , I'll go first , and um sum up the characteristics of that animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , I'll leave space for everyone else . Um {disfmarker} What's missing ? We're running out of blue . Okay . I'm not gonna ask you to guess , I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I see them as majestic , and independent , and proud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh sorry . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now , who would like to go next ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} Cat . Where did this come from ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is that your lapel then ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There you go .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . Uh , maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "A kind of dog ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep . It's actually sitting , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's sitting down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's sitting , it's not standing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I see it as one thing it's very supportive . It's your best friend and your {disfmarker} you can talk to a dog , it can be your best friend , it doesn't discriminate between you , based on what you are . Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition . {gap} dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'll have a go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Please , please leave me a space at the bottom , I'm little ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can get to the top , with standing on a chair .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do , I'll have to have to go for something a bit random .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it look like a dog actually ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And also , my drawing skill isn't that great so , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , as you can see , the quality of the work today is um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's outstandingly good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because that looks like a beak now , so . {vocalsound} Yeah , it can be a crocodile , it can be a crocodile .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Crocodile ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Gonna be a bird . Is it gonna be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well it was it was an {disfmarker} at first {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} it's gonna be a bird .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "O", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but it can be a crocodile now actually {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is . Um", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Beauti that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "uh scary , uh strong , yeah that's about it I think {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay {vocalsound} it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Um , I'm very impressed with your artistic skills ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "mine's {disfmarker} are dreadful . Oops this is now coming apart , let me just put the top in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wo {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I hope that clicks in , I'll just {disfmarker} I'll hold it on , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops , oh dear , what happened there ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Technical help .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hopefully that'll stay on , two-handed version .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh {disfmarker} Again this is off the top of my head , I was gonna do a big cat too , um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh dear , it doesn't look what like what I want it to be {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not a vampire bat honestly {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and somewhere there's a body behind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , some sort of bird {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's my dreadful {disfmarker} that's the worst yet , that's {disfmarker} it's meant to be an eagle {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A seagu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Eagle , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah eagle , right okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "not a seagull {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can tell it's a flying animal {vocalsound} could have been a seagull , I never thought of a seagull . An eagle , um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness . I suppose they're all so independent , I'd put that one down again . {vocalsound} Da dum um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They're good at golf .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Indepen independent , right , did you say they're good at golf ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Eagle .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , no yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Are they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "an eagle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh right , okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm not good at golf .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'd say they're quite free-spirited , flying around everywhere , doing their own thing . And uh , birds of prey aren't they ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "oh dear , intrepid . I'll put that , intrepid .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There we go ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hope that pen's gonna be okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . That was fun , right . Um finance-wise , we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros , which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds , at all . Any ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One point four or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "mm , mm yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , something like that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "D fifteen ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah about seventeen , seventeen Pounds , something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Seventeen Pounds .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , that's expensive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Should we be making notes of this ? We can just refer to this later can't we ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so , I think so ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll be able to um pull it up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or I could put it in the shared folder or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Havi having said that though , if you wanna get one of those {disfmarker} the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , it'd still be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , we had to buy one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price , we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , um production cost's at twelve fifty , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , pretty huge margin .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "half of the selling price is taken up by building it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and profit aim is fifty million Euros ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In our first year ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yi yes , um yeah , I presume so . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a {disfmarker} um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just t we're not focusing on business market , any particular thing , it's everyone", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} user-friendly to everyone . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Big target group {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes , yes , I don't think we have to {disfmarker} I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that , um making that a key point ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia , America , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . What are your experiences with remote controls ? I mean I've got {disfmarker} we got um {disfmarker} we had three videos , a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we got one of the universal remote controls , um that you programme each of your things into ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again . I think it was quite a cheapie as well , so that might have had something to do with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah uh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that was quite good , the fact that you could {disfmarker} You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use all the ones at the same time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , you wanna integrate everything into one like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy , not doing any tampering with it and programming , using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things . But basically on , off , volume up and down , channel one , two , th that basic functions ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think I could go any further with it than that , so , I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , the main {disfmarker} that's the main stuff anyway , I mean", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} and you don't want to {disfmarker} I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . And symbols that you don't necessarily understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "symbols you're meant to understand that you don't .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So simplification of symbols you could think of .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um . When they're {disfmarker} when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording , things like that inside it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it doesn't make {disfmarker} when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's obvious what you're doing , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Actually that just raises a point , I wonder what our design people think , but you know on a mobile phone , you can press a key and it gives you a menu , it's got a menu display ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Menu , alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got a little L_C_D_ display .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , I was thinking on the same lines you , instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user , may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that , like a mobile , yeah and with menus .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "With menus , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone , people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about the older generation ? What about granny and grandads ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You mean to save it lesser number .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , my grandad can answer his mobile phone , but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think they tape things ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't think they use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah , the age gap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , what it just needs to be {disfmarker} as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing , 'cause I mean , menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know , I d", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I don't know how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't like the , you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I find it really confusing , I kept getting lost {vocalsound} in the phone , I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost , but that's just me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't I don't know how for twenty fi , or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway , I'd assume .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Teletext has got that option as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Obviously it displays less on the screen , it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Or what about kind of a dual function ? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play , volume , programme things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures , obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Mm-hmm . Mm . The other thing is , just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again , it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top , your screen is {disfmarker} you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , okay . S", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think that's a cost thing , I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It might", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it might save a b bit of space , it's i instead of looking bulky , it might look small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes , no that's important .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it might have its cost implications .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , like smaller .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone , it can still be lightweight plastic , you know ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Something that's easily moulded and produced .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , right , okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we've got half an hour before the next meeting , so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things . Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just just a quick thing about the um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "about what you're saying about the uh {disfmarker} does does it need to be fashionable ? The sort of {disfmarker} I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh {disfmarker} we put the fashion into electronics , so I think think the whole design thing might be qui", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you don't {disfmarker} you you can still have plastic", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure b y yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it'd look quite good but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} yeah , I mean it doesn't have to be that , you know {vocalsound} th that was my main point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we don't have to use metal , I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I presume it would .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it would probably . I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything . They're kind of moulded and look a bit different , and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic , which looks a bit smarter ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so let's break it up there . Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , see you in half an hour .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do we go back to our room ? Yep ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think so , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Project Manager proposed to price each remote control at 25 Euros, considering the 12.5-Euro production cost. The profit aim for the team would be 50 million Euros in the first year. The market range would be international and over all age groups.
Summarize the discussion about price issues and target groups of remote control.
[ { "content": "Hmm hmm hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Are we {disfmarker} we're not allowed to dim the lights so people can see that a bit better ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , that's fine . Am I supposed to be standing up there ? Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we've got both of these clipped on ? She gonna answer me or not ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've got {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right , both of them , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Jesus , it's gonna fall off {gap} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Yep , yep . {vocalsound} Okay . Tu tu tu tu", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . {vocalsound} Hello everybody .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hi , good morning .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm Sarah , the Project Manager and this is our first meeting , surprisingly enough . Okay , this is our agenda , um {vocalsound} we will do some stuff , get to know each other a bit better to feel more comfortable with each other . Um then we'll go do tool training , talk about the project plan , discuss our own ideas and everything um and we've got twenty five minutes to do that , as far as I can understand . Now , we're developing a remote control which you probably already know . Um , we want it to be original , something that's uh {disfmarker} people haven't thought of , that's not out in the shops , um , trendy , appealing to a wide market , but you know , not a hunk of metal , and user-friendly , grannies to kids , maybe even pooches should be able to use it . Okay , um , first is the functional design , um this is where we all go off and do our individual work , um what needs need to be fulfilled by the product , um what effects the product has to have and how it's actually going to do that . Um , conceptual design , what we're thinking , how it's gonna go and then the detailed design , how we're actually gonna put it into practice and make it work .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , right . We're gonna practice with the pens and draw our favourite animal on the white board , I'll go first , and um sum up the characteristics of that animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , I'll leave space for everyone else . Um {disfmarker} What's missing ? We're running out of blue . Okay . I'm not gonna ask you to guess , I'm going to tell you that's supposed to be a tiger .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And I see them as majestic , and independent , and proud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh sorry . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Now , who would like to go next ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} Cat . Where did this come from ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Is that your lapel then ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There you go .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . Uh , maybe you can guess what I'm trying to make ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "A kind of dog ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep . It's actually sitting , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's sitting down .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's sitting , it's not standing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , I see it as one thing it's very supportive . It's your best friend and your {disfmarker} you can talk to a dog , it can be your best friend , it doesn't discriminate between you , based on what you are . Second it's loyal and third thing it's got intuition . {gap} dogs can som sometimes can make out between a thief and a person", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so basically these are the three unique features I think belong to a dog .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I'll have a go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Please , please leave me a space at the bottom , I'm little ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can get to the top , with standing on a chair .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well since you guys have chosen the ones I wanted to do , I'll have to have to go for something a bit random .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it look like a dog actually ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And also , my drawing skill isn't that great so , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , as you can see , the quality of the work today is um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's outstandingly good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , now I'm gonna have to change what is was originally gonna be", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because that looks like a beak now , so . {vocalsound} Yeah , it can be a crocodile , it can be a crocodile .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Crocodile ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Gonna be a bird . Is it gonna be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well it was it was an {disfmarker} at first {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} it's gonna be a bird .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "firstly it was an attempt at a T_ Rex and then it sort of changed into a pelican", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "O", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but it can be a crocodile now actually {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and uh I'll have to think on the spot of uh things that it is . Um", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Beauti that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "uh scary , uh strong , yeah that's about it I think {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay {vocalsound} it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay . Um , I'm very impressed with your artistic skills ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "mine's {disfmarker} are dreadful . Oops this is now coming apart , let me just put the top in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Wo {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I hope that clicks in , I'll just {disfmarker} I'll hold it on , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oops , oh dear , what happened there ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Technical help .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hopefully that'll stay on , two-handed version .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh {disfmarker} Again this is off the top of my head , I was gonna do a big cat too , um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh dear , it doesn't look what like what I want it to be {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "S Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not a vampire bat honestly {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh and somewhere there's a body behind .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , some sort of bird {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's my dreadful {disfmarker} that's the worst yet , that's {disfmarker} it's meant to be an eagle {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A seagu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Eagle , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "right ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah eagle , right okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "not a seagull {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you can tell it's a flying animal {vocalsound} could have been a seagull , I never thought of a seagull . An eagle , um again I'm thinking on my feet goodness . I suppose they're all so independent , I'd put that one down again . {vocalsound} Da dum um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They're good at golf .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Indepen independent , right , did you say they're good at golf ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Eagle .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , no yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Are they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "an eagle .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh right , okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm not good at golf .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'd say they're quite free-spirited , flying around everywhere , doing their own thing . And uh , birds of prey aren't they ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "oh dear , intrepid . I'll put that , intrepid .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "There we go ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's lovely .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hope that pen's gonna be okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . That was fun , right . Um finance-wise , we've got a selling price at twenty five Euros , which I don't actually know what that is in Pounds , at all . Any ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "One point four or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "mm , mm yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "One point four Euro would make a Pound or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , something like that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "D fifteen ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah about seventeen , seventeen Pounds , something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Seventeen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Seventeen Pounds .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , that's expensive .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Should we be making notes of this ? We can just refer to this later can't we ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so , I think so ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll be able to um pull it up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or I could put it in the shared folder or something .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Havi having said that though , if you wanna get one of those {disfmarker} the the ones on the market at the moment they're s they're about twenty pounds anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , it'd still be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , we had to buy one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so I suppose later it depends if we want to undercut the price , we d or or is it going to make our product look a cheapie-cheapie option ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , um production cost's at twelve fifty , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , pretty huge margin .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "half of the selling price is taken up by building it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and profit aim is fifty million Euros ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "In our first year ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yi yes , um yeah , I presume so . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've got market range international and you did say earlier it's got to be a {disfmarker} um accessible and usable by sort of all age groups", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just t we're not focusing on business market , any particular thing , it's everyone", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} user-friendly to everyone . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Big target group {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes , yes , I don't think we have to {disfmarker} I don't think it's a case of worrying about different languages and things like that , um making that a key point ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "just that it's going to be in the international market like Australia , America , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . What are your experiences with remote controls ? I mean I've got {disfmarker} we got um {disfmarker} we had three videos , a T_V_ and a sort of amp thing all set up", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we got one of the universal remote controls , um that you programme each of your things into ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but that kept losing the signals so we'd have to re-programme it every now and again . I think it was quite a cheapie as well , so that might have had something to do with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah uh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that was quite good , the fact that you could {disfmarker} You didn't have six remote controls sitting in front of you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Use all the ones at the same time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , you wanna integrate everything into one like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My experience has only been being given the remote control with the object I buy , not doing any tampering with it and programming , using it to programme T_V_ and uh uh videos and things . But basically on , off , volume up and down , channel one , two , th that basic functions ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't think I could go any further with it than that , so , I suppose it's got to be something usable by someone like me as well .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , the main {disfmarker} that's the main stuff anyway , I mean", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} and you don't want to {disfmarker} I hate I hate looking at a control and seeing a million tiny little buttons with tiny little words saying what they all do", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and just sitting there searching for the teletext button or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . And symbols that you don't necessarily understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "symbols you're meant to understand that you don't .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So simplification of symbols you could think of .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um . When they're {disfmarker} when you've got the main things on the front of it and a section opens up or something to the other functions where you can do sound or options kind of recording , things like that inside it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it doesn't make {disfmarker} when you pick it up it doesn't make it really complicated to look at ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's obvious what you're doing , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Actually that just raises a point , I wonder what our design people think , but you know on a mobile phone , you can press a key and it gives you a menu , it's got a menu display ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Menu , alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I wonder if incorporating that into the design of a remote control might be useful ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got a little L_C_D_ display .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , I was thinking on the same lines you , instead of having too many b buttons and make it complicated for the user , may h maybe have an L_C_D_ di display or something like that , like a mobile , yeah and with menus .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "With menus , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And if it's s somewhat similar to what you have on mobile phone , people might find it easier to browse and navigate also maybe .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about the older generation ? What about granny and grandads ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You mean to save it lesser number .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , my grandad can answer his mobile phone , but he couldn't even dream of texting or something like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . Can he programme his remote control or is it basic with that too ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't think they tape things ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , my grandad's actually better than me at using teletext , so {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't think they use {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . So that's a problem regardless of of any design modifications you you come up with ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that's gonna be a problem anyway with the older generation perhaps ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah , the age gap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , what it just needs to be {disfmarker} as long as it's sort of self-intuitive and you can can work out what everything's doing , 'cause I mean , menus on sort of new phones now they've sort of got all these pictures and stuff which makes it fairly obvious what you're trying to do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know , I d", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I don't know how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't like the , you know the new phones that have kind of got a Windows-based running system .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I find it really confusing , I kept getting lost {vocalsound} in the phone , I di I've not got a new one but uh my friend got a new one", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and I was trying to do things with it and I just kept getting lost , but that's just me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I don't I don't know how for twenty fi , or twelve Euros fifty how much of a excellent screen you could get ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you'd you'd have to sort of keep it down to a black and white L_C_D_ thing anyway , I'd assume .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Is it possible that that for the older generation you could have like an extra button that you press for large print like you do in large print books ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Teletext has got that option as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Obviously it displays less on the screen , it displays less on the screen but as long as they can read it that's the main thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . Or what about kind of a dual function ? In that you've got the basic buttons just for your play , volume , programme things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} and then a menu to go into with obvious pictures , obvious symbols and that's where you control recording and things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Mm-hmm . Mm . The other thing is , just ch chucking into mobile phone f design features again , it could have a flip top remote control so that when you flip over the top , your screen is {disfmarker} you can have a bigger screen in the the flip over .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , okay . S", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think that's a cost thing , I don't I don't know how much we're gonna know about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It might", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it might save a b bit of space , it's i instead of looking bulky , it might look small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes , no that's important .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it might have its cost implications .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , like smaller .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And there's no reason we need to make it look as fashionable and stylish as a mobile phone , it can still be lightweight plastic , you know ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Something that's easily moulded and produced .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry I'm treading on your territory guys . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , right , okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No uh uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we've got half an hour before the next meeting , so we're all gonna go off and do our individual things . Um I think that's probably about it and then we'll come back and liaise again and I get to do another fantastic PowerPoint presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Just just a quick thing about the um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "about what you're saying about the uh {disfmarker} does does it need to be fashionable ? The sort of {disfmarker} I I had a quick look at the company website and it's like the the uh {disfmarker} we put the fashion into electronics , so I think think the whole design thing might be qui", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ah right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you don't {disfmarker} you you can still have plastic", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sure b y yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it'd look quite good but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} yeah , I mean it doesn't have to be that , you know {vocalsound} th that was my main point ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we don't have to use metal , I don't know if using plastic does make it cheaper ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I presume it would .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it would probably . I mean there's Sky remote controls and everything . They're kind of moulded and look a bit different , and the Telewest remote controls are silver plastic , which looks a bit smarter ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so yeah I guess that's stuff we can think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so let's break it up there . Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , see you in half an hour .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do we go back to our room ? Yep ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think so , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Project Manager hoped to make the market range international, covering all age groups, instead of focusing solely on the business market. Project Manager highlighted that the team should not worry about the language differences and the big target group would be achievable.
What did Project Manager think of the market range when discussing price issues and target groups of the remote control?
[ { "content": "Help . {gap} It's up there ? That screen's black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright , okay . Okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are we done ? Right , okay um , this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , right our agenda for today , do you want us to give you a second ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no that's okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "sorry .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll go over what we decided last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , we decided upon a universal control , one handset for all , T_V_ , video equipment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers , wide age range , not limiting anyone . We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product , we put fashion in electronics , you know that kind of s thing . Um , our budget would have to affect um {disfmarker} try not to reflect our budget , um that we might have a bit of {disfmarker} oh oh you can see it , okay {vocalsound} . Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um want it to look uncluttered , undaunting to the customer . We discussed a flip-open design , um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming , things like that . Okay . Um , three presentations , I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um is it okay if I postpone that til later , I just want to get access to a little bit more information ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No that's fine , that's fine . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , yeah I'll go first . Can I grab the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unplug me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thanks . What do I have to press ? Oh , F_ eight ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , F_N_ function F_ eight .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh right , yeah . Okay . Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep there we go . Okay this is uh the working design , presented by me , the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay , this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so . What {disfmarker} the first thing {disfmarker} question I asked was what are we trying to design ? Well , a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state , whether that be the power , or the channel um or the volume , everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to . Um , so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that . But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people , we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that {disfmarker} well it wasn't really my area because {vocalsound} I'm dealing with the inside really . So um , yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and uh {vocalsound} I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use , wireless and , you don't need to send very much information . Um , most of them are powered by some form of battery . Now our one , I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Could I {disfmarker} can I interject to ask a question there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that appropriate ? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the {gap} surrounding it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um no no , if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They are .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I see .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and how much you need to send the data across .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round . Um , now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller . {vocalsound} Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work , uh as I said about the {disfmarker} w which batteries we were gonna choose , we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema , which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine . And then I was uh {disfmarker} just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer . And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not a proper circuit , I'm not sure if it'd work or not , I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway , we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the {vocalsound} uh U_I_ interface um which would basically , when you when you pressed anything it would {disfmarker} the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver , which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to {vocalsound} whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and {disfmarker} reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment . And then finally , um we want uh the {disfmarker} it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good . Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base , we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about , uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of {disfmarker} d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa {vocalsound} thing that you could have ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} th that was just sort of a general point there .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And that's uh {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's a very important part , it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that , whenever you like me to present .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright okay , and yeah , that's that's what I came up with there ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so if you wanna {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , would you like to continue on from that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ooh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . It can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or , maybe move the laptop over .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay , that's okay with me . {gap} further . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops . Why's it not working ? F_ eight , right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "F_ function .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Function F_ eight yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm why's it in the right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . The plug hasn't come out at the bottom , has it ? No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's connecting {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , no yeah it's just {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Meter adjusting .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , there {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting , just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um , I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable . So purpose , as William already said , I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible . And to summarise I I would say it's {disfmarker} it should be user-friendly by being easy to use , rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering {gap} maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever . But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it , will {gap} this two features together . So what the concept is to have a flip-top model . The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you {disfmarker} you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever , can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top . So it's like {disfmarker} it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh {disfmarker} added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people . Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not {disfmarker} of no use of punching in the uh {disfmarker} trying to put in those things in {disfmarker} on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user . As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said ? Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also , so we can give in {disfmarker} add in more features and make it less costly . Um , that's {disfmarker} so this is {disfmarker} if you ask me personally , I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use {disfmarker} usage and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh any comments like , if you want ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay . Um , I think we'll chat about it at the end ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ooh , it's vibrating , that's strange . Oh , God . Right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you'll have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have I got to keep this here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it matter ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It'll have to {disfmarker} this can't be pulled .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just do the best we can .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You'll have to push it a bit more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Will it manage ? Bit more ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "oh dear . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah this is more than enough . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There we go , I've got a bit more of the cable {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think you can pull it out now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just pull it closer a little bit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh you should be able to {gap} and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you might .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , there you go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Get it right over , okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah . Look at that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , um , I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research . {vocalsound} Um , so that's where we started , we used our our usability lab , the company's usability lab , we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public , male and female , all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab , just their general use of the remote control , you can see we had a hundred subjects there . {vocalsound} Our findings , lots of findings , I've just summarised some of them here . The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls , so it has obvious design implications there . Um , we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy , we were quite surprised by that finding , but um that's quite a high proportion of our our , you know , international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking . Um , current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall . For example , you can see below there , seventy five percent of users zap a lot ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping . So again there's power implications there . {vocalsound} Um , fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons , so again a big design issue there . Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control . Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier , uh remote controls are often lost in the room , it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing , uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that . Uh thirty four percent of people take {disfmarker} said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons , they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions . Um , um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury . You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems . Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition , again that was to aid I think in uh {disfmarker} when they've lost the actual remote control , some kind of speech recognition . Something we didn't put to them , but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light , possibly . Um , that trend reverses in the older age groups . So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features , that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses , they're not so bothered with this . {vocalsound} I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I think I'll just keep it simple ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "if there's any more information I can email you extra details ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} That's fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we have new project requirements , um we're not going to be using teletext ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now . Um {vocalsound} our control is only going to be for T_V_ , it's not going to be a combined control , which limits you know all of the different things that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it limits the cost for us ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , so can we not programme a video with this remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It says for T_V_ only , so {vocalsound} looks like it's just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just channel-hopping .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it , but {vocalsound} I don't know , what do you think ? It just said , for T_V_ only . But I mean , general T_V_ controls do do video as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Would that imply video use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "T yeah yeah . I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . If yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if you got if you got a Sky box , they have one of those plus boxes , you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and {vocalsound} programming .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ten perc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video , fast-forwarding , so on", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pens", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and they're not that great anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In fact I've just called up that table there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we asked those two questions , the table relates to both questions , so we didn't differentiate . Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen , that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group , I think that's just general fear of new technology .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but um on on that again I just thought {disfmarker} 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "bu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I thought that could be quite a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves , so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um because it is something I {disfmarker} it needs to be {disfmarker} the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose , you were saying whistling ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "maybe {vocalsound} on the T_V_ {disfmarker} you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote , you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you're like oh okay it's over there , something like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . That's a super idea .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's {disfmarker} that sounds a lot cheaper to me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset . Um so we want logo , we want um fashionable , trendy , I mean what you were talking about with the marketing . Um , people paying more for it to look good . Um , we need to focus on that as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is , it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market . What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African , I dunno ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you get the idea . It's it's gonna vary around the world . At the end of the day , th the engineering design is one thing , it's the user interface design that may {disfmarker} and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a single model or maybe five , six designs {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The features could be same and the body could look slightly different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What about {disfmarker} you were talking about the buttons ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big , rubber buttons , not tiny little one , big , rubber buttons , but what about , I mean , 'cause we got to make it original , what about um you know with the touch screen computers", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Yeah , yeah that's what I was just {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah ? Um so you {disfmarker} it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either , not sure about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , well no 'cause you wouldn't have to {disfmarker} you don't actually have to press them you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You don't have to press it , you just have to put your thumb onto it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , think that might appeal {disfmarker} I'm thinking kind of Japan , I'm thinking uh young , um office people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "trendy kind of a thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , but quite , um , easily labelled so that anyone can {gap} oh yeah that's obvious what that's for", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs , ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um {vocalsound} if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Were too big .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because um {vocalsound} they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh {disfmarker} so if you {disfmarker} I don't know what {disfmarker} 'cause you {disfmarker} obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh maybe to {disfmarker} as uh {disfmarker} it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use , the injuries , maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups , you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also , the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think we have to design one product", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "in the sense that they can make it smaller , or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same , yes , absolutely .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's gonna be the same , so we need to focus on just one thing , not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . I'm concerned , when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again , repetitive strain injury , I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough , I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that . Um , R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm j I really can't get my head round this one ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause {disfmarker} without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I know , and it becomes ridiculous , yes I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or a speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is extremely expensive ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . Mm-hmm . Do we have to initially um , you know looking at the findings here , focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later . Do we really have to go for everyone right away ? Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could focus on the biggest market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ge uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people , young people , trendy people .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We are {disfmarker} we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well . That they want um it to be fashionable ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume {disfmarker} associate that with the older generations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now with the baby boomers , the older generations are actually larger , they have a greater population than us young people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't think we're focusing on that , I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um , business kind of class type people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm . I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too , for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage , we want to , you know , not waste money , not be profligate", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up , first {disfmarker} it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so the remote control functions . Um we've got the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've got the video , now there's um I can't remember what it's called , the little code at the end of programme details ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Video plus .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yes . We could use that as an alternative to programming in times , things like that , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I always found that really easy when I discovered it , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you've got your general record anyway so if you {disfmarker} there's a programme on you want to put record on , that's fine , but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to , you put the number in", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just whack in the number .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and it's just a number , it's not a date , it's not a time , it's not a channel , it's not when it finishes , it's not anything like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's just a number .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "after um {disfmarker} if you look in the newspaper , T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five , six digit number afterwards", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah , hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um and it has been around for quite a long time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Superb . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it {disfmarker} you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Excellent , mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But just to have that function would be would be really good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me , I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another , but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me , {gap} to produce our own mobile phones , that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features , um , chain companies like Carphone Warehouse , you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "they'll phone the company , you can use their telephones .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this , if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets , th you know , which button is it I press for this ? Th as free as a free aspect of our service , would that not make it more attractive to them ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um {disfmarker} the companies who uh who you deal with have actually {disfmarker} they've they've got an obligation to to help you out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there , you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it . Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing , it's not working , what should I do ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright . {vocalsound} Yes", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I mean for {disfmarker} if there were any more {disfmarker} or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're not gonna put any {disfmarker} {vocalsound} okay , just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Instruction manuals . But I mean they're {disfmarker} there's customer service ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Department , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and that way there's no call out charge , there's no extra , t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to {disfmarker} for a phone maybe he might walk down the street ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And they're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Not for such simple functions", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , they should be f yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because we're focusing on that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yes okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It does ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's the uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then you try and search through it , so that should be something we think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , what other functions ? We need {disfmarker} I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now , but we should think about {disfmarker} c 'cause you've got the dilemma between {disfmarker} oh batteries , that's what I was thinking about . Mobile phone batteries , what kinda battery is that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones , but they come with a charger , I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they la they they last quite a long time ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and if you had uh {disfmarker} when you {disfmarker} th the thing that you get with mobile house phones , you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , something like that should reduce the size of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and if {disfmarker} yeah if you if you had if you had one of those {disfmarker} uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah it could be on that {disfmarker} yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah on that as well so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "some sort of docking station or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Rechargeable with a docking station .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the rechargeable which would be your field .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which it is cheaper in the long run as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , th the shape you got trendy . I don't wanna big box with lots of things , you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many {disfmarker} {vocalsound} how much you try and make it simple ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They do .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "these long , brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface . We definitely {disfmarker} an ob an obvious thing , a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles , we don't want that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so we've got a flip-screen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back . Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box , like a chocolate .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up , so they came up with something like this , curled up , so here ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you don't have to {disfmarker} you don't bend your thumb too much , so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing , curled up like a boat .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Slightly curved , curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like . So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the way you h hold of {disfmarker} it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom , something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can you look into the company logo ? Um , things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Current .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean for example , if it was a C_ or something like that , you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell , or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "while also making it quite different from anything else that's there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We could look in at that but {disfmarker} Mm . What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean look at the mobile .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "logo could become as {disfmarker} you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model , rather than you know , trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that sounds a really attractive idea ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A sea shell ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I've not come across anything like that before , if it kind of {disfmarker} yeah and that opens out into your flip-top .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic , nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers , that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think . I think it's a really nice idea", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah we could look in at that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and plus you can get {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know even though we're using plastic , you can still {disfmarker} I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic , we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or you could do um different , like you get with mobile phones , different fascias . You could have different kind of casings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm-hmm . Less chance of it being lost too , it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't {disfmarker} not gonna lose it so much {vocalsound} either . It's easier to {disfmarker} bit nice to handle .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe we could come at some say five , six des designs and then choose which are {disfmarker} whichever appeals the most like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that could be the most common design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we can like think of five , six designs .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right , I think we have to round it up , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's no teletext , it's only for T_V_ and by implication video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control , um something about Videoplus .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That was um in cutting down the number {disfmarker} that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions , making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . Right , so when they press for programming you {disfmarker} it comes up on the L_C_D_ , a reminder about using Videoplus ? So that they have a look at the guide and {disfmarker} Or was {disfmarker} is this nothing to do with the project requirements , is this just {disfmarker} that was an add-on feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's {disfmarker} kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Right . Right , so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um it could be it c It {disfmarker} yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it could be uh adv advertisement feature , um rather than design feature ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you know , drawing attention to that . And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual , 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , and the rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Was there anything else there that we {disfmarker} in the new new project requirements ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . That's not at the moment a requirement , it's something we're looking at ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "what preference {disfmarker} so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something , a beeping for being lost , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For detection , right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible . But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} the instruction manual , I don't know if we deal with that , um . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and different from what's out there . Yep , I think that's us .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think you might get guidance , but um I th Instruction manuals , 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "u um , they're {disfmarker} everyone's got like a big pile of them , but no one really uses them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Whoops , questionnaire four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We should f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , right . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's time for us to get back to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , okay . I think you can email me , if there's any more questions . Um and I'll be able to not answer them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
The team mainly made some adjustments to the remote control design to meet the new project requirements. The second meeting started with Project Manager who briefly went over the last meeting. Industrial Designer hoped to minimize the size of the battery. The team thus decided on a rechargeable one. User Interface desired to simplify the remote control style, cutting down unnecessary functions. According to the market research presented by Marketing, the team agreed on a trendy and user-friendly flip-top design. An alarm would be incorporated for detection in case the remote control was lost in the house.
Summarize the whole meeting.
[ { "content": "Help . {gap} It's up there ? That screen's black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright , okay . Okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are we done ? Right , okay um , this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , right our agenda for today , do you want us to give you a second ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no that's okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "sorry .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll go over what we decided last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , we decided upon a universal control , one handset for all , T_V_ , video equipment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers , wide age range , not limiting anyone . We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product , we put fashion in electronics , you know that kind of s thing . Um , our budget would have to affect um {disfmarker} try not to reflect our budget , um that we might have a bit of {disfmarker} oh oh you can see it , okay {vocalsound} . Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um want it to look uncluttered , undaunting to the customer . We discussed a flip-open design , um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming , things like that . Okay . Um , three presentations , I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um is it okay if I postpone that til later , I just want to get access to a little bit more information ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No that's fine , that's fine . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , yeah I'll go first . Can I grab the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unplug me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thanks . What do I have to press ? Oh , F_ eight ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , F_N_ function F_ eight .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh right , yeah . Okay . Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep there we go . Okay this is uh the working design , presented by me , the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay , this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so . What {disfmarker} the first thing {disfmarker} question I asked was what are we trying to design ? Well , a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state , whether that be the power , or the channel um or the volume , everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to . Um , so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that . But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people , we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that {disfmarker} well it wasn't really my area because {vocalsound} I'm dealing with the inside really . So um , yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and uh {vocalsound} I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use , wireless and , you don't need to send very much information . Um , most of them are powered by some form of battery . Now our one , I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Could I {disfmarker} can I interject to ask a question there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that appropriate ? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the {gap} surrounding it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um no no , if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They are .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I see .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and how much you need to send the data across .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round . Um , now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller . {vocalsound} Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work , uh as I said about the {disfmarker} w which batteries we were gonna choose , we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema , which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine . And then I was uh {disfmarker} just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer . And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not a proper circuit , I'm not sure if it'd work or not , I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway , we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the {vocalsound} uh U_I_ interface um which would basically , when you when you pressed anything it would {disfmarker} the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver , which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to {vocalsound} whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and {disfmarker} reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment . And then finally , um we want uh the {disfmarker} it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good . Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base , we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about , uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of {disfmarker} d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa {vocalsound} thing that you could have ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} th that was just sort of a general point there .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And that's uh {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's a very important part , it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that , whenever you like me to present .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright okay , and yeah , that's that's what I came up with there ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so if you wanna {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , would you like to continue on from that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ooh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . It can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or , maybe move the laptop over .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay , that's okay with me . {gap} further . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops . Why's it not working ? F_ eight , right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "F_ function .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Function F_ eight yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm why's it in the right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . The plug hasn't come out at the bottom , has it ? No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's connecting {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , no yeah it's just {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Meter adjusting .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , there {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting , just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um , I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable . So purpose , as William already said , I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible . And to summarise I I would say it's {disfmarker} it should be user-friendly by being easy to use , rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering {gap} maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever . But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it , will {gap} this two features together . So what the concept is to have a flip-top model . The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you {disfmarker} you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever , can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top . So it's like {disfmarker} it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh {disfmarker} added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people . Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not {disfmarker} of no use of punching in the uh {disfmarker} trying to put in those things in {disfmarker} on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user . As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said ? Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also , so we can give in {disfmarker} add in more features and make it less costly . Um , that's {disfmarker} so this is {disfmarker} if you ask me personally , I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use {disfmarker} usage and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh any comments like , if you want ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay . Um , I think we'll chat about it at the end ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ooh , it's vibrating , that's strange . Oh , God . Right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you'll have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have I got to keep this here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it matter ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It'll have to {disfmarker} this can't be pulled .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just do the best we can .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You'll have to push it a bit more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Will it manage ? Bit more ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "oh dear . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah this is more than enough . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There we go , I've got a bit more of the cable {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think you can pull it out now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just pull it closer a little bit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh you should be able to {gap} and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you might .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , there you go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Get it right over , okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah . Look at that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , um , I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research . {vocalsound} Um , so that's where we started , we used our our usability lab , the company's usability lab , we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public , male and female , all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab , just their general use of the remote control , you can see we had a hundred subjects there . {vocalsound} Our findings , lots of findings , I've just summarised some of them here . The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls , so it has obvious design implications there . Um , we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy , we were quite surprised by that finding , but um that's quite a high proportion of our our , you know , international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking . Um , current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall . For example , you can see below there , seventy five percent of users zap a lot ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping . So again there's power implications there . {vocalsound} Um , fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons , so again a big design issue there . Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control . Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier , uh remote controls are often lost in the room , it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing , uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that . Uh thirty four percent of people take {disfmarker} said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons , they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions . Um , um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury . You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems . Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition , again that was to aid I think in uh {disfmarker} when they've lost the actual remote control , some kind of speech recognition . Something we didn't put to them , but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light , possibly . Um , that trend reverses in the older age groups . So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features , that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses , they're not so bothered with this . {vocalsound} I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I think I'll just keep it simple ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "if there's any more information I can email you extra details ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} That's fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we have new project requirements , um we're not going to be using teletext ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now . Um {vocalsound} our control is only going to be for T_V_ , it's not going to be a combined control , which limits you know all of the different things that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it limits the cost for us ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , so can we not programme a video with this remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It says for T_V_ only , so {vocalsound} looks like it's just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just channel-hopping .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it , but {vocalsound} I don't know , what do you think ? It just said , for T_V_ only . But I mean , general T_V_ controls do do video as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Would that imply video use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "T yeah yeah . I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . If yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if you got if you got a Sky box , they have one of those plus boxes , you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and {vocalsound} programming .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ten perc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video , fast-forwarding , so on", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pens", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and they're not that great anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In fact I've just called up that table there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we asked those two questions , the table relates to both questions , so we didn't differentiate . Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen , that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group , I think that's just general fear of new technology .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but um on on that again I just thought {disfmarker} 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "bu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I thought that could be quite a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves , so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um because it is something I {disfmarker} it needs to be {disfmarker} the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose , you were saying whistling ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "maybe {vocalsound} on the T_V_ {disfmarker} you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote , you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you're like oh okay it's over there , something like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . That's a super idea .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's {disfmarker} that sounds a lot cheaper to me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset . Um so we want logo , we want um fashionable , trendy , I mean what you were talking about with the marketing . Um , people paying more for it to look good . Um , we need to focus on that as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is , it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market . What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African , I dunno ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you get the idea . It's it's gonna vary around the world . At the end of the day , th the engineering design is one thing , it's the user interface design that may {disfmarker} and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a single model or maybe five , six designs {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The features could be same and the body could look slightly different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What about {disfmarker} you were talking about the buttons ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big , rubber buttons , not tiny little one , big , rubber buttons , but what about , I mean , 'cause we got to make it original , what about um you know with the touch screen computers", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Yeah , yeah that's what I was just {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah ? Um so you {disfmarker} it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either , not sure about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , well no 'cause you wouldn't have to {disfmarker} you don't actually have to press them you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You don't have to press it , you just have to put your thumb onto it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , think that might appeal {disfmarker} I'm thinking kind of Japan , I'm thinking uh young , um office people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "trendy kind of a thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , but quite , um , easily labelled so that anyone can {gap} oh yeah that's obvious what that's for", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs , ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um {vocalsound} if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Were too big .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because um {vocalsound} they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh {disfmarker} so if you {disfmarker} I don't know what {disfmarker} 'cause you {disfmarker} obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh maybe to {disfmarker} as uh {disfmarker} it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use , the injuries , maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups , you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also , the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think we have to design one product", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "in the sense that they can make it smaller , or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same , yes , absolutely .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's gonna be the same , so we need to focus on just one thing , not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . I'm concerned , when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again , repetitive strain injury , I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough , I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that . Um , R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm j I really can't get my head round this one ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause {disfmarker} without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I know , and it becomes ridiculous , yes I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or a speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is extremely expensive ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . Mm-hmm . Do we have to initially um , you know looking at the findings here , focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later . Do we really have to go for everyone right away ? Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could focus on the biggest market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ge uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people , young people , trendy people .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We are {disfmarker} we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well . That they want um it to be fashionable ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume {disfmarker} associate that with the older generations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now with the baby boomers , the older generations are actually larger , they have a greater population than us young people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't think we're focusing on that , I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um , business kind of class type people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm . I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too , for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage , we want to , you know , not waste money , not be profligate", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up , first {disfmarker} it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so the remote control functions . Um we've got the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've got the video , now there's um I can't remember what it's called , the little code at the end of programme details ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Video plus .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yes . We could use that as an alternative to programming in times , things like that , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I always found that really easy when I discovered it , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you've got your general record anyway so if you {disfmarker} there's a programme on you want to put record on , that's fine , but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to , you put the number in", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just whack in the number .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and it's just a number , it's not a date , it's not a time , it's not a channel , it's not when it finishes , it's not anything like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's just a number .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "after um {disfmarker} if you look in the newspaper , T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five , six digit number afterwards", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah , hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um and it has been around for quite a long time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Superb . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it {disfmarker} you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Excellent , mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But just to have that function would be would be really good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me , I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another , but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me , {gap} to produce our own mobile phones , that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features , um , chain companies like Carphone Warehouse , you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "they'll phone the company , you can use their telephones .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this , if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets , th you know , which button is it I press for this ? Th as free as a free aspect of our service , would that not make it more attractive to them ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um {disfmarker} the companies who uh who you deal with have actually {disfmarker} they've they've got an obligation to to help you out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there , you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it . Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing , it's not working , what should I do ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright . {vocalsound} Yes", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I mean for {disfmarker} if there were any more {disfmarker} or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're not gonna put any {disfmarker} {vocalsound} okay , just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Instruction manuals . But I mean they're {disfmarker} there's customer service ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Department , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and that way there's no call out charge , there's no extra , t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to {disfmarker} for a phone maybe he might walk down the street ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And they're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Not for such simple functions", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , they should be f yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because we're focusing on that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yes okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It does ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's the uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then you try and search through it , so that should be something we think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , what other functions ? We need {disfmarker} I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now , but we should think about {disfmarker} c 'cause you've got the dilemma between {disfmarker} oh batteries , that's what I was thinking about . Mobile phone batteries , what kinda battery is that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones , but they come with a charger , I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they la they they last quite a long time ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and if you had uh {disfmarker} when you {disfmarker} th the thing that you get with mobile house phones , you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , something like that should reduce the size of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and if {disfmarker} yeah if you if you had if you had one of those {disfmarker} uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah it could be on that {disfmarker} yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah on that as well so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "some sort of docking station or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Rechargeable with a docking station .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the rechargeable which would be your field .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which it is cheaper in the long run as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , th the shape you got trendy . I don't wanna big box with lots of things , you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many {disfmarker} {vocalsound} how much you try and make it simple ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They do .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "these long , brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface . We definitely {disfmarker} an ob an obvious thing , a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles , we don't want that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so we've got a flip-screen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back . Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box , like a chocolate .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up , so they came up with something like this , curled up , so here ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you don't have to {disfmarker} you don't bend your thumb too much , so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing , curled up like a boat .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Slightly curved , curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like . So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the way you h hold of {disfmarker} it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom , something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can you look into the company logo ? Um , things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Current .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean for example , if it was a C_ or something like that , you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell , or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "while also making it quite different from anything else that's there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We could look in at that but {disfmarker} Mm . What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean look at the mobile .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "logo could become as {disfmarker} you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model , rather than you know , trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that sounds a really attractive idea ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A sea shell ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I've not come across anything like that before , if it kind of {disfmarker} yeah and that opens out into your flip-top .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic , nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers , that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think . I think it's a really nice idea", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah we could look in at that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and plus you can get {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know even though we're using plastic , you can still {disfmarker} I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic , we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or you could do um different , like you get with mobile phones , different fascias . You could have different kind of casings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm-hmm . Less chance of it being lost too , it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't {disfmarker} not gonna lose it so much {vocalsound} either . It's easier to {disfmarker} bit nice to handle .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe we could come at some say five , six des designs and then choose which are {disfmarker} whichever appeals the most like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that could be the most common design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we can like think of five , six designs .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right , I think we have to round it up , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's no teletext , it's only for T_V_ and by implication video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control , um something about Videoplus .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That was um in cutting down the number {disfmarker} that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions , making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . Right , so when they press for programming you {disfmarker} it comes up on the L_C_D_ , a reminder about using Videoplus ? So that they have a look at the guide and {disfmarker} Or was {disfmarker} is this nothing to do with the project requirements , is this just {disfmarker} that was an add-on feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's {disfmarker} kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Right . Right , so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um it could be it c It {disfmarker} yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it could be uh adv advertisement feature , um rather than design feature ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you know , drawing attention to that . And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual , 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , and the rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Was there anything else there that we {disfmarker} in the new new project requirements ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . That's not at the moment a requirement , it's something we're looking at ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "what preference {disfmarker} so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something , a beeping for being lost , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For detection , right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible . But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} the instruction manual , I don't know if we deal with that , um . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and different from what's out there . Yep , I think that's us .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think you might get guidance , but um I th Instruction manuals , 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "u um , they're {disfmarker} everyone's got like a big pile of them , but no one really uses them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Whoops , questionnaire four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We should f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , right . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's time for us to get back to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , okay . I think you can email me , if there's any more questions . Um and I'll be able to not answer them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
On battery issue, Industrial Designer expressed a desire to minimize the size of the battery. Meanwhile, cost, power consumption, wireless range and data transmission were supposed to be considered. User Interface's presentation followed. The remote control design would be simplified and user-friendly. To make the style more trendy, User Interface decided on a flip-top model.
What did the group discuss about battery issues and flip top design?
[ { "content": "Help . {gap} It's up there ? That screen's black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright , okay . Okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are we done ? Right , okay um , this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , right our agenda for today , do you want us to give you a second ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no that's okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "sorry .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll go over what we decided last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , we decided upon a universal control , one handset for all , T_V_ , video equipment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers , wide age range , not limiting anyone . We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product , we put fashion in electronics , you know that kind of s thing . Um , our budget would have to affect um {disfmarker} try not to reflect our budget , um that we might have a bit of {disfmarker} oh oh you can see it , okay {vocalsound} . Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um want it to look uncluttered , undaunting to the customer . We discussed a flip-open design , um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming , things like that . Okay . Um , three presentations , I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um is it okay if I postpone that til later , I just want to get access to a little bit more information ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No that's fine , that's fine . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , yeah I'll go first . Can I grab the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unplug me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thanks . What do I have to press ? Oh , F_ eight ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , F_N_ function F_ eight .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh right , yeah . Okay . Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep there we go . Okay this is uh the working design , presented by me , the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay , this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so . What {disfmarker} the first thing {disfmarker} question I asked was what are we trying to design ? Well , a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state , whether that be the power , or the channel um or the volume , everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to . Um , so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that . But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people , we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that {disfmarker} well it wasn't really my area because {vocalsound} I'm dealing with the inside really . So um , yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and uh {vocalsound} I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use , wireless and , you don't need to send very much information . Um , most of them are powered by some form of battery . Now our one , I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Could I {disfmarker} can I interject to ask a question there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that appropriate ? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the {gap} surrounding it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um no no , if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They are .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I see .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and how much you need to send the data across .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round . Um , now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller . {vocalsound} Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work , uh as I said about the {disfmarker} w which batteries we were gonna choose , we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema , which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine . And then I was uh {disfmarker} just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer . And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not a proper circuit , I'm not sure if it'd work or not , I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway , we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the {vocalsound} uh U_I_ interface um which would basically , when you when you pressed anything it would {disfmarker} the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver , which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to {vocalsound} whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and {disfmarker} reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment . And then finally , um we want uh the {disfmarker} it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good . Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base , we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about , uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of {disfmarker} d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa {vocalsound} thing that you could have ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} th that was just sort of a general point there .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And that's uh {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's a very important part , it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that , whenever you like me to present .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright okay , and yeah , that's that's what I came up with there ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so if you wanna {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , would you like to continue on from that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ooh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . It can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or , maybe move the laptop over .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay , that's okay with me . {gap} further . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops . Why's it not working ? F_ eight , right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "F_ function .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Function F_ eight yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm why's it in the right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . The plug hasn't come out at the bottom , has it ? No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's connecting {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , no yeah it's just {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Meter adjusting .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , there {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting , just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um , I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable . So purpose , as William already said , I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible . And to summarise I I would say it's {disfmarker} it should be user-friendly by being easy to use , rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering {gap} maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever . But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it , will {gap} this two features together . So what the concept is to have a flip-top model . The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you {disfmarker} you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever , can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top . So it's like {disfmarker} it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh {disfmarker} added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people . Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not {disfmarker} of no use of punching in the uh {disfmarker} trying to put in those things in {disfmarker} on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user . As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said ? Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also , so we can give in {disfmarker} add in more features and make it less costly . Um , that's {disfmarker} so this is {disfmarker} if you ask me personally , I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use {disfmarker} usage and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh any comments like , if you want ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay . Um , I think we'll chat about it at the end ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ooh , it's vibrating , that's strange . Oh , God . Right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you'll have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have I got to keep this here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it matter ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It'll have to {disfmarker} this can't be pulled .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just do the best we can .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You'll have to push it a bit more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Will it manage ? Bit more ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "oh dear . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah this is more than enough . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There we go , I've got a bit more of the cable {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think you can pull it out now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just pull it closer a little bit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh you should be able to {gap} and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you might .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , there you go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Get it right over , okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah . Look at that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , um , I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research . {vocalsound} Um , so that's where we started , we used our our usability lab , the company's usability lab , we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public , male and female , all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab , just their general use of the remote control , you can see we had a hundred subjects there . {vocalsound} Our findings , lots of findings , I've just summarised some of them here . The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls , so it has obvious design implications there . Um , we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy , we were quite surprised by that finding , but um that's quite a high proportion of our our , you know , international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking . Um , current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall . For example , you can see below there , seventy five percent of users zap a lot ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping . So again there's power implications there . {vocalsound} Um , fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons , so again a big design issue there . Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control . Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier , uh remote controls are often lost in the room , it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing , uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that . Uh thirty four percent of people take {disfmarker} said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons , they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions . Um , um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury . You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems . Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition , again that was to aid I think in uh {disfmarker} when they've lost the actual remote control , some kind of speech recognition . Something we didn't put to them , but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light , possibly . Um , that trend reverses in the older age groups . So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features , that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses , they're not so bothered with this . {vocalsound} I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I think I'll just keep it simple ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "if there's any more information I can email you extra details ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} That's fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we have new project requirements , um we're not going to be using teletext ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now . Um {vocalsound} our control is only going to be for T_V_ , it's not going to be a combined control , which limits you know all of the different things that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it limits the cost for us ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , so can we not programme a video with this remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It says for T_V_ only , so {vocalsound} looks like it's just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just channel-hopping .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it , but {vocalsound} I don't know , what do you think ? It just said , for T_V_ only . But I mean , general T_V_ controls do do video as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Would that imply video use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "T yeah yeah . I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . If yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if you got if you got a Sky box , they have one of those plus boxes , you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and {vocalsound} programming .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ten perc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video , fast-forwarding , so on", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pens", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and they're not that great anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In fact I've just called up that table there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we asked those two questions , the table relates to both questions , so we didn't differentiate . Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen , that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group , I think that's just general fear of new technology .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but um on on that again I just thought {disfmarker} 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "bu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I thought that could be quite a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves , so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um because it is something I {disfmarker} it needs to be {disfmarker} the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose , you were saying whistling ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "maybe {vocalsound} on the T_V_ {disfmarker} you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote , you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you're like oh okay it's over there , something like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . That's a super idea .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's {disfmarker} that sounds a lot cheaper to me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset . Um so we want logo , we want um fashionable , trendy , I mean what you were talking about with the marketing . Um , people paying more for it to look good . Um , we need to focus on that as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is , it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market . What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African , I dunno ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you get the idea . It's it's gonna vary around the world . At the end of the day , th the engineering design is one thing , it's the user interface design that may {disfmarker} and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a single model or maybe five , six designs {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The features could be same and the body could look slightly different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What about {disfmarker} you were talking about the buttons ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big , rubber buttons , not tiny little one , big , rubber buttons , but what about , I mean , 'cause we got to make it original , what about um you know with the touch screen computers", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Yeah , yeah that's what I was just {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah ? Um so you {disfmarker} it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either , not sure about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , well no 'cause you wouldn't have to {disfmarker} you don't actually have to press them you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You don't have to press it , you just have to put your thumb onto it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , think that might appeal {disfmarker} I'm thinking kind of Japan , I'm thinking uh young , um office people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "trendy kind of a thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , but quite , um , easily labelled so that anyone can {gap} oh yeah that's obvious what that's for", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs , ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um {vocalsound} if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Were too big .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because um {vocalsound} they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh {disfmarker} so if you {disfmarker} I don't know what {disfmarker} 'cause you {disfmarker} obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh maybe to {disfmarker} as uh {disfmarker} it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use , the injuries , maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups , you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also , the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think we have to design one product", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "in the sense that they can make it smaller , or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same , yes , absolutely .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's gonna be the same , so we need to focus on just one thing , not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . I'm concerned , when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again , repetitive strain injury , I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough , I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that . Um , R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm j I really can't get my head round this one ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause {disfmarker} without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I know , and it becomes ridiculous , yes I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or a speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is extremely expensive ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . Mm-hmm . Do we have to initially um , you know looking at the findings here , focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later . Do we really have to go for everyone right away ? Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could focus on the biggest market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ge uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people , young people , trendy people .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We are {disfmarker} we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well . That they want um it to be fashionable ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume {disfmarker} associate that with the older generations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now with the baby boomers , the older generations are actually larger , they have a greater population than us young people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't think we're focusing on that , I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um , business kind of class type people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm . I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too , for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage , we want to , you know , not waste money , not be profligate", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up , first {disfmarker} it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so the remote control functions . Um we've got the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've got the video , now there's um I can't remember what it's called , the little code at the end of programme details ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Video plus .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yes . We could use that as an alternative to programming in times , things like that , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I always found that really easy when I discovered it , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you've got your general record anyway so if you {disfmarker} there's a programme on you want to put record on , that's fine , but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to , you put the number in", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just whack in the number .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and it's just a number , it's not a date , it's not a time , it's not a channel , it's not when it finishes , it's not anything like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's just a number .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "after um {disfmarker} if you look in the newspaper , T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five , six digit number afterwards", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah , hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um and it has been around for quite a long time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Superb . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it {disfmarker} you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Excellent , mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But just to have that function would be would be really good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me , I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another , but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me , {gap} to produce our own mobile phones , that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features , um , chain companies like Carphone Warehouse , you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "they'll phone the company , you can use their telephones .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this , if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets , th you know , which button is it I press for this ? Th as free as a free aspect of our service , would that not make it more attractive to them ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um {disfmarker} the companies who uh who you deal with have actually {disfmarker} they've they've got an obligation to to help you out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there , you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it . Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing , it's not working , what should I do ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright . {vocalsound} Yes", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I mean for {disfmarker} if there were any more {disfmarker} or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're not gonna put any {disfmarker} {vocalsound} okay , just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Instruction manuals . But I mean they're {disfmarker} there's customer service ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Department , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and that way there's no call out charge , there's no extra , t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to {disfmarker} for a phone maybe he might walk down the street ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And they're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Not for such simple functions", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , they should be f yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because we're focusing on that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yes okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It does ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's the uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then you try and search through it , so that should be something we think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , what other functions ? We need {disfmarker} I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now , but we should think about {disfmarker} c 'cause you've got the dilemma between {disfmarker} oh batteries , that's what I was thinking about . Mobile phone batteries , what kinda battery is that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones , but they come with a charger , I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they la they they last quite a long time ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and if you had uh {disfmarker} when you {disfmarker} th the thing that you get with mobile house phones , you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , something like that should reduce the size of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and if {disfmarker} yeah if you if you had if you had one of those {disfmarker} uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah it could be on that {disfmarker} yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah on that as well so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "some sort of docking station or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Rechargeable with a docking station .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the rechargeable which would be your field .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which it is cheaper in the long run as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , th the shape you got trendy . I don't wanna big box with lots of things , you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many {disfmarker} {vocalsound} how much you try and make it simple ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They do .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "these long , brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface . We definitely {disfmarker} an ob an obvious thing , a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles , we don't want that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so we've got a flip-screen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back . Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box , like a chocolate .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up , so they came up with something like this , curled up , so here ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you don't have to {disfmarker} you don't bend your thumb too much , so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing , curled up like a boat .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Slightly curved , curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like . So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the way you h hold of {disfmarker} it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom , something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can you look into the company logo ? Um , things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Current .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean for example , if it was a C_ or something like that , you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell , or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "while also making it quite different from anything else that's there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We could look in at that but {disfmarker} Mm . What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean look at the mobile .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "logo could become as {disfmarker} you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model , rather than you know , trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that sounds a really attractive idea ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A sea shell ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I've not come across anything like that before , if it kind of {disfmarker} yeah and that opens out into your flip-top .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic , nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers , that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think . I think it's a really nice idea", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah we could look in at that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and plus you can get {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know even though we're using plastic , you can still {disfmarker} I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic , we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or you could do um different , like you get with mobile phones , different fascias . You could have different kind of casings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm-hmm . Less chance of it being lost too , it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't {disfmarker} not gonna lose it so much {vocalsound} either . It's easier to {disfmarker} bit nice to handle .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe we could come at some say five , six des designs and then choose which are {disfmarker} whichever appeals the most like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that could be the most common design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we can like think of five , six designs .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right , I think we have to round it up , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's no teletext , it's only for T_V_ and by implication video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control , um something about Videoplus .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That was um in cutting down the number {disfmarker} that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions , making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . Right , so when they press for programming you {disfmarker} it comes up on the L_C_D_ , a reminder about using Videoplus ? So that they have a look at the guide and {disfmarker} Or was {disfmarker} is this nothing to do with the project requirements , is this just {disfmarker} that was an add-on feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's {disfmarker} kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Right . Right , so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um it could be it c It {disfmarker} yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it could be uh adv advertisement feature , um rather than design feature ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you know , drawing attention to that . And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual , 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , and the rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Was there anything else there that we {disfmarker} in the new new project requirements ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . That's not at the moment a requirement , it's something we're looking at ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "what preference {disfmarker} so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something , a beeping for being lost , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For detection , right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible . But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} the instruction manual , I don't know if we deal with that , um . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and different from what's out there . Yep , I think that's us .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think you might get guidance , but um I th Instruction manuals , 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "u um , they're {disfmarker} everyone's got like a big pile of them , but no one really uses them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Whoops , questionnaire four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We should f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , right . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's time for us to get back to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , okay . I think you can email me , if there's any more questions . Um and I'll be able to not answer them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer admitted that current remote controls were mostly powered by triple A batteries. However, Industrial Designer also pointed out that they were bulky, although they had been the smallest fit-in batteries at present. Industrial Designer expressed a desire to find a smaller alternative for triple A batteries.
What did Industrial Designer think of triple A batteries when discussing battery issues and flip top design?
[ { "content": "Help . {gap} It's up there ? That screen's black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright , okay . Okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are we done ? Right , okay um , this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , right our agenda for today , do you want us to give you a second ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no that's okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "sorry .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll go over what we decided last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , we decided upon a universal control , one handset for all , T_V_ , video equipment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers , wide age range , not limiting anyone . We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product , we put fashion in electronics , you know that kind of s thing . Um , our budget would have to affect um {disfmarker} try not to reflect our budget , um that we might have a bit of {disfmarker} oh oh you can see it , okay {vocalsound} . Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um want it to look uncluttered , undaunting to the customer . We discussed a flip-open design , um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming , things like that . Okay . Um , three presentations , I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um is it okay if I postpone that til later , I just want to get access to a little bit more information ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No that's fine , that's fine . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , yeah I'll go first . Can I grab the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unplug me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thanks . What do I have to press ? Oh , F_ eight ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , F_N_ function F_ eight .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh right , yeah . Okay . Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep there we go . Okay this is uh the working design , presented by me , the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay , this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so . What {disfmarker} the first thing {disfmarker} question I asked was what are we trying to design ? Well , a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state , whether that be the power , or the channel um or the volume , everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to . Um , so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that . But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people , we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that {disfmarker} well it wasn't really my area because {vocalsound} I'm dealing with the inside really . So um , yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and uh {vocalsound} I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use , wireless and , you don't need to send very much information . Um , most of them are powered by some form of battery . Now our one , I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Could I {disfmarker} can I interject to ask a question there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that appropriate ? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the {gap} surrounding it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um no no , if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They are .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I see .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and how much you need to send the data across .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round . Um , now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller . {vocalsound} Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work , uh as I said about the {disfmarker} w which batteries we were gonna choose , we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema , which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine . And then I was uh {disfmarker} just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer . And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not a proper circuit , I'm not sure if it'd work or not , I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway , we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the {vocalsound} uh U_I_ interface um which would basically , when you when you pressed anything it would {disfmarker} the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver , which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to {vocalsound} whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and {disfmarker} reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment . And then finally , um we want uh the {disfmarker} it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good . Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base , we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about , uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of {disfmarker} d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa {vocalsound} thing that you could have ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} th that was just sort of a general point there .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And that's uh {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's a very important part , it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that , whenever you like me to present .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright okay , and yeah , that's that's what I came up with there ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so if you wanna {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , would you like to continue on from that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ooh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . It can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or , maybe move the laptop over .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay , that's okay with me . {gap} further . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops . Why's it not working ? F_ eight , right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "F_ function .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Function F_ eight yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm why's it in the right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . The plug hasn't come out at the bottom , has it ? No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's connecting {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , no yeah it's just {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Meter adjusting .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , there {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting , just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um , I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable . So purpose , as William already said , I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible . And to summarise I I would say it's {disfmarker} it should be user-friendly by being easy to use , rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering {gap} maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever . But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it , will {gap} this two features together . So what the concept is to have a flip-top model . The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you {disfmarker} you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever , can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top . So it's like {disfmarker} it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh {disfmarker} added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people . Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not {disfmarker} of no use of punching in the uh {disfmarker} trying to put in those things in {disfmarker} on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user . As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said ? Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also , so we can give in {disfmarker} add in more features and make it less costly . Um , that's {disfmarker} so this is {disfmarker} if you ask me personally , I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use {disfmarker} usage and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh any comments like , if you want ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay . Um , I think we'll chat about it at the end ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ooh , it's vibrating , that's strange . Oh , God . Right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you'll have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have I got to keep this here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it matter ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It'll have to {disfmarker} this can't be pulled .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just do the best we can .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You'll have to push it a bit more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Will it manage ? Bit more ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "oh dear . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah this is more than enough . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There we go , I've got a bit more of the cable {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think you can pull it out now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just pull it closer a little bit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh you should be able to {gap} and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you might .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , there you go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Get it right over , okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah . Look at that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , um , I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research . {vocalsound} Um , so that's where we started , we used our our usability lab , the company's usability lab , we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public , male and female , all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab , just their general use of the remote control , you can see we had a hundred subjects there . {vocalsound} Our findings , lots of findings , I've just summarised some of them here . The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls , so it has obvious design implications there . Um , we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy , we were quite surprised by that finding , but um that's quite a high proportion of our our , you know , international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking . Um , current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall . For example , you can see below there , seventy five percent of users zap a lot ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping . So again there's power implications there . {vocalsound} Um , fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons , so again a big design issue there . Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control . Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier , uh remote controls are often lost in the room , it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing , uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that . Uh thirty four percent of people take {disfmarker} said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons , they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions . Um , um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury . You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems . Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition , again that was to aid I think in uh {disfmarker} when they've lost the actual remote control , some kind of speech recognition . Something we didn't put to them , but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light , possibly . Um , that trend reverses in the older age groups . So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features , that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses , they're not so bothered with this . {vocalsound} I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I think I'll just keep it simple ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "if there's any more information I can email you extra details ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} That's fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we have new project requirements , um we're not going to be using teletext ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now . Um {vocalsound} our control is only going to be for T_V_ , it's not going to be a combined control , which limits you know all of the different things that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it limits the cost for us ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , so can we not programme a video with this remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It says for T_V_ only , so {vocalsound} looks like it's just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just channel-hopping .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it , but {vocalsound} I don't know , what do you think ? It just said , for T_V_ only . But I mean , general T_V_ controls do do video as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Would that imply video use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "T yeah yeah . I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . If yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if you got if you got a Sky box , they have one of those plus boxes , you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and {vocalsound} programming .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ten perc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video , fast-forwarding , so on", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pens", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and they're not that great anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In fact I've just called up that table there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we asked those two questions , the table relates to both questions , so we didn't differentiate . Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen , that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group , I think that's just general fear of new technology .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but um on on that again I just thought {disfmarker} 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "bu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I thought that could be quite a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves , so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um because it is something I {disfmarker} it needs to be {disfmarker} the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose , you were saying whistling ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "maybe {vocalsound} on the T_V_ {disfmarker} you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote , you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you're like oh okay it's over there , something like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . That's a super idea .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's {disfmarker} that sounds a lot cheaper to me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset . Um so we want logo , we want um fashionable , trendy , I mean what you were talking about with the marketing . Um , people paying more for it to look good . Um , we need to focus on that as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is , it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market . What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African , I dunno ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you get the idea . It's it's gonna vary around the world . At the end of the day , th the engineering design is one thing , it's the user interface design that may {disfmarker} and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a single model or maybe five , six designs {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The features could be same and the body could look slightly different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What about {disfmarker} you were talking about the buttons ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big , rubber buttons , not tiny little one , big , rubber buttons , but what about , I mean , 'cause we got to make it original , what about um you know with the touch screen computers", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Yeah , yeah that's what I was just {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah ? Um so you {disfmarker} it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either , not sure about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , well no 'cause you wouldn't have to {disfmarker} you don't actually have to press them you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You don't have to press it , you just have to put your thumb onto it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , think that might appeal {disfmarker} I'm thinking kind of Japan , I'm thinking uh young , um office people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "trendy kind of a thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , but quite , um , easily labelled so that anyone can {gap} oh yeah that's obvious what that's for", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs , ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um {vocalsound} if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Were too big .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because um {vocalsound} they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh {disfmarker} so if you {disfmarker} I don't know what {disfmarker} 'cause you {disfmarker} obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh maybe to {disfmarker} as uh {disfmarker} it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use , the injuries , maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups , you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also , the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think we have to design one product", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "in the sense that they can make it smaller , or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same , yes , absolutely .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's gonna be the same , so we need to focus on just one thing , not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . I'm concerned , when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again , repetitive strain injury , I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough , I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that . Um , R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm j I really can't get my head round this one ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause {disfmarker} without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I know , and it becomes ridiculous , yes I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or a speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is extremely expensive ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . Mm-hmm . Do we have to initially um , you know looking at the findings here , focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later . Do we really have to go for everyone right away ? Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could focus on the biggest market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ge uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people , young people , trendy people .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We are {disfmarker} we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well . That they want um it to be fashionable ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume {disfmarker} associate that with the older generations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now with the baby boomers , the older generations are actually larger , they have a greater population than us young people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't think we're focusing on that , I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um , business kind of class type people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm . I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too , for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage , we want to , you know , not waste money , not be profligate", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up , first {disfmarker} it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so the remote control functions . Um we've got the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've got the video , now there's um I can't remember what it's called , the little code at the end of programme details ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Video plus .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yes . We could use that as an alternative to programming in times , things like that , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I always found that really easy when I discovered it , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you've got your general record anyway so if you {disfmarker} there's a programme on you want to put record on , that's fine , but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to , you put the number in", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just whack in the number .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and it's just a number , it's not a date , it's not a time , it's not a channel , it's not when it finishes , it's not anything like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's just a number .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "after um {disfmarker} if you look in the newspaper , T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five , six digit number afterwards", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah , hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um and it has been around for quite a long time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Superb . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it {disfmarker} you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Excellent , mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But just to have that function would be would be really good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me , I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another , but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me , {gap} to produce our own mobile phones , that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features , um , chain companies like Carphone Warehouse , you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "they'll phone the company , you can use their telephones .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this , if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets , th you know , which button is it I press for this ? Th as free as a free aspect of our service , would that not make it more attractive to them ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um {disfmarker} the companies who uh who you deal with have actually {disfmarker} they've they've got an obligation to to help you out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there , you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it . Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing , it's not working , what should I do ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright . {vocalsound} Yes", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I mean for {disfmarker} if there were any more {disfmarker} or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're not gonna put any {disfmarker} {vocalsound} okay , just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Instruction manuals . But I mean they're {disfmarker} there's customer service ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Department , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and that way there's no call out charge , there's no extra , t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to {disfmarker} for a phone maybe he might walk down the street ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And they're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Not for such simple functions", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , they should be f yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because we're focusing on that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yes okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It does ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's the uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then you try and search through it , so that should be something we think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , what other functions ? We need {disfmarker} I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now , but we should think about {disfmarker} c 'cause you've got the dilemma between {disfmarker} oh batteries , that's what I was thinking about . Mobile phone batteries , what kinda battery is that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones , but they come with a charger , I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they la they they last quite a long time ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and if you had uh {disfmarker} when you {disfmarker} th the thing that you get with mobile house phones , you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , something like that should reduce the size of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and if {disfmarker} yeah if you if you had if you had one of those {disfmarker} uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah it could be on that {disfmarker} yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah on that as well so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "some sort of docking station or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Rechargeable with a docking station .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the rechargeable which would be your field .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which it is cheaper in the long run as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , th the shape you got trendy . I don't wanna big box with lots of things , you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many {disfmarker} {vocalsound} how much you try and make it simple ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They do .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "these long , brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface . We definitely {disfmarker} an ob an obvious thing , a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles , we don't want that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so we've got a flip-screen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back . Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box , like a chocolate .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up , so they came up with something like this , curled up , so here ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you don't have to {disfmarker} you don't bend your thumb too much , so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing , curled up like a boat .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Slightly curved , curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like . So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the way you h hold of {disfmarker} it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom , something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can you look into the company logo ? Um , things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Current .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean for example , if it was a C_ or something like that , you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell , or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "while also making it quite different from anything else that's there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We could look in at that but {disfmarker} Mm . What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean look at the mobile .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "logo could become as {disfmarker} you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model , rather than you know , trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that sounds a really attractive idea ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A sea shell ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I've not come across anything like that before , if it kind of {disfmarker} yeah and that opens out into your flip-top .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic , nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers , that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think . I think it's a really nice idea", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah we could look in at that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and plus you can get {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know even though we're using plastic , you can still {disfmarker} I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic , we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or you could do um different , like you get with mobile phones , different fascias . You could have different kind of casings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm-hmm . Less chance of it being lost too , it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't {disfmarker} not gonna lose it so much {vocalsound} either . It's easier to {disfmarker} bit nice to handle .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe we could come at some say five , six des designs and then choose which are {disfmarker} whichever appeals the most like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that could be the most common design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we can like think of five , six designs .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right , I think we have to round it up , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's no teletext , it's only for T_V_ and by implication video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control , um something about Videoplus .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That was um in cutting down the number {disfmarker} that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions , making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . Right , so when they press for programming you {disfmarker} it comes up on the L_C_D_ , a reminder about using Videoplus ? So that they have a look at the guide and {disfmarker} Or was {disfmarker} is this nothing to do with the project requirements , is this just {disfmarker} that was an add-on feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's {disfmarker} kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Right . Right , so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um it could be it c It {disfmarker} yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it could be uh adv advertisement feature , um rather than design feature ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you know , drawing attention to that . And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual , 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , and the rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Was there anything else there that we {disfmarker} in the new new project requirements ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . That's not at the moment a requirement , it's something we're looking at ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "what preference {disfmarker} so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something , a beeping for being lost , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For detection , right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible . But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} the instruction manual , I don't know if we deal with that , um . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and different from what's out there . Yep , I think that's us .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think you might get guidance , but um I th Instruction manuals , 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "u um , they're {disfmarker} everyone's got like a big pile of them , but no one really uses them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Whoops , questionnaire four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We should f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , right . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's time for us to get back to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , okay . I think you can email me , if there's any more questions . Um and I'll be able to not answer them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
The market research presented by Marketing implicated that the remote control design was expected to be more stylish and less complicated. Project Manager added that an ideal model would be for TV only and have a corporate logo incorporated. To meet the requirements above, Industrial Designer recommended a touch screen panel. Marketing suggested that the remote control size could be adjusted due to physical differences among international users. The team gave up speech recognition, for it would cost a lot. An alarm would be incorporated for detection in case the remote control was lost in the house.
Summarize the discussion about market research and adjustments due to new project requirements.
[ { "content": "Help . {gap} It's up there ? That screen's black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright , okay . Okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are we done ? Right , okay um , this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , right our agenda for today , do you want us to give you a second ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no that's okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "sorry .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll go over what we decided last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , we decided upon a universal control , one handset for all , T_V_ , video equipment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers , wide age range , not limiting anyone . We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product , we put fashion in electronics , you know that kind of s thing . Um , our budget would have to affect um {disfmarker} try not to reflect our budget , um that we might have a bit of {disfmarker} oh oh you can see it , okay {vocalsound} . Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um want it to look uncluttered , undaunting to the customer . We discussed a flip-open design , um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming , things like that . Okay . Um , three presentations , I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um is it okay if I postpone that til later , I just want to get access to a little bit more information ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No that's fine , that's fine . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , yeah I'll go first . Can I grab the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unplug me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thanks . What do I have to press ? Oh , F_ eight ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , F_N_ function F_ eight .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh right , yeah . Okay . Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep there we go . Okay this is uh the working design , presented by me , the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay , this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so . What {disfmarker} the first thing {disfmarker} question I asked was what are we trying to design ? Well , a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state , whether that be the power , or the channel um or the volume , everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to . Um , so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that . But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people , we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that {disfmarker} well it wasn't really my area because {vocalsound} I'm dealing with the inside really . So um , yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and uh {vocalsound} I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use , wireless and , you don't need to send very much information . Um , most of them are powered by some form of battery . Now our one , I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Could I {disfmarker} can I interject to ask a question there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that appropriate ? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the {gap} surrounding it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um no no , if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They are .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I see .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and how much you need to send the data across .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round . Um , now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller . {vocalsound} Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work , uh as I said about the {disfmarker} w which batteries we were gonna choose , we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema , which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine . And then I was uh {disfmarker} just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer . And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not a proper circuit , I'm not sure if it'd work or not , I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway , we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the {vocalsound} uh U_I_ interface um which would basically , when you when you pressed anything it would {disfmarker} the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver , which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to {vocalsound} whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and {disfmarker} reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment . And then finally , um we want uh the {disfmarker} it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good . Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base , we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about , uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of {disfmarker} d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa {vocalsound} thing that you could have ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} th that was just sort of a general point there .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And that's uh {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's a very important part , it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that , whenever you like me to present .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright okay , and yeah , that's that's what I came up with there ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so if you wanna {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , would you like to continue on from that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ooh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . It can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or , maybe move the laptop over .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay , that's okay with me . {gap} further . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops . Why's it not working ? F_ eight , right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "F_ function .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Function F_ eight yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm why's it in the right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . The plug hasn't come out at the bottom , has it ? No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's connecting {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , no yeah it's just {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Meter adjusting .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , there {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting , just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um , I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable . So purpose , as William already said , I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible . And to summarise I I would say it's {disfmarker} it should be user-friendly by being easy to use , rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering {gap} maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever . But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it , will {gap} this two features together . So what the concept is to have a flip-top model . The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you {disfmarker} you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever , can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top . So it's like {disfmarker} it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh {disfmarker} added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people . Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not {disfmarker} of no use of punching in the uh {disfmarker} trying to put in those things in {disfmarker} on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user . As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said ? Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also , so we can give in {disfmarker} add in more features and make it less costly . Um , that's {disfmarker} so this is {disfmarker} if you ask me personally , I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use {disfmarker} usage and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh any comments like , if you want ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay . Um , I think we'll chat about it at the end ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ooh , it's vibrating , that's strange . Oh , God . Right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you'll have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have I got to keep this here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it matter ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It'll have to {disfmarker} this can't be pulled .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just do the best we can .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You'll have to push it a bit more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Will it manage ? Bit more ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "oh dear . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah this is more than enough . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There we go , I've got a bit more of the cable {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think you can pull it out now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just pull it closer a little bit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh you should be able to {gap} and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you might .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , there you go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Get it right over , okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah . Look at that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , um , I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research . {vocalsound} Um , so that's where we started , we used our our usability lab , the company's usability lab , we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public , male and female , all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab , just their general use of the remote control , you can see we had a hundred subjects there . {vocalsound} Our findings , lots of findings , I've just summarised some of them here . The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls , so it has obvious design implications there . Um , we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy , we were quite surprised by that finding , but um that's quite a high proportion of our our , you know , international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking . Um , current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall . For example , you can see below there , seventy five percent of users zap a lot ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping . So again there's power implications there . {vocalsound} Um , fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons , so again a big design issue there . Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control . Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier , uh remote controls are often lost in the room , it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing , uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that . Uh thirty four percent of people take {disfmarker} said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons , they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions . Um , um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury . You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems . Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition , again that was to aid I think in uh {disfmarker} when they've lost the actual remote control , some kind of speech recognition . Something we didn't put to them , but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light , possibly . Um , that trend reverses in the older age groups . So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features , that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses , they're not so bothered with this . {vocalsound} I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I think I'll just keep it simple ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "if there's any more information I can email you extra details ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} That's fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we have new project requirements , um we're not going to be using teletext ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now . Um {vocalsound} our control is only going to be for T_V_ , it's not going to be a combined control , which limits you know all of the different things that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it limits the cost for us ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , so can we not programme a video with this remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It says for T_V_ only , so {vocalsound} looks like it's just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just channel-hopping .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it , but {vocalsound} I don't know , what do you think ? It just said , for T_V_ only . But I mean , general T_V_ controls do do video as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Would that imply video use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "T yeah yeah . I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . If yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if you got if you got a Sky box , they have one of those plus boxes , you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and {vocalsound} programming .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ten perc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video , fast-forwarding , so on", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pens", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and they're not that great anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In fact I've just called up that table there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we asked those two questions , the table relates to both questions , so we didn't differentiate . Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen , that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group , I think that's just general fear of new technology .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but um on on that again I just thought {disfmarker} 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "bu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I thought that could be quite a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves , so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um because it is something I {disfmarker} it needs to be {disfmarker} the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose , you were saying whistling ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "maybe {vocalsound} on the T_V_ {disfmarker} you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote , you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you're like oh okay it's over there , something like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . That's a super idea .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's {disfmarker} that sounds a lot cheaper to me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset . Um so we want logo , we want um fashionable , trendy , I mean what you were talking about with the marketing . Um , people paying more for it to look good . Um , we need to focus on that as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is , it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market . What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African , I dunno ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you get the idea . It's it's gonna vary around the world . At the end of the day , th the engineering design is one thing , it's the user interface design that may {disfmarker} and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a single model or maybe five , six designs {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The features could be same and the body could look slightly different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What about {disfmarker} you were talking about the buttons ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big , rubber buttons , not tiny little one , big , rubber buttons , but what about , I mean , 'cause we got to make it original , what about um you know with the touch screen computers", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Yeah , yeah that's what I was just {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah ? Um so you {disfmarker} it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either , not sure about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , well no 'cause you wouldn't have to {disfmarker} you don't actually have to press them you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You don't have to press it , you just have to put your thumb onto it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , think that might appeal {disfmarker} I'm thinking kind of Japan , I'm thinking uh young , um office people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "trendy kind of a thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , but quite , um , easily labelled so that anyone can {gap} oh yeah that's obvious what that's for", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs , ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um {vocalsound} if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Were too big .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because um {vocalsound} they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh {disfmarker} so if you {disfmarker} I don't know what {disfmarker} 'cause you {disfmarker} obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh maybe to {disfmarker} as uh {disfmarker} it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use , the injuries , maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups , you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also , the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think we have to design one product", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "in the sense that they can make it smaller , or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same , yes , absolutely .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's gonna be the same , so we need to focus on just one thing , not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . I'm concerned , when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again , repetitive strain injury , I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough , I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that . Um , R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm j I really can't get my head round this one ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause {disfmarker} without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I know , and it becomes ridiculous , yes I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or a speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is extremely expensive ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . Mm-hmm . Do we have to initially um , you know looking at the findings here , focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later . Do we really have to go for everyone right away ? Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could focus on the biggest market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ge uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people , young people , trendy people .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We are {disfmarker} we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well . That they want um it to be fashionable ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume {disfmarker} associate that with the older generations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now with the baby boomers , the older generations are actually larger , they have a greater population than us young people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't think we're focusing on that , I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um , business kind of class type people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm . I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too , for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage , we want to , you know , not waste money , not be profligate", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up , first {disfmarker} it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so the remote control functions . Um we've got the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've got the video , now there's um I can't remember what it's called , the little code at the end of programme details ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Video plus .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yes . We could use that as an alternative to programming in times , things like that , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I always found that really easy when I discovered it , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you've got your general record anyway so if you {disfmarker} there's a programme on you want to put record on , that's fine , but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to , you put the number in", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just whack in the number .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and it's just a number , it's not a date , it's not a time , it's not a channel , it's not when it finishes , it's not anything like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's just a number .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "after um {disfmarker} if you look in the newspaper , T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five , six digit number afterwards", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah , hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um and it has been around for quite a long time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Superb . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it {disfmarker} you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Excellent , mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But just to have that function would be would be really good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me , I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another , but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me , {gap} to produce our own mobile phones , that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features , um , chain companies like Carphone Warehouse , you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "they'll phone the company , you can use their telephones .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this , if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets , th you know , which button is it I press for this ? Th as free as a free aspect of our service , would that not make it more attractive to them ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um {disfmarker} the companies who uh who you deal with have actually {disfmarker} they've they've got an obligation to to help you out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there , you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it . Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing , it's not working , what should I do ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright . {vocalsound} Yes", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I mean for {disfmarker} if there were any more {disfmarker} or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're not gonna put any {disfmarker} {vocalsound} okay , just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Instruction manuals . But I mean they're {disfmarker} there's customer service ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Department , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and that way there's no call out charge , there's no extra , t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to {disfmarker} for a phone maybe he might walk down the street ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And they're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Not for such simple functions", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , they should be f yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because we're focusing on that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yes okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It does ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's the uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then you try and search through it , so that should be something we think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , what other functions ? We need {disfmarker} I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now , but we should think about {disfmarker} c 'cause you've got the dilemma between {disfmarker} oh batteries , that's what I was thinking about . Mobile phone batteries , what kinda battery is that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones , but they come with a charger , I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they la they they last quite a long time ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and if you had uh {disfmarker} when you {disfmarker} th the thing that you get with mobile house phones , you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , something like that should reduce the size of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and if {disfmarker} yeah if you if you had if you had one of those {disfmarker} uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah it could be on that {disfmarker} yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah on that as well so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "some sort of docking station or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Rechargeable with a docking station .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the rechargeable which would be your field .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which it is cheaper in the long run as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , th the shape you got trendy . I don't wanna big box with lots of things , you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many {disfmarker} {vocalsound} how much you try and make it simple ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They do .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "these long , brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface . We definitely {disfmarker} an ob an obvious thing , a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles , we don't want that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so we've got a flip-screen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back . Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box , like a chocolate .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up , so they came up with something like this , curled up , so here ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you don't have to {disfmarker} you don't bend your thumb too much , so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing , curled up like a boat .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Slightly curved , curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like . So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the way you h hold of {disfmarker} it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom , something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can you look into the company logo ? Um , things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Current .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean for example , if it was a C_ or something like that , you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell , or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "while also making it quite different from anything else that's there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We could look in at that but {disfmarker} Mm . What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean look at the mobile .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "logo could become as {disfmarker} you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model , rather than you know , trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that sounds a really attractive idea ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A sea shell ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I've not come across anything like that before , if it kind of {disfmarker} yeah and that opens out into your flip-top .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic , nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers , that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think . I think it's a really nice idea", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah we could look in at that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and plus you can get {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know even though we're using plastic , you can still {disfmarker} I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic , we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or you could do um different , like you get with mobile phones , different fascias . You could have different kind of casings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm-hmm . Less chance of it being lost too , it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't {disfmarker} not gonna lose it so much {vocalsound} either . It's easier to {disfmarker} bit nice to handle .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe we could come at some say five , six des designs and then choose which are {disfmarker} whichever appeals the most like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that could be the most common design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we can like think of five , six designs .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right , I think we have to round it up , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's no teletext , it's only for T_V_ and by implication video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control , um something about Videoplus .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That was um in cutting down the number {disfmarker} that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions , making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . Right , so when they press for programming you {disfmarker} it comes up on the L_C_D_ , a reminder about using Videoplus ? So that they have a look at the guide and {disfmarker} Or was {disfmarker} is this nothing to do with the project requirements , is this just {disfmarker} that was an add-on feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's {disfmarker} kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Right . Right , so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um it could be it c It {disfmarker} yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it could be uh adv advertisement feature , um rather than design feature ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you know , drawing attention to that . And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual , 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , and the rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Was there anything else there that we {disfmarker} in the new new project requirements ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . That's not at the moment a requirement , it's something we're looking at ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "what preference {disfmarker} so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something , a beeping for being lost , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For detection , right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible . But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} the instruction manual , I don't know if we deal with that , um . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and different from what's out there . Yep , I think that's us .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think you might get guidance , but um I th Instruction manuals , 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "u um , they're {disfmarker} everyone's got like a big pile of them , but no one really uses them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Whoops , questionnaire four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We should f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , right . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's time for us to get back to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , okay . I think you can email me , if there's any more questions . Um and I'll be able to not answer them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
The market research implicated that users' biggest frustration was their failure in finding the remote control once it was lost in the house. To solve the problem, Industrial Designer suggested that a button could be added on the TV; when the user pressed the button, the remote control would beep to let the user know its location. Meanwhile, such a solution would be within budget.
Why did Industrial Designer think of incorporating an alarm when discussing market research and adjustments due to new project requirements?
[ { "content": "Help . {gap} It's up there ? That screen's black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright , okay . Okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are we done ? Right , okay um , this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , right our agenda for today , do you want us to give you a second ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no that's okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "sorry .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll go over what we decided last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , we decided upon a universal control , one handset for all , T_V_ , video equipment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers , wide age range , not limiting anyone . We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product , we put fashion in electronics , you know that kind of s thing . Um , our budget would have to affect um {disfmarker} try not to reflect our budget , um that we might have a bit of {disfmarker} oh oh you can see it , okay {vocalsound} . Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um want it to look uncluttered , undaunting to the customer . We discussed a flip-open design , um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming , things like that . Okay . Um , three presentations , I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um is it okay if I postpone that til later , I just want to get access to a little bit more information ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No that's fine , that's fine . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , yeah I'll go first . Can I grab the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unplug me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thanks . What do I have to press ? Oh , F_ eight ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , F_N_ function F_ eight .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh right , yeah . Okay . Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep there we go . Okay this is uh the working design , presented by me , the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay , this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so . What {disfmarker} the first thing {disfmarker} question I asked was what are we trying to design ? Well , a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state , whether that be the power , or the channel um or the volume , everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to . Um , so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that . But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people , we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that {disfmarker} well it wasn't really my area because {vocalsound} I'm dealing with the inside really . So um , yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and uh {vocalsound} I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use , wireless and , you don't need to send very much information . Um , most of them are powered by some form of battery . Now our one , I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Could I {disfmarker} can I interject to ask a question there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that appropriate ? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the {gap} surrounding it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um no no , if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They are .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I see .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and how much you need to send the data across .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round . Um , now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller . {vocalsound} Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work , uh as I said about the {disfmarker} w which batteries we were gonna choose , we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema , which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine . And then I was uh {disfmarker} just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer . And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not a proper circuit , I'm not sure if it'd work or not , I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway , we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the {vocalsound} uh U_I_ interface um which would basically , when you when you pressed anything it would {disfmarker} the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver , which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to {vocalsound} whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and {disfmarker} reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment . And then finally , um we want uh the {disfmarker} it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good . Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base , we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about , uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of {disfmarker} d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa {vocalsound} thing that you could have ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} th that was just sort of a general point there .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And that's uh {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's a very important part , it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that , whenever you like me to present .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright okay , and yeah , that's that's what I came up with there ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so if you wanna {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , would you like to continue on from that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ooh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . It can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or , maybe move the laptop over .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay , that's okay with me . {gap} further . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops . Why's it not working ? F_ eight , right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "F_ function .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Function F_ eight yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm why's it in the right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . The plug hasn't come out at the bottom , has it ? No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's connecting {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , no yeah it's just {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Meter adjusting .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , there {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting , just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um , I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable . So purpose , as William already said , I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible . And to summarise I I would say it's {disfmarker} it should be user-friendly by being easy to use , rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering {gap} maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever . But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it , will {gap} this two features together . So what the concept is to have a flip-top model . The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you {disfmarker} you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever , can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top . So it's like {disfmarker} it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh {disfmarker} added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people . Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not {disfmarker} of no use of punching in the uh {disfmarker} trying to put in those things in {disfmarker} on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user . As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said ? Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also , so we can give in {disfmarker} add in more features and make it less costly . Um , that's {disfmarker} so this is {disfmarker} if you ask me personally , I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use {disfmarker} usage and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh any comments like , if you want ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay . Um , I think we'll chat about it at the end ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ooh , it's vibrating , that's strange . Oh , God . Right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you'll have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have I got to keep this here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it matter ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It'll have to {disfmarker} this can't be pulled .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just do the best we can .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You'll have to push it a bit more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Will it manage ? Bit more ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "oh dear . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah this is more than enough . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There we go , I've got a bit more of the cable {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think you can pull it out now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just pull it closer a little bit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh you should be able to {gap} and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you might .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , there you go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Get it right over , okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah . Look at that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , um , I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research . {vocalsound} Um , so that's where we started , we used our our usability lab , the company's usability lab , we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public , male and female , all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab , just their general use of the remote control , you can see we had a hundred subjects there . {vocalsound} Our findings , lots of findings , I've just summarised some of them here . The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls , so it has obvious design implications there . Um , we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy , we were quite surprised by that finding , but um that's quite a high proportion of our our , you know , international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking . Um , current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall . For example , you can see below there , seventy five percent of users zap a lot ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping . So again there's power implications there . {vocalsound} Um , fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons , so again a big design issue there . Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control . Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier , uh remote controls are often lost in the room , it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing , uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that . Uh thirty four percent of people take {disfmarker} said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons , they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions . Um , um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury . You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems . Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition , again that was to aid I think in uh {disfmarker} when they've lost the actual remote control , some kind of speech recognition . Something we didn't put to them , but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light , possibly . Um , that trend reverses in the older age groups . So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features , that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses , they're not so bothered with this . {vocalsound} I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I think I'll just keep it simple ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "if there's any more information I can email you extra details ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} That's fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we have new project requirements , um we're not going to be using teletext ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now . Um {vocalsound} our control is only going to be for T_V_ , it's not going to be a combined control , which limits you know all of the different things that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it limits the cost for us ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , so can we not programme a video with this remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It says for T_V_ only , so {vocalsound} looks like it's just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just channel-hopping .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it , but {vocalsound} I don't know , what do you think ? It just said , for T_V_ only . But I mean , general T_V_ controls do do video as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Would that imply video use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "T yeah yeah . I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . If yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if you got if you got a Sky box , they have one of those plus boxes , you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and {vocalsound} programming .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ten perc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video , fast-forwarding , so on", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pens", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and they're not that great anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In fact I've just called up that table there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we asked those two questions , the table relates to both questions , so we didn't differentiate . Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen , that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group , I think that's just general fear of new technology .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but um on on that again I just thought {disfmarker} 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "bu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I thought that could be quite a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves , so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um because it is something I {disfmarker} it needs to be {disfmarker} the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose , you were saying whistling ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "maybe {vocalsound} on the T_V_ {disfmarker} you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote , you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you're like oh okay it's over there , something like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . That's a super idea .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's {disfmarker} that sounds a lot cheaper to me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset . Um so we want logo , we want um fashionable , trendy , I mean what you were talking about with the marketing . Um , people paying more for it to look good . Um , we need to focus on that as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is , it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market . What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African , I dunno ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you get the idea . It's it's gonna vary around the world . At the end of the day , th the engineering design is one thing , it's the user interface design that may {disfmarker} and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a single model or maybe five , six designs {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The features could be same and the body could look slightly different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What about {disfmarker} you were talking about the buttons ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big , rubber buttons , not tiny little one , big , rubber buttons , but what about , I mean , 'cause we got to make it original , what about um you know with the touch screen computers", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Yeah , yeah that's what I was just {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah ? Um so you {disfmarker} it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either , not sure about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , well no 'cause you wouldn't have to {disfmarker} you don't actually have to press them you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You don't have to press it , you just have to put your thumb onto it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , think that might appeal {disfmarker} I'm thinking kind of Japan , I'm thinking uh young , um office people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "trendy kind of a thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , but quite , um , easily labelled so that anyone can {gap} oh yeah that's obvious what that's for", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs , ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um {vocalsound} if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Were too big .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because um {vocalsound} they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh {disfmarker} so if you {disfmarker} I don't know what {disfmarker} 'cause you {disfmarker} obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh maybe to {disfmarker} as uh {disfmarker} it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use , the injuries , maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups , you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also , the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think we have to design one product", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "in the sense that they can make it smaller , or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same , yes , absolutely .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's gonna be the same , so we need to focus on just one thing , not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . I'm concerned , when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again , repetitive strain injury , I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough , I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that . Um , R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm j I really can't get my head round this one ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause {disfmarker} without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I know , and it becomes ridiculous , yes I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or a speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is extremely expensive ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . Mm-hmm . Do we have to initially um , you know looking at the findings here , focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later . Do we really have to go for everyone right away ? Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could focus on the biggest market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ge uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people , young people , trendy people .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We are {disfmarker} we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well . That they want um it to be fashionable ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume {disfmarker} associate that with the older generations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now with the baby boomers , the older generations are actually larger , they have a greater population than us young people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't think we're focusing on that , I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um , business kind of class type people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm . I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too , for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage , we want to , you know , not waste money , not be profligate", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up , first {disfmarker} it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so the remote control functions . Um we've got the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've got the video , now there's um I can't remember what it's called , the little code at the end of programme details ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Video plus .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yes . We could use that as an alternative to programming in times , things like that , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I always found that really easy when I discovered it , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you've got your general record anyway so if you {disfmarker} there's a programme on you want to put record on , that's fine , but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to , you put the number in", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just whack in the number .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and it's just a number , it's not a date , it's not a time , it's not a channel , it's not when it finishes , it's not anything like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's just a number .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "after um {disfmarker} if you look in the newspaper , T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five , six digit number afterwards", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah , hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um and it has been around for quite a long time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Superb . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it {disfmarker} you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Excellent , mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But just to have that function would be would be really good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me , I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another , but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me , {gap} to produce our own mobile phones , that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features , um , chain companies like Carphone Warehouse , you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "they'll phone the company , you can use their telephones .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this , if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets , th you know , which button is it I press for this ? Th as free as a free aspect of our service , would that not make it more attractive to them ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um {disfmarker} the companies who uh who you deal with have actually {disfmarker} they've they've got an obligation to to help you out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there , you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it . Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing , it's not working , what should I do ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright . {vocalsound} Yes", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I mean for {disfmarker} if there were any more {disfmarker} or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're not gonna put any {disfmarker} {vocalsound} okay , just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Instruction manuals . But I mean they're {disfmarker} there's customer service ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Department , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and that way there's no call out charge , there's no extra , t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to {disfmarker} for a phone maybe he might walk down the street ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And they're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Not for such simple functions", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , they should be f yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because we're focusing on that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yes okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It does ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's the uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then you try and search through it , so that should be something we think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , what other functions ? We need {disfmarker} I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now , but we should think about {disfmarker} c 'cause you've got the dilemma between {disfmarker} oh batteries , that's what I was thinking about . Mobile phone batteries , what kinda battery is that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones , but they come with a charger , I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they la they they last quite a long time ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and if you had uh {disfmarker} when you {disfmarker} th the thing that you get with mobile house phones , you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , something like that should reduce the size of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and if {disfmarker} yeah if you if you had if you had one of those {disfmarker} uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah it could be on that {disfmarker} yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah on that as well so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "some sort of docking station or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Rechargeable with a docking station .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the rechargeable which would be your field .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which it is cheaper in the long run as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , th the shape you got trendy . I don't wanna big box with lots of things , you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many {disfmarker} {vocalsound} how much you try and make it simple ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They do .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "these long , brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface . We definitely {disfmarker} an ob an obvious thing , a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles , we don't want that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so we've got a flip-screen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back . Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box , like a chocolate .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up , so they came up with something like this , curled up , so here ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you don't have to {disfmarker} you don't bend your thumb too much , so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing , curled up like a boat .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Slightly curved , curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like . So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the way you h hold of {disfmarker} it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom , something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can you look into the company logo ? Um , things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Current .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean for example , if it was a C_ or something like that , you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell , or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "while also making it quite different from anything else that's there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We could look in at that but {disfmarker} Mm . What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean look at the mobile .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "logo could become as {disfmarker} you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model , rather than you know , trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that sounds a really attractive idea ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A sea shell ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I've not come across anything like that before , if it kind of {disfmarker} yeah and that opens out into your flip-top .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic , nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers , that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think . I think it's a really nice idea", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah we could look in at that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and plus you can get {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know even though we're using plastic , you can still {disfmarker} I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic , we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or you could do um different , like you get with mobile phones , different fascias . You could have different kind of casings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm-hmm . Less chance of it being lost too , it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't {disfmarker} not gonna lose it so much {vocalsound} either . It's easier to {disfmarker} bit nice to handle .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe we could come at some say five , six des designs and then choose which are {disfmarker} whichever appeals the most like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that could be the most common design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we can like think of five , six designs .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right , I think we have to round it up , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's no teletext , it's only for T_V_ and by implication video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control , um something about Videoplus .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That was um in cutting down the number {disfmarker} that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions , making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . Right , so when they press for programming you {disfmarker} it comes up on the L_C_D_ , a reminder about using Videoplus ? So that they have a look at the guide and {disfmarker} Or was {disfmarker} is this nothing to do with the project requirements , is this just {disfmarker} that was an add-on feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's {disfmarker} kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Right . Right , so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um it could be it c It {disfmarker} yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it could be uh adv advertisement feature , um rather than design feature ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you know , drawing attention to that . And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual , 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , and the rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Was there anything else there that we {disfmarker} in the new new project requirements ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . That's not at the moment a requirement , it's something we're looking at ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "what preference {disfmarker} so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something , a beeping for being lost , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For detection , right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible . But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} the instruction manual , I don't know if we deal with that , um . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and different from what's out there . Yep , I think that's us .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think you might get guidance , but um I th Instruction manuals , 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "u um , they're {disfmarker} everyone's got like a big pile of them , but no one really uses them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Whoops , questionnaire four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We should f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , right . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's time for us to get back to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , okay . I think you can email me , if there's any more questions . Um and I'll be able to not answer them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer was inspired by the design of Xbox and gave an example of Japanese people's small hands compared to the big controller. Out of ergonomic considerations, Industrial Designer encouraged the team to notice the physical differences among users all over the world when deciding the remote control size.
Why did Industrial Designer think of physically different designs when discussing market research and adjustments due to new project requirements?
[ { "content": "Help . {gap} It's up there ? That screen's black .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright , okay . Okay , that's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh God .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Are we done ? Right , okay um , this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , right our agenda for today , do you want us to give you a second ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , no that's okay ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , um {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "sorry .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I'll go over what we decided last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , we decided upon a universal control , one handset for all , T_V_ , video equipment .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers , wide age range , not limiting anyone . We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product , we put fashion in electronics , you know that kind of s thing . Um , our budget would have to affect um {disfmarker} try not to reflect our budget , um that we might have a bit of {disfmarker} oh oh you can see it , okay {vocalsound} . Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um want it to look uncluttered , undaunting to the customer . We discussed a flip-open design , um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming , things like that . Okay . Um , three presentations , I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um is it okay if I postpone that til later , I just want to get access to a little bit more information ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No that's fine , that's fine . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , yeah I'll go first . Can I grab the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unplug me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thanks . What do I have to press ? Oh , F_ eight ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , F_N_ function F_ eight .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh right , yeah . Okay . Maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep there we go . Okay this is uh the working design , presented by me , the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay , this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so . What {disfmarker} the first thing {disfmarker} question I asked was what are we trying to design ? Well , a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state , whether that be the power , or the channel um or the volume , everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to . Um , so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that . But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people , we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that {disfmarker} well it wasn't really my area because {vocalsound} I'm dealing with the inside really . So um , yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and uh {vocalsound} I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use , wireless and , you don't need to send very much information . Um , most of them are powered by some form of battery . Now our one , I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Could I {disfmarker} can I interject to ask a question there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that appropriate ? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the {gap} surrounding it ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um no no , if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not , right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah the the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They are .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I see .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and how much you need to send the data across .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round . Um , now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller . {vocalsound} Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work , uh as I said about the {disfmarker} w which batteries we were gonna choose , we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema , which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine . And then I was uh {disfmarker} just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer . And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's not a proper circuit , I'm not sure if it'd work or not , I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway , we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the {vocalsound} uh U_I_ interface um which would basically , when you when you pressed anything it would {disfmarker} the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver , which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to {vocalsound} whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and {disfmarker} reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment . And then finally , um we want uh the {disfmarker} it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good . Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base , we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about , uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of {disfmarker} d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa {vocalsound} thing that you could have ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} th that was just sort of a general point there .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} And that's uh {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's a very important part , it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that , whenever you like me to present .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright okay , and yeah , that's that's what I came up with there ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , thank you very much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so if you wanna {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , would you like to continue on from that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ooh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . It can be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or , maybe move the laptop over .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay , that's okay with me . {gap} further . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops . Why's it not working ? F_ eight , right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "F_ function .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Function F_ eight yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm why's it in the right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . The plug hasn't come out at the bottom , has it ? No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , it's connecting {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , no yeah it's just {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Meter adjusting .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh , there {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting , just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um , I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable . So purpose , as William already said , I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible . And to summarise I I would say it's {disfmarker} it should be user-friendly by being easy to use , rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering {gap} maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever . But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it , will {gap} this two features together . So what the concept is to have a flip-top model . The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you {disfmarker} you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever , can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top . So it's like {disfmarker} it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh {disfmarker} added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people . Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not {disfmarker} of no use of punching in the uh {disfmarker} trying to put in those things in {disfmarker} on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user . As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said ? Yeah ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also , so we can give in {disfmarker} add in more features and make it less costly . Um , that's {disfmarker} so this is {disfmarker} if you ask me personally , I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use {disfmarker} usage and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh any comments like , if you want ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay . Um , I think we'll chat about it at the end ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ooh , it's vibrating , that's strange . Oh , God . Right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think you'll have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have I got to keep this here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You can't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Does it matter ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It'll have to {disfmarker} this can't be pulled .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We just do the best we can .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh , whoops .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You'll have to push it a bit more .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Will it manage ? Bit more ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "oh dear . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah this is more than enough . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "There we go , I've got a bit more of the cable {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think you can pull it out now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "just pull it closer a little bit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh you should be able to {gap} and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , you might .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , there you go .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Get it right over , okay , thank you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ah . Look at that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , um , I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research . {vocalsound} Um , so that's where we started , we used our our usability lab , the company's usability lab , we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public , male and female , all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab , just their general use of the remote control , you can see we had a hundred subjects there . {vocalsound} Our findings , lots of findings , I've just summarised some of them here . The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls , so it has obvious design implications there . Um , we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly . Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy , we were quite surprised by that finding , but um that's quite a high proportion of our our , you know , international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking . Um , current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall . For example , you can see below there , seventy five percent of users zap a lot ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping . So again there's power implications there . {vocalsound} Um , fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons , so again a big design issue there . Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control . Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier , uh remote controls are often lost in the room , it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing , uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that . Uh thirty four percent of people take {disfmarker} said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons , they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions . Um , um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury . You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems . Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition , again that was to aid I think in uh {disfmarker} when they've lost the actual remote control , some kind of speech recognition . Something we didn't put to them , but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light , possibly . Um , that trend reverses in the older age groups . So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features , that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses , they're not so bothered with this . {vocalsound} I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I think I'll just keep it simple ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "if there's any more information I can email you extra details ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap} That's fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is that okay ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we have new project requirements , um we're not going to be using teletext ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now . Um {vocalsound} our control is only going to be for T_V_ , it's not going to be a combined control , which limits you know all of the different things that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it limits the cost for us ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , so can we not programme a video with this remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It says for T_V_ only , so {vocalsound} looks like it's just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just channel-hopping .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it , but {vocalsound} I don't know , what do you think ? It just said , for T_V_ only . But I mean , general T_V_ controls do do video as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Would that imply video use ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "T yeah yeah . I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . If yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if you got if you got a Sky box , they have one of those plus boxes , you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and {vocalsound} programming .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ten perc", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video , fast-forwarding , so on", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Pens", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and they're not that great anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "In fact I've just called up that table there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we asked those two questions , the table relates to both questions , so we didn't differentiate . Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen , that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Alright , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group , I think that's just general fear of new technology .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah but um on on that again I just thought {disfmarker} 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "bu", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I thought that could be quite a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves , so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um because it is something I {disfmarker} it needs to be {disfmarker} the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose , you were saying whistling ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "maybe {vocalsound} on the T_V_ {disfmarker} you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote , you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and you're like oh okay it's over there , something like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . That's a super idea .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's {disfmarker} that sounds a lot cheaper to me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset . Um so we want logo , we want um fashionable , trendy , I mean what you were talking about with the marketing . Um , people paying more for it to look good . Um , we need to focus on that as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is , it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market . What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African , I dunno ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you get the idea . It's it's gonna vary around the world . At the end of the day , th the engineering design is one thing , it's the user interface design that may {disfmarker} and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a single model or maybe five , six designs {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The features could be same and the body could look slightly different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What about {disfmarker} you were talking about the buttons ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big , rubber buttons , not tiny little one , big , rubber buttons , but what about , I mean , 'cause we got to make it original , what about um you know with the touch screen computers", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Yeah , yeah that's what I was just {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah ? Um so you {disfmarker} it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either , not sure about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , well no 'cause you wouldn't have to {disfmarker} you don't actually have to press them you just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You don't have to press it , you just have to put your thumb onto it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , think that might appeal {disfmarker} I'm thinking kind of Japan , I'm thinking uh young , um office people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "trendy kind of a thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , but quite , um , easily labelled so that anyone can {gap} oh yeah that's obvious what that's for", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm , mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs , ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um {vocalsound} if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Were too big .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "because um {vocalsound} they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh {disfmarker} so if you {disfmarker} I don't know what {disfmarker} 'cause you {disfmarker} obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh maybe to {disfmarker} as uh {disfmarker} it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use , the injuries , maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So , a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups , you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also , the market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think we have to design one product", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm . Huh .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "in the sense that they can make it smaller , or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same , yes , absolutely .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's gonna be the same , so we need to focus on just one thing , not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . I'm concerned , when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again , repetitive strain injury , I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough , I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that . Um , R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm j I really can't get my head round this one ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause {disfmarker} without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . I know , and it becomes ridiculous , yes I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or a speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , speech recognition ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which is extremely expensive ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes . Mm-hmm . Do we have to initially um , you know looking at the findings here , focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later . Do we really have to go for everyone right away ? Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could focus on the biggest market .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ge uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people , young people , trendy people .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We are {disfmarker} we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well . That they want um it to be fashionable ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume {disfmarker} associate that with the older generations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now with the baby boomers , the older generations are actually larger , they have a greater population than us young people ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't think we're focusing on that , I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um , business kind of class type people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm . I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too , for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage , we want to , you know , not waste money , not be profligate", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up , first {disfmarker} it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , so the remote control functions . Um we've got the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've got the video , now there's um I can't remember what it's called , the little code at the end of programme details ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Video plus .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yes . We could use that as an alternative to programming in times , things like that , is that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I always found that really easy when I discovered it , um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you've got your general record anyway so if you {disfmarker} there's a programme on you want to put record on , that's fine , but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to , you put the number in", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Just whack in the number .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and it's just a number , it's not a date , it's not a time , it's not a channel , it's not when it finishes , it's not anything like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And you w {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's just a number .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah . And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right , I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "after um {disfmarker} if you look in the newspaper , T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five , six digit number afterwards", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's not {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Ah , hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um and it has been around for quite a long time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Superb . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it {disfmarker} you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Excellent , mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But just to have that function would be would be really good .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me , I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another , but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me , {gap} to produce our own mobile phones , that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features , um , chain companies like Carphone Warehouse , you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "they'll phone the company , you can use their telephones .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this , if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets , th you know , which button is it I press for this ? Th as free as a free aspect of our service , would that not make it more attractive to them ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um {disfmarker} the companies who uh who you deal with have actually {disfmarker} they've they've got an obligation to to help you out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and also {disfmarker} I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there , you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it . Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing , it's not working , what should I do ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright . {vocalsound} Yes", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I mean for {disfmarker} if there were any more {disfmarker} or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're not gonna put any {disfmarker} {vocalsound} okay , just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Instruction manuals . But I mean they're {disfmarker} there's customer service ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Department , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Sure .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and that way there's no call out charge , there's no extra , t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to {disfmarker} for a phone maybe he might walk down the street ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And they're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Not for such simple functions", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah , they should be f yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because we're focusing on that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yes okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Simple .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious , yes .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It does ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's the uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and then you try and search through it , so that should be something we think about .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , what other functions ? We need {disfmarker} I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now , but we should think about {disfmarker} c 'cause you've got the dilemma between {disfmarker} oh batteries , that's what I was thinking about . Mobile phone batteries , what kinda battery is that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones , but they come with a charger , I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they la they they last quite a long time ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and if you had uh {disfmarker} when you {disfmarker} th the thing that you get with mobile house phones , you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , something like that should reduce the size of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and if {disfmarker} yeah if you if you had if you had one of those {disfmarker} uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah it could be on that {disfmarker} yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah on that as well so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "S", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "some sort of docking station or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Rechargeable with a docking station .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So the rechargeable which would be your field .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "which it is cheaper in the long run as well .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , th the shape you got trendy . I don't wanna big box with lots of things , you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many {disfmarker} {vocalsound} how much you try and make it simple ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They do .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "these long , brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface . We definitely {disfmarker} an ob an obvious thing , a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles , we don't want that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay so we've got a flip-screen .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back . Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box , like a chocolate .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up , so they came up with something like this , curled up , so here ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you don't have to {disfmarker} you don't bend your thumb too much , so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing , curled up like a boat .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Slightly curved , curved .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like . So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "the way you h hold of {disfmarker} it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom , something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can you look into the company logo ? Um , things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Current .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean for example , if it was a C_ or something like that , you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell , or something ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "while also making it quite different from anything else that's there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "We could look in at that but {disfmarker} Mm . What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean look at the mobile .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "logo could become as {disfmarker} you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model , rather than you know , trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think that's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that sounds a really attractive idea ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A sea shell ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I've not come across anything like that before , if it kind of {disfmarker} yeah and that opens out into your flip-top .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic , nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers , that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think . I think it's a really nice idea", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah we could look in at that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and plus you can get {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know even though we're using plastic , you can still {disfmarker} I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic , we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or you could do um different , like you get with mobile phones , different fascias . You could have different kind of casings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm-hmm . Less chance of it being lost too , it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't {disfmarker} not gonna lose it so much {vocalsound} either . It's easier to {disfmarker} bit nice to handle .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe we could come at some say five , six des designs and then choose which are {disfmarker} whichever appeals the most like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "that could be the most common design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But we can like think of five , six designs .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right , I think we have to round it up , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So it's no teletext , it's only for T_V_ and by implication video ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control , um something about Videoplus .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That was um in cutting down the number {disfmarker} that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions , making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right . Right . Right , so when they press for programming you {disfmarker} it comes up on the L_C_D_ , a reminder about using Videoplus ? So that they have a look at the guide and {disfmarker} Or was {disfmarker} is this nothing to do with the project requirements , is this just {disfmarker} that was an add-on feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's {disfmarker} kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel , things like that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh-huh . Right . Right , so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um it could be it c It {disfmarker} yes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it could be uh adv advertisement feature , um rather than design feature ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you know , drawing attention to that . And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual , 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm , and the rechargeable batteries .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Was there anything else there that we {disfmarker} in the new new project requirements ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . That's not at the moment a requirement , it's something we're looking at ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yes . Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "what preference {disfmarker} so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something , a beeping for being lost , um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For detection , right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible . But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} the instruction manual , I don't know if we deal with that , um . I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and different from what's out there . Yep , I think that's us .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "True .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think you might get guidance , but um I th Instruction manuals , 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "u um , they're {disfmarker} everyone's got like a big pile of them , but no one really uses them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Whoops , questionnaire four .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We should f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , right . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think it's time for us to get back to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Right , okay . I think you can email me , if there's any more questions . Um and I'll be able to not answer them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Overall, the model style was expected to be trendy and appealing. Marketing and Project Manager agreed on User Interface's design of a flip-screen. Marketing also hoped that the remote control would be slightly curved. User Interface added that the remote control would curl up to users' hands so that their thumbs did not have to press. The corporate logo would be put in the corner. The model would be made of lightweight plastic with a smooth bottom and a nice scallop shell exterior.
What's the conclusion of the remote control style when discussing market research and adjustments due to new project requirements?
[ { "content": "What channel am I on ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh , channel two .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Make sure to turn your microphone on .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "There 's a battery .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "OK . Your channel number 's already on this blank sheet .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "So you just {disfmarker} If you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel five ? Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel whatever .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I 'm on channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Camera one , camera two .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "What am I ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Little low ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel four ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "This number four ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five . OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The gai the gain 's up at it {disfmarker} what it usually is ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Is it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but if you think it 's {disfmarker} Yeah . It 's sort of a default . But I can set it higher if you like .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe it should be a little higher .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's not showing much . Test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test . OK , that {disfmarker} that seems better ? Yeah ? OK , good . Ah , that 's good , that 's good . That 's Ahh . Mmm . So I {disfmarker} I had a question for Adam . Have we started already ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we started recording , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Is Jane around or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I saw her earlier .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "She can just walk in , I guess , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . She 'll probably come up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Since we 're starting late I figured we 'd better just start .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Great idea . I was gonna ask Adam to , uh , say if he thought anymore about the demo stuff because {vocalsound} it occurred to me that this is late May and the DARPA meeting is in {pause} mid July . Uh , but {vocalsound} I don't remember w what we {disfmarker} I know that we were gonna do something with the transcriber interface is one thing , but I thought there was a second thing . Anybody remember ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we were gonna do a mock - up , like , question answering or something , I thought , that was totally separate from the interface . Do you remember ? Remember , like , asking questions and retrieving , {vocalsound} but in a pre - stored fashion .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That was the thing we talked about , I think , before the transcriber {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Come on in .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Alright . So anyway , you have to sort out that out and get somebody going on it cuz we 're {disfmarker} got a {disfmarker} got a month left basically . So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "You like these . Right ? OK , good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK . Um OK . So , what are we g else we got ? You got {disfmarker} you just wrote a bunch of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . That was all , um , previously here .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I was writing {pause} the digits and then I realized I could xerox them ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because I didn't want people to turn their heads from these microphones . So . We all , by the way , have the same digit form , for the record . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's cool .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So , the choice is , uh , which {disfmarker} which do we want more , the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the comparison , uh , {vocalsound} of everybody saying them at the same time or the comparison of people saying the same digits at different times that {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's just cuz I didn't have any more digit sheets .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I know that . But , you know , which opportunity should we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unison .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "exploit ? {vocalsound} Unison .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} Actually it might be good to have them separately and have the same exact strings . I mean , we could use them for normalizing or something , but it of course goes more quickly doing them in unison .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I guess we 'll see", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "i I guess it 's dependent on", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "See how long we go .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "how long we go and how good the snack is out there .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But anyway , they won't be identical as somebody is saying zero in some {disfmarker} sometimes , you know , saying O , and so , it 's not i not identical .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . Hmm . Get some advance intelligence .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to train .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 'd be like a chorus .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to get s get some experience .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Greek chorus .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Really {pause} boring chorus . Um . Do we {pause} have an agenda ? Adam usually tries to put those together , but he 's ill .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 've got a couple of things to talk about .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Yeah . Uh ju what {disfmarker} what might those be ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , IBM stuff and , um , just getting {vocalsound} uh , meeting information organized .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Meeting info organized . OK . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Are you implying that it 's currently disorganized ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In my mind .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is there stuff that 's happened about , um , uh , the {pause} SRI recognizer et cetera , tho those things that were happening before with {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y y you guys were doing a bunch of experiments with different front - ends and then with {disfmarker} Is {disfmarker} is that still sort of where it was , uh , the other day ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Now the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} You saw the note that the PLP now is getting basically the same as the MFCC .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually it looks like it 's getting better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} but it 's not {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Just with {disfmarker} with age , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "With age . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , that 's not d directly related to me . Doesn't mean we can't talk about it . Um , it seems {disfmarker} It looks l I haven't {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} The experiment is still not complete , but , um , it looks like the vocal tract length normalization is working beautifully , actually , w using the warp factors that we computed for the SRI system and just applying them to the {vocalsound} ICSI front - end .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's pretty funny .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So you just need to {pause} copy over to this one .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Just had to take the reciprocal of the number because they have different meanings in the two systems .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Ah ! Yeah . Well , that 's always good to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . OK . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one issue actually that just came up in discussion with Liz and {disfmarker} and Don was , um , as far as meeting recognition is concerned , um , we would really like to , uh , move , uh , to , uh , doing the recognition on automatic segmentations .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because in all our previous experiments , we had the {disfmarker} uh , you know , we were essentially cheating by having the , um , you know , the h the hand - segmentations as the basis of the recognition .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so now with Thilo 's segmenter working so well , I think we should {pause} consider doing a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . So .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , doing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We {disfmarker} But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Y think {disfmarker} you think we should increase the error rate .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That - that 's what I wanted to do anyway ,", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so we should just get together and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And even {disfmarker} The good thing is that since you , um , have high recall , {comment} even if you have low precision cuz you 're over - generating , that 's good because we could train noise models in the recognizer for these kinds of , uh , transients and things that come from the microphones ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "but {vocalsound} I know that if we run recognition unconstrained on a whole waveform , we do very poorly because we 're {disfmarker} we 're getting insertions in places what {disfmarker} that you may well be cutting out .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So we do need some kind of pre - segmentation .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "We should {disfmarker} we should consider doing some extra things , like , um , you know , retraining or adapting the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} the models for background noise to the {disfmarker} to this environment , for instance .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And , yeah , using Thilo 's , you know , posteriors or some kind of {disfmarker} or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right now they 're {disfmarker} they 're discrete ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "yes or no for a speaker , to consider those particular speaker background models .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . There 's lots of ins interesting things that could be done .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . We should do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Good . So , uh , why don't we , uh , do the IBM stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , talked with Brian and gave him the alternatives to the single beep at the end of each utterance that we had generated before .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You had some {pause} thing about that ? Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The , uh , Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Right . And so he talked it over with the transcriber and the transcriber thought that the easiest thing for them would be if there was a beep and then the nu a number , a digit , and then a beep , uh , at the beginning of each one", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and that would help keep them from getting lost . And , um , {vocalsound} so Adam wrote a little script to generate those style , uh , beeps", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Where 'd you get the digits from ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and so we 're {disfmarker} I came up here and just recorded the numbers one through ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "They sound really good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So . Does it sound OK ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "That 's a great idea .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} Yeah . We just used those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And do you splice them into the {pause} waveform ? Or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . He {disfmarker} then he d I recorded {disfmarker} Actually , I recorded one through ten three times at three different speeds and then he picked .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He liked the fastest one , so he just cut those out {vocalsound} and spliced them in between , uh , two beeps .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It sounds like a radio announcer 's voice . Really .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It will be funny uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Does it ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It will be funny when you 're really reading digits , and then there are the chunks with {disfmarker} with your {pause} digits in ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . With my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh that 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Now actually ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 'll throw them ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "we 're {disfmarker} Are we handling {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , maybe we should have you record A , B , C for those or something .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . {comment} Huh ! Maybe . And she said it wasn't gonna {disfmarker} the transcriber said it wouldn't be a problem cuz they can actually make a template , uh , that has beep , number , beep . So for them it 'll be very quick", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to put those in there {vocalsound} when they 're transcribing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , um , we {disfmarker} We 're gonna send them one more sample meeting , uh , and Thilo has run his segmentation . Adam 's gonna generate the chunked file . And then , um , I 'll give it to Brian and they can try that out . And when we get that back we 'll see if that sort of fixes the problem we had with , uh , too many beeps in the last transcription .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Do w do {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} Do you have any idea of the turn - around on {disfmarker} on those steps you just said ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh . Our s our {disfmarker} On our side ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or including IBM 's ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Including IBM 's .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , I don't know . The last one seemed like it took a couple of weeks . Um , maybe even three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's just the I B M side . Our side is quick . I mean , I {disfmarker} I don't know . How long does your {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It should @ @ be finished today or something . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Well , I meant the overall thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "e e u u {comment} The reason I 'm asking is because , uh , Jane and I have just been talking , and she 's just been doing . {vocalsound} Uh , e a , you know , further hiring of transcribers .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so we don't sort of really know exactly what they 'll be doing , how long they 'll be doing it , and so forth , because right now she has no choice but to operate in the mode that we already have working .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , so it 'd be {disfmarker} It 'd be good to sort of get that resolved , uh , soon as we could ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . I {disfmarker} Yeah , I {disfmarker} I hope @ @ {comment} we can get a better estimate from this {pause} one that we send them .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Um .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't know yet how long that 'll take .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker} I mean in particular I would {disfmarker} I would really hope that when we do this DARPA meeting in July that we sort of have {disfmarker} we 're {disfmarker} we 're into production mode , somehow {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , that we {disfmarker} we actually {vocalsound} have a stream going and we know how {disfmarker} how well it does and how {disfmarker} and how it operates .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I think that would {disfmarker} that would certainly be a {disfmarker} a very good thing to know .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Uh . Maybe before we do the meeting info organize thing , maybe you could say relevant stuff about where we are in transcriptions .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . So , um , we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh , the transcribers have continued to work past what I 'm calling \" set one \" , which was the s the set that I 've been , uh {disfmarker} OK , talking about up to this point , but , uh , they 've gotten five meetings done in that set . Right now they 're in the process of being edited . Um , the , um {disfmarker} Let 's see , I hired two transcribers today . I 'm thinking of hiring another one , which will {disfmarker} because we 've had a lot of attrition . And that will bring our total to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "They die off after they do this for a while .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , you know , it 's {disfmarker} it 's various things .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Burn - out .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , one of them had a baby . Um , you know , one of them really w wasn't planning {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , that was an unfor unforeseen side effect of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh , one of them , um , had never planned to work past January . I mean , it 's th all these various things , cuz we , you know , we presented it as possibly a month project back in January and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Um , so it makes sense . Uh , through attrition we {disfmarker} we 've {disfmarker} we 're down to {disfmarker} to two , but they 're really solid . We 're really lucky the two that we kept . And , um {disfmarker} Well , I don't mean {disfmarker} I don't mean anything against the others . {comment} What I mean is we 've got a good cause {disfmarker} a good core . No . We had a good core {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , they won't hear this since they 're going . They won't be transcribing this meeting .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah , but still . I mean , I d it 's just a matter of we {disfmarker} w we 're {disfmarker} we 've got , uh ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No backs .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "two of the ones who {disfmarker} who , um , ha had been putting in a lot of hours up to this point and they 're continuing to put in a {disfmarker} a lot of hours , which is wonderful , and excellent work . And so , then , in addition , um , I hired two more today and I 'm planning to h hire a third one with this {disfmarker} within this coming week , but {disfmarker} {vocalsound} but the plan is {disfmarker} just as , uh , Morgan was saying we discussed this , and the plan right now is to keep the staff on the {disfmarker} on the leaner side , you know , rather than hiring , like , eight to ten right now ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because if the IBM thing comes through really quickly , then , um , we wouldn't wanna have to , uh , you know , lay people off and stuff . So . And this way it 'll {disfmarker} I mean , I got really a lot of response for {disfmarker} for my notice and I think I could hire additional people if I {pause} wish to .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . An - and the other thing is , I mean , in the unlikely event {disfmarker} and since we 're so far from this , it 's a little hard to plan this way {disfmarker} in the unlikely event that we actually find {vocalsound} that we have , uh , transcribers on staff who are twiddling their thumbs because , you know , there 's , you know , {vocalsound} all the stuff that {disfmarker} that was sitting there has been transcribed and they 're {disfmarker} and they 're faster {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline is faster than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , than the generation , um , eh , i in {disfmarker} in the day {disfmarker} e event that that day actually dawns , uh , I {disfmarker} I bet we could find some other stuff for them to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I think {vocalsound} that , eh , eh , a as we were talking , if we {disfmarker} if we hire twelve , then we could , you know , run into a problem later . I mean , we also just couldn't sustain that forever . But {disfmarker} but , um {disfmarker} for all sorts of reasons {disfmarker} but if we hire f you know , f we have five on staff {disfmarker} five or six on staff at any given time , then {vocalsound} it 's a small enough number so we can be flexible either way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Good . OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'd be great , too , if , um , we can {disfmarker} we might need some help again getting the tighter boundaries or some hand {disfmarker} to experiment with , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , to have a ground truth for this segmentation work , which {disfmarker} I guess you have some already that was really helpful , and we could probably use more .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah . That was a thing I {disfmarker} I planned working on , is , uh , to use the {disfmarker} the transcriptions which are done by now , and to {disfmarker} to use them as , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh , the new ones", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "with the tighter boundaries . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . And to use them for {disfmarker} for training a {disfmarker} or for {disfmarker} fo whatever . Yeah . To {disfmarker} to create some speech - nonspeech labels out of them , and {disfmarker} Yeah , but that {disfmarker} that 's a thing w was {disfmarker} w what I 'm just looking into .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pre - segmentations are so much {disfmarker} are s so extremely helpful . Now there was , uh , I g guess {disfmarker} So , a couple weeks ago I needed some new ones and it happened to be during the time that he was on vacation {disfmarker} f for just very few days you were away . But it happened to be during that time I needed one ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker} {vocalsound} so I started them on the non - pre - segmented and then switched them over to yours and , um , they , um {disfmarker} you know , they always appreciate that when they have that available . And he 's , uh , usually , eh , uh , um {disfmarker} Um . So they really appreciate it . But I was gonna say that they do adjust it once in a while . You know , once in a while there 's something like ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah , sure .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "um , and e Actually you talked to them . Didn't you ? Did you ? Have you {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I talked to Helen .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and she was {disfmarker} And so , I asked her {disfmarker} I mean , They 're very perceptive . I really want to have this meeting of the transcribers . I haven't done it yet , but I wanna do that and she 's out of town , um , for a couple of weeks , but I wanna do that when she returns . Um , cuz she was saying , you know , in a {disfmarker} in a span of very short period {disfmarker} we asked {disfmarker} It seems like the ones that need to be adjusted are these {disfmarker} these {disfmarker} these things , and she was saying the short utterances , uh , the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "you know , I mean , you 're {disfmarker} You 're aware of this . But {disfmarker} but actually i it 's so correct for so much of the time , that it 's an enormous time saver", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and it just gets tweaked a little around the boundaries . So .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um . Yeah . I think it 'd be interesting to combine these .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Is there actually a record of where they change ? I mean , you can compare , do a diff on the {disfmarker} just so that we {vocalsound} knew {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You could do it . It 's {disfmarker} it 's complicated in that {vocalsound} um , {vocalsound} hhh , i hhh , i", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually , when {disfmarker} when they create new {disfmarker} yeah , new segments or something , it will be , uh , not that easy but {disfmarker} hmm . I think {pause} one could do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I mean , if we keep a old copy of the old time marks", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "just so that if we run it we know whether we 're {disfmarker} which ones were cheating", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . That would be great , yeah , to know that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There is a {disfmarker} there is one problem with that and that is when they start part way through then what I do is I merge what they 've done with the pre - segmented version .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "which one would be good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So it 's not a pure {disfmarker} it 's not a pure condition . Wha - what you 'd really like is that they started with pre - segmented and were pre - segmented all the way through .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And , um {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} {disfmarker} I , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} it wasn't possible for about four of the recent ones . But , it will be possible in the future", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "because we {disfmarker} we 're , um .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It would .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mmm , that 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . As long as we have a record , I guess , of the original {pause} automatic one , we can always find out how well {pause} we would do fr from the recognition side by using those boundaries .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "You know , a completely non - cheating version .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Also if you need someone to record this meeting , I mean , I 'm happy to {disfmarker} for the transcribers {disfmarker} I could do it , or Chuck or Adam .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So , uh , u you were saying something about organizing the meeting info ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , uh , Jane and Adam and I had a meeting where we talked about the reorganization of the {pause} directory structure for all of the meeting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Did you record it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . For all the Meeting Recorder data . We should have . Um . And so we 've got a plan for what we 're gonna do there . And then , Jane also s prepared a {disfmarker} um , started getting all of the {disfmarker} the meetings organized , so she prepared a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a spreadsheet , which I spent the last couple of days adding to . So I went through all of the data that we have collected so far , and have been putting it into , uh , a spreadsheet {vocalsound} with start time , the date , the old meeting name , the new meeting name , the number of speakers , the duration of the meeting , comments , you know , what its transcription status is , all that kind of stuff . And so , the idea is that we can take this and then export it as HTML and put it on the Meeting Recorder web page so we can keep people updated about what 's going on .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , I 've gotta get some more information from Jane cuz I have some {disfmarker} some gaps here that I need to get her to fill in , but {vocalsound} so far , um , {vocalsound} as of Monday , the fourteenth , um , we 've had a total number of meeting sixty - two hours of meetings that we have collected . And , um {disfmarker} Uh , some other interesting things , average number of speakers per meeting is six . Um , and I 'm gonna have on here the total amount that 's been transcribed so far , but I 've got a bunch of {disfmarker} uh , that 's what I have to talk to Jane about , figuring out exactly which ones have {disfmarker} have been completed and so forth . But , um , {vocalsound} this 'll be a nice thing that we can put up on the {disfmarker} the web site and people can {vocalsound} be informed of the status of various different ones . And {vocalsound} it 'll also list , uh , like under the status , if it 's at IBM or if it 's at ICSI , uh , or if it 's completed or which ones we 're excluding and {disfmarker} and there 's a place for comments , so we can , {vocalsound} um , say why we 're excluding things and so forth . So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now would the ones that , um , are already transcribed {disfmarker} we h we have enough there that c you know , we 've already done some studies and so forth and {disfmarker} um , shouldn't we go through and do the business - es u of {disfmarker} of having the , um , uh , participants approve it , uh , for {disfmarker} approve the transcriptions for distribution and so forth ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , interesting idea . In principle , I {disfmarker} I would say yes , although I still am doing some {disfmarker} the final - pass editing , trying to convert it over to the master file as the {disfmarker} being the channelized version and it 's {disfmarker} Yeah , it seems like I get into that a certain way and then something else intervenes {comment} and I have to stop . Cleaning up the things like the , uh , uh , places where the transcriber was uncertain , and {disfmarker} and doing spot - checking here and there . So , um , uh , I guess it would make sense to wait until th that 's done , um , but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , le let me put in another sort of a milestone kind of {disfmarker} as {disfmarker} as I did with the , uh , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Um , we are gonna have this DARPA {pause} meeting in the middle of July ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and I think it w it 'd be {disfmarker} given that we 've been {disfmarker} we 've given a couple public talks about it already , spaced by months and months , I think it 'd be pretty bad if we continued to say none of this is available . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'll certainly be done by then . Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Right . So we can s we {disfmarker} we wanna be able to say \" here is a subset that is available right now \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and that 's has been through the legal issues and so forth .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's right . So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , by {disfmarker} before July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And they don't have to approve , you know , th an edited version , they can just give their approval to whatever version", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , in principle , yes . But , I mean , i if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if somebody actually did get into some legal issue with it then we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah . But th I mean , the editing will continue . Presumably if {disfmarker} if s errors are found , they will be fixed , but they won't change the {disfmarker} the content of the meetings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Content , really .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , see , this is the {disfmarker} this is the issue . Subtleties .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , i if Jane is clarifying question question , then , you know , how can they agree to it before they know her final version ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The other thing , too , is there can be subtleties where a person uses this word instead of that word , which @ @ {comment} could 've been transcribed in the other way .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Thing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And no and they wouldn't have {vocalsound} been slanderous if it had been this other word . You know ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "I it {disfmarker} you know , there there is a point at which I agree it becomes ridiculous because , you know , you could do this final thing and then a year from now somebody could say , you know , that should be a period and not a question mark . Right ? And you don't {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} there 's no way that we 're gonna go back and ask everybody \" do you approve this , uh , you know {disfmarker} this document now ? \" So {disfmarker} So I think what it is is that the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the thing that they sign {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I haven't looked at it in a while , but it has to be open enough that it sort of says \" OK , from now on {disfmarker} you know , now that I 've read this , you can use {disfmarker} do anything you want with these data . \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} But , i I think we wanna {disfmarker} So , assuming that it 's in that kind of wording , which I don't remember , {vocalsound} um , I think i we just wanna have enough confidence ourselves that it 's so close to the final form it 's gonna be in , a year from now that they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . I agree . Mmm . I totally agree . It 's just , uh , a question of , {vocalsound} uh , if {disfmarker} if the person is using the transcript as the way of them judging what they said and whether it was slanderous , {vocalsound} then it seems like it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i it needs to be more correct than if we could count on them re - listening to the meeting .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because it becomes , eh , in a way a {disfmarker} a f uh , a legal document i if they 've agreed to that .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , I forget how we end Right . I forget how we ended up on this , but I remember my taking the position {vocalsound} of not making it so {disfmarker} so easy for everybody to observe everything and Adam was taking the position of {disfmarker} of having it be really straightforward for people to check every aspect of it including the audio . And I don't remember who won , Adam or me , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} if it 's only the transcript , though {disfmarker} I mean , th this {disfmarker} this is my point , that {disfmarker} that", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "uh , the {disfmarker} Uh , that that 's why I 'm bringing this up again , because I can't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "then it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That it was the transcrip He wanted to do a web interface that would make it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , if it 's just the audio {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that would give you access to the transcript and the audio . That 's what Adam wanted .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And I don't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , with the web interface it 's interesting , because you could allow the person who signs to be informed when their transcript changes , or something like that . And , I mean , I would say \" no \" . Like , I don't wanna know , but some people might be really {vocalsound} interested and then y In other words , they would be informed if there was some significant change other than typos and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You decided you were whispering Satanic incantations under your breath when you were {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} I don't know what happened to the small heads thing , but I j {vocalsound} Um , I 'm just saying that , like , you know , you can sort of say that any things that are deemed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They disappeared from view .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . I mean , I agree that at some point people {vocalsound} probably won't care about typos but they would care about significant meaning changes and then they could be asked for their consent , I guess , if {disfmarker} if those change . Cuz assumi {vocalsound} assuming we {disfmarker} we don't really distribute things that have any significant changes from what they sign anyway .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Tha That 's {disfmarker} How about having them approve the audio and not the transcripts ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , my God .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That would be simpler ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "if we could count on them listening .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "But no one will listen to the hours and hours of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Talk .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , that 's O K .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "We just have to give them a chance to listen to it , and if they don't , that 's their problem .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "hmm , hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} you d That 's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unfortunately , uh , in {disfmarker} in the sign thing that they signed , it says \" transcripts \" .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No , I 'm serious .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" You 'll be {disfmarker} you 'll be provided the transcripts when they 're available . \"", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I I {disfmarker} I think", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that 's a lot to ask for people that have been in a lot of meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "W anyway , haven't we {disfmarker} we 've gone down this path a number of times . I know this can lead to extended conversations and {disfmarker} and not really get anywhere , so let {disfmarker} let me just suggest that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , off - line that , uh , the people involved figure it out and take care of it before it 's July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So {disfmarker} so that in July we can tell people {vocalsound} \" yes , we have this and you can use it \" .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes . It 's done , ready , available . Good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh . So , let 's see . What else we got ? Uh . Don did {disfmarker} did a report about his project in class and , uh {disfmarker} an oral and written {disfmarker} written version .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that was stuff he was doing with you . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} I guess one thing we 're learning is that the amount {disfmarker} We have eight meetings there because we couldn't use the non - native {disfmarker} all non - native meetings and {vocalsound} it 's , well , probably below threshold on enough data for us for the things we 're looking at because the {vocalsound} prosodic features are {pause} very noisy and so you {disfmarker} you need a lot of data in order to model them . Um , so we 're starting to see some patterns and we 're hoping that maybe with , {vocalsound} I don't know , double or triple the data {disfmarker} with twenty meetings or so , that we would start to get better results . But we did find that some of the features that , I gue Jane would know about , that are expressing sort of the {vocalsound} distance of , um , {vocalsound} boundaries from peaks in the utterance and {vocalsound} some {pause} local , um , range {disfmarker} pitch range effects , like how close people are to their floor , are showing up in these classifiers , which are also being given some word features that are cheating , cuz they 're true words . Um , so these are based on forced alignment . Word features like , um , word frequency and whether or not something 's a backchannel and so forth . So , we 're starting to see , I think , some interesting patterns .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So the dominant features , including everything , were those {disfmarker} those quasi - cheating things . Right ? Where these are {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sometimes not .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "I think it depends what you 're looking at , a actually .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sometimes {pause} positions in sentences obviously , or in spurts , was helpful . I don't know if that 's cheating , too .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Spurts wouldn't be . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "spurts is not cheating except that of course you know the real words ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "but roughly speaking , the recognized words are gonna give you a similar type of position .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right . Would they give you the same number of words , though ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's either early or late .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Not exactly , but i", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But ra somewhat ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "On the average .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y yeah it should be . Well , we don't know and actually that 's one of the things we 're interested in doing , is a sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Have you tried using just time , as opposed to number of words ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I think ti uh {disfmarker} Just p time position , like when the word starts ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know if that was in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Well , no , I mean t time {disfmarker} time position relative to the beginning of the spurt .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh {disfmarker} You know , uh", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Start .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . There 's all these things to do .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , we didn't try it , but it 's s", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Like , there 's a lot of different features you could just pull out .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean that wouldn't be cheating because you can detect pause {pause} pretty well within the time .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "How about time position normalized by speak", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And it depends on speaking rate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "speaking rate . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's actually why I didn't use it at first .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But we {disfmarker} one of the interesting things was I guess you reported on some te punctuation type {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "finding sentence boundaries , finding disfluency boundaries , and then I had done some work on finding from the foreground speech whether or not someone was likely to interrupt , so where {disfmarker} you know , if I 'm talking now and someone {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and Andreas is about to interrupt me , is he gonna choose a certain place in my speech , either prosodically or word - based . And there the prosodic features actually showed up and a neat thing {disfmarker} even though the word features were available . And a neat thing there too is I tried some {disfmarker} {vocalsound} putting the speaker {disfmarker} So , I gave everybody {vocalsound} a short version of their name . So the real names are in there , which we couldn't use . Uh , we should use I Ds or something . And those don't show up . So that means that overall , um , it wasn't just modeling Morgan , or it wasn't just modeling a single person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um , but was sort of trying to , {vocalsound} uh , get a general idea {disfmarker} the model {disfmarker} the tree classifier was trying to find general locations that were applicable to different speakers , even though there are huge speaker effects . So . The {disfmarker} but the main limitation now is I {disfmarker} because we 're only looking at things that happen every {vocalsound} ten words or every twenty words , we need more {disfmarker} more data and more data per speaker . So . It 'd also be interesting to look at the EDU meetings because we did include meeting type as a feature , so whether you were in a r Meeting Recorder meeting or a Robustness meeting did matter {vocalsound} to {pause} interrupts because there are just fewer interrupts in the Robustness meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "And so the classifier learns more about Morgan than it does about sort of the average person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "which is {vocalsound} not bad . It 'd probably do better than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Um , but it wasn't generalizing .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} And I think Don , um {disfmarker} Well , we have a long list of things he 's starting to look at now over the summer , where we can {disfmarker} And he 'll be able to report on more things {pause} in the future . But it was great that we could at least go from the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , Jane 's transcripts and the , {vocalsound} uh , recognizer output and get it {pause} to this point . And I think it 's something Mari can probably use in her preliminary report {disfmarker} like , \" yeah , we 're at the point where we 're training these classifiers and we 're just {vocalsound} reporting very preliminary but suggestive results that {vocalsound} some features , both word and pro prosodic , work . \" The other thing that was interesting to me is that the pitch features are better than in Switchboard . And I think that really is from the close - talking mikes , cuz the pitch processing that was done has much cleaner behavior than {disfmarker} than the Switchboard telephone bandwidth .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "W wh wh wh Better in what sense ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um . Well , first of all , the pitch tracks are m have less , um , halvings and doublings than {disfmarker} than Switchboard and there 's a lot less dropout , so if you ask how many regions where you would normally expect some vowels to be occurring {vocalsound} are completely devoid of pitch information ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . ", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "in other words the pitch tracker just didn't get a high enough probability of voicing for words {disfmarker} for {disfmarker} for , you know , five word", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "there are much fewer than in Switchboard . So the missing {disfmarker} {vocalsound} We had a big missing data problem in Switchboard and , so the features weren't as reliable cuz they were often just not available .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Could it have to do with the {disfmarker} the lower frequency cut - off on the Switchboard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So that 's actually good . Ma - maybe . I mean , the tele we had telephone bandwidth for Switchboard and we had the an annoying sort of telephone handset movement problem that I think may also affect it .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So we 're just getting better signals in {disfmarker} in this data . Which is nice . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway , Don 's been doing a great job and we hope to continue with , um , Andreas 's help and also some of Thilo 's help on this ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to try to get a non - cheating version of how all this would work .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sure . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Has {disfmarker} has , uh {disfmarker} ? We just {disfmarker} I think , just talked about this the other day , but h has {disfmarker} has anybody had a chance to try changing , uh , insertion penalty sort of things with the {disfmarker} with the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , using the tandem system input for the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah . I tried that . It didn't , um , help dramatically . The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Were they out of balance ? I didn't {disfmarker} I didn't notice .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There were a little {disfmarker} the relative number of {disfmarker} I think there were a higher number of deletions , actually .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , you , uh {disfmarker} So , actually it {disfmarker} it preferred to have a positive {disfmarker} er , negative insertion penalty ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Deletions ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "which means {vocalsound} that , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , you know , it didn't change {vocalsound} th the {disfmarker} by adjusting that {disfmarker} the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The error changed by probably one percent or so . But , you know , given that that word error rate is so high , that 's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . So that {disfmarker} So that 's {disfmarker} So that 's not the problem .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's not the problem . No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , we s just , um , uh {disfmarker} you know , Chuck and I talked and the {pause} @ @ {comment} next thing to do is probably to tune the {disfmarker} um , the size of the Gaussian system , um , @ @ {comment} to {disfmarker} to this {disfmarker} to this feature vector , which we haven't done at all . We just used the same {vocalsound} configuration as we used for the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} for the standard system .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , {vocalsound} for instance , uh , Dan {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} Dan just sent me a message saying that CMU used , um , {vocalsound} something like ten Gaussians per cluster {disfmarker} You know , each {disfmarker} each mixture has ten {pause} Gaussians", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm . We 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and we 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so that 's {vocalsound} obviously a big difference", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and it might be way off and give very poorly trained , uh , you know , Gaussians that way ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "uh , an and poorly trained mixture weights . So {disfmarker} so , we have {disfmarker} The turn - around time on the training when we train only the {disfmarker} a male system with , uh , you know , our small training set , is {vocalsound} less than twenty - four hours , so we can run lots of {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , basically just brute force , try a whole bunch of different um , settings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , uh , with the new machines it 'll be even better . So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We get twelve of those ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But the PLP features work {disfmarker} um , uh , you know , continue to improve the ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} As I said before , the {disfmarker} uh using Dan 's , uh , uh , vocal tract normalization option works very well . So , um , @ @ {comment} I ran one experiment where we 're just {vocalsound} did the vocal tract le normalization only in the test data ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I didn't bother to retrain {pause} the models at all , and it improved by one percent , which is about what we get with {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with , you know , just @ @ {comment} actually doing both training and test normalization , um , with , um , {vocalsound} the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with the standard system . So , in a few hours we 'll have the numbers for the {disfmarker} for retraining everything with vocal tract length normalization and {disfmarker} So , that might even improve it further .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , it looks like the P L - fea P features {comment} do very well now with {disfmarker} after having figured out all these little tricks to {disfmarker} to get it to work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Wait . So you mean you improve one percent over a system that doesn't have any V T L in it already ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Exactly . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK . So then {disfmarker} then we 'll have our baseline to {disfmarker} to compare the currently hideous , uh , uh , new thing with .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . a Right . And {disfmarker} and what that suggests also is of course that the current Switchboard {pause} MLP isn't trained on very good features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , because it was trained on whatever , you know , was used , uh , last time you did Hub - five stuff , which didn't have any of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . But all of these effects were j like a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , y the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , but if you add them all up you have , uh , almost five percent difference now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Add {pause} all of them . I thought one was one point five percent and one was point eight .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And now we have another percent with the V T", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's three point three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , actually , and it 's , um , What 's actually qu interesting is that with {disfmarker} um , well , you m prob maybe another half percent if you do the VTL in training , and then interestingly , if you optimize you get more of a win out of rescoring the , um , {vocalsound} uh , the N best lists , uh , and optimizing the weights , um , uh than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than you do with the standard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the part that 's actually adjustment of the front - end per se as opposed to doing {disfmarker} putting VTLN in or something is {disfmarker} it was a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? It was {disfmarker} it was {disfmarker} there was {disfmarker} {vocalsound} there was one thing that was one and a half percent and one that was point eight . So {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} let me see if I remember what they were . One of them {vocalsound} was , uh , the change to , uh {disfmarker} because it did it all at once , {comment} to {disfmarker} uh , from bark scale to mel scale ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which I really feel like saying in quotes , because @ @ {comment} they 're essentially the same scale but the {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but any i individual particular implementation of those things puts things in a particular place .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Why did that cha ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I wanted to look {disfmarker} I still haven't looked at it yet . I {disfmarker} I wanna look at exactly where the filters were in the two ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's probably something like there 's one fewer or one more filter in the sub {vocalsound} one kilohertz band", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and for whatever reason with this particular experiment it was better one way or the other .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , it could be there 's something more fundamental but it {disfmarker} you know , I {disfmarker} I don't know it yet . And the other {disfmarker} and the other {disfmarker} that was like one and a half or something , and then there was point eight percent , which was {disfmarker} what was the other thing ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that was combined with the triangular . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Those {disfmarker} those two were together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "We d weren't able to separate them out cuz it was just done in one thing . But then there was a point eight percent which was something else .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The low - frequency cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Do you remember the {disfmarker} ? Oh , yeah . So that was {disfmarker} that was , uh {disfmarker} that one I can claim credit for , uh , i in terms of screwing it up in the first place . So that someone e until someone else fixed it , which is that , um , I never put {disfmarker} when I u We had some problems before with offsets . This inf this went back to , uh , I think Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So we {disfmarker} we had , uh {disfmarker} ea everybody else who was doing Wall Street Journal knew that there were big DC offsets in th in these data {disfmarker} in those data and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and nobody happened to mention it to us ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and we were getting these , like , really terrible results , like two , three times the error everybody else was getting . And then in casual conversation someone ment mentioned \" uh , well , I guess , you know , of course you 're taking care of the offsets . \" I said \" what offsets ? \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And at that point , you know , we were pretty new to the data and we 'd never really , like , looked at it on a screen and then when we just put it on the screen {comment} and wroop !", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "there 's this big DC offset . So , um , in PLP", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "There was a {disfmarker} like a hum or some or {disfmarker} when they recorded it ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No . It 's just , it {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not at all uncommon for {disfmarker} for recorded electronics to have different , um , DC offsets .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Or just {disfmarker} ? Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , no big deal . It 's {disfmarker} you know , you could have ten , twenty , maybe thirty millivolts , whatever , and it 's consistently in there . The thing is , most people 's front - ends have pre - emphasis with it , with zero at zero frequency , so that it 's irrelevant . Uh , but with P L P , we didn't actually have that . We had {disfmarker} we had the equivalent of pre - emphasis in a {disfmarker} a , uh , Fletcher - Munson style weighting that occurs in the middle of P L but it doesn't actually have a zero at zero frequency ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "like , eh , uh , typical simple fr pre - emphasis does . We had something more fancy . It was later on it didn't have that . So at that point I reali \" oh sh we better have a {disfmarker} have a high - pass filter \" just , you know {disfmarker} {vocalsound} just take care of the problem . So I put in a high - pass filter at , uh , I think ninety {disfmarker} ninety hertz or so {vocalsound} uh , for a sixteen kilohertz sampling rate . And I never put anything in to adjust it for different {disfmarker} different sampling rates . And so {disfmarker} well , so , you know , the code doesn't know anything about that and so this is all at eight kilohertz and so it was at forty - five hertz instead of at {disfmarker} {vocalsound} instead of at ninety .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , um , I don't know if Dan fixed it or {disfmarker} or , uh , what he {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , he made it a parameter .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He made it a parameter . So . Yeah , I guess if he did it right , he did fix it and then {disfmarker} and then it 's taking care of sampling rate , which is great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what is the parameter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "He had a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is it , uh , just the f lower cut - off that you want ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's called , uh , {vocalsound} H - HPF .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "H {disfmarker} Yeah . Does HPF on {disfmarker} on his feat feature .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "u And {disfmarker} but HPF , you know , when you put a number after it , uses that as the hertz value of the cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , frankly , we never did that with the RASTA filter either ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so the RASTA filter is actually doing a different thing in the modulation spectral domain depending on what sampling rate you 're doing , which is {vocalsound} another old {disfmarker} old bug of mine .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} Um . So that {disfmarker} that was the problem there was th we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we had always intended to cut off below a hundred hertz", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it just wasn't doing it , so now it is . So , {vocalsound} that hep that helped us by , like , eight tenths of a percent . It {pause} still wasn't a big deal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . Well , but , um {disfmarker} Well , uh , again , after completing the {pause} current experiments , we 'll {disfmarker} {vocalsound} we can add up all the uh differences", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} an", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , I guess my {disfmarker} my point was that {disfmarker} that , um , the hybrid system thing that we did was , uh , primitive in many ways .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I think I agree with you that if we fixed lots of different things and they would all add up , we would probably have a {disfmarker} a {disfmarker} a competitive system . But I think not that much of it is due to the front - end per se . I think maybe a couple percent of it is , as far as I can see from this .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , unless you call {disfmarker} well , if you call VTL the front - en front - end , that 's , uh , a little more . But that 's sort of more both , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "One experiment we should {disfmarker} we 'll probably need to do though when {disfmarker} um , at some point , is , since we 're using that same {disfmarker} the net that was trained on PLP without all these things in it , for the tandem system , we may wanna go back and retrain ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? But .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what I meant , in fact . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , for the tandem . You know , so we can see if it {disfmarker} what effect it has on the tandem processing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} so , the thing is {disfmarker} is do we expect {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh At this point I 'm as I mean , you know {disfmarker} e I 'm wondering is it {disfmarker} Can we expect , uh , a tandem system to do better than a properly trained {disfmarker} you know , a Gaussian system trained directly on the features with , you know , the right ch choice of {pause} parameters ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what we 're seeing in other areas . Yes . Right ? So , it 's {disfmarker} so , um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , we {disfmarker} But {disfmarker} but we may not . I mean , if it doesn't perform as well , we may not know why . Right ? Cuz we need to do the exact experiment .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the reason to think it should is because you 're putting in the same information and you 're transforming it to be more discriminative . So . Um . Now the thing is , in some databases I wouldn't expect it to necessarily give you much and {disfmarker} and part of what I view as the real power of it is that it {pause} gives you a transformational capability {vocalsound} for taking all sorts of different wild things that we do , not just th the standard front - end , but other things , like with multiple streams and so forth ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and allows you to feed them to the other system with this {disfmarker} through this funnel . Um , so I think {disfmarker} I think that 's the real power of it . I wouldn't expect huge in huge improvements . Um , but it should at least be roughly the same and maybe a little better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it 's , you know , like way way worse then , you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , Morgan , an another thing that Andreas and I were talking about was , so @ @ {comment} in the first experiment that he did {vocalsound} we just took the whole fifty - six , uh , outputs and that 's , um , basically compared to a thirty - nine input feature vector from either MFCC or PLP .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one thing we could do is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Let {disfmarker} let me {disfmarker} let me just ask you something . When you say take the fifty - six outputs , these are the pre final nonlinearity {pause} outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Through the regular tandem outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and they 're {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} through the KLT .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Through the KLT . All that kinda stuff .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . And so {disfmarker} so then you u Do you use all fifty - six of the KLT", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's what we did .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ? So one thing we were wondering is , if we did principal components and , say , took out just thirteen , and then did deltas and double - deltas on that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so we treated the th first thirteen as though they were {vocalsound} standard features .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yes . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , did Dan do experiments like that to {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh . Talk with Stephane . He did some things like that . It was either him or Carmen . I forget .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean these were all different databases and different {disfmarker} you know , in HTK and all that ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so i it {disfmarker} it may not apply . But my recollection of it was that it didn't make it better but it didn't make it worse .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , again , given all these differences , maybe it 's more important in your case that you not take a lot of these low - variance , uh , components .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Cuz in a sense , the net 's already got quite a bit of context in those features ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so if we did deltas and double - deltas on top of those , we 're getting sort of even more .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Which could be good or not .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Worth trying .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But there the main point is that , um , you know , it took us a while but we have the procedure for coupling the two systems {vocalsound} debugged now and {disfmarker} I mean , there 's still conceivably some bug somewhere in the way we 're feeding the tandem features {disfmarker} uh , either generating them or feeding them to this {disfmarker} to the {vocalsound} SRI system ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There might be , cuz that 's a pretty big difference .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And I 'm wondering how we can {disfmarker} how we can debug that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean how {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm actually f quite sure that the {disfmarker} feeding the {pause} features into the system and training it up ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "that {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I think that 's {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} that 's essentially the same as we use with the ce with the P L P fe features . And that 's obviously working great . So . I um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . There could be a bug in {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} somewhere before that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There {disfmarker} we could {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} another degree of freedom is how do you generate the K L T transform ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? We to", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "well , and another one is the normalization of the inputs to the net .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "These nets are trained with particular normalization and when that gets screwed up it {disfmarker} it can really hurt it .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm doing what Eric {disfmarker} E Eric coached me through then {disfmarker} that part of it , so I 'm pretty confident in that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , the only slight difference is that I use normalization values that , um , Andreas calculated from the original {comment} PLP ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which is right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "N Yeah . So , I u I do {disfmarker} Oh , we actually don't do that normalization for the PLP , do we ? For the st just the straight PLP features ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . The {disfmarker} the SRI system does it .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S R I system does that . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , you might e e", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , there 's {disfmarker} there is {disfmarker} there is room for bugs that we might not have discovered ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} that 's another {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} I {disfmarker} I would actually double check with Stephane at this point ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz he 's probably the one here {disfmarker} I mean , he and Dan are the ones who are at this point most experienced with the tandem", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "thing and there may {disfmarker} there may be some little bit here and there that is not {disfmarker} not being handled right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's hard with features , cuz you don't know what they should look like . I mean , you can't just , like , print the {disfmarker} the values out in ASCII and , you know , look at them , see if they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Not unless you had a lot of time", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh , and also they 're not {disfmarker} I mean , as I understand it , you {disfmarker} you don't have a way to optimize the features for the final word error . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , these are just discriminative , but they 're not , um , optimized for the final {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They 're optimized for phone discrimination , not for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So it {disfmarker} there 's always this question of whether you might do better with those features if there was a way to train it for the word error metric that you 're actually {disfmarker} that you 're actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's right . Well , the other {disfmarker} Yeah , th the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , you actually are . But {disfmarker} but it {disfmarker} but in an indirect way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , right . It 's indirect , so you don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So wha w what {disfmarker} an and you may not be in this case , come to think of it , because , uh , you 're just taking something that 's trained up elsewhere . So , what {disfmarker} what you {disfmarker} what you do in the full procedure {vocalsound} is you , um , uh , have an embedded training . So in fact you {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the net is trained on , uh , uh , a , uh , Viterbi alignment of the training data that comes from your full system . And so that 's where the feedback comes all around , so that it is actually discriminant . You can prove that it 's {disfmarker} it 's a , uh {disfmarker} If you believe in the Viterbi assumption that , uh , getting the best path , uh , is almost equivalent to getting the best , uh , total probability , um , then you actually do improve that by , uh {disfmarker} by training up on local {disfmarker} local , uh {disfmarker} local frames . But , um , we aren't actually doing that here , because we did {disfmarker} we did that for a hybrid system , and now we 're plugging it into another system and so it isn't {disfmarker} {vocalsound} i i i it wouldn't quite apply here .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do y", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So another huge experiment we could do would be to take the tandem features , uh , do SRI forced alignments using those features , and then re - do the net with those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mmm , uh {disfmarker} Exactly . Exactly .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So that you can optimize it for the word error .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Another thing is since you 're not using the net for recognition per se but just for this transformation , it 's probably bigger than it needs to be .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that would save a lot of time .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And there 's a mismatch in the phone sets . So , you 're using a l a long a larger phone set than what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually all those things could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could , uh {disfmarker} could affect it as well .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The other thing , uh , just to mention that Stephane {disfmarker} this was an innovation of Stephane 's , which was a pretty neat one , uh , and might particularly apply {vocalsound} here , given all these things we 're mentioning . Um , Stephane 's idea was that , um , discriminant , uh , approaches are great . Even the local ones , given , you know , these potential outer loops which , you know , you can convince yourself turn into the global ones . Um , however , there 's times when it {pause} is not good . Uh , when {pause} something about the test set is different enough from the training set that {disfmarker} that , uh , the discrimination that you 're learning is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is not a good one .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , uh , his idea was to take as the input feature vector to the , uh , Gaussian mixture system , {vocalsound} uh , a concatenation of the neural net outputs and the regular features .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , we already talked about that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "El", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Didn't you {disfmarker} did you {pause} do that already", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , but we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} when {disfmarker} when we {disfmarker} when I first started corresponding with Dan about how to go about this , I think that was one of the things that we definitely went there .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ? Oh . That makes a lot of sense . Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I 'm sure that Stephane wasn't the first to think of it ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but actually Stephane did it", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . And i does it help ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} and it helped a lot .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} that 's our current best {disfmarker} best system in the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , in the Aurora thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh . OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And do you do a KLT transform on the con on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "As {disfmarker} you should never do worse .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I , uh , missed what you said .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do you {disfmarker} d you do a KLT transform on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , actually , I , uh {disfmarker} you should check with him , because he tried several different combinations .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because you end up with this huge feature vector , so that might be a problem , a unless you do some form of dimensionality reduction .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . I , uh , th what I don't remember is which came out best . So he did one where he put o put e the whole thing into one KLT , and another one , since the {disfmarker} the PLP things are already orthogonalized , he left them alone and {disfmarker} and just did a KLT on the {disfmarker} on the {disfmarker} on the net outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and then concatenated that . And I don't remember which was better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did he {disfmarker} did he try to {disfmarker} ? So he always ended up with a feature vector that was {pause} twice as long as either one of the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I don't know , i I {disfmarker} I don't know . You have to check with him .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Actually , I have to run .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I 'm into big ideas these days .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We need to close up cuz I need to save the data and , um , get a call .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Not to mention the fact that we 're missing snacks . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did people wanna do the digits", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or , um , do them together ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I g I think , given that we 're in a hurry for snacks , maybe we should do them together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know . Should we just {disfmarker} ? OK . I mean , are we trying to do them {nonvocalsound} in synchrony ? That might be fun .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not {disfmarker} You know , it 's not gonna work out", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Adam 's not here , so he 's not here to tell me no .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "but we could {disfmarker} we could just , uh , uh , see if we find a rhythm , you know , what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh , O 's or zeroes , we wanna agree on that ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Maybe just whatever people would naturally do ? I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , but if we were a singing group , we would wanna decide . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Be harmony . Yeah . {comment} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mine 's identical to yours .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "We might wa", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Sorry . So I set up and we didn't have {pause} enough digit forms", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So these are excellent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I xeroxed the same one seven times .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Why don't we do zer i Anyone have a problem with saying zero ? Is zero OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . One and a two and three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "e", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Once more with feeling .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And th", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No , just k just kidding . Oh , yeah . It was .", "speaker": "Professor F" } ]
A pressing concern for the group is the DARPA meeting in July, which is only a short time away, and for which they would like to have some progress. PLP results for the front-end look good, with the group also reporting progress in segmentation: Thilo's segmenter will now be used and ways of improving performance investigated; The classifier segmentation is progressing well, especially in the use of prosody for identifying interruption. Work on the front end continues, with improvements of 3-5% being made.
What was the general discussion of the meeting?
[ { "content": "What channel am I on ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh , channel two .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Make sure to turn your microphone on .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "There 's a battery .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "OK . Your channel number 's already on this blank sheet .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "So you just {disfmarker} If you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel five ? Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel whatever .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I 'm on channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Camera one , camera two .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "What am I ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Little low ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel four ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "This number four ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five . OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The gai the gain 's up at it {disfmarker} what it usually is ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Is it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but if you think it 's {disfmarker} Yeah . It 's sort of a default . But I can set it higher if you like .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe it should be a little higher .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's not showing much . Test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test . OK , that {disfmarker} that seems better ? Yeah ? OK , good . Ah , that 's good , that 's good . That 's Ahh . Mmm . So I {disfmarker} I had a question for Adam . Have we started already ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we started recording , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Is Jane around or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I saw her earlier .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "She can just walk in , I guess , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . She 'll probably come up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Since we 're starting late I figured we 'd better just start .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Great idea . I was gonna ask Adam to , uh , say if he thought anymore about the demo stuff because {vocalsound} it occurred to me that this is late May and the DARPA meeting is in {pause} mid July . Uh , but {vocalsound} I don't remember w what we {disfmarker} I know that we were gonna do something with the transcriber interface is one thing , but I thought there was a second thing . Anybody remember ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we were gonna do a mock - up , like , question answering or something , I thought , that was totally separate from the interface . Do you remember ? Remember , like , asking questions and retrieving , {vocalsound} but in a pre - stored fashion .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That was the thing we talked about , I think , before the transcriber {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Come on in .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Alright . So anyway , you have to sort out that out and get somebody going on it cuz we 're {disfmarker} got a {disfmarker} got a month left basically . So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "You like these . Right ? OK , good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK . Um OK . So , what are we g else we got ? You got {disfmarker} you just wrote a bunch of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . That was all , um , previously here .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I was writing {pause} the digits and then I realized I could xerox them ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because I didn't want people to turn their heads from these microphones . So . We all , by the way , have the same digit form , for the record . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's cool .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So , the choice is , uh , which {disfmarker} which do we want more , the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the comparison , uh , {vocalsound} of everybody saying them at the same time or the comparison of people saying the same digits at different times that {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's just cuz I didn't have any more digit sheets .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I know that . But , you know , which opportunity should we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unison .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "exploit ? {vocalsound} Unison .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} Actually it might be good to have them separately and have the same exact strings . I mean , we could use them for normalizing or something , but it of course goes more quickly doing them in unison .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I guess we 'll see", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "i I guess it 's dependent on", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "See how long we go .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "how long we go and how good the snack is out there .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But anyway , they won't be identical as somebody is saying zero in some {disfmarker} sometimes , you know , saying O , and so , it 's not i not identical .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . Hmm . Get some advance intelligence .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to train .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 'd be like a chorus .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to get s get some experience .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Greek chorus .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Really {pause} boring chorus . Um . Do we {pause} have an agenda ? Adam usually tries to put those together , but he 's ill .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 've got a couple of things to talk about .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Yeah . Uh ju what {disfmarker} what might those be ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , IBM stuff and , um , just getting {vocalsound} uh , meeting information organized .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Meeting info organized . OK . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Are you implying that it 's currently disorganized ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In my mind .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is there stuff that 's happened about , um , uh , the {pause} SRI recognizer et cetera , tho those things that were happening before with {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y y you guys were doing a bunch of experiments with different front - ends and then with {disfmarker} Is {disfmarker} is that still sort of where it was , uh , the other day ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Now the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} You saw the note that the PLP now is getting basically the same as the MFCC .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually it looks like it 's getting better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} but it 's not {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Just with {disfmarker} with age , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "With age . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , that 's not d directly related to me . Doesn't mean we can't talk about it . Um , it seems {disfmarker} It looks l I haven't {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} The experiment is still not complete , but , um , it looks like the vocal tract length normalization is working beautifully , actually , w using the warp factors that we computed for the SRI system and just applying them to the {vocalsound} ICSI front - end .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's pretty funny .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So you just need to {pause} copy over to this one .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Just had to take the reciprocal of the number because they have different meanings in the two systems .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Ah ! Yeah . Well , that 's always good to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . OK . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one issue actually that just came up in discussion with Liz and {disfmarker} and Don was , um , as far as meeting recognition is concerned , um , we would really like to , uh , move , uh , to , uh , doing the recognition on automatic segmentations .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because in all our previous experiments , we had the {disfmarker} uh , you know , we were essentially cheating by having the , um , you know , the h the hand - segmentations as the basis of the recognition .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so now with Thilo 's segmenter working so well , I think we should {pause} consider doing a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . So .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , doing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We {disfmarker} But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Y think {disfmarker} you think we should increase the error rate .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That - that 's what I wanted to do anyway ,", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so we should just get together and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And even {disfmarker} The good thing is that since you , um , have high recall , {comment} even if you have low precision cuz you 're over - generating , that 's good because we could train noise models in the recognizer for these kinds of , uh , transients and things that come from the microphones ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "but {vocalsound} I know that if we run recognition unconstrained on a whole waveform , we do very poorly because we 're {disfmarker} we 're getting insertions in places what {disfmarker} that you may well be cutting out .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So we do need some kind of pre - segmentation .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "We should {disfmarker} we should consider doing some extra things , like , um , you know , retraining or adapting the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} the models for background noise to the {disfmarker} to this environment , for instance .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And , yeah , using Thilo 's , you know , posteriors or some kind of {disfmarker} or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right now they 're {disfmarker} they 're discrete ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "yes or no for a speaker , to consider those particular speaker background models .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . There 's lots of ins interesting things that could be done .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . We should do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Good . So , uh , why don't we , uh , do the IBM stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , talked with Brian and gave him the alternatives to the single beep at the end of each utterance that we had generated before .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You had some {pause} thing about that ? Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The , uh , Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Right . And so he talked it over with the transcriber and the transcriber thought that the easiest thing for them would be if there was a beep and then the nu a number , a digit , and then a beep , uh , at the beginning of each one", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and that would help keep them from getting lost . And , um , {vocalsound} so Adam wrote a little script to generate those style , uh , beeps", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Where 'd you get the digits from ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and so we 're {disfmarker} I came up here and just recorded the numbers one through ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "They sound really good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So . Does it sound OK ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "That 's a great idea .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} Yeah . We just used those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And do you splice them into the {pause} waveform ? Or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . He {disfmarker} then he d I recorded {disfmarker} Actually , I recorded one through ten three times at three different speeds and then he picked .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He liked the fastest one , so he just cut those out {vocalsound} and spliced them in between , uh , two beeps .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It sounds like a radio announcer 's voice . Really .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It will be funny uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Does it ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It will be funny when you 're really reading digits , and then there are the chunks with {disfmarker} with your {pause} digits in ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . With my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh that 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Now actually ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 'll throw them ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "we 're {disfmarker} Are we handling {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , maybe we should have you record A , B , C for those or something .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . {comment} Huh ! Maybe . And she said it wasn't gonna {disfmarker} the transcriber said it wouldn't be a problem cuz they can actually make a template , uh , that has beep , number , beep . So for them it 'll be very quick", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to put those in there {vocalsound} when they 're transcribing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , um , we {disfmarker} We 're gonna send them one more sample meeting , uh , and Thilo has run his segmentation . Adam 's gonna generate the chunked file . And then , um , I 'll give it to Brian and they can try that out . And when we get that back we 'll see if that sort of fixes the problem we had with , uh , too many beeps in the last transcription .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Do w do {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} Do you have any idea of the turn - around on {disfmarker} on those steps you just said ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh . Our s our {disfmarker} On our side ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or including IBM 's ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Including IBM 's .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , I don't know . The last one seemed like it took a couple of weeks . Um , maybe even three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's just the I B M side . Our side is quick . I mean , I {disfmarker} I don't know . How long does your {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It should @ @ be finished today or something . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Well , I meant the overall thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "e e u u {comment} The reason I 'm asking is because , uh , Jane and I have just been talking , and she 's just been doing . {vocalsound} Uh , e a , you know , further hiring of transcribers .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so we don't sort of really know exactly what they 'll be doing , how long they 'll be doing it , and so forth , because right now she has no choice but to operate in the mode that we already have working .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , so it 'd be {disfmarker} It 'd be good to sort of get that resolved , uh , soon as we could ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . I {disfmarker} Yeah , I {disfmarker} I hope @ @ {comment} we can get a better estimate from this {pause} one that we send them .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Um .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't know yet how long that 'll take .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker} I mean in particular I would {disfmarker} I would really hope that when we do this DARPA meeting in July that we sort of have {disfmarker} we 're {disfmarker} we 're into production mode , somehow {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , that we {disfmarker} we actually {vocalsound} have a stream going and we know how {disfmarker} how well it does and how {disfmarker} and how it operates .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I think that would {disfmarker} that would certainly be a {disfmarker} a very good thing to know .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Uh . Maybe before we do the meeting info organize thing , maybe you could say relevant stuff about where we are in transcriptions .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . So , um , we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh , the transcribers have continued to work past what I 'm calling \" set one \" , which was the s the set that I 've been , uh {disfmarker} OK , talking about up to this point , but , uh , they 've gotten five meetings done in that set . Right now they 're in the process of being edited . Um , the , um {disfmarker} Let 's see , I hired two transcribers today . I 'm thinking of hiring another one , which will {disfmarker} because we 've had a lot of attrition . And that will bring our total to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "They die off after they do this for a while .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , you know , it 's {disfmarker} it 's various things .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Burn - out .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , one of them had a baby . Um , you know , one of them really w wasn't planning {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , that was an unfor unforeseen side effect of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh , one of them , um , had never planned to work past January . I mean , it 's th all these various things , cuz we , you know , we presented it as possibly a month project back in January and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Um , so it makes sense . Uh , through attrition we {disfmarker} we 've {disfmarker} we 're down to {disfmarker} to two , but they 're really solid . We 're really lucky the two that we kept . And , um {disfmarker} Well , I don't mean {disfmarker} I don't mean anything against the others . {comment} What I mean is we 've got a good cause {disfmarker} a good core . No . We had a good core {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , they won't hear this since they 're going . They won't be transcribing this meeting .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah , but still . I mean , I d it 's just a matter of we {disfmarker} w we 're {disfmarker} we 've got , uh ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No backs .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "two of the ones who {disfmarker} who , um , ha had been putting in a lot of hours up to this point and they 're continuing to put in a {disfmarker} a lot of hours , which is wonderful , and excellent work . And so , then , in addition , um , I hired two more today and I 'm planning to h hire a third one with this {disfmarker} within this coming week , but {disfmarker} {vocalsound} but the plan is {disfmarker} just as , uh , Morgan was saying we discussed this , and the plan right now is to keep the staff on the {disfmarker} on the leaner side , you know , rather than hiring , like , eight to ten right now ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because if the IBM thing comes through really quickly , then , um , we wouldn't wanna have to , uh , you know , lay people off and stuff . So . And this way it 'll {disfmarker} I mean , I got really a lot of response for {disfmarker} for my notice and I think I could hire additional people if I {pause} wish to .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . An - and the other thing is , I mean , in the unlikely event {disfmarker} and since we 're so far from this , it 's a little hard to plan this way {disfmarker} in the unlikely event that we actually find {vocalsound} that we have , uh , transcribers on staff who are twiddling their thumbs because , you know , there 's , you know , {vocalsound} all the stuff that {disfmarker} that was sitting there has been transcribed and they 're {disfmarker} and they 're faster {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline is faster than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , than the generation , um , eh , i in {disfmarker} in the day {disfmarker} e event that that day actually dawns , uh , I {disfmarker} I bet we could find some other stuff for them to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I think {vocalsound} that , eh , eh , a as we were talking , if we {disfmarker} if we hire twelve , then we could , you know , run into a problem later . I mean , we also just couldn't sustain that forever . But {disfmarker} but , um {disfmarker} for all sorts of reasons {disfmarker} but if we hire f you know , f we have five on staff {disfmarker} five or six on staff at any given time , then {vocalsound} it 's a small enough number so we can be flexible either way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Good . OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'd be great , too , if , um , we can {disfmarker} we might need some help again getting the tighter boundaries or some hand {disfmarker} to experiment with , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , to have a ground truth for this segmentation work , which {disfmarker} I guess you have some already that was really helpful , and we could probably use more .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah . That was a thing I {disfmarker} I planned working on , is , uh , to use the {disfmarker} the transcriptions which are done by now , and to {disfmarker} to use them as , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh , the new ones", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "with the tighter boundaries . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . And to use them for {disfmarker} for training a {disfmarker} or for {disfmarker} fo whatever . Yeah . To {disfmarker} to create some speech - nonspeech labels out of them , and {disfmarker} Yeah , but that {disfmarker} that 's a thing w was {disfmarker} w what I 'm just looking into .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pre - segmentations are so much {disfmarker} are s so extremely helpful . Now there was , uh , I g guess {disfmarker} So , a couple weeks ago I needed some new ones and it happened to be during the time that he was on vacation {disfmarker} f for just very few days you were away . But it happened to be during that time I needed one ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker} {vocalsound} so I started them on the non - pre - segmented and then switched them over to yours and , um , they , um {disfmarker} you know , they always appreciate that when they have that available . And he 's , uh , usually , eh , uh , um {disfmarker} Um . So they really appreciate it . But I was gonna say that they do adjust it once in a while . You know , once in a while there 's something like ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah , sure .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "um , and e Actually you talked to them . Didn't you ? Did you ? Have you {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I talked to Helen .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and she was {disfmarker} And so , I asked her {disfmarker} I mean , They 're very perceptive . I really want to have this meeting of the transcribers . I haven't done it yet , but I wanna do that and she 's out of town , um , for a couple of weeks , but I wanna do that when she returns . Um , cuz she was saying , you know , in a {disfmarker} in a span of very short period {disfmarker} we asked {disfmarker} It seems like the ones that need to be adjusted are these {disfmarker} these {disfmarker} these things , and she was saying the short utterances , uh , the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "you know , I mean , you 're {disfmarker} You 're aware of this . But {disfmarker} but actually i it 's so correct for so much of the time , that it 's an enormous time saver", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and it just gets tweaked a little around the boundaries . So .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um . Yeah . I think it 'd be interesting to combine these .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Is there actually a record of where they change ? I mean , you can compare , do a diff on the {disfmarker} just so that we {vocalsound} knew {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You could do it . It 's {disfmarker} it 's complicated in that {vocalsound} um , {vocalsound} hhh , i hhh , i", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually , when {disfmarker} when they create new {disfmarker} yeah , new segments or something , it will be , uh , not that easy but {disfmarker} hmm . I think {pause} one could do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I mean , if we keep a old copy of the old time marks", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "just so that if we run it we know whether we 're {disfmarker} which ones were cheating", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . That would be great , yeah , to know that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There is a {disfmarker} there is one problem with that and that is when they start part way through then what I do is I merge what they 've done with the pre - segmented version .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "which one would be good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So it 's not a pure {disfmarker} it 's not a pure condition . Wha - what you 'd really like is that they started with pre - segmented and were pre - segmented all the way through .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And , um {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} {disfmarker} I , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} it wasn't possible for about four of the recent ones . But , it will be possible in the future", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "because we {disfmarker} we 're , um .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It would .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mmm , that 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . As long as we have a record , I guess , of the original {pause} automatic one , we can always find out how well {pause} we would do fr from the recognition side by using those boundaries .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "You know , a completely non - cheating version .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Also if you need someone to record this meeting , I mean , I 'm happy to {disfmarker} for the transcribers {disfmarker} I could do it , or Chuck or Adam .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So , uh , u you were saying something about organizing the meeting info ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , uh , Jane and Adam and I had a meeting where we talked about the reorganization of the {pause} directory structure for all of the meeting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Did you record it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . For all the Meeting Recorder data . We should have . Um . And so we 've got a plan for what we 're gonna do there . And then , Jane also s prepared a {disfmarker} um , started getting all of the {disfmarker} the meetings organized , so she prepared a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a spreadsheet , which I spent the last couple of days adding to . So I went through all of the data that we have collected so far , and have been putting it into , uh , a spreadsheet {vocalsound} with start time , the date , the old meeting name , the new meeting name , the number of speakers , the duration of the meeting , comments , you know , what its transcription status is , all that kind of stuff . And so , the idea is that we can take this and then export it as HTML and put it on the Meeting Recorder web page so we can keep people updated about what 's going on .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , I 've gotta get some more information from Jane cuz I have some {disfmarker} some gaps here that I need to get her to fill in , but {vocalsound} so far , um , {vocalsound} as of Monday , the fourteenth , um , we 've had a total number of meeting sixty - two hours of meetings that we have collected . And , um {disfmarker} Uh , some other interesting things , average number of speakers per meeting is six . Um , and I 'm gonna have on here the total amount that 's been transcribed so far , but I 've got a bunch of {disfmarker} uh , that 's what I have to talk to Jane about , figuring out exactly which ones have {disfmarker} have been completed and so forth . But , um , {vocalsound} this 'll be a nice thing that we can put up on the {disfmarker} the web site and people can {vocalsound} be informed of the status of various different ones . And {vocalsound} it 'll also list , uh , like under the status , if it 's at IBM or if it 's at ICSI , uh , or if it 's completed or which ones we 're excluding and {disfmarker} and there 's a place for comments , so we can , {vocalsound} um , say why we 're excluding things and so forth . So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now would the ones that , um , are already transcribed {disfmarker} we h we have enough there that c you know , we 've already done some studies and so forth and {disfmarker} um , shouldn't we go through and do the business - es u of {disfmarker} of having the , um , uh , participants approve it , uh , for {disfmarker} approve the transcriptions for distribution and so forth ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , interesting idea . In principle , I {disfmarker} I would say yes , although I still am doing some {disfmarker} the final - pass editing , trying to convert it over to the master file as the {disfmarker} being the channelized version and it 's {disfmarker} Yeah , it seems like I get into that a certain way and then something else intervenes {comment} and I have to stop . Cleaning up the things like the , uh , uh , places where the transcriber was uncertain , and {disfmarker} and doing spot - checking here and there . So , um , uh , I guess it would make sense to wait until th that 's done , um , but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , le let me put in another sort of a milestone kind of {disfmarker} as {disfmarker} as I did with the , uh , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Um , we are gonna have this DARPA {pause} meeting in the middle of July ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and I think it w it 'd be {disfmarker} given that we 've been {disfmarker} we 've given a couple public talks about it already , spaced by months and months , I think it 'd be pretty bad if we continued to say none of this is available . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'll certainly be done by then . Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Right . So we can s we {disfmarker} we wanna be able to say \" here is a subset that is available right now \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and that 's has been through the legal issues and so forth .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's right . So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , by {disfmarker} before July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And they don't have to approve , you know , th an edited version , they can just give their approval to whatever version", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , in principle , yes . But , I mean , i if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if somebody actually did get into some legal issue with it then we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah . But th I mean , the editing will continue . Presumably if {disfmarker} if s errors are found , they will be fixed , but they won't change the {disfmarker} the content of the meetings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Content , really .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , see , this is the {disfmarker} this is the issue . Subtleties .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , i if Jane is clarifying question question , then , you know , how can they agree to it before they know her final version ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The other thing , too , is there can be subtleties where a person uses this word instead of that word , which @ @ {comment} could 've been transcribed in the other way .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Thing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And no and they wouldn't have {vocalsound} been slanderous if it had been this other word . You know ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "I it {disfmarker} you know , there there is a point at which I agree it becomes ridiculous because , you know , you could do this final thing and then a year from now somebody could say , you know , that should be a period and not a question mark . Right ? And you don't {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} there 's no way that we 're gonna go back and ask everybody \" do you approve this , uh , you know {disfmarker} this document now ? \" So {disfmarker} So I think what it is is that the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the thing that they sign {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I haven't looked at it in a while , but it has to be open enough that it sort of says \" OK , from now on {disfmarker} you know , now that I 've read this , you can use {disfmarker} do anything you want with these data . \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} But , i I think we wanna {disfmarker} So , assuming that it 's in that kind of wording , which I don't remember , {vocalsound} um , I think i we just wanna have enough confidence ourselves that it 's so close to the final form it 's gonna be in , a year from now that they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . I agree . Mmm . I totally agree . It 's just , uh , a question of , {vocalsound} uh , if {disfmarker} if the person is using the transcript as the way of them judging what they said and whether it was slanderous , {vocalsound} then it seems like it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i it needs to be more correct than if we could count on them re - listening to the meeting .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because it becomes , eh , in a way a {disfmarker} a f uh , a legal document i if they 've agreed to that .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , I forget how we end Right . I forget how we ended up on this , but I remember my taking the position {vocalsound} of not making it so {disfmarker} so easy for everybody to observe everything and Adam was taking the position of {disfmarker} of having it be really straightforward for people to check every aspect of it including the audio . And I don't remember who won , Adam or me , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} if it 's only the transcript , though {disfmarker} I mean , th this {disfmarker} this is my point , that {disfmarker} that", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "uh , the {disfmarker} Uh , that that 's why I 'm bringing this up again , because I can't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "then it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That it was the transcrip He wanted to do a web interface that would make it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , if it 's just the audio {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that would give you access to the transcript and the audio . That 's what Adam wanted .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And I don't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , with the web interface it 's interesting , because you could allow the person who signs to be informed when their transcript changes , or something like that . And , I mean , I would say \" no \" . Like , I don't wanna know , but some people might be really {vocalsound} interested and then y In other words , they would be informed if there was some significant change other than typos and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You decided you were whispering Satanic incantations under your breath when you were {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} I don't know what happened to the small heads thing , but I j {vocalsound} Um , I 'm just saying that , like , you know , you can sort of say that any things that are deemed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They disappeared from view .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . I mean , I agree that at some point people {vocalsound} probably won't care about typos but they would care about significant meaning changes and then they could be asked for their consent , I guess , if {disfmarker} if those change . Cuz assumi {vocalsound} assuming we {disfmarker} we don't really distribute things that have any significant changes from what they sign anyway .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Tha That 's {disfmarker} How about having them approve the audio and not the transcripts ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , my God .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That would be simpler ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "if we could count on them listening .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "But no one will listen to the hours and hours of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Talk .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , that 's O K .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "We just have to give them a chance to listen to it , and if they don't , that 's their problem .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "hmm , hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} you d That 's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unfortunately , uh , in {disfmarker} in the sign thing that they signed , it says \" transcripts \" .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No , I 'm serious .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" You 'll be {disfmarker} you 'll be provided the transcripts when they 're available . \"", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I I {disfmarker} I think", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that 's a lot to ask for people that have been in a lot of meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "W anyway , haven't we {disfmarker} we 've gone down this path a number of times . I know this can lead to extended conversations and {disfmarker} and not really get anywhere , so let {disfmarker} let me just suggest that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , off - line that , uh , the people involved figure it out and take care of it before it 's July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So {disfmarker} so that in July we can tell people {vocalsound} \" yes , we have this and you can use it \" .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes . It 's done , ready , available . Good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh . So , let 's see . What else we got ? Uh . Don did {disfmarker} did a report about his project in class and , uh {disfmarker} an oral and written {disfmarker} written version .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that was stuff he was doing with you . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} I guess one thing we 're learning is that the amount {disfmarker} We have eight meetings there because we couldn't use the non - native {disfmarker} all non - native meetings and {vocalsound} it 's , well , probably below threshold on enough data for us for the things we 're looking at because the {vocalsound} prosodic features are {pause} very noisy and so you {disfmarker} you need a lot of data in order to model them . Um , so we 're starting to see some patterns and we 're hoping that maybe with , {vocalsound} I don't know , double or triple the data {disfmarker} with twenty meetings or so , that we would start to get better results . But we did find that some of the features that , I gue Jane would know about , that are expressing sort of the {vocalsound} distance of , um , {vocalsound} boundaries from peaks in the utterance and {vocalsound} some {pause} local , um , range {disfmarker} pitch range effects , like how close people are to their floor , are showing up in these classifiers , which are also being given some word features that are cheating , cuz they 're true words . Um , so these are based on forced alignment . Word features like , um , word frequency and whether or not something 's a backchannel and so forth . So , we 're starting to see , I think , some interesting patterns .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So the dominant features , including everything , were those {disfmarker} those quasi - cheating things . Right ? Where these are {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sometimes not .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "I think it depends what you 're looking at , a actually .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sometimes {pause} positions in sentences obviously , or in spurts , was helpful . I don't know if that 's cheating , too .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Spurts wouldn't be . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "spurts is not cheating except that of course you know the real words ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "but roughly speaking , the recognized words are gonna give you a similar type of position .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right . Would they give you the same number of words , though ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's either early or late .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Not exactly , but i", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But ra somewhat ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "On the average .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y yeah it should be . Well , we don't know and actually that 's one of the things we 're interested in doing , is a sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Have you tried using just time , as opposed to number of words ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I think ti uh {disfmarker} Just p time position , like when the word starts ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know if that was in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Well , no , I mean t time {disfmarker} time position relative to the beginning of the spurt .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh {disfmarker} You know , uh", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Start .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . There 's all these things to do .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , we didn't try it , but it 's s", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Like , there 's a lot of different features you could just pull out .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean that wouldn't be cheating because you can detect pause {pause} pretty well within the time .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "How about time position normalized by speak", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And it depends on speaking rate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "speaking rate . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's actually why I didn't use it at first .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But we {disfmarker} one of the interesting things was I guess you reported on some te punctuation type {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "finding sentence boundaries , finding disfluency boundaries , and then I had done some work on finding from the foreground speech whether or not someone was likely to interrupt , so where {disfmarker} you know , if I 'm talking now and someone {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and Andreas is about to interrupt me , is he gonna choose a certain place in my speech , either prosodically or word - based . And there the prosodic features actually showed up and a neat thing {disfmarker} even though the word features were available . And a neat thing there too is I tried some {disfmarker} {vocalsound} putting the speaker {disfmarker} So , I gave everybody {vocalsound} a short version of their name . So the real names are in there , which we couldn't use . Uh , we should use I Ds or something . And those don't show up . So that means that overall , um , it wasn't just modeling Morgan , or it wasn't just modeling a single person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um , but was sort of trying to , {vocalsound} uh , get a general idea {disfmarker} the model {disfmarker} the tree classifier was trying to find general locations that were applicable to different speakers , even though there are huge speaker effects . So . The {disfmarker} but the main limitation now is I {disfmarker} because we 're only looking at things that happen every {vocalsound} ten words or every twenty words , we need more {disfmarker} more data and more data per speaker . So . It 'd also be interesting to look at the EDU meetings because we did include meeting type as a feature , so whether you were in a r Meeting Recorder meeting or a Robustness meeting did matter {vocalsound} to {pause} interrupts because there are just fewer interrupts in the Robustness meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "And so the classifier learns more about Morgan than it does about sort of the average person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "which is {vocalsound} not bad . It 'd probably do better than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Um , but it wasn't generalizing .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} And I think Don , um {disfmarker} Well , we have a long list of things he 's starting to look at now over the summer , where we can {disfmarker} And he 'll be able to report on more things {pause} in the future . But it was great that we could at least go from the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , Jane 's transcripts and the , {vocalsound} uh , recognizer output and get it {pause} to this point . And I think it 's something Mari can probably use in her preliminary report {disfmarker} like , \" yeah , we 're at the point where we 're training these classifiers and we 're just {vocalsound} reporting very preliminary but suggestive results that {vocalsound} some features , both word and pro prosodic , work . \" The other thing that was interesting to me is that the pitch features are better than in Switchboard . And I think that really is from the close - talking mikes , cuz the pitch processing that was done has much cleaner behavior than {disfmarker} than the Switchboard telephone bandwidth .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "W wh wh wh Better in what sense ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um . Well , first of all , the pitch tracks are m have less , um , halvings and doublings than {disfmarker} than Switchboard and there 's a lot less dropout , so if you ask how many regions where you would normally expect some vowels to be occurring {vocalsound} are completely devoid of pitch information ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . ", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "in other words the pitch tracker just didn't get a high enough probability of voicing for words {disfmarker} for {disfmarker} for , you know , five word", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "there are much fewer than in Switchboard . So the missing {disfmarker} {vocalsound} We had a big missing data problem in Switchboard and , so the features weren't as reliable cuz they were often just not available .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Could it have to do with the {disfmarker} the lower frequency cut - off on the Switchboard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So that 's actually good . Ma - maybe . I mean , the tele we had telephone bandwidth for Switchboard and we had the an annoying sort of telephone handset movement problem that I think may also affect it .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So we 're just getting better signals in {disfmarker} in this data . Which is nice . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway , Don 's been doing a great job and we hope to continue with , um , Andreas 's help and also some of Thilo 's help on this ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to try to get a non - cheating version of how all this would work .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sure . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Has {disfmarker} has , uh {disfmarker} ? We just {disfmarker} I think , just talked about this the other day , but h has {disfmarker} has anybody had a chance to try changing , uh , insertion penalty sort of things with the {disfmarker} with the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , using the tandem system input for the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah . I tried that . It didn't , um , help dramatically . The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Were they out of balance ? I didn't {disfmarker} I didn't notice .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There were a little {disfmarker} the relative number of {disfmarker} I think there were a higher number of deletions , actually .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , you , uh {disfmarker} So , actually it {disfmarker} it preferred to have a positive {disfmarker} er , negative insertion penalty ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Deletions ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "which means {vocalsound} that , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , you know , it didn't change {vocalsound} th the {disfmarker} by adjusting that {disfmarker} the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The error changed by probably one percent or so . But , you know , given that that word error rate is so high , that 's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . So that {disfmarker} So that 's {disfmarker} So that 's not the problem .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's not the problem . No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , we s just , um , uh {disfmarker} you know , Chuck and I talked and the {pause} @ @ {comment} next thing to do is probably to tune the {disfmarker} um , the size of the Gaussian system , um , @ @ {comment} to {disfmarker} to this {disfmarker} to this feature vector , which we haven't done at all . We just used the same {vocalsound} configuration as we used for the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} for the standard system .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , {vocalsound} for instance , uh , Dan {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} Dan just sent me a message saying that CMU used , um , {vocalsound} something like ten Gaussians per cluster {disfmarker} You know , each {disfmarker} each mixture has ten {pause} Gaussians", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm . We 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and we 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so that 's {vocalsound} obviously a big difference", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and it might be way off and give very poorly trained , uh , you know , Gaussians that way ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "uh , an and poorly trained mixture weights . So {disfmarker} so , we have {disfmarker} The turn - around time on the training when we train only the {disfmarker} a male system with , uh , you know , our small training set , is {vocalsound} less than twenty - four hours , so we can run lots of {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , basically just brute force , try a whole bunch of different um , settings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , uh , with the new machines it 'll be even better . So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We get twelve of those ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But the PLP features work {disfmarker} um , uh , you know , continue to improve the ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} As I said before , the {disfmarker} uh using Dan 's , uh , uh , vocal tract normalization option works very well . So , um , @ @ {comment} I ran one experiment where we 're just {vocalsound} did the vocal tract le normalization only in the test data ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I didn't bother to retrain {pause} the models at all , and it improved by one percent , which is about what we get with {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with , you know , just @ @ {comment} actually doing both training and test normalization , um , with , um , {vocalsound} the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with the standard system . So , in a few hours we 'll have the numbers for the {disfmarker} for retraining everything with vocal tract length normalization and {disfmarker} So , that might even improve it further .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , it looks like the P L - fea P features {comment} do very well now with {disfmarker} after having figured out all these little tricks to {disfmarker} to get it to work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Wait . So you mean you improve one percent over a system that doesn't have any V T L in it already ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Exactly . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK . So then {disfmarker} then we 'll have our baseline to {disfmarker} to compare the currently hideous , uh , uh , new thing with .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . a Right . And {disfmarker} and what that suggests also is of course that the current Switchboard {pause} MLP isn't trained on very good features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , because it was trained on whatever , you know , was used , uh , last time you did Hub - five stuff , which didn't have any of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . But all of these effects were j like a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , y the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , but if you add them all up you have , uh , almost five percent difference now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Add {pause} all of them . I thought one was one point five percent and one was point eight .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And now we have another percent with the V T", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's three point three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , actually , and it 's , um , What 's actually qu interesting is that with {disfmarker} um , well , you m prob maybe another half percent if you do the VTL in training , and then interestingly , if you optimize you get more of a win out of rescoring the , um , {vocalsound} uh , the N best lists , uh , and optimizing the weights , um , uh than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than you do with the standard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the part that 's actually adjustment of the front - end per se as opposed to doing {disfmarker} putting VTLN in or something is {disfmarker} it was a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? It was {disfmarker} it was {disfmarker} there was {disfmarker} {vocalsound} there was one thing that was one and a half percent and one that was point eight . So {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} let me see if I remember what they were . One of them {vocalsound} was , uh , the change to , uh {disfmarker} because it did it all at once , {comment} to {disfmarker} uh , from bark scale to mel scale ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which I really feel like saying in quotes , because @ @ {comment} they 're essentially the same scale but the {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but any i individual particular implementation of those things puts things in a particular place .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Why did that cha ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I wanted to look {disfmarker} I still haven't looked at it yet . I {disfmarker} I wanna look at exactly where the filters were in the two ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's probably something like there 's one fewer or one more filter in the sub {vocalsound} one kilohertz band", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and for whatever reason with this particular experiment it was better one way or the other .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , it could be there 's something more fundamental but it {disfmarker} you know , I {disfmarker} I don't know it yet . And the other {disfmarker} and the other {disfmarker} that was like one and a half or something , and then there was point eight percent , which was {disfmarker} what was the other thing ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that was combined with the triangular . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Those {disfmarker} those two were together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "We d weren't able to separate them out cuz it was just done in one thing . But then there was a point eight percent which was something else .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The low - frequency cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Do you remember the {disfmarker} ? Oh , yeah . So that was {disfmarker} that was , uh {disfmarker} that one I can claim credit for , uh , i in terms of screwing it up in the first place . So that someone e until someone else fixed it , which is that , um , I never put {disfmarker} when I u We had some problems before with offsets . This inf this went back to , uh , I think Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So we {disfmarker} we had , uh {disfmarker} ea everybody else who was doing Wall Street Journal knew that there were big DC offsets in th in these data {disfmarker} in those data and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and nobody happened to mention it to us ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and we were getting these , like , really terrible results , like two , three times the error everybody else was getting . And then in casual conversation someone ment mentioned \" uh , well , I guess , you know , of course you 're taking care of the offsets . \" I said \" what offsets ? \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And at that point , you know , we were pretty new to the data and we 'd never really , like , looked at it on a screen and then when we just put it on the screen {comment} and wroop !", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "there 's this big DC offset . So , um , in PLP", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "There was a {disfmarker} like a hum or some or {disfmarker} when they recorded it ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No . It 's just , it {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not at all uncommon for {disfmarker} for recorded electronics to have different , um , DC offsets .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Or just {disfmarker} ? Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , no big deal . It 's {disfmarker} you know , you could have ten , twenty , maybe thirty millivolts , whatever , and it 's consistently in there . The thing is , most people 's front - ends have pre - emphasis with it , with zero at zero frequency , so that it 's irrelevant . Uh , but with P L P , we didn't actually have that . We had {disfmarker} we had the equivalent of pre - emphasis in a {disfmarker} a , uh , Fletcher - Munson style weighting that occurs in the middle of P L but it doesn't actually have a zero at zero frequency ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "like , eh , uh , typical simple fr pre - emphasis does . We had something more fancy . It was later on it didn't have that . So at that point I reali \" oh sh we better have a {disfmarker} have a high - pass filter \" just , you know {disfmarker} {vocalsound} just take care of the problem . So I put in a high - pass filter at , uh , I think ninety {disfmarker} ninety hertz or so {vocalsound} uh , for a sixteen kilohertz sampling rate . And I never put anything in to adjust it for different {disfmarker} different sampling rates . And so {disfmarker} well , so , you know , the code doesn't know anything about that and so this is all at eight kilohertz and so it was at forty - five hertz instead of at {disfmarker} {vocalsound} instead of at ninety .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , um , I don't know if Dan fixed it or {disfmarker} or , uh , what he {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , he made it a parameter .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He made it a parameter . So . Yeah , I guess if he did it right , he did fix it and then {disfmarker} and then it 's taking care of sampling rate , which is great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what is the parameter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "He had a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is it , uh , just the f lower cut - off that you want ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's called , uh , {vocalsound} H - HPF .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "H {disfmarker} Yeah . Does HPF on {disfmarker} on his feat feature .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "u And {disfmarker} but HPF , you know , when you put a number after it , uses that as the hertz value of the cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , frankly , we never did that with the RASTA filter either ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so the RASTA filter is actually doing a different thing in the modulation spectral domain depending on what sampling rate you 're doing , which is {vocalsound} another old {disfmarker} old bug of mine .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} Um . So that {disfmarker} that was the problem there was th we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we had always intended to cut off below a hundred hertz", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it just wasn't doing it , so now it is . So , {vocalsound} that hep that helped us by , like , eight tenths of a percent . It {pause} still wasn't a big deal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . Well , but , um {disfmarker} Well , uh , again , after completing the {pause} current experiments , we 'll {disfmarker} {vocalsound} we can add up all the uh differences", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} an", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , I guess my {disfmarker} my point was that {disfmarker} that , um , the hybrid system thing that we did was , uh , primitive in many ways .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I think I agree with you that if we fixed lots of different things and they would all add up , we would probably have a {disfmarker} a {disfmarker} a competitive system . But I think not that much of it is due to the front - end per se . I think maybe a couple percent of it is , as far as I can see from this .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , unless you call {disfmarker} well , if you call VTL the front - en front - end , that 's , uh , a little more . But that 's sort of more both , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "One experiment we should {disfmarker} we 'll probably need to do though when {disfmarker} um , at some point , is , since we 're using that same {disfmarker} the net that was trained on PLP without all these things in it , for the tandem system , we may wanna go back and retrain ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? But .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what I meant , in fact . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , for the tandem . You know , so we can see if it {disfmarker} what effect it has on the tandem processing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} so , the thing is {disfmarker} is do we expect {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh At this point I 'm as I mean , you know {disfmarker} e I 'm wondering is it {disfmarker} Can we expect , uh , a tandem system to do better than a properly trained {disfmarker} you know , a Gaussian system trained directly on the features with , you know , the right ch choice of {pause} parameters ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what we 're seeing in other areas . Yes . Right ? So , it 's {disfmarker} so , um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , we {disfmarker} But {disfmarker} but we may not . I mean , if it doesn't perform as well , we may not know why . Right ? Cuz we need to do the exact experiment .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the reason to think it should is because you 're putting in the same information and you 're transforming it to be more discriminative . So . Um . Now the thing is , in some databases I wouldn't expect it to necessarily give you much and {disfmarker} and part of what I view as the real power of it is that it {pause} gives you a transformational capability {vocalsound} for taking all sorts of different wild things that we do , not just th the standard front - end , but other things , like with multiple streams and so forth ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and allows you to feed them to the other system with this {disfmarker} through this funnel . Um , so I think {disfmarker} I think that 's the real power of it . I wouldn't expect huge in huge improvements . Um , but it should at least be roughly the same and maybe a little better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it 's , you know , like way way worse then , you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , Morgan , an another thing that Andreas and I were talking about was , so @ @ {comment} in the first experiment that he did {vocalsound} we just took the whole fifty - six , uh , outputs and that 's , um , basically compared to a thirty - nine input feature vector from either MFCC or PLP .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one thing we could do is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Let {disfmarker} let me {disfmarker} let me just ask you something . When you say take the fifty - six outputs , these are the pre final nonlinearity {pause} outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Through the regular tandem outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and they 're {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} through the KLT .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Through the KLT . All that kinda stuff .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . And so {disfmarker} so then you u Do you use all fifty - six of the KLT", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's what we did .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ? So one thing we were wondering is , if we did principal components and , say , took out just thirteen , and then did deltas and double - deltas on that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so we treated the th first thirteen as though they were {vocalsound} standard features .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yes . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , did Dan do experiments like that to {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh . Talk with Stephane . He did some things like that . It was either him or Carmen . I forget .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean these were all different databases and different {disfmarker} you know , in HTK and all that ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so i it {disfmarker} it may not apply . But my recollection of it was that it didn't make it better but it didn't make it worse .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , again , given all these differences , maybe it 's more important in your case that you not take a lot of these low - variance , uh , components .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Cuz in a sense , the net 's already got quite a bit of context in those features ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so if we did deltas and double - deltas on top of those , we 're getting sort of even more .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Which could be good or not .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Worth trying .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But there the main point is that , um , you know , it took us a while but we have the procedure for coupling the two systems {vocalsound} debugged now and {disfmarker} I mean , there 's still conceivably some bug somewhere in the way we 're feeding the tandem features {disfmarker} uh , either generating them or feeding them to this {disfmarker} to the {vocalsound} SRI system ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There might be , cuz that 's a pretty big difference .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And I 'm wondering how we can {disfmarker} how we can debug that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean how {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm actually f quite sure that the {disfmarker} feeding the {pause} features into the system and training it up ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "that {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I think that 's {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} that 's essentially the same as we use with the ce with the P L P fe features . And that 's obviously working great . So . I um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . There could be a bug in {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} somewhere before that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There {disfmarker} we could {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} another degree of freedom is how do you generate the K L T transform ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? We to", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "well , and another one is the normalization of the inputs to the net .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "These nets are trained with particular normalization and when that gets screwed up it {disfmarker} it can really hurt it .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm doing what Eric {disfmarker} E Eric coached me through then {disfmarker} that part of it , so I 'm pretty confident in that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , the only slight difference is that I use normalization values that , um , Andreas calculated from the original {comment} PLP ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which is right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "N Yeah . So , I u I do {disfmarker} Oh , we actually don't do that normalization for the PLP , do we ? For the st just the straight PLP features ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . The {disfmarker} the SRI system does it .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S R I system does that . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , you might e e", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , there 's {disfmarker} there is {disfmarker} there is room for bugs that we might not have discovered ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} that 's another {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} I {disfmarker} I would actually double check with Stephane at this point ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz he 's probably the one here {disfmarker} I mean , he and Dan are the ones who are at this point most experienced with the tandem", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "thing and there may {disfmarker} there may be some little bit here and there that is not {disfmarker} not being handled right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's hard with features , cuz you don't know what they should look like . I mean , you can't just , like , print the {disfmarker} the values out in ASCII and , you know , look at them , see if they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Not unless you had a lot of time", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh , and also they 're not {disfmarker} I mean , as I understand it , you {disfmarker} you don't have a way to optimize the features for the final word error . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , these are just discriminative , but they 're not , um , optimized for the final {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They 're optimized for phone discrimination , not for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So it {disfmarker} there 's always this question of whether you might do better with those features if there was a way to train it for the word error metric that you 're actually {disfmarker} that you 're actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's right . Well , the other {disfmarker} Yeah , th the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , you actually are . But {disfmarker} but it {disfmarker} but in an indirect way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , right . It 's indirect , so you don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So wha w what {disfmarker} an and you may not be in this case , come to think of it , because , uh , you 're just taking something that 's trained up elsewhere . So , what {disfmarker} what you {disfmarker} what you do in the full procedure {vocalsound} is you , um , uh , have an embedded training . So in fact you {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the net is trained on , uh , uh , a , uh , Viterbi alignment of the training data that comes from your full system . And so that 's where the feedback comes all around , so that it is actually discriminant . You can prove that it 's {disfmarker} it 's a , uh {disfmarker} If you believe in the Viterbi assumption that , uh , getting the best path , uh , is almost equivalent to getting the best , uh , total probability , um , then you actually do improve that by , uh {disfmarker} by training up on local {disfmarker} local , uh {disfmarker} local frames . But , um , we aren't actually doing that here , because we did {disfmarker} we did that for a hybrid system , and now we 're plugging it into another system and so it isn't {disfmarker} {vocalsound} i i i it wouldn't quite apply here .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do y", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So another huge experiment we could do would be to take the tandem features , uh , do SRI forced alignments using those features , and then re - do the net with those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mmm , uh {disfmarker} Exactly . Exactly .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So that you can optimize it for the word error .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Another thing is since you 're not using the net for recognition per se but just for this transformation , it 's probably bigger than it needs to be .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that would save a lot of time .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And there 's a mismatch in the phone sets . So , you 're using a l a long a larger phone set than what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually all those things could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could , uh {disfmarker} could affect it as well .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The other thing , uh , just to mention that Stephane {disfmarker} this was an innovation of Stephane 's , which was a pretty neat one , uh , and might particularly apply {vocalsound} here , given all these things we 're mentioning . Um , Stephane 's idea was that , um , discriminant , uh , approaches are great . Even the local ones , given , you know , these potential outer loops which , you know , you can convince yourself turn into the global ones . Um , however , there 's times when it {pause} is not good . Uh , when {pause} something about the test set is different enough from the training set that {disfmarker} that , uh , the discrimination that you 're learning is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is not a good one .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , uh , his idea was to take as the input feature vector to the , uh , Gaussian mixture system , {vocalsound} uh , a concatenation of the neural net outputs and the regular features .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , we already talked about that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "El", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Didn't you {disfmarker} did you {pause} do that already", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , but we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} when {disfmarker} when we {disfmarker} when I first started corresponding with Dan about how to go about this , I think that was one of the things that we definitely went there .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ? Oh . That makes a lot of sense . Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I 'm sure that Stephane wasn't the first to think of it ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but actually Stephane did it", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . And i does it help ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} and it helped a lot .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} that 's our current best {disfmarker} best system in the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , in the Aurora thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh . OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And do you do a KLT transform on the con on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "As {disfmarker} you should never do worse .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I , uh , missed what you said .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do you {disfmarker} d you do a KLT transform on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , actually , I , uh {disfmarker} you should check with him , because he tried several different combinations .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because you end up with this huge feature vector , so that might be a problem , a unless you do some form of dimensionality reduction .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . I , uh , th what I don't remember is which came out best . So he did one where he put o put e the whole thing into one KLT , and another one , since the {disfmarker} the PLP things are already orthogonalized , he left them alone and {disfmarker} and just did a KLT on the {disfmarker} on the {disfmarker} on the net outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and then concatenated that . And I don't remember which was better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did he {disfmarker} did he try to {disfmarker} ? So he always ended up with a feature vector that was {pause} twice as long as either one of the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I don't know , i I {disfmarker} I don't know . You have to check with him .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Actually , I have to run .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I 'm into big ideas these days .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We need to close up cuz I need to save the data and , um , get a call .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Not to mention the fact that we 're missing snacks . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did people wanna do the digits", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or , um , do them together ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I g I think , given that we 're in a hurry for snacks , maybe we should do them together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know . Should we just {disfmarker} ? OK . I mean , are we trying to do them {nonvocalsound} in synchrony ? That might be fun .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not {disfmarker} You know , it 's not gonna work out", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Adam 's not here , so he 's not here to tell me no .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "but we could {disfmarker} we could just , uh , uh , see if we find a rhythm , you know , what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh , O 's or zeroes , we wanna agree on that ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Maybe just whatever people would naturally do ? I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , but if we were a singing group , we would wanna decide . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Be harmony . Yeah . {comment} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mine 's identical to yours .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "We might wa", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Sorry . So I set up and we didn't have {pause} enough digit forms", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So these are excellent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I xeroxed the same one seven times .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Why don't we do zer i Anyone have a problem with saying zero ? Is zero OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . One and a two and three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "e", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Once more with feeling .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And th", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No , just k just kidding . Oh , yeah . It was .", "speaker": "Professor F" } ]
A pressing concern for the group is the DARPA meeting in July, which is only a short time away, and for which they would like to have some progress.
What was decided on DARPA?
[ { "content": "What channel am I on ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh , channel two .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Make sure to turn your microphone on .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "There 's a battery .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "OK . Your channel number 's already on this blank sheet .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "So you just {disfmarker} If you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel five ? Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel whatever .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I 'm on channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Camera one , camera two .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "What am I ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Little low ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel four ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "This number four ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five . OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The gai the gain 's up at it {disfmarker} what it usually is ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Is it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but if you think it 's {disfmarker} Yeah . It 's sort of a default . But I can set it higher if you like .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe it should be a little higher .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's not showing much . Test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test . OK , that {disfmarker} that seems better ? Yeah ? OK , good . Ah , that 's good , that 's good . That 's Ahh . Mmm . So I {disfmarker} I had a question for Adam . Have we started already ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we started recording , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Is Jane around or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I saw her earlier .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "She can just walk in , I guess , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . She 'll probably come up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Since we 're starting late I figured we 'd better just start .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Great idea . I was gonna ask Adam to , uh , say if he thought anymore about the demo stuff because {vocalsound} it occurred to me that this is late May and the DARPA meeting is in {pause} mid July . Uh , but {vocalsound} I don't remember w what we {disfmarker} I know that we were gonna do something with the transcriber interface is one thing , but I thought there was a second thing . Anybody remember ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we were gonna do a mock - up , like , question answering or something , I thought , that was totally separate from the interface . Do you remember ? Remember , like , asking questions and retrieving , {vocalsound} but in a pre - stored fashion .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That was the thing we talked about , I think , before the transcriber {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Come on in .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Alright . So anyway , you have to sort out that out and get somebody going on it cuz we 're {disfmarker} got a {disfmarker} got a month left basically . So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "You like these . Right ? OK , good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK . Um OK . So , what are we g else we got ? You got {disfmarker} you just wrote a bunch of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . That was all , um , previously here .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I was writing {pause} the digits and then I realized I could xerox them ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because I didn't want people to turn their heads from these microphones . So . We all , by the way , have the same digit form , for the record . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's cool .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So , the choice is , uh , which {disfmarker} which do we want more , the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the comparison , uh , {vocalsound} of everybody saying them at the same time or the comparison of people saying the same digits at different times that {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's just cuz I didn't have any more digit sheets .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I know that . But , you know , which opportunity should we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unison .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "exploit ? {vocalsound} Unison .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} Actually it might be good to have them separately and have the same exact strings . I mean , we could use them for normalizing or something , but it of course goes more quickly doing them in unison .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I guess we 'll see", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "i I guess it 's dependent on", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "See how long we go .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "how long we go and how good the snack is out there .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But anyway , they won't be identical as somebody is saying zero in some {disfmarker} sometimes , you know , saying O , and so , it 's not i not identical .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . Hmm . Get some advance intelligence .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to train .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 'd be like a chorus .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to get s get some experience .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Greek chorus .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Really {pause} boring chorus . Um . Do we {pause} have an agenda ? Adam usually tries to put those together , but he 's ill .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 've got a couple of things to talk about .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Yeah . Uh ju what {disfmarker} what might those be ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , IBM stuff and , um , just getting {vocalsound} uh , meeting information organized .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Meeting info organized . OK . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Are you implying that it 's currently disorganized ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In my mind .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is there stuff that 's happened about , um , uh , the {pause} SRI recognizer et cetera , tho those things that were happening before with {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y y you guys were doing a bunch of experiments with different front - ends and then with {disfmarker} Is {disfmarker} is that still sort of where it was , uh , the other day ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Now the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} You saw the note that the PLP now is getting basically the same as the MFCC .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually it looks like it 's getting better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} but it 's not {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Just with {disfmarker} with age , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "With age . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , that 's not d directly related to me . Doesn't mean we can't talk about it . Um , it seems {disfmarker} It looks l I haven't {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} The experiment is still not complete , but , um , it looks like the vocal tract length normalization is working beautifully , actually , w using the warp factors that we computed for the SRI system and just applying them to the {vocalsound} ICSI front - end .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's pretty funny .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So you just need to {pause} copy over to this one .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Just had to take the reciprocal of the number because they have different meanings in the two systems .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Ah ! Yeah . Well , that 's always good to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . OK . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one issue actually that just came up in discussion with Liz and {disfmarker} and Don was , um , as far as meeting recognition is concerned , um , we would really like to , uh , move , uh , to , uh , doing the recognition on automatic segmentations .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because in all our previous experiments , we had the {disfmarker} uh , you know , we were essentially cheating by having the , um , you know , the h the hand - segmentations as the basis of the recognition .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so now with Thilo 's segmenter working so well , I think we should {pause} consider doing a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . So .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , doing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We {disfmarker} But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Y think {disfmarker} you think we should increase the error rate .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That - that 's what I wanted to do anyway ,", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so we should just get together and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And even {disfmarker} The good thing is that since you , um , have high recall , {comment} even if you have low precision cuz you 're over - generating , that 's good because we could train noise models in the recognizer for these kinds of , uh , transients and things that come from the microphones ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "but {vocalsound} I know that if we run recognition unconstrained on a whole waveform , we do very poorly because we 're {disfmarker} we 're getting insertions in places what {disfmarker} that you may well be cutting out .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So we do need some kind of pre - segmentation .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "We should {disfmarker} we should consider doing some extra things , like , um , you know , retraining or adapting the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} the models for background noise to the {disfmarker} to this environment , for instance .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And , yeah , using Thilo 's , you know , posteriors or some kind of {disfmarker} or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right now they 're {disfmarker} they 're discrete ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "yes or no for a speaker , to consider those particular speaker background models .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . There 's lots of ins interesting things that could be done .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . We should do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Good . So , uh , why don't we , uh , do the IBM stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , talked with Brian and gave him the alternatives to the single beep at the end of each utterance that we had generated before .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You had some {pause} thing about that ? Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The , uh , Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Right . And so he talked it over with the transcriber and the transcriber thought that the easiest thing for them would be if there was a beep and then the nu a number , a digit , and then a beep , uh , at the beginning of each one", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and that would help keep them from getting lost . And , um , {vocalsound} so Adam wrote a little script to generate those style , uh , beeps", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Where 'd you get the digits from ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and so we 're {disfmarker} I came up here and just recorded the numbers one through ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "They sound really good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So . Does it sound OK ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "That 's a great idea .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} Yeah . We just used those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And do you splice them into the {pause} waveform ? Or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . He {disfmarker} then he d I recorded {disfmarker} Actually , I recorded one through ten three times at three different speeds and then he picked .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He liked the fastest one , so he just cut those out {vocalsound} and spliced them in between , uh , two beeps .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It sounds like a radio announcer 's voice . Really .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It will be funny uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Does it ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It will be funny when you 're really reading digits , and then there are the chunks with {disfmarker} with your {pause} digits in ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . With my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh that 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Now actually ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 'll throw them ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "we 're {disfmarker} Are we handling {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , maybe we should have you record A , B , C for those or something .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . {comment} Huh ! Maybe . And she said it wasn't gonna {disfmarker} the transcriber said it wouldn't be a problem cuz they can actually make a template , uh , that has beep , number , beep . So for them it 'll be very quick", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to put those in there {vocalsound} when they 're transcribing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , um , we {disfmarker} We 're gonna send them one more sample meeting , uh , and Thilo has run his segmentation . Adam 's gonna generate the chunked file . And then , um , I 'll give it to Brian and they can try that out . And when we get that back we 'll see if that sort of fixes the problem we had with , uh , too many beeps in the last transcription .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Do w do {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} Do you have any idea of the turn - around on {disfmarker} on those steps you just said ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh . Our s our {disfmarker} On our side ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or including IBM 's ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Including IBM 's .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , I don't know . The last one seemed like it took a couple of weeks . Um , maybe even three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's just the I B M side . Our side is quick . I mean , I {disfmarker} I don't know . How long does your {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It should @ @ be finished today or something . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Well , I meant the overall thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "e e u u {comment} The reason I 'm asking is because , uh , Jane and I have just been talking , and she 's just been doing . {vocalsound} Uh , e a , you know , further hiring of transcribers .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so we don't sort of really know exactly what they 'll be doing , how long they 'll be doing it , and so forth , because right now she has no choice but to operate in the mode that we already have working .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , so it 'd be {disfmarker} It 'd be good to sort of get that resolved , uh , soon as we could ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . I {disfmarker} Yeah , I {disfmarker} I hope @ @ {comment} we can get a better estimate from this {pause} one that we send them .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Um .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't know yet how long that 'll take .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker} I mean in particular I would {disfmarker} I would really hope that when we do this DARPA meeting in July that we sort of have {disfmarker} we 're {disfmarker} we 're into production mode , somehow {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , that we {disfmarker} we actually {vocalsound} have a stream going and we know how {disfmarker} how well it does and how {disfmarker} and how it operates .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I think that would {disfmarker} that would certainly be a {disfmarker} a very good thing to know .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Uh . Maybe before we do the meeting info organize thing , maybe you could say relevant stuff about where we are in transcriptions .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . So , um , we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh , the transcribers have continued to work past what I 'm calling \" set one \" , which was the s the set that I 've been , uh {disfmarker} OK , talking about up to this point , but , uh , they 've gotten five meetings done in that set . Right now they 're in the process of being edited . Um , the , um {disfmarker} Let 's see , I hired two transcribers today . I 'm thinking of hiring another one , which will {disfmarker} because we 've had a lot of attrition . And that will bring our total to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "They die off after they do this for a while .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , you know , it 's {disfmarker} it 's various things .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Burn - out .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , one of them had a baby . Um , you know , one of them really w wasn't planning {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , that was an unfor unforeseen side effect of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh , one of them , um , had never planned to work past January . I mean , it 's th all these various things , cuz we , you know , we presented it as possibly a month project back in January and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Um , so it makes sense . Uh , through attrition we {disfmarker} we 've {disfmarker} we 're down to {disfmarker} to two , but they 're really solid . We 're really lucky the two that we kept . And , um {disfmarker} Well , I don't mean {disfmarker} I don't mean anything against the others . {comment} What I mean is we 've got a good cause {disfmarker} a good core . No . We had a good core {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , they won't hear this since they 're going . They won't be transcribing this meeting .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah , but still . I mean , I d it 's just a matter of we {disfmarker} w we 're {disfmarker} we 've got , uh ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No backs .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "two of the ones who {disfmarker} who , um , ha had been putting in a lot of hours up to this point and they 're continuing to put in a {disfmarker} a lot of hours , which is wonderful , and excellent work . And so , then , in addition , um , I hired two more today and I 'm planning to h hire a third one with this {disfmarker} within this coming week , but {disfmarker} {vocalsound} but the plan is {disfmarker} just as , uh , Morgan was saying we discussed this , and the plan right now is to keep the staff on the {disfmarker} on the leaner side , you know , rather than hiring , like , eight to ten right now ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because if the IBM thing comes through really quickly , then , um , we wouldn't wanna have to , uh , you know , lay people off and stuff . So . And this way it 'll {disfmarker} I mean , I got really a lot of response for {disfmarker} for my notice and I think I could hire additional people if I {pause} wish to .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . An - and the other thing is , I mean , in the unlikely event {disfmarker} and since we 're so far from this , it 's a little hard to plan this way {disfmarker} in the unlikely event that we actually find {vocalsound} that we have , uh , transcribers on staff who are twiddling their thumbs because , you know , there 's , you know , {vocalsound} all the stuff that {disfmarker} that was sitting there has been transcribed and they 're {disfmarker} and they 're faster {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline is faster than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , than the generation , um , eh , i in {disfmarker} in the day {disfmarker} e event that that day actually dawns , uh , I {disfmarker} I bet we could find some other stuff for them to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I think {vocalsound} that , eh , eh , a as we were talking , if we {disfmarker} if we hire twelve , then we could , you know , run into a problem later . I mean , we also just couldn't sustain that forever . But {disfmarker} but , um {disfmarker} for all sorts of reasons {disfmarker} but if we hire f you know , f we have five on staff {disfmarker} five or six on staff at any given time , then {vocalsound} it 's a small enough number so we can be flexible either way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Good . OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'd be great , too , if , um , we can {disfmarker} we might need some help again getting the tighter boundaries or some hand {disfmarker} to experiment with , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , to have a ground truth for this segmentation work , which {disfmarker} I guess you have some already that was really helpful , and we could probably use more .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah . That was a thing I {disfmarker} I planned working on , is , uh , to use the {disfmarker} the transcriptions which are done by now , and to {disfmarker} to use them as , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh , the new ones", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "with the tighter boundaries . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . And to use them for {disfmarker} for training a {disfmarker} or for {disfmarker} fo whatever . Yeah . To {disfmarker} to create some speech - nonspeech labels out of them , and {disfmarker} Yeah , but that {disfmarker} that 's a thing w was {disfmarker} w what I 'm just looking into .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pre - segmentations are so much {disfmarker} are s so extremely helpful . Now there was , uh , I g guess {disfmarker} So , a couple weeks ago I needed some new ones and it happened to be during the time that he was on vacation {disfmarker} f for just very few days you were away . But it happened to be during that time I needed one ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker} {vocalsound} so I started them on the non - pre - segmented and then switched them over to yours and , um , they , um {disfmarker} you know , they always appreciate that when they have that available . And he 's , uh , usually , eh , uh , um {disfmarker} Um . So they really appreciate it . But I was gonna say that they do adjust it once in a while . You know , once in a while there 's something like ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah , sure .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "um , and e Actually you talked to them . Didn't you ? Did you ? Have you {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I talked to Helen .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and she was {disfmarker} And so , I asked her {disfmarker} I mean , They 're very perceptive . I really want to have this meeting of the transcribers . I haven't done it yet , but I wanna do that and she 's out of town , um , for a couple of weeks , but I wanna do that when she returns . Um , cuz she was saying , you know , in a {disfmarker} in a span of very short period {disfmarker} we asked {disfmarker} It seems like the ones that need to be adjusted are these {disfmarker} these {disfmarker} these things , and she was saying the short utterances , uh , the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "you know , I mean , you 're {disfmarker} You 're aware of this . But {disfmarker} but actually i it 's so correct for so much of the time , that it 's an enormous time saver", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and it just gets tweaked a little around the boundaries . So .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um . Yeah . I think it 'd be interesting to combine these .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Is there actually a record of where they change ? I mean , you can compare , do a diff on the {disfmarker} just so that we {vocalsound} knew {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You could do it . It 's {disfmarker} it 's complicated in that {vocalsound} um , {vocalsound} hhh , i hhh , i", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually , when {disfmarker} when they create new {disfmarker} yeah , new segments or something , it will be , uh , not that easy but {disfmarker} hmm . I think {pause} one could do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I mean , if we keep a old copy of the old time marks", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "just so that if we run it we know whether we 're {disfmarker} which ones were cheating", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . That would be great , yeah , to know that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There is a {disfmarker} there is one problem with that and that is when they start part way through then what I do is I merge what they 've done with the pre - segmented version .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "which one would be good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So it 's not a pure {disfmarker} it 's not a pure condition . Wha - what you 'd really like is that they started with pre - segmented and were pre - segmented all the way through .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And , um {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} {disfmarker} I , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} it wasn't possible for about four of the recent ones . But , it will be possible in the future", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "because we {disfmarker} we 're , um .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It would .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mmm , that 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . As long as we have a record , I guess , of the original {pause} automatic one , we can always find out how well {pause} we would do fr from the recognition side by using those boundaries .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "You know , a completely non - cheating version .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Also if you need someone to record this meeting , I mean , I 'm happy to {disfmarker} for the transcribers {disfmarker} I could do it , or Chuck or Adam .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So , uh , u you were saying something about organizing the meeting info ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , uh , Jane and Adam and I had a meeting where we talked about the reorganization of the {pause} directory structure for all of the meeting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Did you record it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . For all the Meeting Recorder data . We should have . Um . And so we 've got a plan for what we 're gonna do there . And then , Jane also s prepared a {disfmarker} um , started getting all of the {disfmarker} the meetings organized , so she prepared a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a spreadsheet , which I spent the last couple of days adding to . So I went through all of the data that we have collected so far , and have been putting it into , uh , a spreadsheet {vocalsound} with start time , the date , the old meeting name , the new meeting name , the number of speakers , the duration of the meeting , comments , you know , what its transcription status is , all that kind of stuff . And so , the idea is that we can take this and then export it as HTML and put it on the Meeting Recorder web page so we can keep people updated about what 's going on .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , I 've gotta get some more information from Jane cuz I have some {disfmarker} some gaps here that I need to get her to fill in , but {vocalsound} so far , um , {vocalsound} as of Monday , the fourteenth , um , we 've had a total number of meeting sixty - two hours of meetings that we have collected . And , um {disfmarker} Uh , some other interesting things , average number of speakers per meeting is six . Um , and I 'm gonna have on here the total amount that 's been transcribed so far , but I 've got a bunch of {disfmarker} uh , that 's what I have to talk to Jane about , figuring out exactly which ones have {disfmarker} have been completed and so forth . But , um , {vocalsound} this 'll be a nice thing that we can put up on the {disfmarker} the web site and people can {vocalsound} be informed of the status of various different ones . And {vocalsound} it 'll also list , uh , like under the status , if it 's at IBM or if it 's at ICSI , uh , or if it 's completed or which ones we 're excluding and {disfmarker} and there 's a place for comments , so we can , {vocalsound} um , say why we 're excluding things and so forth . So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now would the ones that , um , are already transcribed {disfmarker} we h we have enough there that c you know , we 've already done some studies and so forth and {disfmarker} um , shouldn't we go through and do the business - es u of {disfmarker} of having the , um , uh , participants approve it , uh , for {disfmarker} approve the transcriptions for distribution and so forth ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , interesting idea . In principle , I {disfmarker} I would say yes , although I still am doing some {disfmarker} the final - pass editing , trying to convert it over to the master file as the {disfmarker} being the channelized version and it 's {disfmarker} Yeah , it seems like I get into that a certain way and then something else intervenes {comment} and I have to stop . Cleaning up the things like the , uh , uh , places where the transcriber was uncertain , and {disfmarker} and doing spot - checking here and there . So , um , uh , I guess it would make sense to wait until th that 's done , um , but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , le let me put in another sort of a milestone kind of {disfmarker} as {disfmarker} as I did with the , uh , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Um , we are gonna have this DARPA {pause} meeting in the middle of July ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and I think it w it 'd be {disfmarker} given that we 've been {disfmarker} we 've given a couple public talks about it already , spaced by months and months , I think it 'd be pretty bad if we continued to say none of this is available . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'll certainly be done by then . Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Right . So we can s we {disfmarker} we wanna be able to say \" here is a subset that is available right now \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and that 's has been through the legal issues and so forth .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's right . So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , by {disfmarker} before July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And they don't have to approve , you know , th an edited version , they can just give their approval to whatever version", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , in principle , yes . But , I mean , i if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if somebody actually did get into some legal issue with it then we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah . But th I mean , the editing will continue . Presumably if {disfmarker} if s errors are found , they will be fixed , but they won't change the {disfmarker} the content of the meetings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Content , really .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , see , this is the {disfmarker} this is the issue . Subtleties .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , i if Jane is clarifying question question , then , you know , how can they agree to it before they know her final version ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The other thing , too , is there can be subtleties where a person uses this word instead of that word , which @ @ {comment} could 've been transcribed in the other way .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Thing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And no and they wouldn't have {vocalsound} been slanderous if it had been this other word . You know ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "I it {disfmarker} you know , there there is a point at which I agree it becomes ridiculous because , you know , you could do this final thing and then a year from now somebody could say , you know , that should be a period and not a question mark . Right ? And you don't {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} there 's no way that we 're gonna go back and ask everybody \" do you approve this , uh , you know {disfmarker} this document now ? \" So {disfmarker} So I think what it is is that the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the thing that they sign {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I haven't looked at it in a while , but it has to be open enough that it sort of says \" OK , from now on {disfmarker} you know , now that I 've read this , you can use {disfmarker} do anything you want with these data . \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} But , i I think we wanna {disfmarker} So , assuming that it 's in that kind of wording , which I don't remember , {vocalsound} um , I think i we just wanna have enough confidence ourselves that it 's so close to the final form it 's gonna be in , a year from now that they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . I agree . Mmm . I totally agree . It 's just , uh , a question of , {vocalsound} uh , if {disfmarker} if the person is using the transcript as the way of them judging what they said and whether it was slanderous , {vocalsound} then it seems like it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i it needs to be more correct than if we could count on them re - listening to the meeting .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because it becomes , eh , in a way a {disfmarker} a f uh , a legal document i if they 've agreed to that .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , I forget how we end Right . I forget how we ended up on this , but I remember my taking the position {vocalsound} of not making it so {disfmarker} so easy for everybody to observe everything and Adam was taking the position of {disfmarker} of having it be really straightforward for people to check every aspect of it including the audio . And I don't remember who won , Adam or me , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} if it 's only the transcript , though {disfmarker} I mean , th this {disfmarker} this is my point , that {disfmarker} that", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "uh , the {disfmarker} Uh , that that 's why I 'm bringing this up again , because I can't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "then it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That it was the transcrip He wanted to do a web interface that would make it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , if it 's just the audio {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that would give you access to the transcript and the audio . That 's what Adam wanted .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And I don't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , with the web interface it 's interesting , because you could allow the person who signs to be informed when their transcript changes , or something like that . And , I mean , I would say \" no \" . Like , I don't wanna know , but some people might be really {vocalsound} interested and then y In other words , they would be informed if there was some significant change other than typos and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You decided you were whispering Satanic incantations under your breath when you were {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} I don't know what happened to the small heads thing , but I j {vocalsound} Um , I 'm just saying that , like , you know , you can sort of say that any things that are deemed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They disappeared from view .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . I mean , I agree that at some point people {vocalsound} probably won't care about typos but they would care about significant meaning changes and then they could be asked for their consent , I guess , if {disfmarker} if those change . Cuz assumi {vocalsound} assuming we {disfmarker} we don't really distribute things that have any significant changes from what they sign anyway .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Tha That 's {disfmarker} How about having them approve the audio and not the transcripts ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , my God .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That would be simpler ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "if we could count on them listening .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "But no one will listen to the hours and hours of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Talk .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , that 's O K .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "We just have to give them a chance to listen to it , and if they don't , that 's their problem .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "hmm , hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} you d That 's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unfortunately , uh , in {disfmarker} in the sign thing that they signed , it says \" transcripts \" .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No , I 'm serious .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" You 'll be {disfmarker} you 'll be provided the transcripts when they 're available . \"", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I I {disfmarker} I think", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that 's a lot to ask for people that have been in a lot of meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "W anyway , haven't we {disfmarker} we 've gone down this path a number of times . I know this can lead to extended conversations and {disfmarker} and not really get anywhere , so let {disfmarker} let me just suggest that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , off - line that , uh , the people involved figure it out and take care of it before it 's July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So {disfmarker} so that in July we can tell people {vocalsound} \" yes , we have this and you can use it \" .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes . It 's done , ready , available . Good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh . So , let 's see . What else we got ? Uh . Don did {disfmarker} did a report about his project in class and , uh {disfmarker} an oral and written {disfmarker} written version .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that was stuff he was doing with you . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} I guess one thing we 're learning is that the amount {disfmarker} We have eight meetings there because we couldn't use the non - native {disfmarker} all non - native meetings and {vocalsound} it 's , well , probably below threshold on enough data for us for the things we 're looking at because the {vocalsound} prosodic features are {pause} very noisy and so you {disfmarker} you need a lot of data in order to model them . Um , so we 're starting to see some patterns and we 're hoping that maybe with , {vocalsound} I don't know , double or triple the data {disfmarker} with twenty meetings or so , that we would start to get better results . But we did find that some of the features that , I gue Jane would know about , that are expressing sort of the {vocalsound} distance of , um , {vocalsound} boundaries from peaks in the utterance and {vocalsound} some {pause} local , um , range {disfmarker} pitch range effects , like how close people are to their floor , are showing up in these classifiers , which are also being given some word features that are cheating , cuz they 're true words . Um , so these are based on forced alignment . Word features like , um , word frequency and whether or not something 's a backchannel and so forth . So , we 're starting to see , I think , some interesting patterns .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So the dominant features , including everything , were those {disfmarker} those quasi - cheating things . Right ? Where these are {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sometimes not .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "I think it depends what you 're looking at , a actually .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sometimes {pause} positions in sentences obviously , or in spurts , was helpful . I don't know if that 's cheating , too .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Spurts wouldn't be . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "spurts is not cheating except that of course you know the real words ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "but roughly speaking , the recognized words are gonna give you a similar type of position .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right . Would they give you the same number of words , though ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's either early or late .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Not exactly , but i", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But ra somewhat ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "On the average .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y yeah it should be . Well , we don't know and actually that 's one of the things we 're interested in doing , is a sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Have you tried using just time , as opposed to number of words ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I think ti uh {disfmarker} Just p time position , like when the word starts ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know if that was in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Well , no , I mean t time {disfmarker} time position relative to the beginning of the spurt .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh {disfmarker} You know , uh", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Start .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . There 's all these things to do .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , we didn't try it , but it 's s", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Like , there 's a lot of different features you could just pull out .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean that wouldn't be cheating because you can detect pause {pause} pretty well within the time .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "How about time position normalized by speak", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And it depends on speaking rate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "speaking rate . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's actually why I didn't use it at first .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But we {disfmarker} one of the interesting things was I guess you reported on some te punctuation type {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "finding sentence boundaries , finding disfluency boundaries , and then I had done some work on finding from the foreground speech whether or not someone was likely to interrupt , so where {disfmarker} you know , if I 'm talking now and someone {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and Andreas is about to interrupt me , is he gonna choose a certain place in my speech , either prosodically or word - based . And there the prosodic features actually showed up and a neat thing {disfmarker} even though the word features were available . And a neat thing there too is I tried some {disfmarker} {vocalsound} putting the speaker {disfmarker} So , I gave everybody {vocalsound} a short version of their name . So the real names are in there , which we couldn't use . Uh , we should use I Ds or something . And those don't show up . So that means that overall , um , it wasn't just modeling Morgan , or it wasn't just modeling a single person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um , but was sort of trying to , {vocalsound} uh , get a general idea {disfmarker} the model {disfmarker} the tree classifier was trying to find general locations that were applicable to different speakers , even though there are huge speaker effects . So . The {disfmarker} but the main limitation now is I {disfmarker} because we 're only looking at things that happen every {vocalsound} ten words or every twenty words , we need more {disfmarker} more data and more data per speaker . So . It 'd also be interesting to look at the EDU meetings because we did include meeting type as a feature , so whether you were in a r Meeting Recorder meeting or a Robustness meeting did matter {vocalsound} to {pause} interrupts because there are just fewer interrupts in the Robustness meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "And so the classifier learns more about Morgan than it does about sort of the average person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "which is {vocalsound} not bad . It 'd probably do better than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Um , but it wasn't generalizing .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} And I think Don , um {disfmarker} Well , we have a long list of things he 's starting to look at now over the summer , where we can {disfmarker} And he 'll be able to report on more things {pause} in the future . But it was great that we could at least go from the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , Jane 's transcripts and the , {vocalsound} uh , recognizer output and get it {pause} to this point . And I think it 's something Mari can probably use in her preliminary report {disfmarker} like , \" yeah , we 're at the point where we 're training these classifiers and we 're just {vocalsound} reporting very preliminary but suggestive results that {vocalsound} some features , both word and pro prosodic , work . \" The other thing that was interesting to me is that the pitch features are better than in Switchboard . And I think that really is from the close - talking mikes , cuz the pitch processing that was done has much cleaner behavior than {disfmarker} than the Switchboard telephone bandwidth .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "W wh wh wh Better in what sense ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um . Well , first of all , the pitch tracks are m have less , um , halvings and doublings than {disfmarker} than Switchboard and there 's a lot less dropout , so if you ask how many regions where you would normally expect some vowels to be occurring {vocalsound} are completely devoid of pitch information ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . ", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "in other words the pitch tracker just didn't get a high enough probability of voicing for words {disfmarker} for {disfmarker} for , you know , five word", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "there are much fewer than in Switchboard . So the missing {disfmarker} {vocalsound} We had a big missing data problem in Switchboard and , so the features weren't as reliable cuz they were often just not available .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Could it have to do with the {disfmarker} the lower frequency cut - off on the Switchboard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So that 's actually good . Ma - maybe . I mean , the tele we had telephone bandwidth for Switchboard and we had the an annoying sort of telephone handset movement problem that I think may also affect it .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So we 're just getting better signals in {disfmarker} in this data . Which is nice . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway , Don 's been doing a great job and we hope to continue with , um , Andreas 's help and also some of Thilo 's help on this ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to try to get a non - cheating version of how all this would work .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sure . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Has {disfmarker} has , uh {disfmarker} ? We just {disfmarker} I think , just talked about this the other day , but h has {disfmarker} has anybody had a chance to try changing , uh , insertion penalty sort of things with the {disfmarker} with the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , using the tandem system input for the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah . I tried that . It didn't , um , help dramatically . The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Were they out of balance ? I didn't {disfmarker} I didn't notice .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There were a little {disfmarker} the relative number of {disfmarker} I think there were a higher number of deletions , actually .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , you , uh {disfmarker} So , actually it {disfmarker} it preferred to have a positive {disfmarker} er , negative insertion penalty ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Deletions ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "which means {vocalsound} that , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , you know , it didn't change {vocalsound} th the {disfmarker} by adjusting that {disfmarker} the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The error changed by probably one percent or so . But , you know , given that that word error rate is so high , that 's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . So that {disfmarker} So that 's {disfmarker} So that 's not the problem .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's not the problem . No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , we s just , um , uh {disfmarker} you know , Chuck and I talked and the {pause} @ @ {comment} next thing to do is probably to tune the {disfmarker} um , the size of the Gaussian system , um , @ @ {comment} to {disfmarker} to this {disfmarker} to this feature vector , which we haven't done at all . We just used the same {vocalsound} configuration as we used for the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} for the standard system .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , {vocalsound} for instance , uh , Dan {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} Dan just sent me a message saying that CMU used , um , {vocalsound} something like ten Gaussians per cluster {disfmarker} You know , each {disfmarker} each mixture has ten {pause} Gaussians", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm . We 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and we 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so that 's {vocalsound} obviously a big difference", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and it might be way off and give very poorly trained , uh , you know , Gaussians that way ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "uh , an and poorly trained mixture weights . So {disfmarker} so , we have {disfmarker} The turn - around time on the training when we train only the {disfmarker} a male system with , uh , you know , our small training set , is {vocalsound} less than twenty - four hours , so we can run lots of {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , basically just brute force , try a whole bunch of different um , settings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , uh , with the new machines it 'll be even better . So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We get twelve of those ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But the PLP features work {disfmarker} um , uh , you know , continue to improve the ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} As I said before , the {disfmarker} uh using Dan 's , uh , uh , vocal tract normalization option works very well . So , um , @ @ {comment} I ran one experiment where we 're just {vocalsound} did the vocal tract le normalization only in the test data ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I didn't bother to retrain {pause} the models at all , and it improved by one percent , which is about what we get with {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with , you know , just @ @ {comment} actually doing both training and test normalization , um , with , um , {vocalsound} the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with the standard system . So , in a few hours we 'll have the numbers for the {disfmarker} for retraining everything with vocal tract length normalization and {disfmarker} So , that might even improve it further .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , it looks like the P L - fea P features {comment} do very well now with {disfmarker} after having figured out all these little tricks to {disfmarker} to get it to work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Wait . So you mean you improve one percent over a system that doesn't have any V T L in it already ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Exactly . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK . So then {disfmarker} then we 'll have our baseline to {disfmarker} to compare the currently hideous , uh , uh , new thing with .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . a Right . And {disfmarker} and what that suggests also is of course that the current Switchboard {pause} MLP isn't trained on very good features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , because it was trained on whatever , you know , was used , uh , last time you did Hub - five stuff , which didn't have any of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . But all of these effects were j like a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , y the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , but if you add them all up you have , uh , almost five percent difference now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Add {pause} all of them . I thought one was one point five percent and one was point eight .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And now we have another percent with the V T", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's three point three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , actually , and it 's , um , What 's actually qu interesting is that with {disfmarker} um , well , you m prob maybe another half percent if you do the VTL in training , and then interestingly , if you optimize you get more of a win out of rescoring the , um , {vocalsound} uh , the N best lists , uh , and optimizing the weights , um , uh than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than you do with the standard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the part that 's actually adjustment of the front - end per se as opposed to doing {disfmarker} putting VTLN in or something is {disfmarker} it was a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? It was {disfmarker} it was {disfmarker} there was {disfmarker} {vocalsound} there was one thing that was one and a half percent and one that was point eight . So {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} let me see if I remember what they were . One of them {vocalsound} was , uh , the change to , uh {disfmarker} because it did it all at once , {comment} to {disfmarker} uh , from bark scale to mel scale ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which I really feel like saying in quotes , because @ @ {comment} they 're essentially the same scale but the {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but any i individual particular implementation of those things puts things in a particular place .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Why did that cha ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I wanted to look {disfmarker} I still haven't looked at it yet . I {disfmarker} I wanna look at exactly where the filters were in the two ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's probably something like there 's one fewer or one more filter in the sub {vocalsound} one kilohertz band", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and for whatever reason with this particular experiment it was better one way or the other .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , it could be there 's something more fundamental but it {disfmarker} you know , I {disfmarker} I don't know it yet . And the other {disfmarker} and the other {disfmarker} that was like one and a half or something , and then there was point eight percent , which was {disfmarker} what was the other thing ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that was combined with the triangular . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Those {disfmarker} those two were together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "We d weren't able to separate them out cuz it was just done in one thing . But then there was a point eight percent which was something else .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The low - frequency cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Do you remember the {disfmarker} ? Oh , yeah . So that was {disfmarker} that was , uh {disfmarker} that one I can claim credit for , uh , i in terms of screwing it up in the first place . So that someone e until someone else fixed it , which is that , um , I never put {disfmarker} when I u We had some problems before with offsets . This inf this went back to , uh , I think Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So we {disfmarker} we had , uh {disfmarker} ea everybody else who was doing Wall Street Journal knew that there were big DC offsets in th in these data {disfmarker} in those data and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and nobody happened to mention it to us ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and we were getting these , like , really terrible results , like two , three times the error everybody else was getting . And then in casual conversation someone ment mentioned \" uh , well , I guess , you know , of course you 're taking care of the offsets . \" I said \" what offsets ? \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And at that point , you know , we were pretty new to the data and we 'd never really , like , looked at it on a screen and then when we just put it on the screen {comment} and wroop !", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "there 's this big DC offset . So , um , in PLP", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "There was a {disfmarker} like a hum or some or {disfmarker} when they recorded it ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No . It 's just , it {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not at all uncommon for {disfmarker} for recorded electronics to have different , um , DC offsets .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Or just {disfmarker} ? Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , no big deal . It 's {disfmarker} you know , you could have ten , twenty , maybe thirty millivolts , whatever , and it 's consistently in there . The thing is , most people 's front - ends have pre - emphasis with it , with zero at zero frequency , so that it 's irrelevant . Uh , but with P L P , we didn't actually have that . We had {disfmarker} we had the equivalent of pre - emphasis in a {disfmarker} a , uh , Fletcher - Munson style weighting that occurs in the middle of P L but it doesn't actually have a zero at zero frequency ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "like , eh , uh , typical simple fr pre - emphasis does . We had something more fancy . It was later on it didn't have that . So at that point I reali \" oh sh we better have a {disfmarker} have a high - pass filter \" just , you know {disfmarker} {vocalsound} just take care of the problem . So I put in a high - pass filter at , uh , I think ninety {disfmarker} ninety hertz or so {vocalsound} uh , for a sixteen kilohertz sampling rate . And I never put anything in to adjust it for different {disfmarker} different sampling rates . And so {disfmarker} well , so , you know , the code doesn't know anything about that and so this is all at eight kilohertz and so it was at forty - five hertz instead of at {disfmarker} {vocalsound} instead of at ninety .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , um , I don't know if Dan fixed it or {disfmarker} or , uh , what he {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , he made it a parameter .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He made it a parameter . So . Yeah , I guess if he did it right , he did fix it and then {disfmarker} and then it 's taking care of sampling rate , which is great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what is the parameter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "He had a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is it , uh , just the f lower cut - off that you want ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's called , uh , {vocalsound} H - HPF .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "H {disfmarker} Yeah . Does HPF on {disfmarker} on his feat feature .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "u And {disfmarker} but HPF , you know , when you put a number after it , uses that as the hertz value of the cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , frankly , we never did that with the RASTA filter either ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so the RASTA filter is actually doing a different thing in the modulation spectral domain depending on what sampling rate you 're doing , which is {vocalsound} another old {disfmarker} old bug of mine .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} Um . So that {disfmarker} that was the problem there was th we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we had always intended to cut off below a hundred hertz", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it just wasn't doing it , so now it is . So , {vocalsound} that hep that helped us by , like , eight tenths of a percent . It {pause} still wasn't a big deal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . Well , but , um {disfmarker} Well , uh , again , after completing the {pause} current experiments , we 'll {disfmarker} {vocalsound} we can add up all the uh differences", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} an", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , I guess my {disfmarker} my point was that {disfmarker} that , um , the hybrid system thing that we did was , uh , primitive in many ways .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I think I agree with you that if we fixed lots of different things and they would all add up , we would probably have a {disfmarker} a {disfmarker} a competitive system . But I think not that much of it is due to the front - end per se . I think maybe a couple percent of it is , as far as I can see from this .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , unless you call {disfmarker} well , if you call VTL the front - en front - end , that 's , uh , a little more . But that 's sort of more both , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "One experiment we should {disfmarker} we 'll probably need to do though when {disfmarker} um , at some point , is , since we 're using that same {disfmarker} the net that was trained on PLP without all these things in it , for the tandem system , we may wanna go back and retrain ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? But .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what I meant , in fact . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , for the tandem . You know , so we can see if it {disfmarker} what effect it has on the tandem processing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} so , the thing is {disfmarker} is do we expect {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh At this point I 'm as I mean , you know {disfmarker} e I 'm wondering is it {disfmarker} Can we expect , uh , a tandem system to do better than a properly trained {disfmarker} you know , a Gaussian system trained directly on the features with , you know , the right ch choice of {pause} parameters ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what we 're seeing in other areas . Yes . Right ? So , it 's {disfmarker} so , um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , we {disfmarker} But {disfmarker} but we may not . I mean , if it doesn't perform as well , we may not know why . Right ? Cuz we need to do the exact experiment .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the reason to think it should is because you 're putting in the same information and you 're transforming it to be more discriminative . So . Um . Now the thing is , in some databases I wouldn't expect it to necessarily give you much and {disfmarker} and part of what I view as the real power of it is that it {pause} gives you a transformational capability {vocalsound} for taking all sorts of different wild things that we do , not just th the standard front - end , but other things , like with multiple streams and so forth ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and allows you to feed them to the other system with this {disfmarker} through this funnel . Um , so I think {disfmarker} I think that 's the real power of it . I wouldn't expect huge in huge improvements . Um , but it should at least be roughly the same and maybe a little better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it 's , you know , like way way worse then , you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , Morgan , an another thing that Andreas and I were talking about was , so @ @ {comment} in the first experiment that he did {vocalsound} we just took the whole fifty - six , uh , outputs and that 's , um , basically compared to a thirty - nine input feature vector from either MFCC or PLP .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one thing we could do is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Let {disfmarker} let me {disfmarker} let me just ask you something . When you say take the fifty - six outputs , these are the pre final nonlinearity {pause} outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Through the regular tandem outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and they 're {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} through the KLT .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Through the KLT . All that kinda stuff .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . And so {disfmarker} so then you u Do you use all fifty - six of the KLT", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's what we did .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ? So one thing we were wondering is , if we did principal components and , say , took out just thirteen , and then did deltas and double - deltas on that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so we treated the th first thirteen as though they were {vocalsound} standard features .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yes . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , did Dan do experiments like that to {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh . Talk with Stephane . He did some things like that . It was either him or Carmen . I forget .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean these were all different databases and different {disfmarker} you know , in HTK and all that ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so i it {disfmarker} it may not apply . But my recollection of it was that it didn't make it better but it didn't make it worse .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , again , given all these differences , maybe it 's more important in your case that you not take a lot of these low - variance , uh , components .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Cuz in a sense , the net 's already got quite a bit of context in those features ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so if we did deltas and double - deltas on top of those , we 're getting sort of even more .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Which could be good or not .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Worth trying .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But there the main point is that , um , you know , it took us a while but we have the procedure for coupling the two systems {vocalsound} debugged now and {disfmarker} I mean , there 's still conceivably some bug somewhere in the way we 're feeding the tandem features {disfmarker} uh , either generating them or feeding them to this {disfmarker} to the {vocalsound} SRI system ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There might be , cuz that 's a pretty big difference .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And I 'm wondering how we can {disfmarker} how we can debug that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean how {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm actually f quite sure that the {disfmarker} feeding the {pause} features into the system and training it up ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "that {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I think that 's {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} that 's essentially the same as we use with the ce with the P L P fe features . And that 's obviously working great . So . I um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . There could be a bug in {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} somewhere before that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There {disfmarker} we could {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} another degree of freedom is how do you generate the K L T transform ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? We to", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "well , and another one is the normalization of the inputs to the net .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "These nets are trained with particular normalization and when that gets screwed up it {disfmarker} it can really hurt it .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm doing what Eric {disfmarker} E Eric coached me through then {disfmarker} that part of it , so I 'm pretty confident in that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , the only slight difference is that I use normalization values that , um , Andreas calculated from the original {comment} PLP ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which is right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "N Yeah . So , I u I do {disfmarker} Oh , we actually don't do that normalization for the PLP , do we ? For the st just the straight PLP features ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . The {disfmarker} the SRI system does it .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S R I system does that . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , you might e e", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , there 's {disfmarker} there is {disfmarker} there is room for bugs that we might not have discovered ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} that 's another {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} I {disfmarker} I would actually double check with Stephane at this point ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz he 's probably the one here {disfmarker} I mean , he and Dan are the ones who are at this point most experienced with the tandem", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "thing and there may {disfmarker} there may be some little bit here and there that is not {disfmarker} not being handled right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's hard with features , cuz you don't know what they should look like . I mean , you can't just , like , print the {disfmarker} the values out in ASCII and , you know , look at them , see if they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Not unless you had a lot of time", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh , and also they 're not {disfmarker} I mean , as I understand it , you {disfmarker} you don't have a way to optimize the features for the final word error . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , these are just discriminative , but they 're not , um , optimized for the final {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They 're optimized for phone discrimination , not for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So it {disfmarker} there 's always this question of whether you might do better with those features if there was a way to train it for the word error metric that you 're actually {disfmarker} that you 're actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's right . Well , the other {disfmarker} Yeah , th the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , you actually are . But {disfmarker} but it {disfmarker} but in an indirect way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , right . It 's indirect , so you don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So wha w what {disfmarker} an and you may not be in this case , come to think of it , because , uh , you 're just taking something that 's trained up elsewhere . So , what {disfmarker} what you {disfmarker} what you do in the full procedure {vocalsound} is you , um , uh , have an embedded training . So in fact you {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the net is trained on , uh , uh , a , uh , Viterbi alignment of the training data that comes from your full system . And so that 's where the feedback comes all around , so that it is actually discriminant . You can prove that it 's {disfmarker} it 's a , uh {disfmarker} If you believe in the Viterbi assumption that , uh , getting the best path , uh , is almost equivalent to getting the best , uh , total probability , um , then you actually do improve that by , uh {disfmarker} by training up on local {disfmarker} local , uh {disfmarker} local frames . But , um , we aren't actually doing that here , because we did {disfmarker} we did that for a hybrid system , and now we 're plugging it into another system and so it isn't {disfmarker} {vocalsound} i i i it wouldn't quite apply here .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do y", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So another huge experiment we could do would be to take the tandem features , uh , do SRI forced alignments using those features , and then re - do the net with those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mmm , uh {disfmarker} Exactly . Exactly .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So that you can optimize it for the word error .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Another thing is since you 're not using the net for recognition per se but just for this transformation , it 's probably bigger than it needs to be .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that would save a lot of time .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And there 's a mismatch in the phone sets . So , you 're using a l a long a larger phone set than what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually all those things could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could , uh {disfmarker} could affect it as well .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The other thing , uh , just to mention that Stephane {disfmarker} this was an innovation of Stephane 's , which was a pretty neat one , uh , and might particularly apply {vocalsound} here , given all these things we 're mentioning . Um , Stephane 's idea was that , um , discriminant , uh , approaches are great . Even the local ones , given , you know , these potential outer loops which , you know , you can convince yourself turn into the global ones . Um , however , there 's times when it {pause} is not good . Uh , when {pause} something about the test set is different enough from the training set that {disfmarker} that , uh , the discrimination that you 're learning is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is not a good one .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , uh , his idea was to take as the input feature vector to the , uh , Gaussian mixture system , {vocalsound} uh , a concatenation of the neural net outputs and the regular features .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , we already talked about that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "El", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Didn't you {disfmarker} did you {pause} do that already", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , but we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} when {disfmarker} when we {disfmarker} when I first started corresponding with Dan about how to go about this , I think that was one of the things that we definitely went there .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ? Oh . That makes a lot of sense . Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I 'm sure that Stephane wasn't the first to think of it ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but actually Stephane did it", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . And i does it help ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} and it helped a lot .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} that 's our current best {disfmarker} best system in the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , in the Aurora thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh . OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And do you do a KLT transform on the con on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "As {disfmarker} you should never do worse .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I , uh , missed what you said .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do you {disfmarker} d you do a KLT transform on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , actually , I , uh {disfmarker} you should check with him , because he tried several different combinations .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because you end up with this huge feature vector , so that might be a problem , a unless you do some form of dimensionality reduction .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . I , uh , th what I don't remember is which came out best . So he did one where he put o put e the whole thing into one KLT , and another one , since the {disfmarker} the PLP things are already orthogonalized , he left them alone and {disfmarker} and just did a KLT on the {disfmarker} on the {disfmarker} on the net outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and then concatenated that . And I don't remember which was better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did he {disfmarker} did he try to {disfmarker} ? So he always ended up with a feature vector that was {pause} twice as long as either one of the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I don't know , i I {disfmarker} I don't know . You have to check with him .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Actually , I have to run .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I 'm into big ideas these days .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We need to close up cuz I need to save the data and , um , get a call .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Not to mention the fact that we 're missing snacks . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did people wanna do the digits", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or , um , do them together ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I g I think , given that we 're in a hurry for snacks , maybe we should do them together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know . Should we just {disfmarker} ? OK . I mean , are we trying to do them {nonvocalsound} in synchrony ? That might be fun .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not {disfmarker} You know , it 's not gonna work out", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Adam 's not here , so he 's not here to tell me no .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "but we could {disfmarker} we could just , uh , uh , see if we find a rhythm , you know , what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh , O 's or zeroes , we wanna agree on that ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Maybe just whatever people would naturally do ? I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , but if we were a singing group , we would wanna decide . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Be harmony . Yeah . {comment} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mine 's identical to yours .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "We might wa", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Sorry . So I set up and we didn't have {pause} enough digit forms", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So these are excellent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I xeroxed the same one seven times .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Why don't we do zer i Anyone have a problem with saying zero ? Is zero OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . One and a two and three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "e", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Once more with feeling .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And th", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No , just k just kidding . Oh , yeah . It was .", "speaker": "Professor F" } ]
For the DARPA meeting in July, the group proposed that they should have the question answering mock-up and transcriber interface ready for then, and also have data available.
What was said on transcripts?
[ { "content": "What channel am I on ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh , channel two .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Make sure to turn your microphone on .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "There 's a battery .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "OK . Your channel number 's already on this blank sheet .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "So you just {disfmarker} If you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel five ? Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel whatever .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I 'm on channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Camera one , camera two .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "What am I ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Little low ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel four ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "This number four ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five . OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The gai the gain 's up at it {disfmarker} what it usually is ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Is it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but if you think it 's {disfmarker} Yeah . It 's sort of a default . But I can set it higher if you like .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe it should be a little higher .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's not showing much . Test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test . OK , that {disfmarker} that seems better ? Yeah ? OK , good . Ah , that 's good , that 's good . That 's Ahh . Mmm . So I {disfmarker} I had a question for Adam . Have we started already ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we started recording , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Is Jane around or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I saw her earlier .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "She can just walk in , I guess , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . She 'll probably come up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Since we 're starting late I figured we 'd better just start .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Great idea . I was gonna ask Adam to , uh , say if he thought anymore about the demo stuff because {vocalsound} it occurred to me that this is late May and the DARPA meeting is in {pause} mid July . Uh , but {vocalsound} I don't remember w what we {disfmarker} I know that we were gonna do something with the transcriber interface is one thing , but I thought there was a second thing . Anybody remember ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we were gonna do a mock - up , like , question answering or something , I thought , that was totally separate from the interface . Do you remember ? Remember , like , asking questions and retrieving , {vocalsound} but in a pre - stored fashion .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That was the thing we talked about , I think , before the transcriber {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Come on in .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Alright . So anyway , you have to sort out that out and get somebody going on it cuz we 're {disfmarker} got a {disfmarker} got a month left basically . So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "You like these . Right ? OK , good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK . Um OK . So , what are we g else we got ? You got {disfmarker} you just wrote a bunch of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . That was all , um , previously here .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I was writing {pause} the digits and then I realized I could xerox them ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because I didn't want people to turn their heads from these microphones . So . We all , by the way , have the same digit form , for the record . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's cool .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So , the choice is , uh , which {disfmarker} which do we want more , the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the comparison , uh , {vocalsound} of everybody saying them at the same time or the comparison of people saying the same digits at different times that {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's just cuz I didn't have any more digit sheets .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I know that . But , you know , which opportunity should we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unison .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "exploit ? {vocalsound} Unison .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} Actually it might be good to have them separately and have the same exact strings . I mean , we could use them for normalizing or something , but it of course goes more quickly doing them in unison .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I guess we 'll see", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "i I guess it 's dependent on", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "See how long we go .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "how long we go and how good the snack is out there .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But anyway , they won't be identical as somebody is saying zero in some {disfmarker} sometimes , you know , saying O , and so , it 's not i not identical .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . Hmm . Get some advance intelligence .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to train .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 'd be like a chorus .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to get s get some experience .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Greek chorus .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Really {pause} boring chorus . Um . Do we {pause} have an agenda ? Adam usually tries to put those together , but he 's ill .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 've got a couple of things to talk about .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Yeah . Uh ju what {disfmarker} what might those be ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , IBM stuff and , um , just getting {vocalsound} uh , meeting information organized .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Meeting info organized . OK . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Are you implying that it 's currently disorganized ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In my mind .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is there stuff that 's happened about , um , uh , the {pause} SRI recognizer et cetera , tho those things that were happening before with {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y y you guys were doing a bunch of experiments with different front - ends and then with {disfmarker} Is {disfmarker} is that still sort of where it was , uh , the other day ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Now the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} You saw the note that the PLP now is getting basically the same as the MFCC .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually it looks like it 's getting better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} but it 's not {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Just with {disfmarker} with age , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "With age . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , that 's not d directly related to me . Doesn't mean we can't talk about it . Um , it seems {disfmarker} It looks l I haven't {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} The experiment is still not complete , but , um , it looks like the vocal tract length normalization is working beautifully , actually , w using the warp factors that we computed for the SRI system and just applying them to the {vocalsound} ICSI front - end .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's pretty funny .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So you just need to {pause} copy over to this one .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Just had to take the reciprocal of the number because they have different meanings in the two systems .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Ah ! Yeah . Well , that 's always good to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . OK . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one issue actually that just came up in discussion with Liz and {disfmarker} and Don was , um , as far as meeting recognition is concerned , um , we would really like to , uh , move , uh , to , uh , doing the recognition on automatic segmentations .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because in all our previous experiments , we had the {disfmarker} uh , you know , we were essentially cheating by having the , um , you know , the h the hand - segmentations as the basis of the recognition .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so now with Thilo 's segmenter working so well , I think we should {pause} consider doing a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . So .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , doing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We {disfmarker} But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Y think {disfmarker} you think we should increase the error rate .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That - that 's what I wanted to do anyway ,", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so we should just get together and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And even {disfmarker} The good thing is that since you , um , have high recall , {comment} even if you have low precision cuz you 're over - generating , that 's good because we could train noise models in the recognizer for these kinds of , uh , transients and things that come from the microphones ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "but {vocalsound} I know that if we run recognition unconstrained on a whole waveform , we do very poorly because we 're {disfmarker} we 're getting insertions in places what {disfmarker} that you may well be cutting out .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So we do need some kind of pre - segmentation .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "We should {disfmarker} we should consider doing some extra things , like , um , you know , retraining or adapting the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} the models for background noise to the {disfmarker} to this environment , for instance .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And , yeah , using Thilo 's , you know , posteriors or some kind of {disfmarker} or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right now they 're {disfmarker} they 're discrete ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "yes or no for a speaker , to consider those particular speaker background models .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . There 's lots of ins interesting things that could be done .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . We should do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Good . So , uh , why don't we , uh , do the IBM stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , talked with Brian and gave him the alternatives to the single beep at the end of each utterance that we had generated before .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You had some {pause} thing about that ? Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The , uh , Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Right . And so he talked it over with the transcriber and the transcriber thought that the easiest thing for them would be if there was a beep and then the nu a number , a digit , and then a beep , uh , at the beginning of each one", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and that would help keep them from getting lost . And , um , {vocalsound} so Adam wrote a little script to generate those style , uh , beeps", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Where 'd you get the digits from ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and so we 're {disfmarker} I came up here and just recorded the numbers one through ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "They sound really good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So . Does it sound OK ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "That 's a great idea .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} Yeah . We just used those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And do you splice them into the {pause} waveform ? Or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . He {disfmarker} then he d I recorded {disfmarker} Actually , I recorded one through ten three times at three different speeds and then he picked .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He liked the fastest one , so he just cut those out {vocalsound} and spliced them in between , uh , two beeps .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It sounds like a radio announcer 's voice . Really .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It will be funny uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Does it ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It will be funny when you 're really reading digits , and then there are the chunks with {disfmarker} with your {pause} digits in ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . With my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh that 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Now actually ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 'll throw them ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "we 're {disfmarker} Are we handling {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , maybe we should have you record A , B , C for those or something .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . {comment} Huh ! Maybe . And she said it wasn't gonna {disfmarker} the transcriber said it wouldn't be a problem cuz they can actually make a template , uh , that has beep , number , beep . So for them it 'll be very quick", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to put those in there {vocalsound} when they 're transcribing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , um , we {disfmarker} We 're gonna send them one more sample meeting , uh , and Thilo has run his segmentation . Adam 's gonna generate the chunked file . And then , um , I 'll give it to Brian and they can try that out . And when we get that back we 'll see if that sort of fixes the problem we had with , uh , too many beeps in the last transcription .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Do w do {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} Do you have any idea of the turn - around on {disfmarker} on those steps you just said ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh . Our s our {disfmarker} On our side ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or including IBM 's ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Including IBM 's .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , I don't know . The last one seemed like it took a couple of weeks . Um , maybe even three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's just the I B M side . Our side is quick . I mean , I {disfmarker} I don't know . How long does your {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It should @ @ be finished today or something . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Well , I meant the overall thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "e e u u {comment} The reason I 'm asking is because , uh , Jane and I have just been talking , and she 's just been doing . {vocalsound} Uh , e a , you know , further hiring of transcribers .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so we don't sort of really know exactly what they 'll be doing , how long they 'll be doing it , and so forth , because right now she has no choice but to operate in the mode that we already have working .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , so it 'd be {disfmarker} It 'd be good to sort of get that resolved , uh , soon as we could ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . I {disfmarker} Yeah , I {disfmarker} I hope @ @ {comment} we can get a better estimate from this {pause} one that we send them .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Um .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't know yet how long that 'll take .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker} I mean in particular I would {disfmarker} I would really hope that when we do this DARPA meeting in July that we sort of have {disfmarker} we 're {disfmarker} we 're into production mode , somehow {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , that we {disfmarker} we actually {vocalsound} have a stream going and we know how {disfmarker} how well it does and how {disfmarker} and how it operates .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I think that would {disfmarker} that would certainly be a {disfmarker} a very good thing to know .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Uh . Maybe before we do the meeting info organize thing , maybe you could say relevant stuff about where we are in transcriptions .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . So , um , we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh , the transcribers have continued to work past what I 'm calling \" set one \" , which was the s the set that I 've been , uh {disfmarker} OK , talking about up to this point , but , uh , they 've gotten five meetings done in that set . Right now they 're in the process of being edited . Um , the , um {disfmarker} Let 's see , I hired two transcribers today . I 'm thinking of hiring another one , which will {disfmarker} because we 've had a lot of attrition . And that will bring our total to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "They die off after they do this for a while .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , you know , it 's {disfmarker} it 's various things .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Burn - out .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , one of them had a baby . Um , you know , one of them really w wasn't planning {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , that was an unfor unforeseen side effect of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh , one of them , um , had never planned to work past January . I mean , it 's th all these various things , cuz we , you know , we presented it as possibly a month project back in January and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Um , so it makes sense . Uh , through attrition we {disfmarker} we 've {disfmarker} we 're down to {disfmarker} to two , but they 're really solid . We 're really lucky the two that we kept . And , um {disfmarker} Well , I don't mean {disfmarker} I don't mean anything against the others . {comment} What I mean is we 've got a good cause {disfmarker} a good core . No . We had a good core {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , they won't hear this since they 're going . They won't be transcribing this meeting .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah , but still . I mean , I d it 's just a matter of we {disfmarker} w we 're {disfmarker} we 've got , uh ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No backs .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "two of the ones who {disfmarker} who , um , ha had been putting in a lot of hours up to this point and they 're continuing to put in a {disfmarker} a lot of hours , which is wonderful , and excellent work . And so , then , in addition , um , I hired two more today and I 'm planning to h hire a third one with this {disfmarker} within this coming week , but {disfmarker} {vocalsound} but the plan is {disfmarker} just as , uh , Morgan was saying we discussed this , and the plan right now is to keep the staff on the {disfmarker} on the leaner side , you know , rather than hiring , like , eight to ten right now ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because if the IBM thing comes through really quickly , then , um , we wouldn't wanna have to , uh , you know , lay people off and stuff . So . And this way it 'll {disfmarker} I mean , I got really a lot of response for {disfmarker} for my notice and I think I could hire additional people if I {pause} wish to .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . An - and the other thing is , I mean , in the unlikely event {disfmarker} and since we 're so far from this , it 's a little hard to plan this way {disfmarker} in the unlikely event that we actually find {vocalsound} that we have , uh , transcribers on staff who are twiddling their thumbs because , you know , there 's , you know , {vocalsound} all the stuff that {disfmarker} that was sitting there has been transcribed and they 're {disfmarker} and they 're faster {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline is faster than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , than the generation , um , eh , i in {disfmarker} in the day {disfmarker} e event that that day actually dawns , uh , I {disfmarker} I bet we could find some other stuff for them to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I think {vocalsound} that , eh , eh , a as we were talking , if we {disfmarker} if we hire twelve , then we could , you know , run into a problem later . I mean , we also just couldn't sustain that forever . But {disfmarker} but , um {disfmarker} for all sorts of reasons {disfmarker} but if we hire f you know , f we have five on staff {disfmarker} five or six on staff at any given time , then {vocalsound} it 's a small enough number so we can be flexible either way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Good . OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'd be great , too , if , um , we can {disfmarker} we might need some help again getting the tighter boundaries or some hand {disfmarker} to experiment with , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , to have a ground truth for this segmentation work , which {disfmarker} I guess you have some already that was really helpful , and we could probably use more .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah . That was a thing I {disfmarker} I planned working on , is , uh , to use the {disfmarker} the transcriptions which are done by now , and to {disfmarker} to use them as , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh , the new ones", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "with the tighter boundaries . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . And to use them for {disfmarker} for training a {disfmarker} or for {disfmarker} fo whatever . Yeah . To {disfmarker} to create some speech - nonspeech labels out of them , and {disfmarker} Yeah , but that {disfmarker} that 's a thing w was {disfmarker} w what I 'm just looking into .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pre - segmentations are so much {disfmarker} are s so extremely helpful . Now there was , uh , I g guess {disfmarker} So , a couple weeks ago I needed some new ones and it happened to be during the time that he was on vacation {disfmarker} f for just very few days you were away . But it happened to be during that time I needed one ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker} {vocalsound} so I started them on the non - pre - segmented and then switched them over to yours and , um , they , um {disfmarker} you know , they always appreciate that when they have that available . And he 's , uh , usually , eh , uh , um {disfmarker} Um . So they really appreciate it . But I was gonna say that they do adjust it once in a while . You know , once in a while there 's something like ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah , sure .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "um , and e Actually you talked to them . Didn't you ? Did you ? Have you {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I talked to Helen .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and she was {disfmarker} And so , I asked her {disfmarker} I mean , They 're very perceptive . I really want to have this meeting of the transcribers . I haven't done it yet , but I wanna do that and she 's out of town , um , for a couple of weeks , but I wanna do that when she returns . Um , cuz she was saying , you know , in a {disfmarker} in a span of very short period {disfmarker} we asked {disfmarker} It seems like the ones that need to be adjusted are these {disfmarker} these {disfmarker} these things , and she was saying the short utterances , uh , the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "you know , I mean , you 're {disfmarker} You 're aware of this . But {disfmarker} but actually i it 's so correct for so much of the time , that it 's an enormous time saver", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and it just gets tweaked a little around the boundaries . So .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um . Yeah . I think it 'd be interesting to combine these .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Is there actually a record of where they change ? I mean , you can compare , do a diff on the {disfmarker} just so that we {vocalsound} knew {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You could do it . It 's {disfmarker} it 's complicated in that {vocalsound} um , {vocalsound} hhh , i hhh , i", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually , when {disfmarker} when they create new {disfmarker} yeah , new segments or something , it will be , uh , not that easy but {disfmarker} hmm . I think {pause} one could do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I mean , if we keep a old copy of the old time marks", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "just so that if we run it we know whether we 're {disfmarker} which ones were cheating", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . That would be great , yeah , to know that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There is a {disfmarker} there is one problem with that and that is when they start part way through then what I do is I merge what they 've done with the pre - segmented version .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "which one would be good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So it 's not a pure {disfmarker} it 's not a pure condition . Wha - what you 'd really like is that they started with pre - segmented and were pre - segmented all the way through .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And , um {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} {disfmarker} I , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} it wasn't possible for about four of the recent ones . But , it will be possible in the future", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "because we {disfmarker} we 're , um .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It would .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mmm , that 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . As long as we have a record , I guess , of the original {pause} automatic one , we can always find out how well {pause} we would do fr from the recognition side by using those boundaries .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "You know , a completely non - cheating version .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Also if you need someone to record this meeting , I mean , I 'm happy to {disfmarker} for the transcribers {disfmarker} I could do it , or Chuck or Adam .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So , uh , u you were saying something about organizing the meeting info ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , uh , Jane and Adam and I had a meeting where we talked about the reorganization of the {pause} directory structure for all of the meeting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Did you record it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . For all the Meeting Recorder data . We should have . Um . And so we 've got a plan for what we 're gonna do there . And then , Jane also s prepared a {disfmarker} um , started getting all of the {disfmarker} the meetings organized , so she prepared a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a spreadsheet , which I spent the last couple of days adding to . So I went through all of the data that we have collected so far , and have been putting it into , uh , a spreadsheet {vocalsound} with start time , the date , the old meeting name , the new meeting name , the number of speakers , the duration of the meeting , comments , you know , what its transcription status is , all that kind of stuff . And so , the idea is that we can take this and then export it as HTML and put it on the Meeting Recorder web page so we can keep people updated about what 's going on .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , I 've gotta get some more information from Jane cuz I have some {disfmarker} some gaps here that I need to get her to fill in , but {vocalsound} so far , um , {vocalsound} as of Monday , the fourteenth , um , we 've had a total number of meeting sixty - two hours of meetings that we have collected . And , um {disfmarker} Uh , some other interesting things , average number of speakers per meeting is six . Um , and I 'm gonna have on here the total amount that 's been transcribed so far , but I 've got a bunch of {disfmarker} uh , that 's what I have to talk to Jane about , figuring out exactly which ones have {disfmarker} have been completed and so forth . But , um , {vocalsound} this 'll be a nice thing that we can put up on the {disfmarker} the web site and people can {vocalsound} be informed of the status of various different ones . And {vocalsound} it 'll also list , uh , like under the status , if it 's at IBM or if it 's at ICSI , uh , or if it 's completed or which ones we 're excluding and {disfmarker} and there 's a place for comments , so we can , {vocalsound} um , say why we 're excluding things and so forth . So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now would the ones that , um , are already transcribed {disfmarker} we h we have enough there that c you know , we 've already done some studies and so forth and {disfmarker} um , shouldn't we go through and do the business - es u of {disfmarker} of having the , um , uh , participants approve it , uh , for {disfmarker} approve the transcriptions for distribution and so forth ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , interesting idea . In principle , I {disfmarker} I would say yes , although I still am doing some {disfmarker} the final - pass editing , trying to convert it over to the master file as the {disfmarker} being the channelized version and it 's {disfmarker} Yeah , it seems like I get into that a certain way and then something else intervenes {comment} and I have to stop . Cleaning up the things like the , uh , uh , places where the transcriber was uncertain , and {disfmarker} and doing spot - checking here and there . So , um , uh , I guess it would make sense to wait until th that 's done , um , but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , le let me put in another sort of a milestone kind of {disfmarker} as {disfmarker} as I did with the , uh , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Um , we are gonna have this DARPA {pause} meeting in the middle of July ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and I think it w it 'd be {disfmarker} given that we 've been {disfmarker} we 've given a couple public talks about it already , spaced by months and months , I think it 'd be pretty bad if we continued to say none of this is available . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'll certainly be done by then . Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Right . So we can s we {disfmarker} we wanna be able to say \" here is a subset that is available right now \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and that 's has been through the legal issues and so forth .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's right . So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , by {disfmarker} before July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And they don't have to approve , you know , th an edited version , they can just give their approval to whatever version", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , in principle , yes . But , I mean , i if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if somebody actually did get into some legal issue with it then we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah . But th I mean , the editing will continue . Presumably if {disfmarker} if s errors are found , they will be fixed , but they won't change the {disfmarker} the content of the meetings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Content , really .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , see , this is the {disfmarker} this is the issue . Subtleties .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , i if Jane is clarifying question question , then , you know , how can they agree to it before they know her final version ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The other thing , too , is there can be subtleties where a person uses this word instead of that word , which @ @ {comment} could 've been transcribed in the other way .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Thing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And no and they wouldn't have {vocalsound} been slanderous if it had been this other word . You know ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "I it {disfmarker} you know , there there is a point at which I agree it becomes ridiculous because , you know , you could do this final thing and then a year from now somebody could say , you know , that should be a period and not a question mark . Right ? And you don't {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} there 's no way that we 're gonna go back and ask everybody \" do you approve this , uh , you know {disfmarker} this document now ? \" So {disfmarker} So I think what it is is that the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the thing that they sign {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I haven't looked at it in a while , but it has to be open enough that it sort of says \" OK , from now on {disfmarker} you know , now that I 've read this , you can use {disfmarker} do anything you want with these data . \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} But , i I think we wanna {disfmarker} So , assuming that it 's in that kind of wording , which I don't remember , {vocalsound} um , I think i we just wanna have enough confidence ourselves that it 's so close to the final form it 's gonna be in , a year from now that they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . I agree . Mmm . I totally agree . It 's just , uh , a question of , {vocalsound} uh , if {disfmarker} if the person is using the transcript as the way of them judging what they said and whether it was slanderous , {vocalsound} then it seems like it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i it needs to be more correct than if we could count on them re - listening to the meeting .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because it becomes , eh , in a way a {disfmarker} a f uh , a legal document i if they 've agreed to that .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , I forget how we end Right . I forget how we ended up on this , but I remember my taking the position {vocalsound} of not making it so {disfmarker} so easy for everybody to observe everything and Adam was taking the position of {disfmarker} of having it be really straightforward for people to check every aspect of it including the audio . And I don't remember who won , Adam or me , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} if it 's only the transcript , though {disfmarker} I mean , th this {disfmarker} this is my point , that {disfmarker} that", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "uh , the {disfmarker} Uh , that that 's why I 'm bringing this up again , because I can't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "then it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That it was the transcrip He wanted to do a web interface that would make it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , if it 's just the audio {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that would give you access to the transcript and the audio . That 's what Adam wanted .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And I don't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , with the web interface it 's interesting , because you could allow the person who signs to be informed when their transcript changes , or something like that . And , I mean , I would say \" no \" . Like , I don't wanna know , but some people might be really {vocalsound} interested and then y In other words , they would be informed if there was some significant change other than typos and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You decided you were whispering Satanic incantations under your breath when you were {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} I don't know what happened to the small heads thing , but I j {vocalsound} Um , I 'm just saying that , like , you know , you can sort of say that any things that are deemed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They disappeared from view .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . I mean , I agree that at some point people {vocalsound} probably won't care about typos but they would care about significant meaning changes and then they could be asked for their consent , I guess , if {disfmarker} if those change . Cuz assumi {vocalsound} assuming we {disfmarker} we don't really distribute things that have any significant changes from what they sign anyway .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Tha That 's {disfmarker} How about having them approve the audio and not the transcripts ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , my God .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That would be simpler ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "if we could count on them listening .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "But no one will listen to the hours and hours of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Talk .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , that 's O K .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "We just have to give them a chance to listen to it , and if they don't , that 's their problem .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "hmm , hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} you d That 's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unfortunately , uh , in {disfmarker} in the sign thing that they signed , it says \" transcripts \" .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No , I 'm serious .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" You 'll be {disfmarker} you 'll be provided the transcripts when they 're available . \"", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I I {disfmarker} I think", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that 's a lot to ask for people that have been in a lot of meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "W anyway , haven't we {disfmarker} we 've gone down this path a number of times . I know this can lead to extended conversations and {disfmarker} and not really get anywhere , so let {disfmarker} let me just suggest that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , off - line that , uh , the people involved figure it out and take care of it before it 's July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So {disfmarker} so that in July we can tell people {vocalsound} \" yes , we have this and you can use it \" .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes . It 's done , ready , available . Good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh . So , let 's see . What else we got ? Uh . Don did {disfmarker} did a report about his project in class and , uh {disfmarker} an oral and written {disfmarker} written version .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that was stuff he was doing with you . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} I guess one thing we 're learning is that the amount {disfmarker} We have eight meetings there because we couldn't use the non - native {disfmarker} all non - native meetings and {vocalsound} it 's , well , probably below threshold on enough data for us for the things we 're looking at because the {vocalsound} prosodic features are {pause} very noisy and so you {disfmarker} you need a lot of data in order to model them . Um , so we 're starting to see some patterns and we 're hoping that maybe with , {vocalsound} I don't know , double or triple the data {disfmarker} with twenty meetings or so , that we would start to get better results . But we did find that some of the features that , I gue Jane would know about , that are expressing sort of the {vocalsound} distance of , um , {vocalsound} boundaries from peaks in the utterance and {vocalsound} some {pause} local , um , range {disfmarker} pitch range effects , like how close people are to their floor , are showing up in these classifiers , which are also being given some word features that are cheating , cuz they 're true words . Um , so these are based on forced alignment . Word features like , um , word frequency and whether or not something 's a backchannel and so forth . So , we 're starting to see , I think , some interesting patterns .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So the dominant features , including everything , were those {disfmarker} those quasi - cheating things . Right ? Where these are {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sometimes not .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "I think it depends what you 're looking at , a actually .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sometimes {pause} positions in sentences obviously , or in spurts , was helpful . I don't know if that 's cheating , too .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Spurts wouldn't be . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "spurts is not cheating except that of course you know the real words ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "but roughly speaking , the recognized words are gonna give you a similar type of position .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right . Would they give you the same number of words , though ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's either early or late .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Not exactly , but i", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But ra somewhat ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "On the average .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y yeah it should be . Well , we don't know and actually that 's one of the things we 're interested in doing , is a sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Have you tried using just time , as opposed to number of words ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I think ti uh {disfmarker} Just p time position , like when the word starts ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know if that was in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Well , no , I mean t time {disfmarker} time position relative to the beginning of the spurt .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh {disfmarker} You know , uh", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Start .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . There 's all these things to do .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , we didn't try it , but it 's s", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Like , there 's a lot of different features you could just pull out .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean that wouldn't be cheating because you can detect pause {pause} pretty well within the time .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "How about time position normalized by speak", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And it depends on speaking rate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "speaking rate . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's actually why I didn't use it at first .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But we {disfmarker} one of the interesting things was I guess you reported on some te punctuation type {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "finding sentence boundaries , finding disfluency boundaries , and then I had done some work on finding from the foreground speech whether or not someone was likely to interrupt , so where {disfmarker} you know , if I 'm talking now and someone {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and Andreas is about to interrupt me , is he gonna choose a certain place in my speech , either prosodically or word - based . And there the prosodic features actually showed up and a neat thing {disfmarker} even though the word features were available . And a neat thing there too is I tried some {disfmarker} {vocalsound} putting the speaker {disfmarker} So , I gave everybody {vocalsound} a short version of their name . So the real names are in there , which we couldn't use . Uh , we should use I Ds or something . And those don't show up . So that means that overall , um , it wasn't just modeling Morgan , or it wasn't just modeling a single person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um , but was sort of trying to , {vocalsound} uh , get a general idea {disfmarker} the model {disfmarker} the tree classifier was trying to find general locations that were applicable to different speakers , even though there are huge speaker effects . So . The {disfmarker} but the main limitation now is I {disfmarker} because we 're only looking at things that happen every {vocalsound} ten words or every twenty words , we need more {disfmarker} more data and more data per speaker . So . It 'd also be interesting to look at the EDU meetings because we did include meeting type as a feature , so whether you were in a r Meeting Recorder meeting or a Robustness meeting did matter {vocalsound} to {pause} interrupts because there are just fewer interrupts in the Robustness meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "And so the classifier learns more about Morgan than it does about sort of the average person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "which is {vocalsound} not bad . It 'd probably do better than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Um , but it wasn't generalizing .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} And I think Don , um {disfmarker} Well , we have a long list of things he 's starting to look at now over the summer , where we can {disfmarker} And he 'll be able to report on more things {pause} in the future . But it was great that we could at least go from the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , Jane 's transcripts and the , {vocalsound} uh , recognizer output and get it {pause} to this point . And I think it 's something Mari can probably use in her preliminary report {disfmarker} like , \" yeah , we 're at the point where we 're training these classifiers and we 're just {vocalsound} reporting very preliminary but suggestive results that {vocalsound} some features , both word and pro prosodic , work . \" The other thing that was interesting to me is that the pitch features are better than in Switchboard . And I think that really is from the close - talking mikes , cuz the pitch processing that was done has much cleaner behavior than {disfmarker} than the Switchboard telephone bandwidth .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "W wh wh wh Better in what sense ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um . Well , first of all , the pitch tracks are m have less , um , halvings and doublings than {disfmarker} than Switchboard and there 's a lot less dropout , so if you ask how many regions where you would normally expect some vowels to be occurring {vocalsound} are completely devoid of pitch information ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . ", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "in other words the pitch tracker just didn't get a high enough probability of voicing for words {disfmarker} for {disfmarker} for , you know , five word", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "there are much fewer than in Switchboard . So the missing {disfmarker} {vocalsound} We had a big missing data problem in Switchboard and , so the features weren't as reliable cuz they were often just not available .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Could it have to do with the {disfmarker} the lower frequency cut - off on the Switchboard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So that 's actually good . Ma - maybe . I mean , the tele we had telephone bandwidth for Switchboard and we had the an annoying sort of telephone handset movement problem that I think may also affect it .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So we 're just getting better signals in {disfmarker} in this data . Which is nice . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway , Don 's been doing a great job and we hope to continue with , um , Andreas 's help and also some of Thilo 's help on this ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to try to get a non - cheating version of how all this would work .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sure . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Has {disfmarker} has , uh {disfmarker} ? We just {disfmarker} I think , just talked about this the other day , but h has {disfmarker} has anybody had a chance to try changing , uh , insertion penalty sort of things with the {disfmarker} with the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , using the tandem system input for the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah . I tried that . It didn't , um , help dramatically . The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Were they out of balance ? I didn't {disfmarker} I didn't notice .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There were a little {disfmarker} the relative number of {disfmarker} I think there were a higher number of deletions , actually .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , you , uh {disfmarker} So , actually it {disfmarker} it preferred to have a positive {disfmarker} er , negative insertion penalty ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Deletions ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "which means {vocalsound} that , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , you know , it didn't change {vocalsound} th the {disfmarker} by adjusting that {disfmarker} the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The error changed by probably one percent or so . But , you know , given that that word error rate is so high , that 's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . So that {disfmarker} So that 's {disfmarker} So that 's not the problem .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's not the problem . No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , we s just , um , uh {disfmarker} you know , Chuck and I talked and the {pause} @ @ {comment} next thing to do is probably to tune the {disfmarker} um , the size of the Gaussian system , um , @ @ {comment} to {disfmarker} to this {disfmarker} to this feature vector , which we haven't done at all . We just used the same {vocalsound} configuration as we used for the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} for the standard system .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , {vocalsound} for instance , uh , Dan {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} Dan just sent me a message saying that CMU used , um , {vocalsound} something like ten Gaussians per cluster {disfmarker} You know , each {disfmarker} each mixture has ten {pause} Gaussians", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm . We 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and we 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so that 's {vocalsound} obviously a big difference", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and it might be way off and give very poorly trained , uh , you know , Gaussians that way ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "uh , an and poorly trained mixture weights . So {disfmarker} so , we have {disfmarker} The turn - around time on the training when we train only the {disfmarker} a male system with , uh , you know , our small training set , is {vocalsound} less than twenty - four hours , so we can run lots of {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , basically just brute force , try a whole bunch of different um , settings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , uh , with the new machines it 'll be even better . So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We get twelve of those ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But the PLP features work {disfmarker} um , uh , you know , continue to improve the ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} As I said before , the {disfmarker} uh using Dan 's , uh , uh , vocal tract normalization option works very well . So , um , @ @ {comment} I ran one experiment where we 're just {vocalsound} did the vocal tract le normalization only in the test data ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I didn't bother to retrain {pause} the models at all , and it improved by one percent , which is about what we get with {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with , you know , just @ @ {comment} actually doing both training and test normalization , um , with , um , {vocalsound} the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with the standard system . So , in a few hours we 'll have the numbers for the {disfmarker} for retraining everything with vocal tract length normalization and {disfmarker} So , that might even improve it further .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , it looks like the P L - fea P features {comment} do very well now with {disfmarker} after having figured out all these little tricks to {disfmarker} to get it to work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Wait . So you mean you improve one percent over a system that doesn't have any V T L in it already ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Exactly . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK . So then {disfmarker} then we 'll have our baseline to {disfmarker} to compare the currently hideous , uh , uh , new thing with .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . a Right . And {disfmarker} and what that suggests also is of course that the current Switchboard {pause} MLP isn't trained on very good features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , because it was trained on whatever , you know , was used , uh , last time you did Hub - five stuff , which didn't have any of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . But all of these effects were j like a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , y the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , but if you add them all up you have , uh , almost five percent difference now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Add {pause} all of them . I thought one was one point five percent and one was point eight .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And now we have another percent with the V T", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's three point three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , actually , and it 's , um , What 's actually qu interesting is that with {disfmarker} um , well , you m prob maybe another half percent if you do the VTL in training , and then interestingly , if you optimize you get more of a win out of rescoring the , um , {vocalsound} uh , the N best lists , uh , and optimizing the weights , um , uh than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than you do with the standard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the part that 's actually adjustment of the front - end per se as opposed to doing {disfmarker} putting VTLN in or something is {disfmarker} it was a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? It was {disfmarker} it was {disfmarker} there was {disfmarker} {vocalsound} there was one thing that was one and a half percent and one that was point eight . So {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} let me see if I remember what they were . One of them {vocalsound} was , uh , the change to , uh {disfmarker} because it did it all at once , {comment} to {disfmarker} uh , from bark scale to mel scale ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which I really feel like saying in quotes , because @ @ {comment} they 're essentially the same scale but the {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but any i individual particular implementation of those things puts things in a particular place .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Why did that cha ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I wanted to look {disfmarker} I still haven't looked at it yet . I {disfmarker} I wanna look at exactly where the filters were in the two ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's probably something like there 's one fewer or one more filter in the sub {vocalsound} one kilohertz band", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and for whatever reason with this particular experiment it was better one way or the other .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , it could be there 's something more fundamental but it {disfmarker} you know , I {disfmarker} I don't know it yet . And the other {disfmarker} and the other {disfmarker} that was like one and a half or something , and then there was point eight percent , which was {disfmarker} what was the other thing ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that was combined with the triangular . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Those {disfmarker} those two were together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "We d weren't able to separate them out cuz it was just done in one thing . But then there was a point eight percent which was something else .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The low - frequency cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Do you remember the {disfmarker} ? Oh , yeah . So that was {disfmarker} that was , uh {disfmarker} that one I can claim credit for , uh , i in terms of screwing it up in the first place . So that someone e until someone else fixed it , which is that , um , I never put {disfmarker} when I u We had some problems before with offsets . This inf this went back to , uh , I think Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So we {disfmarker} we had , uh {disfmarker} ea everybody else who was doing Wall Street Journal knew that there were big DC offsets in th in these data {disfmarker} in those data and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and nobody happened to mention it to us ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and we were getting these , like , really terrible results , like two , three times the error everybody else was getting . And then in casual conversation someone ment mentioned \" uh , well , I guess , you know , of course you 're taking care of the offsets . \" I said \" what offsets ? \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And at that point , you know , we were pretty new to the data and we 'd never really , like , looked at it on a screen and then when we just put it on the screen {comment} and wroop !", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "there 's this big DC offset . So , um , in PLP", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "There was a {disfmarker} like a hum or some or {disfmarker} when they recorded it ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No . It 's just , it {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not at all uncommon for {disfmarker} for recorded electronics to have different , um , DC offsets .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Or just {disfmarker} ? Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , no big deal . It 's {disfmarker} you know , you could have ten , twenty , maybe thirty millivolts , whatever , and it 's consistently in there . The thing is , most people 's front - ends have pre - emphasis with it , with zero at zero frequency , so that it 's irrelevant . Uh , but with P L P , we didn't actually have that . We had {disfmarker} we had the equivalent of pre - emphasis in a {disfmarker} a , uh , Fletcher - Munson style weighting that occurs in the middle of P L but it doesn't actually have a zero at zero frequency ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "like , eh , uh , typical simple fr pre - emphasis does . We had something more fancy . It was later on it didn't have that . So at that point I reali \" oh sh we better have a {disfmarker} have a high - pass filter \" just , you know {disfmarker} {vocalsound} just take care of the problem . So I put in a high - pass filter at , uh , I think ninety {disfmarker} ninety hertz or so {vocalsound} uh , for a sixteen kilohertz sampling rate . And I never put anything in to adjust it for different {disfmarker} different sampling rates . And so {disfmarker} well , so , you know , the code doesn't know anything about that and so this is all at eight kilohertz and so it was at forty - five hertz instead of at {disfmarker} {vocalsound} instead of at ninety .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , um , I don't know if Dan fixed it or {disfmarker} or , uh , what he {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , he made it a parameter .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He made it a parameter . So . Yeah , I guess if he did it right , he did fix it and then {disfmarker} and then it 's taking care of sampling rate , which is great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what is the parameter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "He had a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is it , uh , just the f lower cut - off that you want ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's called , uh , {vocalsound} H - HPF .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "H {disfmarker} Yeah . Does HPF on {disfmarker} on his feat feature .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "u And {disfmarker} but HPF , you know , when you put a number after it , uses that as the hertz value of the cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , frankly , we never did that with the RASTA filter either ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so the RASTA filter is actually doing a different thing in the modulation spectral domain depending on what sampling rate you 're doing , which is {vocalsound} another old {disfmarker} old bug of mine .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} Um . So that {disfmarker} that was the problem there was th we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we had always intended to cut off below a hundred hertz", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it just wasn't doing it , so now it is . So , {vocalsound} that hep that helped us by , like , eight tenths of a percent . It {pause} still wasn't a big deal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . Well , but , um {disfmarker} Well , uh , again , after completing the {pause} current experiments , we 'll {disfmarker} {vocalsound} we can add up all the uh differences", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} an", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , I guess my {disfmarker} my point was that {disfmarker} that , um , the hybrid system thing that we did was , uh , primitive in many ways .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I think I agree with you that if we fixed lots of different things and they would all add up , we would probably have a {disfmarker} a {disfmarker} a competitive system . But I think not that much of it is due to the front - end per se . I think maybe a couple percent of it is , as far as I can see from this .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , unless you call {disfmarker} well , if you call VTL the front - en front - end , that 's , uh , a little more . But that 's sort of more both , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "One experiment we should {disfmarker} we 'll probably need to do though when {disfmarker} um , at some point , is , since we 're using that same {disfmarker} the net that was trained on PLP without all these things in it , for the tandem system , we may wanna go back and retrain ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? But .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what I meant , in fact . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , for the tandem . You know , so we can see if it {disfmarker} what effect it has on the tandem processing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} so , the thing is {disfmarker} is do we expect {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh At this point I 'm as I mean , you know {disfmarker} e I 'm wondering is it {disfmarker} Can we expect , uh , a tandem system to do better than a properly trained {disfmarker} you know , a Gaussian system trained directly on the features with , you know , the right ch choice of {pause} parameters ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what we 're seeing in other areas . Yes . Right ? So , it 's {disfmarker} so , um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , we {disfmarker} But {disfmarker} but we may not . I mean , if it doesn't perform as well , we may not know why . Right ? Cuz we need to do the exact experiment .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the reason to think it should is because you 're putting in the same information and you 're transforming it to be more discriminative . So . Um . Now the thing is , in some databases I wouldn't expect it to necessarily give you much and {disfmarker} and part of what I view as the real power of it is that it {pause} gives you a transformational capability {vocalsound} for taking all sorts of different wild things that we do , not just th the standard front - end , but other things , like with multiple streams and so forth ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and allows you to feed them to the other system with this {disfmarker} through this funnel . Um , so I think {disfmarker} I think that 's the real power of it . I wouldn't expect huge in huge improvements . Um , but it should at least be roughly the same and maybe a little better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it 's , you know , like way way worse then , you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , Morgan , an another thing that Andreas and I were talking about was , so @ @ {comment} in the first experiment that he did {vocalsound} we just took the whole fifty - six , uh , outputs and that 's , um , basically compared to a thirty - nine input feature vector from either MFCC or PLP .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one thing we could do is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Let {disfmarker} let me {disfmarker} let me just ask you something . When you say take the fifty - six outputs , these are the pre final nonlinearity {pause} outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Through the regular tandem outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and they 're {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} through the KLT .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Through the KLT . All that kinda stuff .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . And so {disfmarker} so then you u Do you use all fifty - six of the KLT", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's what we did .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ? So one thing we were wondering is , if we did principal components and , say , took out just thirteen , and then did deltas and double - deltas on that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so we treated the th first thirteen as though they were {vocalsound} standard features .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yes . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , did Dan do experiments like that to {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh . Talk with Stephane . He did some things like that . It was either him or Carmen . I forget .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean these were all different databases and different {disfmarker} you know , in HTK and all that ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so i it {disfmarker} it may not apply . But my recollection of it was that it didn't make it better but it didn't make it worse .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , again , given all these differences , maybe it 's more important in your case that you not take a lot of these low - variance , uh , components .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Cuz in a sense , the net 's already got quite a bit of context in those features ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so if we did deltas and double - deltas on top of those , we 're getting sort of even more .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Which could be good or not .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Worth trying .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But there the main point is that , um , you know , it took us a while but we have the procedure for coupling the two systems {vocalsound} debugged now and {disfmarker} I mean , there 's still conceivably some bug somewhere in the way we 're feeding the tandem features {disfmarker} uh , either generating them or feeding them to this {disfmarker} to the {vocalsound} SRI system ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There might be , cuz that 's a pretty big difference .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And I 'm wondering how we can {disfmarker} how we can debug that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean how {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm actually f quite sure that the {disfmarker} feeding the {pause} features into the system and training it up ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "that {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I think that 's {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} that 's essentially the same as we use with the ce with the P L P fe features . And that 's obviously working great . So . I um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . There could be a bug in {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} somewhere before that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There {disfmarker} we could {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} another degree of freedom is how do you generate the K L T transform ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? We to", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "well , and another one is the normalization of the inputs to the net .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "These nets are trained with particular normalization and when that gets screwed up it {disfmarker} it can really hurt it .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm doing what Eric {disfmarker} E Eric coached me through then {disfmarker} that part of it , so I 'm pretty confident in that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , the only slight difference is that I use normalization values that , um , Andreas calculated from the original {comment} PLP ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which is right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "N Yeah . So , I u I do {disfmarker} Oh , we actually don't do that normalization for the PLP , do we ? For the st just the straight PLP features ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . The {disfmarker} the SRI system does it .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S R I system does that . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , you might e e", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , there 's {disfmarker} there is {disfmarker} there is room for bugs that we might not have discovered ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} that 's another {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} I {disfmarker} I would actually double check with Stephane at this point ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz he 's probably the one here {disfmarker} I mean , he and Dan are the ones who are at this point most experienced with the tandem", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "thing and there may {disfmarker} there may be some little bit here and there that is not {disfmarker} not being handled right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's hard with features , cuz you don't know what they should look like . I mean , you can't just , like , print the {disfmarker} the values out in ASCII and , you know , look at them , see if they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Not unless you had a lot of time", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh , and also they 're not {disfmarker} I mean , as I understand it , you {disfmarker} you don't have a way to optimize the features for the final word error . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , these are just discriminative , but they 're not , um , optimized for the final {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They 're optimized for phone discrimination , not for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So it {disfmarker} there 's always this question of whether you might do better with those features if there was a way to train it for the word error metric that you 're actually {disfmarker} that you 're actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's right . Well , the other {disfmarker} Yeah , th the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , you actually are . But {disfmarker} but it {disfmarker} but in an indirect way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , right . It 's indirect , so you don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So wha w what {disfmarker} an and you may not be in this case , come to think of it , because , uh , you 're just taking something that 's trained up elsewhere . So , what {disfmarker} what you {disfmarker} what you do in the full procedure {vocalsound} is you , um , uh , have an embedded training . So in fact you {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the net is trained on , uh , uh , a , uh , Viterbi alignment of the training data that comes from your full system . And so that 's where the feedback comes all around , so that it is actually discriminant . You can prove that it 's {disfmarker} it 's a , uh {disfmarker} If you believe in the Viterbi assumption that , uh , getting the best path , uh , is almost equivalent to getting the best , uh , total probability , um , then you actually do improve that by , uh {disfmarker} by training up on local {disfmarker} local , uh {disfmarker} local frames . But , um , we aren't actually doing that here , because we did {disfmarker} we did that for a hybrid system , and now we 're plugging it into another system and so it isn't {disfmarker} {vocalsound} i i i it wouldn't quite apply here .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do y", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So another huge experiment we could do would be to take the tandem features , uh , do SRI forced alignments using those features , and then re - do the net with those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mmm , uh {disfmarker} Exactly . Exactly .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So that you can optimize it for the word error .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Another thing is since you 're not using the net for recognition per se but just for this transformation , it 's probably bigger than it needs to be .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that would save a lot of time .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And there 's a mismatch in the phone sets . So , you 're using a l a long a larger phone set than what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually all those things could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could , uh {disfmarker} could affect it as well .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The other thing , uh , just to mention that Stephane {disfmarker} this was an innovation of Stephane 's , which was a pretty neat one , uh , and might particularly apply {vocalsound} here , given all these things we 're mentioning . Um , Stephane 's idea was that , um , discriminant , uh , approaches are great . Even the local ones , given , you know , these potential outer loops which , you know , you can convince yourself turn into the global ones . Um , however , there 's times when it {pause} is not good . Uh , when {pause} something about the test set is different enough from the training set that {disfmarker} that , uh , the discrimination that you 're learning is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is not a good one .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , uh , his idea was to take as the input feature vector to the , uh , Gaussian mixture system , {vocalsound} uh , a concatenation of the neural net outputs and the regular features .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , we already talked about that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "El", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Didn't you {disfmarker} did you {pause} do that already", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , but we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} when {disfmarker} when we {disfmarker} when I first started corresponding with Dan about how to go about this , I think that was one of the things that we definitely went there .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ? Oh . That makes a lot of sense . Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I 'm sure that Stephane wasn't the first to think of it ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but actually Stephane did it", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . And i does it help ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} and it helped a lot .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} that 's our current best {disfmarker} best system in the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , in the Aurora thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh . OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And do you do a KLT transform on the con on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "As {disfmarker} you should never do worse .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I , uh , missed what you said .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do you {disfmarker} d you do a KLT transform on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , actually , I , uh {disfmarker} you should check with him , because he tried several different combinations .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because you end up with this huge feature vector , so that might be a problem , a unless you do some form of dimensionality reduction .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . I , uh , th what I don't remember is which came out best . So he did one where he put o put e the whole thing into one KLT , and another one , since the {disfmarker} the PLP things are already orthogonalized , he left them alone and {disfmarker} and just did a KLT on the {disfmarker} on the {disfmarker} on the net outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and then concatenated that . And I don't remember which was better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did he {disfmarker} did he try to {disfmarker} ? So he always ended up with a feature vector that was {pause} twice as long as either one of the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I don't know , i I {disfmarker} I don't know . You have to check with him .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Actually , I have to run .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I 'm into big ideas these days .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We need to close up cuz I need to save the data and , um , get a call .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Not to mention the fact that we 're missing snacks . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did people wanna do the digits", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or , um , do them together ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I g I think , given that we 're in a hurry for snacks , maybe we should do them together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know . Should we just {disfmarker} ? OK . I mean , are we trying to do them {nonvocalsound} in synchrony ? That might be fun .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not {disfmarker} You know , it 's not gonna work out", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Adam 's not here , so he 's not here to tell me no .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "but we could {disfmarker} we could just , uh , uh , see if we find a rhythm , you know , what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh , O 's or zeroes , we wanna agree on that ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Maybe just whatever people would naturally do ? I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , but if we were a singing group , we would wanna decide . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Be harmony . Yeah . {comment} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mine 's identical to yours .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "We might wa", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Sorry . So I set up and we didn't have {pause} enough digit forms", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So these are excellent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I xeroxed the same one seven times .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Why don't we do zer i Anyone have a problem with saying zero ? Is zero OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . One and a two and three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "e", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Once more with feeling .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And th", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No , just k just kidding . Oh , yeah . It was .", "speaker": "Professor F" } ]
The final english SmartKom demo will be presented to the whole institute once the system is de-bugged and stabilised.
What was the status of transcription?
[ { "content": "What channel am I on ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh , channel two .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Make sure to turn your microphone on .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "There 's a battery .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "OK . Your channel number 's already on this blank sheet .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "So you just {disfmarker} If you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel five ? Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel whatever .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I 'm on channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Camera one , camera two .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "What am I ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Little low ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel four ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "This number four ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five . OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The gai the gain 's up at it {disfmarker} what it usually is ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Is it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but if you think it 's {disfmarker} Yeah . It 's sort of a default . But I can set it higher if you like .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe it should be a little higher .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's not showing much . Test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test . OK , that {disfmarker} that seems better ? Yeah ? OK , good . Ah , that 's good , that 's good . That 's Ahh . Mmm . So I {disfmarker} I had a question for Adam . Have we started already ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we started recording , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Is Jane around or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I saw her earlier .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "She can just walk in , I guess , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . She 'll probably come up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Since we 're starting late I figured we 'd better just start .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Great idea . I was gonna ask Adam to , uh , say if he thought anymore about the demo stuff because {vocalsound} it occurred to me that this is late May and the DARPA meeting is in {pause} mid July . Uh , but {vocalsound} I don't remember w what we {disfmarker} I know that we were gonna do something with the transcriber interface is one thing , but I thought there was a second thing . Anybody remember ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we were gonna do a mock - up , like , question answering or something , I thought , that was totally separate from the interface . Do you remember ? Remember , like , asking questions and retrieving , {vocalsound} but in a pre - stored fashion .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That was the thing we talked about , I think , before the transcriber {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Come on in .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Alright . So anyway , you have to sort out that out and get somebody going on it cuz we 're {disfmarker} got a {disfmarker} got a month left basically . So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "You like these . Right ? OK , good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK . Um OK . So , what are we g else we got ? You got {disfmarker} you just wrote a bunch of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . That was all , um , previously here .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I was writing {pause} the digits and then I realized I could xerox them ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because I didn't want people to turn their heads from these microphones . So . We all , by the way , have the same digit form , for the record . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's cool .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So , the choice is , uh , which {disfmarker} which do we want more , the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the comparison , uh , {vocalsound} of everybody saying them at the same time or the comparison of people saying the same digits at different times that {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's just cuz I didn't have any more digit sheets .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I know that . But , you know , which opportunity should we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unison .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "exploit ? {vocalsound} Unison .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} Actually it might be good to have them separately and have the same exact strings . I mean , we could use them for normalizing or something , but it of course goes more quickly doing them in unison .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I guess we 'll see", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "i I guess it 's dependent on", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "See how long we go .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "how long we go and how good the snack is out there .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But anyway , they won't be identical as somebody is saying zero in some {disfmarker} sometimes , you know , saying O , and so , it 's not i not identical .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . Hmm . Get some advance intelligence .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to train .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 'd be like a chorus .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to get s get some experience .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Greek chorus .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Really {pause} boring chorus . Um . Do we {pause} have an agenda ? Adam usually tries to put those together , but he 's ill .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 've got a couple of things to talk about .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Yeah . Uh ju what {disfmarker} what might those be ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , IBM stuff and , um , just getting {vocalsound} uh , meeting information organized .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Meeting info organized . OK . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Are you implying that it 's currently disorganized ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In my mind .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is there stuff that 's happened about , um , uh , the {pause} SRI recognizer et cetera , tho those things that were happening before with {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y y you guys were doing a bunch of experiments with different front - ends and then with {disfmarker} Is {disfmarker} is that still sort of where it was , uh , the other day ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Now the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} You saw the note that the PLP now is getting basically the same as the MFCC .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually it looks like it 's getting better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} but it 's not {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Just with {disfmarker} with age , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "With age . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , that 's not d directly related to me . Doesn't mean we can't talk about it . Um , it seems {disfmarker} It looks l I haven't {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} The experiment is still not complete , but , um , it looks like the vocal tract length normalization is working beautifully , actually , w using the warp factors that we computed for the SRI system and just applying them to the {vocalsound} ICSI front - end .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's pretty funny .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So you just need to {pause} copy over to this one .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Just had to take the reciprocal of the number because they have different meanings in the two systems .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Ah ! Yeah . Well , that 's always good to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . OK . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one issue actually that just came up in discussion with Liz and {disfmarker} and Don was , um , as far as meeting recognition is concerned , um , we would really like to , uh , move , uh , to , uh , doing the recognition on automatic segmentations .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because in all our previous experiments , we had the {disfmarker} uh , you know , we were essentially cheating by having the , um , you know , the h the hand - segmentations as the basis of the recognition .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so now with Thilo 's segmenter working so well , I think we should {pause} consider doing a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . So .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , doing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We {disfmarker} But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Y think {disfmarker} you think we should increase the error rate .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That - that 's what I wanted to do anyway ,", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so we should just get together and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And even {disfmarker} The good thing is that since you , um , have high recall , {comment} even if you have low precision cuz you 're over - generating , that 's good because we could train noise models in the recognizer for these kinds of , uh , transients and things that come from the microphones ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "but {vocalsound} I know that if we run recognition unconstrained on a whole waveform , we do very poorly because we 're {disfmarker} we 're getting insertions in places what {disfmarker} that you may well be cutting out .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So we do need some kind of pre - segmentation .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "We should {disfmarker} we should consider doing some extra things , like , um , you know , retraining or adapting the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} the models for background noise to the {disfmarker} to this environment , for instance .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And , yeah , using Thilo 's , you know , posteriors or some kind of {disfmarker} or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right now they 're {disfmarker} they 're discrete ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "yes or no for a speaker , to consider those particular speaker background models .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . There 's lots of ins interesting things that could be done .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . We should do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Good . So , uh , why don't we , uh , do the IBM stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , talked with Brian and gave him the alternatives to the single beep at the end of each utterance that we had generated before .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You had some {pause} thing about that ? Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The , uh , Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Right . And so he talked it over with the transcriber and the transcriber thought that the easiest thing for them would be if there was a beep and then the nu a number , a digit , and then a beep , uh , at the beginning of each one", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and that would help keep them from getting lost . And , um , {vocalsound} so Adam wrote a little script to generate those style , uh , beeps", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Where 'd you get the digits from ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and so we 're {disfmarker} I came up here and just recorded the numbers one through ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "They sound really good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So . Does it sound OK ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "That 's a great idea .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} Yeah . We just used those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And do you splice them into the {pause} waveform ? Or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . He {disfmarker} then he d I recorded {disfmarker} Actually , I recorded one through ten three times at three different speeds and then he picked .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He liked the fastest one , so he just cut those out {vocalsound} and spliced them in between , uh , two beeps .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It sounds like a radio announcer 's voice . Really .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It will be funny uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Does it ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It will be funny when you 're really reading digits , and then there are the chunks with {disfmarker} with your {pause} digits in ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . With my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh that 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Now actually ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 'll throw them ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "we 're {disfmarker} Are we handling {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , maybe we should have you record A , B , C for those or something .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . {comment} Huh ! Maybe . And she said it wasn't gonna {disfmarker} the transcriber said it wouldn't be a problem cuz they can actually make a template , uh , that has beep , number , beep . So for them it 'll be very quick", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to put those in there {vocalsound} when they 're transcribing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , um , we {disfmarker} We 're gonna send them one more sample meeting , uh , and Thilo has run his segmentation . Adam 's gonna generate the chunked file . And then , um , I 'll give it to Brian and they can try that out . And when we get that back we 'll see if that sort of fixes the problem we had with , uh , too many beeps in the last transcription .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Do w do {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} Do you have any idea of the turn - around on {disfmarker} on those steps you just said ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh . Our s our {disfmarker} On our side ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or including IBM 's ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Including IBM 's .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , I don't know . The last one seemed like it took a couple of weeks . Um , maybe even three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's just the I B M side . Our side is quick . I mean , I {disfmarker} I don't know . How long does your {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It should @ @ be finished today or something . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Well , I meant the overall thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "e e u u {comment} The reason I 'm asking is because , uh , Jane and I have just been talking , and she 's just been doing . {vocalsound} Uh , e a , you know , further hiring of transcribers .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so we don't sort of really know exactly what they 'll be doing , how long they 'll be doing it , and so forth , because right now she has no choice but to operate in the mode that we already have working .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , so it 'd be {disfmarker} It 'd be good to sort of get that resolved , uh , soon as we could ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . I {disfmarker} Yeah , I {disfmarker} I hope @ @ {comment} we can get a better estimate from this {pause} one that we send them .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Um .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't know yet how long that 'll take .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker} I mean in particular I would {disfmarker} I would really hope that when we do this DARPA meeting in July that we sort of have {disfmarker} we 're {disfmarker} we 're into production mode , somehow {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , that we {disfmarker} we actually {vocalsound} have a stream going and we know how {disfmarker} how well it does and how {disfmarker} and how it operates .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I think that would {disfmarker} that would certainly be a {disfmarker} a very good thing to know .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Uh . Maybe before we do the meeting info organize thing , maybe you could say relevant stuff about where we are in transcriptions .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . So , um , we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh , the transcribers have continued to work past what I 'm calling \" set one \" , which was the s the set that I 've been , uh {disfmarker} OK , talking about up to this point , but , uh , they 've gotten five meetings done in that set . Right now they 're in the process of being edited . Um , the , um {disfmarker} Let 's see , I hired two transcribers today . I 'm thinking of hiring another one , which will {disfmarker} because we 've had a lot of attrition . And that will bring our total to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "They die off after they do this for a while .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , you know , it 's {disfmarker} it 's various things .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Burn - out .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , one of them had a baby . Um , you know , one of them really w wasn't planning {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , that was an unfor unforeseen side effect of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh , one of them , um , had never planned to work past January . I mean , it 's th all these various things , cuz we , you know , we presented it as possibly a month project back in January and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Um , so it makes sense . Uh , through attrition we {disfmarker} we 've {disfmarker} we 're down to {disfmarker} to two , but they 're really solid . We 're really lucky the two that we kept . And , um {disfmarker} Well , I don't mean {disfmarker} I don't mean anything against the others . {comment} What I mean is we 've got a good cause {disfmarker} a good core . No . We had a good core {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , they won't hear this since they 're going . They won't be transcribing this meeting .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah , but still . I mean , I d it 's just a matter of we {disfmarker} w we 're {disfmarker} we 've got , uh ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No backs .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "two of the ones who {disfmarker} who , um , ha had been putting in a lot of hours up to this point and they 're continuing to put in a {disfmarker} a lot of hours , which is wonderful , and excellent work . And so , then , in addition , um , I hired two more today and I 'm planning to h hire a third one with this {disfmarker} within this coming week , but {disfmarker} {vocalsound} but the plan is {disfmarker} just as , uh , Morgan was saying we discussed this , and the plan right now is to keep the staff on the {disfmarker} on the leaner side , you know , rather than hiring , like , eight to ten right now ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because if the IBM thing comes through really quickly , then , um , we wouldn't wanna have to , uh , you know , lay people off and stuff . So . And this way it 'll {disfmarker} I mean , I got really a lot of response for {disfmarker} for my notice and I think I could hire additional people if I {pause} wish to .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . An - and the other thing is , I mean , in the unlikely event {disfmarker} and since we 're so far from this , it 's a little hard to plan this way {disfmarker} in the unlikely event that we actually find {vocalsound} that we have , uh , transcribers on staff who are twiddling their thumbs because , you know , there 's , you know , {vocalsound} all the stuff that {disfmarker} that was sitting there has been transcribed and they 're {disfmarker} and they 're faster {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline is faster than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , than the generation , um , eh , i in {disfmarker} in the day {disfmarker} e event that that day actually dawns , uh , I {disfmarker} I bet we could find some other stuff for them to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I think {vocalsound} that , eh , eh , a as we were talking , if we {disfmarker} if we hire twelve , then we could , you know , run into a problem later . I mean , we also just couldn't sustain that forever . But {disfmarker} but , um {disfmarker} for all sorts of reasons {disfmarker} but if we hire f you know , f we have five on staff {disfmarker} five or six on staff at any given time , then {vocalsound} it 's a small enough number so we can be flexible either way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Good . OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'd be great , too , if , um , we can {disfmarker} we might need some help again getting the tighter boundaries or some hand {disfmarker} to experiment with , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , to have a ground truth for this segmentation work , which {disfmarker} I guess you have some already that was really helpful , and we could probably use more .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah . That was a thing I {disfmarker} I planned working on , is , uh , to use the {disfmarker} the transcriptions which are done by now , and to {disfmarker} to use them as , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh , the new ones", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "with the tighter boundaries . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . And to use them for {disfmarker} for training a {disfmarker} or for {disfmarker} fo whatever . Yeah . To {disfmarker} to create some speech - nonspeech labels out of them , and {disfmarker} Yeah , but that {disfmarker} that 's a thing w was {disfmarker} w what I 'm just looking into .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pre - segmentations are so much {disfmarker} are s so extremely helpful . Now there was , uh , I g guess {disfmarker} So , a couple weeks ago I needed some new ones and it happened to be during the time that he was on vacation {disfmarker} f for just very few days you were away . But it happened to be during that time I needed one ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker} {vocalsound} so I started them on the non - pre - segmented and then switched them over to yours and , um , they , um {disfmarker} you know , they always appreciate that when they have that available . And he 's , uh , usually , eh , uh , um {disfmarker} Um . So they really appreciate it . But I was gonna say that they do adjust it once in a while . You know , once in a while there 's something like ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah , sure .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "um , and e Actually you talked to them . Didn't you ? Did you ? Have you {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I talked to Helen .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and she was {disfmarker} And so , I asked her {disfmarker} I mean , They 're very perceptive . I really want to have this meeting of the transcribers . I haven't done it yet , but I wanna do that and she 's out of town , um , for a couple of weeks , but I wanna do that when she returns . Um , cuz she was saying , you know , in a {disfmarker} in a span of very short period {disfmarker} we asked {disfmarker} It seems like the ones that need to be adjusted are these {disfmarker} these {disfmarker} these things , and she was saying the short utterances , uh , the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "you know , I mean , you 're {disfmarker} You 're aware of this . But {disfmarker} but actually i it 's so correct for so much of the time , that it 's an enormous time saver", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and it just gets tweaked a little around the boundaries . So .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um . Yeah . I think it 'd be interesting to combine these .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Is there actually a record of where they change ? I mean , you can compare , do a diff on the {disfmarker} just so that we {vocalsound} knew {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You could do it . It 's {disfmarker} it 's complicated in that {vocalsound} um , {vocalsound} hhh , i hhh , i", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually , when {disfmarker} when they create new {disfmarker} yeah , new segments or something , it will be , uh , not that easy but {disfmarker} hmm . I think {pause} one could do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I mean , if we keep a old copy of the old time marks", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "just so that if we run it we know whether we 're {disfmarker} which ones were cheating", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . That would be great , yeah , to know that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There is a {disfmarker} there is one problem with that and that is when they start part way through then what I do is I merge what they 've done with the pre - segmented version .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "which one would be good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So it 's not a pure {disfmarker} it 's not a pure condition . Wha - what you 'd really like is that they started with pre - segmented and were pre - segmented all the way through .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And , um {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} {disfmarker} I , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} it wasn't possible for about four of the recent ones . But , it will be possible in the future", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "because we {disfmarker} we 're , um .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It would .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mmm , that 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . As long as we have a record , I guess , of the original {pause} automatic one , we can always find out how well {pause} we would do fr from the recognition side by using those boundaries .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "You know , a completely non - cheating version .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Also if you need someone to record this meeting , I mean , I 'm happy to {disfmarker} for the transcribers {disfmarker} I could do it , or Chuck or Adam .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So , uh , u you were saying something about organizing the meeting info ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , uh , Jane and Adam and I had a meeting where we talked about the reorganization of the {pause} directory structure for all of the meeting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Did you record it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . For all the Meeting Recorder data . We should have . Um . And so we 've got a plan for what we 're gonna do there . And then , Jane also s prepared a {disfmarker} um , started getting all of the {disfmarker} the meetings organized , so she prepared a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a spreadsheet , which I spent the last couple of days adding to . So I went through all of the data that we have collected so far , and have been putting it into , uh , a spreadsheet {vocalsound} with start time , the date , the old meeting name , the new meeting name , the number of speakers , the duration of the meeting , comments , you know , what its transcription status is , all that kind of stuff . And so , the idea is that we can take this and then export it as HTML and put it on the Meeting Recorder web page so we can keep people updated about what 's going on .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , I 've gotta get some more information from Jane cuz I have some {disfmarker} some gaps here that I need to get her to fill in , but {vocalsound} so far , um , {vocalsound} as of Monday , the fourteenth , um , we 've had a total number of meeting sixty - two hours of meetings that we have collected . And , um {disfmarker} Uh , some other interesting things , average number of speakers per meeting is six . Um , and I 'm gonna have on here the total amount that 's been transcribed so far , but I 've got a bunch of {disfmarker} uh , that 's what I have to talk to Jane about , figuring out exactly which ones have {disfmarker} have been completed and so forth . But , um , {vocalsound} this 'll be a nice thing that we can put up on the {disfmarker} the web site and people can {vocalsound} be informed of the status of various different ones . And {vocalsound} it 'll also list , uh , like under the status , if it 's at IBM or if it 's at ICSI , uh , or if it 's completed or which ones we 're excluding and {disfmarker} and there 's a place for comments , so we can , {vocalsound} um , say why we 're excluding things and so forth . So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now would the ones that , um , are already transcribed {disfmarker} we h we have enough there that c you know , we 've already done some studies and so forth and {disfmarker} um , shouldn't we go through and do the business - es u of {disfmarker} of having the , um , uh , participants approve it , uh , for {disfmarker} approve the transcriptions for distribution and so forth ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , interesting idea . In principle , I {disfmarker} I would say yes , although I still am doing some {disfmarker} the final - pass editing , trying to convert it over to the master file as the {disfmarker} being the channelized version and it 's {disfmarker} Yeah , it seems like I get into that a certain way and then something else intervenes {comment} and I have to stop . Cleaning up the things like the , uh , uh , places where the transcriber was uncertain , and {disfmarker} and doing spot - checking here and there . So , um , uh , I guess it would make sense to wait until th that 's done , um , but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , le let me put in another sort of a milestone kind of {disfmarker} as {disfmarker} as I did with the , uh , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Um , we are gonna have this DARPA {pause} meeting in the middle of July ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and I think it w it 'd be {disfmarker} given that we 've been {disfmarker} we 've given a couple public talks about it already , spaced by months and months , I think it 'd be pretty bad if we continued to say none of this is available . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'll certainly be done by then . Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Right . So we can s we {disfmarker} we wanna be able to say \" here is a subset that is available right now \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and that 's has been through the legal issues and so forth .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's right . So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , by {disfmarker} before July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And they don't have to approve , you know , th an edited version , they can just give their approval to whatever version", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , in principle , yes . But , I mean , i if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if somebody actually did get into some legal issue with it then we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah . But th I mean , the editing will continue . Presumably if {disfmarker} if s errors are found , they will be fixed , but they won't change the {disfmarker} the content of the meetings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Content , really .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , see , this is the {disfmarker} this is the issue . Subtleties .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , i if Jane is clarifying question question , then , you know , how can they agree to it before they know her final version ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The other thing , too , is there can be subtleties where a person uses this word instead of that word , which @ @ {comment} could 've been transcribed in the other way .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Thing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And no and they wouldn't have {vocalsound} been slanderous if it had been this other word . You know ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "I it {disfmarker} you know , there there is a point at which I agree it becomes ridiculous because , you know , you could do this final thing and then a year from now somebody could say , you know , that should be a period and not a question mark . Right ? And you don't {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} there 's no way that we 're gonna go back and ask everybody \" do you approve this , uh , you know {disfmarker} this document now ? \" So {disfmarker} So I think what it is is that the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the thing that they sign {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I haven't looked at it in a while , but it has to be open enough that it sort of says \" OK , from now on {disfmarker} you know , now that I 've read this , you can use {disfmarker} do anything you want with these data . \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} But , i I think we wanna {disfmarker} So , assuming that it 's in that kind of wording , which I don't remember , {vocalsound} um , I think i we just wanna have enough confidence ourselves that it 's so close to the final form it 's gonna be in , a year from now that they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . I agree . Mmm . I totally agree . It 's just , uh , a question of , {vocalsound} uh , if {disfmarker} if the person is using the transcript as the way of them judging what they said and whether it was slanderous , {vocalsound} then it seems like it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i it needs to be more correct than if we could count on them re - listening to the meeting .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because it becomes , eh , in a way a {disfmarker} a f uh , a legal document i if they 've agreed to that .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , I forget how we end Right . I forget how we ended up on this , but I remember my taking the position {vocalsound} of not making it so {disfmarker} so easy for everybody to observe everything and Adam was taking the position of {disfmarker} of having it be really straightforward for people to check every aspect of it including the audio . And I don't remember who won , Adam or me , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} if it 's only the transcript , though {disfmarker} I mean , th this {disfmarker} this is my point , that {disfmarker} that", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "uh , the {disfmarker} Uh , that that 's why I 'm bringing this up again , because I can't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "then it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That it was the transcrip He wanted to do a web interface that would make it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , if it 's just the audio {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that would give you access to the transcript and the audio . That 's what Adam wanted .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And I don't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , with the web interface it 's interesting , because you could allow the person who signs to be informed when their transcript changes , or something like that . And , I mean , I would say \" no \" . Like , I don't wanna know , but some people might be really {vocalsound} interested and then y In other words , they would be informed if there was some significant change other than typos and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You decided you were whispering Satanic incantations under your breath when you were {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} I don't know what happened to the small heads thing , but I j {vocalsound} Um , I 'm just saying that , like , you know , you can sort of say that any things that are deemed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They disappeared from view .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . I mean , I agree that at some point people {vocalsound} probably won't care about typos but they would care about significant meaning changes and then they could be asked for their consent , I guess , if {disfmarker} if those change . Cuz assumi {vocalsound} assuming we {disfmarker} we don't really distribute things that have any significant changes from what they sign anyway .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Tha That 's {disfmarker} How about having them approve the audio and not the transcripts ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , my God .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That would be simpler ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "if we could count on them listening .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "But no one will listen to the hours and hours of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Talk .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , that 's O K .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "We just have to give them a chance to listen to it , and if they don't , that 's their problem .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "hmm , hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} you d That 's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unfortunately , uh , in {disfmarker} in the sign thing that they signed , it says \" transcripts \" .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No , I 'm serious .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" You 'll be {disfmarker} you 'll be provided the transcripts when they 're available . \"", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I I {disfmarker} I think", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that 's a lot to ask for people that have been in a lot of meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "W anyway , haven't we {disfmarker} we 've gone down this path a number of times . I know this can lead to extended conversations and {disfmarker} and not really get anywhere , so let {disfmarker} let me just suggest that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , off - line that , uh , the people involved figure it out and take care of it before it 's July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So {disfmarker} so that in July we can tell people {vocalsound} \" yes , we have this and you can use it \" .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes . It 's done , ready , available . Good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh . So , let 's see . What else we got ? Uh . Don did {disfmarker} did a report about his project in class and , uh {disfmarker} an oral and written {disfmarker} written version .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that was stuff he was doing with you . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} I guess one thing we 're learning is that the amount {disfmarker} We have eight meetings there because we couldn't use the non - native {disfmarker} all non - native meetings and {vocalsound} it 's , well , probably below threshold on enough data for us for the things we 're looking at because the {vocalsound} prosodic features are {pause} very noisy and so you {disfmarker} you need a lot of data in order to model them . Um , so we 're starting to see some patterns and we 're hoping that maybe with , {vocalsound} I don't know , double or triple the data {disfmarker} with twenty meetings or so , that we would start to get better results . But we did find that some of the features that , I gue Jane would know about , that are expressing sort of the {vocalsound} distance of , um , {vocalsound} boundaries from peaks in the utterance and {vocalsound} some {pause} local , um , range {disfmarker} pitch range effects , like how close people are to their floor , are showing up in these classifiers , which are also being given some word features that are cheating , cuz they 're true words . Um , so these are based on forced alignment . Word features like , um , word frequency and whether or not something 's a backchannel and so forth . So , we 're starting to see , I think , some interesting patterns .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So the dominant features , including everything , were those {disfmarker} those quasi - cheating things . Right ? Where these are {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sometimes not .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "I think it depends what you 're looking at , a actually .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sometimes {pause} positions in sentences obviously , or in spurts , was helpful . I don't know if that 's cheating , too .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Spurts wouldn't be . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "spurts is not cheating except that of course you know the real words ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "but roughly speaking , the recognized words are gonna give you a similar type of position .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right . Would they give you the same number of words , though ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's either early or late .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Not exactly , but i", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But ra somewhat ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "On the average .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y yeah it should be . Well , we don't know and actually that 's one of the things we 're interested in doing , is a sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Have you tried using just time , as opposed to number of words ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I think ti uh {disfmarker} Just p time position , like when the word starts ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know if that was in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Well , no , I mean t time {disfmarker} time position relative to the beginning of the spurt .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh {disfmarker} You know , uh", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Start .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . There 's all these things to do .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , we didn't try it , but it 's s", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Like , there 's a lot of different features you could just pull out .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean that wouldn't be cheating because you can detect pause {pause} pretty well within the time .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "How about time position normalized by speak", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And it depends on speaking rate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "speaking rate . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's actually why I didn't use it at first .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But we {disfmarker} one of the interesting things was I guess you reported on some te punctuation type {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "finding sentence boundaries , finding disfluency boundaries , and then I had done some work on finding from the foreground speech whether or not someone was likely to interrupt , so where {disfmarker} you know , if I 'm talking now and someone {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and Andreas is about to interrupt me , is he gonna choose a certain place in my speech , either prosodically or word - based . And there the prosodic features actually showed up and a neat thing {disfmarker} even though the word features were available . And a neat thing there too is I tried some {disfmarker} {vocalsound} putting the speaker {disfmarker} So , I gave everybody {vocalsound} a short version of their name . So the real names are in there , which we couldn't use . Uh , we should use I Ds or something . And those don't show up . So that means that overall , um , it wasn't just modeling Morgan , or it wasn't just modeling a single person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um , but was sort of trying to , {vocalsound} uh , get a general idea {disfmarker} the model {disfmarker} the tree classifier was trying to find general locations that were applicable to different speakers , even though there are huge speaker effects . So . The {disfmarker} but the main limitation now is I {disfmarker} because we 're only looking at things that happen every {vocalsound} ten words or every twenty words , we need more {disfmarker} more data and more data per speaker . So . It 'd also be interesting to look at the EDU meetings because we did include meeting type as a feature , so whether you were in a r Meeting Recorder meeting or a Robustness meeting did matter {vocalsound} to {pause} interrupts because there are just fewer interrupts in the Robustness meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "And so the classifier learns more about Morgan than it does about sort of the average person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "which is {vocalsound} not bad . It 'd probably do better than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Um , but it wasn't generalizing .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} And I think Don , um {disfmarker} Well , we have a long list of things he 's starting to look at now over the summer , where we can {disfmarker} And he 'll be able to report on more things {pause} in the future . But it was great that we could at least go from the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , Jane 's transcripts and the , {vocalsound} uh , recognizer output and get it {pause} to this point . And I think it 's something Mari can probably use in her preliminary report {disfmarker} like , \" yeah , we 're at the point where we 're training these classifiers and we 're just {vocalsound} reporting very preliminary but suggestive results that {vocalsound} some features , both word and pro prosodic , work . \" The other thing that was interesting to me is that the pitch features are better than in Switchboard . And I think that really is from the close - talking mikes , cuz the pitch processing that was done has much cleaner behavior than {disfmarker} than the Switchboard telephone bandwidth .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "W wh wh wh Better in what sense ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um . Well , first of all , the pitch tracks are m have less , um , halvings and doublings than {disfmarker} than Switchboard and there 's a lot less dropout , so if you ask how many regions where you would normally expect some vowels to be occurring {vocalsound} are completely devoid of pitch information ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . ", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "in other words the pitch tracker just didn't get a high enough probability of voicing for words {disfmarker} for {disfmarker} for , you know , five word", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "there are much fewer than in Switchboard . So the missing {disfmarker} {vocalsound} We had a big missing data problem in Switchboard and , so the features weren't as reliable cuz they were often just not available .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Could it have to do with the {disfmarker} the lower frequency cut - off on the Switchboard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So that 's actually good . Ma - maybe . I mean , the tele we had telephone bandwidth for Switchboard and we had the an annoying sort of telephone handset movement problem that I think may also affect it .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So we 're just getting better signals in {disfmarker} in this data . Which is nice . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway , Don 's been doing a great job and we hope to continue with , um , Andreas 's help and also some of Thilo 's help on this ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to try to get a non - cheating version of how all this would work .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sure . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Has {disfmarker} has , uh {disfmarker} ? We just {disfmarker} I think , just talked about this the other day , but h has {disfmarker} has anybody had a chance to try changing , uh , insertion penalty sort of things with the {disfmarker} with the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , using the tandem system input for the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah . I tried that . It didn't , um , help dramatically . The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Were they out of balance ? I didn't {disfmarker} I didn't notice .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There were a little {disfmarker} the relative number of {disfmarker} I think there were a higher number of deletions , actually .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , you , uh {disfmarker} So , actually it {disfmarker} it preferred to have a positive {disfmarker} er , negative insertion penalty ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Deletions ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "which means {vocalsound} that , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , you know , it didn't change {vocalsound} th the {disfmarker} by adjusting that {disfmarker} the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The error changed by probably one percent or so . But , you know , given that that word error rate is so high , that 's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . So that {disfmarker} So that 's {disfmarker} So that 's not the problem .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's not the problem . No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , we s just , um , uh {disfmarker} you know , Chuck and I talked and the {pause} @ @ {comment} next thing to do is probably to tune the {disfmarker} um , the size of the Gaussian system , um , @ @ {comment} to {disfmarker} to this {disfmarker} to this feature vector , which we haven't done at all . We just used the same {vocalsound} configuration as we used for the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} for the standard system .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , {vocalsound} for instance , uh , Dan {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} Dan just sent me a message saying that CMU used , um , {vocalsound} something like ten Gaussians per cluster {disfmarker} You know , each {disfmarker} each mixture has ten {pause} Gaussians", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm . We 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and we 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so that 's {vocalsound} obviously a big difference", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and it might be way off and give very poorly trained , uh , you know , Gaussians that way ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "uh , an and poorly trained mixture weights . So {disfmarker} so , we have {disfmarker} The turn - around time on the training when we train only the {disfmarker} a male system with , uh , you know , our small training set , is {vocalsound} less than twenty - four hours , so we can run lots of {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , basically just brute force , try a whole bunch of different um , settings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , uh , with the new machines it 'll be even better . So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We get twelve of those ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But the PLP features work {disfmarker} um , uh , you know , continue to improve the ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} As I said before , the {disfmarker} uh using Dan 's , uh , uh , vocal tract normalization option works very well . So , um , @ @ {comment} I ran one experiment where we 're just {vocalsound} did the vocal tract le normalization only in the test data ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I didn't bother to retrain {pause} the models at all , and it improved by one percent , which is about what we get with {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with , you know , just @ @ {comment} actually doing both training and test normalization , um , with , um , {vocalsound} the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with the standard system . So , in a few hours we 'll have the numbers for the {disfmarker} for retraining everything with vocal tract length normalization and {disfmarker} So , that might even improve it further .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , it looks like the P L - fea P features {comment} do very well now with {disfmarker} after having figured out all these little tricks to {disfmarker} to get it to work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Wait . So you mean you improve one percent over a system that doesn't have any V T L in it already ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Exactly . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK . So then {disfmarker} then we 'll have our baseline to {disfmarker} to compare the currently hideous , uh , uh , new thing with .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . a Right . And {disfmarker} and what that suggests also is of course that the current Switchboard {pause} MLP isn't trained on very good features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , because it was trained on whatever , you know , was used , uh , last time you did Hub - five stuff , which didn't have any of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . But all of these effects were j like a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , y the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , but if you add them all up you have , uh , almost five percent difference now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Add {pause} all of them . I thought one was one point five percent and one was point eight .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And now we have another percent with the V T", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's three point three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , actually , and it 's , um , What 's actually qu interesting is that with {disfmarker} um , well , you m prob maybe another half percent if you do the VTL in training , and then interestingly , if you optimize you get more of a win out of rescoring the , um , {vocalsound} uh , the N best lists , uh , and optimizing the weights , um , uh than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than you do with the standard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the part that 's actually adjustment of the front - end per se as opposed to doing {disfmarker} putting VTLN in or something is {disfmarker} it was a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? It was {disfmarker} it was {disfmarker} there was {disfmarker} {vocalsound} there was one thing that was one and a half percent and one that was point eight . So {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} let me see if I remember what they were . One of them {vocalsound} was , uh , the change to , uh {disfmarker} because it did it all at once , {comment} to {disfmarker} uh , from bark scale to mel scale ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which I really feel like saying in quotes , because @ @ {comment} they 're essentially the same scale but the {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but any i individual particular implementation of those things puts things in a particular place .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Why did that cha ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I wanted to look {disfmarker} I still haven't looked at it yet . I {disfmarker} I wanna look at exactly where the filters were in the two ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's probably something like there 's one fewer or one more filter in the sub {vocalsound} one kilohertz band", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and for whatever reason with this particular experiment it was better one way or the other .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , it could be there 's something more fundamental but it {disfmarker} you know , I {disfmarker} I don't know it yet . And the other {disfmarker} and the other {disfmarker} that was like one and a half or something , and then there was point eight percent , which was {disfmarker} what was the other thing ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that was combined with the triangular . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Those {disfmarker} those two were together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "We d weren't able to separate them out cuz it was just done in one thing . But then there was a point eight percent which was something else .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The low - frequency cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Do you remember the {disfmarker} ? Oh , yeah . So that was {disfmarker} that was , uh {disfmarker} that one I can claim credit for , uh , i in terms of screwing it up in the first place . So that someone e until someone else fixed it , which is that , um , I never put {disfmarker} when I u We had some problems before with offsets . This inf this went back to , uh , I think Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So we {disfmarker} we had , uh {disfmarker} ea everybody else who was doing Wall Street Journal knew that there were big DC offsets in th in these data {disfmarker} in those data and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and nobody happened to mention it to us ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and we were getting these , like , really terrible results , like two , three times the error everybody else was getting . And then in casual conversation someone ment mentioned \" uh , well , I guess , you know , of course you 're taking care of the offsets . \" I said \" what offsets ? \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And at that point , you know , we were pretty new to the data and we 'd never really , like , looked at it on a screen and then when we just put it on the screen {comment} and wroop !", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "there 's this big DC offset . So , um , in PLP", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "There was a {disfmarker} like a hum or some or {disfmarker} when they recorded it ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No . It 's just , it {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not at all uncommon for {disfmarker} for recorded electronics to have different , um , DC offsets .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Or just {disfmarker} ? Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , no big deal . It 's {disfmarker} you know , you could have ten , twenty , maybe thirty millivolts , whatever , and it 's consistently in there . The thing is , most people 's front - ends have pre - emphasis with it , with zero at zero frequency , so that it 's irrelevant . Uh , but with P L P , we didn't actually have that . We had {disfmarker} we had the equivalent of pre - emphasis in a {disfmarker} a , uh , Fletcher - Munson style weighting that occurs in the middle of P L but it doesn't actually have a zero at zero frequency ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "like , eh , uh , typical simple fr pre - emphasis does . We had something more fancy . It was later on it didn't have that . So at that point I reali \" oh sh we better have a {disfmarker} have a high - pass filter \" just , you know {disfmarker} {vocalsound} just take care of the problem . So I put in a high - pass filter at , uh , I think ninety {disfmarker} ninety hertz or so {vocalsound} uh , for a sixteen kilohertz sampling rate . And I never put anything in to adjust it for different {disfmarker} different sampling rates . And so {disfmarker} well , so , you know , the code doesn't know anything about that and so this is all at eight kilohertz and so it was at forty - five hertz instead of at {disfmarker} {vocalsound} instead of at ninety .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , um , I don't know if Dan fixed it or {disfmarker} or , uh , what he {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , he made it a parameter .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He made it a parameter . So . Yeah , I guess if he did it right , he did fix it and then {disfmarker} and then it 's taking care of sampling rate , which is great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what is the parameter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "He had a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is it , uh , just the f lower cut - off that you want ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's called , uh , {vocalsound} H - HPF .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "H {disfmarker} Yeah . Does HPF on {disfmarker} on his feat feature .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "u And {disfmarker} but HPF , you know , when you put a number after it , uses that as the hertz value of the cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , frankly , we never did that with the RASTA filter either ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so the RASTA filter is actually doing a different thing in the modulation spectral domain depending on what sampling rate you 're doing , which is {vocalsound} another old {disfmarker} old bug of mine .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} Um . So that {disfmarker} that was the problem there was th we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we had always intended to cut off below a hundred hertz", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it just wasn't doing it , so now it is . So , {vocalsound} that hep that helped us by , like , eight tenths of a percent . It {pause} still wasn't a big deal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . Well , but , um {disfmarker} Well , uh , again , after completing the {pause} current experiments , we 'll {disfmarker} {vocalsound} we can add up all the uh differences", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} an", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , I guess my {disfmarker} my point was that {disfmarker} that , um , the hybrid system thing that we did was , uh , primitive in many ways .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I think I agree with you that if we fixed lots of different things and they would all add up , we would probably have a {disfmarker} a {disfmarker} a competitive system . But I think not that much of it is due to the front - end per se . I think maybe a couple percent of it is , as far as I can see from this .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , unless you call {disfmarker} well , if you call VTL the front - en front - end , that 's , uh , a little more . But that 's sort of more both , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "One experiment we should {disfmarker} we 'll probably need to do though when {disfmarker} um , at some point , is , since we 're using that same {disfmarker} the net that was trained on PLP without all these things in it , for the tandem system , we may wanna go back and retrain ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? But .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what I meant , in fact . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , for the tandem . You know , so we can see if it {disfmarker} what effect it has on the tandem processing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} so , the thing is {disfmarker} is do we expect {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh At this point I 'm as I mean , you know {disfmarker} e I 'm wondering is it {disfmarker} Can we expect , uh , a tandem system to do better than a properly trained {disfmarker} you know , a Gaussian system trained directly on the features with , you know , the right ch choice of {pause} parameters ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what we 're seeing in other areas . Yes . Right ? So , it 's {disfmarker} so , um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , we {disfmarker} But {disfmarker} but we may not . I mean , if it doesn't perform as well , we may not know why . Right ? Cuz we need to do the exact experiment .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the reason to think it should is because you 're putting in the same information and you 're transforming it to be more discriminative . So . Um . Now the thing is , in some databases I wouldn't expect it to necessarily give you much and {disfmarker} and part of what I view as the real power of it is that it {pause} gives you a transformational capability {vocalsound} for taking all sorts of different wild things that we do , not just th the standard front - end , but other things , like with multiple streams and so forth ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and allows you to feed them to the other system with this {disfmarker} through this funnel . Um , so I think {disfmarker} I think that 's the real power of it . I wouldn't expect huge in huge improvements . Um , but it should at least be roughly the same and maybe a little better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it 's , you know , like way way worse then , you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , Morgan , an another thing that Andreas and I were talking about was , so @ @ {comment} in the first experiment that he did {vocalsound} we just took the whole fifty - six , uh , outputs and that 's , um , basically compared to a thirty - nine input feature vector from either MFCC or PLP .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one thing we could do is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Let {disfmarker} let me {disfmarker} let me just ask you something . When you say take the fifty - six outputs , these are the pre final nonlinearity {pause} outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Through the regular tandem outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and they 're {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} through the KLT .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Through the KLT . All that kinda stuff .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . And so {disfmarker} so then you u Do you use all fifty - six of the KLT", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's what we did .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ? So one thing we were wondering is , if we did principal components and , say , took out just thirteen , and then did deltas and double - deltas on that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so we treated the th first thirteen as though they were {vocalsound} standard features .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yes . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , did Dan do experiments like that to {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh . Talk with Stephane . He did some things like that . It was either him or Carmen . I forget .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean these were all different databases and different {disfmarker} you know , in HTK and all that ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so i it {disfmarker} it may not apply . But my recollection of it was that it didn't make it better but it didn't make it worse .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , again , given all these differences , maybe it 's more important in your case that you not take a lot of these low - variance , uh , components .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Cuz in a sense , the net 's already got quite a bit of context in those features ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so if we did deltas and double - deltas on top of those , we 're getting sort of even more .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Which could be good or not .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Worth trying .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But there the main point is that , um , you know , it took us a while but we have the procedure for coupling the two systems {vocalsound} debugged now and {disfmarker} I mean , there 's still conceivably some bug somewhere in the way we 're feeding the tandem features {disfmarker} uh , either generating them or feeding them to this {disfmarker} to the {vocalsound} SRI system ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There might be , cuz that 's a pretty big difference .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And I 'm wondering how we can {disfmarker} how we can debug that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean how {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm actually f quite sure that the {disfmarker} feeding the {pause} features into the system and training it up ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "that {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I think that 's {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} that 's essentially the same as we use with the ce with the P L P fe features . And that 's obviously working great . So . I um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . There could be a bug in {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} somewhere before that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There {disfmarker} we could {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} another degree of freedom is how do you generate the K L T transform ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? We to", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "well , and another one is the normalization of the inputs to the net .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "These nets are trained with particular normalization and when that gets screwed up it {disfmarker} it can really hurt it .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm doing what Eric {disfmarker} E Eric coached me through then {disfmarker} that part of it , so I 'm pretty confident in that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , the only slight difference is that I use normalization values that , um , Andreas calculated from the original {comment} PLP ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which is right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "N Yeah . So , I u I do {disfmarker} Oh , we actually don't do that normalization for the PLP , do we ? For the st just the straight PLP features ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . The {disfmarker} the SRI system does it .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S R I system does that . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , you might e e", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , there 's {disfmarker} there is {disfmarker} there is room for bugs that we might not have discovered ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} that 's another {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} I {disfmarker} I would actually double check with Stephane at this point ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz he 's probably the one here {disfmarker} I mean , he and Dan are the ones who are at this point most experienced with the tandem", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "thing and there may {disfmarker} there may be some little bit here and there that is not {disfmarker} not being handled right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's hard with features , cuz you don't know what they should look like . I mean , you can't just , like , print the {disfmarker} the values out in ASCII and , you know , look at them , see if they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Not unless you had a lot of time", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh , and also they 're not {disfmarker} I mean , as I understand it , you {disfmarker} you don't have a way to optimize the features for the final word error . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , these are just discriminative , but they 're not , um , optimized for the final {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They 're optimized for phone discrimination , not for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So it {disfmarker} there 's always this question of whether you might do better with those features if there was a way to train it for the word error metric that you 're actually {disfmarker} that you 're actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's right . Well , the other {disfmarker} Yeah , th the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , you actually are . But {disfmarker} but it {disfmarker} but in an indirect way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , right . It 's indirect , so you don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So wha w what {disfmarker} an and you may not be in this case , come to think of it , because , uh , you 're just taking something that 's trained up elsewhere . So , what {disfmarker} what you {disfmarker} what you do in the full procedure {vocalsound} is you , um , uh , have an embedded training . So in fact you {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the net is trained on , uh , uh , a , uh , Viterbi alignment of the training data that comes from your full system . And so that 's where the feedback comes all around , so that it is actually discriminant . You can prove that it 's {disfmarker} it 's a , uh {disfmarker} If you believe in the Viterbi assumption that , uh , getting the best path , uh , is almost equivalent to getting the best , uh , total probability , um , then you actually do improve that by , uh {disfmarker} by training up on local {disfmarker} local , uh {disfmarker} local frames . But , um , we aren't actually doing that here , because we did {disfmarker} we did that for a hybrid system , and now we 're plugging it into another system and so it isn't {disfmarker} {vocalsound} i i i it wouldn't quite apply here .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do y", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So another huge experiment we could do would be to take the tandem features , uh , do SRI forced alignments using those features , and then re - do the net with those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mmm , uh {disfmarker} Exactly . Exactly .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So that you can optimize it for the word error .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Another thing is since you 're not using the net for recognition per se but just for this transformation , it 's probably bigger than it needs to be .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that would save a lot of time .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And there 's a mismatch in the phone sets . So , you 're using a l a long a larger phone set than what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually all those things could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could , uh {disfmarker} could affect it as well .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The other thing , uh , just to mention that Stephane {disfmarker} this was an innovation of Stephane 's , which was a pretty neat one , uh , and might particularly apply {vocalsound} here , given all these things we 're mentioning . Um , Stephane 's idea was that , um , discriminant , uh , approaches are great . Even the local ones , given , you know , these potential outer loops which , you know , you can convince yourself turn into the global ones . Um , however , there 's times when it {pause} is not good . Uh , when {pause} something about the test set is different enough from the training set that {disfmarker} that , uh , the discrimination that you 're learning is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is not a good one .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , uh , his idea was to take as the input feature vector to the , uh , Gaussian mixture system , {vocalsound} uh , a concatenation of the neural net outputs and the regular features .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , we already talked about that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "El", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Didn't you {disfmarker} did you {pause} do that already", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , but we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} when {disfmarker} when we {disfmarker} when I first started corresponding with Dan about how to go about this , I think that was one of the things that we definitely went there .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ? Oh . That makes a lot of sense . Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I 'm sure that Stephane wasn't the first to think of it ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but actually Stephane did it", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . And i does it help ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} and it helped a lot .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} that 's our current best {disfmarker} best system in the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , in the Aurora thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh . OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And do you do a KLT transform on the con on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "As {disfmarker} you should never do worse .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I , uh , missed what you said .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do you {disfmarker} d you do a KLT transform on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , actually , I , uh {disfmarker} you should check with him , because he tried several different combinations .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because you end up with this huge feature vector , so that might be a problem , a unless you do some form of dimensionality reduction .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . I , uh , th what I don't remember is which came out best . So he did one where he put o put e the whole thing into one KLT , and another one , since the {disfmarker} the PLP things are already orthogonalized , he left them alone and {disfmarker} and just did a KLT on the {disfmarker} on the {disfmarker} on the net outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and then concatenated that . And I don't remember which was better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did he {disfmarker} did he try to {disfmarker} ? So he always ended up with a feature vector that was {pause} twice as long as either one of the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I don't know , i I {disfmarker} I don't know . You have to check with him .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Actually , I have to run .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I 'm into big ideas these days .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We need to close up cuz I need to save the data and , um , get a call .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Not to mention the fact that we 're missing snacks . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did people wanna do the digits", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or , um , do them together ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I g I think , given that we 're in a hurry for snacks , maybe we should do them together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know . Should we just {disfmarker} ? OK . I mean , are we trying to do them {nonvocalsound} in synchrony ? That might be fun .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not {disfmarker} You know , it 's not gonna work out", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Adam 's not here , so he 's not here to tell me no .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "but we could {disfmarker} we could just , uh , uh , see if we find a rhythm , you know , what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh , O 's or zeroes , we wanna agree on that ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Maybe just whatever people would naturally do ? I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , but if we were a singing group , we would wanna decide . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Be harmony . Yeah . {comment} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mine 's identical to yours .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "We might wa", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Sorry . So I set up and we didn't have {pause} enough digit forms", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So these are excellent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I xeroxed the same one seven times .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Why don't we do zer i Anyone have a problem with saying zero ? Is zero OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . One and a two and three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "e", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Once more with feeling .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And th", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No , just k just kidding . Oh , yeah . It was .", "speaker": "Professor F" } ]
Segmentation for the recogniser has been done by hand which the group consider "cheating", instead now they want to use Thilo's automatic segmenter.
What change has occurred to the segmenter?
[ { "content": "What channel am I on ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh , channel two .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Make sure to turn your microphone on .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "There 's a battery .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "OK . Your channel number 's already on this blank sheet .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "So you just {disfmarker} If you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel five ? Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel whatever .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I 'm on channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Camera one , camera two .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "What am I ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Little low ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel four ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "This number four ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five . OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The gai the gain 's up at it {disfmarker} what it usually is ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Is it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but if you think it 's {disfmarker} Yeah . It 's sort of a default . But I can set it higher if you like .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe it should be a little higher .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's not showing much . Test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test . OK , that {disfmarker} that seems better ? Yeah ? OK , good . Ah , that 's good , that 's good . That 's Ahh . Mmm . So I {disfmarker} I had a question for Adam . Have we started already ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we started recording , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Is Jane around or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I saw her earlier .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "She can just walk in , I guess , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . She 'll probably come up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Since we 're starting late I figured we 'd better just start .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Great idea . I was gonna ask Adam to , uh , say if he thought anymore about the demo stuff because {vocalsound} it occurred to me that this is late May and the DARPA meeting is in {pause} mid July . Uh , but {vocalsound} I don't remember w what we {disfmarker} I know that we were gonna do something with the transcriber interface is one thing , but I thought there was a second thing . Anybody remember ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we were gonna do a mock - up , like , question answering or something , I thought , that was totally separate from the interface . Do you remember ? Remember , like , asking questions and retrieving , {vocalsound} but in a pre - stored fashion .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That was the thing we talked about , I think , before the transcriber {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Come on in .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Alright . So anyway , you have to sort out that out and get somebody going on it cuz we 're {disfmarker} got a {disfmarker} got a month left basically . So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "You like these . Right ? OK , good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK . Um OK . So , what are we g else we got ? You got {disfmarker} you just wrote a bunch of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . That was all , um , previously here .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I was writing {pause} the digits and then I realized I could xerox them ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because I didn't want people to turn their heads from these microphones . So . We all , by the way , have the same digit form , for the record . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's cool .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So , the choice is , uh , which {disfmarker} which do we want more , the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the comparison , uh , {vocalsound} of everybody saying them at the same time or the comparison of people saying the same digits at different times that {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's just cuz I didn't have any more digit sheets .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I know that . But , you know , which opportunity should we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unison .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "exploit ? {vocalsound} Unison .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} Actually it might be good to have them separately and have the same exact strings . I mean , we could use them for normalizing or something , but it of course goes more quickly doing them in unison .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I guess we 'll see", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "i I guess it 's dependent on", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "See how long we go .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "how long we go and how good the snack is out there .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But anyway , they won't be identical as somebody is saying zero in some {disfmarker} sometimes , you know , saying O , and so , it 's not i not identical .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . Hmm . Get some advance intelligence .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to train .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 'd be like a chorus .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to get s get some experience .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Greek chorus .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Really {pause} boring chorus . Um . Do we {pause} have an agenda ? Adam usually tries to put those together , but he 's ill .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 've got a couple of things to talk about .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Yeah . Uh ju what {disfmarker} what might those be ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , IBM stuff and , um , just getting {vocalsound} uh , meeting information organized .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Meeting info organized . OK . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Are you implying that it 's currently disorganized ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In my mind .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is there stuff that 's happened about , um , uh , the {pause} SRI recognizer et cetera , tho those things that were happening before with {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y y you guys were doing a bunch of experiments with different front - ends and then with {disfmarker} Is {disfmarker} is that still sort of where it was , uh , the other day ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Now the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} You saw the note that the PLP now is getting basically the same as the MFCC .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually it looks like it 's getting better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} but it 's not {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Just with {disfmarker} with age , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "With age . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , that 's not d directly related to me . Doesn't mean we can't talk about it . Um , it seems {disfmarker} It looks l I haven't {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} The experiment is still not complete , but , um , it looks like the vocal tract length normalization is working beautifully , actually , w using the warp factors that we computed for the SRI system and just applying them to the {vocalsound} ICSI front - end .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's pretty funny .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So you just need to {pause} copy over to this one .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Just had to take the reciprocal of the number because they have different meanings in the two systems .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Ah ! Yeah . Well , that 's always good to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . OK . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one issue actually that just came up in discussion with Liz and {disfmarker} and Don was , um , as far as meeting recognition is concerned , um , we would really like to , uh , move , uh , to , uh , doing the recognition on automatic segmentations .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because in all our previous experiments , we had the {disfmarker} uh , you know , we were essentially cheating by having the , um , you know , the h the hand - segmentations as the basis of the recognition .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so now with Thilo 's segmenter working so well , I think we should {pause} consider doing a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . So .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , doing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We {disfmarker} But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Y think {disfmarker} you think we should increase the error rate .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That - that 's what I wanted to do anyway ,", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so we should just get together and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And even {disfmarker} The good thing is that since you , um , have high recall , {comment} even if you have low precision cuz you 're over - generating , that 's good because we could train noise models in the recognizer for these kinds of , uh , transients and things that come from the microphones ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "but {vocalsound} I know that if we run recognition unconstrained on a whole waveform , we do very poorly because we 're {disfmarker} we 're getting insertions in places what {disfmarker} that you may well be cutting out .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So we do need some kind of pre - segmentation .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "We should {disfmarker} we should consider doing some extra things , like , um , you know , retraining or adapting the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} the models for background noise to the {disfmarker} to this environment , for instance .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And , yeah , using Thilo 's , you know , posteriors or some kind of {disfmarker} or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right now they 're {disfmarker} they 're discrete ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "yes or no for a speaker , to consider those particular speaker background models .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . There 's lots of ins interesting things that could be done .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . We should do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Good . So , uh , why don't we , uh , do the IBM stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , talked with Brian and gave him the alternatives to the single beep at the end of each utterance that we had generated before .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You had some {pause} thing about that ? Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The , uh , Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Right . And so he talked it over with the transcriber and the transcriber thought that the easiest thing for them would be if there was a beep and then the nu a number , a digit , and then a beep , uh , at the beginning of each one", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and that would help keep them from getting lost . And , um , {vocalsound} so Adam wrote a little script to generate those style , uh , beeps", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Where 'd you get the digits from ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and so we 're {disfmarker} I came up here and just recorded the numbers one through ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "They sound really good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So . Does it sound OK ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "That 's a great idea .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} Yeah . We just used those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And do you splice them into the {pause} waveform ? Or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . He {disfmarker} then he d I recorded {disfmarker} Actually , I recorded one through ten three times at three different speeds and then he picked .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He liked the fastest one , so he just cut those out {vocalsound} and spliced them in between , uh , two beeps .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It sounds like a radio announcer 's voice . Really .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It will be funny uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Does it ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It will be funny when you 're really reading digits , and then there are the chunks with {disfmarker} with your {pause} digits in ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . With my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh that 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Now actually ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 'll throw them ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "we 're {disfmarker} Are we handling {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , maybe we should have you record A , B , C for those or something .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . {comment} Huh ! Maybe . And she said it wasn't gonna {disfmarker} the transcriber said it wouldn't be a problem cuz they can actually make a template , uh , that has beep , number , beep . So for them it 'll be very quick", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to put those in there {vocalsound} when they 're transcribing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , um , we {disfmarker} We 're gonna send them one more sample meeting , uh , and Thilo has run his segmentation . Adam 's gonna generate the chunked file . And then , um , I 'll give it to Brian and they can try that out . And when we get that back we 'll see if that sort of fixes the problem we had with , uh , too many beeps in the last transcription .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Do w do {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} Do you have any idea of the turn - around on {disfmarker} on those steps you just said ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh . Our s our {disfmarker} On our side ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or including IBM 's ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Including IBM 's .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , I don't know . The last one seemed like it took a couple of weeks . Um , maybe even three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's just the I B M side . Our side is quick . I mean , I {disfmarker} I don't know . How long does your {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It should @ @ be finished today or something . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Well , I meant the overall thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "e e u u {comment} The reason I 'm asking is because , uh , Jane and I have just been talking , and she 's just been doing . {vocalsound} Uh , e a , you know , further hiring of transcribers .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so we don't sort of really know exactly what they 'll be doing , how long they 'll be doing it , and so forth , because right now she has no choice but to operate in the mode that we already have working .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , so it 'd be {disfmarker} It 'd be good to sort of get that resolved , uh , soon as we could ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . I {disfmarker} Yeah , I {disfmarker} I hope @ @ {comment} we can get a better estimate from this {pause} one that we send them .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Um .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't know yet how long that 'll take .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker} I mean in particular I would {disfmarker} I would really hope that when we do this DARPA meeting in July that we sort of have {disfmarker} we 're {disfmarker} we 're into production mode , somehow {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , that we {disfmarker} we actually {vocalsound} have a stream going and we know how {disfmarker} how well it does and how {disfmarker} and how it operates .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I think that would {disfmarker} that would certainly be a {disfmarker} a very good thing to know .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Uh . Maybe before we do the meeting info organize thing , maybe you could say relevant stuff about where we are in transcriptions .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . So , um , we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh , the transcribers have continued to work past what I 'm calling \" set one \" , which was the s the set that I 've been , uh {disfmarker} OK , talking about up to this point , but , uh , they 've gotten five meetings done in that set . Right now they 're in the process of being edited . Um , the , um {disfmarker} Let 's see , I hired two transcribers today . I 'm thinking of hiring another one , which will {disfmarker} because we 've had a lot of attrition . And that will bring our total to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "They die off after they do this for a while .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , you know , it 's {disfmarker} it 's various things .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Burn - out .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , one of them had a baby . Um , you know , one of them really w wasn't planning {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , that was an unfor unforeseen side effect of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh , one of them , um , had never planned to work past January . I mean , it 's th all these various things , cuz we , you know , we presented it as possibly a month project back in January and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Um , so it makes sense . Uh , through attrition we {disfmarker} we 've {disfmarker} we 're down to {disfmarker} to two , but they 're really solid . We 're really lucky the two that we kept . And , um {disfmarker} Well , I don't mean {disfmarker} I don't mean anything against the others . {comment} What I mean is we 've got a good cause {disfmarker} a good core . No . We had a good core {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , they won't hear this since they 're going . They won't be transcribing this meeting .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah , but still . I mean , I d it 's just a matter of we {disfmarker} w we 're {disfmarker} we 've got , uh ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No backs .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "two of the ones who {disfmarker} who , um , ha had been putting in a lot of hours up to this point and they 're continuing to put in a {disfmarker} a lot of hours , which is wonderful , and excellent work . And so , then , in addition , um , I hired two more today and I 'm planning to h hire a third one with this {disfmarker} within this coming week , but {disfmarker} {vocalsound} but the plan is {disfmarker} just as , uh , Morgan was saying we discussed this , and the plan right now is to keep the staff on the {disfmarker} on the leaner side , you know , rather than hiring , like , eight to ten right now ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because if the IBM thing comes through really quickly , then , um , we wouldn't wanna have to , uh , you know , lay people off and stuff . So . And this way it 'll {disfmarker} I mean , I got really a lot of response for {disfmarker} for my notice and I think I could hire additional people if I {pause} wish to .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . An - and the other thing is , I mean , in the unlikely event {disfmarker} and since we 're so far from this , it 's a little hard to plan this way {disfmarker} in the unlikely event that we actually find {vocalsound} that we have , uh , transcribers on staff who are twiddling their thumbs because , you know , there 's , you know , {vocalsound} all the stuff that {disfmarker} that was sitting there has been transcribed and they 're {disfmarker} and they 're faster {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline is faster than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , than the generation , um , eh , i in {disfmarker} in the day {disfmarker} e event that that day actually dawns , uh , I {disfmarker} I bet we could find some other stuff for them to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I think {vocalsound} that , eh , eh , a as we were talking , if we {disfmarker} if we hire twelve , then we could , you know , run into a problem later . I mean , we also just couldn't sustain that forever . But {disfmarker} but , um {disfmarker} for all sorts of reasons {disfmarker} but if we hire f you know , f we have five on staff {disfmarker} five or six on staff at any given time , then {vocalsound} it 's a small enough number so we can be flexible either way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Good . OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'd be great , too , if , um , we can {disfmarker} we might need some help again getting the tighter boundaries or some hand {disfmarker} to experiment with , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , to have a ground truth for this segmentation work , which {disfmarker} I guess you have some already that was really helpful , and we could probably use more .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah . That was a thing I {disfmarker} I planned working on , is , uh , to use the {disfmarker} the transcriptions which are done by now , and to {disfmarker} to use them as , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh , the new ones", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "with the tighter boundaries . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . And to use them for {disfmarker} for training a {disfmarker} or for {disfmarker} fo whatever . Yeah . To {disfmarker} to create some speech - nonspeech labels out of them , and {disfmarker} Yeah , but that {disfmarker} that 's a thing w was {disfmarker} w what I 'm just looking into .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pre - segmentations are so much {disfmarker} are s so extremely helpful . Now there was , uh , I g guess {disfmarker} So , a couple weeks ago I needed some new ones and it happened to be during the time that he was on vacation {disfmarker} f for just very few days you were away . But it happened to be during that time I needed one ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker} {vocalsound} so I started them on the non - pre - segmented and then switched them over to yours and , um , they , um {disfmarker} you know , they always appreciate that when they have that available . And he 's , uh , usually , eh , uh , um {disfmarker} Um . So they really appreciate it . But I was gonna say that they do adjust it once in a while . You know , once in a while there 's something like ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah , sure .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "um , and e Actually you talked to them . Didn't you ? Did you ? Have you {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I talked to Helen .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and she was {disfmarker} And so , I asked her {disfmarker} I mean , They 're very perceptive . I really want to have this meeting of the transcribers . I haven't done it yet , but I wanna do that and she 's out of town , um , for a couple of weeks , but I wanna do that when she returns . Um , cuz she was saying , you know , in a {disfmarker} in a span of very short period {disfmarker} we asked {disfmarker} It seems like the ones that need to be adjusted are these {disfmarker} these {disfmarker} these things , and she was saying the short utterances , uh , the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "you know , I mean , you 're {disfmarker} You 're aware of this . But {disfmarker} but actually i it 's so correct for so much of the time , that it 's an enormous time saver", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and it just gets tweaked a little around the boundaries . So .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um . Yeah . I think it 'd be interesting to combine these .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Is there actually a record of where they change ? I mean , you can compare , do a diff on the {disfmarker} just so that we {vocalsound} knew {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You could do it . It 's {disfmarker} it 's complicated in that {vocalsound} um , {vocalsound} hhh , i hhh , i", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually , when {disfmarker} when they create new {disfmarker} yeah , new segments or something , it will be , uh , not that easy but {disfmarker} hmm . I think {pause} one could do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I mean , if we keep a old copy of the old time marks", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "just so that if we run it we know whether we 're {disfmarker} which ones were cheating", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . That would be great , yeah , to know that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There is a {disfmarker} there is one problem with that and that is when they start part way through then what I do is I merge what they 've done with the pre - segmented version .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "which one would be good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So it 's not a pure {disfmarker} it 's not a pure condition . Wha - what you 'd really like is that they started with pre - segmented and were pre - segmented all the way through .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And , um {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} {disfmarker} I , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} it wasn't possible for about four of the recent ones . But , it will be possible in the future", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "because we {disfmarker} we 're , um .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It would .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mmm , that 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . As long as we have a record , I guess , of the original {pause} automatic one , we can always find out how well {pause} we would do fr from the recognition side by using those boundaries .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "You know , a completely non - cheating version .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Also if you need someone to record this meeting , I mean , I 'm happy to {disfmarker} for the transcribers {disfmarker} I could do it , or Chuck or Adam .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So , uh , u you were saying something about organizing the meeting info ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , uh , Jane and Adam and I had a meeting where we talked about the reorganization of the {pause} directory structure for all of the meeting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Did you record it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . For all the Meeting Recorder data . We should have . Um . And so we 've got a plan for what we 're gonna do there . And then , Jane also s prepared a {disfmarker} um , started getting all of the {disfmarker} the meetings organized , so she prepared a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a spreadsheet , which I spent the last couple of days adding to . So I went through all of the data that we have collected so far , and have been putting it into , uh , a spreadsheet {vocalsound} with start time , the date , the old meeting name , the new meeting name , the number of speakers , the duration of the meeting , comments , you know , what its transcription status is , all that kind of stuff . And so , the idea is that we can take this and then export it as HTML and put it on the Meeting Recorder web page so we can keep people updated about what 's going on .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , I 've gotta get some more information from Jane cuz I have some {disfmarker} some gaps here that I need to get her to fill in , but {vocalsound} so far , um , {vocalsound} as of Monday , the fourteenth , um , we 've had a total number of meeting sixty - two hours of meetings that we have collected . And , um {disfmarker} Uh , some other interesting things , average number of speakers per meeting is six . Um , and I 'm gonna have on here the total amount that 's been transcribed so far , but I 've got a bunch of {disfmarker} uh , that 's what I have to talk to Jane about , figuring out exactly which ones have {disfmarker} have been completed and so forth . But , um , {vocalsound} this 'll be a nice thing that we can put up on the {disfmarker} the web site and people can {vocalsound} be informed of the status of various different ones . And {vocalsound} it 'll also list , uh , like under the status , if it 's at IBM or if it 's at ICSI , uh , or if it 's completed or which ones we 're excluding and {disfmarker} and there 's a place for comments , so we can , {vocalsound} um , say why we 're excluding things and so forth . So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now would the ones that , um , are already transcribed {disfmarker} we h we have enough there that c you know , we 've already done some studies and so forth and {disfmarker} um , shouldn't we go through and do the business - es u of {disfmarker} of having the , um , uh , participants approve it , uh , for {disfmarker} approve the transcriptions for distribution and so forth ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , interesting idea . In principle , I {disfmarker} I would say yes , although I still am doing some {disfmarker} the final - pass editing , trying to convert it over to the master file as the {disfmarker} being the channelized version and it 's {disfmarker} Yeah , it seems like I get into that a certain way and then something else intervenes {comment} and I have to stop . Cleaning up the things like the , uh , uh , places where the transcriber was uncertain , and {disfmarker} and doing spot - checking here and there . So , um , uh , I guess it would make sense to wait until th that 's done , um , but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , le let me put in another sort of a milestone kind of {disfmarker} as {disfmarker} as I did with the , uh , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Um , we are gonna have this DARPA {pause} meeting in the middle of July ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and I think it w it 'd be {disfmarker} given that we 've been {disfmarker} we 've given a couple public talks about it already , spaced by months and months , I think it 'd be pretty bad if we continued to say none of this is available . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'll certainly be done by then . Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Right . So we can s we {disfmarker} we wanna be able to say \" here is a subset that is available right now \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and that 's has been through the legal issues and so forth .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's right . So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , by {disfmarker} before July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And they don't have to approve , you know , th an edited version , they can just give their approval to whatever version", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , in principle , yes . But , I mean , i if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if somebody actually did get into some legal issue with it then we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah . But th I mean , the editing will continue . Presumably if {disfmarker} if s errors are found , they will be fixed , but they won't change the {disfmarker} the content of the meetings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Content , really .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , see , this is the {disfmarker} this is the issue . Subtleties .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , i if Jane is clarifying question question , then , you know , how can they agree to it before they know her final version ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The other thing , too , is there can be subtleties where a person uses this word instead of that word , which @ @ {comment} could 've been transcribed in the other way .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Thing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And no and they wouldn't have {vocalsound} been slanderous if it had been this other word . You know ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "I it {disfmarker} you know , there there is a point at which I agree it becomes ridiculous because , you know , you could do this final thing and then a year from now somebody could say , you know , that should be a period and not a question mark . Right ? And you don't {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} there 's no way that we 're gonna go back and ask everybody \" do you approve this , uh , you know {disfmarker} this document now ? \" So {disfmarker} So I think what it is is that the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the thing that they sign {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I haven't looked at it in a while , but it has to be open enough that it sort of says \" OK , from now on {disfmarker} you know , now that I 've read this , you can use {disfmarker} do anything you want with these data . \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} But , i I think we wanna {disfmarker} So , assuming that it 's in that kind of wording , which I don't remember , {vocalsound} um , I think i we just wanna have enough confidence ourselves that it 's so close to the final form it 's gonna be in , a year from now that they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . I agree . Mmm . I totally agree . It 's just , uh , a question of , {vocalsound} uh , if {disfmarker} if the person is using the transcript as the way of them judging what they said and whether it was slanderous , {vocalsound} then it seems like it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i it needs to be more correct than if we could count on them re - listening to the meeting .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because it becomes , eh , in a way a {disfmarker} a f uh , a legal document i if they 've agreed to that .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , I forget how we end Right . I forget how we ended up on this , but I remember my taking the position {vocalsound} of not making it so {disfmarker} so easy for everybody to observe everything and Adam was taking the position of {disfmarker} of having it be really straightforward for people to check every aspect of it including the audio . And I don't remember who won , Adam or me , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} if it 's only the transcript , though {disfmarker} I mean , th this {disfmarker} this is my point , that {disfmarker} that", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "uh , the {disfmarker} Uh , that that 's why I 'm bringing this up again , because I can't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "then it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That it was the transcrip He wanted to do a web interface that would make it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , if it 's just the audio {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that would give you access to the transcript and the audio . That 's what Adam wanted .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And I don't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , with the web interface it 's interesting , because you could allow the person who signs to be informed when their transcript changes , or something like that . And , I mean , I would say \" no \" . Like , I don't wanna know , but some people might be really {vocalsound} interested and then y In other words , they would be informed if there was some significant change other than typos and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You decided you were whispering Satanic incantations under your breath when you were {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} I don't know what happened to the small heads thing , but I j {vocalsound} Um , I 'm just saying that , like , you know , you can sort of say that any things that are deemed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They disappeared from view .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . I mean , I agree that at some point people {vocalsound} probably won't care about typos but they would care about significant meaning changes and then they could be asked for their consent , I guess , if {disfmarker} if those change . Cuz assumi {vocalsound} assuming we {disfmarker} we don't really distribute things that have any significant changes from what they sign anyway .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Tha That 's {disfmarker} How about having them approve the audio and not the transcripts ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , my God .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That would be simpler ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "if we could count on them listening .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "But no one will listen to the hours and hours of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Talk .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , that 's O K .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "We just have to give them a chance to listen to it , and if they don't , that 's their problem .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "hmm , hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} you d That 's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unfortunately , uh , in {disfmarker} in the sign thing that they signed , it says \" transcripts \" .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No , I 'm serious .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" You 'll be {disfmarker} you 'll be provided the transcripts when they 're available . \"", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I I {disfmarker} I think", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that 's a lot to ask for people that have been in a lot of meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "W anyway , haven't we {disfmarker} we 've gone down this path a number of times . I know this can lead to extended conversations and {disfmarker} and not really get anywhere , so let {disfmarker} let me just suggest that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , off - line that , uh , the people involved figure it out and take care of it before it 's July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So {disfmarker} so that in July we can tell people {vocalsound} \" yes , we have this and you can use it \" .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes . It 's done , ready , available . Good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh . So , let 's see . What else we got ? Uh . Don did {disfmarker} did a report about his project in class and , uh {disfmarker} an oral and written {disfmarker} written version .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that was stuff he was doing with you . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} I guess one thing we 're learning is that the amount {disfmarker} We have eight meetings there because we couldn't use the non - native {disfmarker} all non - native meetings and {vocalsound} it 's , well , probably below threshold on enough data for us for the things we 're looking at because the {vocalsound} prosodic features are {pause} very noisy and so you {disfmarker} you need a lot of data in order to model them . Um , so we 're starting to see some patterns and we 're hoping that maybe with , {vocalsound} I don't know , double or triple the data {disfmarker} with twenty meetings or so , that we would start to get better results . But we did find that some of the features that , I gue Jane would know about , that are expressing sort of the {vocalsound} distance of , um , {vocalsound} boundaries from peaks in the utterance and {vocalsound} some {pause} local , um , range {disfmarker} pitch range effects , like how close people are to their floor , are showing up in these classifiers , which are also being given some word features that are cheating , cuz they 're true words . Um , so these are based on forced alignment . Word features like , um , word frequency and whether or not something 's a backchannel and so forth . So , we 're starting to see , I think , some interesting patterns .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So the dominant features , including everything , were those {disfmarker} those quasi - cheating things . Right ? Where these are {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sometimes not .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "I think it depends what you 're looking at , a actually .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sometimes {pause} positions in sentences obviously , or in spurts , was helpful . I don't know if that 's cheating , too .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Spurts wouldn't be . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "spurts is not cheating except that of course you know the real words ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "but roughly speaking , the recognized words are gonna give you a similar type of position .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right . Would they give you the same number of words , though ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's either early or late .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Not exactly , but i", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But ra somewhat ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "On the average .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y yeah it should be . Well , we don't know and actually that 's one of the things we 're interested in doing , is a sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Have you tried using just time , as opposed to number of words ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I think ti uh {disfmarker} Just p time position , like when the word starts ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know if that was in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Well , no , I mean t time {disfmarker} time position relative to the beginning of the spurt .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh {disfmarker} You know , uh", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Start .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . There 's all these things to do .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , we didn't try it , but it 's s", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Like , there 's a lot of different features you could just pull out .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean that wouldn't be cheating because you can detect pause {pause} pretty well within the time .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "How about time position normalized by speak", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And it depends on speaking rate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "speaking rate . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's actually why I didn't use it at first .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But we {disfmarker} one of the interesting things was I guess you reported on some te punctuation type {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "finding sentence boundaries , finding disfluency boundaries , and then I had done some work on finding from the foreground speech whether or not someone was likely to interrupt , so where {disfmarker} you know , if I 'm talking now and someone {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and Andreas is about to interrupt me , is he gonna choose a certain place in my speech , either prosodically or word - based . And there the prosodic features actually showed up and a neat thing {disfmarker} even though the word features were available . And a neat thing there too is I tried some {disfmarker} {vocalsound} putting the speaker {disfmarker} So , I gave everybody {vocalsound} a short version of their name . So the real names are in there , which we couldn't use . Uh , we should use I Ds or something . And those don't show up . So that means that overall , um , it wasn't just modeling Morgan , or it wasn't just modeling a single person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um , but was sort of trying to , {vocalsound} uh , get a general idea {disfmarker} the model {disfmarker} the tree classifier was trying to find general locations that were applicable to different speakers , even though there are huge speaker effects . So . The {disfmarker} but the main limitation now is I {disfmarker} because we 're only looking at things that happen every {vocalsound} ten words or every twenty words , we need more {disfmarker} more data and more data per speaker . So . It 'd also be interesting to look at the EDU meetings because we did include meeting type as a feature , so whether you were in a r Meeting Recorder meeting or a Robustness meeting did matter {vocalsound} to {pause} interrupts because there are just fewer interrupts in the Robustness meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "And so the classifier learns more about Morgan than it does about sort of the average person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "which is {vocalsound} not bad . It 'd probably do better than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Um , but it wasn't generalizing .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} And I think Don , um {disfmarker} Well , we have a long list of things he 's starting to look at now over the summer , where we can {disfmarker} And he 'll be able to report on more things {pause} in the future . But it was great that we could at least go from the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , Jane 's transcripts and the , {vocalsound} uh , recognizer output and get it {pause} to this point . And I think it 's something Mari can probably use in her preliminary report {disfmarker} like , \" yeah , we 're at the point where we 're training these classifiers and we 're just {vocalsound} reporting very preliminary but suggestive results that {vocalsound} some features , both word and pro prosodic , work . \" The other thing that was interesting to me is that the pitch features are better than in Switchboard . And I think that really is from the close - talking mikes , cuz the pitch processing that was done has much cleaner behavior than {disfmarker} than the Switchboard telephone bandwidth .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "W wh wh wh Better in what sense ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um . Well , first of all , the pitch tracks are m have less , um , halvings and doublings than {disfmarker} than Switchboard and there 's a lot less dropout , so if you ask how many regions where you would normally expect some vowels to be occurring {vocalsound} are completely devoid of pitch information ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . ", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "in other words the pitch tracker just didn't get a high enough probability of voicing for words {disfmarker} for {disfmarker} for , you know , five word", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "there are much fewer than in Switchboard . So the missing {disfmarker} {vocalsound} We had a big missing data problem in Switchboard and , so the features weren't as reliable cuz they were often just not available .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Could it have to do with the {disfmarker} the lower frequency cut - off on the Switchboard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So that 's actually good . Ma - maybe . I mean , the tele we had telephone bandwidth for Switchboard and we had the an annoying sort of telephone handset movement problem that I think may also affect it .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So we 're just getting better signals in {disfmarker} in this data . Which is nice . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway , Don 's been doing a great job and we hope to continue with , um , Andreas 's help and also some of Thilo 's help on this ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to try to get a non - cheating version of how all this would work .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sure . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Has {disfmarker} has , uh {disfmarker} ? We just {disfmarker} I think , just talked about this the other day , but h has {disfmarker} has anybody had a chance to try changing , uh , insertion penalty sort of things with the {disfmarker} with the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , using the tandem system input for the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah . I tried that . It didn't , um , help dramatically . The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Were they out of balance ? I didn't {disfmarker} I didn't notice .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There were a little {disfmarker} the relative number of {disfmarker} I think there were a higher number of deletions , actually .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , you , uh {disfmarker} So , actually it {disfmarker} it preferred to have a positive {disfmarker} er , negative insertion penalty ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Deletions ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "which means {vocalsound} that , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , you know , it didn't change {vocalsound} th the {disfmarker} by adjusting that {disfmarker} the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The error changed by probably one percent or so . But , you know , given that that word error rate is so high , that 's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . So that {disfmarker} So that 's {disfmarker} So that 's not the problem .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's not the problem . No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , we s just , um , uh {disfmarker} you know , Chuck and I talked and the {pause} @ @ {comment} next thing to do is probably to tune the {disfmarker} um , the size of the Gaussian system , um , @ @ {comment} to {disfmarker} to this {disfmarker} to this feature vector , which we haven't done at all . We just used the same {vocalsound} configuration as we used for the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} for the standard system .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , {vocalsound} for instance , uh , Dan {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} Dan just sent me a message saying that CMU used , um , {vocalsound} something like ten Gaussians per cluster {disfmarker} You know , each {disfmarker} each mixture has ten {pause} Gaussians", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm . We 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and we 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so that 's {vocalsound} obviously a big difference", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and it might be way off and give very poorly trained , uh , you know , Gaussians that way ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "uh , an and poorly trained mixture weights . So {disfmarker} so , we have {disfmarker} The turn - around time on the training when we train only the {disfmarker} a male system with , uh , you know , our small training set , is {vocalsound} less than twenty - four hours , so we can run lots of {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , basically just brute force , try a whole bunch of different um , settings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , uh , with the new machines it 'll be even better . So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We get twelve of those ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But the PLP features work {disfmarker} um , uh , you know , continue to improve the ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} As I said before , the {disfmarker} uh using Dan 's , uh , uh , vocal tract normalization option works very well . So , um , @ @ {comment} I ran one experiment where we 're just {vocalsound} did the vocal tract le normalization only in the test data ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I didn't bother to retrain {pause} the models at all , and it improved by one percent , which is about what we get with {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with , you know , just @ @ {comment} actually doing both training and test normalization , um , with , um , {vocalsound} the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with the standard system . So , in a few hours we 'll have the numbers for the {disfmarker} for retraining everything with vocal tract length normalization and {disfmarker} So , that might even improve it further .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , it looks like the P L - fea P features {comment} do very well now with {disfmarker} after having figured out all these little tricks to {disfmarker} to get it to work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Wait . So you mean you improve one percent over a system that doesn't have any V T L in it already ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Exactly . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK . So then {disfmarker} then we 'll have our baseline to {disfmarker} to compare the currently hideous , uh , uh , new thing with .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . a Right . And {disfmarker} and what that suggests also is of course that the current Switchboard {pause} MLP isn't trained on very good features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , because it was trained on whatever , you know , was used , uh , last time you did Hub - five stuff , which didn't have any of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . But all of these effects were j like a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , y the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , but if you add them all up you have , uh , almost five percent difference now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Add {pause} all of them . I thought one was one point five percent and one was point eight .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And now we have another percent with the V T", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's three point three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , actually , and it 's , um , What 's actually qu interesting is that with {disfmarker} um , well , you m prob maybe another half percent if you do the VTL in training , and then interestingly , if you optimize you get more of a win out of rescoring the , um , {vocalsound} uh , the N best lists , uh , and optimizing the weights , um , uh than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than you do with the standard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the part that 's actually adjustment of the front - end per se as opposed to doing {disfmarker} putting VTLN in or something is {disfmarker} it was a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? It was {disfmarker} it was {disfmarker} there was {disfmarker} {vocalsound} there was one thing that was one and a half percent and one that was point eight . So {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} let me see if I remember what they were . One of them {vocalsound} was , uh , the change to , uh {disfmarker} because it did it all at once , {comment} to {disfmarker} uh , from bark scale to mel scale ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which I really feel like saying in quotes , because @ @ {comment} they 're essentially the same scale but the {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but any i individual particular implementation of those things puts things in a particular place .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Why did that cha ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I wanted to look {disfmarker} I still haven't looked at it yet . I {disfmarker} I wanna look at exactly where the filters were in the two ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's probably something like there 's one fewer or one more filter in the sub {vocalsound} one kilohertz band", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and for whatever reason with this particular experiment it was better one way or the other .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , it could be there 's something more fundamental but it {disfmarker} you know , I {disfmarker} I don't know it yet . And the other {disfmarker} and the other {disfmarker} that was like one and a half or something , and then there was point eight percent , which was {disfmarker} what was the other thing ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that was combined with the triangular . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Those {disfmarker} those two were together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "We d weren't able to separate them out cuz it was just done in one thing . But then there was a point eight percent which was something else .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The low - frequency cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Do you remember the {disfmarker} ? Oh , yeah . So that was {disfmarker} that was , uh {disfmarker} that one I can claim credit for , uh , i in terms of screwing it up in the first place . So that someone e until someone else fixed it , which is that , um , I never put {disfmarker} when I u We had some problems before with offsets . This inf this went back to , uh , I think Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So we {disfmarker} we had , uh {disfmarker} ea everybody else who was doing Wall Street Journal knew that there were big DC offsets in th in these data {disfmarker} in those data and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and nobody happened to mention it to us ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and we were getting these , like , really terrible results , like two , three times the error everybody else was getting . And then in casual conversation someone ment mentioned \" uh , well , I guess , you know , of course you 're taking care of the offsets . \" I said \" what offsets ? \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And at that point , you know , we were pretty new to the data and we 'd never really , like , looked at it on a screen and then when we just put it on the screen {comment} and wroop !", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "there 's this big DC offset . So , um , in PLP", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "There was a {disfmarker} like a hum or some or {disfmarker} when they recorded it ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No . It 's just , it {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not at all uncommon for {disfmarker} for recorded electronics to have different , um , DC offsets .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Or just {disfmarker} ? Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , no big deal . It 's {disfmarker} you know , you could have ten , twenty , maybe thirty millivolts , whatever , and it 's consistently in there . The thing is , most people 's front - ends have pre - emphasis with it , with zero at zero frequency , so that it 's irrelevant . Uh , but with P L P , we didn't actually have that . We had {disfmarker} we had the equivalent of pre - emphasis in a {disfmarker} a , uh , Fletcher - Munson style weighting that occurs in the middle of P L but it doesn't actually have a zero at zero frequency ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "like , eh , uh , typical simple fr pre - emphasis does . We had something more fancy . It was later on it didn't have that . So at that point I reali \" oh sh we better have a {disfmarker} have a high - pass filter \" just , you know {disfmarker} {vocalsound} just take care of the problem . So I put in a high - pass filter at , uh , I think ninety {disfmarker} ninety hertz or so {vocalsound} uh , for a sixteen kilohertz sampling rate . And I never put anything in to adjust it for different {disfmarker} different sampling rates . And so {disfmarker} well , so , you know , the code doesn't know anything about that and so this is all at eight kilohertz and so it was at forty - five hertz instead of at {disfmarker} {vocalsound} instead of at ninety .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , um , I don't know if Dan fixed it or {disfmarker} or , uh , what he {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , he made it a parameter .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He made it a parameter . So . Yeah , I guess if he did it right , he did fix it and then {disfmarker} and then it 's taking care of sampling rate , which is great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what is the parameter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "He had a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is it , uh , just the f lower cut - off that you want ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's called , uh , {vocalsound} H - HPF .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "H {disfmarker} Yeah . Does HPF on {disfmarker} on his feat feature .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "u And {disfmarker} but HPF , you know , when you put a number after it , uses that as the hertz value of the cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , frankly , we never did that with the RASTA filter either ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so the RASTA filter is actually doing a different thing in the modulation spectral domain depending on what sampling rate you 're doing , which is {vocalsound} another old {disfmarker} old bug of mine .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} Um . So that {disfmarker} that was the problem there was th we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we had always intended to cut off below a hundred hertz", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it just wasn't doing it , so now it is . So , {vocalsound} that hep that helped us by , like , eight tenths of a percent . It {pause} still wasn't a big deal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . Well , but , um {disfmarker} Well , uh , again , after completing the {pause} current experiments , we 'll {disfmarker} {vocalsound} we can add up all the uh differences", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} an", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , I guess my {disfmarker} my point was that {disfmarker} that , um , the hybrid system thing that we did was , uh , primitive in many ways .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I think I agree with you that if we fixed lots of different things and they would all add up , we would probably have a {disfmarker} a {disfmarker} a competitive system . But I think not that much of it is due to the front - end per se . I think maybe a couple percent of it is , as far as I can see from this .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , unless you call {disfmarker} well , if you call VTL the front - en front - end , that 's , uh , a little more . But that 's sort of more both , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "One experiment we should {disfmarker} we 'll probably need to do though when {disfmarker} um , at some point , is , since we 're using that same {disfmarker} the net that was trained on PLP without all these things in it , for the tandem system , we may wanna go back and retrain ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? But .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what I meant , in fact . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , for the tandem . You know , so we can see if it {disfmarker} what effect it has on the tandem processing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} so , the thing is {disfmarker} is do we expect {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh At this point I 'm as I mean , you know {disfmarker} e I 'm wondering is it {disfmarker} Can we expect , uh , a tandem system to do better than a properly trained {disfmarker} you know , a Gaussian system trained directly on the features with , you know , the right ch choice of {pause} parameters ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what we 're seeing in other areas . Yes . Right ? So , it 's {disfmarker} so , um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , we {disfmarker} But {disfmarker} but we may not . I mean , if it doesn't perform as well , we may not know why . Right ? Cuz we need to do the exact experiment .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the reason to think it should is because you 're putting in the same information and you 're transforming it to be more discriminative . So . Um . Now the thing is , in some databases I wouldn't expect it to necessarily give you much and {disfmarker} and part of what I view as the real power of it is that it {pause} gives you a transformational capability {vocalsound} for taking all sorts of different wild things that we do , not just th the standard front - end , but other things , like with multiple streams and so forth ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and allows you to feed them to the other system with this {disfmarker} through this funnel . Um , so I think {disfmarker} I think that 's the real power of it . I wouldn't expect huge in huge improvements . Um , but it should at least be roughly the same and maybe a little better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it 's , you know , like way way worse then , you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , Morgan , an another thing that Andreas and I were talking about was , so @ @ {comment} in the first experiment that he did {vocalsound} we just took the whole fifty - six , uh , outputs and that 's , um , basically compared to a thirty - nine input feature vector from either MFCC or PLP .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one thing we could do is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Let {disfmarker} let me {disfmarker} let me just ask you something . When you say take the fifty - six outputs , these are the pre final nonlinearity {pause} outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Through the regular tandem outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and they 're {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} through the KLT .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Through the KLT . All that kinda stuff .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . And so {disfmarker} so then you u Do you use all fifty - six of the KLT", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's what we did .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ? So one thing we were wondering is , if we did principal components and , say , took out just thirteen , and then did deltas and double - deltas on that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so we treated the th first thirteen as though they were {vocalsound} standard features .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yes . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , did Dan do experiments like that to {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh . Talk with Stephane . He did some things like that . It was either him or Carmen . I forget .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean these were all different databases and different {disfmarker} you know , in HTK and all that ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so i it {disfmarker} it may not apply . But my recollection of it was that it didn't make it better but it didn't make it worse .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , again , given all these differences , maybe it 's more important in your case that you not take a lot of these low - variance , uh , components .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Cuz in a sense , the net 's already got quite a bit of context in those features ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so if we did deltas and double - deltas on top of those , we 're getting sort of even more .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Which could be good or not .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Worth trying .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But there the main point is that , um , you know , it took us a while but we have the procedure for coupling the two systems {vocalsound} debugged now and {disfmarker} I mean , there 's still conceivably some bug somewhere in the way we 're feeding the tandem features {disfmarker} uh , either generating them or feeding them to this {disfmarker} to the {vocalsound} SRI system ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There might be , cuz that 's a pretty big difference .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And I 'm wondering how we can {disfmarker} how we can debug that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean how {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm actually f quite sure that the {disfmarker} feeding the {pause} features into the system and training it up ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "that {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I think that 's {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} that 's essentially the same as we use with the ce with the P L P fe features . And that 's obviously working great . So . I um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . There could be a bug in {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} somewhere before that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There {disfmarker} we could {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} another degree of freedom is how do you generate the K L T transform ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? We to", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "well , and another one is the normalization of the inputs to the net .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "These nets are trained with particular normalization and when that gets screwed up it {disfmarker} it can really hurt it .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm doing what Eric {disfmarker} E Eric coached me through then {disfmarker} that part of it , so I 'm pretty confident in that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , the only slight difference is that I use normalization values that , um , Andreas calculated from the original {comment} PLP ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which is right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "N Yeah . So , I u I do {disfmarker} Oh , we actually don't do that normalization for the PLP , do we ? For the st just the straight PLP features ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . The {disfmarker} the SRI system does it .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S R I system does that . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , you might e e", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , there 's {disfmarker} there is {disfmarker} there is room for bugs that we might not have discovered ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} that 's another {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} I {disfmarker} I would actually double check with Stephane at this point ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz he 's probably the one here {disfmarker} I mean , he and Dan are the ones who are at this point most experienced with the tandem", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "thing and there may {disfmarker} there may be some little bit here and there that is not {disfmarker} not being handled right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's hard with features , cuz you don't know what they should look like . I mean , you can't just , like , print the {disfmarker} the values out in ASCII and , you know , look at them , see if they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Not unless you had a lot of time", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh , and also they 're not {disfmarker} I mean , as I understand it , you {disfmarker} you don't have a way to optimize the features for the final word error . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , these are just discriminative , but they 're not , um , optimized for the final {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They 're optimized for phone discrimination , not for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So it {disfmarker} there 's always this question of whether you might do better with those features if there was a way to train it for the word error metric that you 're actually {disfmarker} that you 're actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's right . Well , the other {disfmarker} Yeah , th the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , you actually are . But {disfmarker} but it {disfmarker} but in an indirect way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , right . It 's indirect , so you don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So wha w what {disfmarker} an and you may not be in this case , come to think of it , because , uh , you 're just taking something that 's trained up elsewhere . So , what {disfmarker} what you {disfmarker} what you do in the full procedure {vocalsound} is you , um , uh , have an embedded training . So in fact you {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the net is trained on , uh , uh , a , uh , Viterbi alignment of the training data that comes from your full system . And so that 's where the feedback comes all around , so that it is actually discriminant . You can prove that it 's {disfmarker} it 's a , uh {disfmarker} If you believe in the Viterbi assumption that , uh , getting the best path , uh , is almost equivalent to getting the best , uh , total probability , um , then you actually do improve that by , uh {disfmarker} by training up on local {disfmarker} local , uh {disfmarker} local frames . But , um , we aren't actually doing that here , because we did {disfmarker} we did that for a hybrid system , and now we 're plugging it into another system and so it isn't {disfmarker} {vocalsound} i i i it wouldn't quite apply here .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do y", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So another huge experiment we could do would be to take the tandem features , uh , do SRI forced alignments using those features , and then re - do the net with those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mmm , uh {disfmarker} Exactly . Exactly .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So that you can optimize it for the word error .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Another thing is since you 're not using the net for recognition per se but just for this transformation , it 's probably bigger than it needs to be .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that would save a lot of time .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And there 's a mismatch in the phone sets . So , you 're using a l a long a larger phone set than what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually all those things could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could , uh {disfmarker} could affect it as well .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The other thing , uh , just to mention that Stephane {disfmarker} this was an innovation of Stephane 's , which was a pretty neat one , uh , and might particularly apply {vocalsound} here , given all these things we 're mentioning . Um , Stephane 's idea was that , um , discriminant , uh , approaches are great . Even the local ones , given , you know , these potential outer loops which , you know , you can convince yourself turn into the global ones . Um , however , there 's times when it {pause} is not good . Uh , when {pause} something about the test set is different enough from the training set that {disfmarker} that , uh , the discrimination that you 're learning is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is not a good one .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , uh , his idea was to take as the input feature vector to the , uh , Gaussian mixture system , {vocalsound} uh , a concatenation of the neural net outputs and the regular features .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , we already talked about that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "El", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Didn't you {disfmarker} did you {pause} do that already", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , but we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} when {disfmarker} when we {disfmarker} when I first started corresponding with Dan about how to go about this , I think that was one of the things that we definitely went there .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ? Oh . That makes a lot of sense . Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I 'm sure that Stephane wasn't the first to think of it ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but actually Stephane did it", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . And i does it help ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} and it helped a lot .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} that 's our current best {disfmarker} best system in the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , in the Aurora thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh . OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And do you do a KLT transform on the con on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "As {disfmarker} you should never do worse .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I , uh , missed what you said .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do you {disfmarker} d you do a KLT transform on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , actually , I , uh {disfmarker} you should check with him , because he tried several different combinations .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because you end up with this huge feature vector , so that might be a problem , a unless you do some form of dimensionality reduction .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . I , uh , th what I don't remember is which came out best . So he did one where he put o put e the whole thing into one KLT , and another one , since the {disfmarker} the PLP things are already orthogonalized , he left them alone and {disfmarker} and just did a KLT on the {disfmarker} on the {disfmarker} on the net outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and then concatenated that . And I don't remember which was better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did he {disfmarker} did he try to {disfmarker} ? So he always ended up with a feature vector that was {pause} twice as long as either one of the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I don't know , i I {disfmarker} I don't know . You have to check with him .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Actually , I have to run .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I 'm into big ideas these days .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We need to close up cuz I need to save the data and , um , get a call .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Not to mention the fact that we 're missing snacks . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did people wanna do the digits", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or , um , do them together ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I g I think , given that we 're in a hurry for snacks , maybe we should do them together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know . Should we just {disfmarker} ? OK . I mean , are we trying to do them {nonvocalsound} in synchrony ? That might be fun .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not {disfmarker} You know , it 's not gonna work out", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Adam 's not here , so he 's not here to tell me no .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "but we could {disfmarker} we could just , uh , uh , see if we find a rhythm , you know , what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh , O 's or zeroes , we wanna agree on that ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Maybe just whatever people would naturally do ? I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , but if we were a singing group , we would wanna decide . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Be harmony . Yeah . {comment} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mine 's identical to yours .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "We might wa", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Sorry . So I set up and we didn't have {pause} enough digit forms", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So these are excellent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I xeroxed the same one seven times .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Why don't we do zer i Anyone have a problem with saying zero ? Is zero OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . One and a two and three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "e", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Once more with feeling .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And th", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No , just k just kidding . Oh , yeah . It was .", "speaker": "Professor F" } ]
The classifier segmentation work is going well, but needs more data to improve results since non-native speaker data cannot be used.
What is the status of the segmenter
[ { "content": "What channel am I on ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh , channel two .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Make sure to turn your microphone on .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "There 's a battery .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There we go .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "OK . Your channel number 's already on this blank sheet .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "So you just {disfmarker} If you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Channel five ? Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel whatever .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I 'm on channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Camera one , camera two .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "What am I ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Little low ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Channel four ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "This number four ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Channel five . OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The gai the gain 's up at it {disfmarker} what it usually is ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Is it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but if you think it 's {disfmarker} Yeah . It 's sort of a default . But I can set it higher if you like .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . Maybe it should be a little higher .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's not showing much . Test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test , test . OK , that {disfmarker} that seems better ? Yeah ? OK , good . Ah , that 's good , that 's good . That 's Ahh . Mmm . So I {disfmarker} I had a question for Adam . Have we started already ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we started recording , but {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Is Jane around or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I saw her earlier .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "She can just walk in , I guess , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . She 'll probably come up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Since we 're starting late I figured we 'd better just start .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Great idea . I was gonna ask Adam to , uh , say if he thought anymore about the demo stuff because {vocalsound} it occurred to me that this is late May and the DARPA meeting is in {pause} mid July . Uh , but {vocalsound} I don't remember w what we {disfmarker} I know that we were gonna do something with the transcriber interface is one thing , but I thought there was a second thing . Anybody remember ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , we were gonna do a mock - up , like , question answering or something , I thought , that was totally separate from the interface . Do you remember ? Remember , like , asking questions and retrieving , {vocalsound} but in a pre - stored fashion .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That was the thing we talked about , I think , before the transcriber {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Come on in .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Alright . So anyway , you have to sort out that out and get somebody going on it cuz we 're {disfmarker} got a {disfmarker} got a month left basically . So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "You like these . Right ? OK , good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK . Um OK . So , what are we g else we got ? You got {disfmarker} you just wrote a bunch of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . That was all , um , previously here .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I was writing {pause} the digits and then I realized I could xerox them ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because I didn't want people to turn their heads from these microphones . So . We all , by the way , have the same digit form , for the record . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's cool .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So , the choice is , uh , which {disfmarker} which do we want more , the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the comparison , uh , {vocalsound} of everybody saying them at the same time or the comparison of people saying the same digits at different times that {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's just cuz I didn't have any more digit sheets .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I know that . But , you know , which opportunity should we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unison .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "exploit ? {vocalsound} Unison .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} Actually it might be good to have them separately and have the same exact strings . I mean , we could use them for normalizing or something , but it of course goes more quickly doing them in unison .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I guess we 'll see", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "i I guess it 's dependent on", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "See how long we go .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "how long we go and how good the snack is out there .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But anyway , they won't be identical as somebody is saying zero in some {disfmarker} sometimes , you know , saying O , and so , it 's not i not identical .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . Hmm . Get some advance intelligence .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to train .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 'd be like a chorus .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . We 'd have to get s get some experience .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Greek chorus .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Really {pause} boring chorus . Um . Do we {pause} have an agenda ? Adam usually tries to put those together , but he 's ill .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 've got a couple of things to talk about .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Yeah . Uh ju what {disfmarker} what might those be ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , IBM stuff and , um , just getting {vocalsound} uh , meeting information organized .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Meeting info organized . OK . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Are you implying that it 's currently disorganized ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In my mind .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is there stuff that 's happened about , um , uh , the {pause} SRI recognizer et cetera , tho those things that were happening before with {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y y you guys were doing a bunch of experiments with different front - ends and then with {disfmarker} Is {disfmarker} is that still sort of where it was , uh , the other day ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We 're improving .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Now the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} You saw the note that the PLP now is getting basically the same as the MFCC .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually it looks like it 's getting better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} but it 's not {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Just with {disfmarker} with age , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "With age . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , that 's not d directly related to me . Doesn't mean we can't talk about it . Um , it seems {disfmarker} It looks l I haven't {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} The experiment is still not complete , but , um , it looks like the vocal tract length normalization is working beautifully , actually , w using the warp factors that we computed for the SRI system and just applying them to the {vocalsound} ICSI front - end .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's pretty funny .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So you just need to {pause} copy over to this one .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Just had to take the reciprocal of the number because they have different meanings in the two systems .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Ah ! Yeah . Well , that 's always good to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . OK . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one issue actually that just came up in discussion with Liz and {disfmarker} and Don was , um , as far as meeting recognition is concerned , um , we would really like to , uh , move , uh , to , uh , doing the recognition on automatic segmentations .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because in all our previous experiments , we had the {disfmarker} uh , you know , we were essentially cheating by having the , um , you know , the h the hand - segmentations as the basis of the recognition .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so now with Thilo 's segmenter working so well , I think we should {pause} consider doing a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . So .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Come on .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , doing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We {disfmarker} But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Y think {disfmarker} you think we should increase the error rate .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That - that 's what I wanted to do anyway ,", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so we should just get together and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And even {disfmarker} The good thing is that since you , um , have high recall , {comment} even if you have low precision cuz you 're over - generating , that 's good because we could train noise models in the recognizer for these kinds of , uh , transients and things that come from the microphones ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "but {vocalsound} I know that if we run recognition unconstrained on a whole waveform , we do very poorly because we 're {disfmarker} we 're getting insertions in places what {disfmarker} that you may well be cutting out .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So we do need some kind of pre - segmentation .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "We should {disfmarker} we should consider doing some extra things , like , um , you know , retraining or adapting the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} the models for background noise to the {disfmarker} to this environment , for instance .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And , yeah , using Thilo 's , you know , posteriors or some kind of {disfmarker} or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right now they 're {disfmarker} they 're discrete ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "yes or no for a speaker , to consider those particular speaker background models .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . There 's lots of ins interesting things that could be done .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . We should do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Good . So , uh , why don't we , uh , do the IBM stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , talked with Brian and gave him the alternatives to the single beep at the end of each utterance that we had generated before .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You had some {pause} thing about that ? Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The , uh , Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The Chuck chunks .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Right . And so he talked it over with the transcriber and the transcriber thought that the easiest thing for them would be if there was a beep and then the nu a number , a digit , and then a beep , uh , at the beginning of each one", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and that would help keep them from getting lost . And , um , {vocalsound} so Adam wrote a little script to generate those style , uh , beeps", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Where 'd you get the digits from ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and so we 're {disfmarker} I came up here and just recorded the numbers one through ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "They sound really good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So . Does it sound OK ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "That 's a great idea .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} Yeah . We just used those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And do you splice them into the {pause} waveform ? Or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . He {disfmarker} then he d I recorded {disfmarker} Actually , I recorded one through ten three times at three different speeds and then he picked .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He liked the fastest one , so he just cut those out {vocalsound} and spliced them in between , uh , two beeps .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It sounds like a radio announcer 's voice . Really .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It will be funny uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Does it ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It will be funny when you 're really reading digits , and then there are the chunks with {disfmarker} with your {pause} digits in ?", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . With my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh that 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Now actually ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 'll throw them ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "we 're {disfmarker} Are we handling {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , maybe we should have you record A , B , C for those or something .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . {comment} Huh ! Maybe . And she said it wasn't gonna {disfmarker} the transcriber said it wouldn't be a problem cuz they can actually make a template , uh , that has beep , number , beep . So for them it 'll be very quick", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to put those in there {vocalsound} when they 're transcribing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , um , we {disfmarker} We 're gonna send them one more sample meeting , uh , and Thilo has run his segmentation . Adam 's gonna generate the chunked file . And then , um , I 'll give it to Brian and they can try that out . And when we get that back we 'll see if that sort of fixes the problem we had with , uh , too many beeps in the last transcription .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Do w do {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} Do you have any idea of the turn - around on {disfmarker} on those steps you just said ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh . Our s our {disfmarker} On our side ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or including IBM 's ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Including IBM 's .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , I don't know . The last one seemed like it took a couple of weeks . Um , maybe even three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's just the I B M side . Our side is quick . I mean , I {disfmarker} I don't know . How long does your {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It should @ @ be finished today or something . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Well , I meant the overall thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "e e u u {comment} The reason I 'm asking is because , uh , Jane and I have just been talking , and she 's just been doing . {vocalsound} Uh , e a , you know , further hiring of transcribers .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so we don't sort of really know exactly what they 'll be doing , how long they 'll be doing it , and so forth , because right now she has no choice but to operate in the mode that we already have working .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , so it 'd be {disfmarker} It 'd be good to sort of get that resolved , uh , soon as we could ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . I {disfmarker} Yeah , I {disfmarker} I hope @ @ {comment} we can get a better estimate from this {pause} one that we send them .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So . Um .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't know yet how long that 'll take .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker} I mean in particular I would {disfmarker} I would really hope that when we do this DARPA meeting in July that we sort of have {disfmarker} we 're {disfmarker} we 're into production mode , somehow {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , that we {disfmarker} we actually {vocalsound} have a stream going and we know how {disfmarker} how well it does and how {disfmarker} and how it operates .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I think that would {disfmarker} that would certainly be a {disfmarker} a very good thing to know .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Uh . Maybe before we do the meeting info organize thing , maybe you could say relevant stuff about where we are in transcriptions .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . So , um , we {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Uh , the transcribers have continued to work past what I 'm calling \" set one \" , which was the s the set that I 've been , uh {disfmarker} OK , talking about up to this point , but , uh , they 've gotten five meetings done in that set . Right now they 're in the process of being edited . Um , the , um {disfmarker} Let 's see , I hired two transcribers today . I 'm thinking of hiring another one , which will {disfmarker} because we 've had a lot of attrition . And that will bring our total to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "They die off after they do this for a while .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , you know , it 's {disfmarker} it 's various things .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Burn - out .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , one of them had a baby . Um , you know , one of them really w wasn't planning {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Oh , that was an unfor unforeseen side effect of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh , one of them , um , had never planned to work past January . I mean , it 's th all these various things , cuz we , you know , we presented it as possibly a month project back in January and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Um , so it makes sense . Uh , through attrition we {disfmarker} we 've {disfmarker} we 're down to {disfmarker} to two , but they 're really solid . We 're really lucky the two that we kept . And , um {disfmarker} Well , I don't mean {disfmarker} I don't mean anything against the others . {comment} What I mean is we 've got a good cause {disfmarker} a good core . No . We had a good core {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , they won't hear this since they 're going . They won't be transcribing this meeting .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah , but still . I mean , I d it 's just a matter of we {disfmarker} w we 're {disfmarker} we 've got , uh ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No backs .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "two of the ones who {disfmarker} who , um , ha had been putting in a lot of hours up to this point and they 're continuing to put in a {disfmarker} a lot of hours , which is wonderful , and excellent work . And so , then , in addition , um , I hired two more today and I 'm planning to h hire a third one with this {disfmarker} within this coming week , but {disfmarker} {vocalsound} but the plan is {disfmarker} just as , uh , Morgan was saying we discussed this , and the plan right now is to keep the staff on the {disfmarker} on the leaner side , you know , rather than hiring , like , eight to ten right now ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "because if the IBM thing comes through really quickly , then , um , we wouldn't wanna have to , uh , you know , lay people off and stuff . So . And this way it 'll {disfmarker} I mean , I got really a lot of response for {disfmarker} for my notice and I think I could hire additional people if I {pause} wish to .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . An - and the other thing is , I mean , in the unlikely event {disfmarker} and since we 're so far from this , it 's a little hard to plan this way {disfmarker} in the unlikely event that we actually find {vocalsound} that we have , uh , transcribers on staff who are twiddling their thumbs because , you know , there 's , you know , {vocalsound} all the stuff that {disfmarker} that was sitting there has been transcribed and they 're {disfmarker} and they 're faster {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline is faster than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , than the generation , um , eh , i in {disfmarker} in the day {disfmarker} e event that that day actually dawns , uh , I {disfmarker} I bet we could find some other stuff for them to do .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I think {vocalsound} that , eh , eh , a as we were talking , if we {disfmarker} if we hire twelve , then we could , you know , run into a problem later . I mean , we also just couldn't sustain that forever . But {disfmarker} but , um {disfmarker} for all sorts of reasons {disfmarker} but if we hire f you know , f we have five on staff {disfmarker} five or six on staff at any given time , then {vocalsound} it 's a small enough number so we can be flexible either way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Good . OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'd be great , too , if , um , we can {disfmarker} we might need some help again getting the tighter boundaries or some hand {disfmarker} to experiment with , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , to have a ground truth for this segmentation work , which {disfmarker} I guess you have some already that was really helpful , and we could probably use more .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah . That was a thing I {disfmarker} I planned working on , is , uh , to use the {disfmarker} the transcriptions which are done by now , and to {disfmarker} to use them as , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Oh . Oh , the new ones", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "with the tighter boundaries . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . And to use them for {disfmarker} for training a {disfmarker} or for {disfmarker} fo whatever . Yeah . To {disfmarker} to create some speech - nonspeech labels out of them , and {disfmarker} Yeah , but that {disfmarker} that 's a thing w was {disfmarker} w what I 'm just looking into .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pre - segmentations are so much {disfmarker} are s so extremely helpful . Now there was , uh , I g guess {disfmarker} So , a couple weeks ago I needed some new ones and it happened to be during the time that he was on vacation {disfmarker} f for just very few days you were away . But it happened to be during that time I needed one ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker} {vocalsound} so I started them on the non - pre - segmented and then switched them over to yours and , um , they , um {disfmarker} you know , they always appreciate that when they have that available . And he 's , uh , usually , eh , uh , um {disfmarker} Um . So they really appreciate it . But I was gonna say that they do adjust it once in a while . You know , once in a while there 's something like ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah , sure .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "um , and e Actually you talked to them . Didn't you ? Did you ? Have you {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I talked to Helen .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and she was {disfmarker} And so , I asked her {disfmarker} I mean , They 're very perceptive . I really want to have this meeting of the transcribers . I haven't done it yet , but I wanna do that and she 's out of town , um , for a couple of weeks , but I wanna do that when she returns . Um , cuz she was saying , you know , in a {disfmarker} in a span of very short period {disfmarker} we asked {disfmarker} It seems like the ones that need to be adjusted are these {disfmarker} these {disfmarker} these things , and she was saying the short utterances , uh , the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "you know , I mean , you 're {disfmarker} You 're aware of this . But {disfmarker} but actually i it 's so correct for so much of the time , that it 's an enormous time saver", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and it just gets tweaked a little around the boundaries . So .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um . Yeah . I think it 'd be interesting to combine these .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Is there actually a record of where they change ? I mean , you can compare , do a diff on the {disfmarker} just so that we {vocalsound} knew {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You could do it . It 's {disfmarker} it 's complicated in that {vocalsound} um , {vocalsound} hhh , i hhh , i", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually , when {disfmarker} when they create new {disfmarker} yeah , new segments or something , it will be , uh , not that easy but {disfmarker} hmm . I think {pause} one could do that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I mean , if we keep a old copy of the old time marks", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "just so that if we run it we know whether we 're {disfmarker} which ones were cheating", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . That would be great , yeah , to know that .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "There is a {disfmarker} there is one problem with that and that is when they start part way through then what I do is I merge what they 've done with the pre - segmented version .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "which one would be good .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "So it 's not a pure {disfmarker} it 's not a pure condition . Wha - what you 'd really like is that they started with pre - segmented and were pre - segmented all the way through .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And , um {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} {disfmarker} I , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} it wasn't possible for about four of the recent ones . But , it will be possible in the future", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "because we {disfmarker} we 're , um .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "It would .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Mmm , that 's great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Yeah . As long as we have a record , I guess , of the original {pause} automatic one , we can always find out how well {pause} we would do fr from the recognition side by using those boundaries .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "You know , a completely non - cheating version .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Also if you need someone to record this meeting , I mean , I 'm happy to {disfmarker} for the transcribers {disfmarker} I could do it , or Chuck or Adam .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Thank you .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So , uh , u you were saying something about organizing the meeting info ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , um , uh , Jane and Adam and I had a meeting where we talked about the reorganization of the {pause} directory structure for all of the meeting {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Did you record it ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No . For all the Meeting Recorder data . We should have . Um . And so we 've got a plan for what we 're gonna do there . And then , Jane also s prepared a {disfmarker} um , started getting all of the {disfmarker} the meetings organized , so she prepared a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} a spreadsheet , which I spent the last couple of days adding to . So I went through all of the data that we have collected so far , and have been putting it into , uh , a spreadsheet {vocalsound} with start time , the date , the old meeting name , the new meeting name , the number of speakers , the duration of the meeting , comments , you know , what its transcription status is , all that kind of stuff . And so , the idea is that we can take this and then export it as HTML and put it on the Meeting Recorder web page so we can keep people updated about what 's going on .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , great .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , I 've gotta get some more information from Jane cuz I have some {disfmarker} some gaps here that I need to get her to fill in , but {vocalsound} so far , um , {vocalsound} as of Monday , the fourteenth , um , we 've had a total number of meeting sixty - two hours of meetings that we have collected . And , um {disfmarker} Uh , some other interesting things , average number of speakers per meeting is six . Um , and I 'm gonna have on here the total amount that 's been transcribed so far , but I 've got a bunch of {disfmarker} uh , that 's what I have to talk to Jane about , figuring out exactly which ones have {disfmarker} have been completed and so forth . But , um , {vocalsound} this 'll be a nice thing that we can put up on the {disfmarker} the web site and people can {vocalsound} be informed of the status of various different ones . And {vocalsound} it 'll also list , uh , like under the status , if it 's at IBM or if it 's at ICSI , uh , or if it 's completed or which ones we 're excluding and {disfmarker} and there 's a place for comments , so we can , {vocalsound} um , say why we 're excluding things and so forth . So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now would the ones that , um , are already transcribed {disfmarker} we h we have enough there that c you know , we 've already done some studies and so forth and {disfmarker} um , shouldn't we go through and do the business - es u of {disfmarker} of having the , um , uh , participants approve it , uh , for {disfmarker} approve the transcriptions for distribution and so forth ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , interesting idea . In principle , I {disfmarker} I would say yes , although I still am doing some {disfmarker} the final - pass editing , trying to convert it over to the master file as the {disfmarker} being the channelized version and it 's {disfmarker} Yeah , it seems like I get into that a certain way and then something else intervenes {comment} and I have to stop . Cleaning up the things like the , uh , uh , places where the transcriber was uncertain , and {disfmarker} and doing spot - checking here and there . So , um , uh , I guess it would make sense to wait until th that 's done , um , but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , le let me put in another sort of a milestone kind of {disfmarker} as {disfmarker} as I did with the , uh , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the pipeline .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Um , we are gonna have this DARPA {pause} meeting in the middle of July ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and I think it w it 'd be {disfmarker} given that we 've been {disfmarker} we 've given a couple public talks about it already , spaced by months and months , I think it 'd be pretty bad if we continued to say none of this is available . Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 'll certainly be done by then . Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Right . So we can s we {disfmarker} we wanna be able to say \" here is a subset that is available right now \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "and that 's has been through the legal issues and so forth .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's right .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's right . So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So , by {disfmarker} before July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And they don't have to approve , you know , th an edited version , they can just give their approval to whatever version", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , maybe {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , in principle , yes . But , I mean , i if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if somebody actually did get into some legal issue with it then we", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Bu Yeah . But th I mean , the editing will continue . Presumably if {disfmarker} if s errors are found , they will be fixed , but they won't change the {disfmarker} the content of the meetings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Content , really .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , see , this is the {disfmarker} this is the issue . Subtleties .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , i if Jane is clarifying question question , then , you know , how can they agree to it before they know her final version ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "The other thing , too , is there can be subtleties where a person uses this word instead of that word , which @ @ {comment} could 've been transcribed in the other way .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Thing {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And no and they wouldn't have {vocalsound} been slanderous if it had been this other word . You know ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "I it {disfmarker} you know , there there is a point at which I agree it becomes ridiculous because , you know , you could do this final thing and then a year from now somebody could say , you know , that should be a period and not a question mark . Right ? And you don't {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} there 's no way that we 're gonna go back and ask everybody \" do you approve this , uh , you know {disfmarker} this document now ? \" So {disfmarker} So I think what it is is that the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the thing that they sign {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I haven't looked at it in a while , but it has to be open enough that it sort of says \" OK , from now on {disfmarker} you know , now that I 've read this , you can use {disfmarker} do anything you want with these data . \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} But , i I think we wanna {disfmarker} So , assuming that it 's in that kind of wording , which I don't remember , {vocalsound} um , I think i we just wanna have enough confidence ourselves that it 's so close to the final form it 's gonna be in , a year from now that they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . I agree . Mmm . I totally agree . It 's just , uh , a question of , {vocalsound} uh , if {disfmarker} if the person is using the transcript as the way of them judging what they said and whether it was slanderous , {vocalsound} then it seems like it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i it needs to be more correct than if we could count on them re - listening to the meeting .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because it becomes , eh , in a way a {disfmarker} a f uh , a legal document i if they 've agreed to that .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Well , I forget how we end Right . I forget how we ended up on this , but I remember my taking the position {vocalsound} of not making it so {disfmarker} so easy for everybody to observe everything and Adam was taking the position of {disfmarker} of having it be really straightforward for people to check every aspect of it including the audio . And I don't remember who won , Adam or me , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} if it 's only the transcript , though {disfmarker} I mean , th this {disfmarker} this is my point , that {disfmarker} that", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "uh , the {disfmarker} Uh , that that 's why I 'm bringing this up again , because I can't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "then it becomes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "That it was the transcrip He wanted to do a web interface that would make it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , if it 's just the audio {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that would give you access to the transcript and the audio . That 's what Adam wanted .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "And I don't remember how we ended up .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , with the web interface it 's interesting , because you could allow the person who signs to be informed when their transcript changes , or something like that . And , I mean , I would say \" no \" . Like , I don't wanna know , but some people might be really {vocalsound} interested and then y In other words , they would be informed if there was some significant change other than typos and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "You decided you were whispering Satanic incantations under your breath when you were {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , {vocalsound} I don't know what happened to the small heads thing , but I j {vocalsound} Um , I 'm just saying that , like , you know , you can sort of say that any things that are deemed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They disappeared from view .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway . I mean , I agree that at some point people {vocalsound} probably won't care about typos but they would care about significant meaning changes and then they could be asked for their consent , I guess , if {disfmarker} if those change . Cuz assumi {vocalsound} assuming we {disfmarker} we don't really distribute things that have any significant changes from what they sign anyway .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Tha That 's {disfmarker} How about having them approve the audio and not the transcripts ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , my God .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That would be simpler ,", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "if we could count on them listening .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "But no one will listen to the hours and hours of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Talk .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , that 's O K .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "We just have to give them a chance to listen to it , and if they don't , that 's their problem .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "hmm , hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} you d That 's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Unfortunately , uh , in {disfmarker} in the sign thing that they signed , it says \" transcripts \" .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "No , I 'm serious .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" You 'll be {disfmarker} you 'll be provided the transcripts when they 're available . \"", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Really ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "I I {disfmarker} I think", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "that 's a lot to ask for people that have been in a lot of meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "W anyway , haven't we {disfmarker} we 've gone down this path a number of times . I know this can lead to extended conversations and {disfmarker} and not really get anywhere , so let {disfmarker} let me just suggest that {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , off - line that , uh , the people involved figure it out and take care of it before it 's July .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . So {disfmarker} so that in July we can tell people {vocalsound} \" yes , we have this and you can use it \" .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yes . It 's done , ready , available . Good .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Uh . So , let 's see . What else we got ? Uh . Don did {disfmarker} did a report about his project in class and , uh {disfmarker} an oral and written {disfmarker} written version .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that was stuff he was doing with you . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} I guess one thing we 're learning is that the amount {disfmarker} We have eight meetings there because we couldn't use the non - native {disfmarker} all non - native meetings and {vocalsound} it 's , well , probably below threshold on enough data for us for the things we 're looking at because the {vocalsound} prosodic features are {pause} very noisy and so you {disfmarker} you need a lot of data in order to model them . Um , so we 're starting to see some patterns and we 're hoping that maybe with , {vocalsound} I don't know , double or triple the data {disfmarker} with twenty meetings or so , that we would start to get better results . But we did find that some of the features that , I gue Jane would know about , that are expressing sort of the {vocalsound} distance of , um , {vocalsound} boundaries from peaks in the utterance and {vocalsound} some {pause} local , um , range {disfmarker} pitch range effects , like how close people are to their floor , are showing up in these classifiers , which are also being given some word features that are cheating , cuz they 're true words . Um , so these are based on forced alignment . Word features like , um , word frequency and whether or not something 's a backchannel and so forth . So , we 're starting to see , I think , some interesting patterns .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So the dominant features , including everything , were those {disfmarker} those quasi - cheating things . Right ? Where these are {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sometimes not .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "I think it depends what you 're looking at , a actually .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sometimes {pause} positions in sentences obviously , or in spurts , was helpful . I don't know if that 's cheating , too .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Spurts wouldn't be . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "spurts is not cheating except that of course you know the real words ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "but roughly speaking , the recognized words are gonna give you a similar type of position .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right . Would they give you the same number of words , though ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "It 's either early or late .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Not exactly , but i", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But ra somewhat ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "On the average .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y yeah it should be . Well , we don't know and actually that 's one of the things we 're interested in doing , is a sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Have you tried using just time , as opposed to number of words ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I think ti uh {disfmarker} Just p time position , like when the word starts ?", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know if that was in the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Well , no , I mean t time {disfmarker} time position relative to the beginning of the spurt .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Eh {disfmarker} You know , uh", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Start .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . There 's all these things to do .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "uh , we didn't try it , but it 's s", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Like , there 's a lot of different features you could just pull out .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean that wouldn't be cheating because you can detect pause {pause} pretty well within the time .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "How about time position normalized by speak", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And it depends on speaking rate {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "speaking rate . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That 's actually why I didn't use it at first .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But we {disfmarker} one of the interesting things was I guess you reported on some te punctuation type {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "finding sentence boundaries , finding disfluency boundaries , and then I had done some work on finding from the foreground speech whether or not someone was likely to interrupt , so where {disfmarker} you know , if I 'm talking now and someone {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and Andreas is about to interrupt me , is he gonna choose a certain place in my speech , either prosodically or word - based . And there the prosodic features actually showed up and a neat thing {disfmarker} even though the word features were available . And a neat thing there too is I tried some {disfmarker} {vocalsound} putting the speaker {disfmarker} So , I gave everybody {vocalsound} a short version of their name . So the real names are in there , which we couldn't use . Uh , we should use I Ds or something . And those don't show up . So that means that overall , um , it wasn't just modeling Morgan , or it wasn't just modeling a single person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um , but was sort of trying to , {vocalsound} uh , get a general idea {disfmarker} the model {disfmarker} the tree classifier was trying to find general locations that were applicable to different speakers , even though there are huge speaker effects . So . The {disfmarker} but the main limitation now is I {disfmarker} because we 're only looking at things that happen every {vocalsound} ten words or every twenty words , we need more {disfmarker} more data and more data per speaker . So . It 'd also be interesting to look at the EDU meetings because we did include meeting type as a feature , so whether you were in a r Meeting Recorder meeting or a Robustness meeting did matter {vocalsound} to {pause} interrupts because there are just fewer interrupts in the Robustness meetings .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "And so the classifier learns more about Morgan than it does about sort of the average person ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "which is {vocalsound} not bad . It 'd probably do better than {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Um , but it wasn't generalizing .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} And I think Don , um {disfmarker} Well , we have a long list of things he 's starting to look at now over the summer , where we can {disfmarker} And he 'll be able to report on more things {pause} in the future . But it was great that we could at least go from the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you know , Jane 's transcripts and the , {vocalsound} uh , recognizer output and get it {pause} to this point . And I think it 's something Mari can probably use in her preliminary report {disfmarker} like , \" yeah , we 're at the point where we 're training these classifiers and we 're just {vocalsound} reporting very preliminary but suggestive results that {vocalsound} some features , both word and pro prosodic , work . \" The other thing that was interesting to me is that the pitch features are better than in Switchboard . And I think that really is from the close - talking mikes , cuz the pitch processing that was done has much cleaner behavior than {disfmarker} than the Switchboard telephone bandwidth .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "W wh wh wh Better in what sense ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um . Well , first of all , the pitch tracks are m have less , um , halvings and doublings than {disfmarker} than Switchboard and there 's a lot less dropout , so if you ask how many regions where you would normally expect some vowels to be occurring {vocalsound} are completely devoid of pitch information ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . ", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "in other words the pitch tracker just didn't get a high enough probability of voicing for words {disfmarker} for {disfmarker} for , you know , five word", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "there are much fewer than in Switchboard . So the missing {disfmarker} {vocalsound} We had a big missing data problem in Switchboard and , so the features weren't as reliable cuz they were often just not available .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Could it have to do with the {disfmarker} the lower frequency cut - off on the Switchboard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So that 's actually good . Ma - maybe . I mean , the tele we had telephone bandwidth for Switchboard and we had the an annoying sort of telephone handset movement problem that I think may also affect it .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So we 're just getting better signals in {disfmarker} in this data . Which is nice . So .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Anyway , Don 's been doing a great job and we hope to continue with , um , Andreas 's help and also some of Thilo 's help on this ,", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} to try to get a non - cheating version of how all this would work .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Sure . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD E" }, { "content": "Has {disfmarker} has , uh {disfmarker} ? We just {disfmarker} I think , just talked about this the other day , but h has {disfmarker} has anybody had a chance to try changing , uh , insertion penalty sort of things with the {disfmarker} with the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , using the tandem system input for the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah . I tried that . It didn't , um , help dramatically . The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Were they out of balance ? I didn't {disfmarker} I didn't notice .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There were a little {disfmarker} the relative number of {disfmarker} I think there were a higher number of deletions , actually .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , you , uh {disfmarker} So , actually it {disfmarker} it preferred to have a positive {disfmarker} er , negative insertion penalty ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Deletions ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "which means {vocalsound} that , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , you know , it didn't change {vocalsound} th the {disfmarker} by adjusting that {disfmarker} the , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . The error changed by probably one percent or so . But , you know , given that that word error rate is so high , that 's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . So that {disfmarker} So that 's {disfmarker} So that 's not the problem .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's not the problem . No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But , uh , we s just , um , uh {disfmarker} you know , Chuck and I talked and the {pause} @ @ {comment} next thing to do is probably to tune the {disfmarker} um , the size of the Gaussian system , um , @ @ {comment} to {disfmarker} to this {disfmarker} to this feature vector , which we haven't done at all . We just used the same {vocalsound} configuration as we used for the {disfmarker} {vocalsound} for the standard system .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , {vocalsound} for instance , uh , Dan {disfmarker} @ @ {comment} Dan just sent me a message saying that CMU used , um , {vocalsound} something like ten Gaussians per cluster {disfmarker} You know , each {disfmarker} each mixture has ten {pause} Gaussians", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm . We 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and we 're using sixty - four ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so that 's {vocalsound} obviously a big difference", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and it might be way off and give very poorly trained , uh , you know , Gaussians that way ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "uh , an and poorly trained mixture weights . So {disfmarker} so , we have {disfmarker} The turn - around time on the training when we train only the {disfmarker} a male system with , uh , you know , our small training set , is {vocalsound} less than twenty - four hours , so we can run lots of {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , basically just brute force , try a whole bunch of different um , settings .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And , uh , with the new machines it 'll be even better . So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . We get twelve of those ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "huh ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But the PLP features work {disfmarker} um , uh , you know , continue to improve the ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} As I said before , the {disfmarker} uh using Dan 's , uh , uh , vocal tract normalization option works very well . So , um , @ @ {comment} I ran one experiment where we 're just {vocalsound} did the vocal tract le normalization only in the test data ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I didn't bother to retrain {pause} the models at all , and it improved by one percent , which is about what we get with {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with , you know , just @ @ {comment} actually doing both training and test normalization , um , with , um , {vocalsound} the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , with the standard system . So , in a few hours we 'll have the numbers for the {disfmarker} for retraining everything with vocal tract length normalization and {disfmarker} So , that might even improve it further .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , it looks like the P L - fea P features {comment} do very well now with {disfmarker} after having figured out all these little tricks to {disfmarker} to get it to work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Good .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Wait . So you mean you improve one percent over a system that doesn't have any V T L in it already ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Exactly . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK . So then {disfmarker} then we 'll have our baseline to {disfmarker} to compare the currently hideous , uh , uh , new thing with .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right . a Right . And {disfmarker} and what that suggests also is of course that the current Switchboard {pause} MLP isn't trained on very good features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh , because it was trained on whatever , you know , was used , uh , last time you did Hub - five stuff , which didn't have any of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . But all of these effects were j like a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , y the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , but if you add them all up you have , uh , almost five percent difference now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Add {pause} all of them . I thought one was one point five percent and one was point eight .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And now we have another percent with the V T", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's three point three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Um , actually , and it 's , um , What 's actually qu interesting is that with {disfmarker} um , well , you m prob maybe another half percent if you do the VTL in training , and then interestingly , if you optimize you get more of a win out of rescoring the , um , {vocalsound} uh , the N best lists , uh , and optimizing the weights , um , uh than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than you do with the standard ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the part that 's actually adjustment of the front - end per se as opposed to doing {disfmarker} putting VTLN in or something is {disfmarker} it was a couple percent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right ? It was {disfmarker} it was {disfmarker} there was {disfmarker} {vocalsound} there was one thing that was one and a half percent and one that was point eight . So {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} let me see if I remember what they were . One of them {vocalsound} was , uh , the change to , uh {disfmarker} because it did it all at once , {comment} to {disfmarker} uh , from bark scale to mel scale ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which I really feel like saying in quotes , because @ @ {comment} they 're essentially the same scale but the {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but any i individual particular implementation of those things puts things in a particular place .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Why did that cha ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I wanted to look {disfmarker} I still haven't looked at it yet . I {disfmarker} I wanna look at exactly where the filters were in the two ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's probably something like there 's one fewer or one more filter in the sub {vocalsound} one kilohertz band", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and for whatever reason with this particular experiment it was better one way or the other .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um , it could be there 's something more fundamental but it {disfmarker} you know , I {disfmarker} I don't know it yet . And the other {disfmarker} and the other {disfmarker} that was like one and a half or something , and then there was point eight percent , which was {disfmarker} what was the other thing ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that was combined with the triangular . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Those {disfmarker} those two were together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "We d weren't able to separate them out cuz it was just done in one thing . But then there was a point eight percent which was something else .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "The low - frequency cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Do you remember the {disfmarker} ? Oh , yeah . So that was {disfmarker} that was , uh {disfmarker} that one I can claim credit for , uh , i in terms of screwing it up in the first place . So that someone e until someone else fixed it , which is that , um , I never put {disfmarker} when I u We had some problems before with offsets . This inf this went back to , uh , I think Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So we {disfmarker} we had , uh {disfmarker} ea everybody else who was doing Wall Street Journal knew that there were big DC offsets in th in these data {disfmarker} in those data and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and nobody happened to mention it to us ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and we were getting these , like , really terrible results , like two , three times the error everybody else was getting . And then in casual conversation someone ment mentioned \" uh , well , I guess , you know , of course you 're taking care of the offsets . \" I said \" what offsets ? \"", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Grad B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And at that point , you know , we were pretty new to the data and we 'd never really , like , looked at it on a screen and then when we just put it on the screen {comment} and wroop !", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "there 's this big DC offset . So , um , in PLP", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "There was a {disfmarker} like a hum or some or {disfmarker} when they recorded it ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No . It 's just , it {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not at all uncommon for {disfmarker} for recorded electronics to have different , um , DC offsets .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Or just {disfmarker} ? Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , no big deal . It 's {disfmarker} you know , you could have ten , twenty , maybe thirty millivolts , whatever , and it 's consistently in there . The thing is , most people 's front - ends have pre - emphasis with it , with zero at zero frequency , so that it 's irrelevant . Uh , but with P L P , we didn't actually have that . We had {disfmarker} we had the equivalent of pre - emphasis in a {disfmarker} a , uh , Fletcher - Munson style weighting that occurs in the middle of P L but it doesn't actually have a zero at zero frequency ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "like , eh , uh , typical simple fr pre - emphasis does . We had something more fancy . It was later on it didn't have that . So at that point I reali \" oh sh we better have a {disfmarker} have a high - pass filter \" just , you know {disfmarker} {vocalsound} just take care of the problem . So I put in a high - pass filter at , uh , I think ninety {disfmarker} ninety hertz or so {vocalsound} uh , for a sixteen kilohertz sampling rate . And I never put anything in to adjust it for different {disfmarker} different sampling rates . And so {disfmarker} well , so , you know , the code doesn't know anything about that and so this is all at eight kilohertz and so it was at forty - five hertz instead of at {disfmarker} {vocalsound} instead of at ninety .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , um , I don't know if Dan fixed it or {disfmarker} or , uh , what he {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , he made it a parameter .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "He made it a parameter . So . Yeah , I guess if he did it right , he did fix it and then {disfmarker} and then it 's taking care of sampling rate , which is great .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what is the parameter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "He had a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is it , uh , just the f lower cut - off that you want ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's called , uh , {vocalsound} H - HPF .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "H {disfmarker} Yeah . Does HPF on {disfmarker} on his feat feature .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "u And {disfmarker} but HPF , you know , when you put a number after it , uses that as the hertz value of the cut - off .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , frankly , we never did that with the RASTA filter either ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so the RASTA filter is actually doing a different thing in the modulation spectral domain depending on what sampling rate you 're doing , which is {vocalsound} another old {disfmarker} old bug of mine .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} Um . So that {disfmarker} that was the problem there was th we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we had always intended to cut off below a hundred hertz", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it just wasn't doing it , so now it is . So , {vocalsound} that hep that helped us by , like , eight tenths of a percent . It {pause} still wasn't a big deal .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK . Well , but , um {disfmarker} Well , uh , again , after completing the {pause} current experiments , we 'll {disfmarker} {vocalsound} we can add up all the uh differences", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} an", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , I guess my {disfmarker} my point was that {disfmarker} that , um , the hybrid system thing that we did was , uh , primitive in many ways .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Y Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I think I agree with you that if we fixed lots of different things and they would all add up , we would probably have a {disfmarker} a {disfmarker} a competitive system . But I think not that much of it is due to the front - end per se . I think maybe a couple percent of it is , as far as I can see from this .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , unless you call {disfmarker} well , if you call VTL the front - en front - end , that 's , uh , a little more . But that 's sort of more both , kind of .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "One experiment we should {disfmarker} we 'll probably need to do though when {disfmarker} um , at some point , is , since we 're using that same {disfmarker} the net that was trained on PLP without all these things in it , for the tandem system , we may wanna go back and retrain ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? But .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what I meant , in fact . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah , for the tandem . You know , so we can see if it {disfmarker} what effect it has on the tandem processing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} so , the thing is {disfmarker} is do we expect {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh At this point I 'm as I mean , you know {disfmarker} e I 'm wondering is it {disfmarker} Can we expect , uh , a tandem system to do better than a properly trained {disfmarker} you know , a Gaussian system trained directly on the features with , you know , the right ch choice of {pause} parameters ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's what we 're seeing in other areas . Yes . Right ? So , it 's {disfmarker} so , um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , we {disfmarker} But {disfmarker} but we may not . I mean , if it doesn't perform as well , we may not know why . Right ? Cuz we need to do the exact experiment .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the reason to think it should is because you 're putting in the same information and you 're transforming it to be more discriminative . So . Um . Now the thing is , in some databases I wouldn't expect it to necessarily give you much and {disfmarker} and part of what I view as the real power of it is that it {pause} gives you a transformational capability {vocalsound} for taking all sorts of different wild things that we do , not just th the standard front - end , but other things , like with multiple streams and so forth ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and allows you to feed them to the other system with this {disfmarker} through this funnel . Um , so I think {disfmarker} I think that 's the real power of it . I wouldn't expect huge in huge improvements . Um , but it should at least be roughly the same and maybe a little better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it 's , you know , like way way worse then , you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , Morgan , an another thing that Andreas and I were talking about was , so @ @ {comment} in the first experiment that he did {vocalsound} we just took the whole fifty - six , uh , outputs and that 's , um , basically compared to a thirty - nine input feature vector from either MFCC or PLP .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But one thing we could do is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Let {disfmarker} let me {disfmarker} let me just ask you something . When you say take the fifty - six outputs , these are the pre final nonlinearity {pause} outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Through the regular tandem outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and they 're {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} through the KLT .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Through the KLT . All that kinda stuff .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . And so {disfmarker} so then you u Do you use all fifty - six of the KLT", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "That 's what we did .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right ? So one thing we were wondering is , if we did principal components and , say , took out just thirteen , and then did deltas and double - deltas on that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so we treated the th first thirteen as though they were {vocalsound} standard features .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yes . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , did Dan do experiments like that to {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh . Talk with Stephane . He did some things like that . It was either him or Carmen . I forget .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean these were all different databases and different {disfmarker} you know , in HTK and all that ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so i it {disfmarker} it may not apply . But my recollection of it was that it didn't make it better but it didn't make it worse .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , again , given all these differences , maybe it 's more important in your case that you not take a lot of these low - variance , uh , components .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Cuz in a sense , the net 's already got quite a bit of context in those features ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so if we did deltas and double - deltas on top of those , we 're getting sort of even more .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Which could be good or not .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Worth trying .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "But there the main point is that , um , you know , it took us a while but we have the procedure for coupling the two systems {vocalsound} debugged now and {disfmarker} I mean , there 's still conceivably some bug somewhere in the way we 're feeding the tandem features {disfmarker} uh , either generating them or feeding them to this {disfmarker} to the {vocalsound} SRI system ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There might be , cuz that 's a pretty big difference .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . And I 'm wondering how we can {disfmarker} how we can debug that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean how {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm actually f quite sure that the {disfmarker} feeding the {pause} features into the system and training it up ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "that {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I think that 's {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} that 's essentially the same as we use with the ce with the P L P fe features . And that 's obviously working great . So . I um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . There could be a bug in {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} somewhere before that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There {disfmarker} we could {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} another degree of freedom is how do you generate the K L T transform ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? We to", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "well , and another one is the normalization of the inputs to the net .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "These nets are trained with particular normalization and when that gets screwed up it {disfmarker} it can really hurt it .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I 'm doing what Eric {disfmarker} E Eric coached me through then {disfmarker} that part of it , so I 'm pretty confident in that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I mean , the only slight difference is that I use normalization values that , um , Andreas calculated from the original {comment} PLP ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "which is right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "N Yeah . So , I u I do {disfmarker} Oh , we actually don't do that normalization for the PLP , do we ? For the st just the straight PLP features ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . The {disfmarker} the SRI system does it .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S R I system does that . Right .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , you might e e", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So , there 's {disfmarker} there is {disfmarker} there is room for bugs that we might not have discovered ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} that 's another {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} I {disfmarker} I would actually double check with Stephane at this point ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz he 's probably the one here {disfmarker} I mean , he and Dan are the ones who are at this point most experienced with the tandem", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "thing and there may {disfmarker} there may be some little bit here and there that is not {disfmarker} not being handled right .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's hard with features , cuz you don't know what they should look like . I mean , you can't just , like , print the {disfmarker} the values out in ASCII and , you know , look at them , see if they 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Not unless you had a lot of time", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "eh , and also they 're not {disfmarker} I mean , as I understand it , you {disfmarker} you don't have a way to optimize the features for the final word error . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , these are just discriminative , but they 're not , um , optimized for the final {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "They 're optimized for phone discrimination , not for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So it {disfmarker} there 's always this question of whether you might do better with those features if there was a way to train it for the word error metric that you 're actually {disfmarker} that you 're actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "That 's right . Well , the other {disfmarker} Yeah , th the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , you actually are . But {disfmarker} but it {disfmarker} but in an indirect way .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Well , right . It 's indirect , so you don't know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So wha w what {disfmarker} an and you may not be in this case , come to think of it , because , uh , you 're just taking something that 's trained up elsewhere . So , what {disfmarker} what you {disfmarker} what you do in the full procedure {vocalsound} is you , um , uh , have an embedded training . So in fact you {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the net is trained on , uh , uh , a , uh , Viterbi alignment of the training data that comes from your full system . And so that 's where the feedback comes all around , so that it is actually discriminant . You can prove that it 's {disfmarker} it 's a , uh {disfmarker} If you believe in the Viterbi assumption that , uh , getting the best path , uh , is almost equivalent to getting the best , uh , total probability , um , then you actually do improve that by , uh {disfmarker} by training up on local {disfmarker} local , uh {disfmarker} local frames . But , um , we aren't actually doing that here , because we did {disfmarker} we did that for a hybrid system , and now we 're plugging it into another system and so it isn't {disfmarker} {vocalsound} i i i it wouldn't quite apply here .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do y", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So another huge experiment we could do would be to take the tandem features , uh , do SRI forced alignments using those features , and then re - do the net with those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mmm , uh {disfmarker} Exactly . Exactly .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "So that you can optimize it for the word error .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Another thing is since you 're not using the net for recognition per se but just for this transformation , it 's probably bigger than it needs to be .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "So that would save a lot of time .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And there 's a mismatch in the phone sets . So , you 're using a l a long a larger phone set than what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Actually all those things could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could {disfmarker} could , uh {disfmarker} could affect it as well .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The other thing , uh , just to mention that Stephane {disfmarker} this was an innovation of Stephane 's , which was a pretty neat one , uh , and might particularly apply {vocalsound} here , given all these things we 're mentioning . Um , Stephane 's idea was that , um , discriminant , uh , approaches are great . Even the local ones , given , you know , these potential outer loops which , you know , you can convince yourself turn into the global ones . Um , however , there 's times when it {pause} is not good . Uh , when {pause} something about the test set is different enough from the training set that {disfmarker} that , uh , the discrimination that you 're learning is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is not a good one .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , uh , his idea was to take as the input feature vector to the , uh , Gaussian mixture system , {vocalsound} uh , a concatenation of the neural net outputs and the regular features .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , we already talked about that .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "El", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Didn't you {disfmarker} did you {pause} do that already", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , but we {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} when {disfmarker} when we {disfmarker} when I first started corresponding with Dan about how to go about this , I think that was one of the things that we definitely went there .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} ? Oh . That makes a lot of sense . Huh .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . I mean , I 'm sure that Stephane wasn't the first to think of it ,", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but actually Stephane did it", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . And i does it help ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} {vocalsound} and {disfmarker} and it helped a lot .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} that 's our current best {disfmarker} best system in the , uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , in the Aurora thing .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Oh . OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "And do you do a KLT transform on the con on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "As {disfmarker} you should never do worse .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I , uh , missed what you said .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Do you {disfmarker} d you do a KLT transform on the combined feature vector ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , actually , I , uh {disfmarker} you should check with him , because he tried several different combinations .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Because you end up with this huge feature vector , so that might be a problem , a unless you do some form of dimensionality reduction .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . I , uh , th what I don't remember is which came out best . So he did one where he put o put e the whole thing into one KLT , and another one , since the {disfmarker} the PLP things are already orthogonalized , he left them alone and {disfmarker} and just did a KLT on the {disfmarker} on the {disfmarker} on the net outputs", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and then concatenated that . And I don't remember which was better .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did he {disfmarker} did he try to {disfmarker} ? So he always ended up with a feature vector that was {pause} twice as long as either one of the {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I don't know , i I {disfmarker} I don't know . You have to check with him .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . Actually , I have to run .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I 'm into big ideas these days .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "We need to close up cuz I need to save the data and , um , get a call .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Not to mention the fact that we 're missing snacks . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Did people wanna do the digits", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "or , um , do them together ?", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I g I think , given that we 're in a hurry for snacks , maybe we should do them together .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "I don't know . Should we just {disfmarker} ? OK . I mean , are we trying to do them {nonvocalsound} in synchrony ? That might be fun .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} {vocalsound} it 's {disfmarker} it 's not {disfmarker} You know , it 's not gonna work out", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Adam 's not here , so he 's not here to tell me no .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "but we could {disfmarker} we could just , uh , uh , see if we find a rhythm , you know , what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Uh , O 's or zeroes , we wanna agree on that ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Maybe just whatever people would naturally do ? I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh , but if we were a singing group , we would wanna decide . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Be harmony . Yeah . {comment} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Mine 's identical to yours .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "We might wa", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Sorry . So I set up and we didn't have {pause} enough digit forms", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "So these are excellent .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "so I xeroxed the same one seven times .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Oh . I see .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "Why don't we do zer i Anyone have a problem with saying zero ? Is zero OK ?", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Postdoc A" }, { "content": "OK . One and a two and three .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "e", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "Once more with feeling .", "speaker": "Professor F" }, { "content": "And th", "speaker": "PhD G" }, { "content": "No , just k just kidding . Oh , yeah . It was .", "speaker": "Professor F" } ]
To improve the performance of Thilo's automatic segmenter, this is going to be retrained and adapted to run with Thilo's posteriors and speaker background models.
What change has occurred to the segmenter?
[ { "content": "OK , we 're going .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight , eight ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "This is three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Test . Hmm . Let 's see . Move it bit . Test ? Test ? OK , I guess it 's alright . So , let 's see . Yeah , Barry 's not here and Dave 's not here . Um , I can say about {disfmarker} just q just quickly to get through it , that Dave and I submitted this ASRU .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is for ASRU .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So . Um . Yeah , it 's {disfmarker} it 's interesting . I mean , basically we 're dealing with rever reverberation , and , um , when we deal with pure reverberation , the technique he 's using works really , really well . Uh , and when they had the reverberation here , uh , we 'll measure the signal - to - noise ratio and it 's , uh , about nine DB . So ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You mean , from the actual , uh , recordings ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "a fair amount of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "k", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's nine DB ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Um {disfmarker} And actually it brought up a question which may be relevant to the Aurora stuff too . Um , I know that when you figured out the filters that we 're using for the Mel scale , there was some experimentation that went on at {disfmarker} at , uh {disfmarker} at OGI . Um , but one of the differences that we found between the two systems that we were using , {comment} the {disfmarker} the Aurora HTK system baseline system {comment} and the system that we were {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the uh , other system we were using , the uh , the SRI system , was that the SRI system had maybe a , um , hundred hertz high - pass . And the , uh , Aurora HTK , it was like twenty .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yep . S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Sixty - four ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you 're using the baseline .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is that the ba band center ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , the edge .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The edge is really , uh , sixty - four ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "For some reason , uh , Dave thought it was twenty ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " So the , uh , center would be somewhere around like hundred", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} hundred {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} maybe {disfmarker} it 's like {disfmarker} fi hundred hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But do you know , for instance , h how far down it would be at twenty hertz ? What the {disfmarker} how much rejection would there be at twenty hertz , let 's say ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At twenty hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , any idea what the curve looks like ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty hertz frequency {disfmarker} Oh , it 's {disfmarker} it 's zero at twenty hertz , right ? The filter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yea - actually , the left edge of the first filter is at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Sixt - s sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So anything less than sixty - four is zero .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's actually set to zero ? What kind of filter is that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is this {disfmarker} oh , from the {disfmarker} from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} This is the filter bank in the frequency domain that starts at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , so you , uh {disfmarker} so you really set it to zero , the FFT ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah . So it 's {disfmarker} it 's a weight on the ball spectrum . Triangular weighting .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . OK . Um {disfmarker} OK . So that 's {disfmarker} that 's a little different than Dave thought , I think . But {disfmarker} but , um , still , it 's possible that we 're getting in some more noise . So I wonder , is it {disfmarker} @ @ Was there {disfmarker} their experimentation with , uh , say , throwing away that filter or something ? And , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , throwing away the first ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , we {disfmarker} we 've tried including the full {disfmarker} full bank . Right ? From zero to four K .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And that 's always worse than using sixty - four hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the question is , whether sixty - four hertz is {disfmarker} is , uh , too , uh , low .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , make it a hundred or so ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I t I think I 've tried a hundred and it was more or less the same , or slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "On what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the same , uh , SpeechDat - Car , Aurora .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , it was on the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So I tried a hundred to four K . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and on {disfmarker} and on the , um , um , {vocalsound} TI - digits also ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I think I just tried it on SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm . That 'd be something to look at sometime because what , um , eh , he was looking at was performance in this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Would that be more like {disfmarker} Well , you 'd think that 'd be more like SpeechDat - Car , I guess , in terms of the noise . The SpeechDat - Car is more , uh , sort of roughly stationary , a lot of it . And {disfmarker} and TI - digits maybe is not so much as {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . OK . Well , maybe it 's not a big deal . But , um {disfmarker} Anyway , that was just something we wondered about . But , um , uh , certainly a lot of the noise , uh , is , uh , below a hundred hertz . Uh , the signal - to - noise ratio , you know , looks a fair amount better if you {disfmarker} if you high - pass filter it from this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} but it 's still pretty noisy . Even {disfmarker} even for a hundred hertz up , it 's {disfmarker} it 's still fairly noisy . The signal - to - noise ratio is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is actually still pretty bad .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , I mean , the main {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's on th that 's on the f the far field ones though , right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's on the far field . Yeah , the near field 's pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So wha what is , uh {disfmarker} what 's causing that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we got a {disfmarker} a video projector in here , uh , and , uh {disfmarker} which we keep on during every {disfmarker} every session we record ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "which , you know , I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} w we were aware of", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but we thought it wasn't a bad thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , that 's a nice noise source . Uh , and there 's also the , uh {disfmarker} uh , air conditioning .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which , uh , you know , is a pretty low frequency kind of thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} So , those are {disfmarker} those are major components , I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "uh , for the stationary kind of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , but , um , it , uh {disfmarker} I guess , I {disfmarker} maybe I said this last week too but it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} it really became apparent to us that we need to {disfmarker} to take account of noise . And , uh , so I think when {disfmarker} when he gets done with his prelim study I think {vocalsound} one of the next things we 'd want to do is to take this , uh {disfmarker} uh , noise , uh , processing stuff and {disfmarker} and , uh {disfmarker} uh , synthesize some speech from it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When are his prelims ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} Um , I think in about , um , a little less than two weeks .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh . Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Uh , it might even be sooner . Uh , let 's see , this is the sixteenth , seventeenth ? Yeah , I don't know if he 's before {disfmarker} It might even be in a week .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , I", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "A week ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh . I {disfmarker} I guessed that they were gonna do it some time during the semester", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "week and a half .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but they 'll do it any time , huh ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They seem to be {disfmarker} Well , the semester actually is starting up .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it already ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , the semester 's late {disfmarker} late August they start here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yikes .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So they do it right at the beginning of the semester .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , uh {disfmarker} Yep . I mean , that {disfmarker} that was sort of one {disfmarker} I mean , the overall results seemed to be first place in {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the case of either , um , artificial reverberation or a modest sized training set . Uh , either way , uh , i uh , it helped a lot . And {disfmarker} But if you had a {disfmarker} a really big training set , a recognizer , uh , system that was capable of taking advantage of a really large training set {disfmarker} I thought that {disfmarker} One thing with the HTK is that is has the {disfmarker} as we 're using {disfmarker} the configuration we 're using is w s is {disfmarker} being bound by the terms of Aurora , we have all those parameters just set as they are . So even if we had a hundred times as much data , we wouldn't go out to , you know , ten or t or a hundred times as many Gaussians or anything . So , um , it 's kind of hard to take advantage of {disfmarker} of {disfmarker} of big chunks of data . Uh , whereas the other one does sort of expand as you have more training data .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It does it automatically , actually . And so , um , uh , that one really benefited from the larger set . And it was also a diverse set with different noises and so forth . Uh , so , um , that , uh {disfmarker} that seemed to be {disfmarker} So , if you have that {disfmarker} that better recognizer that can {disfmarker} that can build up more parameters , and if you , um , have the natural room , which in this case has a p a pretty bad signal - to - noise ratio , then in that case , um , the right thing to do is just do {disfmarker} u use speaker adaptation . And {disfmarker} and not bother with {disfmarker} with this acoustic , uh , processing . But I think that that would not be true if we did some explicit noise - processing as well as , uh , the convolutional kind of things we were doing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . That 's sort of what we found .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , started working on the uh {disfmarker} Mississippi State recognizer . So , I got in touch with Joe and {disfmarker} and , uh , from your email and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , they added me to the list {disfmarker} uh , the mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And he gave me all of the pointers and everything that I needed . And so I downloaded the , um {disfmarker} There were two things , uh , that they had to download . One was the , uh , I guess the software . And another wad {disfmarker} was a , um , sort of like a sample {disfmarker} a sample run . So I downloaded the software and compiled all of that . And it compiled fine .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No problems .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , eh , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , um , I grabbed the sample stuff but I haven't , uh , compiled it .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That sample was released only yesterday or the day before , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} Well , I haven't grabbed that one yet . So there 's two .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , there is another short sample set {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There was another short one , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "o o sample .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so I haven't grabbed the latest one that he just , uh , put out yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK . Oh , OK . F Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Um , but , the software seemed to compile fine and everything , so . And , um , So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Is there any word yet about the issues about , um , adjustments for different feature sets or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , I {disfmarker} I d You asked me to write to him and I think I forgot to ask him about that . Or if I did ask him , he didn't reply .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't remember yet . Uh , I 'll {disfmarker} I 'll d I 'll double check that and ask him again .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it 's like that {disfmarker} that could r turn out to be an important issue for us .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz they have it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe I 'll send it to the list . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Cuz they have , uh , already frozen those in i insertion penalties and all those stuff is what {disfmarker} I feel . Because they have this document explaining the recognizer .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And they have these tables with , uh , various language model weights , insertion penalties .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK , I haven't seen that one yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it 's th it 's there on that web .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , on that , I mean , they have run some experiments using various insertion penalties and all those {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so they 've picked {disfmarker} the values .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think they pi p", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah , they picked the values from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "For r w what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , p the one that they have reported is a NIST evaluation , Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But that has nothing to do with what we 're testing on , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You know . No . So they 're , like {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} So they are actually trying to , uh , fix that {disfmarker} those values using the clean , uh , training part of the Wall Street Journal . Which is {disfmarker} I mean , the Aurora . Aurora has a clean subset .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , they want to train it and then this {disfmarker} they 're going to run some evaluations .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So they 're set they 're setting it based on that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . So now , we may come back to the situation where we may be looking for a modification of the features to account for the fact that we can't modify these parameters .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} but it 's still worth , I think , just {disfmarker} since {disfmarker} you know , just chatting with Joe about the issue .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK . Do you think that 's something I should just send to him", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or do you think I should send it to this {disfmarker} there 's an {disfmarker} a m a mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's not a secret . I mean , we 're , you know , certainly willing to talk about it with everybody , but I think {disfmarker} I think that , um {disfmarker} um , it 's probably best to start talking with him just to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh @ @ {comment} you know , it 's a dialogue between two of you about what {disfmarker} you know , what does he think about this and what {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} you know {disfmarker} what could be done about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , if you get ten people in {disfmarker} involved in it there 'll be a lot of perspectives based on , you know , how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "you know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} But , I mean , I think it all should come up eventually ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if there is any , uh , uh , way to move in {disfmarker} a way that would {disfmarker} that would , you know , be more open to different kinds of features . But if {disfmarker} if , uh {disfmarker} if there isn't , and it 's just kind of shut down and {disfmarker} and then also there 's probably not worthwhile bringing it into a larger forum where {disfmarker} where political issues will come in .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . So this is now {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's compiled under Solaris ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Because he {disfmarker} there was some mail r saying that it 's {disfmarker} may not be stable for Linux and all those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , i that was a particular version .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "SUSI", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , SUSI or whatever it was", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but we don't have that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Should be OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , that 's fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it compiled fine actually .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} no errors . Nothing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this is slightly off topic", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's good .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , I noticed , just glancing at the , uh , Hopkins workshop , uh , web site that , uh , um {disfmarker} one of the thing I don't know {disfmarker} Well , we 'll see how much they accomplish , but one of the things that they were trying to do in the graphical models thing was to put together a {disfmarker} a , uh , tool kit for doing , uh r um , arbitrary graphical models for , uh , speech recognition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} And Jeff , uh {disfmarker} the two Jeffs were", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Who 's the second Jeff ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Oh , uh , do you know Geoff Zweig ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . Uh , he {disfmarker} he , uh {disfmarker} he was here for a couple years", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and he , uh {disfmarker} got his PHD . He {disfmarker} And he 's , uh , been at IBM for the last couple years .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow . That would be neat .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , so he did {disfmarker} he did his PHD on dynamic Bayes - nets , uh , for {disfmarker} for speech recognition . He had some continuity built into the model , presumably to handle some , um , inertia in the {disfmarker} in the production system , and , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , I 've been playing with , first , the , um , VAD . Um , {vocalsound} so it 's exactly the same approach , but the features that the VAD neural network use are , uh , MFCC after noise compensation . Oh , I think I have the results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What was it using before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Before it was just P L", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was actually {disfmarker} No . Not {disfmarker} I mean , it was just the noisy features I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "noisy {disfmarker} noisy features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "not compensated .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} This is what we get after {disfmarker} This {disfmarker} So , actually , we , yeah , here the features are noise compensated and there is also the LDA filter . Um , and then it 's a pretty small neural network which use , um , {vocalsound} nine frames of {disfmarker} of six features from C - zero to C - fives , plus the first derivatives . And it has one hundred hidden units .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is that nine frames u s uh , centered around the current frame ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S so , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm sorry , there 's {disfmarker} there 's {disfmarker} there 's how many {disfmarker} how many inputs ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it 's twelve times nine .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twelve times nine inputs , and a hundred , uh , hidden .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hidden and", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs . OK . So I guess about eleven thousand parameters , which {disfmarker} actually shouldn't be a problem , even in {disfmarker} in small phones . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm {disfmarker} s so what is different between this and {disfmarker} and what you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It should be OK . So the previous syst It 's based on the system that has a fifty - three point sixty - six percent improvement . It 's the same system . The only thing that changed is the n a p eh {disfmarker} a es the estimation of the silence probabilities .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which now is based on , uh , cleaned features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , it 's a l it 's a lot better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} it 's not bad , but the problem is still that the latency is too large .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the latency ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the latency of the VAD is two hundred and twenty milliseconds . And , uh , the VAD is used uh , i for on - line normalization , and it 's used before the delta computation . So if you add these components it goes t to a hundred and seventy , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I 'm confused . You started off with two - twenty and you ended up with one - seventy ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "With two an two hundred and seventy .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two - seventy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker} Yeah , if you add the c delta comp delta computation", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is done afterwards . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two - twenty . I the is this {disfmarker} are these twenty - millisecond frames ? Is that why ? Is it after downsampling ? or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The two - twenty is one hundred milliseconds for the um {disfmarker} No , it 's forty milliseconds for t for the , uh , uh , cleaning of the speech . Um {disfmarker} then there is , um , the neural network which use nine frames . So it adds forty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "a OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , after that , um , you have the um , filtering of the silence probabilities . Which is a million filter it , and it creates a one hundred milliseconds delay . So , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus there is a delta at the input .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , and there is the delta at the input which is ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "One hundred milliseconds for smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , median .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's like forty plus {disfmarker} forty {disfmarker} plus {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then forty {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Forty {disfmarker} This forty plus twenty , plus one hundred .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty p ", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two hundred actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , there are twenty that comes from {disfmarker} There is ten that comes from the LDA filters also . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , so it 's two hundred and ten , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are using {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus the frame ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "t If you are using three frames {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so it 's two - twenty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are phrasing f {comment} using three frames , it is thirty here for delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's five frames , but .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So five frames , that 's twenty . OK , so it 's who un {comment} two hundred and ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , p Wait a minute . It 's forty {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forty for the {disfmarker} for the cleaning of the speech ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . Forty cleaning .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty for the I N {disfmarker} ANN , a hundred for the smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , but at ten {disfmarker} ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty for the delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twenty for delta .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At th {nonvocalsound} At the input . I mean , that 's at the input to the net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Delta at input to net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And there i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it 's like s five , six cepstrum plus delta at nine {disfmarker} nine frames of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then ten milliseconds for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Fi - There 's an LDA filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "ten milliseconds for LDA filter , and t and ten {disfmarker} another ten milliseconds you said for the frame ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "For the frame I guess . I computed two - twenty {disfmarker} Yeah , well , it 's {disfmarker} I guess it 's for the fr {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And then there 's delta besides that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So this is the features that are used by our network and then afterwards , you have to compute the delta on the , uh , main feature stream ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is um , delta and double - deltas , which is fifty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , I mean , the {disfmarker} after the noise part , the forty {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the other hundred and eighty {disfmarker} Well , I mean , Wait a minute . Some of this is , uh {disfmarker} is , uh {disfmarker} is in parallel , isn't it ? I mean , the LDA {disfmarker} Oh , you have the LDA as part of the V D - uh , VAD ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The VAD use , uh , LDA filtered features also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , it does ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . So in that case there isn't too much in parallel . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No . There is , um , just downsampling , upsampling , and the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , so the delta at the end is how much ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's fifty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Fifty . Alright . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But well , we could probably put the delta , um , {vocalsound} before on - line normalization . It should not that make a big difference ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if you used a smaller window for the delta ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could that help a little bit ? I mean , I guess there 's a lot of things you could do to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but , nnn {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if you {disfmarker} if you put the delta before the , uh , ana on - line {disfmarker} If {disfmarker} Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} then {disfmarker} then it could go in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then y then you don't have that additive {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "cuz the time constant of the on - line normalization is pretty long compared to the delta window ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so . It should not make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And you ought to be able to shove tw , uh {disfmarker} sh uh {disfmarker} pull off twenty milliseconds from somewhere else to get it under two hundred , right ? I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is two hundred the d", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The hundred milla", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "mill a hundred milliseconds for smoothing is sort of an arbitrary amount . It could be eighty and {disfmarker} and probably do @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "i a hun", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} Wh - what 's the baseline you need to be under ? Two hundred ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know . They 're still arguing about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , if it 's two {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if it 's , uh {disfmarker} if it 's two - fifty , then we could keep the delta where it is if we shaved off twenty . If it 's two hundred , if we shaved off twenty , we could {disfmarker} we could , uh , meet it by moving the delta back .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , how do you know that what you have is too much if they 're still deciding ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , we don't , but it 's just {disfmarker} I mean , the main thing is that since that we got burned last time , and {disfmarker} you know , by not worrying about it very much , we 're just staying conscious of it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Oh , OK , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , th I mean , if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if a week before we have to be done someone says , \" Well , you have to have fifty milliseconds less than you have now \" , it would be pretty frantic around here . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But still , that 's {disfmarker} that 's a pretty big , uh , win . And it doesn't seem like you 're {disfmarker} in terms of your delay , you 're , uh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "He added a bit on , I guess , because before we were {disfmarker} we were {disfmarker} had {disfmarker} were able to have the noise , uh , stuff , uh , and the LVA be in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And now he 's {disfmarker} he 's requiring it to be done first .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , but I think the main thing , maybe , is the cleaning of the speech , which takes forty milliseconds or so .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , so you say {disfmarker} let 's say ten milliseconds {disfmarker} seconds for the LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} the LDA is , well , pretty short right now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , ten . And then forty for the other .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , the LDA {disfmarker} LDA {disfmarker} we don't know , is , like {disfmarker} is it very crucial for the features , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I just {disfmarker} This is the first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , I {disfmarker} maybe the LDA 's not very useful then .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so you could start pulling back ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S s h", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I think you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "l", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , you have twenty for delta computation which y now you 're sort of doing twice , right ? But yo w were you doing that before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Well , in the proposal , um , the input of the VAD network were just three frames , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} Mm - hmm . Just {disfmarker} Yeah , just the static , no delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , static features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , what you have now is fort uh , forty for the {disfmarker} the noise , twenty for the delta , and ten for the LDA . That 's seventy milliseconds of stuff which was formerly in parallel ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "you know , that 's {disfmarker} that 's the difference as far as the timing , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , and you could experiment with cutting various pieces of these back a bit , but {disfmarker} I mean , we 're s we 're not {disfmarker} we 're not in terrible shape .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's what it seems like to me . It 's pretty good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's not like it 's adding up to four hundred milliseconds or something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Where {disfmarker} where is this {disfmarker} where is this fifty - seven point O two in {disfmarker} in comparison to the last evaluation ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} I think it 's better than anything , uh , anybody got .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . The best was fifty - four point five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Point s", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And our system was forty - nine , but with the neural network .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wow . So this is almost ten percent .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "With the f with the neural net . Yeah , and r and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It would", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is {disfmarker} this is like the first proposal . The proposal - one . It was forty - four , actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . And we still don't have the neural net in . So {disfmarker} so it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "You know . So it 's {disfmarker} We 're {disfmarker} we 're doing better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is {disfmarker} this is really good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , we 're getting better recognition . I mean , I 'm sure other people working on this are not sitting still either , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} Uh , I mean , the important thing is that we learn how to do this better , and , you know . So . Um , Yeah . So , our , um {disfmarker} Yeah , you can see the kind of {disfmarker} kind of numbers that we 're having , say , on SpeechDat - Car which is a hard task , cuz it 's really , um {disfmarker} I think it 's just sort of {disfmarker} sort of reasonable numbers , starting to be . I mean , it 's still terri", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , even for a well - matched case it 's sixty percent error rate reduction ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Probably half . Good !", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Yeah . So actually , this is in between {vocalsound} what we had with the previous VAD and what Sunil did with an IDL VAD . Which gave sixty - two percent improvement , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's almost that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's almost an average somewhere around {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What was that ? Say that last part again ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , if you use , like , an IDL VAD , uh , for dropping the frames ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "o o Or the best we can get .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "the best that we can get {disfmarker} i That means that we estimate the silence probability on the clean version of the utterances . Then you can go up to sixty - two percent error rate reduction , globally .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mmm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that would be even {disfmarker} That wouldn't change this number down here to sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So you {disfmarker} you were get", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If you add a g good v very good VAD , that works as well as a VAD working on clean speech ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "then you wou you would go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's sort of the best you could hope for .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Probably . Yeah . So fi si fifty - three is what you were getting with the old VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} and sixty - two with the {disfmarker} the , you know , quote , unquote , cheating VAD . And fifty - seven is what you got with the real VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , the next thing is , I started to play {disfmarker} Well , I don't want to worry too much about the delay , no . Maybe it 's better to wait", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "for the decision", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "from the committee . Uh , but I started to play with the , um , {vocalsound} {vocalsound} uh , tandem neural network . Mmm I just did the configuration that 's very similar to what we did for the February proposal . And {disfmarker} Um . So . There is a f a first feature stream that use uh straight MFCC features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , these features actually . And the other stream is the output of a neural network , using as input , also , these , um , cleaned MFCC . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those are th those are th what is going into the tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't have the comp Mmm ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So there is just this feature stream , {comment} the fifteen MFCC plus delta and double - delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , so it 's {disfmarker} makes forty - five features {comment} that are used as input to the HTK . And then , there is {disfmarker} there are more inputs that comes from the tandem MLP .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , oh . OK . I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , h he likes to use them both ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "cuz then it has one part that 's discriminative ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "one part that 's not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , uh , yeah . Right now it seems that {disfmarker} i I just tested on SpeechDat - Car while the experiment are running on your {disfmarker} on TI - digits . Well , it improves on the well - matched and the mismatched conditions , but it get worse on the highly mismatched . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers , yeah . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "like , on the well - match and medium mismatch , the gain is around five percent relative , but it goes down a lot more , like fifteen percent on the HM case .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You 're just using the full ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y you have ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "i I have , um {disfmarker} From the networks , it 's twenty - eight . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And from the other side it 's forty - five .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , d i It 's forty - five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} you have seventy - three features ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and you 're just feeding them like that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There isn't any KLT or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . There 's a KLT after the neural network , as {disfmarker} as before .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's how you get down to twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Why twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . It 's {disfmarker} i i i It 's because it 's what we did for the first proposal . We tested , uh , trying to go down", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a multiple of seven .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I wanted to do something very similar to the proposal as a first {disfmarker} first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But we have to {disfmarker} for sure , we have to go down , because the limit is now sixty features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , we have to find a way to decrease the number of features . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , it seems funny that {disfmarker} I don't know , maybe I don't u quite understand everything , {comment} but that adding features {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I guess if you 're keeping the back - end fixed . Maybe that 's it . Because it seems like just adding information shouldn't give worse results . But I guess if you 're keeping the number of Gaussians fixed in the recognizer , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , I mean , just in general , adding information {disfmarker} Suppose the information you added , well , was a really terrible feature and all it brought in was noise .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? So {disfmarker} so , um {disfmarker} Or {disfmarker} or suppose it wasn't completely terrible , but it was completely equivalent to another one feature that you had , except it was noisier .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? In that case you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be better at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah , I wasn't necessarily saying it should be better . I 'm just surprised that you 're getting fifteen percent relative worse on the wel", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But it 's worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatched condition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatch .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , \" highly mismatched condition \" means that in fact your training is a bad estimate of your test .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So having {disfmarker} having , uh , a g a l a greater number of features , if they aren't maybe the right features that you use , certainly can e can easily , uh , make things worse . I mean , you 're right . If you have {disfmarker} if you have , uh , lots and lots of data , and you have {disfmarker} and your {disfmarker} your {disfmarker} your training is representative of your test , then getting more sources of information should just help . But {disfmarker} but it 's {disfmarker} It doesn't necessarily work that way .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So I wonder , um , Well , what 's your {disfmarker} what 's your thought about what to do next with it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , I don't know . I 'm surprised , because I expected the neural net to help more when there is more mismatch , as it was the case for the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , was the training set same as the p the February proposal ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's the same training set , so it 's TIMIT with the TI - digits ' , uh , noises , uh , added .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , we might {disfmarker} uh , we might have to experiment with , uh better training sets . Again . But ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} The other thing is , I mean , before you found that was the best configuration , but you might have to retest those things now that we have different {disfmarker} The rest of it is different , right ? So , um , uh , For instance , what 's the effect of just putting the neural net on without the o other {disfmarker} other path ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , you know what the straight features do .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That gives you this . You know what it does in combination .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You don't necessarily know what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What if you did the {disfmarker} Would it make sense to do the KLT on the full set of combined features ? Instead of just on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I g I guess . Um . The reason I did it this ways is that in February , it {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we tested different things like that , so , having two KLT , having just a KLT for a network , or having a global KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you tried the global KLT before", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it didn't really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . And , uh , th Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The differences between these configurations were not huge , but {disfmarker} it was marginally better with this configuration .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , yeah , that 's obviously another thing to try ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "since things are {disfmarker} things are different .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I guess if the {disfmarker} These are all {disfmarker} so all of these seventy - three features are going into , um , the , uh {disfmarker} the HMM .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And is {disfmarker} are {disfmarker} i i are {disfmarker} are any deltas being computed of tha of them ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Of the straight features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "n Not of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But n th the , um , tandem features are u used as they are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Are not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , maybe we can add some context from these features also as {disfmarker} Dan did in {disfmarker} in his last work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could . i Yeah , but the other thing I was thinking was , um {disfmarker} Uh , now I lost track of what I was thinking . But .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What is the {disfmarker} You said there was a limit of sixty features or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the relation between that limit and the , um , forty - eight {disfmarker} uh , forty eight hundred bits per second ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , I know what I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , not {disfmarker} no relation .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No relation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I don't understand ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The f the forty - eight hundred bits is for transmission of some features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "because i I mean , if you 're only using h", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And generally , i it {disfmarker} s allows you to transmit like , fifteen , uh , cepstrum .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The issue was that , um , this is supposed to be a standard that 's then gonna be fed to somebody 's recognizer somewhere which might be , you know , it {disfmarker} it might be a concern how many parameters are use {disfmarker} u used and so forth . And so , uh , they felt they wanted to set a limit . So they chose sixty . Some people wanted to use hundreds of parameters and {disfmarker} and that bothered some other people .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u And so they just chose that . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think it 's kind of r arbitrary too . But {disfmarker} but that 's {disfmarker} that 's kind of what was chosen . I {disfmarker} I remembered what I was going to say . What I was going to say is that , um , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound} maybe with the noise removal , uh , these things are now more correlated . So you have two sets of things that are kind of uncorrelated , uh , within themselves , but they 're pretty correlated with one another .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , they 're being fed into these , uh , variants , only Gaussians and so forth , and {disfmarker} and , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so maybe it would be a better idea now than it was before to , uh , have , uh , one KLT over everything , to de - correlate it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , I see .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe . You know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What are the S N Rs in the training set , TIMIT ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's , uh , ranging from zero to clean ? Yeah . From zero to clean .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So we found this {disfmarker} this , uh {disfmarker} this Macrophone data , and so forth , that we were using for these other experiments , to be pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} i after you explore these other alternatives , that might be another way to start looking , is {disfmarker} is just improving the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , we were getting , uh , lots better recognition using that , than {disfmarker} Of course , you do have the problem that , um , u i {comment} we are not able to increase the number of Gaussians , uh , or anything to , uh , uh , to match anything . So we 're only improving the training of our feature set , but that 's still probably something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , add the Macrophone data to the training of the neural net ? The tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's the only place that we can train .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "We can't train the other stuff with anything other than the standard amount ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so . Um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what was it trained on again ? The one that you used ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's TIMIT with noise .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , it 's rather a small {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "How big is the net , by the way ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Uh , it 's , uh , five hundred hidden units . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And again , you did experiments back then where you made it bigger and it {disfmarker} and that was {disfmarker} that was sort of the threshold point . Much less than that , it was worse ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "much more than that , it wasn't much better . Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . @ @ ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So is it {disfmarker} is it though the performance , big relation in the high ma high mismatch has something to do with the , uh , cleaning up that you {disfmarker} that is done on the TIMIT after adding noise ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i All the noises are from the TI - digits ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So you {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} They {disfmarker} k uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it it 's like the high mismatch of the SpeechDat - Car after cleaning up , maybe having more noise than the {disfmarker} the training set of TIMIT after clean {disfmarker} s after you do the noise clean - up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , earlier you never had any compensation , you just trained it straight away .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it had like all these different conditions of S N Rs , actually in their training set of neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But after cleaning up you have now a different set of S N Rs , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the training of the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} is it something to do with the mismatch that {disfmarker} that 's created after the cleaning up , like the high mismatch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You mean the {disfmarker} the most noisy occurrences on SpeechDat - Car might be a lot more noisy than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Of {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I mean , the SNR after the noise compensation of the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , so {disfmarker} Right . So the training {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the neural net is being trained with noise compensated stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": " Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which makes sense ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , you 're saying {disfmarker} Yeah , the noisier ones are still going to be , even after our noise compensation , are still gonna be pretty noisy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so now the after - noise compensation the neural net is seeing a different set of S N Rs than that was originally there in the training set . Of TIMIT . Because in the TIMIT it was zero to some clean .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So the net saw all the SNR @ @ conditions .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Now after cleaning up it 's a different set of SNR .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And that SNR may not be , like , com covering the whole set of S N Rs that you 're getting in the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the SpeechDat - Car data that you 're seeing is also reduced in noise by the noise compensation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , it is . But , I 'm saying , there could be some {disfmarker} some issues of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , if the initial range of SNR is different , we {disfmarker} the problem was already there before . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} Mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , it depends on whether you believe that the noise compensation is equally reducing the noise on the test set and the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the test set , yeah . ", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , you 're saying there 's a mismatch in noise that wasn't there before ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but if they were both the same before , then if they were both reduic reduced equally , then , there would not be a mismatch .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , I mean , this may be {disfmarker} Heaven forbid , this noise compensation process may be imperfect , but . Uh , so maybe it 's treating some things differently .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I don't know . I {disfmarker} I just {disfmarker} that could be seen from the TI - digits , uh , testing condition because , um , the noises are from the TI - digits , right ? Noise {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So cleaning up the TI - digits and if the performance goes down in the TI - digits mismatch {disfmarker} high mismatch like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Clean training , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "on a clean training , or zero DB testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , we 'll {disfmarker} so we 'll see . Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Then it 's something to do .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , one of the things about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the Macrophone data , um , I think , you know , it was recorded over many different telephones .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , so , there 's lots of different kinds of acoustic conditions . I mean , it 's not artificially added noise or anything . So it 's not the same . I don't think there 's anybody recording over a car from a car , but {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's varied enough that if {disfmarker} if doing this adjustments , uh , and playing around with it doesn't , uh , make it better , the most {disfmarker} uh , it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to improve the training set . Um {disfmarker} I mean , what we were {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} the condition {disfmarker} It {disfmarker} it gave us an enormous amount of improvement in what we were doing with Meeting Recorder digits , even though there , again , these m Macrophone digits were very , very different from , uh , what we were going on here . I mean , we weren't talking over a telephone here . But it was just {disfmarker} I think just having a {disfmarker} a nice variation in acoustic conditions was just a good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , actually {vocalsound} to s eh , what I observed in the HM case is that the number of deletion dramatically increases . It {disfmarker} it doubles .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Number of deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When I added the num the neural network it doubles the number of deletions . Yeah , so I don't you know {vocalsound} how to interpret that , but , mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Me either .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "t", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and did {disfmarker} an other numbers stay the same ? Insertion substitutions stay the same ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They p stayed the same ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Roughly ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "they {disfmarker} maybe they are a little bit uh , lower .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They are a little bit better . Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Did they increase the number of deletions even for the cases that got better ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Say , for the {disfmarker} I mean , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , it doesn't .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's only the highly mismatched ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And it {disfmarker} Remind me again , the \" highly mismatched \" means that the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Clean training and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , sorry ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's clean training {disfmarker} Well , close microphone training and distant microphone , um , high speed , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Close mike training {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker} The most noisy cases are the distant microphone for testing .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So {disfmarker} Well , maybe the noise subtraction is subtracting off speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Separating . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah . I mean , but without the neural network it 's {disfmarker} well , it 's better . It 's just when we add the neural networks .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The feature are the same except that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's right , that 's right . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well that {disfmarker} that says that , you know , the , um {disfmarker} the models in {disfmarker} in , uh , the recognizer are really paying attention to the neural net features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , yeah , actually {disfmarker} {nonvocalsound} the TIMIT noises {pause} are sort of a range of noises and they 're not so much the stationary driving kind of noises , right ? It 's {disfmarker} it 's pretty different . Isn't it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , there is a car noise . So there are f just four noises . Um , uh , \" Car \" , I think , \" Babble \" ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Babble . \"", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Subway \" , right ? and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Street \" or \" Airport \" or something .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} \" Street \" isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Or \" Train station \" .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Train station \" , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's mostly {disfmarker} Well , \" Car \" is stationary ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "\" Babble \" , it 's a stationary background plus some voices ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "some speech over it . And the other two are rather stationary also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I think that if you run it {disfmarker} Actually , you {disfmarker} maybe you remember this . When you {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the old experiments when you ran with the neural net only , and didn't have this side path , um , uh , with the {disfmarker} the pure features as well , did it make things better to have the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Was it about the same ? Uh , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was {disfmarker} b a little bit worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Than just the features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , until you put the second path in with the pure features , the neural net wasn't helping at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's interesting .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was helping , uh , if the features are b were bad ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean . Just plain P L Ps or M F", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "C Cs . as soon as we added LDA on - line normalization , and {vocalsound} all these things , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "They were doing similar enough things . Well , I still think it would be k sort of interesting to see what would happen if you just had the neural net without the side thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and the thing I {disfmarker} I have in mind is , uh , maybe you 'll see that the results are not just a little bit worse .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe that they 're a lot worse . You know ? And , um {disfmarker} But if on the ha other hand , uh , it 's , say , somewhere in between what you 're seeing now and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and , uh , what you 'd have with just the pure features , then maybe there is some problem of a {disfmarker} of a , uh , combination of these things , or correlation between them somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it really is that the net is hurting you at the moment , then I think the issue is to focus on {disfmarker} on , uh , improving the {disfmarker} the net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So what 's the overall effe I mean , you haven't done all the experiments but you said it was i somewhat better , say , five percent better , for the first two conditions , and fifteen percent worse for the other one ? But it 's {disfmarker} but of course that one 's weighted lower ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Y yeah , oh . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so I wonder what the net effect is .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it was one or two percent . That 's not that bad , but it was l like two percent relative worse on SpeechDat - Car . I have to {disfmarker} to check that . Well , I have {disfmarker} I will .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it will {disfmarker} overall it will be still better even if it is fifteen percent worse , because the fifteen percent worse is given like f w twenty - five {disfmarker} point two five eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So the {disfmarker} so the worst it could be , if the others were exactly the same , is four ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and , uh , in fact since the others are somewhat better {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's four . Is i So either it 'll get cancelled out , or you 'll get , like , almost the same .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was {disfmarker} it was slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Slightly bad . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it should be pretty close to cancelled out .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , I 've been wondering about something .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In the , um {disfmarker} a lot of the , um {disfmarker} the Hub - five systems , um , recently have been using LDA . and {disfmarker} and they , um {disfmarker} They run LDA on the features right before they train the models . So there 's the {disfmarker} the LDA is {disfmarker} is right there before the H M", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , you guys are using LDA but it seems like it 's pretty far back in the process .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this LDA is different from the LDA that you are talking about . The LDA that you {disfmarker} saying is , like , you take a block of features , like nine frames or something , {comment} and then do an LDA on it ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then reduce the dimensionality to something like twenty - four or something like that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , you c you c you can .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then feed it to HMM .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} you know , you 're just basically i", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is like a two d two dimensional tile .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You 're shifting the feature space . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So this is a two dimensional tile . And the LDA that we are f applying is only in time , not in frequency {disfmarker} high cost frequency . So it 's like {disfmarker} more like a filtering in time , rather than doing a r", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah . OK . So what i what about , um {disfmarker} i u what i w I mean , I don't know if this is a good idea or not , but what if you put {disfmarker} ran the other kind of LDA , uh , on your features right before they go into the HMM ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . No , actually , I think {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "m", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well . What do we do with the ANN is {disfmarker} is something like that except that it 's not linear . But it 's {disfmarker} it 's like a nonlinear discriminant analysis .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right , it 's the {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} Right . The {disfmarker} So {disfmarker} Yeah , so it 's sort of like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The tandem stuff is kind of like i nonlinear LDA .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I g", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean , w but the other features that you have , um , th the non - tandem ones ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . Mm - hmm . Yeah , I know . That {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} Yeah . Well , in the proposal , they were transformed u using PCA , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it might be that LDA could be better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The a the argument i is kind of i in {disfmarker} and it 's not like we really know , but the argument anyway is that , um , uh , we always have the prob I mean , discriminative things are good . LDA , neural nets , they 're good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , they 're good because you {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} you learn to distinguish between these categories that you want to be good at distinguishing between . And PCA doesn't do that . It {disfmarker} PAC - PCA {disfmarker} low - order PCA throws away pieces that are uh , maybe not {disfmarker} not gonna be helpful just because they 're small , basically .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , uh , the problem is , training sets aren't perfect and testing sets are different . So you f you {disfmarker} you face the potential problem with discriminative stuff , be it LDA or neural nets , that you are training to discriminate between categories in one space but what you 're really gonna be g getting is {disfmarker} is something else .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , uh , Stephane 's idea was , uh , let 's feed , uh , both this discriminatively trained thing and something that 's not . So you have a good set of features that everybody 's worked really hard to make ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then , uh , you {disfmarker} you discriminately train it , but you also take the path that {disfmarker} that doesn't have that ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and putting those in together . And that {disfmarker} that seem So it 's kind of like a combination of the {disfmarker} uh , what , uh , Dan has been calling , you know , a feature {disfmarker} uh , you know , a feature combination versus posterior combination or something . It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , you have the posterior combination but then you get the features from that and use them as a feature combination with these {disfmarker} these other things . And that seemed , at least in the last one , as he was just saying , he {disfmarker} he {disfmarker} when he only did discriminative stuff , i it actually was {disfmarker} was {disfmarker} it didn't help at all in this particular case .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "There was enough of a difference , I guess , between the testing and training . But by having them both there {disfmarker} The fact is some of the time , the discriminative stuff is gonna help you .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And some of the time it 's going to hurt you ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and by combining two information sources if , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you wouldn't necessarily then want to do LDA on the non - tandem features because now you 're doing something to them that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That i i I think that 's counter to that idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Now , again , it 's {disfmarker} we 're just trying these different things . We don't really know what 's gonna work best . But if that 's the hypothesis , at least it would be counter to that hypothesis to do that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , and in principle you would think that the neural net would do better at the discriminant part than LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . Yeah . Well {disfmarker} y", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Though , maybe not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Exactly . I mean , we , uh {disfmarker} we were getting ready to do the tandem , uh , stuff for the Hub - five system , and , um , Andreas and I talked about it , and the idea w the thought was , \" Well , uh , yeah , that i you know {disfmarker} th the neural net should be better , but we should at least have uh , a number , you know , to show that we did try the LDA in place of the neural net , so that we can you know , show a clear path .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You know , that you have it without it , then you have the LDA , then you have the neural net , and you can see , theoretically . So . I was just wondering {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I think that 's a good idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Did {disfmarker} did you do that", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} tha that 's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker} that 's what we 're gonna do next as soon as I finish this other thing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . No , well , that 's a good idea . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We just want to show .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "i Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} everybody believes it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , no it 's a g", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but you know , we just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "No , no , but it might not {disfmarker} not even be true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's a great idea . I mean , one of the things that always disturbed me , uh , in the {disfmarker} the resurgence of neural nets that happened in the eighties was that , um , a lot of people {disfmarker} Because neural nets were pretty easy to {disfmarker} to use {disfmarker} a lot of people were just using them for all sorts of things without , uh , looking at all into the linear , uh {disfmarker} uh , versions of them .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , people were doing recurrent nets but not looking at IIR filters , and {disfmarker} You know , I mean , uh , so I think , yeah , it 's definitely a good idea to try it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , and everybody 's putting that on their {vocalsound} systems now , and so , I that 's what made me wonder about this ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , they 've been putting them in their systems off and on for ten years ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , what I mean is it 's {disfmarker} it 's like in the Hub - five evaluations , you know , and you read the system descriptions and everybody 's got , {vocalsound} you know , LDA on their features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And now they all have that . I see .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And so .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's the transformation they 're estimating on {disfmarker} Well , they are trained on the same data as the final HMM are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's different . Yeah , exactly . Cuz they don't have these , you know , mismatches that {disfmarker} that you guys have .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I was wondering if maybe it 's not even a good idea .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know . I {disfmarker} I don't know enough about it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , part of why {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think part of why you were getting into the KLT {disfmarker} Y you were describing to me at one point that you wanted to see if , uh , you know , getting good orthogonal features was {disfmarker} and combining the {disfmarker} the different temporal ranges {disfmarker} was the key thing that was happening or whether it was this discriminant thing , right ? So you were just trying {disfmarker} I think you r I mean , this is {disfmarker} it doesn't have the LDA aspect but th as far as the orthogonalizing transformation , you were trying that at one point , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think you were .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Does something . It doesn't work as well . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , I 've been exploring a parallel VAD without neural network with , like , less latency using SNR and energy , um , after the cleaning up . So what I 'd been trying was , um , uh {disfmarker} After the b after the noise compensation , n I was trying t to f find a f feature based on the ratio of the energies , that is , cl after clean and before clean . So that if {disfmarker} if they are , like , pretty c close to one , which means it 's speech . And if it is n if it is close to zero , which is {disfmarker} So it 's like a scale @ @ probability value . So I was trying , uh , with full band and multiple bands , m ps uh {disfmarker} separating them to different frequency bands and deriving separate decisions on each bands , and trying to combine them . Uh , the advantage being like it doesn't have the latency of the neural net if it {disfmarker} if it can", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "g And {pause} it gave me like , uh , one point {disfmarker} One {disfmarker} more than one percent relative improvement . So , from fifty - three point six it went to fifty f four point eight . So it 's , like , only slightly more than a percent improvement ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "just like {disfmarker} Which means that it 's {disfmarker} it 's doing a slightly better job than the previous VAD ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "uh , at a l lower delay .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , so , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} i d I 'm sorry ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker} u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "does it still have the median {pause} filter stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It still has the median filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So it still has most of the delay ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "it just doesn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so d with the delay , that 's gone is the input , which is the sixty millisecond . The forty plus {pause} twenty .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At the input of the neural net you have this , uh , f nine frames of context plus the delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , plus the delta ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right . OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that delay , plus the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , so the delay is only the forty millisecond of the noise cleaning , plus the hundred millisecond smoothing at the output .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . So . Yeah . So the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} di the biggest {disfmarker} The problem f for me was to find a consistent threshold that works {pause} well across the different databases , because I t I try to make it work on tr SpeechDat - Car", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and it fails on TI - digits , or if I try to make it work on that it 's just the Italian or something , it doesn't work on the Finnish .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , um . So there are {disfmarker} there was , like , some problem in balancing the deletions and insertions when I try different thresholds .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} I 'm still trying to make it better by using some other features from the {disfmarker} after the p clean up {disfmarker} maybe , some , uh , correlation {disfmarker} auto - correlation or some s additional features of {disfmarker} to mainly the improvement of the VAD . I 've been trying .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now this {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} this , uh , \" before and after clean \" , it sounds like you think that 's a good feature . That {disfmarker} that , it {disfmarker} you th think that the , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} i it appears to be a good feature , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What about using it in the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , eventually we could {disfmarker} could just", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} Yeah , so that 's the {disfmarker} Yeah . So we 've been thinking about putting it into the neural net also .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because they did {disfmarker} that itself {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Then you don't have to worry about the thresholds and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There 's a threshold and {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that {disfmarker} that 's , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if we {disfmarker} if we can live with the latency or cut the latencies elsewhere , then {disfmarker} then that would be a , uh , good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , anybody {disfmarker} has anybody {disfmarker} you guys or {disfmarker} or Naren , uh , somebody , tried the , uh , um , second th second stream thing ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , I just {disfmarker} I just h put the second stream in place and , uh ran one experiment , but just like {disfmarker} just to know that everything is fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was like , uh , forty - five cepstrum plus twenty - three mel {disfmarker} log mel .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and , just , like , it gave me the baseline performance of the Aurora , which is like zero improvement .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I just tried it on Italian just to know that everything is {disfmarker} But I {disfmarker} I didn't export anything out of it because it was , like , a weird feature set .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , what I think , you know , would be more what you 'd want to do is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is , uh , put it into another neural net . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} But , yeah , we 're {disfmarker} we 're not quite there yet . So we have to {vocalsound} figure out the neural nets , I guess .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The uh , other thing I was wondering was , um , if the neural net , um , has any {disfmarker} because of the different noise con unseen noise conditions for the neural net , where , like , you train it on those four noise conditions , while you are feeding it with , like , a additional {disfmarker} some four plus some {disfmarker} f few more conditions which it hasn't seen , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "from the {disfmarker} f f while testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} instead of just h having c uh , those cleaned up t cepstrum , sh should we feed some additional information , like {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} We have the VAD flag . I mean , should we f feed the VAD flag , also , at the input so that it {disfmarker} it has some additional discriminating information at the input ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm - hmm ! Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh - uh , the {disfmarker} the VAD what ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We have the VAD information also available at the back - end .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if it is something the neural net is not able to discriminate the classes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} Because most of it is sil I mean , we have dropped some silence f We have dropped so silence frames ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , we haven't dropped silence frames still .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , still not . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Th", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the b b biggest classification would be the speech and silence . So , by having an additional , uh , feature which says \" this is speech and this is nonspeech \" , I mean , it certainly helps in some unseen noise conditions for the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} Do y do you have that feature available for the test data ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I mean , we have {disfmarker} we are transferring the VAD to the back - end {disfmarker} feature to the back - end . Because we are dropping it at the back - end after everything {disfmarker} all the features are computed .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so the neural {disfmarker} so that is coming from a separate neural net or some VAD .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker} which is certainly giving a", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , feed that , also , into {pause} the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} Yeah . So it it 's an {disfmarker} additional discriminating information .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You could feed it into the neural net . The other thing {comment} you could do is just , um , p modify the , uh , output probabilities of the {disfmarker} of the , uh , uh , um , neural net , tandem neural net , {comment} based on the fact that you have a silence probability .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you have an independent estimator of what the silence probability is , and you could multiply the two things , and renormalize .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , I mean , you 'd have to do the nonlinearity part and deal with that . Uh , I mean , go backwards from what the nonlinearity would , you know {disfmarker} would be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Through {disfmarker} t to the soft max .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} maybe , yeah , when {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But in principle wouldn't it be better to feed it in ? And let the net do that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , u Not sure .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , let 's put it this way . I mean , y you {disfmarker} you have this complicated system with thousands and thousand parameters", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and you can tell it , uh , \" Learn this thing . \" Or you can say , \" It 's silence ! Go away ! \" I mean , I mean , i Doesn't {disfmarker} ? I think {disfmarker} I think the second one sounds a lot more direct .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what if you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . So , what if you then , uh {disfmarker} since you know this , what if you only use the neural net on the speech portions ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I guess that 's the same . Uh , that 's similar .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , y you 'd have to actually run it continuously ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean {disfmarker} I mean , train the net only on {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker} Well , no , you want to train on {disfmarker} on the nonspeech also , because that 's part of what you 're learning in it , to {disfmarker} to {disfmarker} to generate , that it 's {disfmarker} it has to distinguish between .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Speech .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I mean , if you 're gonna {disfmarker} if you 're going to multiply the output of the net by this other decision , uh , would {disfmarker} then you don't care about whether the net makes that distinction , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah . But this other thing isn't perfect .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that you bring in some information from the net itself .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right , OK . That 's a good point .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only thing that {disfmarker} that bothers me about all this is that I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the fact {disfmarker} i i It 's sort of bothersome that you 're getting more deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker} So I might maybe look at , is it due to the fact that um , the probability of the silence at the output of the network , is , uh ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is too high .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "too {disfmarker} too high or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So maybe {disfmarker} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If it 's the case , then multiplying it again by {disfmarker} i by something ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It may not be {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} it may be too {disfmarker} it 's too high in a sense , like , everything is more like a , um , flat probability .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh - eee - hhh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , like , it 's not really doing any distinction between speech and nonspeech {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or , I mean , different {disfmarker} among classes .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Be interesting to look at the {disfmarker} Yeah , for the {disfmarker} I wonder if you could do this . But if you look at the , um , highly mism high mismat the output of the net on the high mismatch case and just look at , you know , the distribution versus the {disfmarker} the other ones , do you {disfmarker} do you see more peaks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , like the entropy of the {disfmarker} the output ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , for instance .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But I {disfmarker} bu", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} it seems that the VAD network doesn't {disfmarker} Well , it doesn't drop , uh , too many frames because the dele the number of deletion is reasonable . But it 's just when we add the tandem , the final MLP , and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only problem is you don't want to ta I guess wait for the output of the VAD before you can put something into the other system ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz that 'll shoot up the latency a lot , right ? Am I missing something here ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's maybe a problem with what I was just saying . But {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} I I guess {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But if you were gonna put it in as a feature it means you already have it by the time you get to the tandem net , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , well . We {disfmarker} w we don't have it , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "because it 's {disfmarker} it has a high rate energy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "the VAD has a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's kind of done in {disfmarker} I mean , some of the things are , not in parallel , but certainly , it would be in parallel with the {disfmarker} with a tandem net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "In time . So maybe , if that doesn't work , um {disfmarker} But it would be interesting to see if that was the problem , anyway . And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and then I guess another alternative would be to take the feature that you 're feeding into the VAD , and feeding it into the other one as well .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then maybe it would just learn {disfmarker} learn it better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} But that 's {disfmarker} Yeah , that 's an interesting thing to try to see , if what 's going on is that in the highly mismatched condition , it 's , um , causing deletions by having this silence probability up {disfmarker} up too high ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "at some point where the VAD is saying it 's actually speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which is probably true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , m", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Cuz {disfmarker} Well , the V A if the VAD said {disfmarker} since the VAD is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is right a lot , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Anyway . Might be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , we just started working with it . But these are {disfmarker} these are some good ideas I think .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , and the other thing {disfmarker} Well , there are other issues maybe for the tandem , like , uh , well , do we want to , w uh n Do we want to work on the targets ? Or , like , instead of using phonemes , using more context dependent units ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the tandem net you mean ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I 'm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm thinking , also , a w about Dan 's work where he {disfmarker} he trained {vocalsound} a network , not on phoneme targets but on the HMM state targets . And {disfmarker} it was giving s slightly better results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Problem is , if you are going to run this on different m test sets , including large vocabulary ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . I was just thinking maybe about , like , generalized diphones , and {disfmarker} come up with a {disfmarker} a reasonable , not too large , set of context dependent units , and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Yeah . And then anyway we would have to reduce this with the KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe . But I d I d it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} i it 's all worth looking at ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but it sounds to me like , uh , looking at the relationship between this and the {disfmarker} speech noise stuff is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is probably a key thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That and the correlation between stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if , uh {disfmarker} if the , uh , high mismatch case had been more like the , uh , the other two cases {comment} in terms of giving you just a better performance , {comment} how would this number have changed ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , it would be {disfmarker} Yeah . Around five percent better , I guess . If {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y Like sixty ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know what 's it 's gonna be the TI - digits yet . He hasn't got the results back yet .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . If you extrapolate the SpeechDat - Car well - matched and medium - mismatch , it 's around , yeah , maybe five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Yeah . So this would be sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Sixty - two .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Sixty - two , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Somewhere around sixty , must be . Right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , it 's around five percent , because it 's {disfmarker} s Right ? If everything is five percent .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "All the other ones were five percent ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I d I just have the SpeechDat - Car right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's running {disfmarker} it shou we should have the results today during the afternoon ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} So I won't be here for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When {disfmarker} When do you leave ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I 'm leaving next Wednesday . May or may not be in in the morning . I leave in the afternoon . Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But you 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "are you {disfmarker} you 're not gonna be around this afternoon ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , well . I 'm talking about next week . I 'm leaving {disfmarker} leaving next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "This afternoon {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} Oh , right , for the Meeting meeting ? Yeah , that 's just cuz of something on campus .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . But , um , yeah , so next week I won't , and the week after I won't , cuz I 'll be in Finland . And the week after that I won't . By that time you 'll be {disfmarker} {comment} Uh , you 'll both be gone {pause} from here . So there 'll be no {disfmarker} definitely no meeting on {disfmarker} on September sixth . Uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What 's September sixth ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} Uh , that 's during Eurospeech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , uh , Sunil will be in Oregon . Uh , Stephane and I will be in Denmark . Uh {disfmarker} Right ? So it 'll be a few weeks , really , before we have a meeting of the same cast of characters . Um , but , uh {disfmarker} I guess , just {disfmarker} I mean , you guys should probably meet . And maybe Barry {disfmarker} Barry will be around . And {disfmarker} and then uh , uh , we 'll start up again with Dave and {disfmarker} Dave and Barry and Stephane and us on the , uh , twentieth . No . Thirteenth ? About a month ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , you 're gonna be gone for the next three weeks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm gone for two and a half weeks starting {disfmarker} starting next Wed - late next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} you won't be at the next three of these meetings . Is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I won't {disfmarker} it 's probably four because of {disfmarker} is it three ? Let 's see , twenty - third , thirtieth , sixth . That 's right , next three . And the {disfmarker} the third one won't {disfmarker} probably won't be a meeting , cuz {disfmarker} cuz , uh , Su - Sunil , Stephane , and I will all not be here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} Mmm . {comment} So it 's just , uh , the next two where there will be {disfmarker} there , you know , may as well be meetings ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but I just won't be at them . And then starting up on the thirteenth , {nonvocalsound} uh , we 'll have meetings again but we 'll have to do without Sunil here somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When do you go back ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Thirty - first , August .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Cool .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When is the evaluation ? November , or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was supposed to be November fifteenth . Has anybody heard anything different ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I don't know . The meeting in {disfmarker} is the five and six of December . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "p s It 's like {disfmarker} Yeah , it 's tentatively all full . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's a proposed date , I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , um {disfmarker} so the evaluation should be on a week before or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yep . But , no , this is good progress . So . Uh {disfmarker} OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Should we do digits ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Guess we 're done . Digits ? Yep .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a wrap .", "speaker": "Professor B" } ]
The team was coming close to finalizing the model for Aurora. They were still trying to make some improvements to improve their score. The team began with a discussion about how reverberation could be better accounted for. The professor thought that experimenting with different filters could help achieve a better signal-to-noise ratio. The new system for estimating silence probabilities that the team had added to the model was very effective, but it created a 220ms latency in the VAD. The team was not sure what kinds of constraints would be placed on latency eventually. They wanted to play it safe. The models, over all, were performing well, though the team intended to keep improving them. The team was also trying to figure out how to deal with different kinds of background noise. The meeting ended with a discussion of logistical issues.
Summarize the meeting
[ { "content": "OK , we 're going .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight , eight ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "This is three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Test . Hmm . Let 's see . Move it bit . Test ? Test ? OK , I guess it 's alright . So , let 's see . Yeah , Barry 's not here and Dave 's not here . Um , I can say about {disfmarker} just q just quickly to get through it , that Dave and I submitted this ASRU .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is for ASRU .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So . Um . Yeah , it 's {disfmarker} it 's interesting . I mean , basically we 're dealing with rever reverberation , and , um , when we deal with pure reverberation , the technique he 's using works really , really well . Uh , and when they had the reverberation here , uh , we 'll measure the signal - to - noise ratio and it 's , uh , about nine DB . So ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You mean , from the actual , uh , recordings ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "a fair amount of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "k", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's nine DB ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Um {disfmarker} And actually it brought up a question which may be relevant to the Aurora stuff too . Um , I know that when you figured out the filters that we 're using for the Mel scale , there was some experimentation that went on at {disfmarker} at , uh {disfmarker} at OGI . Um , but one of the differences that we found between the two systems that we were using , {comment} the {disfmarker} the Aurora HTK system baseline system {comment} and the system that we were {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the uh , other system we were using , the uh , the SRI system , was that the SRI system had maybe a , um , hundred hertz high - pass . And the , uh , Aurora HTK , it was like twenty .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yep . S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Sixty - four ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you 're using the baseline .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is that the ba band center ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , the edge .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The edge is really , uh , sixty - four ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "For some reason , uh , Dave thought it was twenty ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " So the , uh , center would be somewhere around like hundred", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} hundred {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} maybe {disfmarker} it 's like {disfmarker} fi hundred hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But do you know , for instance , h how far down it would be at twenty hertz ? What the {disfmarker} how much rejection would there be at twenty hertz , let 's say ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At twenty hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , any idea what the curve looks like ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty hertz frequency {disfmarker} Oh , it 's {disfmarker} it 's zero at twenty hertz , right ? The filter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yea - actually , the left edge of the first filter is at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Sixt - s sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So anything less than sixty - four is zero .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's actually set to zero ? What kind of filter is that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is this {disfmarker} oh , from the {disfmarker} from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} This is the filter bank in the frequency domain that starts at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , so you , uh {disfmarker} so you really set it to zero , the FFT ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah . So it 's {disfmarker} it 's a weight on the ball spectrum . Triangular weighting .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . OK . Um {disfmarker} OK . So that 's {disfmarker} that 's a little different than Dave thought , I think . But {disfmarker} but , um , still , it 's possible that we 're getting in some more noise . So I wonder , is it {disfmarker} @ @ Was there {disfmarker} their experimentation with , uh , say , throwing away that filter or something ? And , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , throwing away the first ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , we {disfmarker} we 've tried including the full {disfmarker} full bank . Right ? From zero to four K .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And that 's always worse than using sixty - four hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the question is , whether sixty - four hertz is {disfmarker} is , uh , too , uh , low .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , make it a hundred or so ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I t I think I 've tried a hundred and it was more or less the same , or slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "On what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the same , uh , SpeechDat - Car , Aurora .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , it was on the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So I tried a hundred to four K . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and on {disfmarker} and on the , um , um , {vocalsound} TI - digits also ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I think I just tried it on SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm . That 'd be something to look at sometime because what , um , eh , he was looking at was performance in this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Would that be more like {disfmarker} Well , you 'd think that 'd be more like SpeechDat - Car , I guess , in terms of the noise . The SpeechDat - Car is more , uh , sort of roughly stationary , a lot of it . And {disfmarker} and TI - digits maybe is not so much as {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . OK . Well , maybe it 's not a big deal . But , um {disfmarker} Anyway , that was just something we wondered about . But , um , uh , certainly a lot of the noise , uh , is , uh , below a hundred hertz . Uh , the signal - to - noise ratio , you know , looks a fair amount better if you {disfmarker} if you high - pass filter it from this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} but it 's still pretty noisy . Even {disfmarker} even for a hundred hertz up , it 's {disfmarker} it 's still fairly noisy . The signal - to - noise ratio is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is actually still pretty bad .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , I mean , the main {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's on th that 's on the f the far field ones though , right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's on the far field . Yeah , the near field 's pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So wha what is , uh {disfmarker} what 's causing that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we got a {disfmarker} a video projector in here , uh , and , uh {disfmarker} which we keep on during every {disfmarker} every session we record ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "which , you know , I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} w we were aware of", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but we thought it wasn't a bad thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , that 's a nice noise source . Uh , and there 's also the , uh {disfmarker} uh , air conditioning .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which , uh , you know , is a pretty low frequency kind of thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} So , those are {disfmarker} those are major components , I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "uh , for the stationary kind of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , but , um , it , uh {disfmarker} I guess , I {disfmarker} maybe I said this last week too but it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} it really became apparent to us that we need to {disfmarker} to take account of noise . And , uh , so I think when {disfmarker} when he gets done with his prelim study I think {vocalsound} one of the next things we 'd want to do is to take this , uh {disfmarker} uh , noise , uh , processing stuff and {disfmarker} and , uh {disfmarker} uh , synthesize some speech from it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When are his prelims ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} Um , I think in about , um , a little less than two weeks .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh . Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Uh , it might even be sooner . Uh , let 's see , this is the sixteenth , seventeenth ? Yeah , I don't know if he 's before {disfmarker} It might even be in a week .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , I", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "A week ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh . I {disfmarker} I guessed that they were gonna do it some time during the semester", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "week and a half .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but they 'll do it any time , huh ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They seem to be {disfmarker} Well , the semester actually is starting up .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it already ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , the semester 's late {disfmarker} late August they start here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yikes .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So they do it right at the beginning of the semester .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , uh {disfmarker} Yep . I mean , that {disfmarker} that was sort of one {disfmarker} I mean , the overall results seemed to be first place in {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the case of either , um , artificial reverberation or a modest sized training set . Uh , either way , uh , i uh , it helped a lot . And {disfmarker} But if you had a {disfmarker} a really big training set , a recognizer , uh , system that was capable of taking advantage of a really large training set {disfmarker} I thought that {disfmarker} One thing with the HTK is that is has the {disfmarker} as we 're using {disfmarker} the configuration we 're using is w s is {disfmarker} being bound by the terms of Aurora , we have all those parameters just set as they are . So even if we had a hundred times as much data , we wouldn't go out to , you know , ten or t or a hundred times as many Gaussians or anything . So , um , it 's kind of hard to take advantage of {disfmarker} of {disfmarker} of big chunks of data . Uh , whereas the other one does sort of expand as you have more training data .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It does it automatically , actually . And so , um , uh , that one really benefited from the larger set . And it was also a diverse set with different noises and so forth . Uh , so , um , that , uh {disfmarker} that seemed to be {disfmarker} So , if you have that {disfmarker} that better recognizer that can {disfmarker} that can build up more parameters , and if you , um , have the natural room , which in this case has a p a pretty bad signal - to - noise ratio , then in that case , um , the right thing to do is just do {disfmarker} u use speaker adaptation . And {disfmarker} and not bother with {disfmarker} with this acoustic , uh , processing . But I think that that would not be true if we did some explicit noise - processing as well as , uh , the convolutional kind of things we were doing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . That 's sort of what we found .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , started working on the uh {disfmarker} Mississippi State recognizer . So , I got in touch with Joe and {disfmarker} and , uh , from your email and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , they added me to the list {disfmarker} uh , the mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And he gave me all of the pointers and everything that I needed . And so I downloaded the , um {disfmarker} There were two things , uh , that they had to download . One was the , uh , I guess the software . And another wad {disfmarker} was a , um , sort of like a sample {disfmarker} a sample run . So I downloaded the software and compiled all of that . And it compiled fine .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No problems .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , eh , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , um , I grabbed the sample stuff but I haven't , uh , compiled it .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That sample was released only yesterday or the day before , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} Well , I haven't grabbed that one yet . So there 's two .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , there is another short sample set {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There was another short one , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "o o sample .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so I haven't grabbed the latest one that he just , uh , put out yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK . Oh , OK . F Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Um , but , the software seemed to compile fine and everything , so . And , um , So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Is there any word yet about the issues about , um , adjustments for different feature sets or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , I {disfmarker} I d You asked me to write to him and I think I forgot to ask him about that . Or if I did ask him , he didn't reply .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't remember yet . Uh , I 'll {disfmarker} I 'll d I 'll double check that and ask him again .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it 's like that {disfmarker} that could r turn out to be an important issue for us .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz they have it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe I 'll send it to the list . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Cuz they have , uh , already frozen those in i insertion penalties and all those stuff is what {disfmarker} I feel . Because they have this document explaining the recognizer .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And they have these tables with , uh , various language model weights , insertion penalties .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK , I haven't seen that one yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it 's th it 's there on that web .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , on that , I mean , they have run some experiments using various insertion penalties and all those {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so they 've picked {disfmarker} the values .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think they pi p", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah , they picked the values from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "For r w what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , p the one that they have reported is a NIST evaluation , Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But that has nothing to do with what we 're testing on , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You know . No . So they 're , like {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} So they are actually trying to , uh , fix that {disfmarker} those values using the clean , uh , training part of the Wall Street Journal . Which is {disfmarker} I mean , the Aurora . Aurora has a clean subset .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , they want to train it and then this {disfmarker} they 're going to run some evaluations .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So they 're set they 're setting it based on that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . So now , we may come back to the situation where we may be looking for a modification of the features to account for the fact that we can't modify these parameters .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} but it 's still worth , I think , just {disfmarker} since {disfmarker} you know , just chatting with Joe about the issue .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK . Do you think that 's something I should just send to him", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or do you think I should send it to this {disfmarker} there 's an {disfmarker} a m a mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's not a secret . I mean , we 're , you know , certainly willing to talk about it with everybody , but I think {disfmarker} I think that , um {disfmarker} um , it 's probably best to start talking with him just to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh @ @ {comment} you know , it 's a dialogue between two of you about what {disfmarker} you know , what does he think about this and what {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} you know {disfmarker} what could be done about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , if you get ten people in {disfmarker} involved in it there 'll be a lot of perspectives based on , you know , how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "you know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} But , I mean , I think it all should come up eventually ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if there is any , uh , uh , way to move in {disfmarker} a way that would {disfmarker} that would , you know , be more open to different kinds of features . But if {disfmarker} if , uh {disfmarker} if there isn't , and it 's just kind of shut down and {disfmarker} and then also there 's probably not worthwhile bringing it into a larger forum where {disfmarker} where political issues will come in .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . So this is now {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's compiled under Solaris ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Because he {disfmarker} there was some mail r saying that it 's {disfmarker} may not be stable for Linux and all those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , i that was a particular version .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "SUSI", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , SUSI or whatever it was", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but we don't have that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Should be OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , that 's fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it compiled fine actually .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} no errors . Nothing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this is slightly off topic", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's good .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , I noticed , just glancing at the , uh , Hopkins workshop , uh , web site that , uh , um {disfmarker} one of the thing I don't know {disfmarker} Well , we 'll see how much they accomplish , but one of the things that they were trying to do in the graphical models thing was to put together a {disfmarker} a , uh , tool kit for doing , uh r um , arbitrary graphical models for , uh , speech recognition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} And Jeff , uh {disfmarker} the two Jeffs were", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Who 's the second Jeff ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Oh , uh , do you know Geoff Zweig ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . Uh , he {disfmarker} he , uh {disfmarker} he was here for a couple years", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and he , uh {disfmarker} got his PHD . He {disfmarker} And he 's , uh , been at IBM for the last couple years .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow . That would be neat .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , so he did {disfmarker} he did his PHD on dynamic Bayes - nets , uh , for {disfmarker} for speech recognition . He had some continuity built into the model , presumably to handle some , um , inertia in the {disfmarker} in the production system , and , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , I 've been playing with , first , the , um , VAD . Um , {vocalsound} so it 's exactly the same approach , but the features that the VAD neural network use are , uh , MFCC after noise compensation . Oh , I think I have the results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What was it using before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Before it was just P L", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was actually {disfmarker} No . Not {disfmarker} I mean , it was just the noisy features I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "noisy {disfmarker} noisy features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "not compensated .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} This is what we get after {disfmarker} This {disfmarker} So , actually , we , yeah , here the features are noise compensated and there is also the LDA filter . Um , and then it 's a pretty small neural network which use , um , {vocalsound} nine frames of {disfmarker} of six features from C - zero to C - fives , plus the first derivatives . And it has one hundred hidden units .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is that nine frames u s uh , centered around the current frame ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S so , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm sorry , there 's {disfmarker} there 's {disfmarker} there 's how many {disfmarker} how many inputs ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it 's twelve times nine .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twelve times nine inputs , and a hundred , uh , hidden .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hidden and", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs . OK . So I guess about eleven thousand parameters , which {disfmarker} actually shouldn't be a problem , even in {disfmarker} in small phones . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm {disfmarker} s so what is different between this and {disfmarker} and what you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It should be OK . So the previous syst It 's based on the system that has a fifty - three point sixty - six percent improvement . It 's the same system . The only thing that changed is the n a p eh {disfmarker} a es the estimation of the silence probabilities .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which now is based on , uh , cleaned features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , it 's a l it 's a lot better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} it 's not bad , but the problem is still that the latency is too large .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the latency ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the latency of the VAD is two hundred and twenty milliseconds . And , uh , the VAD is used uh , i for on - line normalization , and it 's used before the delta computation . So if you add these components it goes t to a hundred and seventy , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I 'm confused . You started off with two - twenty and you ended up with one - seventy ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "With two an two hundred and seventy .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two - seventy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker} Yeah , if you add the c delta comp delta computation", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is done afterwards . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two - twenty . I the is this {disfmarker} are these twenty - millisecond frames ? Is that why ? Is it after downsampling ? or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The two - twenty is one hundred milliseconds for the um {disfmarker} No , it 's forty milliseconds for t for the , uh , uh , cleaning of the speech . Um {disfmarker} then there is , um , the neural network which use nine frames . So it adds forty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "a OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , after that , um , you have the um , filtering of the silence probabilities . Which is a million filter it , and it creates a one hundred milliseconds delay . So , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus there is a delta at the input .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , and there is the delta at the input which is ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "One hundred milliseconds for smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , median .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's like forty plus {disfmarker} forty {disfmarker} plus {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then forty {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Forty {disfmarker} This forty plus twenty , plus one hundred .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty p ", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two hundred actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , there are twenty that comes from {disfmarker} There is ten that comes from the LDA filters also . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , so it 's two hundred and ten , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are using {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus the frame ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "t If you are using three frames {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so it 's two - twenty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are phrasing f {comment} using three frames , it is thirty here for delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's five frames , but .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So five frames , that 's twenty . OK , so it 's who un {comment} two hundred and ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , p Wait a minute . It 's forty {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forty for the {disfmarker} for the cleaning of the speech ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . Forty cleaning .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty for the I N {disfmarker} ANN , a hundred for the smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , but at ten {disfmarker} ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty for the delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twenty for delta .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At th {nonvocalsound} At the input . I mean , that 's at the input to the net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Delta at input to net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And there i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it 's like s five , six cepstrum plus delta at nine {disfmarker} nine frames of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then ten milliseconds for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Fi - There 's an LDA filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "ten milliseconds for LDA filter , and t and ten {disfmarker} another ten milliseconds you said for the frame ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "For the frame I guess . I computed two - twenty {disfmarker} Yeah , well , it 's {disfmarker} I guess it 's for the fr {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And then there 's delta besides that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So this is the features that are used by our network and then afterwards , you have to compute the delta on the , uh , main feature stream ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is um , delta and double - deltas , which is fifty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , I mean , the {disfmarker} after the noise part , the forty {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the other hundred and eighty {disfmarker} Well , I mean , Wait a minute . Some of this is , uh {disfmarker} is , uh {disfmarker} is in parallel , isn't it ? I mean , the LDA {disfmarker} Oh , you have the LDA as part of the V D - uh , VAD ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The VAD use , uh , LDA filtered features also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , it does ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . So in that case there isn't too much in parallel . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No . There is , um , just downsampling , upsampling , and the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , so the delta at the end is how much ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's fifty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Fifty . Alright . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But well , we could probably put the delta , um , {vocalsound} before on - line normalization . It should not that make a big difference ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if you used a smaller window for the delta ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could that help a little bit ? I mean , I guess there 's a lot of things you could do to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but , nnn {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if you {disfmarker} if you put the delta before the , uh , ana on - line {disfmarker} If {disfmarker} Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} then {disfmarker} then it could go in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then y then you don't have that additive {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "cuz the time constant of the on - line normalization is pretty long compared to the delta window ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so . It should not make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And you ought to be able to shove tw , uh {disfmarker} sh uh {disfmarker} pull off twenty milliseconds from somewhere else to get it under two hundred , right ? I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is two hundred the d", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The hundred milla", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "mill a hundred milliseconds for smoothing is sort of an arbitrary amount . It could be eighty and {disfmarker} and probably do @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "i a hun", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} Wh - what 's the baseline you need to be under ? Two hundred ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know . They 're still arguing about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , if it 's two {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if it 's , uh {disfmarker} if it 's two - fifty , then we could keep the delta where it is if we shaved off twenty . If it 's two hundred , if we shaved off twenty , we could {disfmarker} we could , uh , meet it by moving the delta back .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , how do you know that what you have is too much if they 're still deciding ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , we don't , but it 's just {disfmarker} I mean , the main thing is that since that we got burned last time , and {disfmarker} you know , by not worrying about it very much , we 're just staying conscious of it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Oh , OK , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , th I mean , if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if a week before we have to be done someone says , \" Well , you have to have fifty milliseconds less than you have now \" , it would be pretty frantic around here . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But still , that 's {disfmarker} that 's a pretty big , uh , win . And it doesn't seem like you 're {disfmarker} in terms of your delay , you 're , uh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "He added a bit on , I guess , because before we were {disfmarker} we were {disfmarker} had {disfmarker} were able to have the noise , uh , stuff , uh , and the LVA be in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And now he 's {disfmarker} he 's requiring it to be done first .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , but I think the main thing , maybe , is the cleaning of the speech , which takes forty milliseconds or so .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , so you say {disfmarker} let 's say ten milliseconds {disfmarker} seconds for the LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} the LDA is , well , pretty short right now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , ten . And then forty for the other .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , the LDA {disfmarker} LDA {disfmarker} we don't know , is , like {disfmarker} is it very crucial for the features , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I just {disfmarker} This is the first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , I {disfmarker} maybe the LDA 's not very useful then .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so you could start pulling back ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S s h", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I think you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "l", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , you have twenty for delta computation which y now you 're sort of doing twice , right ? But yo w were you doing that before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Well , in the proposal , um , the input of the VAD network were just three frames , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} Mm - hmm . Just {disfmarker} Yeah , just the static , no delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , static features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , what you have now is fort uh , forty for the {disfmarker} the noise , twenty for the delta , and ten for the LDA . That 's seventy milliseconds of stuff which was formerly in parallel ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "you know , that 's {disfmarker} that 's the difference as far as the timing , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , and you could experiment with cutting various pieces of these back a bit , but {disfmarker} I mean , we 're s we 're not {disfmarker} we 're not in terrible shape .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's what it seems like to me . It 's pretty good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's not like it 's adding up to four hundred milliseconds or something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Where {disfmarker} where is this {disfmarker} where is this fifty - seven point O two in {disfmarker} in comparison to the last evaluation ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} I think it 's better than anything , uh , anybody got .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . The best was fifty - four point five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Point s", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And our system was forty - nine , but with the neural network .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wow . So this is almost ten percent .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "With the f with the neural net . Yeah , and r and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It would", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is {disfmarker} this is like the first proposal . The proposal - one . It was forty - four , actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . And we still don't have the neural net in . So {disfmarker} so it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "You know . So it 's {disfmarker} We 're {disfmarker} we 're doing better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is {disfmarker} this is really good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , we 're getting better recognition . I mean , I 'm sure other people working on this are not sitting still either , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} Uh , I mean , the important thing is that we learn how to do this better , and , you know . So . Um , Yeah . So , our , um {disfmarker} Yeah , you can see the kind of {disfmarker} kind of numbers that we 're having , say , on SpeechDat - Car which is a hard task , cuz it 's really , um {disfmarker} I think it 's just sort of {disfmarker} sort of reasonable numbers , starting to be . I mean , it 's still terri", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , even for a well - matched case it 's sixty percent error rate reduction ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Probably half . Good !", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Yeah . So actually , this is in between {vocalsound} what we had with the previous VAD and what Sunil did with an IDL VAD . Which gave sixty - two percent improvement , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's almost that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's almost an average somewhere around {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What was that ? Say that last part again ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , if you use , like , an IDL VAD , uh , for dropping the frames ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "o o Or the best we can get .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "the best that we can get {disfmarker} i That means that we estimate the silence probability on the clean version of the utterances . Then you can go up to sixty - two percent error rate reduction , globally .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mmm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that would be even {disfmarker} That wouldn't change this number down here to sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So you {disfmarker} you were get", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If you add a g good v very good VAD , that works as well as a VAD working on clean speech ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "then you wou you would go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's sort of the best you could hope for .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Probably . Yeah . So fi si fifty - three is what you were getting with the old VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} and sixty - two with the {disfmarker} the , you know , quote , unquote , cheating VAD . And fifty - seven is what you got with the real VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , the next thing is , I started to play {disfmarker} Well , I don't want to worry too much about the delay , no . Maybe it 's better to wait", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "for the decision", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "from the committee . Uh , but I started to play with the , um , {vocalsound} {vocalsound} uh , tandem neural network . Mmm I just did the configuration that 's very similar to what we did for the February proposal . And {disfmarker} Um . So . There is a f a first feature stream that use uh straight MFCC features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , these features actually . And the other stream is the output of a neural network , using as input , also , these , um , cleaned MFCC . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those are th those are th what is going into the tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't have the comp Mmm ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So there is just this feature stream , {comment} the fifteen MFCC plus delta and double - delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , so it 's {disfmarker} makes forty - five features {comment} that are used as input to the HTK . And then , there is {disfmarker} there are more inputs that comes from the tandem MLP .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , oh . OK . I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , h he likes to use them both ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "cuz then it has one part that 's discriminative ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "one part that 's not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , uh , yeah . Right now it seems that {disfmarker} i I just tested on SpeechDat - Car while the experiment are running on your {disfmarker} on TI - digits . Well , it improves on the well - matched and the mismatched conditions , but it get worse on the highly mismatched . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers , yeah . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "like , on the well - match and medium mismatch , the gain is around five percent relative , but it goes down a lot more , like fifteen percent on the HM case .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You 're just using the full ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y you have ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "i I have , um {disfmarker} From the networks , it 's twenty - eight . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And from the other side it 's forty - five .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , d i It 's forty - five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} you have seventy - three features ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and you 're just feeding them like that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There isn't any KLT or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . There 's a KLT after the neural network , as {disfmarker} as before .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's how you get down to twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Why twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . It 's {disfmarker} i i i It 's because it 's what we did for the first proposal . We tested , uh , trying to go down", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a multiple of seven .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I wanted to do something very similar to the proposal as a first {disfmarker} first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But we have to {disfmarker} for sure , we have to go down , because the limit is now sixty features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , we have to find a way to decrease the number of features . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , it seems funny that {disfmarker} I don't know , maybe I don't u quite understand everything , {comment} but that adding features {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I guess if you 're keeping the back - end fixed . Maybe that 's it . Because it seems like just adding information shouldn't give worse results . But I guess if you 're keeping the number of Gaussians fixed in the recognizer , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , I mean , just in general , adding information {disfmarker} Suppose the information you added , well , was a really terrible feature and all it brought in was noise .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? So {disfmarker} so , um {disfmarker} Or {disfmarker} or suppose it wasn't completely terrible , but it was completely equivalent to another one feature that you had , except it was noisier .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? In that case you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be better at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah , I wasn't necessarily saying it should be better . I 'm just surprised that you 're getting fifteen percent relative worse on the wel", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But it 's worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatched condition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatch .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , \" highly mismatched condition \" means that in fact your training is a bad estimate of your test .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So having {disfmarker} having , uh , a g a l a greater number of features , if they aren't maybe the right features that you use , certainly can e can easily , uh , make things worse . I mean , you 're right . If you have {disfmarker} if you have , uh , lots and lots of data , and you have {disfmarker} and your {disfmarker} your {disfmarker} your training is representative of your test , then getting more sources of information should just help . But {disfmarker} but it 's {disfmarker} It doesn't necessarily work that way .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So I wonder , um , Well , what 's your {disfmarker} what 's your thought about what to do next with it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , I don't know . I 'm surprised , because I expected the neural net to help more when there is more mismatch , as it was the case for the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , was the training set same as the p the February proposal ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's the same training set , so it 's TIMIT with the TI - digits ' , uh , noises , uh , added .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , we might {disfmarker} uh , we might have to experiment with , uh better training sets . Again . But ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} The other thing is , I mean , before you found that was the best configuration , but you might have to retest those things now that we have different {disfmarker} The rest of it is different , right ? So , um , uh , For instance , what 's the effect of just putting the neural net on without the o other {disfmarker} other path ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , you know what the straight features do .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That gives you this . You know what it does in combination .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You don't necessarily know what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What if you did the {disfmarker} Would it make sense to do the KLT on the full set of combined features ? Instead of just on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I g I guess . Um . The reason I did it this ways is that in February , it {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we tested different things like that , so , having two KLT , having just a KLT for a network , or having a global KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you tried the global KLT before", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it didn't really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . And , uh , th Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The differences between these configurations were not huge , but {disfmarker} it was marginally better with this configuration .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , yeah , that 's obviously another thing to try ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "since things are {disfmarker} things are different .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I guess if the {disfmarker} These are all {disfmarker} so all of these seventy - three features are going into , um , the , uh {disfmarker} the HMM .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And is {disfmarker} are {disfmarker} i i are {disfmarker} are any deltas being computed of tha of them ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Of the straight features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "n Not of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But n th the , um , tandem features are u used as they are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Are not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , maybe we can add some context from these features also as {disfmarker} Dan did in {disfmarker} in his last work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could . i Yeah , but the other thing I was thinking was , um {disfmarker} Uh , now I lost track of what I was thinking . But .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What is the {disfmarker} You said there was a limit of sixty features or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the relation between that limit and the , um , forty - eight {disfmarker} uh , forty eight hundred bits per second ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , I know what I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , not {disfmarker} no relation .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No relation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I don't understand ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The f the forty - eight hundred bits is for transmission of some features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "because i I mean , if you 're only using h", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And generally , i it {disfmarker} s allows you to transmit like , fifteen , uh , cepstrum .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The issue was that , um , this is supposed to be a standard that 's then gonna be fed to somebody 's recognizer somewhere which might be , you know , it {disfmarker} it might be a concern how many parameters are use {disfmarker} u used and so forth . And so , uh , they felt they wanted to set a limit . So they chose sixty . Some people wanted to use hundreds of parameters and {disfmarker} and that bothered some other people .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u And so they just chose that . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think it 's kind of r arbitrary too . But {disfmarker} but that 's {disfmarker} that 's kind of what was chosen . I {disfmarker} I remembered what I was going to say . What I was going to say is that , um , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound} maybe with the noise removal , uh , these things are now more correlated . So you have two sets of things that are kind of uncorrelated , uh , within themselves , but they 're pretty correlated with one another .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , they 're being fed into these , uh , variants , only Gaussians and so forth , and {disfmarker} and , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so maybe it would be a better idea now than it was before to , uh , have , uh , one KLT over everything , to de - correlate it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , I see .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe . You know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What are the S N Rs in the training set , TIMIT ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's , uh , ranging from zero to clean ? Yeah . From zero to clean .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So we found this {disfmarker} this , uh {disfmarker} this Macrophone data , and so forth , that we were using for these other experiments , to be pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} i after you explore these other alternatives , that might be another way to start looking , is {disfmarker} is just improving the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , we were getting , uh , lots better recognition using that , than {disfmarker} Of course , you do have the problem that , um , u i {comment} we are not able to increase the number of Gaussians , uh , or anything to , uh , uh , to match anything . So we 're only improving the training of our feature set , but that 's still probably something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , add the Macrophone data to the training of the neural net ? The tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's the only place that we can train .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "We can't train the other stuff with anything other than the standard amount ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so . Um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what was it trained on again ? The one that you used ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's TIMIT with noise .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , it 's rather a small {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "How big is the net , by the way ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Uh , it 's , uh , five hundred hidden units . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And again , you did experiments back then where you made it bigger and it {disfmarker} and that was {disfmarker} that was sort of the threshold point . Much less than that , it was worse ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "much more than that , it wasn't much better . Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . @ @ ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So is it {disfmarker} is it though the performance , big relation in the high ma high mismatch has something to do with the , uh , cleaning up that you {disfmarker} that is done on the TIMIT after adding noise ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i All the noises are from the TI - digits ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So you {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} They {disfmarker} k uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it it 's like the high mismatch of the SpeechDat - Car after cleaning up , maybe having more noise than the {disfmarker} the training set of TIMIT after clean {disfmarker} s after you do the noise clean - up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , earlier you never had any compensation , you just trained it straight away .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it had like all these different conditions of S N Rs , actually in their training set of neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But after cleaning up you have now a different set of S N Rs , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the training of the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} is it something to do with the mismatch that {disfmarker} that 's created after the cleaning up , like the high mismatch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You mean the {disfmarker} the most noisy occurrences on SpeechDat - Car might be a lot more noisy than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Of {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I mean , the SNR after the noise compensation of the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , so {disfmarker} Right . So the training {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the neural net is being trained with noise compensated stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": " Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which makes sense ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , you 're saying {disfmarker} Yeah , the noisier ones are still going to be , even after our noise compensation , are still gonna be pretty noisy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so now the after - noise compensation the neural net is seeing a different set of S N Rs than that was originally there in the training set . Of TIMIT . Because in the TIMIT it was zero to some clean .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So the net saw all the SNR @ @ conditions .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Now after cleaning up it 's a different set of SNR .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And that SNR may not be , like , com covering the whole set of S N Rs that you 're getting in the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the SpeechDat - Car data that you 're seeing is also reduced in noise by the noise compensation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , it is . But , I 'm saying , there could be some {disfmarker} some issues of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , if the initial range of SNR is different , we {disfmarker} the problem was already there before . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} Mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , it depends on whether you believe that the noise compensation is equally reducing the noise on the test set and the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the test set , yeah . ", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , you 're saying there 's a mismatch in noise that wasn't there before ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but if they were both the same before , then if they were both reduic reduced equally , then , there would not be a mismatch .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , I mean , this may be {disfmarker} Heaven forbid , this noise compensation process may be imperfect , but . Uh , so maybe it 's treating some things differently .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I don't know . I {disfmarker} I just {disfmarker} that could be seen from the TI - digits , uh , testing condition because , um , the noises are from the TI - digits , right ? Noise {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So cleaning up the TI - digits and if the performance goes down in the TI - digits mismatch {disfmarker} high mismatch like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Clean training , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "on a clean training , or zero DB testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , we 'll {disfmarker} so we 'll see . Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Then it 's something to do .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , one of the things about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the Macrophone data , um , I think , you know , it was recorded over many different telephones .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , so , there 's lots of different kinds of acoustic conditions . I mean , it 's not artificially added noise or anything . So it 's not the same . I don't think there 's anybody recording over a car from a car , but {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's varied enough that if {disfmarker} if doing this adjustments , uh , and playing around with it doesn't , uh , make it better , the most {disfmarker} uh , it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to improve the training set . Um {disfmarker} I mean , what we were {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} the condition {disfmarker} It {disfmarker} it gave us an enormous amount of improvement in what we were doing with Meeting Recorder digits , even though there , again , these m Macrophone digits were very , very different from , uh , what we were going on here . I mean , we weren't talking over a telephone here . But it was just {disfmarker} I think just having a {disfmarker} a nice variation in acoustic conditions was just a good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , actually {vocalsound} to s eh , what I observed in the HM case is that the number of deletion dramatically increases . It {disfmarker} it doubles .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Number of deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When I added the num the neural network it doubles the number of deletions . Yeah , so I don't you know {vocalsound} how to interpret that , but , mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Me either .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "t", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and did {disfmarker} an other numbers stay the same ? Insertion substitutions stay the same ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They p stayed the same ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Roughly ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "they {disfmarker} maybe they are a little bit uh , lower .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They are a little bit better . Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Did they increase the number of deletions even for the cases that got better ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Say , for the {disfmarker} I mean , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , it doesn't .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's only the highly mismatched ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And it {disfmarker} Remind me again , the \" highly mismatched \" means that the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Clean training and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , sorry ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's clean training {disfmarker} Well , close microphone training and distant microphone , um , high speed , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Close mike training {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker} The most noisy cases are the distant microphone for testing .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So {disfmarker} Well , maybe the noise subtraction is subtracting off speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Separating . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah . I mean , but without the neural network it 's {disfmarker} well , it 's better . It 's just when we add the neural networks .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The feature are the same except that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's right , that 's right . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well that {disfmarker} that says that , you know , the , um {disfmarker} the models in {disfmarker} in , uh , the recognizer are really paying attention to the neural net features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , yeah , actually {disfmarker} {nonvocalsound} the TIMIT noises {pause} are sort of a range of noises and they 're not so much the stationary driving kind of noises , right ? It 's {disfmarker} it 's pretty different . Isn't it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , there is a car noise . So there are f just four noises . Um , uh , \" Car \" , I think , \" Babble \" ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Babble . \"", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Subway \" , right ? and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Street \" or \" Airport \" or something .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} \" Street \" isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Or \" Train station \" .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Train station \" , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's mostly {disfmarker} Well , \" Car \" is stationary ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "\" Babble \" , it 's a stationary background plus some voices ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "some speech over it . And the other two are rather stationary also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I think that if you run it {disfmarker} Actually , you {disfmarker} maybe you remember this . When you {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the old experiments when you ran with the neural net only , and didn't have this side path , um , uh , with the {disfmarker} the pure features as well , did it make things better to have the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Was it about the same ? Uh , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was {disfmarker} b a little bit worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Than just the features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , until you put the second path in with the pure features , the neural net wasn't helping at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's interesting .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was helping , uh , if the features are b were bad ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean . Just plain P L Ps or M F", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "C Cs . as soon as we added LDA on - line normalization , and {vocalsound} all these things , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "They were doing similar enough things . Well , I still think it would be k sort of interesting to see what would happen if you just had the neural net without the side thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and the thing I {disfmarker} I have in mind is , uh , maybe you 'll see that the results are not just a little bit worse .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe that they 're a lot worse . You know ? And , um {disfmarker} But if on the ha other hand , uh , it 's , say , somewhere in between what you 're seeing now and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and , uh , what you 'd have with just the pure features , then maybe there is some problem of a {disfmarker} of a , uh , combination of these things , or correlation between them somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it really is that the net is hurting you at the moment , then I think the issue is to focus on {disfmarker} on , uh , improving the {disfmarker} the net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So what 's the overall effe I mean , you haven't done all the experiments but you said it was i somewhat better , say , five percent better , for the first two conditions , and fifteen percent worse for the other one ? But it 's {disfmarker} but of course that one 's weighted lower ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Y yeah , oh . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so I wonder what the net effect is .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it was one or two percent . That 's not that bad , but it was l like two percent relative worse on SpeechDat - Car . I have to {disfmarker} to check that . Well , I have {disfmarker} I will .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it will {disfmarker} overall it will be still better even if it is fifteen percent worse , because the fifteen percent worse is given like f w twenty - five {disfmarker} point two five eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So the {disfmarker} so the worst it could be , if the others were exactly the same , is four ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and , uh , in fact since the others are somewhat better {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's four . Is i So either it 'll get cancelled out , or you 'll get , like , almost the same .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was {disfmarker} it was slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Slightly bad . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it should be pretty close to cancelled out .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , I 've been wondering about something .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In the , um {disfmarker} a lot of the , um {disfmarker} the Hub - five systems , um , recently have been using LDA . and {disfmarker} and they , um {disfmarker} They run LDA on the features right before they train the models . So there 's the {disfmarker} the LDA is {disfmarker} is right there before the H M", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , you guys are using LDA but it seems like it 's pretty far back in the process .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this LDA is different from the LDA that you are talking about . The LDA that you {disfmarker} saying is , like , you take a block of features , like nine frames or something , {comment} and then do an LDA on it ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then reduce the dimensionality to something like twenty - four or something like that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , you c you c you can .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then feed it to HMM .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} you know , you 're just basically i", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is like a two d two dimensional tile .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You 're shifting the feature space . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So this is a two dimensional tile . And the LDA that we are f applying is only in time , not in frequency {disfmarker} high cost frequency . So it 's like {disfmarker} more like a filtering in time , rather than doing a r", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah . OK . So what i what about , um {disfmarker} i u what i w I mean , I don't know if this is a good idea or not , but what if you put {disfmarker} ran the other kind of LDA , uh , on your features right before they go into the HMM ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . No , actually , I think {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "m", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well . What do we do with the ANN is {disfmarker} is something like that except that it 's not linear . But it 's {disfmarker} it 's like a nonlinear discriminant analysis .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right , it 's the {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} Right . The {disfmarker} So {disfmarker} Yeah , so it 's sort of like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The tandem stuff is kind of like i nonlinear LDA .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I g", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean , w but the other features that you have , um , th the non - tandem ones ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . Mm - hmm . Yeah , I know . That {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} Yeah . Well , in the proposal , they were transformed u using PCA , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it might be that LDA could be better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The a the argument i is kind of i in {disfmarker} and it 's not like we really know , but the argument anyway is that , um , uh , we always have the prob I mean , discriminative things are good . LDA , neural nets , they 're good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , they 're good because you {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} you learn to distinguish between these categories that you want to be good at distinguishing between . And PCA doesn't do that . It {disfmarker} PAC - PCA {disfmarker} low - order PCA throws away pieces that are uh , maybe not {disfmarker} not gonna be helpful just because they 're small , basically .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , uh , the problem is , training sets aren't perfect and testing sets are different . So you f you {disfmarker} you face the potential problem with discriminative stuff , be it LDA or neural nets , that you are training to discriminate between categories in one space but what you 're really gonna be g getting is {disfmarker} is something else .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , uh , Stephane 's idea was , uh , let 's feed , uh , both this discriminatively trained thing and something that 's not . So you have a good set of features that everybody 's worked really hard to make ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then , uh , you {disfmarker} you discriminately train it , but you also take the path that {disfmarker} that doesn't have that ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and putting those in together . And that {disfmarker} that seem So it 's kind of like a combination of the {disfmarker} uh , what , uh , Dan has been calling , you know , a feature {disfmarker} uh , you know , a feature combination versus posterior combination or something . It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , you have the posterior combination but then you get the features from that and use them as a feature combination with these {disfmarker} these other things . And that seemed , at least in the last one , as he was just saying , he {disfmarker} he {disfmarker} when he only did discriminative stuff , i it actually was {disfmarker} was {disfmarker} it didn't help at all in this particular case .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "There was enough of a difference , I guess , between the testing and training . But by having them both there {disfmarker} The fact is some of the time , the discriminative stuff is gonna help you .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And some of the time it 's going to hurt you ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and by combining two information sources if , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you wouldn't necessarily then want to do LDA on the non - tandem features because now you 're doing something to them that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That i i I think that 's counter to that idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Now , again , it 's {disfmarker} we 're just trying these different things . We don't really know what 's gonna work best . But if that 's the hypothesis , at least it would be counter to that hypothesis to do that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , and in principle you would think that the neural net would do better at the discriminant part than LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . Yeah . Well {disfmarker} y", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Though , maybe not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Exactly . I mean , we , uh {disfmarker} we were getting ready to do the tandem , uh , stuff for the Hub - five system , and , um , Andreas and I talked about it , and the idea w the thought was , \" Well , uh , yeah , that i you know {disfmarker} th the neural net should be better , but we should at least have uh , a number , you know , to show that we did try the LDA in place of the neural net , so that we can you know , show a clear path .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You know , that you have it without it , then you have the LDA , then you have the neural net , and you can see , theoretically . So . I was just wondering {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I think that 's a good idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Did {disfmarker} did you do that", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} tha that 's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker} that 's what we 're gonna do next as soon as I finish this other thing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . No , well , that 's a good idea . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We just want to show .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "i Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} everybody believes it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , no it 's a g", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but you know , we just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "No , no , but it might not {disfmarker} not even be true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's a great idea . I mean , one of the things that always disturbed me , uh , in the {disfmarker} the resurgence of neural nets that happened in the eighties was that , um , a lot of people {disfmarker} Because neural nets were pretty easy to {disfmarker} to use {disfmarker} a lot of people were just using them for all sorts of things without , uh , looking at all into the linear , uh {disfmarker} uh , versions of them .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , people were doing recurrent nets but not looking at IIR filters , and {disfmarker} You know , I mean , uh , so I think , yeah , it 's definitely a good idea to try it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , and everybody 's putting that on their {vocalsound} systems now , and so , I that 's what made me wonder about this ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , they 've been putting them in their systems off and on for ten years ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , what I mean is it 's {disfmarker} it 's like in the Hub - five evaluations , you know , and you read the system descriptions and everybody 's got , {vocalsound} you know , LDA on their features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And now they all have that . I see .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And so .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's the transformation they 're estimating on {disfmarker} Well , they are trained on the same data as the final HMM are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's different . Yeah , exactly . Cuz they don't have these , you know , mismatches that {disfmarker} that you guys have .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I was wondering if maybe it 's not even a good idea .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know . I {disfmarker} I don't know enough about it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , part of why {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think part of why you were getting into the KLT {disfmarker} Y you were describing to me at one point that you wanted to see if , uh , you know , getting good orthogonal features was {disfmarker} and combining the {disfmarker} the different temporal ranges {disfmarker} was the key thing that was happening or whether it was this discriminant thing , right ? So you were just trying {disfmarker} I think you r I mean , this is {disfmarker} it doesn't have the LDA aspect but th as far as the orthogonalizing transformation , you were trying that at one point , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think you were .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Does something . It doesn't work as well . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , I 've been exploring a parallel VAD without neural network with , like , less latency using SNR and energy , um , after the cleaning up . So what I 'd been trying was , um , uh {disfmarker} After the b after the noise compensation , n I was trying t to f find a f feature based on the ratio of the energies , that is , cl after clean and before clean . So that if {disfmarker} if they are , like , pretty c close to one , which means it 's speech . And if it is n if it is close to zero , which is {disfmarker} So it 's like a scale @ @ probability value . So I was trying , uh , with full band and multiple bands , m ps uh {disfmarker} separating them to different frequency bands and deriving separate decisions on each bands , and trying to combine them . Uh , the advantage being like it doesn't have the latency of the neural net if it {disfmarker} if it can", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "g And {pause} it gave me like , uh , one point {disfmarker} One {disfmarker} more than one percent relative improvement . So , from fifty - three point six it went to fifty f four point eight . So it 's , like , only slightly more than a percent improvement ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "just like {disfmarker} Which means that it 's {disfmarker} it 's doing a slightly better job than the previous VAD ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "uh , at a l lower delay .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , so , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} i d I 'm sorry ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker} u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "does it still have the median {pause} filter stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It still has the median filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So it still has most of the delay ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "it just doesn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so d with the delay , that 's gone is the input , which is the sixty millisecond . The forty plus {pause} twenty .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At the input of the neural net you have this , uh , f nine frames of context plus the delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , plus the delta ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right . OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that delay , plus the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , so the delay is only the forty millisecond of the noise cleaning , plus the hundred millisecond smoothing at the output .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . So . Yeah . So the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} di the biggest {disfmarker} The problem f for me was to find a consistent threshold that works {pause} well across the different databases , because I t I try to make it work on tr SpeechDat - Car", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and it fails on TI - digits , or if I try to make it work on that it 's just the Italian or something , it doesn't work on the Finnish .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , um . So there are {disfmarker} there was , like , some problem in balancing the deletions and insertions when I try different thresholds .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} I 'm still trying to make it better by using some other features from the {disfmarker} after the p clean up {disfmarker} maybe , some , uh , correlation {disfmarker} auto - correlation or some s additional features of {disfmarker} to mainly the improvement of the VAD . I 've been trying .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now this {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} this , uh , \" before and after clean \" , it sounds like you think that 's a good feature . That {disfmarker} that , it {disfmarker} you th think that the , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} i it appears to be a good feature , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What about using it in the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , eventually we could {disfmarker} could just", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} Yeah , so that 's the {disfmarker} Yeah . So we 've been thinking about putting it into the neural net also .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because they did {disfmarker} that itself {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Then you don't have to worry about the thresholds and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There 's a threshold and {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that {disfmarker} that 's , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if we {disfmarker} if we can live with the latency or cut the latencies elsewhere , then {disfmarker} then that would be a , uh , good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , anybody {disfmarker} has anybody {disfmarker} you guys or {disfmarker} or Naren , uh , somebody , tried the , uh , um , second th second stream thing ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , I just {disfmarker} I just h put the second stream in place and , uh ran one experiment , but just like {disfmarker} just to know that everything is fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was like , uh , forty - five cepstrum plus twenty - three mel {disfmarker} log mel .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and , just , like , it gave me the baseline performance of the Aurora , which is like zero improvement .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I just tried it on Italian just to know that everything is {disfmarker} But I {disfmarker} I didn't export anything out of it because it was , like , a weird feature set .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , what I think , you know , would be more what you 'd want to do is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is , uh , put it into another neural net . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} But , yeah , we 're {disfmarker} we 're not quite there yet . So we have to {vocalsound} figure out the neural nets , I guess .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The uh , other thing I was wondering was , um , if the neural net , um , has any {disfmarker} because of the different noise con unseen noise conditions for the neural net , where , like , you train it on those four noise conditions , while you are feeding it with , like , a additional {disfmarker} some four plus some {disfmarker} f few more conditions which it hasn't seen , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "from the {disfmarker} f f while testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} instead of just h having c uh , those cleaned up t cepstrum , sh should we feed some additional information , like {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} We have the VAD flag . I mean , should we f feed the VAD flag , also , at the input so that it {disfmarker} it has some additional discriminating information at the input ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm - hmm ! Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh - uh , the {disfmarker} the VAD what ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We have the VAD information also available at the back - end .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if it is something the neural net is not able to discriminate the classes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} Because most of it is sil I mean , we have dropped some silence f We have dropped so silence frames ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , we haven't dropped silence frames still .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , still not . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Th", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the b b biggest classification would be the speech and silence . So , by having an additional , uh , feature which says \" this is speech and this is nonspeech \" , I mean , it certainly helps in some unseen noise conditions for the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} Do y do you have that feature available for the test data ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I mean , we have {disfmarker} we are transferring the VAD to the back - end {disfmarker} feature to the back - end . Because we are dropping it at the back - end after everything {disfmarker} all the features are computed .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so the neural {disfmarker} so that is coming from a separate neural net or some VAD .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker} which is certainly giving a", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , feed that , also , into {pause} the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} Yeah . So it it 's an {disfmarker} additional discriminating information .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You could feed it into the neural net . The other thing {comment} you could do is just , um , p modify the , uh , output probabilities of the {disfmarker} of the , uh , uh , um , neural net , tandem neural net , {comment} based on the fact that you have a silence probability .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you have an independent estimator of what the silence probability is , and you could multiply the two things , and renormalize .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , I mean , you 'd have to do the nonlinearity part and deal with that . Uh , I mean , go backwards from what the nonlinearity would , you know {disfmarker} would be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Through {disfmarker} t to the soft max .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} maybe , yeah , when {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But in principle wouldn't it be better to feed it in ? And let the net do that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , u Not sure .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , let 's put it this way . I mean , y you {disfmarker} you have this complicated system with thousands and thousand parameters", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and you can tell it , uh , \" Learn this thing . \" Or you can say , \" It 's silence ! Go away ! \" I mean , I mean , i Doesn't {disfmarker} ? I think {disfmarker} I think the second one sounds a lot more direct .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what if you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . So , what if you then , uh {disfmarker} since you know this , what if you only use the neural net on the speech portions ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I guess that 's the same . Uh , that 's similar .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , y you 'd have to actually run it continuously ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean {disfmarker} I mean , train the net only on {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker} Well , no , you want to train on {disfmarker} on the nonspeech also , because that 's part of what you 're learning in it , to {disfmarker} to {disfmarker} to generate , that it 's {disfmarker} it has to distinguish between .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Speech .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I mean , if you 're gonna {disfmarker} if you 're going to multiply the output of the net by this other decision , uh , would {disfmarker} then you don't care about whether the net makes that distinction , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah . But this other thing isn't perfect .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that you bring in some information from the net itself .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right , OK . That 's a good point .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only thing that {disfmarker} that bothers me about all this is that I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the fact {disfmarker} i i It 's sort of bothersome that you 're getting more deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker} So I might maybe look at , is it due to the fact that um , the probability of the silence at the output of the network , is , uh ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is too high .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "too {disfmarker} too high or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So maybe {disfmarker} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If it 's the case , then multiplying it again by {disfmarker} i by something ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It may not be {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} it may be too {disfmarker} it 's too high in a sense , like , everything is more like a , um , flat probability .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh - eee - hhh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , like , it 's not really doing any distinction between speech and nonspeech {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or , I mean , different {disfmarker} among classes .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Be interesting to look at the {disfmarker} Yeah , for the {disfmarker} I wonder if you could do this . But if you look at the , um , highly mism high mismat the output of the net on the high mismatch case and just look at , you know , the distribution versus the {disfmarker} the other ones , do you {disfmarker} do you see more peaks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , like the entropy of the {disfmarker} the output ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , for instance .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But I {disfmarker} bu", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} it seems that the VAD network doesn't {disfmarker} Well , it doesn't drop , uh , too many frames because the dele the number of deletion is reasonable . But it 's just when we add the tandem , the final MLP , and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only problem is you don't want to ta I guess wait for the output of the VAD before you can put something into the other system ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz that 'll shoot up the latency a lot , right ? Am I missing something here ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's maybe a problem with what I was just saying . But {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} I I guess {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But if you were gonna put it in as a feature it means you already have it by the time you get to the tandem net , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , well . We {disfmarker} w we don't have it , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "because it 's {disfmarker} it has a high rate energy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "the VAD has a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's kind of done in {disfmarker} I mean , some of the things are , not in parallel , but certainly , it would be in parallel with the {disfmarker} with a tandem net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "In time . So maybe , if that doesn't work , um {disfmarker} But it would be interesting to see if that was the problem , anyway . And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and then I guess another alternative would be to take the feature that you 're feeding into the VAD , and feeding it into the other one as well .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then maybe it would just learn {disfmarker} learn it better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} But that 's {disfmarker} Yeah , that 's an interesting thing to try to see , if what 's going on is that in the highly mismatched condition , it 's , um , causing deletions by having this silence probability up {disfmarker} up too high ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "at some point where the VAD is saying it 's actually speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which is probably true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , m", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Cuz {disfmarker} Well , the V A if the VAD said {disfmarker} since the VAD is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is right a lot , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Anyway . Might be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , we just started working with it . But these are {disfmarker} these are some good ideas I think .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , and the other thing {disfmarker} Well , there are other issues maybe for the tandem , like , uh , well , do we want to , w uh n Do we want to work on the targets ? Or , like , instead of using phonemes , using more context dependent units ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the tandem net you mean ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I 'm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm thinking , also , a w about Dan 's work where he {disfmarker} he trained {vocalsound} a network , not on phoneme targets but on the HMM state targets . And {disfmarker} it was giving s slightly better results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Problem is , if you are going to run this on different m test sets , including large vocabulary ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . I was just thinking maybe about , like , generalized diphones , and {disfmarker} come up with a {disfmarker} a reasonable , not too large , set of context dependent units , and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Yeah . And then anyway we would have to reduce this with the KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe . But I d I d it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} i it 's all worth looking at ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but it sounds to me like , uh , looking at the relationship between this and the {disfmarker} speech noise stuff is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is probably a key thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That and the correlation between stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if , uh {disfmarker} if the , uh , high mismatch case had been more like the , uh , the other two cases {comment} in terms of giving you just a better performance , {comment} how would this number have changed ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , it would be {disfmarker} Yeah . Around five percent better , I guess . If {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y Like sixty ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know what 's it 's gonna be the TI - digits yet . He hasn't got the results back yet .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . If you extrapolate the SpeechDat - Car well - matched and medium - mismatch , it 's around , yeah , maybe five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Yeah . So this would be sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Sixty - two .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Sixty - two , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Somewhere around sixty , must be . Right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , it 's around five percent , because it 's {disfmarker} s Right ? If everything is five percent .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "All the other ones were five percent ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I d I just have the SpeechDat - Car right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's running {disfmarker} it shou we should have the results today during the afternoon ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} So I won't be here for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When {disfmarker} When do you leave ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I 'm leaving next Wednesday . May or may not be in in the morning . I leave in the afternoon . Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But you 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "are you {disfmarker} you 're not gonna be around this afternoon ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , well . I 'm talking about next week . I 'm leaving {disfmarker} leaving next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "This afternoon {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} Oh , right , for the Meeting meeting ? Yeah , that 's just cuz of something on campus .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . But , um , yeah , so next week I won't , and the week after I won't , cuz I 'll be in Finland . And the week after that I won't . By that time you 'll be {disfmarker} {comment} Uh , you 'll both be gone {pause} from here . So there 'll be no {disfmarker} definitely no meeting on {disfmarker} on September sixth . Uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What 's September sixth ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} Uh , that 's during Eurospeech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , uh , Sunil will be in Oregon . Uh , Stephane and I will be in Denmark . Uh {disfmarker} Right ? So it 'll be a few weeks , really , before we have a meeting of the same cast of characters . Um , but , uh {disfmarker} I guess , just {disfmarker} I mean , you guys should probably meet . And maybe Barry {disfmarker} Barry will be around . And {disfmarker} and then uh , uh , we 'll start up again with Dave and {disfmarker} Dave and Barry and Stephane and us on the , uh , twentieth . No . Thirteenth ? About a month ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , you 're gonna be gone for the next three weeks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm gone for two and a half weeks starting {disfmarker} starting next Wed - late next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} you won't be at the next three of these meetings . Is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I won't {disfmarker} it 's probably four because of {disfmarker} is it three ? Let 's see , twenty - third , thirtieth , sixth . That 's right , next three . And the {disfmarker} the third one won't {disfmarker} probably won't be a meeting , cuz {disfmarker} cuz , uh , Su - Sunil , Stephane , and I will all not be here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} Mmm . {comment} So it 's just , uh , the next two where there will be {disfmarker} there , you know , may as well be meetings ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but I just won't be at them . And then starting up on the thirteenth , {nonvocalsound} uh , we 'll have meetings again but we 'll have to do without Sunil here somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When do you go back ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Thirty - first , August .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Cool .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When is the evaluation ? November , or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was supposed to be November fifteenth . Has anybody heard anything different ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I don't know . The meeting in {disfmarker} is the five and six of December . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "p s It 's like {disfmarker} Yeah , it 's tentatively all full . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's a proposed date , I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , um {disfmarker} so the evaluation should be on a week before or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yep . But , no , this is good progress . So . Uh {disfmarker} OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Should we do digits ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Guess we 're done . Digits ? Yep .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a wrap .", "speaker": "Professor B" } ]
Adding the neural net was doubling the number of deletions. The model did not improve significantly, however, thought it became better at some tasks. The results were a mixed basket and it was decided that further experimentation was necessary.
Summarize the discussion on deletions and improving the net
[ { "content": "OK , we 're going .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight , eight ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "This is three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Test . Hmm . Let 's see . Move it bit . Test ? Test ? OK , I guess it 's alright . So , let 's see . Yeah , Barry 's not here and Dave 's not here . Um , I can say about {disfmarker} just q just quickly to get through it , that Dave and I submitted this ASRU .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is for ASRU .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So . Um . Yeah , it 's {disfmarker} it 's interesting . I mean , basically we 're dealing with rever reverberation , and , um , when we deal with pure reverberation , the technique he 's using works really , really well . Uh , and when they had the reverberation here , uh , we 'll measure the signal - to - noise ratio and it 's , uh , about nine DB . So ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You mean , from the actual , uh , recordings ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "a fair amount of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "k", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's nine DB ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Um {disfmarker} And actually it brought up a question which may be relevant to the Aurora stuff too . Um , I know that when you figured out the filters that we 're using for the Mel scale , there was some experimentation that went on at {disfmarker} at , uh {disfmarker} at OGI . Um , but one of the differences that we found between the two systems that we were using , {comment} the {disfmarker} the Aurora HTK system baseline system {comment} and the system that we were {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the uh , other system we were using , the uh , the SRI system , was that the SRI system had maybe a , um , hundred hertz high - pass . And the , uh , Aurora HTK , it was like twenty .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yep . S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Sixty - four ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you 're using the baseline .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is that the ba band center ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , the edge .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The edge is really , uh , sixty - four ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "For some reason , uh , Dave thought it was twenty ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " So the , uh , center would be somewhere around like hundred", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} hundred {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} maybe {disfmarker} it 's like {disfmarker} fi hundred hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But do you know , for instance , h how far down it would be at twenty hertz ? What the {disfmarker} how much rejection would there be at twenty hertz , let 's say ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At twenty hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , any idea what the curve looks like ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty hertz frequency {disfmarker} Oh , it 's {disfmarker} it 's zero at twenty hertz , right ? The filter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yea - actually , the left edge of the first filter is at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Sixt - s sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So anything less than sixty - four is zero .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's actually set to zero ? What kind of filter is that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is this {disfmarker} oh , from the {disfmarker} from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} This is the filter bank in the frequency domain that starts at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , so you , uh {disfmarker} so you really set it to zero , the FFT ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah . So it 's {disfmarker} it 's a weight on the ball spectrum . Triangular weighting .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . OK . Um {disfmarker} OK . So that 's {disfmarker} that 's a little different than Dave thought , I think . But {disfmarker} but , um , still , it 's possible that we 're getting in some more noise . So I wonder , is it {disfmarker} @ @ Was there {disfmarker} their experimentation with , uh , say , throwing away that filter or something ? And , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , throwing away the first ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , we {disfmarker} we 've tried including the full {disfmarker} full bank . Right ? From zero to four K .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And that 's always worse than using sixty - four hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the question is , whether sixty - four hertz is {disfmarker} is , uh , too , uh , low .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , make it a hundred or so ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I t I think I 've tried a hundred and it was more or less the same , or slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "On what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the same , uh , SpeechDat - Car , Aurora .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , it was on the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So I tried a hundred to four K . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and on {disfmarker} and on the , um , um , {vocalsound} TI - digits also ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I think I just tried it on SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm . That 'd be something to look at sometime because what , um , eh , he was looking at was performance in this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Would that be more like {disfmarker} Well , you 'd think that 'd be more like SpeechDat - Car , I guess , in terms of the noise . The SpeechDat - Car is more , uh , sort of roughly stationary , a lot of it . And {disfmarker} and TI - digits maybe is not so much as {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . OK . Well , maybe it 's not a big deal . But , um {disfmarker} Anyway , that was just something we wondered about . But , um , uh , certainly a lot of the noise , uh , is , uh , below a hundred hertz . Uh , the signal - to - noise ratio , you know , looks a fair amount better if you {disfmarker} if you high - pass filter it from this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} but it 's still pretty noisy . Even {disfmarker} even for a hundred hertz up , it 's {disfmarker} it 's still fairly noisy . The signal - to - noise ratio is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is actually still pretty bad .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , I mean , the main {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's on th that 's on the f the far field ones though , right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's on the far field . Yeah , the near field 's pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So wha what is , uh {disfmarker} what 's causing that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we got a {disfmarker} a video projector in here , uh , and , uh {disfmarker} which we keep on during every {disfmarker} every session we record ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "which , you know , I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} w we were aware of", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but we thought it wasn't a bad thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , that 's a nice noise source . Uh , and there 's also the , uh {disfmarker} uh , air conditioning .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which , uh , you know , is a pretty low frequency kind of thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} So , those are {disfmarker} those are major components , I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "uh , for the stationary kind of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , but , um , it , uh {disfmarker} I guess , I {disfmarker} maybe I said this last week too but it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} it really became apparent to us that we need to {disfmarker} to take account of noise . And , uh , so I think when {disfmarker} when he gets done with his prelim study I think {vocalsound} one of the next things we 'd want to do is to take this , uh {disfmarker} uh , noise , uh , processing stuff and {disfmarker} and , uh {disfmarker} uh , synthesize some speech from it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When are his prelims ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} Um , I think in about , um , a little less than two weeks .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh . Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Uh , it might even be sooner . Uh , let 's see , this is the sixteenth , seventeenth ? Yeah , I don't know if he 's before {disfmarker} It might even be in a week .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , I", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "A week ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh . I {disfmarker} I guessed that they were gonna do it some time during the semester", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "week and a half .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but they 'll do it any time , huh ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They seem to be {disfmarker} Well , the semester actually is starting up .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it already ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , the semester 's late {disfmarker} late August they start here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yikes .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So they do it right at the beginning of the semester .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , uh {disfmarker} Yep . I mean , that {disfmarker} that was sort of one {disfmarker} I mean , the overall results seemed to be first place in {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the case of either , um , artificial reverberation or a modest sized training set . Uh , either way , uh , i uh , it helped a lot . And {disfmarker} But if you had a {disfmarker} a really big training set , a recognizer , uh , system that was capable of taking advantage of a really large training set {disfmarker} I thought that {disfmarker} One thing with the HTK is that is has the {disfmarker} as we 're using {disfmarker} the configuration we 're using is w s is {disfmarker} being bound by the terms of Aurora , we have all those parameters just set as they are . So even if we had a hundred times as much data , we wouldn't go out to , you know , ten or t or a hundred times as many Gaussians or anything . So , um , it 's kind of hard to take advantage of {disfmarker} of {disfmarker} of big chunks of data . Uh , whereas the other one does sort of expand as you have more training data .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It does it automatically , actually . And so , um , uh , that one really benefited from the larger set . And it was also a diverse set with different noises and so forth . Uh , so , um , that , uh {disfmarker} that seemed to be {disfmarker} So , if you have that {disfmarker} that better recognizer that can {disfmarker} that can build up more parameters , and if you , um , have the natural room , which in this case has a p a pretty bad signal - to - noise ratio , then in that case , um , the right thing to do is just do {disfmarker} u use speaker adaptation . And {disfmarker} and not bother with {disfmarker} with this acoustic , uh , processing . But I think that that would not be true if we did some explicit noise - processing as well as , uh , the convolutional kind of things we were doing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . That 's sort of what we found .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , started working on the uh {disfmarker} Mississippi State recognizer . So , I got in touch with Joe and {disfmarker} and , uh , from your email and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , they added me to the list {disfmarker} uh , the mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And he gave me all of the pointers and everything that I needed . And so I downloaded the , um {disfmarker} There were two things , uh , that they had to download . One was the , uh , I guess the software . And another wad {disfmarker} was a , um , sort of like a sample {disfmarker} a sample run . So I downloaded the software and compiled all of that . And it compiled fine .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No problems .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , eh , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , um , I grabbed the sample stuff but I haven't , uh , compiled it .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That sample was released only yesterday or the day before , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} Well , I haven't grabbed that one yet . So there 's two .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , there is another short sample set {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There was another short one , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "o o sample .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so I haven't grabbed the latest one that he just , uh , put out yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK . Oh , OK . F Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Um , but , the software seemed to compile fine and everything , so . And , um , So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Is there any word yet about the issues about , um , adjustments for different feature sets or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , I {disfmarker} I d You asked me to write to him and I think I forgot to ask him about that . Or if I did ask him , he didn't reply .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't remember yet . Uh , I 'll {disfmarker} I 'll d I 'll double check that and ask him again .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it 's like that {disfmarker} that could r turn out to be an important issue for us .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz they have it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe I 'll send it to the list . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Cuz they have , uh , already frozen those in i insertion penalties and all those stuff is what {disfmarker} I feel . Because they have this document explaining the recognizer .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And they have these tables with , uh , various language model weights , insertion penalties .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK , I haven't seen that one yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it 's th it 's there on that web .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , on that , I mean , they have run some experiments using various insertion penalties and all those {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so they 've picked {disfmarker} the values .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think they pi p", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah , they picked the values from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "For r w what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , p the one that they have reported is a NIST evaluation , Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But that has nothing to do with what we 're testing on , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You know . No . So they 're , like {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} So they are actually trying to , uh , fix that {disfmarker} those values using the clean , uh , training part of the Wall Street Journal . Which is {disfmarker} I mean , the Aurora . Aurora has a clean subset .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , they want to train it and then this {disfmarker} they 're going to run some evaluations .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So they 're set they 're setting it based on that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . So now , we may come back to the situation where we may be looking for a modification of the features to account for the fact that we can't modify these parameters .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} but it 's still worth , I think , just {disfmarker} since {disfmarker} you know , just chatting with Joe about the issue .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK . Do you think that 's something I should just send to him", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or do you think I should send it to this {disfmarker} there 's an {disfmarker} a m a mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's not a secret . I mean , we 're , you know , certainly willing to talk about it with everybody , but I think {disfmarker} I think that , um {disfmarker} um , it 's probably best to start talking with him just to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh @ @ {comment} you know , it 's a dialogue between two of you about what {disfmarker} you know , what does he think about this and what {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} you know {disfmarker} what could be done about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , if you get ten people in {disfmarker} involved in it there 'll be a lot of perspectives based on , you know , how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "you know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} But , I mean , I think it all should come up eventually ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if there is any , uh , uh , way to move in {disfmarker} a way that would {disfmarker} that would , you know , be more open to different kinds of features . But if {disfmarker} if , uh {disfmarker} if there isn't , and it 's just kind of shut down and {disfmarker} and then also there 's probably not worthwhile bringing it into a larger forum where {disfmarker} where political issues will come in .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . So this is now {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's compiled under Solaris ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Because he {disfmarker} there was some mail r saying that it 's {disfmarker} may not be stable for Linux and all those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , i that was a particular version .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "SUSI", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , SUSI or whatever it was", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but we don't have that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Should be OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , that 's fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it compiled fine actually .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} no errors . Nothing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this is slightly off topic", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's good .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , I noticed , just glancing at the , uh , Hopkins workshop , uh , web site that , uh , um {disfmarker} one of the thing I don't know {disfmarker} Well , we 'll see how much they accomplish , but one of the things that they were trying to do in the graphical models thing was to put together a {disfmarker} a , uh , tool kit for doing , uh r um , arbitrary graphical models for , uh , speech recognition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} And Jeff , uh {disfmarker} the two Jeffs were", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Who 's the second Jeff ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Oh , uh , do you know Geoff Zweig ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . Uh , he {disfmarker} he , uh {disfmarker} he was here for a couple years", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and he , uh {disfmarker} got his PHD . He {disfmarker} And he 's , uh , been at IBM for the last couple years .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow . That would be neat .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , so he did {disfmarker} he did his PHD on dynamic Bayes - nets , uh , for {disfmarker} for speech recognition . He had some continuity built into the model , presumably to handle some , um , inertia in the {disfmarker} in the production system , and , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , I 've been playing with , first , the , um , VAD . Um , {vocalsound} so it 's exactly the same approach , but the features that the VAD neural network use are , uh , MFCC after noise compensation . Oh , I think I have the results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What was it using before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Before it was just P L", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was actually {disfmarker} No . Not {disfmarker} I mean , it was just the noisy features I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "noisy {disfmarker} noisy features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "not compensated .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} This is what we get after {disfmarker} This {disfmarker} So , actually , we , yeah , here the features are noise compensated and there is also the LDA filter . Um , and then it 's a pretty small neural network which use , um , {vocalsound} nine frames of {disfmarker} of six features from C - zero to C - fives , plus the first derivatives . And it has one hundred hidden units .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is that nine frames u s uh , centered around the current frame ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S so , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm sorry , there 's {disfmarker} there 's {disfmarker} there 's how many {disfmarker} how many inputs ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it 's twelve times nine .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twelve times nine inputs , and a hundred , uh , hidden .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hidden and", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs . OK . So I guess about eleven thousand parameters , which {disfmarker} actually shouldn't be a problem , even in {disfmarker} in small phones . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm {disfmarker} s so what is different between this and {disfmarker} and what you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It should be OK . So the previous syst It 's based on the system that has a fifty - three point sixty - six percent improvement . It 's the same system . The only thing that changed is the n a p eh {disfmarker} a es the estimation of the silence probabilities .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which now is based on , uh , cleaned features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , it 's a l it 's a lot better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} it 's not bad , but the problem is still that the latency is too large .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the latency ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the latency of the VAD is two hundred and twenty milliseconds . And , uh , the VAD is used uh , i for on - line normalization , and it 's used before the delta computation . So if you add these components it goes t to a hundred and seventy , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I 'm confused . You started off with two - twenty and you ended up with one - seventy ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "With two an two hundred and seventy .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two - seventy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker} Yeah , if you add the c delta comp delta computation", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is done afterwards . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two - twenty . I the is this {disfmarker} are these twenty - millisecond frames ? Is that why ? Is it after downsampling ? or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The two - twenty is one hundred milliseconds for the um {disfmarker} No , it 's forty milliseconds for t for the , uh , uh , cleaning of the speech . Um {disfmarker} then there is , um , the neural network which use nine frames . So it adds forty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "a OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , after that , um , you have the um , filtering of the silence probabilities . Which is a million filter it , and it creates a one hundred milliseconds delay . So , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus there is a delta at the input .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , and there is the delta at the input which is ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "One hundred milliseconds for smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , median .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's like forty plus {disfmarker} forty {disfmarker} plus {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then forty {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Forty {disfmarker} This forty plus twenty , plus one hundred .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty p ", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two hundred actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , there are twenty that comes from {disfmarker} There is ten that comes from the LDA filters also . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , so it 's two hundred and ten , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are using {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus the frame ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "t If you are using three frames {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so it 's two - twenty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are phrasing f {comment} using three frames , it is thirty here for delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's five frames , but .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So five frames , that 's twenty . OK , so it 's who un {comment} two hundred and ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , p Wait a minute . It 's forty {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forty for the {disfmarker} for the cleaning of the speech ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . Forty cleaning .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty for the I N {disfmarker} ANN , a hundred for the smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , but at ten {disfmarker} ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty for the delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twenty for delta .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At th {nonvocalsound} At the input . I mean , that 's at the input to the net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Delta at input to net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And there i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it 's like s five , six cepstrum plus delta at nine {disfmarker} nine frames of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then ten milliseconds for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Fi - There 's an LDA filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "ten milliseconds for LDA filter , and t and ten {disfmarker} another ten milliseconds you said for the frame ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "For the frame I guess . I computed two - twenty {disfmarker} Yeah , well , it 's {disfmarker} I guess it 's for the fr {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And then there 's delta besides that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So this is the features that are used by our network and then afterwards , you have to compute the delta on the , uh , main feature stream ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is um , delta and double - deltas , which is fifty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , I mean , the {disfmarker} after the noise part , the forty {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the other hundred and eighty {disfmarker} Well , I mean , Wait a minute . Some of this is , uh {disfmarker} is , uh {disfmarker} is in parallel , isn't it ? I mean , the LDA {disfmarker} Oh , you have the LDA as part of the V D - uh , VAD ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The VAD use , uh , LDA filtered features also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , it does ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . So in that case there isn't too much in parallel . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No . There is , um , just downsampling , upsampling , and the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , so the delta at the end is how much ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's fifty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Fifty . Alright . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But well , we could probably put the delta , um , {vocalsound} before on - line normalization . It should not that make a big difference ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if you used a smaller window for the delta ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could that help a little bit ? I mean , I guess there 's a lot of things you could do to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but , nnn {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if you {disfmarker} if you put the delta before the , uh , ana on - line {disfmarker} If {disfmarker} Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} then {disfmarker} then it could go in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then y then you don't have that additive {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "cuz the time constant of the on - line normalization is pretty long compared to the delta window ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so . It should not make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And you ought to be able to shove tw , uh {disfmarker} sh uh {disfmarker} pull off twenty milliseconds from somewhere else to get it under two hundred , right ? I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is two hundred the d", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The hundred milla", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "mill a hundred milliseconds for smoothing is sort of an arbitrary amount . It could be eighty and {disfmarker} and probably do @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "i a hun", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} Wh - what 's the baseline you need to be under ? Two hundred ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know . They 're still arguing about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , if it 's two {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if it 's , uh {disfmarker} if it 's two - fifty , then we could keep the delta where it is if we shaved off twenty . If it 's two hundred , if we shaved off twenty , we could {disfmarker} we could , uh , meet it by moving the delta back .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , how do you know that what you have is too much if they 're still deciding ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , we don't , but it 's just {disfmarker} I mean , the main thing is that since that we got burned last time , and {disfmarker} you know , by not worrying about it very much , we 're just staying conscious of it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Oh , OK , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , th I mean , if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if a week before we have to be done someone says , \" Well , you have to have fifty milliseconds less than you have now \" , it would be pretty frantic around here . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But still , that 's {disfmarker} that 's a pretty big , uh , win . And it doesn't seem like you 're {disfmarker} in terms of your delay , you 're , uh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "He added a bit on , I guess , because before we were {disfmarker} we were {disfmarker} had {disfmarker} were able to have the noise , uh , stuff , uh , and the LVA be in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And now he 's {disfmarker} he 's requiring it to be done first .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , but I think the main thing , maybe , is the cleaning of the speech , which takes forty milliseconds or so .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , so you say {disfmarker} let 's say ten milliseconds {disfmarker} seconds for the LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} the LDA is , well , pretty short right now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , ten . And then forty for the other .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , the LDA {disfmarker} LDA {disfmarker} we don't know , is , like {disfmarker} is it very crucial for the features , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I just {disfmarker} This is the first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , I {disfmarker} maybe the LDA 's not very useful then .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so you could start pulling back ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S s h", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I think you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "l", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , you have twenty for delta computation which y now you 're sort of doing twice , right ? But yo w were you doing that before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Well , in the proposal , um , the input of the VAD network were just three frames , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} Mm - hmm . Just {disfmarker} Yeah , just the static , no delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , static features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , what you have now is fort uh , forty for the {disfmarker} the noise , twenty for the delta , and ten for the LDA . That 's seventy milliseconds of stuff which was formerly in parallel ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "you know , that 's {disfmarker} that 's the difference as far as the timing , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , and you could experiment with cutting various pieces of these back a bit , but {disfmarker} I mean , we 're s we 're not {disfmarker} we 're not in terrible shape .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's what it seems like to me . It 's pretty good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's not like it 's adding up to four hundred milliseconds or something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Where {disfmarker} where is this {disfmarker} where is this fifty - seven point O two in {disfmarker} in comparison to the last evaluation ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} I think it 's better than anything , uh , anybody got .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . The best was fifty - four point five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Point s", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And our system was forty - nine , but with the neural network .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wow . So this is almost ten percent .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "With the f with the neural net . Yeah , and r and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It would", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is {disfmarker} this is like the first proposal . The proposal - one . It was forty - four , actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . And we still don't have the neural net in . So {disfmarker} so it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "You know . So it 's {disfmarker} We 're {disfmarker} we 're doing better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is {disfmarker} this is really good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , we 're getting better recognition . I mean , I 'm sure other people working on this are not sitting still either , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} Uh , I mean , the important thing is that we learn how to do this better , and , you know . So . Um , Yeah . So , our , um {disfmarker} Yeah , you can see the kind of {disfmarker} kind of numbers that we 're having , say , on SpeechDat - Car which is a hard task , cuz it 's really , um {disfmarker} I think it 's just sort of {disfmarker} sort of reasonable numbers , starting to be . I mean , it 's still terri", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , even for a well - matched case it 's sixty percent error rate reduction ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Probably half . Good !", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Yeah . So actually , this is in between {vocalsound} what we had with the previous VAD and what Sunil did with an IDL VAD . Which gave sixty - two percent improvement , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's almost that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's almost an average somewhere around {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What was that ? Say that last part again ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , if you use , like , an IDL VAD , uh , for dropping the frames ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "o o Or the best we can get .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "the best that we can get {disfmarker} i That means that we estimate the silence probability on the clean version of the utterances . Then you can go up to sixty - two percent error rate reduction , globally .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mmm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that would be even {disfmarker} That wouldn't change this number down here to sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So you {disfmarker} you were get", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If you add a g good v very good VAD , that works as well as a VAD working on clean speech ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "then you wou you would go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's sort of the best you could hope for .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Probably . Yeah . So fi si fifty - three is what you were getting with the old VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} and sixty - two with the {disfmarker} the , you know , quote , unquote , cheating VAD . And fifty - seven is what you got with the real VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , the next thing is , I started to play {disfmarker} Well , I don't want to worry too much about the delay , no . Maybe it 's better to wait", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "for the decision", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "from the committee . Uh , but I started to play with the , um , {vocalsound} {vocalsound} uh , tandem neural network . Mmm I just did the configuration that 's very similar to what we did for the February proposal . And {disfmarker} Um . So . There is a f a first feature stream that use uh straight MFCC features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , these features actually . And the other stream is the output of a neural network , using as input , also , these , um , cleaned MFCC . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those are th those are th what is going into the tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't have the comp Mmm ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So there is just this feature stream , {comment} the fifteen MFCC plus delta and double - delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , so it 's {disfmarker} makes forty - five features {comment} that are used as input to the HTK . And then , there is {disfmarker} there are more inputs that comes from the tandem MLP .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , oh . OK . I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , h he likes to use them both ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "cuz then it has one part that 's discriminative ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "one part that 's not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , uh , yeah . Right now it seems that {disfmarker} i I just tested on SpeechDat - Car while the experiment are running on your {disfmarker} on TI - digits . Well , it improves on the well - matched and the mismatched conditions , but it get worse on the highly mismatched . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers , yeah . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "like , on the well - match and medium mismatch , the gain is around five percent relative , but it goes down a lot more , like fifteen percent on the HM case .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You 're just using the full ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y you have ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "i I have , um {disfmarker} From the networks , it 's twenty - eight . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And from the other side it 's forty - five .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , d i It 's forty - five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} you have seventy - three features ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and you 're just feeding them like that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There isn't any KLT or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . There 's a KLT after the neural network , as {disfmarker} as before .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's how you get down to twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Why twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . It 's {disfmarker} i i i It 's because it 's what we did for the first proposal . We tested , uh , trying to go down", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a multiple of seven .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I wanted to do something very similar to the proposal as a first {disfmarker} first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But we have to {disfmarker} for sure , we have to go down , because the limit is now sixty features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , we have to find a way to decrease the number of features . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , it seems funny that {disfmarker} I don't know , maybe I don't u quite understand everything , {comment} but that adding features {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I guess if you 're keeping the back - end fixed . Maybe that 's it . Because it seems like just adding information shouldn't give worse results . But I guess if you 're keeping the number of Gaussians fixed in the recognizer , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , I mean , just in general , adding information {disfmarker} Suppose the information you added , well , was a really terrible feature and all it brought in was noise .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? So {disfmarker} so , um {disfmarker} Or {disfmarker} or suppose it wasn't completely terrible , but it was completely equivalent to another one feature that you had , except it was noisier .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? In that case you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be better at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah , I wasn't necessarily saying it should be better . I 'm just surprised that you 're getting fifteen percent relative worse on the wel", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But it 's worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatched condition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatch .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , \" highly mismatched condition \" means that in fact your training is a bad estimate of your test .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So having {disfmarker} having , uh , a g a l a greater number of features , if they aren't maybe the right features that you use , certainly can e can easily , uh , make things worse . I mean , you 're right . If you have {disfmarker} if you have , uh , lots and lots of data , and you have {disfmarker} and your {disfmarker} your {disfmarker} your training is representative of your test , then getting more sources of information should just help . But {disfmarker} but it 's {disfmarker} It doesn't necessarily work that way .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So I wonder , um , Well , what 's your {disfmarker} what 's your thought about what to do next with it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , I don't know . I 'm surprised , because I expected the neural net to help more when there is more mismatch , as it was the case for the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , was the training set same as the p the February proposal ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's the same training set , so it 's TIMIT with the TI - digits ' , uh , noises , uh , added .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , we might {disfmarker} uh , we might have to experiment with , uh better training sets . Again . But ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} The other thing is , I mean , before you found that was the best configuration , but you might have to retest those things now that we have different {disfmarker} The rest of it is different , right ? So , um , uh , For instance , what 's the effect of just putting the neural net on without the o other {disfmarker} other path ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , you know what the straight features do .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That gives you this . You know what it does in combination .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You don't necessarily know what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What if you did the {disfmarker} Would it make sense to do the KLT on the full set of combined features ? Instead of just on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I g I guess . Um . The reason I did it this ways is that in February , it {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we tested different things like that , so , having two KLT , having just a KLT for a network , or having a global KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you tried the global KLT before", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it didn't really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . And , uh , th Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The differences between these configurations were not huge , but {disfmarker} it was marginally better with this configuration .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , yeah , that 's obviously another thing to try ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "since things are {disfmarker} things are different .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I guess if the {disfmarker} These are all {disfmarker} so all of these seventy - three features are going into , um , the , uh {disfmarker} the HMM .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And is {disfmarker} are {disfmarker} i i are {disfmarker} are any deltas being computed of tha of them ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Of the straight features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "n Not of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But n th the , um , tandem features are u used as they are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Are not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , maybe we can add some context from these features also as {disfmarker} Dan did in {disfmarker} in his last work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could . i Yeah , but the other thing I was thinking was , um {disfmarker} Uh , now I lost track of what I was thinking . But .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What is the {disfmarker} You said there was a limit of sixty features or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the relation between that limit and the , um , forty - eight {disfmarker} uh , forty eight hundred bits per second ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , I know what I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , not {disfmarker} no relation .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No relation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I don't understand ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The f the forty - eight hundred bits is for transmission of some features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "because i I mean , if you 're only using h", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And generally , i it {disfmarker} s allows you to transmit like , fifteen , uh , cepstrum .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The issue was that , um , this is supposed to be a standard that 's then gonna be fed to somebody 's recognizer somewhere which might be , you know , it {disfmarker} it might be a concern how many parameters are use {disfmarker} u used and so forth . And so , uh , they felt they wanted to set a limit . So they chose sixty . Some people wanted to use hundreds of parameters and {disfmarker} and that bothered some other people .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u And so they just chose that . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think it 's kind of r arbitrary too . But {disfmarker} but that 's {disfmarker} that 's kind of what was chosen . I {disfmarker} I remembered what I was going to say . What I was going to say is that , um , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound} maybe with the noise removal , uh , these things are now more correlated . So you have two sets of things that are kind of uncorrelated , uh , within themselves , but they 're pretty correlated with one another .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , they 're being fed into these , uh , variants , only Gaussians and so forth , and {disfmarker} and , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so maybe it would be a better idea now than it was before to , uh , have , uh , one KLT over everything , to de - correlate it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , I see .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe . You know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What are the S N Rs in the training set , TIMIT ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's , uh , ranging from zero to clean ? Yeah . From zero to clean .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So we found this {disfmarker} this , uh {disfmarker} this Macrophone data , and so forth , that we were using for these other experiments , to be pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} i after you explore these other alternatives , that might be another way to start looking , is {disfmarker} is just improving the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , we were getting , uh , lots better recognition using that , than {disfmarker} Of course , you do have the problem that , um , u i {comment} we are not able to increase the number of Gaussians , uh , or anything to , uh , uh , to match anything . So we 're only improving the training of our feature set , but that 's still probably something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , add the Macrophone data to the training of the neural net ? The tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's the only place that we can train .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "We can't train the other stuff with anything other than the standard amount ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so . Um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what was it trained on again ? The one that you used ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's TIMIT with noise .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , it 's rather a small {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "How big is the net , by the way ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Uh , it 's , uh , five hundred hidden units . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And again , you did experiments back then where you made it bigger and it {disfmarker} and that was {disfmarker} that was sort of the threshold point . Much less than that , it was worse ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "much more than that , it wasn't much better . Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . @ @ ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So is it {disfmarker} is it though the performance , big relation in the high ma high mismatch has something to do with the , uh , cleaning up that you {disfmarker} that is done on the TIMIT after adding noise ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i All the noises are from the TI - digits ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So you {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} They {disfmarker} k uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it it 's like the high mismatch of the SpeechDat - Car after cleaning up , maybe having more noise than the {disfmarker} the training set of TIMIT after clean {disfmarker} s after you do the noise clean - up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , earlier you never had any compensation , you just trained it straight away .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it had like all these different conditions of S N Rs , actually in their training set of neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But after cleaning up you have now a different set of S N Rs , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the training of the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} is it something to do with the mismatch that {disfmarker} that 's created after the cleaning up , like the high mismatch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You mean the {disfmarker} the most noisy occurrences on SpeechDat - Car might be a lot more noisy than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Of {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I mean , the SNR after the noise compensation of the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , so {disfmarker} Right . So the training {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the neural net is being trained with noise compensated stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": " Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which makes sense ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , you 're saying {disfmarker} Yeah , the noisier ones are still going to be , even after our noise compensation , are still gonna be pretty noisy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so now the after - noise compensation the neural net is seeing a different set of S N Rs than that was originally there in the training set . Of TIMIT . Because in the TIMIT it was zero to some clean .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So the net saw all the SNR @ @ conditions .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Now after cleaning up it 's a different set of SNR .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And that SNR may not be , like , com covering the whole set of S N Rs that you 're getting in the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the SpeechDat - Car data that you 're seeing is also reduced in noise by the noise compensation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , it is . But , I 'm saying , there could be some {disfmarker} some issues of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , if the initial range of SNR is different , we {disfmarker} the problem was already there before . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} Mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , it depends on whether you believe that the noise compensation is equally reducing the noise on the test set and the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the test set , yeah . ", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , you 're saying there 's a mismatch in noise that wasn't there before ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but if they were both the same before , then if they were both reduic reduced equally , then , there would not be a mismatch .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , I mean , this may be {disfmarker} Heaven forbid , this noise compensation process may be imperfect , but . Uh , so maybe it 's treating some things differently .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I don't know . I {disfmarker} I just {disfmarker} that could be seen from the TI - digits , uh , testing condition because , um , the noises are from the TI - digits , right ? Noise {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So cleaning up the TI - digits and if the performance goes down in the TI - digits mismatch {disfmarker} high mismatch like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Clean training , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "on a clean training , or zero DB testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , we 'll {disfmarker} so we 'll see . Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Then it 's something to do .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , one of the things about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the Macrophone data , um , I think , you know , it was recorded over many different telephones .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , so , there 's lots of different kinds of acoustic conditions . I mean , it 's not artificially added noise or anything . So it 's not the same . I don't think there 's anybody recording over a car from a car , but {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's varied enough that if {disfmarker} if doing this adjustments , uh , and playing around with it doesn't , uh , make it better , the most {disfmarker} uh , it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to improve the training set . Um {disfmarker} I mean , what we were {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} the condition {disfmarker} It {disfmarker} it gave us an enormous amount of improvement in what we were doing with Meeting Recorder digits , even though there , again , these m Macrophone digits were very , very different from , uh , what we were going on here . I mean , we weren't talking over a telephone here . But it was just {disfmarker} I think just having a {disfmarker} a nice variation in acoustic conditions was just a good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , actually {vocalsound} to s eh , what I observed in the HM case is that the number of deletion dramatically increases . It {disfmarker} it doubles .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Number of deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When I added the num the neural network it doubles the number of deletions . Yeah , so I don't you know {vocalsound} how to interpret that , but , mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Me either .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "t", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and did {disfmarker} an other numbers stay the same ? Insertion substitutions stay the same ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They p stayed the same ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Roughly ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "they {disfmarker} maybe they are a little bit uh , lower .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They are a little bit better . Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Did they increase the number of deletions even for the cases that got better ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Say , for the {disfmarker} I mean , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , it doesn't .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's only the highly mismatched ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And it {disfmarker} Remind me again , the \" highly mismatched \" means that the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Clean training and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , sorry ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's clean training {disfmarker} Well , close microphone training and distant microphone , um , high speed , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Close mike training {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker} The most noisy cases are the distant microphone for testing .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So {disfmarker} Well , maybe the noise subtraction is subtracting off speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Separating . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah . I mean , but without the neural network it 's {disfmarker} well , it 's better . It 's just when we add the neural networks .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The feature are the same except that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's right , that 's right . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well that {disfmarker} that says that , you know , the , um {disfmarker} the models in {disfmarker} in , uh , the recognizer are really paying attention to the neural net features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , yeah , actually {disfmarker} {nonvocalsound} the TIMIT noises {pause} are sort of a range of noises and they 're not so much the stationary driving kind of noises , right ? It 's {disfmarker} it 's pretty different . Isn't it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , there is a car noise . So there are f just four noises . Um , uh , \" Car \" , I think , \" Babble \" ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Babble . \"", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Subway \" , right ? and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Street \" or \" Airport \" or something .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} \" Street \" isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Or \" Train station \" .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Train station \" , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's mostly {disfmarker} Well , \" Car \" is stationary ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "\" Babble \" , it 's a stationary background plus some voices ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "some speech over it . And the other two are rather stationary also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I think that if you run it {disfmarker} Actually , you {disfmarker} maybe you remember this . When you {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the old experiments when you ran with the neural net only , and didn't have this side path , um , uh , with the {disfmarker} the pure features as well , did it make things better to have the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Was it about the same ? Uh , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was {disfmarker} b a little bit worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Than just the features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , until you put the second path in with the pure features , the neural net wasn't helping at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's interesting .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was helping , uh , if the features are b were bad ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean . Just plain P L Ps or M F", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "C Cs . as soon as we added LDA on - line normalization , and {vocalsound} all these things , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "They were doing similar enough things . Well , I still think it would be k sort of interesting to see what would happen if you just had the neural net without the side thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and the thing I {disfmarker} I have in mind is , uh , maybe you 'll see that the results are not just a little bit worse .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe that they 're a lot worse . You know ? And , um {disfmarker} But if on the ha other hand , uh , it 's , say , somewhere in between what you 're seeing now and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and , uh , what you 'd have with just the pure features , then maybe there is some problem of a {disfmarker} of a , uh , combination of these things , or correlation between them somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it really is that the net is hurting you at the moment , then I think the issue is to focus on {disfmarker} on , uh , improving the {disfmarker} the net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So what 's the overall effe I mean , you haven't done all the experiments but you said it was i somewhat better , say , five percent better , for the first two conditions , and fifteen percent worse for the other one ? But it 's {disfmarker} but of course that one 's weighted lower ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Y yeah , oh . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so I wonder what the net effect is .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it was one or two percent . That 's not that bad , but it was l like two percent relative worse on SpeechDat - Car . I have to {disfmarker} to check that . Well , I have {disfmarker} I will .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it will {disfmarker} overall it will be still better even if it is fifteen percent worse , because the fifteen percent worse is given like f w twenty - five {disfmarker} point two five eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So the {disfmarker} so the worst it could be , if the others were exactly the same , is four ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and , uh , in fact since the others are somewhat better {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's four . Is i So either it 'll get cancelled out , or you 'll get , like , almost the same .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was {disfmarker} it was slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Slightly bad . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it should be pretty close to cancelled out .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , I 've been wondering about something .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In the , um {disfmarker} a lot of the , um {disfmarker} the Hub - five systems , um , recently have been using LDA . and {disfmarker} and they , um {disfmarker} They run LDA on the features right before they train the models . So there 's the {disfmarker} the LDA is {disfmarker} is right there before the H M", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , you guys are using LDA but it seems like it 's pretty far back in the process .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this LDA is different from the LDA that you are talking about . The LDA that you {disfmarker} saying is , like , you take a block of features , like nine frames or something , {comment} and then do an LDA on it ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then reduce the dimensionality to something like twenty - four or something like that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , you c you c you can .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then feed it to HMM .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} you know , you 're just basically i", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is like a two d two dimensional tile .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You 're shifting the feature space . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So this is a two dimensional tile . And the LDA that we are f applying is only in time , not in frequency {disfmarker} high cost frequency . So it 's like {disfmarker} more like a filtering in time , rather than doing a r", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah . OK . So what i what about , um {disfmarker} i u what i w I mean , I don't know if this is a good idea or not , but what if you put {disfmarker} ran the other kind of LDA , uh , on your features right before they go into the HMM ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . No , actually , I think {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "m", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well . What do we do with the ANN is {disfmarker} is something like that except that it 's not linear . But it 's {disfmarker} it 's like a nonlinear discriminant analysis .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right , it 's the {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} Right . The {disfmarker} So {disfmarker} Yeah , so it 's sort of like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The tandem stuff is kind of like i nonlinear LDA .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I g", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean , w but the other features that you have , um , th the non - tandem ones ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . Mm - hmm . Yeah , I know . That {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} Yeah . Well , in the proposal , they were transformed u using PCA , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it might be that LDA could be better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The a the argument i is kind of i in {disfmarker} and it 's not like we really know , but the argument anyway is that , um , uh , we always have the prob I mean , discriminative things are good . LDA , neural nets , they 're good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , they 're good because you {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} you learn to distinguish between these categories that you want to be good at distinguishing between . And PCA doesn't do that . It {disfmarker} PAC - PCA {disfmarker} low - order PCA throws away pieces that are uh , maybe not {disfmarker} not gonna be helpful just because they 're small , basically .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , uh , the problem is , training sets aren't perfect and testing sets are different . So you f you {disfmarker} you face the potential problem with discriminative stuff , be it LDA or neural nets , that you are training to discriminate between categories in one space but what you 're really gonna be g getting is {disfmarker} is something else .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , uh , Stephane 's idea was , uh , let 's feed , uh , both this discriminatively trained thing and something that 's not . So you have a good set of features that everybody 's worked really hard to make ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then , uh , you {disfmarker} you discriminately train it , but you also take the path that {disfmarker} that doesn't have that ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and putting those in together . And that {disfmarker} that seem So it 's kind of like a combination of the {disfmarker} uh , what , uh , Dan has been calling , you know , a feature {disfmarker} uh , you know , a feature combination versus posterior combination or something . It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , you have the posterior combination but then you get the features from that and use them as a feature combination with these {disfmarker} these other things . And that seemed , at least in the last one , as he was just saying , he {disfmarker} he {disfmarker} when he only did discriminative stuff , i it actually was {disfmarker} was {disfmarker} it didn't help at all in this particular case .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "There was enough of a difference , I guess , between the testing and training . But by having them both there {disfmarker} The fact is some of the time , the discriminative stuff is gonna help you .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And some of the time it 's going to hurt you ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and by combining two information sources if , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you wouldn't necessarily then want to do LDA on the non - tandem features because now you 're doing something to them that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That i i I think that 's counter to that idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Now , again , it 's {disfmarker} we 're just trying these different things . We don't really know what 's gonna work best . But if that 's the hypothesis , at least it would be counter to that hypothesis to do that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , and in principle you would think that the neural net would do better at the discriminant part than LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . Yeah . Well {disfmarker} y", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Though , maybe not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Exactly . I mean , we , uh {disfmarker} we were getting ready to do the tandem , uh , stuff for the Hub - five system , and , um , Andreas and I talked about it , and the idea w the thought was , \" Well , uh , yeah , that i you know {disfmarker} th the neural net should be better , but we should at least have uh , a number , you know , to show that we did try the LDA in place of the neural net , so that we can you know , show a clear path .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You know , that you have it without it , then you have the LDA , then you have the neural net , and you can see , theoretically . So . I was just wondering {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I think that 's a good idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Did {disfmarker} did you do that", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} tha that 's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker} that 's what we 're gonna do next as soon as I finish this other thing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . No , well , that 's a good idea . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We just want to show .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "i Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} everybody believes it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , no it 's a g", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but you know , we just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "No , no , but it might not {disfmarker} not even be true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's a great idea . I mean , one of the things that always disturbed me , uh , in the {disfmarker} the resurgence of neural nets that happened in the eighties was that , um , a lot of people {disfmarker} Because neural nets were pretty easy to {disfmarker} to use {disfmarker} a lot of people were just using them for all sorts of things without , uh , looking at all into the linear , uh {disfmarker} uh , versions of them .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , people were doing recurrent nets but not looking at IIR filters , and {disfmarker} You know , I mean , uh , so I think , yeah , it 's definitely a good idea to try it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , and everybody 's putting that on their {vocalsound} systems now , and so , I that 's what made me wonder about this ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , they 've been putting them in their systems off and on for ten years ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , what I mean is it 's {disfmarker} it 's like in the Hub - five evaluations , you know , and you read the system descriptions and everybody 's got , {vocalsound} you know , LDA on their features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And now they all have that . I see .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And so .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's the transformation they 're estimating on {disfmarker} Well , they are trained on the same data as the final HMM are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's different . Yeah , exactly . Cuz they don't have these , you know , mismatches that {disfmarker} that you guys have .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I was wondering if maybe it 's not even a good idea .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know . I {disfmarker} I don't know enough about it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , part of why {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think part of why you were getting into the KLT {disfmarker} Y you were describing to me at one point that you wanted to see if , uh , you know , getting good orthogonal features was {disfmarker} and combining the {disfmarker} the different temporal ranges {disfmarker} was the key thing that was happening or whether it was this discriminant thing , right ? So you were just trying {disfmarker} I think you r I mean , this is {disfmarker} it doesn't have the LDA aspect but th as far as the orthogonalizing transformation , you were trying that at one point , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think you were .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Does something . It doesn't work as well . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , I 've been exploring a parallel VAD without neural network with , like , less latency using SNR and energy , um , after the cleaning up . So what I 'd been trying was , um , uh {disfmarker} After the b after the noise compensation , n I was trying t to f find a f feature based on the ratio of the energies , that is , cl after clean and before clean . So that if {disfmarker} if they are , like , pretty c close to one , which means it 's speech . And if it is n if it is close to zero , which is {disfmarker} So it 's like a scale @ @ probability value . So I was trying , uh , with full band and multiple bands , m ps uh {disfmarker} separating them to different frequency bands and deriving separate decisions on each bands , and trying to combine them . Uh , the advantage being like it doesn't have the latency of the neural net if it {disfmarker} if it can", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "g And {pause} it gave me like , uh , one point {disfmarker} One {disfmarker} more than one percent relative improvement . So , from fifty - three point six it went to fifty f four point eight . So it 's , like , only slightly more than a percent improvement ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "just like {disfmarker} Which means that it 's {disfmarker} it 's doing a slightly better job than the previous VAD ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "uh , at a l lower delay .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , so , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} i d I 'm sorry ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker} u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "does it still have the median {pause} filter stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It still has the median filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So it still has most of the delay ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "it just doesn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so d with the delay , that 's gone is the input , which is the sixty millisecond . The forty plus {pause} twenty .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At the input of the neural net you have this , uh , f nine frames of context plus the delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , plus the delta ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right . OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that delay , plus the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , so the delay is only the forty millisecond of the noise cleaning , plus the hundred millisecond smoothing at the output .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . So . Yeah . So the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} di the biggest {disfmarker} The problem f for me was to find a consistent threshold that works {pause} well across the different databases , because I t I try to make it work on tr SpeechDat - Car", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and it fails on TI - digits , or if I try to make it work on that it 's just the Italian or something , it doesn't work on the Finnish .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , um . So there are {disfmarker} there was , like , some problem in balancing the deletions and insertions when I try different thresholds .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} I 'm still trying to make it better by using some other features from the {disfmarker} after the p clean up {disfmarker} maybe , some , uh , correlation {disfmarker} auto - correlation or some s additional features of {disfmarker} to mainly the improvement of the VAD . I 've been trying .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now this {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} this , uh , \" before and after clean \" , it sounds like you think that 's a good feature . That {disfmarker} that , it {disfmarker} you th think that the , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} i it appears to be a good feature , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What about using it in the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , eventually we could {disfmarker} could just", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} Yeah , so that 's the {disfmarker} Yeah . So we 've been thinking about putting it into the neural net also .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because they did {disfmarker} that itself {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Then you don't have to worry about the thresholds and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There 's a threshold and {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that {disfmarker} that 's , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if we {disfmarker} if we can live with the latency or cut the latencies elsewhere , then {disfmarker} then that would be a , uh , good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , anybody {disfmarker} has anybody {disfmarker} you guys or {disfmarker} or Naren , uh , somebody , tried the , uh , um , second th second stream thing ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , I just {disfmarker} I just h put the second stream in place and , uh ran one experiment , but just like {disfmarker} just to know that everything is fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was like , uh , forty - five cepstrum plus twenty - three mel {disfmarker} log mel .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and , just , like , it gave me the baseline performance of the Aurora , which is like zero improvement .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I just tried it on Italian just to know that everything is {disfmarker} But I {disfmarker} I didn't export anything out of it because it was , like , a weird feature set .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , what I think , you know , would be more what you 'd want to do is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is , uh , put it into another neural net . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} But , yeah , we 're {disfmarker} we 're not quite there yet . So we have to {vocalsound} figure out the neural nets , I guess .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The uh , other thing I was wondering was , um , if the neural net , um , has any {disfmarker} because of the different noise con unseen noise conditions for the neural net , where , like , you train it on those four noise conditions , while you are feeding it with , like , a additional {disfmarker} some four plus some {disfmarker} f few more conditions which it hasn't seen , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "from the {disfmarker} f f while testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} instead of just h having c uh , those cleaned up t cepstrum , sh should we feed some additional information , like {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} We have the VAD flag . I mean , should we f feed the VAD flag , also , at the input so that it {disfmarker} it has some additional discriminating information at the input ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm - hmm ! Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh - uh , the {disfmarker} the VAD what ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We have the VAD information also available at the back - end .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if it is something the neural net is not able to discriminate the classes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} Because most of it is sil I mean , we have dropped some silence f We have dropped so silence frames ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , we haven't dropped silence frames still .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , still not . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Th", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the b b biggest classification would be the speech and silence . So , by having an additional , uh , feature which says \" this is speech and this is nonspeech \" , I mean , it certainly helps in some unseen noise conditions for the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} Do y do you have that feature available for the test data ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I mean , we have {disfmarker} we are transferring the VAD to the back - end {disfmarker} feature to the back - end . Because we are dropping it at the back - end after everything {disfmarker} all the features are computed .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so the neural {disfmarker} so that is coming from a separate neural net or some VAD .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker} which is certainly giving a", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , feed that , also , into {pause} the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} Yeah . So it it 's an {disfmarker} additional discriminating information .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You could feed it into the neural net . The other thing {comment} you could do is just , um , p modify the , uh , output probabilities of the {disfmarker} of the , uh , uh , um , neural net , tandem neural net , {comment} based on the fact that you have a silence probability .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you have an independent estimator of what the silence probability is , and you could multiply the two things , and renormalize .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , I mean , you 'd have to do the nonlinearity part and deal with that . Uh , I mean , go backwards from what the nonlinearity would , you know {disfmarker} would be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Through {disfmarker} t to the soft max .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} maybe , yeah , when {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But in principle wouldn't it be better to feed it in ? And let the net do that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , u Not sure .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , let 's put it this way . I mean , y you {disfmarker} you have this complicated system with thousands and thousand parameters", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and you can tell it , uh , \" Learn this thing . \" Or you can say , \" It 's silence ! Go away ! \" I mean , I mean , i Doesn't {disfmarker} ? I think {disfmarker} I think the second one sounds a lot more direct .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what if you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . So , what if you then , uh {disfmarker} since you know this , what if you only use the neural net on the speech portions ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I guess that 's the same . Uh , that 's similar .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , y you 'd have to actually run it continuously ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean {disfmarker} I mean , train the net only on {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker} Well , no , you want to train on {disfmarker} on the nonspeech also , because that 's part of what you 're learning in it , to {disfmarker} to {disfmarker} to generate , that it 's {disfmarker} it has to distinguish between .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Speech .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I mean , if you 're gonna {disfmarker} if you 're going to multiply the output of the net by this other decision , uh , would {disfmarker} then you don't care about whether the net makes that distinction , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah . But this other thing isn't perfect .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that you bring in some information from the net itself .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right , OK . That 's a good point .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only thing that {disfmarker} that bothers me about all this is that I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the fact {disfmarker} i i It 's sort of bothersome that you 're getting more deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker} So I might maybe look at , is it due to the fact that um , the probability of the silence at the output of the network , is , uh ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is too high .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "too {disfmarker} too high or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So maybe {disfmarker} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If it 's the case , then multiplying it again by {disfmarker} i by something ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It may not be {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} it may be too {disfmarker} it 's too high in a sense , like , everything is more like a , um , flat probability .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh - eee - hhh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , like , it 's not really doing any distinction between speech and nonspeech {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or , I mean , different {disfmarker} among classes .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Be interesting to look at the {disfmarker} Yeah , for the {disfmarker} I wonder if you could do this . But if you look at the , um , highly mism high mismat the output of the net on the high mismatch case and just look at , you know , the distribution versus the {disfmarker} the other ones , do you {disfmarker} do you see more peaks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , like the entropy of the {disfmarker} the output ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , for instance .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But I {disfmarker} bu", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} it seems that the VAD network doesn't {disfmarker} Well , it doesn't drop , uh , too many frames because the dele the number of deletion is reasonable . But it 's just when we add the tandem , the final MLP , and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only problem is you don't want to ta I guess wait for the output of the VAD before you can put something into the other system ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz that 'll shoot up the latency a lot , right ? Am I missing something here ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's maybe a problem with what I was just saying . But {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} I I guess {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But if you were gonna put it in as a feature it means you already have it by the time you get to the tandem net , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , well . We {disfmarker} w we don't have it , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "because it 's {disfmarker} it has a high rate energy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "the VAD has a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's kind of done in {disfmarker} I mean , some of the things are , not in parallel , but certainly , it would be in parallel with the {disfmarker} with a tandem net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "In time . So maybe , if that doesn't work , um {disfmarker} But it would be interesting to see if that was the problem , anyway . And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and then I guess another alternative would be to take the feature that you 're feeding into the VAD , and feeding it into the other one as well .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then maybe it would just learn {disfmarker} learn it better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} But that 's {disfmarker} Yeah , that 's an interesting thing to try to see , if what 's going on is that in the highly mismatched condition , it 's , um , causing deletions by having this silence probability up {disfmarker} up too high ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "at some point where the VAD is saying it 's actually speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which is probably true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , m", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Cuz {disfmarker} Well , the V A if the VAD said {disfmarker} since the VAD is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is right a lot , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Anyway . Might be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , we just started working with it . But these are {disfmarker} these are some good ideas I think .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , and the other thing {disfmarker} Well , there are other issues maybe for the tandem , like , uh , well , do we want to , w uh n Do we want to work on the targets ? Or , like , instead of using phonemes , using more context dependent units ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the tandem net you mean ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I 'm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm thinking , also , a w about Dan 's work where he {disfmarker} he trained {vocalsound} a network , not on phoneme targets but on the HMM state targets . And {disfmarker} it was giving s slightly better results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Problem is , if you are going to run this on different m test sets , including large vocabulary ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . I was just thinking maybe about , like , generalized diphones , and {disfmarker} come up with a {disfmarker} a reasonable , not too large , set of context dependent units , and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Yeah . And then anyway we would have to reduce this with the KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe . But I d I d it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} i it 's all worth looking at ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but it sounds to me like , uh , looking at the relationship between this and the {disfmarker} speech noise stuff is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is probably a key thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That and the correlation between stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if , uh {disfmarker} if the , uh , high mismatch case had been more like the , uh , the other two cases {comment} in terms of giving you just a better performance , {comment} how would this number have changed ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , it would be {disfmarker} Yeah . Around five percent better , I guess . If {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y Like sixty ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know what 's it 's gonna be the TI - digits yet . He hasn't got the results back yet .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . If you extrapolate the SpeechDat - Car well - matched and medium - mismatch , it 's around , yeah , maybe five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Yeah . So this would be sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Sixty - two .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Sixty - two , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Somewhere around sixty , must be . Right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , it 's around five percent , because it 's {disfmarker} s Right ? If everything is five percent .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "All the other ones were five percent ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I d I just have the SpeechDat - Car right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's running {disfmarker} it shou we should have the results today during the afternoon ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} So I won't be here for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When {disfmarker} When do you leave ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I 'm leaving next Wednesday . May or may not be in in the morning . I leave in the afternoon . Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But you 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "are you {disfmarker} you 're not gonna be around this afternoon ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , well . I 'm talking about next week . I 'm leaving {disfmarker} leaving next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "This afternoon {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} Oh , right , for the Meeting meeting ? Yeah , that 's just cuz of something on campus .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . But , um , yeah , so next week I won't , and the week after I won't , cuz I 'll be in Finland . And the week after that I won't . By that time you 'll be {disfmarker} {comment} Uh , you 'll both be gone {pause} from here . So there 'll be no {disfmarker} definitely no meeting on {disfmarker} on September sixth . Uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What 's September sixth ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} Uh , that 's during Eurospeech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , uh , Sunil will be in Oregon . Uh , Stephane and I will be in Denmark . Uh {disfmarker} Right ? So it 'll be a few weeks , really , before we have a meeting of the same cast of characters . Um , but , uh {disfmarker} I guess , just {disfmarker} I mean , you guys should probably meet . And maybe Barry {disfmarker} Barry will be around . And {disfmarker} and then uh , uh , we 'll start up again with Dave and {disfmarker} Dave and Barry and Stephane and us on the , uh , twentieth . No . Thirteenth ? About a month ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , you 're gonna be gone for the next three weeks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm gone for two and a half weeks starting {disfmarker} starting next Wed - late next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} you won't be at the next three of these meetings . Is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I won't {disfmarker} it 's probably four because of {disfmarker} is it three ? Let 's see , twenty - third , thirtieth , sixth . That 's right , next three . And the {disfmarker} the third one won't {disfmarker} probably won't be a meeting , cuz {disfmarker} cuz , uh , Su - Sunil , Stephane , and I will all not be here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} Mmm . {comment} So it 's just , uh , the next two where there will be {disfmarker} there , you know , may as well be meetings ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but I just won't be at them . And then starting up on the thirteenth , {nonvocalsound} uh , we 'll have meetings again but we 'll have to do without Sunil here somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When do you go back ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Thirty - first , August .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Cool .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When is the evaluation ? November , or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was supposed to be November fifteenth . Has anybody heard anything different ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I don't know . The meeting in {disfmarker} is the five and six of December . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "p s It 's like {disfmarker} Yeah , it 's tentatively all full . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's a proposed date , I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , um {disfmarker} so the evaluation should be on a week before or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yep . But , no , this is good progress . So . Uh {disfmarker} OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Should we do digits ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Guess we 're done . Digits ? Yep .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a wrap .", "speaker": "Professor B" } ]
The professor was interested in knowing what impact the neural net had in the older models which did not have pure features. The professor believed it was worthwhile to improve the net, though he also expressed that nets were occasionally over used.
What did the professor think about the neural net?
[ { "content": "OK , we 're going .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight , eight ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "This is three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Test . Hmm . Let 's see . Move it bit . Test ? Test ? OK , I guess it 's alright . So , let 's see . Yeah , Barry 's not here and Dave 's not here . Um , I can say about {disfmarker} just q just quickly to get through it , that Dave and I submitted this ASRU .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is for ASRU .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So . Um . Yeah , it 's {disfmarker} it 's interesting . I mean , basically we 're dealing with rever reverberation , and , um , when we deal with pure reverberation , the technique he 's using works really , really well . Uh , and when they had the reverberation here , uh , we 'll measure the signal - to - noise ratio and it 's , uh , about nine DB . So ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You mean , from the actual , uh , recordings ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "a fair amount of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "k", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's nine DB ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Um {disfmarker} And actually it brought up a question which may be relevant to the Aurora stuff too . Um , I know that when you figured out the filters that we 're using for the Mel scale , there was some experimentation that went on at {disfmarker} at , uh {disfmarker} at OGI . Um , but one of the differences that we found between the two systems that we were using , {comment} the {disfmarker} the Aurora HTK system baseline system {comment} and the system that we were {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the uh , other system we were using , the uh , the SRI system , was that the SRI system had maybe a , um , hundred hertz high - pass . And the , uh , Aurora HTK , it was like twenty .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yep . S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Sixty - four ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you 're using the baseline .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is that the ba band center ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , the edge .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The edge is really , uh , sixty - four ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "For some reason , uh , Dave thought it was twenty ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " So the , uh , center would be somewhere around like hundred", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} hundred {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} maybe {disfmarker} it 's like {disfmarker} fi hundred hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But do you know , for instance , h how far down it would be at twenty hertz ? What the {disfmarker} how much rejection would there be at twenty hertz , let 's say ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At twenty hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , any idea what the curve looks like ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty hertz frequency {disfmarker} Oh , it 's {disfmarker} it 's zero at twenty hertz , right ? The filter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yea - actually , the left edge of the first filter is at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Sixt - s sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So anything less than sixty - four is zero .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's actually set to zero ? What kind of filter is that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is this {disfmarker} oh , from the {disfmarker} from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} This is the filter bank in the frequency domain that starts at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , so you , uh {disfmarker} so you really set it to zero , the FFT ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah . So it 's {disfmarker} it 's a weight on the ball spectrum . Triangular weighting .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . OK . Um {disfmarker} OK . So that 's {disfmarker} that 's a little different than Dave thought , I think . But {disfmarker} but , um , still , it 's possible that we 're getting in some more noise . So I wonder , is it {disfmarker} @ @ Was there {disfmarker} their experimentation with , uh , say , throwing away that filter or something ? And , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , throwing away the first ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , we {disfmarker} we 've tried including the full {disfmarker} full bank . Right ? From zero to four K .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And that 's always worse than using sixty - four hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the question is , whether sixty - four hertz is {disfmarker} is , uh , too , uh , low .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , make it a hundred or so ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I t I think I 've tried a hundred and it was more or less the same , or slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "On what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the same , uh , SpeechDat - Car , Aurora .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , it was on the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So I tried a hundred to four K . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and on {disfmarker} and on the , um , um , {vocalsound} TI - digits also ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I think I just tried it on SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm . That 'd be something to look at sometime because what , um , eh , he was looking at was performance in this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Would that be more like {disfmarker} Well , you 'd think that 'd be more like SpeechDat - Car , I guess , in terms of the noise . The SpeechDat - Car is more , uh , sort of roughly stationary , a lot of it . And {disfmarker} and TI - digits maybe is not so much as {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . OK . Well , maybe it 's not a big deal . But , um {disfmarker} Anyway , that was just something we wondered about . But , um , uh , certainly a lot of the noise , uh , is , uh , below a hundred hertz . Uh , the signal - to - noise ratio , you know , looks a fair amount better if you {disfmarker} if you high - pass filter it from this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} but it 's still pretty noisy . Even {disfmarker} even for a hundred hertz up , it 's {disfmarker} it 's still fairly noisy . The signal - to - noise ratio is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is actually still pretty bad .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , I mean , the main {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's on th that 's on the f the far field ones though , right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's on the far field . Yeah , the near field 's pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So wha what is , uh {disfmarker} what 's causing that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we got a {disfmarker} a video projector in here , uh , and , uh {disfmarker} which we keep on during every {disfmarker} every session we record ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "which , you know , I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} w we were aware of", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but we thought it wasn't a bad thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , that 's a nice noise source . Uh , and there 's also the , uh {disfmarker} uh , air conditioning .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which , uh , you know , is a pretty low frequency kind of thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} So , those are {disfmarker} those are major components , I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "uh , for the stationary kind of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , but , um , it , uh {disfmarker} I guess , I {disfmarker} maybe I said this last week too but it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} it really became apparent to us that we need to {disfmarker} to take account of noise . And , uh , so I think when {disfmarker} when he gets done with his prelim study I think {vocalsound} one of the next things we 'd want to do is to take this , uh {disfmarker} uh , noise , uh , processing stuff and {disfmarker} and , uh {disfmarker} uh , synthesize some speech from it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When are his prelims ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} Um , I think in about , um , a little less than two weeks .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh . Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Uh , it might even be sooner . Uh , let 's see , this is the sixteenth , seventeenth ? Yeah , I don't know if he 's before {disfmarker} It might even be in a week .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , I", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "A week ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh . I {disfmarker} I guessed that they were gonna do it some time during the semester", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "week and a half .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but they 'll do it any time , huh ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They seem to be {disfmarker} Well , the semester actually is starting up .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it already ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , the semester 's late {disfmarker} late August they start here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yikes .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So they do it right at the beginning of the semester .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , uh {disfmarker} Yep . I mean , that {disfmarker} that was sort of one {disfmarker} I mean , the overall results seemed to be first place in {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the case of either , um , artificial reverberation or a modest sized training set . Uh , either way , uh , i uh , it helped a lot . And {disfmarker} But if you had a {disfmarker} a really big training set , a recognizer , uh , system that was capable of taking advantage of a really large training set {disfmarker} I thought that {disfmarker} One thing with the HTK is that is has the {disfmarker} as we 're using {disfmarker} the configuration we 're using is w s is {disfmarker} being bound by the terms of Aurora , we have all those parameters just set as they are . So even if we had a hundred times as much data , we wouldn't go out to , you know , ten or t or a hundred times as many Gaussians or anything . So , um , it 's kind of hard to take advantage of {disfmarker} of {disfmarker} of big chunks of data . Uh , whereas the other one does sort of expand as you have more training data .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It does it automatically , actually . And so , um , uh , that one really benefited from the larger set . And it was also a diverse set with different noises and so forth . Uh , so , um , that , uh {disfmarker} that seemed to be {disfmarker} So , if you have that {disfmarker} that better recognizer that can {disfmarker} that can build up more parameters , and if you , um , have the natural room , which in this case has a p a pretty bad signal - to - noise ratio , then in that case , um , the right thing to do is just do {disfmarker} u use speaker adaptation . And {disfmarker} and not bother with {disfmarker} with this acoustic , uh , processing . But I think that that would not be true if we did some explicit noise - processing as well as , uh , the convolutional kind of things we were doing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . That 's sort of what we found .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , started working on the uh {disfmarker} Mississippi State recognizer . So , I got in touch with Joe and {disfmarker} and , uh , from your email and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , they added me to the list {disfmarker} uh , the mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And he gave me all of the pointers and everything that I needed . And so I downloaded the , um {disfmarker} There were two things , uh , that they had to download . One was the , uh , I guess the software . And another wad {disfmarker} was a , um , sort of like a sample {disfmarker} a sample run . So I downloaded the software and compiled all of that . And it compiled fine .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No problems .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , eh , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , um , I grabbed the sample stuff but I haven't , uh , compiled it .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That sample was released only yesterday or the day before , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} Well , I haven't grabbed that one yet . So there 's two .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , there is another short sample set {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There was another short one , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "o o sample .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so I haven't grabbed the latest one that he just , uh , put out yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK . Oh , OK . F Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Um , but , the software seemed to compile fine and everything , so . And , um , So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Is there any word yet about the issues about , um , adjustments for different feature sets or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , I {disfmarker} I d You asked me to write to him and I think I forgot to ask him about that . Or if I did ask him , he didn't reply .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't remember yet . Uh , I 'll {disfmarker} I 'll d I 'll double check that and ask him again .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it 's like that {disfmarker} that could r turn out to be an important issue for us .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz they have it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe I 'll send it to the list . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Cuz they have , uh , already frozen those in i insertion penalties and all those stuff is what {disfmarker} I feel . Because they have this document explaining the recognizer .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And they have these tables with , uh , various language model weights , insertion penalties .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK , I haven't seen that one yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it 's th it 's there on that web .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , on that , I mean , they have run some experiments using various insertion penalties and all those {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so they 've picked {disfmarker} the values .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think they pi p", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah , they picked the values from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "For r w what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , p the one that they have reported is a NIST evaluation , Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But that has nothing to do with what we 're testing on , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You know . No . So they 're , like {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} So they are actually trying to , uh , fix that {disfmarker} those values using the clean , uh , training part of the Wall Street Journal . Which is {disfmarker} I mean , the Aurora . Aurora has a clean subset .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , they want to train it and then this {disfmarker} they 're going to run some evaluations .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So they 're set they 're setting it based on that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . So now , we may come back to the situation where we may be looking for a modification of the features to account for the fact that we can't modify these parameters .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} but it 's still worth , I think , just {disfmarker} since {disfmarker} you know , just chatting with Joe about the issue .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK . Do you think that 's something I should just send to him", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or do you think I should send it to this {disfmarker} there 's an {disfmarker} a m a mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's not a secret . I mean , we 're , you know , certainly willing to talk about it with everybody , but I think {disfmarker} I think that , um {disfmarker} um , it 's probably best to start talking with him just to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh @ @ {comment} you know , it 's a dialogue between two of you about what {disfmarker} you know , what does he think about this and what {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} you know {disfmarker} what could be done about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , if you get ten people in {disfmarker} involved in it there 'll be a lot of perspectives based on , you know , how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "you know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} But , I mean , I think it all should come up eventually ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if there is any , uh , uh , way to move in {disfmarker} a way that would {disfmarker} that would , you know , be more open to different kinds of features . But if {disfmarker} if , uh {disfmarker} if there isn't , and it 's just kind of shut down and {disfmarker} and then also there 's probably not worthwhile bringing it into a larger forum where {disfmarker} where political issues will come in .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . So this is now {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's compiled under Solaris ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Because he {disfmarker} there was some mail r saying that it 's {disfmarker} may not be stable for Linux and all those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , i that was a particular version .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "SUSI", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , SUSI or whatever it was", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but we don't have that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Should be OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , that 's fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it compiled fine actually .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} no errors . Nothing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this is slightly off topic", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's good .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , I noticed , just glancing at the , uh , Hopkins workshop , uh , web site that , uh , um {disfmarker} one of the thing I don't know {disfmarker} Well , we 'll see how much they accomplish , but one of the things that they were trying to do in the graphical models thing was to put together a {disfmarker} a , uh , tool kit for doing , uh r um , arbitrary graphical models for , uh , speech recognition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} And Jeff , uh {disfmarker} the two Jeffs were", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Who 's the second Jeff ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Oh , uh , do you know Geoff Zweig ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . Uh , he {disfmarker} he , uh {disfmarker} he was here for a couple years", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and he , uh {disfmarker} got his PHD . He {disfmarker} And he 's , uh , been at IBM for the last couple years .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow . That would be neat .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , so he did {disfmarker} he did his PHD on dynamic Bayes - nets , uh , for {disfmarker} for speech recognition . He had some continuity built into the model , presumably to handle some , um , inertia in the {disfmarker} in the production system , and , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , I 've been playing with , first , the , um , VAD . Um , {vocalsound} so it 's exactly the same approach , but the features that the VAD neural network use are , uh , MFCC after noise compensation . Oh , I think I have the results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What was it using before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Before it was just P L", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was actually {disfmarker} No . Not {disfmarker} I mean , it was just the noisy features I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "noisy {disfmarker} noisy features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "not compensated .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} This is what we get after {disfmarker} This {disfmarker} So , actually , we , yeah , here the features are noise compensated and there is also the LDA filter . Um , and then it 's a pretty small neural network which use , um , {vocalsound} nine frames of {disfmarker} of six features from C - zero to C - fives , plus the first derivatives . And it has one hundred hidden units .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is that nine frames u s uh , centered around the current frame ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S so , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm sorry , there 's {disfmarker} there 's {disfmarker} there 's how many {disfmarker} how many inputs ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it 's twelve times nine .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twelve times nine inputs , and a hundred , uh , hidden .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hidden and", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs . OK . So I guess about eleven thousand parameters , which {disfmarker} actually shouldn't be a problem , even in {disfmarker} in small phones . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm {disfmarker} s so what is different between this and {disfmarker} and what you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It should be OK . So the previous syst It 's based on the system that has a fifty - three point sixty - six percent improvement . It 's the same system . The only thing that changed is the n a p eh {disfmarker} a es the estimation of the silence probabilities .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which now is based on , uh , cleaned features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , it 's a l it 's a lot better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} it 's not bad , but the problem is still that the latency is too large .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the latency ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the latency of the VAD is two hundred and twenty milliseconds . And , uh , the VAD is used uh , i for on - line normalization , and it 's used before the delta computation . So if you add these components it goes t to a hundred and seventy , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I 'm confused . You started off with two - twenty and you ended up with one - seventy ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "With two an two hundred and seventy .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two - seventy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker} Yeah , if you add the c delta comp delta computation", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is done afterwards . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two - twenty . I the is this {disfmarker} are these twenty - millisecond frames ? Is that why ? Is it after downsampling ? or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The two - twenty is one hundred milliseconds for the um {disfmarker} No , it 's forty milliseconds for t for the , uh , uh , cleaning of the speech . Um {disfmarker} then there is , um , the neural network which use nine frames . So it adds forty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "a OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , after that , um , you have the um , filtering of the silence probabilities . Which is a million filter it , and it creates a one hundred milliseconds delay . So , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus there is a delta at the input .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , and there is the delta at the input which is ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "One hundred milliseconds for smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , median .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's like forty plus {disfmarker} forty {disfmarker} plus {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then forty {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Forty {disfmarker} This forty plus twenty , plus one hundred .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty p ", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two hundred actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , there are twenty that comes from {disfmarker} There is ten that comes from the LDA filters also . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , so it 's two hundred and ten , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are using {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus the frame ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "t If you are using three frames {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so it 's two - twenty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are phrasing f {comment} using three frames , it is thirty here for delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's five frames , but .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So five frames , that 's twenty . OK , so it 's who un {comment} two hundred and ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , p Wait a minute . It 's forty {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forty for the {disfmarker} for the cleaning of the speech ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . Forty cleaning .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty for the I N {disfmarker} ANN , a hundred for the smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , but at ten {disfmarker} ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty for the delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twenty for delta .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At th {nonvocalsound} At the input . I mean , that 's at the input to the net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Delta at input to net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And there i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it 's like s five , six cepstrum plus delta at nine {disfmarker} nine frames of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then ten milliseconds for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Fi - There 's an LDA filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "ten milliseconds for LDA filter , and t and ten {disfmarker} another ten milliseconds you said for the frame ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "For the frame I guess . I computed two - twenty {disfmarker} Yeah , well , it 's {disfmarker} I guess it 's for the fr {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And then there 's delta besides that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So this is the features that are used by our network and then afterwards , you have to compute the delta on the , uh , main feature stream ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is um , delta and double - deltas , which is fifty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , I mean , the {disfmarker} after the noise part , the forty {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the other hundred and eighty {disfmarker} Well , I mean , Wait a minute . Some of this is , uh {disfmarker} is , uh {disfmarker} is in parallel , isn't it ? I mean , the LDA {disfmarker} Oh , you have the LDA as part of the V D - uh , VAD ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The VAD use , uh , LDA filtered features also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , it does ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . So in that case there isn't too much in parallel . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No . There is , um , just downsampling , upsampling , and the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , so the delta at the end is how much ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's fifty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Fifty . Alright . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But well , we could probably put the delta , um , {vocalsound} before on - line normalization . It should not that make a big difference ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if you used a smaller window for the delta ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could that help a little bit ? I mean , I guess there 's a lot of things you could do to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but , nnn {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if you {disfmarker} if you put the delta before the , uh , ana on - line {disfmarker} If {disfmarker} Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} then {disfmarker} then it could go in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then y then you don't have that additive {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "cuz the time constant of the on - line normalization is pretty long compared to the delta window ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so . It should not make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And you ought to be able to shove tw , uh {disfmarker} sh uh {disfmarker} pull off twenty milliseconds from somewhere else to get it under two hundred , right ? I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is two hundred the d", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The hundred milla", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "mill a hundred milliseconds for smoothing is sort of an arbitrary amount . It could be eighty and {disfmarker} and probably do @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "i a hun", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} Wh - what 's the baseline you need to be under ? Two hundred ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know . They 're still arguing about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , if it 's two {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if it 's , uh {disfmarker} if it 's two - fifty , then we could keep the delta where it is if we shaved off twenty . If it 's two hundred , if we shaved off twenty , we could {disfmarker} we could , uh , meet it by moving the delta back .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , how do you know that what you have is too much if they 're still deciding ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , we don't , but it 's just {disfmarker} I mean , the main thing is that since that we got burned last time , and {disfmarker} you know , by not worrying about it very much , we 're just staying conscious of it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Oh , OK , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , th I mean , if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if a week before we have to be done someone says , \" Well , you have to have fifty milliseconds less than you have now \" , it would be pretty frantic around here . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But still , that 's {disfmarker} that 's a pretty big , uh , win . And it doesn't seem like you 're {disfmarker} in terms of your delay , you 're , uh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "He added a bit on , I guess , because before we were {disfmarker} we were {disfmarker} had {disfmarker} were able to have the noise , uh , stuff , uh , and the LVA be in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And now he 's {disfmarker} he 's requiring it to be done first .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , but I think the main thing , maybe , is the cleaning of the speech , which takes forty milliseconds or so .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , so you say {disfmarker} let 's say ten milliseconds {disfmarker} seconds for the LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} the LDA is , well , pretty short right now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , ten . And then forty for the other .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , the LDA {disfmarker} LDA {disfmarker} we don't know , is , like {disfmarker} is it very crucial for the features , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I just {disfmarker} This is the first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , I {disfmarker} maybe the LDA 's not very useful then .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so you could start pulling back ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S s h", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I think you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "l", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , you have twenty for delta computation which y now you 're sort of doing twice , right ? But yo w were you doing that before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Well , in the proposal , um , the input of the VAD network were just three frames , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} Mm - hmm . Just {disfmarker} Yeah , just the static , no delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , static features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , what you have now is fort uh , forty for the {disfmarker} the noise , twenty for the delta , and ten for the LDA . That 's seventy milliseconds of stuff which was formerly in parallel ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "you know , that 's {disfmarker} that 's the difference as far as the timing , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , and you could experiment with cutting various pieces of these back a bit , but {disfmarker} I mean , we 're s we 're not {disfmarker} we 're not in terrible shape .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's what it seems like to me . It 's pretty good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's not like it 's adding up to four hundred milliseconds or something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Where {disfmarker} where is this {disfmarker} where is this fifty - seven point O two in {disfmarker} in comparison to the last evaluation ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} I think it 's better than anything , uh , anybody got .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . The best was fifty - four point five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Point s", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And our system was forty - nine , but with the neural network .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wow . So this is almost ten percent .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "With the f with the neural net . Yeah , and r and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It would", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is {disfmarker} this is like the first proposal . The proposal - one . It was forty - four , actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . And we still don't have the neural net in . So {disfmarker} so it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "You know . So it 's {disfmarker} We 're {disfmarker} we 're doing better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is {disfmarker} this is really good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , we 're getting better recognition . I mean , I 'm sure other people working on this are not sitting still either , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} Uh , I mean , the important thing is that we learn how to do this better , and , you know . So . Um , Yeah . So , our , um {disfmarker} Yeah , you can see the kind of {disfmarker} kind of numbers that we 're having , say , on SpeechDat - Car which is a hard task , cuz it 's really , um {disfmarker} I think it 's just sort of {disfmarker} sort of reasonable numbers , starting to be . I mean , it 's still terri", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , even for a well - matched case it 's sixty percent error rate reduction ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Probably half . Good !", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Yeah . So actually , this is in between {vocalsound} what we had with the previous VAD and what Sunil did with an IDL VAD . Which gave sixty - two percent improvement , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's almost that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's almost an average somewhere around {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What was that ? Say that last part again ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , if you use , like , an IDL VAD , uh , for dropping the frames ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "o o Or the best we can get .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "the best that we can get {disfmarker} i That means that we estimate the silence probability on the clean version of the utterances . Then you can go up to sixty - two percent error rate reduction , globally .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mmm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that would be even {disfmarker} That wouldn't change this number down here to sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So you {disfmarker} you were get", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If you add a g good v very good VAD , that works as well as a VAD working on clean speech ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "then you wou you would go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's sort of the best you could hope for .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Probably . Yeah . So fi si fifty - three is what you were getting with the old VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} and sixty - two with the {disfmarker} the , you know , quote , unquote , cheating VAD . And fifty - seven is what you got with the real VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , the next thing is , I started to play {disfmarker} Well , I don't want to worry too much about the delay , no . Maybe it 's better to wait", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "for the decision", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "from the committee . Uh , but I started to play with the , um , {vocalsound} {vocalsound} uh , tandem neural network . Mmm I just did the configuration that 's very similar to what we did for the February proposal . And {disfmarker} Um . So . There is a f a first feature stream that use uh straight MFCC features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , these features actually . And the other stream is the output of a neural network , using as input , also , these , um , cleaned MFCC . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those are th those are th what is going into the tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't have the comp Mmm ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So there is just this feature stream , {comment} the fifteen MFCC plus delta and double - delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , so it 's {disfmarker} makes forty - five features {comment} that are used as input to the HTK . And then , there is {disfmarker} there are more inputs that comes from the tandem MLP .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , oh . OK . I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , h he likes to use them both ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "cuz then it has one part that 's discriminative ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "one part that 's not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , uh , yeah . Right now it seems that {disfmarker} i I just tested on SpeechDat - Car while the experiment are running on your {disfmarker} on TI - digits . Well , it improves on the well - matched and the mismatched conditions , but it get worse on the highly mismatched . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers , yeah . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "like , on the well - match and medium mismatch , the gain is around five percent relative , but it goes down a lot more , like fifteen percent on the HM case .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You 're just using the full ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y you have ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "i I have , um {disfmarker} From the networks , it 's twenty - eight . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And from the other side it 's forty - five .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , d i It 's forty - five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} you have seventy - three features ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and you 're just feeding them like that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There isn't any KLT or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . There 's a KLT after the neural network , as {disfmarker} as before .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's how you get down to twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Why twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . It 's {disfmarker} i i i It 's because it 's what we did for the first proposal . We tested , uh , trying to go down", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a multiple of seven .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I wanted to do something very similar to the proposal as a first {disfmarker} first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But we have to {disfmarker} for sure , we have to go down , because the limit is now sixty features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , we have to find a way to decrease the number of features . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , it seems funny that {disfmarker} I don't know , maybe I don't u quite understand everything , {comment} but that adding features {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I guess if you 're keeping the back - end fixed . Maybe that 's it . Because it seems like just adding information shouldn't give worse results . But I guess if you 're keeping the number of Gaussians fixed in the recognizer , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , I mean , just in general , adding information {disfmarker} Suppose the information you added , well , was a really terrible feature and all it brought in was noise .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? So {disfmarker} so , um {disfmarker} Or {disfmarker} or suppose it wasn't completely terrible , but it was completely equivalent to another one feature that you had , except it was noisier .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? In that case you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be better at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah , I wasn't necessarily saying it should be better . I 'm just surprised that you 're getting fifteen percent relative worse on the wel", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But it 's worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatched condition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatch .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , \" highly mismatched condition \" means that in fact your training is a bad estimate of your test .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So having {disfmarker} having , uh , a g a l a greater number of features , if they aren't maybe the right features that you use , certainly can e can easily , uh , make things worse . I mean , you 're right . If you have {disfmarker} if you have , uh , lots and lots of data , and you have {disfmarker} and your {disfmarker} your {disfmarker} your training is representative of your test , then getting more sources of information should just help . But {disfmarker} but it 's {disfmarker} It doesn't necessarily work that way .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So I wonder , um , Well , what 's your {disfmarker} what 's your thought about what to do next with it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , I don't know . I 'm surprised , because I expected the neural net to help more when there is more mismatch , as it was the case for the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , was the training set same as the p the February proposal ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's the same training set , so it 's TIMIT with the TI - digits ' , uh , noises , uh , added .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , we might {disfmarker} uh , we might have to experiment with , uh better training sets . Again . But ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} The other thing is , I mean , before you found that was the best configuration , but you might have to retest those things now that we have different {disfmarker} The rest of it is different , right ? So , um , uh , For instance , what 's the effect of just putting the neural net on without the o other {disfmarker} other path ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , you know what the straight features do .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That gives you this . You know what it does in combination .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You don't necessarily know what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What if you did the {disfmarker} Would it make sense to do the KLT on the full set of combined features ? Instead of just on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I g I guess . Um . The reason I did it this ways is that in February , it {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we tested different things like that , so , having two KLT , having just a KLT for a network , or having a global KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you tried the global KLT before", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it didn't really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . And , uh , th Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The differences between these configurations were not huge , but {disfmarker} it was marginally better with this configuration .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , yeah , that 's obviously another thing to try ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "since things are {disfmarker} things are different .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I guess if the {disfmarker} These are all {disfmarker} so all of these seventy - three features are going into , um , the , uh {disfmarker} the HMM .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And is {disfmarker} are {disfmarker} i i are {disfmarker} are any deltas being computed of tha of them ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Of the straight features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "n Not of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But n th the , um , tandem features are u used as they are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Are not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , maybe we can add some context from these features also as {disfmarker} Dan did in {disfmarker} in his last work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could . i Yeah , but the other thing I was thinking was , um {disfmarker} Uh , now I lost track of what I was thinking . But .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What is the {disfmarker} You said there was a limit of sixty features or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the relation between that limit and the , um , forty - eight {disfmarker} uh , forty eight hundred bits per second ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , I know what I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , not {disfmarker} no relation .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No relation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I don't understand ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The f the forty - eight hundred bits is for transmission of some features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "because i I mean , if you 're only using h", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And generally , i it {disfmarker} s allows you to transmit like , fifteen , uh , cepstrum .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The issue was that , um , this is supposed to be a standard that 's then gonna be fed to somebody 's recognizer somewhere which might be , you know , it {disfmarker} it might be a concern how many parameters are use {disfmarker} u used and so forth . And so , uh , they felt they wanted to set a limit . So they chose sixty . Some people wanted to use hundreds of parameters and {disfmarker} and that bothered some other people .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u And so they just chose that . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think it 's kind of r arbitrary too . But {disfmarker} but that 's {disfmarker} that 's kind of what was chosen . I {disfmarker} I remembered what I was going to say . What I was going to say is that , um , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound} maybe with the noise removal , uh , these things are now more correlated . So you have two sets of things that are kind of uncorrelated , uh , within themselves , but they 're pretty correlated with one another .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , they 're being fed into these , uh , variants , only Gaussians and so forth , and {disfmarker} and , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so maybe it would be a better idea now than it was before to , uh , have , uh , one KLT over everything , to de - correlate it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , I see .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe . You know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What are the S N Rs in the training set , TIMIT ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's , uh , ranging from zero to clean ? Yeah . From zero to clean .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So we found this {disfmarker} this , uh {disfmarker} this Macrophone data , and so forth , that we were using for these other experiments , to be pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} i after you explore these other alternatives , that might be another way to start looking , is {disfmarker} is just improving the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , we were getting , uh , lots better recognition using that , than {disfmarker} Of course , you do have the problem that , um , u i {comment} we are not able to increase the number of Gaussians , uh , or anything to , uh , uh , to match anything . So we 're only improving the training of our feature set , but that 's still probably something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , add the Macrophone data to the training of the neural net ? The tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's the only place that we can train .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "We can't train the other stuff with anything other than the standard amount ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so . Um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what was it trained on again ? The one that you used ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's TIMIT with noise .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , it 's rather a small {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "How big is the net , by the way ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Uh , it 's , uh , five hundred hidden units . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And again , you did experiments back then where you made it bigger and it {disfmarker} and that was {disfmarker} that was sort of the threshold point . Much less than that , it was worse ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "much more than that , it wasn't much better . Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . @ @ ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So is it {disfmarker} is it though the performance , big relation in the high ma high mismatch has something to do with the , uh , cleaning up that you {disfmarker} that is done on the TIMIT after adding noise ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i All the noises are from the TI - digits ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So you {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} They {disfmarker} k uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it it 's like the high mismatch of the SpeechDat - Car after cleaning up , maybe having more noise than the {disfmarker} the training set of TIMIT after clean {disfmarker} s after you do the noise clean - up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , earlier you never had any compensation , you just trained it straight away .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it had like all these different conditions of S N Rs , actually in their training set of neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But after cleaning up you have now a different set of S N Rs , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the training of the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} is it something to do with the mismatch that {disfmarker} that 's created after the cleaning up , like the high mismatch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You mean the {disfmarker} the most noisy occurrences on SpeechDat - Car might be a lot more noisy than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Of {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I mean , the SNR after the noise compensation of the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , so {disfmarker} Right . So the training {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the neural net is being trained with noise compensated stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": " Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which makes sense ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , you 're saying {disfmarker} Yeah , the noisier ones are still going to be , even after our noise compensation , are still gonna be pretty noisy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so now the after - noise compensation the neural net is seeing a different set of S N Rs than that was originally there in the training set . Of TIMIT . Because in the TIMIT it was zero to some clean .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So the net saw all the SNR @ @ conditions .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Now after cleaning up it 's a different set of SNR .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And that SNR may not be , like , com covering the whole set of S N Rs that you 're getting in the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the SpeechDat - Car data that you 're seeing is also reduced in noise by the noise compensation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , it is . But , I 'm saying , there could be some {disfmarker} some issues of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , if the initial range of SNR is different , we {disfmarker} the problem was already there before . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} Mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , it depends on whether you believe that the noise compensation is equally reducing the noise on the test set and the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the test set , yeah . ", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , you 're saying there 's a mismatch in noise that wasn't there before ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but if they were both the same before , then if they were both reduic reduced equally , then , there would not be a mismatch .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , I mean , this may be {disfmarker} Heaven forbid , this noise compensation process may be imperfect , but . Uh , so maybe it 's treating some things differently .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I don't know . I {disfmarker} I just {disfmarker} that could be seen from the TI - digits , uh , testing condition because , um , the noises are from the TI - digits , right ? Noise {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So cleaning up the TI - digits and if the performance goes down in the TI - digits mismatch {disfmarker} high mismatch like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Clean training , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "on a clean training , or zero DB testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , we 'll {disfmarker} so we 'll see . Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Then it 's something to do .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , one of the things about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the Macrophone data , um , I think , you know , it was recorded over many different telephones .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , so , there 's lots of different kinds of acoustic conditions . I mean , it 's not artificially added noise or anything . So it 's not the same . I don't think there 's anybody recording over a car from a car , but {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's varied enough that if {disfmarker} if doing this adjustments , uh , and playing around with it doesn't , uh , make it better , the most {disfmarker} uh , it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to improve the training set . Um {disfmarker} I mean , what we were {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} the condition {disfmarker} It {disfmarker} it gave us an enormous amount of improvement in what we were doing with Meeting Recorder digits , even though there , again , these m Macrophone digits were very , very different from , uh , what we were going on here . I mean , we weren't talking over a telephone here . But it was just {disfmarker} I think just having a {disfmarker} a nice variation in acoustic conditions was just a good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , actually {vocalsound} to s eh , what I observed in the HM case is that the number of deletion dramatically increases . It {disfmarker} it doubles .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Number of deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When I added the num the neural network it doubles the number of deletions . Yeah , so I don't you know {vocalsound} how to interpret that , but , mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Me either .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "t", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and did {disfmarker} an other numbers stay the same ? Insertion substitutions stay the same ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They p stayed the same ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Roughly ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "they {disfmarker} maybe they are a little bit uh , lower .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They are a little bit better . Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Did they increase the number of deletions even for the cases that got better ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Say , for the {disfmarker} I mean , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , it doesn't .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's only the highly mismatched ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And it {disfmarker} Remind me again , the \" highly mismatched \" means that the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Clean training and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , sorry ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's clean training {disfmarker} Well , close microphone training and distant microphone , um , high speed , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Close mike training {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker} The most noisy cases are the distant microphone for testing .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So {disfmarker} Well , maybe the noise subtraction is subtracting off speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Separating . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah . I mean , but without the neural network it 's {disfmarker} well , it 's better . It 's just when we add the neural networks .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The feature are the same except that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's right , that 's right . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well that {disfmarker} that says that , you know , the , um {disfmarker} the models in {disfmarker} in , uh , the recognizer are really paying attention to the neural net features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , yeah , actually {disfmarker} {nonvocalsound} the TIMIT noises {pause} are sort of a range of noises and they 're not so much the stationary driving kind of noises , right ? It 's {disfmarker} it 's pretty different . Isn't it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , there is a car noise . So there are f just four noises . Um , uh , \" Car \" , I think , \" Babble \" ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Babble . \"", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Subway \" , right ? and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Street \" or \" Airport \" or something .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} \" Street \" isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Or \" Train station \" .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Train station \" , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's mostly {disfmarker} Well , \" Car \" is stationary ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "\" Babble \" , it 's a stationary background plus some voices ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "some speech over it . And the other two are rather stationary also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I think that if you run it {disfmarker} Actually , you {disfmarker} maybe you remember this . When you {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the old experiments when you ran with the neural net only , and didn't have this side path , um , uh , with the {disfmarker} the pure features as well , did it make things better to have the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Was it about the same ? Uh , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was {disfmarker} b a little bit worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Than just the features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , until you put the second path in with the pure features , the neural net wasn't helping at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's interesting .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was helping , uh , if the features are b were bad ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean . Just plain P L Ps or M F", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "C Cs . as soon as we added LDA on - line normalization , and {vocalsound} all these things , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "They were doing similar enough things . Well , I still think it would be k sort of interesting to see what would happen if you just had the neural net without the side thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and the thing I {disfmarker} I have in mind is , uh , maybe you 'll see that the results are not just a little bit worse .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe that they 're a lot worse . You know ? And , um {disfmarker} But if on the ha other hand , uh , it 's , say , somewhere in between what you 're seeing now and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and , uh , what you 'd have with just the pure features , then maybe there is some problem of a {disfmarker} of a , uh , combination of these things , or correlation between them somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it really is that the net is hurting you at the moment , then I think the issue is to focus on {disfmarker} on , uh , improving the {disfmarker} the net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So what 's the overall effe I mean , you haven't done all the experiments but you said it was i somewhat better , say , five percent better , for the first two conditions , and fifteen percent worse for the other one ? But it 's {disfmarker} but of course that one 's weighted lower ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Y yeah , oh . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so I wonder what the net effect is .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it was one or two percent . That 's not that bad , but it was l like two percent relative worse on SpeechDat - Car . I have to {disfmarker} to check that . Well , I have {disfmarker} I will .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it will {disfmarker} overall it will be still better even if it is fifteen percent worse , because the fifteen percent worse is given like f w twenty - five {disfmarker} point two five eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So the {disfmarker} so the worst it could be , if the others were exactly the same , is four ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and , uh , in fact since the others are somewhat better {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's four . Is i So either it 'll get cancelled out , or you 'll get , like , almost the same .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was {disfmarker} it was slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Slightly bad . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it should be pretty close to cancelled out .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , I 've been wondering about something .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In the , um {disfmarker} a lot of the , um {disfmarker} the Hub - five systems , um , recently have been using LDA . and {disfmarker} and they , um {disfmarker} They run LDA on the features right before they train the models . So there 's the {disfmarker} the LDA is {disfmarker} is right there before the H M", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , you guys are using LDA but it seems like it 's pretty far back in the process .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this LDA is different from the LDA that you are talking about . The LDA that you {disfmarker} saying is , like , you take a block of features , like nine frames or something , {comment} and then do an LDA on it ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then reduce the dimensionality to something like twenty - four or something like that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , you c you c you can .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then feed it to HMM .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} you know , you 're just basically i", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is like a two d two dimensional tile .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You 're shifting the feature space . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So this is a two dimensional tile . And the LDA that we are f applying is only in time , not in frequency {disfmarker} high cost frequency . So it 's like {disfmarker} more like a filtering in time , rather than doing a r", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah . OK . So what i what about , um {disfmarker} i u what i w I mean , I don't know if this is a good idea or not , but what if you put {disfmarker} ran the other kind of LDA , uh , on your features right before they go into the HMM ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . No , actually , I think {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "m", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well . What do we do with the ANN is {disfmarker} is something like that except that it 's not linear . But it 's {disfmarker} it 's like a nonlinear discriminant analysis .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right , it 's the {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} Right . The {disfmarker} So {disfmarker} Yeah , so it 's sort of like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The tandem stuff is kind of like i nonlinear LDA .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I g", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean , w but the other features that you have , um , th the non - tandem ones ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . Mm - hmm . Yeah , I know . That {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} Yeah . Well , in the proposal , they were transformed u using PCA , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it might be that LDA could be better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The a the argument i is kind of i in {disfmarker} and it 's not like we really know , but the argument anyway is that , um , uh , we always have the prob I mean , discriminative things are good . LDA , neural nets , they 're good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , they 're good because you {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} you learn to distinguish between these categories that you want to be good at distinguishing between . And PCA doesn't do that . It {disfmarker} PAC - PCA {disfmarker} low - order PCA throws away pieces that are uh , maybe not {disfmarker} not gonna be helpful just because they 're small , basically .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , uh , the problem is , training sets aren't perfect and testing sets are different . So you f you {disfmarker} you face the potential problem with discriminative stuff , be it LDA or neural nets , that you are training to discriminate between categories in one space but what you 're really gonna be g getting is {disfmarker} is something else .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , uh , Stephane 's idea was , uh , let 's feed , uh , both this discriminatively trained thing and something that 's not . So you have a good set of features that everybody 's worked really hard to make ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then , uh , you {disfmarker} you discriminately train it , but you also take the path that {disfmarker} that doesn't have that ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and putting those in together . And that {disfmarker} that seem So it 's kind of like a combination of the {disfmarker} uh , what , uh , Dan has been calling , you know , a feature {disfmarker} uh , you know , a feature combination versus posterior combination or something . It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , you have the posterior combination but then you get the features from that and use them as a feature combination with these {disfmarker} these other things . And that seemed , at least in the last one , as he was just saying , he {disfmarker} he {disfmarker} when he only did discriminative stuff , i it actually was {disfmarker} was {disfmarker} it didn't help at all in this particular case .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "There was enough of a difference , I guess , between the testing and training . But by having them both there {disfmarker} The fact is some of the time , the discriminative stuff is gonna help you .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And some of the time it 's going to hurt you ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and by combining two information sources if , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you wouldn't necessarily then want to do LDA on the non - tandem features because now you 're doing something to them that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That i i I think that 's counter to that idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Now , again , it 's {disfmarker} we 're just trying these different things . We don't really know what 's gonna work best . But if that 's the hypothesis , at least it would be counter to that hypothesis to do that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , and in principle you would think that the neural net would do better at the discriminant part than LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . Yeah . Well {disfmarker} y", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Though , maybe not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Exactly . I mean , we , uh {disfmarker} we were getting ready to do the tandem , uh , stuff for the Hub - five system , and , um , Andreas and I talked about it , and the idea w the thought was , \" Well , uh , yeah , that i you know {disfmarker} th the neural net should be better , but we should at least have uh , a number , you know , to show that we did try the LDA in place of the neural net , so that we can you know , show a clear path .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You know , that you have it without it , then you have the LDA , then you have the neural net , and you can see , theoretically . So . I was just wondering {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I think that 's a good idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Did {disfmarker} did you do that", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} tha that 's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker} that 's what we 're gonna do next as soon as I finish this other thing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . No , well , that 's a good idea . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We just want to show .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "i Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} everybody believes it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , no it 's a g", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but you know , we just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "No , no , but it might not {disfmarker} not even be true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's a great idea . I mean , one of the things that always disturbed me , uh , in the {disfmarker} the resurgence of neural nets that happened in the eighties was that , um , a lot of people {disfmarker} Because neural nets were pretty easy to {disfmarker} to use {disfmarker} a lot of people were just using them for all sorts of things without , uh , looking at all into the linear , uh {disfmarker} uh , versions of them .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , people were doing recurrent nets but not looking at IIR filters , and {disfmarker} You know , I mean , uh , so I think , yeah , it 's definitely a good idea to try it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , and everybody 's putting that on their {vocalsound} systems now , and so , I that 's what made me wonder about this ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , they 've been putting them in their systems off and on for ten years ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , what I mean is it 's {disfmarker} it 's like in the Hub - five evaluations , you know , and you read the system descriptions and everybody 's got , {vocalsound} you know , LDA on their features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And now they all have that . I see .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And so .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's the transformation they 're estimating on {disfmarker} Well , they are trained on the same data as the final HMM are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's different . Yeah , exactly . Cuz they don't have these , you know , mismatches that {disfmarker} that you guys have .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I was wondering if maybe it 's not even a good idea .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know . I {disfmarker} I don't know enough about it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , part of why {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think part of why you were getting into the KLT {disfmarker} Y you were describing to me at one point that you wanted to see if , uh , you know , getting good orthogonal features was {disfmarker} and combining the {disfmarker} the different temporal ranges {disfmarker} was the key thing that was happening or whether it was this discriminant thing , right ? So you were just trying {disfmarker} I think you r I mean , this is {disfmarker} it doesn't have the LDA aspect but th as far as the orthogonalizing transformation , you were trying that at one point , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think you were .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Does something . It doesn't work as well . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , I 've been exploring a parallel VAD without neural network with , like , less latency using SNR and energy , um , after the cleaning up . So what I 'd been trying was , um , uh {disfmarker} After the b after the noise compensation , n I was trying t to f find a f feature based on the ratio of the energies , that is , cl after clean and before clean . So that if {disfmarker} if they are , like , pretty c close to one , which means it 's speech . And if it is n if it is close to zero , which is {disfmarker} So it 's like a scale @ @ probability value . So I was trying , uh , with full band and multiple bands , m ps uh {disfmarker} separating them to different frequency bands and deriving separate decisions on each bands , and trying to combine them . Uh , the advantage being like it doesn't have the latency of the neural net if it {disfmarker} if it can", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "g And {pause} it gave me like , uh , one point {disfmarker} One {disfmarker} more than one percent relative improvement . So , from fifty - three point six it went to fifty f four point eight . So it 's , like , only slightly more than a percent improvement ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "just like {disfmarker} Which means that it 's {disfmarker} it 's doing a slightly better job than the previous VAD ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "uh , at a l lower delay .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , so , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} i d I 'm sorry ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker} u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "does it still have the median {pause} filter stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It still has the median filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So it still has most of the delay ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "it just doesn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so d with the delay , that 's gone is the input , which is the sixty millisecond . The forty plus {pause} twenty .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At the input of the neural net you have this , uh , f nine frames of context plus the delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , plus the delta ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right . OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that delay , plus the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , so the delay is only the forty millisecond of the noise cleaning , plus the hundred millisecond smoothing at the output .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . So . Yeah . So the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} di the biggest {disfmarker} The problem f for me was to find a consistent threshold that works {pause} well across the different databases , because I t I try to make it work on tr SpeechDat - Car", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and it fails on TI - digits , or if I try to make it work on that it 's just the Italian or something , it doesn't work on the Finnish .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , um . So there are {disfmarker} there was , like , some problem in balancing the deletions and insertions when I try different thresholds .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} I 'm still trying to make it better by using some other features from the {disfmarker} after the p clean up {disfmarker} maybe , some , uh , correlation {disfmarker} auto - correlation or some s additional features of {disfmarker} to mainly the improvement of the VAD . I 've been trying .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now this {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} this , uh , \" before and after clean \" , it sounds like you think that 's a good feature . That {disfmarker} that , it {disfmarker} you th think that the , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} i it appears to be a good feature , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What about using it in the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , eventually we could {disfmarker} could just", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} Yeah , so that 's the {disfmarker} Yeah . So we 've been thinking about putting it into the neural net also .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because they did {disfmarker} that itself {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Then you don't have to worry about the thresholds and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There 's a threshold and {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that {disfmarker} that 's , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if we {disfmarker} if we can live with the latency or cut the latencies elsewhere , then {disfmarker} then that would be a , uh , good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , anybody {disfmarker} has anybody {disfmarker} you guys or {disfmarker} or Naren , uh , somebody , tried the , uh , um , second th second stream thing ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , I just {disfmarker} I just h put the second stream in place and , uh ran one experiment , but just like {disfmarker} just to know that everything is fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was like , uh , forty - five cepstrum plus twenty - three mel {disfmarker} log mel .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and , just , like , it gave me the baseline performance of the Aurora , which is like zero improvement .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I just tried it on Italian just to know that everything is {disfmarker} But I {disfmarker} I didn't export anything out of it because it was , like , a weird feature set .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , what I think , you know , would be more what you 'd want to do is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is , uh , put it into another neural net . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} But , yeah , we 're {disfmarker} we 're not quite there yet . So we have to {vocalsound} figure out the neural nets , I guess .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The uh , other thing I was wondering was , um , if the neural net , um , has any {disfmarker} because of the different noise con unseen noise conditions for the neural net , where , like , you train it on those four noise conditions , while you are feeding it with , like , a additional {disfmarker} some four plus some {disfmarker} f few more conditions which it hasn't seen , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "from the {disfmarker} f f while testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} instead of just h having c uh , those cleaned up t cepstrum , sh should we feed some additional information , like {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} We have the VAD flag . I mean , should we f feed the VAD flag , also , at the input so that it {disfmarker} it has some additional discriminating information at the input ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm - hmm ! Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh - uh , the {disfmarker} the VAD what ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We have the VAD information also available at the back - end .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if it is something the neural net is not able to discriminate the classes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} Because most of it is sil I mean , we have dropped some silence f We have dropped so silence frames ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , we haven't dropped silence frames still .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , still not . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Th", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the b b biggest classification would be the speech and silence . So , by having an additional , uh , feature which says \" this is speech and this is nonspeech \" , I mean , it certainly helps in some unseen noise conditions for the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} Do y do you have that feature available for the test data ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I mean , we have {disfmarker} we are transferring the VAD to the back - end {disfmarker} feature to the back - end . Because we are dropping it at the back - end after everything {disfmarker} all the features are computed .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so the neural {disfmarker} so that is coming from a separate neural net or some VAD .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker} which is certainly giving a", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , feed that , also , into {pause} the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} Yeah . So it it 's an {disfmarker} additional discriminating information .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You could feed it into the neural net . The other thing {comment} you could do is just , um , p modify the , uh , output probabilities of the {disfmarker} of the , uh , uh , um , neural net , tandem neural net , {comment} based on the fact that you have a silence probability .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you have an independent estimator of what the silence probability is , and you could multiply the two things , and renormalize .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , I mean , you 'd have to do the nonlinearity part and deal with that . Uh , I mean , go backwards from what the nonlinearity would , you know {disfmarker} would be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Through {disfmarker} t to the soft max .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} maybe , yeah , when {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But in principle wouldn't it be better to feed it in ? And let the net do that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , u Not sure .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , let 's put it this way . I mean , y you {disfmarker} you have this complicated system with thousands and thousand parameters", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and you can tell it , uh , \" Learn this thing . \" Or you can say , \" It 's silence ! Go away ! \" I mean , I mean , i Doesn't {disfmarker} ? I think {disfmarker} I think the second one sounds a lot more direct .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what if you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . So , what if you then , uh {disfmarker} since you know this , what if you only use the neural net on the speech portions ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I guess that 's the same . Uh , that 's similar .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , y you 'd have to actually run it continuously ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean {disfmarker} I mean , train the net only on {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker} Well , no , you want to train on {disfmarker} on the nonspeech also , because that 's part of what you 're learning in it , to {disfmarker} to {disfmarker} to generate , that it 's {disfmarker} it has to distinguish between .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Speech .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I mean , if you 're gonna {disfmarker} if you 're going to multiply the output of the net by this other decision , uh , would {disfmarker} then you don't care about whether the net makes that distinction , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah . But this other thing isn't perfect .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that you bring in some information from the net itself .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right , OK . That 's a good point .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only thing that {disfmarker} that bothers me about all this is that I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the fact {disfmarker} i i It 's sort of bothersome that you 're getting more deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker} So I might maybe look at , is it due to the fact that um , the probability of the silence at the output of the network , is , uh ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is too high .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "too {disfmarker} too high or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So maybe {disfmarker} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If it 's the case , then multiplying it again by {disfmarker} i by something ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It may not be {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} it may be too {disfmarker} it 's too high in a sense , like , everything is more like a , um , flat probability .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh - eee - hhh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , like , it 's not really doing any distinction between speech and nonspeech {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or , I mean , different {disfmarker} among classes .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Be interesting to look at the {disfmarker} Yeah , for the {disfmarker} I wonder if you could do this . But if you look at the , um , highly mism high mismat the output of the net on the high mismatch case and just look at , you know , the distribution versus the {disfmarker} the other ones , do you {disfmarker} do you see more peaks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , like the entropy of the {disfmarker} the output ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , for instance .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But I {disfmarker} bu", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} it seems that the VAD network doesn't {disfmarker} Well , it doesn't drop , uh , too many frames because the dele the number of deletion is reasonable . But it 's just when we add the tandem , the final MLP , and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only problem is you don't want to ta I guess wait for the output of the VAD before you can put something into the other system ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz that 'll shoot up the latency a lot , right ? Am I missing something here ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's maybe a problem with what I was just saying . But {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} I I guess {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But if you were gonna put it in as a feature it means you already have it by the time you get to the tandem net , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , well . We {disfmarker} w we don't have it , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "because it 's {disfmarker} it has a high rate energy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "the VAD has a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's kind of done in {disfmarker} I mean , some of the things are , not in parallel , but certainly , it would be in parallel with the {disfmarker} with a tandem net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "In time . So maybe , if that doesn't work , um {disfmarker} But it would be interesting to see if that was the problem , anyway . And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and then I guess another alternative would be to take the feature that you 're feeding into the VAD , and feeding it into the other one as well .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then maybe it would just learn {disfmarker} learn it better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} But that 's {disfmarker} Yeah , that 's an interesting thing to try to see , if what 's going on is that in the highly mismatched condition , it 's , um , causing deletions by having this silence probability up {disfmarker} up too high ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "at some point where the VAD is saying it 's actually speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which is probably true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , m", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Cuz {disfmarker} Well , the V A if the VAD said {disfmarker} since the VAD is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is right a lot , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Anyway . Might be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , we just started working with it . But these are {disfmarker} these are some good ideas I think .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , and the other thing {disfmarker} Well , there are other issues maybe for the tandem , like , uh , well , do we want to , w uh n Do we want to work on the targets ? Or , like , instead of using phonemes , using more context dependent units ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the tandem net you mean ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I 'm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm thinking , also , a w about Dan 's work where he {disfmarker} he trained {vocalsound} a network , not on phoneme targets but on the HMM state targets . And {disfmarker} it was giving s slightly better results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Problem is , if you are going to run this on different m test sets , including large vocabulary ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . I was just thinking maybe about , like , generalized diphones , and {disfmarker} come up with a {disfmarker} a reasonable , not too large , set of context dependent units , and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Yeah . And then anyway we would have to reduce this with the KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe . But I d I d it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} i it 's all worth looking at ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but it sounds to me like , uh , looking at the relationship between this and the {disfmarker} speech noise stuff is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is probably a key thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That and the correlation between stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if , uh {disfmarker} if the , uh , high mismatch case had been more like the , uh , the other two cases {comment} in terms of giving you just a better performance , {comment} how would this number have changed ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , it would be {disfmarker} Yeah . Around five percent better , I guess . If {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y Like sixty ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know what 's it 's gonna be the TI - digits yet . He hasn't got the results back yet .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . If you extrapolate the SpeechDat - Car well - matched and medium - mismatch , it 's around , yeah , maybe five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Yeah . So this would be sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Sixty - two .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Sixty - two , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Somewhere around sixty , must be . Right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , it 's around five percent , because it 's {disfmarker} s Right ? If everything is five percent .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "All the other ones were five percent ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I d I just have the SpeechDat - Car right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's running {disfmarker} it shou we should have the results today during the afternoon ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} So I won't be here for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When {disfmarker} When do you leave ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I 'm leaving next Wednesday . May or may not be in in the morning . I leave in the afternoon . Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But you 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "are you {disfmarker} you 're not gonna be around this afternoon ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , well . I 'm talking about next week . I 'm leaving {disfmarker} leaving next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "This afternoon {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} Oh , right , for the Meeting meeting ? Yeah , that 's just cuz of something on campus .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . But , um , yeah , so next week I won't , and the week after I won't , cuz I 'll be in Finland . And the week after that I won't . By that time you 'll be {disfmarker} {comment} Uh , you 'll both be gone {pause} from here . So there 'll be no {disfmarker} definitely no meeting on {disfmarker} on September sixth . Uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What 's September sixth ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} Uh , that 's during Eurospeech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , uh , Sunil will be in Oregon . Uh , Stephane and I will be in Denmark . Uh {disfmarker} Right ? So it 'll be a few weeks , really , before we have a meeting of the same cast of characters . Um , but , uh {disfmarker} I guess , just {disfmarker} I mean , you guys should probably meet . And maybe Barry {disfmarker} Barry will be around . And {disfmarker} and then uh , uh , we 'll start up again with Dave and {disfmarker} Dave and Barry and Stephane and us on the , uh , twentieth . No . Thirteenth ? About a month ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , you 're gonna be gone for the next three weeks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm gone for two and a half weeks starting {disfmarker} starting next Wed - late next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} you won't be at the next three of these meetings . Is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I won't {disfmarker} it 's probably four because of {disfmarker} is it three ? Let 's see , twenty - third , thirtieth , sixth . That 's right , next three . And the {disfmarker} the third one won't {disfmarker} probably won't be a meeting , cuz {disfmarker} cuz , uh , Su - Sunil , Stephane , and I will all not be here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} Mmm . {comment} So it 's just , uh , the next two where there will be {disfmarker} there , you know , may as well be meetings ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but I just won't be at them . And then starting up on the thirteenth , {nonvocalsound} uh , we 'll have meetings again but we 'll have to do without Sunil here somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When do you go back ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Thirty - first , August .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Cool .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When is the evaluation ? November , or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was supposed to be November fifteenth . Has anybody heard anything different ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I don't know . The meeting in {disfmarker} is the five and six of December . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "p s It 's like {disfmarker} Yeah , it 's tentatively all full . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's a proposed date , I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , um {disfmarker} so the evaluation should be on a week before or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yep . But , no , this is good progress . So . Uh {disfmarker} OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Should we do digits ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Guess we 're done . Digits ? Yep .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a wrap .", "speaker": "Professor B" } ]
The team thought that the most noisy cases were the distant microphone testing. That is when there were non-stationary noises in the background, like from a car, a babble or subway. These presented a unique challenge for the model that could potentially be best solved with a neural net.
What did the team discuss about the most noisy cases?
[ { "content": "OK , we 're going .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight , eight ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "This is three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Test . Hmm . Let 's see . Move it bit . Test ? Test ? OK , I guess it 's alright . So , let 's see . Yeah , Barry 's not here and Dave 's not here . Um , I can say about {disfmarker} just q just quickly to get through it , that Dave and I submitted this ASRU .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is for ASRU .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So . Um . Yeah , it 's {disfmarker} it 's interesting . I mean , basically we 're dealing with rever reverberation , and , um , when we deal with pure reverberation , the technique he 's using works really , really well . Uh , and when they had the reverberation here , uh , we 'll measure the signal - to - noise ratio and it 's , uh , about nine DB . So ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You mean , from the actual , uh , recordings ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "a fair amount of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "k", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's nine DB ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Um {disfmarker} And actually it brought up a question which may be relevant to the Aurora stuff too . Um , I know that when you figured out the filters that we 're using for the Mel scale , there was some experimentation that went on at {disfmarker} at , uh {disfmarker} at OGI . Um , but one of the differences that we found between the two systems that we were using , {comment} the {disfmarker} the Aurora HTK system baseline system {comment} and the system that we were {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the uh , other system we were using , the uh , the SRI system , was that the SRI system had maybe a , um , hundred hertz high - pass . And the , uh , Aurora HTK , it was like twenty .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yep . S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Sixty - four ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you 're using the baseline .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is that the ba band center ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , the edge .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The edge is really , uh , sixty - four ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "For some reason , uh , Dave thought it was twenty ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " So the , uh , center would be somewhere around like hundred", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} hundred {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} maybe {disfmarker} it 's like {disfmarker} fi hundred hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But do you know , for instance , h how far down it would be at twenty hertz ? What the {disfmarker} how much rejection would there be at twenty hertz , let 's say ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At twenty hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , any idea what the curve looks like ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty hertz frequency {disfmarker} Oh , it 's {disfmarker} it 's zero at twenty hertz , right ? The filter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yea - actually , the left edge of the first filter is at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Sixt - s sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So anything less than sixty - four is zero .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's actually set to zero ? What kind of filter is that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is this {disfmarker} oh , from the {disfmarker} from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} This is the filter bank in the frequency domain that starts at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , so you , uh {disfmarker} so you really set it to zero , the FFT ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah . So it 's {disfmarker} it 's a weight on the ball spectrum . Triangular weighting .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . OK . Um {disfmarker} OK . So that 's {disfmarker} that 's a little different than Dave thought , I think . But {disfmarker} but , um , still , it 's possible that we 're getting in some more noise . So I wonder , is it {disfmarker} @ @ Was there {disfmarker} their experimentation with , uh , say , throwing away that filter or something ? And , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , throwing away the first ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , we {disfmarker} we 've tried including the full {disfmarker} full bank . Right ? From zero to four K .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And that 's always worse than using sixty - four hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the question is , whether sixty - four hertz is {disfmarker} is , uh , too , uh , low .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , make it a hundred or so ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I t I think I 've tried a hundred and it was more or less the same , or slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "On what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the same , uh , SpeechDat - Car , Aurora .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , it was on the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So I tried a hundred to four K . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and on {disfmarker} and on the , um , um , {vocalsound} TI - digits also ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I think I just tried it on SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm . That 'd be something to look at sometime because what , um , eh , he was looking at was performance in this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Would that be more like {disfmarker} Well , you 'd think that 'd be more like SpeechDat - Car , I guess , in terms of the noise . The SpeechDat - Car is more , uh , sort of roughly stationary , a lot of it . And {disfmarker} and TI - digits maybe is not so much as {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . OK . Well , maybe it 's not a big deal . But , um {disfmarker} Anyway , that was just something we wondered about . But , um , uh , certainly a lot of the noise , uh , is , uh , below a hundred hertz . Uh , the signal - to - noise ratio , you know , looks a fair amount better if you {disfmarker} if you high - pass filter it from this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} but it 's still pretty noisy . Even {disfmarker} even for a hundred hertz up , it 's {disfmarker} it 's still fairly noisy . The signal - to - noise ratio is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is actually still pretty bad .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , I mean , the main {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's on th that 's on the f the far field ones though , right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's on the far field . Yeah , the near field 's pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So wha what is , uh {disfmarker} what 's causing that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we got a {disfmarker} a video projector in here , uh , and , uh {disfmarker} which we keep on during every {disfmarker} every session we record ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "which , you know , I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} w we were aware of", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but we thought it wasn't a bad thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , that 's a nice noise source . Uh , and there 's also the , uh {disfmarker} uh , air conditioning .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which , uh , you know , is a pretty low frequency kind of thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} So , those are {disfmarker} those are major components , I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "uh , for the stationary kind of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , but , um , it , uh {disfmarker} I guess , I {disfmarker} maybe I said this last week too but it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} it really became apparent to us that we need to {disfmarker} to take account of noise . And , uh , so I think when {disfmarker} when he gets done with his prelim study I think {vocalsound} one of the next things we 'd want to do is to take this , uh {disfmarker} uh , noise , uh , processing stuff and {disfmarker} and , uh {disfmarker} uh , synthesize some speech from it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When are his prelims ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} Um , I think in about , um , a little less than two weeks .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh . Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Uh , it might even be sooner . Uh , let 's see , this is the sixteenth , seventeenth ? Yeah , I don't know if he 's before {disfmarker} It might even be in a week .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , I", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "A week ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh . I {disfmarker} I guessed that they were gonna do it some time during the semester", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "week and a half .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but they 'll do it any time , huh ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They seem to be {disfmarker} Well , the semester actually is starting up .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it already ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , the semester 's late {disfmarker} late August they start here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yikes .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So they do it right at the beginning of the semester .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , uh {disfmarker} Yep . I mean , that {disfmarker} that was sort of one {disfmarker} I mean , the overall results seemed to be first place in {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the case of either , um , artificial reverberation or a modest sized training set . Uh , either way , uh , i uh , it helped a lot . And {disfmarker} But if you had a {disfmarker} a really big training set , a recognizer , uh , system that was capable of taking advantage of a really large training set {disfmarker} I thought that {disfmarker} One thing with the HTK is that is has the {disfmarker} as we 're using {disfmarker} the configuration we 're using is w s is {disfmarker} being bound by the terms of Aurora , we have all those parameters just set as they are . So even if we had a hundred times as much data , we wouldn't go out to , you know , ten or t or a hundred times as many Gaussians or anything . So , um , it 's kind of hard to take advantage of {disfmarker} of {disfmarker} of big chunks of data . Uh , whereas the other one does sort of expand as you have more training data .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It does it automatically , actually . And so , um , uh , that one really benefited from the larger set . And it was also a diverse set with different noises and so forth . Uh , so , um , that , uh {disfmarker} that seemed to be {disfmarker} So , if you have that {disfmarker} that better recognizer that can {disfmarker} that can build up more parameters , and if you , um , have the natural room , which in this case has a p a pretty bad signal - to - noise ratio , then in that case , um , the right thing to do is just do {disfmarker} u use speaker adaptation . And {disfmarker} and not bother with {disfmarker} with this acoustic , uh , processing . But I think that that would not be true if we did some explicit noise - processing as well as , uh , the convolutional kind of things we were doing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . That 's sort of what we found .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , started working on the uh {disfmarker} Mississippi State recognizer . So , I got in touch with Joe and {disfmarker} and , uh , from your email and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , they added me to the list {disfmarker} uh , the mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And he gave me all of the pointers and everything that I needed . And so I downloaded the , um {disfmarker} There were two things , uh , that they had to download . One was the , uh , I guess the software . And another wad {disfmarker} was a , um , sort of like a sample {disfmarker} a sample run . So I downloaded the software and compiled all of that . And it compiled fine .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No problems .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , eh , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , um , I grabbed the sample stuff but I haven't , uh , compiled it .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That sample was released only yesterday or the day before , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} Well , I haven't grabbed that one yet . So there 's two .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , there is another short sample set {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There was another short one , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "o o sample .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so I haven't grabbed the latest one that he just , uh , put out yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK . Oh , OK . F Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Um , but , the software seemed to compile fine and everything , so . And , um , So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Is there any word yet about the issues about , um , adjustments for different feature sets or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , I {disfmarker} I d You asked me to write to him and I think I forgot to ask him about that . Or if I did ask him , he didn't reply .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't remember yet . Uh , I 'll {disfmarker} I 'll d I 'll double check that and ask him again .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it 's like that {disfmarker} that could r turn out to be an important issue for us .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz they have it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe I 'll send it to the list . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Cuz they have , uh , already frozen those in i insertion penalties and all those stuff is what {disfmarker} I feel . Because they have this document explaining the recognizer .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And they have these tables with , uh , various language model weights , insertion penalties .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK , I haven't seen that one yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it 's th it 's there on that web .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , on that , I mean , they have run some experiments using various insertion penalties and all those {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so they 've picked {disfmarker} the values .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think they pi p", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah , they picked the values from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "For r w what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , p the one that they have reported is a NIST evaluation , Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But that has nothing to do with what we 're testing on , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You know . No . So they 're , like {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} So they are actually trying to , uh , fix that {disfmarker} those values using the clean , uh , training part of the Wall Street Journal . Which is {disfmarker} I mean , the Aurora . Aurora has a clean subset .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , they want to train it and then this {disfmarker} they 're going to run some evaluations .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So they 're set they 're setting it based on that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . So now , we may come back to the situation where we may be looking for a modification of the features to account for the fact that we can't modify these parameters .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} but it 's still worth , I think , just {disfmarker} since {disfmarker} you know , just chatting with Joe about the issue .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK . Do you think that 's something I should just send to him", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or do you think I should send it to this {disfmarker} there 's an {disfmarker} a m a mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's not a secret . I mean , we 're , you know , certainly willing to talk about it with everybody , but I think {disfmarker} I think that , um {disfmarker} um , it 's probably best to start talking with him just to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh @ @ {comment} you know , it 's a dialogue between two of you about what {disfmarker} you know , what does he think about this and what {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} you know {disfmarker} what could be done about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , if you get ten people in {disfmarker} involved in it there 'll be a lot of perspectives based on , you know , how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "you know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} But , I mean , I think it all should come up eventually ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if there is any , uh , uh , way to move in {disfmarker} a way that would {disfmarker} that would , you know , be more open to different kinds of features . But if {disfmarker} if , uh {disfmarker} if there isn't , and it 's just kind of shut down and {disfmarker} and then also there 's probably not worthwhile bringing it into a larger forum where {disfmarker} where political issues will come in .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . So this is now {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's compiled under Solaris ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Because he {disfmarker} there was some mail r saying that it 's {disfmarker} may not be stable for Linux and all those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , i that was a particular version .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "SUSI", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , SUSI or whatever it was", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but we don't have that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Should be OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , that 's fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it compiled fine actually .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} no errors . Nothing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this is slightly off topic", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's good .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , I noticed , just glancing at the , uh , Hopkins workshop , uh , web site that , uh , um {disfmarker} one of the thing I don't know {disfmarker} Well , we 'll see how much they accomplish , but one of the things that they were trying to do in the graphical models thing was to put together a {disfmarker} a , uh , tool kit for doing , uh r um , arbitrary graphical models for , uh , speech recognition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} And Jeff , uh {disfmarker} the two Jeffs were", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Who 's the second Jeff ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Oh , uh , do you know Geoff Zweig ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . Uh , he {disfmarker} he , uh {disfmarker} he was here for a couple years", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and he , uh {disfmarker} got his PHD . He {disfmarker} And he 's , uh , been at IBM for the last couple years .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow . That would be neat .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , so he did {disfmarker} he did his PHD on dynamic Bayes - nets , uh , for {disfmarker} for speech recognition . He had some continuity built into the model , presumably to handle some , um , inertia in the {disfmarker} in the production system , and , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , I 've been playing with , first , the , um , VAD . Um , {vocalsound} so it 's exactly the same approach , but the features that the VAD neural network use are , uh , MFCC after noise compensation . Oh , I think I have the results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What was it using before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Before it was just P L", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was actually {disfmarker} No . Not {disfmarker} I mean , it was just the noisy features I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "noisy {disfmarker} noisy features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "not compensated .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} This is what we get after {disfmarker} This {disfmarker} So , actually , we , yeah , here the features are noise compensated and there is also the LDA filter . Um , and then it 's a pretty small neural network which use , um , {vocalsound} nine frames of {disfmarker} of six features from C - zero to C - fives , plus the first derivatives . And it has one hundred hidden units .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is that nine frames u s uh , centered around the current frame ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S so , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm sorry , there 's {disfmarker} there 's {disfmarker} there 's how many {disfmarker} how many inputs ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it 's twelve times nine .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twelve times nine inputs , and a hundred , uh , hidden .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hidden and", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs . OK . So I guess about eleven thousand parameters , which {disfmarker} actually shouldn't be a problem , even in {disfmarker} in small phones . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm {disfmarker} s so what is different between this and {disfmarker} and what you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It should be OK . So the previous syst It 's based on the system that has a fifty - three point sixty - six percent improvement . It 's the same system . The only thing that changed is the n a p eh {disfmarker} a es the estimation of the silence probabilities .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which now is based on , uh , cleaned features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , it 's a l it 's a lot better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} it 's not bad , but the problem is still that the latency is too large .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the latency ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the latency of the VAD is two hundred and twenty milliseconds . And , uh , the VAD is used uh , i for on - line normalization , and it 's used before the delta computation . So if you add these components it goes t to a hundred and seventy , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I 'm confused . You started off with two - twenty and you ended up with one - seventy ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "With two an two hundred and seventy .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two - seventy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker} Yeah , if you add the c delta comp delta computation", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is done afterwards . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two - twenty . I the is this {disfmarker} are these twenty - millisecond frames ? Is that why ? Is it after downsampling ? or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The two - twenty is one hundred milliseconds for the um {disfmarker} No , it 's forty milliseconds for t for the , uh , uh , cleaning of the speech . Um {disfmarker} then there is , um , the neural network which use nine frames . So it adds forty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "a OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , after that , um , you have the um , filtering of the silence probabilities . Which is a million filter it , and it creates a one hundred milliseconds delay . So , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus there is a delta at the input .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , and there is the delta at the input which is ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "One hundred milliseconds for smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , median .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's like forty plus {disfmarker} forty {disfmarker} plus {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then forty {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Forty {disfmarker} This forty plus twenty , plus one hundred .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty p ", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two hundred actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , there are twenty that comes from {disfmarker} There is ten that comes from the LDA filters also . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , so it 's two hundred and ten , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are using {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus the frame ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "t If you are using three frames {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so it 's two - twenty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are phrasing f {comment} using three frames , it is thirty here for delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's five frames , but .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So five frames , that 's twenty . OK , so it 's who un {comment} two hundred and ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , p Wait a minute . It 's forty {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forty for the {disfmarker} for the cleaning of the speech ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . Forty cleaning .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty for the I N {disfmarker} ANN , a hundred for the smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , but at ten {disfmarker} ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty for the delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twenty for delta .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At th {nonvocalsound} At the input . I mean , that 's at the input to the net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Delta at input to net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And there i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it 's like s five , six cepstrum plus delta at nine {disfmarker} nine frames of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then ten milliseconds for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Fi - There 's an LDA filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "ten milliseconds for LDA filter , and t and ten {disfmarker} another ten milliseconds you said for the frame ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "For the frame I guess . I computed two - twenty {disfmarker} Yeah , well , it 's {disfmarker} I guess it 's for the fr {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And then there 's delta besides that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So this is the features that are used by our network and then afterwards , you have to compute the delta on the , uh , main feature stream ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is um , delta and double - deltas , which is fifty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , I mean , the {disfmarker} after the noise part , the forty {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the other hundred and eighty {disfmarker} Well , I mean , Wait a minute . Some of this is , uh {disfmarker} is , uh {disfmarker} is in parallel , isn't it ? I mean , the LDA {disfmarker} Oh , you have the LDA as part of the V D - uh , VAD ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The VAD use , uh , LDA filtered features also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , it does ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . So in that case there isn't too much in parallel . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No . There is , um , just downsampling , upsampling , and the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , so the delta at the end is how much ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's fifty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Fifty . Alright . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But well , we could probably put the delta , um , {vocalsound} before on - line normalization . It should not that make a big difference ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if you used a smaller window for the delta ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could that help a little bit ? I mean , I guess there 's a lot of things you could do to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but , nnn {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if you {disfmarker} if you put the delta before the , uh , ana on - line {disfmarker} If {disfmarker} Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} then {disfmarker} then it could go in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then y then you don't have that additive {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "cuz the time constant of the on - line normalization is pretty long compared to the delta window ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so . It should not make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And you ought to be able to shove tw , uh {disfmarker} sh uh {disfmarker} pull off twenty milliseconds from somewhere else to get it under two hundred , right ? I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is two hundred the d", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The hundred milla", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "mill a hundred milliseconds for smoothing is sort of an arbitrary amount . It could be eighty and {disfmarker} and probably do @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "i a hun", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} Wh - what 's the baseline you need to be under ? Two hundred ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know . They 're still arguing about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , if it 's two {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if it 's , uh {disfmarker} if it 's two - fifty , then we could keep the delta where it is if we shaved off twenty . If it 's two hundred , if we shaved off twenty , we could {disfmarker} we could , uh , meet it by moving the delta back .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , how do you know that what you have is too much if they 're still deciding ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , we don't , but it 's just {disfmarker} I mean , the main thing is that since that we got burned last time , and {disfmarker} you know , by not worrying about it very much , we 're just staying conscious of it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Oh , OK , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , th I mean , if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if a week before we have to be done someone says , \" Well , you have to have fifty milliseconds less than you have now \" , it would be pretty frantic around here . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But still , that 's {disfmarker} that 's a pretty big , uh , win . And it doesn't seem like you 're {disfmarker} in terms of your delay , you 're , uh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "He added a bit on , I guess , because before we were {disfmarker} we were {disfmarker} had {disfmarker} were able to have the noise , uh , stuff , uh , and the LVA be in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And now he 's {disfmarker} he 's requiring it to be done first .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , but I think the main thing , maybe , is the cleaning of the speech , which takes forty milliseconds or so .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , so you say {disfmarker} let 's say ten milliseconds {disfmarker} seconds for the LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} the LDA is , well , pretty short right now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , ten . And then forty for the other .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , the LDA {disfmarker} LDA {disfmarker} we don't know , is , like {disfmarker} is it very crucial for the features , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I just {disfmarker} This is the first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , I {disfmarker} maybe the LDA 's not very useful then .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so you could start pulling back ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S s h", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I think you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "l", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , you have twenty for delta computation which y now you 're sort of doing twice , right ? But yo w were you doing that before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Well , in the proposal , um , the input of the VAD network were just three frames , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} Mm - hmm . Just {disfmarker} Yeah , just the static , no delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , static features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , what you have now is fort uh , forty for the {disfmarker} the noise , twenty for the delta , and ten for the LDA . That 's seventy milliseconds of stuff which was formerly in parallel ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "you know , that 's {disfmarker} that 's the difference as far as the timing , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , and you could experiment with cutting various pieces of these back a bit , but {disfmarker} I mean , we 're s we 're not {disfmarker} we 're not in terrible shape .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's what it seems like to me . It 's pretty good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's not like it 's adding up to four hundred milliseconds or something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Where {disfmarker} where is this {disfmarker} where is this fifty - seven point O two in {disfmarker} in comparison to the last evaluation ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} I think it 's better than anything , uh , anybody got .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . The best was fifty - four point five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Point s", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And our system was forty - nine , but with the neural network .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wow . So this is almost ten percent .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "With the f with the neural net . Yeah , and r and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It would", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is {disfmarker} this is like the first proposal . The proposal - one . It was forty - four , actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . And we still don't have the neural net in . So {disfmarker} so it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "You know . So it 's {disfmarker} We 're {disfmarker} we 're doing better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is {disfmarker} this is really good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , we 're getting better recognition . I mean , I 'm sure other people working on this are not sitting still either , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} Uh , I mean , the important thing is that we learn how to do this better , and , you know . So . Um , Yeah . So , our , um {disfmarker} Yeah , you can see the kind of {disfmarker} kind of numbers that we 're having , say , on SpeechDat - Car which is a hard task , cuz it 's really , um {disfmarker} I think it 's just sort of {disfmarker} sort of reasonable numbers , starting to be . I mean , it 's still terri", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , even for a well - matched case it 's sixty percent error rate reduction ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Probably half . Good !", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Yeah . So actually , this is in between {vocalsound} what we had with the previous VAD and what Sunil did with an IDL VAD . Which gave sixty - two percent improvement , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's almost that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's almost an average somewhere around {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What was that ? Say that last part again ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , if you use , like , an IDL VAD , uh , for dropping the frames ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "o o Or the best we can get .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "the best that we can get {disfmarker} i That means that we estimate the silence probability on the clean version of the utterances . Then you can go up to sixty - two percent error rate reduction , globally .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mmm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that would be even {disfmarker} That wouldn't change this number down here to sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So you {disfmarker} you were get", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If you add a g good v very good VAD , that works as well as a VAD working on clean speech ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "then you wou you would go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's sort of the best you could hope for .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Probably . Yeah . So fi si fifty - three is what you were getting with the old VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} and sixty - two with the {disfmarker} the , you know , quote , unquote , cheating VAD . And fifty - seven is what you got with the real VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , the next thing is , I started to play {disfmarker} Well , I don't want to worry too much about the delay , no . Maybe it 's better to wait", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "for the decision", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "from the committee . Uh , but I started to play with the , um , {vocalsound} {vocalsound} uh , tandem neural network . Mmm I just did the configuration that 's very similar to what we did for the February proposal . And {disfmarker} Um . So . There is a f a first feature stream that use uh straight MFCC features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , these features actually . And the other stream is the output of a neural network , using as input , also , these , um , cleaned MFCC . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those are th those are th what is going into the tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't have the comp Mmm ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So there is just this feature stream , {comment} the fifteen MFCC plus delta and double - delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , so it 's {disfmarker} makes forty - five features {comment} that are used as input to the HTK . And then , there is {disfmarker} there are more inputs that comes from the tandem MLP .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , oh . OK . I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , h he likes to use them both ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "cuz then it has one part that 's discriminative ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "one part that 's not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , uh , yeah . Right now it seems that {disfmarker} i I just tested on SpeechDat - Car while the experiment are running on your {disfmarker} on TI - digits . Well , it improves on the well - matched and the mismatched conditions , but it get worse on the highly mismatched . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers , yeah . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "like , on the well - match and medium mismatch , the gain is around five percent relative , but it goes down a lot more , like fifteen percent on the HM case .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You 're just using the full ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y you have ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "i I have , um {disfmarker} From the networks , it 's twenty - eight . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And from the other side it 's forty - five .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , d i It 's forty - five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} you have seventy - three features ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and you 're just feeding them like that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There isn't any KLT or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . There 's a KLT after the neural network , as {disfmarker} as before .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's how you get down to twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Why twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . It 's {disfmarker} i i i It 's because it 's what we did for the first proposal . We tested , uh , trying to go down", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a multiple of seven .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I wanted to do something very similar to the proposal as a first {disfmarker} first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But we have to {disfmarker} for sure , we have to go down , because the limit is now sixty features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , we have to find a way to decrease the number of features . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , it seems funny that {disfmarker} I don't know , maybe I don't u quite understand everything , {comment} but that adding features {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I guess if you 're keeping the back - end fixed . Maybe that 's it . Because it seems like just adding information shouldn't give worse results . But I guess if you 're keeping the number of Gaussians fixed in the recognizer , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , I mean , just in general , adding information {disfmarker} Suppose the information you added , well , was a really terrible feature and all it brought in was noise .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? So {disfmarker} so , um {disfmarker} Or {disfmarker} or suppose it wasn't completely terrible , but it was completely equivalent to another one feature that you had , except it was noisier .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? In that case you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be better at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah , I wasn't necessarily saying it should be better . I 'm just surprised that you 're getting fifteen percent relative worse on the wel", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But it 's worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatched condition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatch .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , \" highly mismatched condition \" means that in fact your training is a bad estimate of your test .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So having {disfmarker} having , uh , a g a l a greater number of features , if they aren't maybe the right features that you use , certainly can e can easily , uh , make things worse . I mean , you 're right . If you have {disfmarker} if you have , uh , lots and lots of data , and you have {disfmarker} and your {disfmarker} your {disfmarker} your training is representative of your test , then getting more sources of information should just help . But {disfmarker} but it 's {disfmarker} It doesn't necessarily work that way .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So I wonder , um , Well , what 's your {disfmarker} what 's your thought about what to do next with it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , I don't know . I 'm surprised , because I expected the neural net to help more when there is more mismatch , as it was the case for the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , was the training set same as the p the February proposal ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's the same training set , so it 's TIMIT with the TI - digits ' , uh , noises , uh , added .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , we might {disfmarker} uh , we might have to experiment with , uh better training sets . Again . But ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} The other thing is , I mean , before you found that was the best configuration , but you might have to retest those things now that we have different {disfmarker} The rest of it is different , right ? So , um , uh , For instance , what 's the effect of just putting the neural net on without the o other {disfmarker} other path ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , you know what the straight features do .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That gives you this . You know what it does in combination .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You don't necessarily know what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What if you did the {disfmarker} Would it make sense to do the KLT on the full set of combined features ? Instead of just on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I g I guess . Um . The reason I did it this ways is that in February , it {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we tested different things like that , so , having two KLT , having just a KLT for a network , or having a global KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you tried the global KLT before", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it didn't really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . And , uh , th Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The differences between these configurations were not huge , but {disfmarker} it was marginally better with this configuration .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , yeah , that 's obviously another thing to try ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "since things are {disfmarker} things are different .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I guess if the {disfmarker} These are all {disfmarker} so all of these seventy - three features are going into , um , the , uh {disfmarker} the HMM .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And is {disfmarker} are {disfmarker} i i are {disfmarker} are any deltas being computed of tha of them ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Of the straight features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "n Not of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But n th the , um , tandem features are u used as they are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Are not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , maybe we can add some context from these features also as {disfmarker} Dan did in {disfmarker} in his last work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could . i Yeah , but the other thing I was thinking was , um {disfmarker} Uh , now I lost track of what I was thinking . But .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What is the {disfmarker} You said there was a limit of sixty features or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the relation between that limit and the , um , forty - eight {disfmarker} uh , forty eight hundred bits per second ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , I know what I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , not {disfmarker} no relation .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No relation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I don't understand ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The f the forty - eight hundred bits is for transmission of some features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "because i I mean , if you 're only using h", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And generally , i it {disfmarker} s allows you to transmit like , fifteen , uh , cepstrum .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The issue was that , um , this is supposed to be a standard that 's then gonna be fed to somebody 's recognizer somewhere which might be , you know , it {disfmarker} it might be a concern how many parameters are use {disfmarker} u used and so forth . And so , uh , they felt they wanted to set a limit . So they chose sixty . Some people wanted to use hundreds of parameters and {disfmarker} and that bothered some other people .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u And so they just chose that . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think it 's kind of r arbitrary too . But {disfmarker} but that 's {disfmarker} that 's kind of what was chosen . I {disfmarker} I remembered what I was going to say . What I was going to say is that , um , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound} maybe with the noise removal , uh , these things are now more correlated . So you have two sets of things that are kind of uncorrelated , uh , within themselves , but they 're pretty correlated with one another .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , they 're being fed into these , uh , variants , only Gaussians and so forth , and {disfmarker} and , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so maybe it would be a better idea now than it was before to , uh , have , uh , one KLT over everything , to de - correlate it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , I see .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe . You know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What are the S N Rs in the training set , TIMIT ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's , uh , ranging from zero to clean ? Yeah . From zero to clean .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So we found this {disfmarker} this , uh {disfmarker} this Macrophone data , and so forth , that we were using for these other experiments , to be pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} i after you explore these other alternatives , that might be another way to start looking , is {disfmarker} is just improving the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , we were getting , uh , lots better recognition using that , than {disfmarker} Of course , you do have the problem that , um , u i {comment} we are not able to increase the number of Gaussians , uh , or anything to , uh , uh , to match anything . So we 're only improving the training of our feature set , but that 's still probably something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , add the Macrophone data to the training of the neural net ? The tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's the only place that we can train .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "We can't train the other stuff with anything other than the standard amount ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so . Um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what was it trained on again ? The one that you used ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's TIMIT with noise .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , it 's rather a small {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "How big is the net , by the way ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Uh , it 's , uh , five hundred hidden units . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And again , you did experiments back then where you made it bigger and it {disfmarker} and that was {disfmarker} that was sort of the threshold point . Much less than that , it was worse ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "much more than that , it wasn't much better . Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . @ @ ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So is it {disfmarker} is it though the performance , big relation in the high ma high mismatch has something to do with the , uh , cleaning up that you {disfmarker} that is done on the TIMIT after adding noise ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i All the noises are from the TI - digits ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So you {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} They {disfmarker} k uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it it 's like the high mismatch of the SpeechDat - Car after cleaning up , maybe having more noise than the {disfmarker} the training set of TIMIT after clean {disfmarker} s after you do the noise clean - up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , earlier you never had any compensation , you just trained it straight away .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it had like all these different conditions of S N Rs , actually in their training set of neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But after cleaning up you have now a different set of S N Rs , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the training of the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} is it something to do with the mismatch that {disfmarker} that 's created after the cleaning up , like the high mismatch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You mean the {disfmarker} the most noisy occurrences on SpeechDat - Car might be a lot more noisy than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Of {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I mean , the SNR after the noise compensation of the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , so {disfmarker} Right . So the training {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the neural net is being trained with noise compensated stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": " Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which makes sense ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , you 're saying {disfmarker} Yeah , the noisier ones are still going to be , even after our noise compensation , are still gonna be pretty noisy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so now the after - noise compensation the neural net is seeing a different set of S N Rs than that was originally there in the training set . Of TIMIT . Because in the TIMIT it was zero to some clean .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So the net saw all the SNR @ @ conditions .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Now after cleaning up it 's a different set of SNR .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And that SNR may not be , like , com covering the whole set of S N Rs that you 're getting in the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the SpeechDat - Car data that you 're seeing is also reduced in noise by the noise compensation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , it is . But , I 'm saying , there could be some {disfmarker} some issues of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , if the initial range of SNR is different , we {disfmarker} the problem was already there before . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} Mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , it depends on whether you believe that the noise compensation is equally reducing the noise on the test set and the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the test set , yeah . ", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , you 're saying there 's a mismatch in noise that wasn't there before ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but if they were both the same before , then if they were both reduic reduced equally , then , there would not be a mismatch .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , I mean , this may be {disfmarker} Heaven forbid , this noise compensation process may be imperfect , but . Uh , so maybe it 's treating some things differently .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I don't know . I {disfmarker} I just {disfmarker} that could be seen from the TI - digits , uh , testing condition because , um , the noises are from the TI - digits , right ? Noise {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So cleaning up the TI - digits and if the performance goes down in the TI - digits mismatch {disfmarker} high mismatch like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Clean training , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "on a clean training , or zero DB testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , we 'll {disfmarker} so we 'll see . Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Then it 's something to do .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , one of the things about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the Macrophone data , um , I think , you know , it was recorded over many different telephones .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , so , there 's lots of different kinds of acoustic conditions . I mean , it 's not artificially added noise or anything . So it 's not the same . I don't think there 's anybody recording over a car from a car , but {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's varied enough that if {disfmarker} if doing this adjustments , uh , and playing around with it doesn't , uh , make it better , the most {disfmarker} uh , it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to improve the training set . Um {disfmarker} I mean , what we were {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} the condition {disfmarker} It {disfmarker} it gave us an enormous amount of improvement in what we were doing with Meeting Recorder digits , even though there , again , these m Macrophone digits were very , very different from , uh , what we were going on here . I mean , we weren't talking over a telephone here . But it was just {disfmarker} I think just having a {disfmarker} a nice variation in acoustic conditions was just a good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , actually {vocalsound} to s eh , what I observed in the HM case is that the number of deletion dramatically increases . It {disfmarker} it doubles .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Number of deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When I added the num the neural network it doubles the number of deletions . Yeah , so I don't you know {vocalsound} how to interpret that , but , mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Me either .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "t", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and did {disfmarker} an other numbers stay the same ? Insertion substitutions stay the same ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They p stayed the same ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Roughly ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "they {disfmarker} maybe they are a little bit uh , lower .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They are a little bit better . Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Did they increase the number of deletions even for the cases that got better ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Say , for the {disfmarker} I mean , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , it doesn't .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's only the highly mismatched ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And it {disfmarker} Remind me again , the \" highly mismatched \" means that the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Clean training and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , sorry ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's clean training {disfmarker} Well , close microphone training and distant microphone , um , high speed , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Close mike training {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker} The most noisy cases are the distant microphone for testing .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So {disfmarker} Well , maybe the noise subtraction is subtracting off speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Separating . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah . I mean , but without the neural network it 's {disfmarker} well , it 's better . It 's just when we add the neural networks .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The feature are the same except that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's right , that 's right . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well that {disfmarker} that says that , you know , the , um {disfmarker} the models in {disfmarker} in , uh , the recognizer are really paying attention to the neural net features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , yeah , actually {disfmarker} {nonvocalsound} the TIMIT noises {pause} are sort of a range of noises and they 're not so much the stationary driving kind of noises , right ? It 's {disfmarker} it 's pretty different . Isn't it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , there is a car noise . So there are f just four noises . Um , uh , \" Car \" , I think , \" Babble \" ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Babble . \"", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Subway \" , right ? and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Street \" or \" Airport \" or something .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} \" Street \" isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Or \" Train station \" .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Train station \" , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's mostly {disfmarker} Well , \" Car \" is stationary ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "\" Babble \" , it 's a stationary background plus some voices ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "some speech over it . And the other two are rather stationary also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I think that if you run it {disfmarker} Actually , you {disfmarker} maybe you remember this . When you {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the old experiments when you ran with the neural net only , and didn't have this side path , um , uh , with the {disfmarker} the pure features as well , did it make things better to have the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Was it about the same ? Uh , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was {disfmarker} b a little bit worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Than just the features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , until you put the second path in with the pure features , the neural net wasn't helping at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's interesting .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was helping , uh , if the features are b were bad ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean . Just plain P L Ps or M F", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "C Cs . as soon as we added LDA on - line normalization , and {vocalsound} all these things , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "They were doing similar enough things . Well , I still think it would be k sort of interesting to see what would happen if you just had the neural net without the side thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and the thing I {disfmarker} I have in mind is , uh , maybe you 'll see that the results are not just a little bit worse .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe that they 're a lot worse . You know ? And , um {disfmarker} But if on the ha other hand , uh , it 's , say , somewhere in between what you 're seeing now and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and , uh , what you 'd have with just the pure features , then maybe there is some problem of a {disfmarker} of a , uh , combination of these things , or correlation between them somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it really is that the net is hurting you at the moment , then I think the issue is to focus on {disfmarker} on , uh , improving the {disfmarker} the net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So what 's the overall effe I mean , you haven't done all the experiments but you said it was i somewhat better , say , five percent better , for the first two conditions , and fifteen percent worse for the other one ? But it 's {disfmarker} but of course that one 's weighted lower ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Y yeah , oh . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so I wonder what the net effect is .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it was one or two percent . That 's not that bad , but it was l like two percent relative worse on SpeechDat - Car . I have to {disfmarker} to check that . Well , I have {disfmarker} I will .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it will {disfmarker} overall it will be still better even if it is fifteen percent worse , because the fifteen percent worse is given like f w twenty - five {disfmarker} point two five eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So the {disfmarker} so the worst it could be , if the others were exactly the same , is four ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and , uh , in fact since the others are somewhat better {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's four . Is i So either it 'll get cancelled out , or you 'll get , like , almost the same .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was {disfmarker} it was slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Slightly bad . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it should be pretty close to cancelled out .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , I 've been wondering about something .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In the , um {disfmarker} a lot of the , um {disfmarker} the Hub - five systems , um , recently have been using LDA . and {disfmarker} and they , um {disfmarker} They run LDA on the features right before they train the models . So there 's the {disfmarker} the LDA is {disfmarker} is right there before the H M", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , you guys are using LDA but it seems like it 's pretty far back in the process .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this LDA is different from the LDA that you are talking about . The LDA that you {disfmarker} saying is , like , you take a block of features , like nine frames or something , {comment} and then do an LDA on it ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then reduce the dimensionality to something like twenty - four or something like that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , you c you c you can .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then feed it to HMM .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} you know , you 're just basically i", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is like a two d two dimensional tile .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You 're shifting the feature space . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So this is a two dimensional tile . And the LDA that we are f applying is only in time , not in frequency {disfmarker} high cost frequency . So it 's like {disfmarker} more like a filtering in time , rather than doing a r", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah . OK . So what i what about , um {disfmarker} i u what i w I mean , I don't know if this is a good idea or not , but what if you put {disfmarker} ran the other kind of LDA , uh , on your features right before they go into the HMM ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . No , actually , I think {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "m", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well . What do we do with the ANN is {disfmarker} is something like that except that it 's not linear . But it 's {disfmarker} it 's like a nonlinear discriminant analysis .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right , it 's the {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} Right . The {disfmarker} So {disfmarker} Yeah , so it 's sort of like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The tandem stuff is kind of like i nonlinear LDA .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I g", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean , w but the other features that you have , um , th the non - tandem ones ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . Mm - hmm . Yeah , I know . That {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} Yeah . Well , in the proposal , they were transformed u using PCA , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it might be that LDA could be better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The a the argument i is kind of i in {disfmarker} and it 's not like we really know , but the argument anyway is that , um , uh , we always have the prob I mean , discriminative things are good . LDA , neural nets , they 're good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , they 're good because you {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} you learn to distinguish between these categories that you want to be good at distinguishing between . And PCA doesn't do that . It {disfmarker} PAC - PCA {disfmarker} low - order PCA throws away pieces that are uh , maybe not {disfmarker} not gonna be helpful just because they 're small , basically .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , uh , the problem is , training sets aren't perfect and testing sets are different . So you f you {disfmarker} you face the potential problem with discriminative stuff , be it LDA or neural nets , that you are training to discriminate between categories in one space but what you 're really gonna be g getting is {disfmarker} is something else .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , uh , Stephane 's idea was , uh , let 's feed , uh , both this discriminatively trained thing and something that 's not . So you have a good set of features that everybody 's worked really hard to make ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then , uh , you {disfmarker} you discriminately train it , but you also take the path that {disfmarker} that doesn't have that ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and putting those in together . And that {disfmarker} that seem So it 's kind of like a combination of the {disfmarker} uh , what , uh , Dan has been calling , you know , a feature {disfmarker} uh , you know , a feature combination versus posterior combination or something . It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , you have the posterior combination but then you get the features from that and use them as a feature combination with these {disfmarker} these other things . And that seemed , at least in the last one , as he was just saying , he {disfmarker} he {disfmarker} when he only did discriminative stuff , i it actually was {disfmarker} was {disfmarker} it didn't help at all in this particular case .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "There was enough of a difference , I guess , between the testing and training . But by having them both there {disfmarker} The fact is some of the time , the discriminative stuff is gonna help you .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And some of the time it 's going to hurt you ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and by combining two information sources if , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you wouldn't necessarily then want to do LDA on the non - tandem features because now you 're doing something to them that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That i i I think that 's counter to that idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Now , again , it 's {disfmarker} we 're just trying these different things . We don't really know what 's gonna work best . But if that 's the hypothesis , at least it would be counter to that hypothesis to do that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , and in principle you would think that the neural net would do better at the discriminant part than LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . Yeah . Well {disfmarker} y", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Though , maybe not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Exactly . I mean , we , uh {disfmarker} we were getting ready to do the tandem , uh , stuff for the Hub - five system , and , um , Andreas and I talked about it , and the idea w the thought was , \" Well , uh , yeah , that i you know {disfmarker} th the neural net should be better , but we should at least have uh , a number , you know , to show that we did try the LDA in place of the neural net , so that we can you know , show a clear path .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You know , that you have it without it , then you have the LDA , then you have the neural net , and you can see , theoretically . So . I was just wondering {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I think that 's a good idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Did {disfmarker} did you do that", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} tha that 's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker} that 's what we 're gonna do next as soon as I finish this other thing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . No , well , that 's a good idea . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We just want to show .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "i Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} everybody believes it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , no it 's a g", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but you know , we just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "No , no , but it might not {disfmarker} not even be true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's a great idea . I mean , one of the things that always disturbed me , uh , in the {disfmarker} the resurgence of neural nets that happened in the eighties was that , um , a lot of people {disfmarker} Because neural nets were pretty easy to {disfmarker} to use {disfmarker} a lot of people were just using them for all sorts of things without , uh , looking at all into the linear , uh {disfmarker} uh , versions of them .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , people were doing recurrent nets but not looking at IIR filters , and {disfmarker} You know , I mean , uh , so I think , yeah , it 's definitely a good idea to try it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , and everybody 's putting that on their {vocalsound} systems now , and so , I that 's what made me wonder about this ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , they 've been putting them in their systems off and on for ten years ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , what I mean is it 's {disfmarker} it 's like in the Hub - five evaluations , you know , and you read the system descriptions and everybody 's got , {vocalsound} you know , LDA on their features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And now they all have that . I see .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And so .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's the transformation they 're estimating on {disfmarker} Well , they are trained on the same data as the final HMM are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's different . Yeah , exactly . Cuz they don't have these , you know , mismatches that {disfmarker} that you guys have .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I was wondering if maybe it 's not even a good idea .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know . I {disfmarker} I don't know enough about it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , part of why {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think part of why you were getting into the KLT {disfmarker} Y you were describing to me at one point that you wanted to see if , uh , you know , getting good orthogonal features was {disfmarker} and combining the {disfmarker} the different temporal ranges {disfmarker} was the key thing that was happening or whether it was this discriminant thing , right ? So you were just trying {disfmarker} I think you r I mean , this is {disfmarker} it doesn't have the LDA aspect but th as far as the orthogonalizing transformation , you were trying that at one point , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think you were .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Does something . It doesn't work as well . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , I 've been exploring a parallel VAD without neural network with , like , less latency using SNR and energy , um , after the cleaning up . So what I 'd been trying was , um , uh {disfmarker} After the b after the noise compensation , n I was trying t to f find a f feature based on the ratio of the energies , that is , cl after clean and before clean . So that if {disfmarker} if they are , like , pretty c close to one , which means it 's speech . And if it is n if it is close to zero , which is {disfmarker} So it 's like a scale @ @ probability value . So I was trying , uh , with full band and multiple bands , m ps uh {disfmarker} separating them to different frequency bands and deriving separate decisions on each bands , and trying to combine them . Uh , the advantage being like it doesn't have the latency of the neural net if it {disfmarker} if it can", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "g And {pause} it gave me like , uh , one point {disfmarker} One {disfmarker} more than one percent relative improvement . So , from fifty - three point six it went to fifty f four point eight . So it 's , like , only slightly more than a percent improvement ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "just like {disfmarker} Which means that it 's {disfmarker} it 's doing a slightly better job than the previous VAD ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "uh , at a l lower delay .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , so , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} i d I 'm sorry ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker} u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "does it still have the median {pause} filter stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It still has the median filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So it still has most of the delay ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "it just doesn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so d with the delay , that 's gone is the input , which is the sixty millisecond . The forty plus {pause} twenty .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At the input of the neural net you have this , uh , f nine frames of context plus the delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , plus the delta ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right . OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that delay , plus the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , so the delay is only the forty millisecond of the noise cleaning , plus the hundred millisecond smoothing at the output .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . So . Yeah . So the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} di the biggest {disfmarker} The problem f for me was to find a consistent threshold that works {pause} well across the different databases , because I t I try to make it work on tr SpeechDat - Car", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and it fails on TI - digits , or if I try to make it work on that it 's just the Italian or something , it doesn't work on the Finnish .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , um . So there are {disfmarker} there was , like , some problem in balancing the deletions and insertions when I try different thresholds .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} I 'm still trying to make it better by using some other features from the {disfmarker} after the p clean up {disfmarker} maybe , some , uh , correlation {disfmarker} auto - correlation or some s additional features of {disfmarker} to mainly the improvement of the VAD . I 've been trying .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now this {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} this , uh , \" before and after clean \" , it sounds like you think that 's a good feature . That {disfmarker} that , it {disfmarker} you th think that the , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} i it appears to be a good feature , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What about using it in the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , eventually we could {disfmarker} could just", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} Yeah , so that 's the {disfmarker} Yeah . So we 've been thinking about putting it into the neural net also .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because they did {disfmarker} that itself {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Then you don't have to worry about the thresholds and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There 's a threshold and {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that {disfmarker} that 's , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if we {disfmarker} if we can live with the latency or cut the latencies elsewhere , then {disfmarker} then that would be a , uh , good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , anybody {disfmarker} has anybody {disfmarker} you guys or {disfmarker} or Naren , uh , somebody , tried the , uh , um , second th second stream thing ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , I just {disfmarker} I just h put the second stream in place and , uh ran one experiment , but just like {disfmarker} just to know that everything is fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was like , uh , forty - five cepstrum plus twenty - three mel {disfmarker} log mel .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and , just , like , it gave me the baseline performance of the Aurora , which is like zero improvement .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I just tried it on Italian just to know that everything is {disfmarker} But I {disfmarker} I didn't export anything out of it because it was , like , a weird feature set .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , what I think , you know , would be more what you 'd want to do is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is , uh , put it into another neural net . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} But , yeah , we 're {disfmarker} we 're not quite there yet . So we have to {vocalsound} figure out the neural nets , I guess .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The uh , other thing I was wondering was , um , if the neural net , um , has any {disfmarker} because of the different noise con unseen noise conditions for the neural net , where , like , you train it on those four noise conditions , while you are feeding it with , like , a additional {disfmarker} some four plus some {disfmarker} f few more conditions which it hasn't seen , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "from the {disfmarker} f f while testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} instead of just h having c uh , those cleaned up t cepstrum , sh should we feed some additional information , like {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} We have the VAD flag . I mean , should we f feed the VAD flag , also , at the input so that it {disfmarker} it has some additional discriminating information at the input ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm - hmm ! Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh - uh , the {disfmarker} the VAD what ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We have the VAD information also available at the back - end .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if it is something the neural net is not able to discriminate the classes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} Because most of it is sil I mean , we have dropped some silence f We have dropped so silence frames ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , we haven't dropped silence frames still .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , still not . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Th", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the b b biggest classification would be the speech and silence . So , by having an additional , uh , feature which says \" this is speech and this is nonspeech \" , I mean , it certainly helps in some unseen noise conditions for the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} Do y do you have that feature available for the test data ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I mean , we have {disfmarker} we are transferring the VAD to the back - end {disfmarker} feature to the back - end . Because we are dropping it at the back - end after everything {disfmarker} all the features are computed .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so the neural {disfmarker} so that is coming from a separate neural net or some VAD .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker} which is certainly giving a", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , feed that , also , into {pause} the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} Yeah . So it it 's an {disfmarker} additional discriminating information .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You could feed it into the neural net . The other thing {comment} you could do is just , um , p modify the , uh , output probabilities of the {disfmarker} of the , uh , uh , um , neural net , tandem neural net , {comment} based on the fact that you have a silence probability .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you have an independent estimator of what the silence probability is , and you could multiply the two things , and renormalize .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , I mean , you 'd have to do the nonlinearity part and deal with that . Uh , I mean , go backwards from what the nonlinearity would , you know {disfmarker} would be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Through {disfmarker} t to the soft max .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} maybe , yeah , when {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But in principle wouldn't it be better to feed it in ? And let the net do that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , u Not sure .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , let 's put it this way . I mean , y you {disfmarker} you have this complicated system with thousands and thousand parameters", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and you can tell it , uh , \" Learn this thing . \" Or you can say , \" It 's silence ! Go away ! \" I mean , I mean , i Doesn't {disfmarker} ? I think {disfmarker} I think the second one sounds a lot more direct .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what if you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . So , what if you then , uh {disfmarker} since you know this , what if you only use the neural net on the speech portions ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I guess that 's the same . Uh , that 's similar .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , y you 'd have to actually run it continuously ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean {disfmarker} I mean , train the net only on {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker} Well , no , you want to train on {disfmarker} on the nonspeech also , because that 's part of what you 're learning in it , to {disfmarker} to {disfmarker} to generate , that it 's {disfmarker} it has to distinguish between .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Speech .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I mean , if you 're gonna {disfmarker} if you 're going to multiply the output of the net by this other decision , uh , would {disfmarker} then you don't care about whether the net makes that distinction , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah . But this other thing isn't perfect .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that you bring in some information from the net itself .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right , OK . That 's a good point .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only thing that {disfmarker} that bothers me about all this is that I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the fact {disfmarker} i i It 's sort of bothersome that you 're getting more deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker} So I might maybe look at , is it due to the fact that um , the probability of the silence at the output of the network , is , uh ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is too high .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "too {disfmarker} too high or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So maybe {disfmarker} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If it 's the case , then multiplying it again by {disfmarker} i by something ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It may not be {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} it may be too {disfmarker} it 's too high in a sense , like , everything is more like a , um , flat probability .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh - eee - hhh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , like , it 's not really doing any distinction between speech and nonspeech {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or , I mean , different {disfmarker} among classes .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Be interesting to look at the {disfmarker} Yeah , for the {disfmarker} I wonder if you could do this . But if you look at the , um , highly mism high mismat the output of the net on the high mismatch case and just look at , you know , the distribution versus the {disfmarker} the other ones , do you {disfmarker} do you see more peaks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , like the entropy of the {disfmarker} the output ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , for instance .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But I {disfmarker} bu", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} it seems that the VAD network doesn't {disfmarker} Well , it doesn't drop , uh , too many frames because the dele the number of deletion is reasonable . But it 's just when we add the tandem , the final MLP , and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only problem is you don't want to ta I guess wait for the output of the VAD before you can put something into the other system ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz that 'll shoot up the latency a lot , right ? Am I missing something here ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's maybe a problem with what I was just saying . But {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} I I guess {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But if you were gonna put it in as a feature it means you already have it by the time you get to the tandem net , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , well . We {disfmarker} w we don't have it , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "because it 's {disfmarker} it has a high rate energy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "the VAD has a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's kind of done in {disfmarker} I mean , some of the things are , not in parallel , but certainly , it would be in parallel with the {disfmarker} with a tandem net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "In time . So maybe , if that doesn't work , um {disfmarker} But it would be interesting to see if that was the problem , anyway . And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and then I guess another alternative would be to take the feature that you 're feeding into the VAD , and feeding it into the other one as well .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then maybe it would just learn {disfmarker} learn it better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} But that 's {disfmarker} Yeah , that 's an interesting thing to try to see , if what 's going on is that in the highly mismatched condition , it 's , um , causing deletions by having this silence probability up {disfmarker} up too high ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "at some point where the VAD is saying it 's actually speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which is probably true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , m", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Cuz {disfmarker} Well , the V A if the VAD said {disfmarker} since the VAD is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is right a lot , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Anyway . Might be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , we just started working with it . But these are {disfmarker} these are some good ideas I think .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , and the other thing {disfmarker} Well , there are other issues maybe for the tandem , like , uh , well , do we want to , w uh n Do we want to work on the targets ? Or , like , instead of using phonemes , using more context dependent units ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the tandem net you mean ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I 'm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm thinking , also , a w about Dan 's work where he {disfmarker} he trained {vocalsound} a network , not on phoneme targets but on the HMM state targets . And {disfmarker} it was giving s slightly better results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Problem is , if you are going to run this on different m test sets , including large vocabulary ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . I was just thinking maybe about , like , generalized diphones , and {disfmarker} come up with a {disfmarker} a reasonable , not too large , set of context dependent units , and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Yeah . And then anyway we would have to reduce this with the KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe . But I d I d it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} i it 's all worth looking at ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but it sounds to me like , uh , looking at the relationship between this and the {disfmarker} speech noise stuff is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is probably a key thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That and the correlation between stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if , uh {disfmarker} if the , uh , high mismatch case had been more like the , uh , the other two cases {comment} in terms of giving you just a better performance , {comment} how would this number have changed ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , it would be {disfmarker} Yeah . Around five percent better , I guess . If {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y Like sixty ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know what 's it 's gonna be the TI - digits yet . He hasn't got the results back yet .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . If you extrapolate the SpeechDat - Car well - matched and medium - mismatch , it 's around , yeah , maybe five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Yeah . So this would be sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Sixty - two .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Sixty - two , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Somewhere around sixty , must be . Right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , it 's around five percent , because it 's {disfmarker} s Right ? If everything is five percent .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "All the other ones were five percent ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I d I just have the SpeechDat - Car right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's running {disfmarker} it shou we should have the results today during the afternoon ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} So I won't be here for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When {disfmarker} When do you leave ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I 'm leaving next Wednesday . May or may not be in in the morning . I leave in the afternoon . Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But you 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "are you {disfmarker} you 're not gonna be around this afternoon ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , well . I 'm talking about next week . I 'm leaving {disfmarker} leaving next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "This afternoon {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} Oh , right , for the Meeting meeting ? Yeah , that 's just cuz of something on campus .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . But , um , yeah , so next week I won't , and the week after I won't , cuz I 'll be in Finland . And the week after that I won't . By that time you 'll be {disfmarker} {comment} Uh , you 'll both be gone {pause} from here . So there 'll be no {disfmarker} definitely no meeting on {disfmarker} on September sixth . Uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What 's September sixth ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} Uh , that 's during Eurospeech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , uh , Sunil will be in Oregon . Uh , Stephane and I will be in Denmark . Uh {disfmarker} Right ? So it 'll be a few weeks , really , before we have a meeting of the same cast of characters . Um , but , uh {disfmarker} I guess , just {disfmarker} I mean , you guys should probably meet . And maybe Barry {disfmarker} Barry will be around . And {disfmarker} and then uh , uh , we 'll start up again with Dave and {disfmarker} Dave and Barry and Stephane and us on the , uh , twentieth . No . Thirteenth ? About a month ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , you 're gonna be gone for the next three weeks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm gone for two and a half weeks starting {disfmarker} starting next Wed - late next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} you won't be at the next three of these meetings . Is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I won't {disfmarker} it 's probably four because of {disfmarker} is it three ? Let 's see , twenty - third , thirtieth , sixth . That 's right , next three . And the {disfmarker} the third one won't {disfmarker} probably won't be a meeting , cuz {disfmarker} cuz , uh , Su - Sunil , Stephane , and I will all not be here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} Mmm . {comment} So it 's just , uh , the next two where there will be {disfmarker} there , you know , may as well be meetings ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but I just won't be at them . And then starting up on the thirteenth , {nonvocalsound} uh , we 'll have meetings again but we 'll have to do without Sunil here somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When do you go back ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Thirty - first , August .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Cool .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When is the evaluation ? November , or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was supposed to be November fifteenth . Has anybody heard anything different ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I don't know . The meeting in {disfmarker} is the five and six of December . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "p s It 's like {disfmarker} Yeah , it 's tentatively all full . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's a proposed date , I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , um {disfmarker} so the evaluation should be on a week before or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yep . But , no , this is good progress . So . Uh {disfmarker} OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Should we do digits ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Guess we 're done . Digits ? Yep .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a wrap .", "speaker": "Professor B" } ]
The VAD neural net had twelve times nine inputs and two outputs. The system had improved significantly. It added some latency but the team could potentially run it in parallel.
Summarize the discussion on VAD results
[ { "content": "OK , we 're going .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight , eight ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "This is three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Test . Hmm . Let 's see . Move it bit . Test ? Test ? OK , I guess it 's alright . So , let 's see . Yeah , Barry 's not here and Dave 's not here . Um , I can say about {disfmarker} just q just quickly to get through it , that Dave and I submitted this ASRU .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is for ASRU .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So . Um . Yeah , it 's {disfmarker} it 's interesting . I mean , basically we 're dealing with rever reverberation , and , um , when we deal with pure reverberation , the technique he 's using works really , really well . Uh , and when they had the reverberation here , uh , we 'll measure the signal - to - noise ratio and it 's , uh , about nine DB . So ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You mean , from the actual , uh , recordings ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "a fair amount of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "k", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's nine DB ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Um {disfmarker} And actually it brought up a question which may be relevant to the Aurora stuff too . Um , I know that when you figured out the filters that we 're using for the Mel scale , there was some experimentation that went on at {disfmarker} at , uh {disfmarker} at OGI . Um , but one of the differences that we found between the two systems that we were using , {comment} the {disfmarker} the Aurora HTK system baseline system {comment} and the system that we were {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the uh , other system we were using , the uh , the SRI system , was that the SRI system had maybe a , um , hundred hertz high - pass . And the , uh , Aurora HTK , it was like twenty .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yep . S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Sixty - four ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you 're using the baseline .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is that the ba band center ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , the edge .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The edge is really , uh , sixty - four ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "For some reason , uh , Dave thought it was twenty ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " So the , uh , center would be somewhere around like hundred", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} hundred {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} maybe {disfmarker} it 's like {disfmarker} fi hundred hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But do you know , for instance , h how far down it would be at twenty hertz ? What the {disfmarker} how much rejection would there be at twenty hertz , let 's say ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At twenty hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , any idea what the curve looks like ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty hertz frequency {disfmarker} Oh , it 's {disfmarker} it 's zero at twenty hertz , right ? The filter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yea - actually , the left edge of the first filter is at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Sixt - s sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So anything less than sixty - four is zero .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's actually set to zero ? What kind of filter is that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is this {disfmarker} oh , from the {disfmarker} from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} This is the filter bank in the frequency domain that starts at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , so you , uh {disfmarker} so you really set it to zero , the FFT ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah . So it 's {disfmarker} it 's a weight on the ball spectrum . Triangular weighting .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . OK . Um {disfmarker} OK . So that 's {disfmarker} that 's a little different than Dave thought , I think . But {disfmarker} but , um , still , it 's possible that we 're getting in some more noise . So I wonder , is it {disfmarker} @ @ Was there {disfmarker} their experimentation with , uh , say , throwing away that filter or something ? And , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , throwing away the first ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , we {disfmarker} we 've tried including the full {disfmarker} full bank . Right ? From zero to four K .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And that 's always worse than using sixty - four hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the question is , whether sixty - four hertz is {disfmarker} is , uh , too , uh , low .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , make it a hundred or so ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I t I think I 've tried a hundred and it was more or less the same , or slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "On what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the same , uh , SpeechDat - Car , Aurora .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , it was on the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So I tried a hundred to four K . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and on {disfmarker} and on the , um , um , {vocalsound} TI - digits also ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I think I just tried it on SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm . That 'd be something to look at sometime because what , um , eh , he was looking at was performance in this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Would that be more like {disfmarker} Well , you 'd think that 'd be more like SpeechDat - Car , I guess , in terms of the noise . The SpeechDat - Car is more , uh , sort of roughly stationary , a lot of it . And {disfmarker} and TI - digits maybe is not so much as {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . OK . Well , maybe it 's not a big deal . But , um {disfmarker} Anyway , that was just something we wondered about . But , um , uh , certainly a lot of the noise , uh , is , uh , below a hundred hertz . Uh , the signal - to - noise ratio , you know , looks a fair amount better if you {disfmarker} if you high - pass filter it from this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} but it 's still pretty noisy . Even {disfmarker} even for a hundred hertz up , it 's {disfmarker} it 's still fairly noisy . The signal - to - noise ratio is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is actually still pretty bad .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , I mean , the main {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's on th that 's on the f the far field ones though , right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's on the far field . Yeah , the near field 's pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So wha what is , uh {disfmarker} what 's causing that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we got a {disfmarker} a video projector in here , uh , and , uh {disfmarker} which we keep on during every {disfmarker} every session we record ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "which , you know , I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} w we were aware of", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but we thought it wasn't a bad thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , that 's a nice noise source . Uh , and there 's also the , uh {disfmarker} uh , air conditioning .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which , uh , you know , is a pretty low frequency kind of thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} So , those are {disfmarker} those are major components , I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "uh , for the stationary kind of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , but , um , it , uh {disfmarker} I guess , I {disfmarker} maybe I said this last week too but it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} it really became apparent to us that we need to {disfmarker} to take account of noise . And , uh , so I think when {disfmarker} when he gets done with his prelim study I think {vocalsound} one of the next things we 'd want to do is to take this , uh {disfmarker} uh , noise , uh , processing stuff and {disfmarker} and , uh {disfmarker} uh , synthesize some speech from it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When are his prelims ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} Um , I think in about , um , a little less than two weeks .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh . Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Uh , it might even be sooner . Uh , let 's see , this is the sixteenth , seventeenth ? Yeah , I don't know if he 's before {disfmarker} It might even be in a week .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , I", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "A week ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh . I {disfmarker} I guessed that they were gonna do it some time during the semester", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "week and a half .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but they 'll do it any time , huh ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They seem to be {disfmarker} Well , the semester actually is starting up .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it already ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , the semester 's late {disfmarker} late August they start here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yikes .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So they do it right at the beginning of the semester .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , uh {disfmarker} Yep . I mean , that {disfmarker} that was sort of one {disfmarker} I mean , the overall results seemed to be first place in {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the case of either , um , artificial reverberation or a modest sized training set . Uh , either way , uh , i uh , it helped a lot . And {disfmarker} But if you had a {disfmarker} a really big training set , a recognizer , uh , system that was capable of taking advantage of a really large training set {disfmarker} I thought that {disfmarker} One thing with the HTK is that is has the {disfmarker} as we 're using {disfmarker} the configuration we 're using is w s is {disfmarker} being bound by the terms of Aurora , we have all those parameters just set as they are . So even if we had a hundred times as much data , we wouldn't go out to , you know , ten or t or a hundred times as many Gaussians or anything . So , um , it 's kind of hard to take advantage of {disfmarker} of {disfmarker} of big chunks of data . Uh , whereas the other one does sort of expand as you have more training data .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It does it automatically , actually . And so , um , uh , that one really benefited from the larger set . And it was also a diverse set with different noises and so forth . Uh , so , um , that , uh {disfmarker} that seemed to be {disfmarker} So , if you have that {disfmarker} that better recognizer that can {disfmarker} that can build up more parameters , and if you , um , have the natural room , which in this case has a p a pretty bad signal - to - noise ratio , then in that case , um , the right thing to do is just do {disfmarker} u use speaker adaptation . And {disfmarker} and not bother with {disfmarker} with this acoustic , uh , processing . But I think that that would not be true if we did some explicit noise - processing as well as , uh , the convolutional kind of things we were doing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . That 's sort of what we found .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , started working on the uh {disfmarker} Mississippi State recognizer . So , I got in touch with Joe and {disfmarker} and , uh , from your email and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , they added me to the list {disfmarker} uh , the mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And he gave me all of the pointers and everything that I needed . And so I downloaded the , um {disfmarker} There were two things , uh , that they had to download . One was the , uh , I guess the software . And another wad {disfmarker} was a , um , sort of like a sample {disfmarker} a sample run . So I downloaded the software and compiled all of that . And it compiled fine .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No problems .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , eh , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , um , I grabbed the sample stuff but I haven't , uh , compiled it .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That sample was released only yesterday or the day before , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} Well , I haven't grabbed that one yet . So there 's two .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , there is another short sample set {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There was another short one , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "o o sample .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so I haven't grabbed the latest one that he just , uh , put out yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK . Oh , OK . F Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Um , but , the software seemed to compile fine and everything , so . And , um , So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Is there any word yet about the issues about , um , adjustments for different feature sets or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , I {disfmarker} I d You asked me to write to him and I think I forgot to ask him about that . Or if I did ask him , he didn't reply .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't remember yet . Uh , I 'll {disfmarker} I 'll d I 'll double check that and ask him again .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it 's like that {disfmarker} that could r turn out to be an important issue for us .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz they have it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe I 'll send it to the list . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Cuz they have , uh , already frozen those in i insertion penalties and all those stuff is what {disfmarker} I feel . Because they have this document explaining the recognizer .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And they have these tables with , uh , various language model weights , insertion penalties .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK , I haven't seen that one yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it 's th it 's there on that web .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , on that , I mean , they have run some experiments using various insertion penalties and all those {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so they 've picked {disfmarker} the values .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think they pi p", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah , they picked the values from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "For r w what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , p the one that they have reported is a NIST evaluation , Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But that has nothing to do with what we 're testing on , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You know . No . So they 're , like {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} So they are actually trying to , uh , fix that {disfmarker} those values using the clean , uh , training part of the Wall Street Journal . Which is {disfmarker} I mean , the Aurora . Aurora has a clean subset .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , they want to train it and then this {disfmarker} they 're going to run some evaluations .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So they 're set they 're setting it based on that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . So now , we may come back to the situation where we may be looking for a modification of the features to account for the fact that we can't modify these parameters .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} but it 's still worth , I think , just {disfmarker} since {disfmarker} you know , just chatting with Joe about the issue .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK . Do you think that 's something I should just send to him", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or do you think I should send it to this {disfmarker} there 's an {disfmarker} a m a mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's not a secret . I mean , we 're , you know , certainly willing to talk about it with everybody , but I think {disfmarker} I think that , um {disfmarker} um , it 's probably best to start talking with him just to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh @ @ {comment} you know , it 's a dialogue between two of you about what {disfmarker} you know , what does he think about this and what {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} you know {disfmarker} what could be done about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , if you get ten people in {disfmarker} involved in it there 'll be a lot of perspectives based on , you know , how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "you know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} But , I mean , I think it all should come up eventually ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if there is any , uh , uh , way to move in {disfmarker} a way that would {disfmarker} that would , you know , be more open to different kinds of features . But if {disfmarker} if , uh {disfmarker} if there isn't , and it 's just kind of shut down and {disfmarker} and then also there 's probably not worthwhile bringing it into a larger forum where {disfmarker} where political issues will come in .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . So this is now {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's compiled under Solaris ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Because he {disfmarker} there was some mail r saying that it 's {disfmarker} may not be stable for Linux and all those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , i that was a particular version .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "SUSI", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , SUSI or whatever it was", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but we don't have that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Should be OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , that 's fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it compiled fine actually .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} no errors . Nothing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this is slightly off topic", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's good .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , I noticed , just glancing at the , uh , Hopkins workshop , uh , web site that , uh , um {disfmarker} one of the thing I don't know {disfmarker} Well , we 'll see how much they accomplish , but one of the things that they were trying to do in the graphical models thing was to put together a {disfmarker} a , uh , tool kit for doing , uh r um , arbitrary graphical models for , uh , speech recognition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} And Jeff , uh {disfmarker} the two Jeffs were", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Who 's the second Jeff ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Oh , uh , do you know Geoff Zweig ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . Uh , he {disfmarker} he , uh {disfmarker} he was here for a couple years", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and he , uh {disfmarker} got his PHD . He {disfmarker} And he 's , uh , been at IBM for the last couple years .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow . That would be neat .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , so he did {disfmarker} he did his PHD on dynamic Bayes - nets , uh , for {disfmarker} for speech recognition . He had some continuity built into the model , presumably to handle some , um , inertia in the {disfmarker} in the production system , and , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , I 've been playing with , first , the , um , VAD . Um , {vocalsound} so it 's exactly the same approach , but the features that the VAD neural network use are , uh , MFCC after noise compensation . Oh , I think I have the results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What was it using before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Before it was just P L", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was actually {disfmarker} No . Not {disfmarker} I mean , it was just the noisy features I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "noisy {disfmarker} noisy features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "not compensated .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} This is what we get after {disfmarker} This {disfmarker} So , actually , we , yeah , here the features are noise compensated and there is also the LDA filter . Um , and then it 's a pretty small neural network which use , um , {vocalsound} nine frames of {disfmarker} of six features from C - zero to C - fives , plus the first derivatives . And it has one hundred hidden units .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is that nine frames u s uh , centered around the current frame ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S so , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm sorry , there 's {disfmarker} there 's {disfmarker} there 's how many {disfmarker} how many inputs ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it 's twelve times nine .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twelve times nine inputs , and a hundred , uh , hidden .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hidden and", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs . OK . So I guess about eleven thousand parameters , which {disfmarker} actually shouldn't be a problem , even in {disfmarker} in small phones . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm {disfmarker} s so what is different between this and {disfmarker} and what you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It should be OK . So the previous syst It 's based on the system that has a fifty - three point sixty - six percent improvement . It 's the same system . The only thing that changed is the n a p eh {disfmarker} a es the estimation of the silence probabilities .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which now is based on , uh , cleaned features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , it 's a l it 's a lot better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} it 's not bad , but the problem is still that the latency is too large .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the latency ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the latency of the VAD is two hundred and twenty milliseconds . And , uh , the VAD is used uh , i for on - line normalization , and it 's used before the delta computation . So if you add these components it goes t to a hundred and seventy , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I 'm confused . You started off with two - twenty and you ended up with one - seventy ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "With two an two hundred and seventy .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two - seventy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker} Yeah , if you add the c delta comp delta computation", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is done afterwards . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two - twenty . I the is this {disfmarker} are these twenty - millisecond frames ? Is that why ? Is it after downsampling ? or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The two - twenty is one hundred milliseconds for the um {disfmarker} No , it 's forty milliseconds for t for the , uh , uh , cleaning of the speech . Um {disfmarker} then there is , um , the neural network which use nine frames . So it adds forty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "a OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , after that , um , you have the um , filtering of the silence probabilities . Which is a million filter it , and it creates a one hundred milliseconds delay . So , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus there is a delta at the input .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , and there is the delta at the input which is ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "One hundred milliseconds for smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , median .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's like forty plus {disfmarker} forty {disfmarker} plus {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then forty {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Forty {disfmarker} This forty plus twenty , plus one hundred .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty p ", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two hundred actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , there are twenty that comes from {disfmarker} There is ten that comes from the LDA filters also . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , so it 's two hundred and ten , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are using {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus the frame ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "t If you are using three frames {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so it 's two - twenty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are phrasing f {comment} using three frames , it is thirty here for delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's five frames , but .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So five frames , that 's twenty . OK , so it 's who un {comment} two hundred and ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , p Wait a minute . It 's forty {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forty for the {disfmarker} for the cleaning of the speech ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . Forty cleaning .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty for the I N {disfmarker} ANN , a hundred for the smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , but at ten {disfmarker} ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty for the delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twenty for delta .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At th {nonvocalsound} At the input . I mean , that 's at the input to the net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Delta at input to net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And there i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it 's like s five , six cepstrum plus delta at nine {disfmarker} nine frames of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then ten milliseconds for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Fi - There 's an LDA filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "ten milliseconds for LDA filter , and t and ten {disfmarker} another ten milliseconds you said for the frame ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "For the frame I guess . I computed two - twenty {disfmarker} Yeah , well , it 's {disfmarker} I guess it 's for the fr {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And then there 's delta besides that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So this is the features that are used by our network and then afterwards , you have to compute the delta on the , uh , main feature stream ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is um , delta and double - deltas , which is fifty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , I mean , the {disfmarker} after the noise part , the forty {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the other hundred and eighty {disfmarker} Well , I mean , Wait a minute . Some of this is , uh {disfmarker} is , uh {disfmarker} is in parallel , isn't it ? I mean , the LDA {disfmarker} Oh , you have the LDA as part of the V D - uh , VAD ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The VAD use , uh , LDA filtered features also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , it does ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . So in that case there isn't too much in parallel . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No . There is , um , just downsampling , upsampling , and the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , so the delta at the end is how much ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's fifty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Fifty . Alright . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But well , we could probably put the delta , um , {vocalsound} before on - line normalization . It should not that make a big difference ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if you used a smaller window for the delta ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could that help a little bit ? I mean , I guess there 's a lot of things you could do to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but , nnn {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if you {disfmarker} if you put the delta before the , uh , ana on - line {disfmarker} If {disfmarker} Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} then {disfmarker} then it could go in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then y then you don't have that additive {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "cuz the time constant of the on - line normalization is pretty long compared to the delta window ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so . It should not make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And you ought to be able to shove tw , uh {disfmarker} sh uh {disfmarker} pull off twenty milliseconds from somewhere else to get it under two hundred , right ? I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is two hundred the d", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The hundred milla", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "mill a hundred milliseconds for smoothing is sort of an arbitrary amount . It could be eighty and {disfmarker} and probably do @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "i a hun", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} Wh - what 's the baseline you need to be under ? Two hundred ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know . They 're still arguing about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , if it 's two {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if it 's , uh {disfmarker} if it 's two - fifty , then we could keep the delta where it is if we shaved off twenty . If it 's two hundred , if we shaved off twenty , we could {disfmarker} we could , uh , meet it by moving the delta back .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , how do you know that what you have is too much if they 're still deciding ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , we don't , but it 's just {disfmarker} I mean , the main thing is that since that we got burned last time , and {disfmarker} you know , by not worrying about it very much , we 're just staying conscious of it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Oh , OK , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , th I mean , if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if a week before we have to be done someone says , \" Well , you have to have fifty milliseconds less than you have now \" , it would be pretty frantic around here . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But still , that 's {disfmarker} that 's a pretty big , uh , win . And it doesn't seem like you 're {disfmarker} in terms of your delay , you 're , uh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "He added a bit on , I guess , because before we were {disfmarker} we were {disfmarker} had {disfmarker} were able to have the noise , uh , stuff , uh , and the LVA be in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And now he 's {disfmarker} he 's requiring it to be done first .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , but I think the main thing , maybe , is the cleaning of the speech , which takes forty milliseconds or so .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , so you say {disfmarker} let 's say ten milliseconds {disfmarker} seconds for the LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} the LDA is , well , pretty short right now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , ten . And then forty for the other .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , the LDA {disfmarker} LDA {disfmarker} we don't know , is , like {disfmarker} is it very crucial for the features , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I just {disfmarker} This is the first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , I {disfmarker} maybe the LDA 's not very useful then .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so you could start pulling back ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S s h", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I think you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "l", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , you have twenty for delta computation which y now you 're sort of doing twice , right ? But yo w were you doing that before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Well , in the proposal , um , the input of the VAD network were just three frames , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} Mm - hmm . Just {disfmarker} Yeah , just the static , no delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , static features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , what you have now is fort uh , forty for the {disfmarker} the noise , twenty for the delta , and ten for the LDA . That 's seventy milliseconds of stuff which was formerly in parallel ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "you know , that 's {disfmarker} that 's the difference as far as the timing , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , and you could experiment with cutting various pieces of these back a bit , but {disfmarker} I mean , we 're s we 're not {disfmarker} we 're not in terrible shape .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's what it seems like to me . It 's pretty good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's not like it 's adding up to four hundred milliseconds or something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Where {disfmarker} where is this {disfmarker} where is this fifty - seven point O two in {disfmarker} in comparison to the last evaluation ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} I think it 's better than anything , uh , anybody got .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . The best was fifty - four point five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Point s", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And our system was forty - nine , but with the neural network .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wow . So this is almost ten percent .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "With the f with the neural net . Yeah , and r and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It would", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is {disfmarker} this is like the first proposal . The proposal - one . It was forty - four , actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . And we still don't have the neural net in . So {disfmarker} so it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "You know . So it 's {disfmarker} We 're {disfmarker} we 're doing better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is {disfmarker} this is really good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , we 're getting better recognition . I mean , I 'm sure other people working on this are not sitting still either , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} Uh , I mean , the important thing is that we learn how to do this better , and , you know . So . Um , Yeah . So , our , um {disfmarker} Yeah , you can see the kind of {disfmarker} kind of numbers that we 're having , say , on SpeechDat - Car which is a hard task , cuz it 's really , um {disfmarker} I think it 's just sort of {disfmarker} sort of reasonable numbers , starting to be . I mean , it 's still terri", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , even for a well - matched case it 's sixty percent error rate reduction ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Probably half . Good !", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Yeah . So actually , this is in between {vocalsound} what we had with the previous VAD and what Sunil did with an IDL VAD . Which gave sixty - two percent improvement , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's almost that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's almost an average somewhere around {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What was that ? Say that last part again ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , if you use , like , an IDL VAD , uh , for dropping the frames ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "o o Or the best we can get .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "the best that we can get {disfmarker} i That means that we estimate the silence probability on the clean version of the utterances . Then you can go up to sixty - two percent error rate reduction , globally .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mmm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that would be even {disfmarker} That wouldn't change this number down here to sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So you {disfmarker} you were get", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If you add a g good v very good VAD , that works as well as a VAD working on clean speech ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "then you wou you would go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's sort of the best you could hope for .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Probably . Yeah . So fi si fifty - three is what you were getting with the old VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} and sixty - two with the {disfmarker} the , you know , quote , unquote , cheating VAD . And fifty - seven is what you got with the real VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , the next thing is , I started to play {disfmarker} Well , I don't want to worry too much about the delay , no . Maybe it 's better to wait", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "for the decision", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "from the committee . Uh , but I started to play with the , um , {vocalsound} {vocalsound} uh , tandem neural network . Mmm I just did the configuration that 's very similar to what we did for the February proposal . And {disfmarker} Um . So . There is a f a first feature stream that use uh straight MFCC features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , these features actually . And the other stream is the output of a neural network , using as input , also , these , um , cleaned MFCC . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those are th those are th what is going into the tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't have the comp Mmm ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So there is just this feature stream , {comment} the fifteen MFCC plus delta and double - delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , so it 's {disfmarker} makes forty - five features {comment} that are used as input to the HTK . And then , there is {disfmarker} there are more inputs that comes from the tandem MLP .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , oh . OK . I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , h he likes to use them both ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "cuz then it has one part that 's discriminative ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "one part that 's not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , uh , yeah . Right now it seems that {disfmarker} i I just tested on SpeechDat - Car while the experiment are running on your {disfmarker} on TI - digits . Well , it improves on the well - matched and the mismatched conditions , but it get worse on the highly mismatched . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers , yeah . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "like , on the well - match and medium mismatch , the gain is around five percent relative , but it goes down a lot more , like fifteen percent on the HM case .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You 're just using the full ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y you have ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "i I have , um {disfmarker} From the networks , it 's twenty - eight . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And from the other side it 's forty - five .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , d i It 's forty - five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} you have seventy - three features ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and you 're just feeding them like that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There isn't any KLT or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . There 's a KLT after the neural network , as {disfmarker} as before .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's how you get down to twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Why twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . It 's {disfmarker} i i i It 's because it 's what we did for the first proposal . We tested , uh , trying to go down", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a multiple of seven .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I wanted to do something very similar to the proposal as a first {disfmarker} first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But we have to {disfmarker} for sure , we have to go down , because the limit is now sixty features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , we have to find a way to decrease the number of features . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , it seems funny that {disfmarker} I don't know , maybe I don't u quite understand everything , {comment} but that adding features {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I guess if you 're keeping the back - end fixed . Maybe that 's it . Because it seems like just adding information shouldn't give worse results . But I guess if you 're keeping the number of Gaussians fixed in the recognizer , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , I mean , just in general , adding information {disfmarker} Suppose the information you added , well , was a really terrible feature and all it brought in was noise .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? So {disfmarker} so , um {disfmarker} Or {disfmarker} or suppose it wasn't completely terrible , but it was completely equivalent to another one feature that you had , except it was noisier .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? In that case you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be better at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah , I wasn't necessarily saying it should be better . I 'm just surprised that you 're getting fifteen percent relative worse on the wel", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But it 's worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatched condition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatch .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , \" highly mismatched condition \" means that in fact your training is a bad estimate of your test .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So having {disfmarker} having , uh , a g a l a greater number of features , if they aren't maybe the right features that you use , certainly can e can easily , uh , make things worse . I mean , you 're right . If you have {disfmarker} if you have , uh , lots and lots of data , and you have {disfmarker} and your {disfmarker} your {disfmarker} your training is representative of your test , then getting more sources of information should just help . But {disfmarker} but it 's {disfmarker} It doesn't necessarily work that way .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So I wonder , um , Well , what 's your {disfmarker} what 's your thought about what to do next with it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , I don't know . I 'm surprised , because I expected the neural net to help more when there is more mismatch , as it was the case for the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , was the training set same as the p the February proposal ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's the same training set , so it 's TIMIT with the TI - digits ' , uh , noises , uh , added .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , we might {disfmarker} uh , we might have to experiment with , uh better training sets . Again . But ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} The other thing is , I mean , before you found that was the best configuration , but you might have to retest those things now that we have different {disfmarker} The rest of it is different , right ? So , um , uh , For instance , what 's the effect of just putting the neural net on without the o other {disfmarker} other path ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , you know what the straight features do .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That gives you this . You know what it does in combination .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You don't necessarily know what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What if you did the {disfmarker} Would it make sense to do the KLT on the full set of combined features ? Instead of just on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I g I guess . Um . The reason I did it this ways is that in February , it {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we tested different things like that , so , having two KLT , having just a KLT for a network , or having a global KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you tried the global KLT before", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it didn't really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . And , uh , th Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The differences between these configurations were not huge , but {disfmarker} it was marginally better with this configuration .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , yeah , that 's obviously another thing to try ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "since things are {disfmarker} things are different .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I guess if the {disfmarker} These are all {disfmarker} so all of these seventy - three features are going into , um , the , uh {disfmarker} the HMM .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And is {disfmarker} are {disfmarker} i i are {disfmarker} are any deltas being computed of tha of them ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Of the straight features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "n Not of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But n th the , um , tandem features are u used as they are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Are not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , maybe we can add some context from these features also as {disfmarker} Dan did in {disfmarker} in his last work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could . i Yeah , but the other thing I was thinking was , um {disfmarker} Uh , now I lost track of what I was thinking . But .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What is the {disfmarker} You said there was a limit of sixty features or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the relation between that limit and the , um , forty - eight {disfmarker} uh , forty eight hundred bits per second ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , I know what I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , not {disfmarker} no relation .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No relation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I don't understand ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The f the forty - eight hundred bits is for transmission of some features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "because i I mean , if you 're only using h", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And generally , i it {disfmarker} s allows you to transmit like , fifteen , uh , cepstrum .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The issue was that , um , this is supposed to be a standard that 's then gonna be fed to somebody 's recognizer somewhere which might be , you know , it {disfmarker} it might be a concern how many parameters are use {disfmarker} u used and so forth . And so , uh , they felt they wanted to set a limit . So they chose sixty . Some people wanted to use hundreds of parameters and {disfmarker} and that bothered some other people .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u And so they just chose that . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think it 's kind of r arbitrary too . But {disfmarker} but that 's {disfmarker} that 's kind of what was chosen . I {disfmarker} I remembered what I was going to say . What I was going to say is that , um , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound} maybe with the noise removal , uh , these things are now more correlated . So you have two sets of things that are kind of uncorrelated , uh , within themselves , but they 're pretty correlated with one another .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , they 're being fed into these , uh , variants , only Gaussians and so forth , and {disfmarker} and , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so maybe it would be a better idea now than it was before to , uh , have , uh , one KLT over everything , to de - correlate it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , I see .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe . You know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What are the S N Rs in the training set , TIMIT ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's , uh , ranging from zero to clean ? Yeah . From zero to clean .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So we found this {disfmarker} this , uh {disfmarker} this Macrophone data , and so forth , that we were using for these other experiments , to be pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} i after you explore these other alternatives , that might be another way to start looking , is {disfmarker} is just improving the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , we were getting , uh , lots better recognition using that , than {disfmarker} Of course , you do have the problem that , um , u i {comment} we are not able to increase the number of Gaussians , uh , or anything to , uh , uh , to match anything . So we 're only improving the training of our feature set , but that 's still probably something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , add the Macrophone data to the training of the neural net ? The tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's the only place that we can train .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "We can't train the other stuff with anything other than the standard amount ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so . Um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what was it trained on again ? The one that you used ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's TIMIT with noise .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , it 's rather a small {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "How big is the net , by the way ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Uh , it 's , uh , five hundred hidden units . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And again , you did experiments back then where you made it bigger and it {disfmarker} and that was {disfmarker} that was sort of the threshold point . Much less than that , it was worse ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "much more than that , it wasn't much better . Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . @ @ ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So is it {disfmarker} is it though the performance , big relation in the high ma high mismatch has something to do with the , uh , cleaning up that you {disfmarker} that is done on the TIMIT after adding noise ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i All the noises are from the TI - digits ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So you {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} They {disfmarker} k uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it it 's like the high mismatch of the SpeechDat - Car after cleaning up , maybe having more noise than the {disfmarker} the training set of TIMIT after clean {disfmarker} s after you do the noise clean - up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , earlier you never had any compensation , you just trained it straight away .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it had like all these different conditions of S N Rs , actually in their training set of neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But after cleaning up you have now a different set of S N Rs , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the training of the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} is it something to do with the mismatch that {disfmarker} that 's created after the cleaning up , like the high mismatch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You mean the {disfmarker} the most noisy occurrences on SpeechDat - Car might be a lot more noisy than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Of {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I mean , the SNR after the noise compensation of the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , so {disfmarker} Right . So the training {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the neural net is being trained with noise compensated stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": " Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which makes sense ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , you 're saying {disfmarker} Yeah , the noisier ones are still going to be , even after our noise compensation , are still gonna be pretty noisy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so now the after - noise compensation the neural net is seeing a different set of S N Rs than that was originally there in the training set . Of TIMIT . Because in the TIMIT it was zero to some clean .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So the net saw all the SNR @ @ conditions .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Now after cleaning up it 's a different set of SNR .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And that SNR may not be , like , com covering the whole set of S N Rs that you 're getting in the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the SpeechDat - Car data that you 're seeing is also reduced in noise by the noise compensation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , it is . But , I 'm saying , there could be some {disfmarker} some issues of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , if the initial range of SNR is different , we {disfmarker} the problem was already there before . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} Mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , it depends on whether you believe that the noise compensation is equally reducing the noise on the test set and the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the test set , yeah . ", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , you 're saying there 's a mismatch in noise that wasn't there before ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but if they were both the same before , then if they were both reduic reduced equally , then , there would not be a mismatch .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , I mean , this may be {disfmarker} Heaven forbid , this noise compensation process may be imperfect , but . Uh , so maybe it 's treating some things differently .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I don't know . I {disfmarker} I just {disfmarker} that could be seen from the TI - digits , uh , testing condition because , um , the noises are from the TI - digits , right ? Noise {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So cleaning up the TI - digits and if the performance goes down in the TI - digits mismatch {disfmarker} high mismatch like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Clean training , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "on a clean training , or zero DB testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , we 'll {disfmarker} so we 'll see . Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Then it 's something to do .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , one of the things about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the Macrophone data , um , I think , you know , it was recorded over many different telephones .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , so , there 's lots of different kinds of acoustic conditions . I mean , it 's not artificially added noise or anything . So it 's not the same . I don't think there 's anybody recording over a car from a car , but {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's varied enough that if {disfmarker} if doing this adjustments , uh , and playing around with it doesn't , uh , make it better , the most {disfmarker} uh , it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to improve the training set . Um {disfmarker} I mean , what we were {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} the condition {disfmarker} It {disfmarker} it gave us an enormous amount of improvement in what we were doing with Meeting Recorder digits , even though there , again , these m Macrophone digits were very , very different from , uh , what we were going on here . I mean , we weren't talking over a telephone here . But it was just {disfmarker} I think just having a {disfmarker} a nice variation in acoustic conditions was just a good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , actually {vocalsound} to s eh , what I observed in the HM case is that the number of deletion dramatically increases . It {disfmarker} it doubles .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Number of deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When I added the num the neural network it doubles the number of deletions . Yeah , so I don't you know {vocalsound} how to interpret that , but , mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Me either .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "t", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and did {disfmarker} an other numbers stay the same ? Insertion substitutions stay the same ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They p stayed the same ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Roughly ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "they {disfmarker} maybe they are a little bit uh , lower .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They are a little bit better . Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Did they increase the number of deletions even for the cases that got better ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Say , for the {disfmarker} I mean , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , it doesn't .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's only the highly mismatched ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And it {disfmarker} Remind me again , the \" highly mismatched \" means that the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Clean training and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , sorry ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's clean training {disfmarker} Well , close microphone training and distant microphone , um , high speed , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Close mike training {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker} The most noisy cases are the distant microphone for testing .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So {disfmarker} Well , maybe the noise subtraction is subtracting off speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Separating . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah . I mean , but without the neural network it 's {disfmarker} well , it 's better . It 's just when we add the neural networks .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The feature are the same except that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's right , that 's right . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well that {disfmarker} that says that , you know , the , um {disfmarker} the models in {disfmarker} in , uh , the recognizer are really paying attention to the neural net features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , yeah , actually {disfmarker} {nonvocalsound} the TIMIT noises {pause} are sort of a range of noises and they 're not so much the stationary driving kind of noises , right ? It 's {disfmarker} it 's pretty different . Isn't it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , there is a car noise . So there are f just four noises . Um , uh , \" Car \" , I think , \" Babble \" ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Babble . \"", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Subway \" , right ? and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Street \" or \" Airport \" or something .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} \" Street \" isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Or \" Train station \" .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Train station \" , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's mostly {disfmarker} Well , \" Car \" is stationary ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "\" Babble \" , it 's a stationary background plus some voices ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "some speech over it . And the other two are rather stationary also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I think that if you run it {disfmarker} Actually , you {disfmarker} maybe you remember this . When you {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the old experiments when you ran with the neural net only , and didn't have this side path , um , uh , with the {disfmarker} the pure features as well , did it make things better to have the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Was it about the same ? Uh , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was {disfmarker} b a little bit worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Than just the features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , until you put the second path in with the pure features , the neural net wasn't helping at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's interesting .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was helping , uh , if the features are b were bad ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean . Just plain P L Ps or M F", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "C Cs . as soon as we added LDA on - line normalization , and {vocalsound} all these things , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "They were doing similar enough things . Well , I still think it would be k sort of interesting to see what would happen if you just had the neural net without the side thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and the thing I {disfmarker} I have in mind is , uh , maybe you 'll see that the results are not just a little bit worse .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe that they 're a lot worse . You know ? And , um {disfmarker} But if on the ha other hand , uh , it 's , say , somewhere in between what you 're seeing now and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and , uh , what you 'd have with just the pure features , then maybe there is some problem of a {disfmarker} of a , uh , combination of these things , or correlation between them somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it really is that the net is hurting you at the moment , then I think the issue is to focus on {disfmarker} on , uh , improving the {disfmarker} the net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So what 's the overall effe I mean , you haven't done all the experiments but you said it was i somewhat better , say , five percent better , for the first two conditions , and fifteen percent worse for the other one ? But it 's {disfmarker} but of course that one 's weighted lower ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Y yeah , oh . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so I wonder what the net effect is .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it was one or two percent . That 's not that bad , but it was l like two percent relative worse on SpeechDat - Car . I have to {disfmarker} to check that . Well , I have {disfmarker} I will .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it will {disfmarker} overall it will be still better even if it is fifteen percent worse , because the fifteen percent worse is given like f w twenty - five {disfmarker} point two five eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So the {disfmarker} so the worst it could be , if the others were exactly the same , is four ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and , uh , in fact since the others are somewhat better {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's four . Is i So either it 'll get cancelled out , or you 'll get , like , almost the same .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was {disfmarker} it was slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Slightly bad . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it should be pretty close to cancelled out .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , I 've been wondering about something .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In the , um {disfmarker} a lot of the , um {disfmarker} the Hub - five systems , um , recently have been using LDA . and {disfmarker} and they , um {disfmarker} They run LDA on the features right before they train the models . So there 's the {disfmarker} the LDA is {disfmarker} is right there before the H M", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , you guys are using LDA but it seems like it 's pretty far back in the process .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this LDA is different from the LDA that you are talking about . The LDA that you {disfmarker} saying is , like , you take a block of features , like nine frames or something , {comment} and then do an LDA on it ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then reduce the dimensionality to something like twenty - four or something like that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , you c you c you can .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then feed it to HMM .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} you know , you 're just basically i", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is like a two d two dimensional tile .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You 're shifting the feature space . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So this is a two dimensional tile . And the LDA that we are f applying is only in time , not in frequency {disfmarker} high cost frequency . So it 's like {disfmarker} more like a filtering in time , rather than doing a r", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah . OK . So what i what about , um {disfmarker} i u what i w I mean , I don't know if this is a good idea or not , but what if you put {disfmarker} ran the other kind of LDA , uh , on your features right before they go into the HMM ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . No , actually , I think {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "m", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well . What do we do with the ANN is {disfmarker} is something like that except that it 's not linear . But it 's {disfmarker} it 's like a nonlinear discriminant analysis .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right , it 's the {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} Right . The {disfmarker} So {disfmarker} Yeah , so it 's sort of like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The tandem stuff is kind of like i nonlinear LDA .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I g", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean , w but the other features that you have , um , th the non - tandem ones ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . Mm - hmm . Yeah , I know . That {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} Yeah . Well , in the proposal , they were transformed u using PCA , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it might be that LDA could be better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The a the argument i is kind of i in {disfmarker} and it 's not like we really know , but the argument anyway is that , um , uh , we always have the prob I mean , discriminative things are good . LDA , neural nets , they 're good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , they 're good because you {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} you learn to distinguish between these categories that you want to be good at distinguishing between . And PCA doesn't do that . It {disfmarker} PAC - PCA {disfmarker} low - order PCA throws away pieces that are uh , maybe not {disfmarker} not gonna be helpful just because they 're small , basically .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , uh , the problem is , training sets aren't perfect and testing sets are different . So you f you {disfmarker} you face the potential problem with discriminative stuff , be it LDA or neural nets , that you are training to discriminate between categories in one space but what you 're really gonna be g getting is {disfmarker} is something else .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , uh , Stephane 's idea was , uh , let 's feed , uh , both this discriminatively trained thing and something that 's not . So you have a good set of features that everybody 's worked really hard to make ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then , uh , you {disfmarker} you discriminately train it , but you also take the path that {disfmarker} that doesn't have that ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and putting those in together . And that {disfmarker} that seem So it 's kind of like a combination of the {disfmarker} uh , what , uh , Dan has been calling , you know , a feature {disfmarker} uh , you know , a feature combination versus posterior combination or something . It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , you have the posterior combination but then you get the features from that and use them as a feature combination with these {disfmarker} these other things . And that seemed , at least in the last one , as he was just saying , he {disfmarker} he {disfmarker} when he only did discriminative stuff , i it actually was {disfmarker} was {disfmarker} it didn't help at all in this particular case .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "There was enough of a difference , I guess , between the testing and training . But by having them both there {disfmarker} The fact is some of the time , the discriminative stuff is gonna help you .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And some of the time it 's going to hurt you ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and by combining two information sources if , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you wouldn't necessarily then want to do LDA on the non - tandem features because now you 're doing something to them that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That i i I think that 's counter to that idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Now , again , it 's {disfmarker} we 're just trying these different things . We don't really know what 's gonna work best . But if that 's the hypothesis , at least it would be counter to that hypothesis to do that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , and in principle you would think that the neural net would do better at the discriminant part than LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . Yeah . Well {disfmarker} y", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Though , maybe not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Exactly . I mean , we , uh {disfmarker} we were getting ready to do the tandem , uh , stuff for the Hub - five system , and , um , Andreas and I talked about it , and the idea w the thought was , \" Well , uh , yeah , that i you know {disfmarker} th the neural net should be better , but we should at least have uh , a number , you know , to show that we did try the LDA in place of the neural net , so that we can you know , show a clear path .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You know , that you have it without it , then you have the LDA , then you have the neural net , and you can see , theoretically . So . I was just wondering {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I think that 's a good idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Did {disfmarker} did you do that", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} tha that 's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker} that 's what we 're gonna do next as soon as I finish this other thing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . No , well , that 's a good idea . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We just want to show .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "i Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} everybody believes it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , no it 's a g", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but you know , we just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "No , no , but it might not {disfmarker} not even be true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's a great idea . I mean , one of the things that always disturbed me , uh , in the {disfmarker} the resurgence of neural nets that happened in the eighties was that , um , a lot of people {disfmarker} Because neural nets were pretty easy to {disfmarker} to use {disfmarker} a lot of people were just using them for all sorts of things without , uh , looking at all into the linear , uh {disfmarker} uh , versions of them .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , people were doing recurrent nets but not looking at IIR filters , and {disfmarker} You know , I mean , uh , so I think , yeah , it 's definitely a good idea to try it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , and everybody 's putting that on their {vocalsound} systems now , and so , I that 's what made me wonder about this ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , they 've been putting them in their systems off and on for ten years ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , what I mean is it 's {disfmarker} it 's like in the Hub - five evaluations , you know , and you read the system descriptions and everybody 's got , {vocalsound} you know , LDA on their features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And now they all have that . I see .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And so .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's the transformation they 're estimating on {disfmarker} Well , they are trained on the same data as the final HMM are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's different . Yeah , exactly . Cuz they don't have these , you know , mismatches that {disfmarker} that you guys have .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I was wondering if maybe it 's not even a good idea .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know . I {disfmarker} I don't know enough about it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , part of why {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think part of why you were getting into the KLT {disfmarker} Y you were describing to me at one point that you wanted to see if , uh , you know , getting good orthogonal features was {disfmarker} and combining the {disfmarker} the different temporal ranges {disfmarker} was the key thing that was happening or whether it was this discriminant thing , right ? So you were just trying {disfmarker} I think you r I mean , this is {disfmarker} it doesn't have the LDA aspect but th as far as the orthogonalizing transformation , you were trying that at one point , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think you were .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Does something . It doesn't work as well . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , I 've been exploring a parallel VAD without neural network with , like , less latency using SNR and energy , um , after the cleaning up . So what I 'd been trying was , um , uh {disfmarker} After the b after the noise compensation , n I was trying t to f find a f feature based on the ratio of the energies , that is , cl after clean and before clean . So that if {disfmarker} if they are , like , pretty c close to one , which means it 's speech . And if it is n if it is close to zero , which is {disfmarker} So it 's like a scale @ @ probability value . So I was trying , uh , with full band and multiple bands , m ps uh {disfmarker} separating them to different frequency bands and deriving separate decisions on each bands , and trying to combine them . Uh , the advantage being like it doesn't have the latency of the neural net if it {disfmarker} if it can", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "g And {pause} it gave me like , uh , one point {disfmarker} One {disfmarker} more than one percent relative improvement . So , from fifty - three point six it went to fifty f four point eight . So it 's , like , only slightly more than a percent improvement ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "just like {disfmarker} Which means that it 's {disfmarker} it 's doing a slightly better job than the previous VAD ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "uh , at a l lower delay .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , so , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} i d I 'm sorry ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker} u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "does it still have the median {pause} filter stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It still has the median filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So it still has most of the delay ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "it just doesn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so d with the delay , that 's gone is the input , which is the sixty millisecond . The forty plus {pause} twenty .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At the input of the neural net you have this , uh , f nine frames of context plus the delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , plus the delta ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right . OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that delay , plus the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , so the delay is only the forty millisecond of the noise cleaning , plus the hundred millisecond smoothing at the output .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . So . Yeah . So the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} di the biggest {disfmarker} The problem f for me was to find a consistent threshold that works {pause} well across the different databases , because I t I try to make it work on tr SpeechDat - Car", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and it fails on TI - digits , or if I try to make it work on that it 's just the Italian or something , it doesn't work on the Finnish .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , um . So there are {disfmarker} there was , like , some problem in balancing the deletions and insertions when I try different thresholds .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} I 'm still trying to make it better by using some other features from the {disfmarker} after the p clean up {disfmarker} maybe , some , uh , correlation {disfmarker} auto - correlation or some s additional features of {disfmarker} to mainly the improvement of the VAD . I 've been trying .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now this {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} this , uh , \" before and after clean \" , it sounds like you think that 's a good feature . That {disfmarker} that , it {disfmarker} you th think that the , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} i it appears to be a good feature , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What about using it in the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , eventually we could {disfmarker} could just", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} Yeah , so that 's the {disfmarker} Yeah . So we 've been thinking about putting it into the neural net also .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because they did {disfmarker} that itself {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Then you don't have to worry about the thresholds and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There 's a threshold and {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that {disfmarker} that 's , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if we {disfmarker} if we can live with the latency or cut the latencies elsewhere , then {disfmarker} then that would be a , uh , good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , anybody {disfmarker} has anybody {disfmarker} you guys or {disfmarker} or Naren , uh , somebody , tried the , uh , um , second th second stream thing ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , I just {disfmarker} I just h put the second stream in place and , uh ran one experiment , but just like {disfmarker} just to know that everything is fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was like , uh , forty - five cepstrum plus twenty - three mel {disfmarker} log mel .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and , just , like , it gave me the baseline performance of the Aurora , which is like zero improvement .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I just tried it on Italian just to know that everything is {disfmarker} But I {disfmarker} I didn't export anything out of it because it was , like , a weird feature set .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , what I think , you know , would be more what you 'd want to do is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is , uh , put it into another neural net . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} But , yeah , we 're {disfmarker} we 're not quite there yet . So we have to {vocalsound} figure out the neural nets , I guess .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The uh , other thing I was wondering was , um , if the neural net , um , has any {disfmarker} because of the different noise con unseen noise conditions for the neural net , where , like , you train it on those four noise conditions , while you are feeding it with , like , a additional {disfmarker} some four plus some {disfmarker} f few more conditions which it hasn't seen , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "from the {disfmarker} f f while testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} instead of just h having c uh , those cleaned up t cepstrum , sh should we feed some additional information , like {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} We have the VAD flag . I mean , should we f feed the VAD flag , also , at the input so that it {disfmarker} it has some additional discriminating information at the input ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm - hmm ! Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh - uh , the {disfmarker} the VAD what ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We have the VAD information also available at the back - end .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if it is something the neural net is not able to discriminate the classes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} Because most of it is sil I mean , we have dropped some silence f We have dropped so silence frames ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , we haven't dropped silence frames still .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , still not . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Th", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the b b biggest classification would be the speech and silence . So , by having an additional , uh , feature which says \" this is speech and this is nonspeech \" , I mean , it certainly helps in some unseen noise conditions for the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} Do y do you have that feature available for the test data ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I mean , we have {disfmarker} we are transferring the VAD to the back - end {disfmarker} feature to the back - end . Because we are dropping it at the back - end after everything {disfmarker} all the features are computed .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so the neural {disfmarker} so that is coming from a separate neural net or some VAD .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker} which is certainly giving a", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , feed that , also , into {pause} the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} Yeah . So it it 's an {disfmarker} additional discriminating information .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You could feed it into the neural net . The other thing {comment} you could do is just , um , p modify the , uh , output probabilities of the {disfmarker} of the , uh , uh , um , neural net , tandem neural net , {comment} based on the fact that you have a silence probability .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you have an independent estimator of what the silence probability is , and you could multiply the two things , and renormalize .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , I mean , you 'd have to do the nonlinearity part and deal with that . Uh , I mean , go backwards from what the nonlinearity would , you know {disfmarker} would be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Through {disfmarker} t to the soft max .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} maybe , yeah , when {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But in principle wouldn't it be better to feed it in ? And let the net do that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , u Not sure .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , let 's put it this way . I mean , y you {disfmarker} you have this complicated system with thousands and thousand parameters", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and you can tell it , uh , \" Learn this thing . \" Or you can say , \" It 's silence ! Go away ! \" I mean , I mean , i Doesn't {disfmarker} ? I think {disfmarker} I think the second one sounds a lot more direct .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what if you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . So , what if you then , uh {disfmarker} since you know this , what if you only use the neural net on the speech portions ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I guess that 's the same . Uh , that 's similar .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , y you 'd have to actually run it continuously ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean {disfmarker} I mean , train the net only on {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker} Well , no , you want to train on {disfmarker} on the nonspeech also , because that 's part of what you 're learning in it , to {disfmarker} to {disfmarker} to generate , that it 's {disfmarker} it has to distinguish between .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Speech .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I mean , if you 're gonna {disfmarker} if you 're going to multiply the output of the net by this other decision , uh , would {disfmarker} then you don't care about whether the net makes that distinction , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah . But this other thing isn't perfect .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that you bring in some information from the net itself .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right , OK . That 's a good point .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only thing that {disfmarker} that bothers me about all this is that I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the fact {disfmarker} i i It 's sort of bothersome that you 're getting more deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker} So I might maybe look at , is it due to the fact that um , the probability of the silence at the output of the network , is , uh ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is too high .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "too {disfmarker} too high or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So maybe {disfmarker} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If it 's the case , then multiplying it again by {disfmarker} i by something ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It may not be {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} it may be too {disfmarker} it 's too high in a sense , like , everything is more like a , um , flat probability .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh - eee - hhh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , like , it 's not really doing any distinction between speech and nonspeech {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or , I mean , different {disfmarker} among classes .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Be interesting to look at the {disfmarker} Yeah , for the {disfmarker} I wonder if you could do this . But if you look at the , um , highly mism high mismat the output of the net on the high mismatch case and just look at , you know , the distribution versus the {disfmarker} the other ones , do you {disfmarker} do you see more peaks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , like the entropy of the {disfmarker} the output ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , for instance .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But I {disfmarker} bu", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} it seems that the VAD network doesn't {disfmarker} Well , it doesn't drop , uh , too many frames because the dele the number of deletion is reasonable . But it 's just when we add the tandem , the final MLP , and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only problem is you don't want to ta I guess wait for the output of the VAD before you can put something into the other system ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz that 'll shoot up the latency a lot , right ? Am I missing something here ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's maybe a problem with what I was just saying . But {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} I I guess {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But if you were gonna put it in as a feature it means you already have it by the time you get to the tandem net , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , well . We {disfmarker} w we don't have it , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "because it 's {disfmarker} it has a high rate energy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "the VAD has a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's kind of done in {disfmarker} I mean , some of the things are , not in parallel , but certainly , it would be in parallel with the {disfmarker} with a tandem net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "In time . So maybe , if that doesn't work , um {disfmarker} But it would be interesting to see if that was the problem , anyway . And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and then I guess another alternative would be to take the feature that you 're feeding into the VAD , and feeding it into the other one as well .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then maybe it would just learn {disfmarker} learn it better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} But that 's {disfmarker} Yeah , that 's an interesting thing to try to see , if what 's going on is that in the highly mismatched condition , it 's , um , causing deletions by having this silence probability up {disfmarker} up too high ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "at some point where the VAD is saying it 's actually speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which is probably true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , m", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Cuz {disfmarker} Well , the V A if the VAD said {disfmarker} since the VAD is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is right a lot , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Anyway . Might be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , we just started working with it . But these are {disfmarker} these are some good ideas I think .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , and the other thing {disfmarker} Well , there are other issues maybe for the tandem , like , uh , well , do we want to , w uh n Do we want to work on the targets ? Or , like , instead of using phonemes , using more context dependent units ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the tandem net you mean ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I 'm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm thinking , also , a w about Dan 's work where he {disfmarker} he trained {vocalsound} a network , not on phoneme targets but on the HMM state targets . And {disfmarker} it was giving s slightly better results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Problem is , if you are going to run this on different m test sets , including large vocabulary ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . I was just thinking maybe about , like , generalized diphones , and {disfmarker} come up with a {disfmarker} a reasonable , not too large , set of context dependent units , and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Yeah . And then anyway we would have to reduce this with the KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe . But I d I d it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} i it 's all worth looking at ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but it sounds to me like , uh , looking at the relationship between this and the {disfmarker} speech noise stuff is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is probably a key thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That and the correlation between stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if , uh {disfmarker} if the , uh , high mismatch case had been more like the , uh , the other two cases {comment} in terms of giving you just a better performance , {comment} how would this number have changed ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , it would be {disfmarker} Yeah . Around five percent better , I guess . If {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y Like sixty ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know what 's it 's gonna be the TI - digits yet . He hasn't got the results back yet .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . If you extrapolate the SpeechDat - Car well - matched and medium - mismatch , it 's around , yeah , maybe five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Yeah . So this would be sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Sixty - two .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Sixty - two , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Somewhere around sixty , must be . Right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , it 's around five percent , because it 's {disfmarker} s Right ? If everything is five percent .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "All the other ones were five percent ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I d I just have the SpeechDat - Car right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's running {disfmarker} it shou we should have the results today during the afternoon ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} So I won't be here for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When {disfmarker} When do you leave ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I 'm leaving next Wednesday . May or may not be in in the morning . I leave in the afternoon . Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But you 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "are you {disfmarker} you 're not gonna be around this afternoon ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , well . I 'm talking about next week . I 'm leaving {disfmarker} leaving next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "This afternoon {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} Oh , right , for the Meeting meeting ? Yeah , that 's just cuz of something on campus .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . But , um , yeah , so next week I won't , and the week after I won't , cuz I 'll be in Finland . And the week after that I won't . By that time you 'll be {disfmarker} {comment} Uh , you 'll both be gone {pause} from here . So there 'll be no {disfmarker} definitely no meeting on {disfmarker} on September sixth . Uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What 's September sixth ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} Uh , that 's during Eurospeech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , uh , Sunil will be in Oregon . Uh , Stephane and I will be in Denmark . Uh {disfmarker} Right ? So it 'll be a few weeks , really , before we have a meeting of the same cast of characters . Um , but , uh {disfmarker} I guess , just {disfmarker} I mean , you guys should probably meet . And maybe Barry {disfmarker} Barry will be around . And {disfmarker} and then uh , uh , we 'll start up again with Dave and {disfmarker} Dave and Barry and Stephane and us on the , uh , twentieth . No . Thirteenth ? About a month ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , you 're gonna be gone for the next three weeks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm gone for two and a half weeks starting {disfmarker} starting next Wed - late next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} you won't be at the next three of these meetings . Is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I won't {disfmarker} it 's probably four because of {disfmarker} is it three ? Let 's see , twenty - third , thirtieth , sixth . That 's right , next three . And the {disfmarker} the third one won't {disfmarker} probably won't be a meeting , cuz {disfmarker} cuz , uh , Su - Sunil , Stephane , and I will all not be here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} Mmm . {comment} So it 's just , uh , the next two where there will be {disfmarker} there , you know , may as well be meetings ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but I just won't be at them . And then starting up on the thirteenth , {nonvocalsound} uh , we 'll have meetings again but we 'll have to do without Sunil here somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When do you go back ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Thirty - first , August .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Cool .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When is the evaluation ? November , or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was supposed to be November fifteenth . Has anybody heard anything different ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I don't know . The meeting in {disfmarker} is the five and six of December . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "p s It 's like {disfmarker} Yeah , it 's tentatively all full . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's a proposed date , I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , um {disfmarker} so the evaluation should be on a week before or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yep . But , no , this is good progress . So . Uh {disfmarker} OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Should we do digits ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Guess we 're done . Digits ? Yep .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a wrap .", "speaker": "Professor B" } ]
The professor wanted to know how much latency the VAD was adding to the model. The professor thought that the process could work in parallel. The professor informed the team that the max latency was unknown.
What did the professor think about VAD latency?
[ { "content": "OK , we 're going .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight , eight ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "This is three .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Three .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Test . Hmm . Let 's see . Move it bit . Test ? Test ? OK , I guess it 's alright . So , let 's see . Yeah , Barry 's not here and Dave 's not here . Um , I can say about {disfmarker} just q just quickly to get through it , that Dave and I submitted this ASRU .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is for ASRU .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So . Um . Yeah , it 's {disfmarker} it 's interesting . I mean , basically we 're dealing with rever reverberation , and , um , when we deal with pure reverberation , the technique he 's using works really , really well . Uh , and when they had the reverberation here , uh , we 'll measure the signal - to - noise ratio and it 's , uh , about nine DB . So ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You mean , from the actual , uh , recordings ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "a fair amount of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "k", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's nine DB ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Um {disfmarker} And actually it brought up a question which may be relevant to the Aurora stuff too . Um , I know that when you figured out the filters that we 're using for the Mel scale , there was some experimentation that went on at {disfmarker} at , uh {disfmarker} at OGI . Um , but one of the differences that we found between the two systems that we were using , {comment} the {disfmarker} the Aurora HTK system baseline system {comment} and the system that we were {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the uh , other system we were using , the uh , the SRI system , was that the SRI system had maybe a , um , hundred hertz high - pass . And the , uh , Aurora HTK , it was like twenty .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yep . S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Sixty - four ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you 're using the baseline .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is that the ba band center ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , the edge .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "The edge is really , uh , sixty - four ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "For some reason , uh , Dave thought it was twenty ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " So the , uh , center would be somewhere around like hundred", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} hundred {disfmarker} hundred and {disfmarker} maybe {disfmarker} it 's like {disfmarker} fi hundred hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But do you know , for instance , h how far down it would be at twenty hertz ? What the {disfmarker} how much rejection would there be at twenty hertz , let 's say ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At twenty hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , any idea what the curve looks like ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty hertz frequency {disfmarker} Oh , it 's {disfmarker} it 's zero at twenty hertz , right ? The filter ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yea - actually , the left edge of the first filter is at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Sixt - s sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So anything less than sixty - four is zero .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's actually set to zero ? What kind of filter is that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Is this {disfmarker} oh , from the {disfmarker} from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} This is the filter bank in the frequency domain that starts at sixty - four .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , so you , uh {disfmarker} so you really set it to zero , the FFT ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "yeah . So it 's {disfmarker} it 's a weight on the ball spectrum . Triangular weighting .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . OK . Um {disfmarker} OK . So that 's {disfmarker} that 's a little different than Dave thought , I think . But {disfmarker} but , um , still , it 's possible that we 're getting in some more noise . So I wonder , is it {disfmarker} @ @ Was there {disfmarker} their experimentation with , uh , say , throwing away that filter or something ? And , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , throwing away the first ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , we {disfmarker} we 've tried including the full {disfmarker} full bank . Right ? From zero to four K .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And that 's always worse than using sixty - four hertz .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the question is , whether sixty - four hertz is {disfmarker} is , uh , too , uh , low .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , make it a hundred or so ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I t I think I 've tried a hundred and it was more or less the same , or slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "On what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the same , uh , SpeechDat - Car , Aurora .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , it was on the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So I tried a hundred to four K . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and on {disfmarker} and on the , um , um , {vocalsound} TI - digits also ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , no , no . I think I just tried it on SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm . That 'd be something to look at sometime because what , um , eh , he was looking at was performance in this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Would that be more like {disfmarker} Well , you 'd think that 'd be more like SpeechDat - Car , I guess , in terms of the noise . The SpeechDat - Car is more , uh , sort of roughly stationary , a lot of it . And {disfmarker} and TI - digits maybe is not so much as {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . OK . Well , maybe it 's not a big deal . But , um {disfmarker} Anyway , that was just something we wondered about . But , um , uh , certainly a lot of the noise , uh , is , uh , below a hundred hertz . Uh , the signal - to - noise ratio , you know , looks a fair amount better if you {disfmarker} if you high - pass filter it from this room .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But , um {disfmarker} but it 's still pretty noisy . Even {disfmarker} even for a hundred hertz up , it 's {disfmarker} it 's still fairly noisy . The signal - to - noise ratio is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is actually still pretty bad .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , I mean , the main {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's on th that 's on the f the far field ones though , right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's on the far field . Yeah , the near field 's pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So wha what is , uh {disfmarker} what 's causing that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we got a {disfmarker} a video projector in here , uh , and , uh {disfmarker} which we keep on during every {disfmarker} every session we record ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "which , you know , I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} w we were aware of", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but we thought it wasn't a bad thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , that 's a nice noise source . Uh , and there 's also the , uh {disfmarker} uh , air conditioning .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which , uh , you know , is a pretty low frequency kind of thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} So , those are {disfmarker} those are major components , I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "uh , for the stationary kind of stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , but , um , it , uh {disfmarker} I guess , I {disfmarker} maybe I said this last week too but it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} it really became apparent to us that we need to {disfmarker} to take account of noise . And , uh , so I think when {disfmarker} when he gets done with his prelim study I think {vocalsound} one of the next things we 'd want to do is to take this , uh {disfmarker} uh , noise , uh , processing stuff and {disfmarker} and , uh {disfmarker} uh , synthesize some speech from it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When are his prelims ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} Um , I think in about , um , a little less than two weeks .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh . Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Uh , it might even be sooner . Uh , let 's see , this is the sixteenth , seventeenth ? Yeah , I don't know if he 's before {disfmarker} It might even be in a week .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , I", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "A week ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh . I {disfmarker} I guessed that they were gonna do it some time during the semester", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "week and a half .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but they 'll do it any time , huh ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They seem to be {disfmarker} Well , the semester actually is starting up .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it already ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , the semester 's late {disfmarker} late August they start here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yikes .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So they do it right at the beginning of the semester .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . So , uh {disfmarker} Yep . I mean , that {disfmarker} that was sort of one {disfmarker} I mean , the overall results seemed to be first place in {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the case of either , um , artificial reverberation or a modest sized training set . Uh , either way , uh , i uh , it helped a lot . And {disfmarker} But if you had a {disfmarker} a really big training set , a recognizer , uh , system that was capable of taking advantage of a really large training set {disfmarker} I thought that {disfmarker} One thing with the HTK is that is has the {disfmarker} as we 're using {disfmarker} the configuration we 're using is w s is {disfmarker} being bound by the terms of Aurora , we have all those parameters just set as they are . So even if we had a hundred times as much data , we wouldn't go out to , you know , ten or t or a hundred times as many Gaussians or anything . So , um , it 's kind of hard to take advantage of {disfmarker} of {disfmarker} of big chunks of data . Uh , whereas the other one does sort of expand as you have more training data .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It does it automatically , actually . And so , um , uh , that one really benefited from the larger set . And it was also a diverse set with different noises and so forth . Uh , so , um , that , uh {disfmarker} that seemed to be {disfmarker} So , if you have that {disfmarker} that better recognizer that can {disfmarker} that can build up more parameters , and if you , um , have the natural room , which in this case has a p a pretty bad signal - to - noise ratio , then in that case , um , the right thing to do is just do {disfmarker} u use speaker adaptation . And {disfmarker} and not bother with {disfmarker} with this acoustic , uh , processing . But I think that that would not be true if we did some explicit noise - processing as well as , uh , the convolutional kind of things we were doing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So . That 's sort of what we found .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I , um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh , started working on the uh {disfmarker} Mississippi State recognizer . So , I got in touch with Joe and {disfmarker} and , uh , from your email and things like that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , uh , they added me to the list {disfmarker} uh , the mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And he gave me all of the pointers and everything that I needed . And so I downloaded the , um {disfmarker} There were two things , uh , that they had to download . One was the , uh , I guess the software . And another wad {disfmarker} was a , um , sort of like a sample {disfmarker} a sample run . So I downloaded the software and compiled all of that . And it compiled fine .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No problems .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , eh , great .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And , um , I grabbed the sample stuff but I haven't , uh , compiled it .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That sample was released only yesterday or the day before , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} Well , I haven't grabbed that one yet . So there 's two .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , there is another short sample set {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "There was another short one , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "o o sample .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so I haven't grabbed the latest one that he just , uh , put out yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK . Oh , OK . F Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Um , but , the software seemed to compile fine and everything , so . And , um , So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Is there any word yet about the issues about , um , adjustments for different feature sets or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , I {disfmarker} I d You asked me to write to him and I think I forgot to ask him about that . Or if I did ask him , he didn't reply .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I don't remember yet . Uh , I 'll {disfmarker} I 'll d I 'll double check that and ask him again .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , it 's like that {disfmarker} that could r turn out to be an important issue for us .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz they have it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe I 'll send it to the list . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Cuz they have , uh , already frozen those in i insertion penalties and all those stuff is what {disfmarker} I feel . Because they have this document explaining the recognizer .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And they have these tables with , uh , various language model weights , insertion penalties .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK , I haven't seen that one yet .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it 's th it 's there on that web .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , on that , I mean , they have run some experiments using various insertion penalties and all those {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And so they 've picked {disfmarker} the values .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think they pi p", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah , they picked the values from {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "For r w what test set ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , p the one that they have reported is a NIST evaluation , Wall Street Journal .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But that has nothing to do with what we 're testing on , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You know . No . So they 're , like {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} So they are actually trying to , uh , fix that {disfmarker} those values using the clean , uh , training part of the Wall Street Journal . Which is {disfmarker} I mean , the Aurora . Aurora has a clean subset .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , they want to train it and then this {disfmarker} they 're going to run some evaluations .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So they 're set they 're setting it based on that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . So now , we may come back to the situation where we may be looking for a modification of the features to account for the fact that we can't modify these parameters .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} but it 's still worth , I think , just {disfmarker} since {disfmarker} you know , just chatting with Joe about the issue .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK . Do you think that 's something I should just send to him", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or do you think I should send it to this {disfmarker} there 's an {disfmarker} a m a mailing list .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's not a secret . I mean , we 're , you know , certainly willing to talk about it with everybody , but I think {disfmarker} I think that , um {disfmarker} um , it 's probably best to start talking with him just to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh @ @ {comment} you know , it 's a dialogue between two of you about what {disfmarker} you know , what does he think about this and what {disfmarker} what {disfmarker} you know {disfmarker} what could be done about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , if you get ten people in {disfmarker} involved in it there 'll be a lot of perspectives based on , you know , how {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "you know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} But , I mean , I think it all should come up eventually ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if there is any , uh , uh , way to move in {disfmarker} a way that would {disfmarker} that would , you know , be more open to different kinds of features . But if {disfmarker} if , uh {disfmarker} if there isn't , and it 's just kind of shut down and {disfmarker} and then also there 's probably not worthwhile bringing it into a larger forum where {disfmarker} where political issues will come in .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . So this is now {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's compiled under Solaris ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Because he {disfmarker} there was some mail r saying that it 's {disfmarker} may not be stable for Linux and all those .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , i that was a particular version .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "SUSI", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , SUSI or whatever it was", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah . Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but we don't have that .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So . Should be OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "OK , that 's fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it compiled fine actually .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No {disfmarker} no errors . Nothing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this is slightly off topic", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's good .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , I noticed , just glancing at the , uh , Hopkins workshop , uh , web site that , uh , um {disfmarker} one of the thing I don't know {disfmarker} Well , we 'll see how much they accomplish , but one of the things that they were trying to do in the graphical models thing was to put together a {disfmarker} a , uh , tool kit for doing , uh r um , arbitrary graphical models for , uh , speech recognition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} And Jeff , uh {disfmarker} the two Jeffs were", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Who 's the second Jeff ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} Oh , uh , do you know Geoff Zweig ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh . Uh , he {disfmarker} he , uh {disfmarker} he was here for a couple years", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and he , uh {disfmarker} got his PHD . He {disfmarker} And he 's , uh , been at IBM for the last couple years .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow . That would be neat .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , so he did {disfmarker} he did his PHD on dynamic Bayes - nets , uh , for {disfmarker} for speech recognition . He had some continuity built into the model , presumably to handle some , um , inertia in the {disfmarker} in the production system , and , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , I 've been playing with , first , the , um , VAD . Um , {vocalsound} so it 's exactly the same approach , but the features that the VAD neural network use are , uh , MFCC after noise compensation . Oh , I think I have the results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What was it using before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Before it was just P L", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was actually {disfmarker} No . Not {disfmarker} I mean , it was just the noisy features I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "noisy {disfmarker} noisy features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "not compensated .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} This is what we get after {disfmarker} This {disfmarker} So , actually , we , yeah , here the features are noise compensated and there is also the LDA filter . Um , and then it 's a pretty small neural network which use , um , {vocalsound} nine frames of {disfmarker} of six features from C - zero to C - fives , plus the first derivatives . And it has one hundred hidden units .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is that nine frames u s uh , centered around the current frame ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "S so , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm sorry , there 's {disfmarker} there 's {disfmarker} there 's how many {disfmarker} how many inputs ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it 's twelve times nine .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twelve times nine inputs , and a hundred , uh , hidden .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hidden and", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "two outputs .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two outputs . OK . So I guess about eleven thousand parameters , which {disfmarker} actually shouldn't be a problem , even in {disfmarker} in small phones . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , I 'm {disfmarker} I 'm {disfmarker} s so what is different between this and {disfmarker} and what you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It should be OK . So the previous syst It 's based on the system that has a fifty - three point sixty - six percent improvement . It 's the same system . The only thing that changed is the n a p eh {disfmarker} a es the estimation of the silence probabilities .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which now is based on , uh , cleaned features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , it 's a l it 's a lot better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} it 's not bad , but the problem is still that the latency is too large .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the latency ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} um {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the latency of the VAD is two hundred and twenty milliseconds . And , uh , the VAD is used uh , i for on - line normalization , and it 's used before the delta computation . So if you add these components it goes t to a hundred and seventy , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} I 'm confused . You started off with two - twenty and you ended up with one - seventy ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "With two an two hundred and seventy .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Two - seventy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If {disfmarker} Yeah , if you add the c delta comp delta computation", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is done afterwards . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two - twenty . I the is this {disfmarker} are these twenty - millisecond frames ? Is that why ? Is it after downsampling ? or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The two - twenty is one hundred milliseconds for the um {disfmarker} No , it 's forty milliseconds for t for the , uh , uh , cleaning of the speech . Um {disfmarker} then there is , um , the neural network which use nine frames . So it adds forty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "a OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , after that , um , you have the um , filtering of the silence probabilities . Which is a million filter it , and it creates a one hundred milliseconds delay . So , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus there is a delta at the input .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , and there is the delta at the input which is ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "One hundred milliseconds for smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker} So it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , median .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's like forty plus {disfmarker} forty {disfmarker} plus {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then forty {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Forty {disfmarker} This forty plus twenty , plus one hundred .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty p ", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's two hundred actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , there are twenty that comes from {disfmarker} There is ten that comes from the LDA filters also . Right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , so it 's two hundred and ten , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are using {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Plus the frame ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "t If you are using three frames {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "so it 's two - twenty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If you are phrasing f {comment} using three frames , it is thirty here for delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's five frames , but .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So five frames , that 's twenty . OK , so it 's who un {comment} two hundred and ten .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , p Wait a minute . It 's forty {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forty for the {disfmarker} for the cleaning of the speech ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . Forty cleaning .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "forty for the I N {disfmarker} ANN , a hundred for the smoothing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , but at ten {disfmarker} ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Twenty for the delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Twenty for delta .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At th {nonvocalsound} At the input . I mean , that 's at the input to the net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Delta at input to net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And there i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it 's like s five , six cepstrum plus delta at nine {disfmarker} nine frames of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then ten milliseconds for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Fi - There 's an LDA filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "ten milliseconds for LDA filter , and t and ten {disfmarker} another ten milliseconds you said for the frame ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "For the frame I guess . I computed two - twenty {disfmarker} Yeah , well , it 's {disfmarker} I guess it 's for the fr {disfmarker} the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And then there 's delta besides that ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So this is the features that are used by our network and then afterwards , you have to compute the delta on the , uh , main feature stream ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is um , delta and double - deltas , which is fifty milliseconds .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . No , I mean , the {disfmarker} after the noise part , the forty {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the other hundred and eighty {disfmarker} Well , I mean , Wait a minute . Some of this is , uh {disfmarker} is , uh {disfmarker} is in parallel , isn't it ? I mean , the LDA {disfmarker} Oh , you have the LDA as part of the V D - uh , VAD ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The VAD use , uh , LDA filtered features also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , it does ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah . So in that case there isn't too much in parallel . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No . There is , um , just downsampling , upsampling , and the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , so the delta at the end is how much ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's fifty .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Fifty . Alright . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But well , we could probably put the delta , um , {vocalsound} before on - line normalization . It should not that make a big difference ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What if you used a smaller window for the delta ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could that help a little bit ? I mean , I guess there 's a lot of things you could do to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but , nnn {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if you {disfmarker} if you put the delta before the , uh , ana on - line {disfmarker} If {disfmarker} Yeah {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} then {disfmarker} then it could go in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Cuz i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then y then you don't have that additive {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "cuz the time constant of the on - line normalization is pretty long compared to the delta window ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so . It should not make {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK . And you ought to be able to shove tw , uh {disfmarker} sh uh {disfmarker} pull off twenty milliseconds from somewhere else to get it under two hundred , right ? I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is two hundred the d", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The hundred milla", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "mill a hundred milliseconds for smoothing is sort of an arbitrary amount . It could be eighty and {disfmarker} and probably do @ @ {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "i a hun", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "uh {disfmarker} Wh - what 's the baseline you need to be under ? Two hundred ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know . They 're still arguing about it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , if it 's two {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if it 's , uh {disfmarker} if it 's two - fifty , then we could keep the delta where it is if we shaved off twenty . If it 's two hundred , if we shaved off twenty , we could {disfmarker} we could , uh , meet it by moving the delta back .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , how do you know that what you have is too much if they 're still deciding ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , we don't , but it 's just {disfmarker} I mean , the main thing is that since that we got burned last time , and {disfmarker} you know , by not worrying about it very much , we 're just staying conscious of it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Oh , OK , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , th I mean , if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if a week before we have to be done someone says , \" Well , you have to have fifty milliseconds less than you have now \" , it would be pretty frantic around here . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But still , that 's {disfmarker} that 's a pretty big , uh , win . And it doesn't seem like you 're {disfmarker} in terms of your delay , you 're , uh , that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "He added a bit on , I guess , because before we were {disfmarker} we were {disfmarker} had {disfmarker} were able to have the noise , uh , stuff , uh , and the LVA be in parallel .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And now he 's {disfmarker} he 's requiring it to be done first .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , but I think the main thing , maybe , is the cleaning of the speech , which takes forty milliseconds or so .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . Well , so you say {disfmarker} let 's say ten milliseconds {disfmarker} seconds for the LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} the LDA is , well , pretty short right now .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , ten . And then forty for the other .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , the LDA {disfmarker} LDA {disfmarker} we don't know , is , like {disfmarker} is it very crucial for the features , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No . I just {disfmarker} This is the first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , I {disfmarker} maybe the LDA 's not very useful then .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so you could start pulling back ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "S s h", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I think you have {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "l", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , you have twenty for delta computation which y now you 're sort of doing twice , right ? But yo w were you doing that before ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . Well , in the proposal , um , the input of the VAD network were just three frames , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker} in the {disfmarker} Mm - hmm . Just {disfmarker} Yeah , just the static , no delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , static features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , what you have now is fort uh , forty for the {disfmarker} the noise , twenty for the delta , and ten for the LDA . That 's seventy milliseconds of stuff which was formerly in parallel ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So I think ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "you know , that 's {disfmarker} that 's the difference as far as the timing , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um , and you could experiment with cutting various pieces of these back a bit , but {disfmarker} I mean , we 're s we 're not {disfmarker} we 're not in terrible shape .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's what it seems like to me . It 's pretty good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's {disfmarker} it 's not like it 's adding up to four hundred milliseconds or something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Where {disfmarker} where is this {disfmarker} where is this fifty - seven point O two in {disfmarker} in comparison to the last evaluation ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , it 's {disfmarker} I think it 's better than anything , uh , anybody got .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . The best was fifty - four point five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Point s", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And our system was forty - nine , but with the neural network .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wow . So this is almost ten percent .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "With the f with the neural net . Yeah , and r and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It would", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is {disfmarker} this is like the first proposal . The proposal - one . It was forty - four , actually .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . And we still don't have the neural net in . So {disfmarker} so it 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Wow .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "You know . So it 's {disfmarker} We 're {disfmarker} we 're doing better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "This is {disfmarker} this is really good .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , we 're getting better recognition . I mean , I 'm sure other people working on this are not sitting still either , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker} Uh , I mean , the important thing is that we learn how to do this better , and , you know . So . Um , Yeah . So , our , um {disfmarker} Yeah , you can see the kind of {disfmarker} kind of numbers that we 're having , say , on SpeechDat - Car which is a hard task , cuz it 's really , um {disfmarker} I think it 's just sort of {disfmarker} sort of reasonable numbers , starting to be . I mean , it 's still terri", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , even for a well - matched case it 's sixty percent error rate reduction ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Probably half . Good !", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Yeah . So actually , this is in between {vocalsound} what we had with the previous VAD and what Sunil did with an IDL VAD . Which gave sixty - two percent improvement , right ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's almost that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It 's almost an average somewhere around {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What was that ? Say that last part again ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , if you use , like , an IDL VAD , uh , for dropping the frames ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "o o Or the best we can get .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "the best that we can get {disfmarker} i That means that we estimate the silence probability on the clean version of the utterances . Then you can go up to sixty - two percent error rate reduction , globally .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mmm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that would be even {disfmarker} That wouldn't change this number down here to sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So you {disfmarker} you were get", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If you add a g good v very good VAD , that works as well as a VAD working on clean speech ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "then you wou you would go {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's sort of the best you could hope for .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Probably . Yeah . So fi si fifty - three is what you were getting with the old VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , uh {disfmarker} and sixty - two with the {disfmarker} the , you know , quote , unquote , cheating VAD . And fifty - seven is what you got with the real VAD .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's great .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah , the next thing is , I started to play {disfmarker} Well , I don't want to worry too much about the delay , no . Maybe it 's better to wait", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "for the decision", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "from the committee . Uh , but I started to play with the , um , {vocalsound} {vocalsound} uh , tandem neural network . Mmm I just did the configuration that 's very similar to what we did for the February proposal . And {disfmarker} Um . So . There is a f a first feature stream that use uh straight MFCC features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , these features actually . And the other stream is the output of a neural network , using as input , also , these , um , cleaned MFCC . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those are th those are th what is going into the tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't have the comp Mmm ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Those two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So there is just this feature stream , {comment} the fifteen MFCC plus delta and double - delta .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , so it 's {disfmarker} makes forty - five features {comment} that are used as input to the HTK . And then , there is {disfmarker} there are more inputs that comes from the tandem MLP .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , oh . OK . I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , h he likes to use them both ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "cuz then it has one part that 's discriminative ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "one part that 's not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , um , uh , yeah . Right now it seems that {disfmarker} i I just tested on SpeechDat - Car while the experiment are running on your {disfmarker} on TI - digits . Well , it improves on the well - matched and the mismatched conditions , but it get worse on the highly mismatched . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Compared to these numbers , yeah . Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "like , on the well - match and medium mismatch , the gain is around five percent relative , but it goes down a lot more , like fifteen percent on the HM case .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You 're just using the full ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": " The {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Y you have ninety features ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "i I have , um {disfmarker} From the networks , it 's twenty - eight . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And from the other side it 's forty - five .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , d i It 's forty - five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's {disfmarker} you have seventy - three features ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and you 're just feeding them like that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There isn't any KLT or anything ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . There 's a KLT after the neural network , as {disfmarker} as before .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That 's how you get down to twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Why twenty - eight ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . It 's {disfmarker} i i i It 's because it 's what we did for the first proposal . We tested , uh , trying to go down", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a multiple of seven .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I wanted to do something very similar to the proposal as a first {disfmarker} first try .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . That makes sense .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But we have to {disfmarker} for sure , we have to go down , because the limit is now sixty features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , we have to find a way to decrease the number of features . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , it seems funny that {disfmarker} I don't know , maybe I don't u quite understand everything , {comment} but that adding features {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I guess if you 're keeping the back - end fixed . Maybe that 's it . Because it seems like just adding information shouldn't give worse results . But I guess if you 're keeping the number of Gaussians fixed in the recognizer , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , I mean , just in general , adding information {disfmarker} Suppose the information you added , well , was a really terrible feature and all it brought in was noise .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? So {disfmarker} so , um {disfmarker} Or {disfmarker} or suppose it wasn't completely terrible , but it was completely equivalent to another one feature that you had , except it was noisier .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right ? In that case you wouldn't necessarily expect it to be better at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , yeah , I wasn't necessarily saying it should be better . I 'm just surprised that you 're getting fifteen percent relative worse on the wel", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But it 's worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatched condition .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the highly mismatch .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , \" highly mismatched condition \" means that in fact your training is a bad estimate of your test .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So having {disfmarker} having , uh , a g a l a greater number of features , if they aren't maybe the right features that you use , certainly can e can easily , uh , make things worse . I mean , you 're right . If you have {disfmarker} if you have , uh , lots and lots of data , and you have {disfmarker} and your {disfmarker} your {disfmarker} your training is representative of your test , then getting more sources of information should just help . But {disfmarker} but it 's {disfmarker} It doesn't necessarily work that way .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So I wonder , um , Well , what 's your {disfmarker} what 's your thought about what to do next with it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , I don't know . I 'm surprised , because I expected the neural net to help more when there is more mismatch , as it was the case for the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , was the training set same as the p the February proposal ? OK .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , it 's the same training set , so it 's TIMIT with the TI - digits ' , uh , noises , uh , added .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , we might {disfmarker} uh , we might have to experiment with , uh better training sets . Again . But ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} The other thing is , I mean , before you found that was the best configuration , but you might have to retest those things now that we have different {disfmarker} The rest of it is different , right ? So , um , uh , For instance , what 's the effect of just putting the neural net on without the o other {disfmarker} other path ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , you know what the straight features do .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That gives you this . You know what it does in combination .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "You don't necessarily know what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What if you did the {disfmarker} Would it make sense to do the KLT on the full set of combined features ? Instead of just on the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . I g I guess . Um . The reason I did it this ways is that in February , it {disfmarker} we {disfmarker} we tested different things like that , so , having two KLT , having just a KLT for a network , or having a global KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you tried the global KLT before", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and it didn't really {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . And , uh , th Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The differences between these configurations were not huge , but {disfmarker} it was marginally better with this configuration .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , yeah , that 's obviously another thing to try ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "since things are {disfmarker} things are different .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And I guess if the {disfmarker} These are all {disfmarker} so all of these seventy - three features are going into , um , the , uh {disfmarker} the HMM .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And is {disfmarker} are {disfmarker} i i are {disfmarker} are any deltas being computed of tha of them ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Of the straight features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "n Not of the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But n th the , um , tandem features are u used as they are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Are not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , maybe we can add some context from these features also as {disfmarker} Dan did in {disfmarker} in his last work .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Could . i Yeah , but the other thing I was thinking was , um {disfmarker} Uh , now I lost track of what I was thinking . But .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What is the {disfmarker} You said there was a limit of sixty features or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "What 's the relation between that limit and the , um , forty - eight {disfmarker} uh , forty eight hundred bits per second ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , I know what I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , not {disfmarker} no relation .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "No relation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I don't understand ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "The f the forty - eight hundred bits is for transmission of some features .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "because i I mean , if you 're only using h", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And generally , i it {disfmarker} s allows you to transmit like , fifteen , uh , cepstrum .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The issue was that , um , this is supposed to be a standard that 's then gonna be fed to somebody 's recognizer somewhere which might be , you know , it {disfmarker} it might be a concern how many parameters are use {disfmarker} u used and so forth . And so , uh , they felt they wanted to set a limit . So they chose sixty . Some people wanted to use hundreds of parameters and {disfmarker} and that bothered some other people .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "u And so they just chose that . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think it 's kind of r arbitrary too . But {disfmarker} but that 's {disfmarker} that 's kind of what was chosen . I {disfmarker} I remembered what I was going to say . What I was going to say is that , um , maybe {disfmarker} {vocalsound} maybe with the noise removal , uh , these things are now more correlated . So you have two sets of things that are kind of uncorrelated , uh , within themselves , but they 're pretty correlated with one another .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , they 're being fed into these , uh , variants , only Gaussians and so forth , and {disfmarker} and , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so maybe it would be a better idea now than it was before to , uh , have , uh , one KLT over everything , to de - correlate it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , I see .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe . You know .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What are the S N Rs in the training set , TIMIT ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "It 's , uh , ranging from zero to clean ? Yeah . From zero to clean .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So we found this {disfmarker} this , uh {disfmarker} this Macrophone data , and so forth , that we were using for these other experiments , to be pretty good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} i after you explore these other alternatives , that might be another way to start looking , is {disfmarker} is just improving the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , we were getting , uh , lots better recognition using that , than {disfmarker} Of course , you do have the problem that , um , u i {comment} we are not able to increase the number of Gaussians , uh , or anything to , uh , uh , to match anything . So we 're only improving the training of our feature set , but that 's still probably something .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , add the Macrophone data to the training of the neural net ? The tandem net ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , that 's the only place that we can train .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "We can't train the other stuff with anything other than the standard amount ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so . Um , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what was it trained on again ? The one that you used ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's TIMIT with noise .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , it 's rather a small {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "How big is the net , by the way ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , Uh , it 's , uh , five hundred hidden units . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And again , you did experiments back then where you made it bigger and it {disfmarker} and that was {disfmarker} that was sort of the threshold point . Much less than that , it was worse ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "and", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "much more than that , it wasn't much better . Hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . @ @ ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So is it {disfmarker} is it though the performance , big relation in the high ma high mismatch has something to do with the , uh , cleaning up that you {disfmarker} that is done on the TIMIT after adding noise ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} i All the noises are from the TI - digits ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right ? So you {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} They {disfmarker} k uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it it 's like the high mismatch of the SpeechDat - Car after cleaning up , maybe having more noise than the {disfmarker} the training set of TIMIT after clean {disfmarker} s after you do the noise clean - up .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , earlier you never had any compensation , you just trained it straight away .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it had like all these different conditions of S N Rs , actually in their training set of neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But after cleaning up you have now a different set of S N Rs , right ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the training of the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} is it something to do with the mismatch that {disfmarker} that 's created after the cleaning up , like the high mismatch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You mean the {disfmarker} the most noisy occurrences on SpeechDat - Car might be a lot more noisy than {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Of {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} I mean , the SNR after the noise compensation of the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , so {disfmarker} Right . So the training {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} the neural net is being trained with noise compensated stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": " Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which makes sense ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but , uh , you 're saying {disfmarker} Yeah , the noisier ones are still going to be , even after our noise compensation , are still gonna be pretty noisy .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so now the after - noise compensation the neural net is seeing a different set of S N Rs than that was originally there in the training set . Of TIMIT . Because in the TIMIT it was zero to some clean .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right . Yes .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So the net saw all the SNR @ @ conditions .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Now after cleaning up it 's a different set of SNR .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And that SNR may not be , like , com covering the whole set of S N Rs that you 're getting in the SpeechDat - Car .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right , but the SpeechDat - Car data that you 're seeing is also reduced in noise by the noise compensation .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , it is . But , I 'm saying , there could be some {disfmarker} some issues of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well , if the initial range of SNR is different , we {disfmarker} the problem was already there before . And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because {disfmarker} Mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , it depends on whether you believe that the noise compensation is equally reducing the noise on the test set and the training set .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "On the test set , yeah . ", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ? I mean , you 're saying there 's a mismatch in noise that wasn't there before ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "but if they were both the same before , then if they were both reduic reduced equally , then , there would not be a mismatch .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , I mean , this may be {disfmarker} Heaven forbid , this noise compensation process may be imperfect , but . Uh , so maybe it 's treating some things differently .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I don't know . I {disfmarker} I just {disfmarker} that could be seen from the TI - digits , uh , testing condition because , um , the noises are from the TI - digits , right ? Noise {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So cleaning up the TI - digits and if the performance goes down in the TI - digits mismatch {disfmarker} high mismatch like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Clean training , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "on a clean training , or zero DB testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , we 'll {disfmarker} so we 'll see . Uh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Maybe .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Then it 's something to do .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , one of the things about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I mean , the Macrophone data , um , I think , you know , it was recorded over many different telephones .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And , um , so , there 's lots of different kinds of acoustic conditions . I mean , it 's not artificially added noise or anything . So it 's not the same . I don't think there 's anybody recording over a car from a car , but {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it 's varied enough that if {disfmarker} if doing this adjustments , uh , and playing around with it doesn't , uh , make it better , the most {disfmarker} uh , it seems like the most obvious thing to do is to improve the training set . Um {disfmarker} I mean , what we were {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} the condition {disfmarker} It {disfmarker} it gave us an enormous amount of improvement in what we were doing with Meeting Recorder digits , even though there , again , these m Macrophone digits were very , very different from , uh , what we were going on here . I mean , we weren't talking over a telephone here . But it was just {disfmarker} I think just having a {disfmarker} a nice variation in acoustic conditions was just a good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yep .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , actually {vocalsound} to s eh , what I observed in the HM case is that the number of deletion dramatically increases . It {disfmarker} it doubles .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Number of deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When I added the num the neural network it doubles the number of deletions . Yeah , so I don't you know {vocalsound} how to interpret that , but , mmm {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Me either .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "t", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and did {disfmarker} an other numbers stay the same ? Insertion substitutions stay the same ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They p stayed the same ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Roughly ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "they {disfmarker} maybe they are a little bit uh , lower .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "They are a little bit better . Yeah . But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Did they increase the number of deletions even for the cases that got better ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Say , for the {disfmarker} I mean , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , it doesn't .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So it 's only the highly mismatched ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And it {disfmarker} Remind me again , the \" highly mismatched \" means that the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Clean training and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , sorry ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It 's clean training {disfmarker} Well , close microphone training and distant microphone , um , high speed , I think .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Close mike training {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker} The most noisy cases are the distant microphone for testing .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So {disfmarker} Well , maybe the noise subtraction is subtracting off speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Separating . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah . I mean , but without the neural network it 's {disfmarker} well , it 's better . It 's just when we add the neural networks .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "The feature are the same except that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's right , that 's right . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Well that {disfmarker} that says that , you know , the , um {disfmarker} the models in {disfmarker} in , uh , the recognizer are really paying attention to the neural net features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But , yeah , actually {disfmarker} {nonvocalsound} the TIMIT noises {pause} are sort of a range of noises and they 're not so much the stationary driving kind of noises , right ? It 's {disfmarker} it 's pretty different . Isn't it ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , there is a car noise . So there are f just four noises . Um , uh , \" Car \" , I think , \" Babble \" ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Babble . \"", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Subway \" , right ? and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "\" Street \" or \" Airport \" or something .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} \" Street \" isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Or \" Train station \" .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "\" Train station \" , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} it 's mostly {disfmarker} Well , \" Car \" is stationary ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "\" Babble \" , it 's a stationary background plus some voices ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "some speech over it . And the other two are rather stationary also .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I {disfmarker} I think that if you run it {disfmarker} Actually , you {disfmarker} maybe you remember this . When you {disfmarker} in {disfmarker} in the old experiments when you ran with the neural net only , and didn't have this side path , um , uh , with the {disfmarker} the pure features as well , did it make things better to have the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Was it about the same ? Uh , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was {disfmarker} b a little bit worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Than {disfmarker} ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Than just the features , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , until you put the second path in with the pure features , the neural net wasn't helping at all .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , that 's interesting .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It was helping , uh , if the features are b were bad ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean . Just plain P L Ps or M F", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "C Cs . as soon as we added LDA on - line normalization , and {vocalsound} all these things , then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "They were doing similar enough things . Well , I still think it would be k sort of interesting to see what would happen if you just had the neural net without the side thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and the thing I {disfmarker} I have in mind is , uh , maybe you 'll see that the results are not just a little bit worse .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Maybe that they 're a lot worse . You know ? And , um {disfmarker} But if on the ha other hand , uh , it 's , say , somewhere in between what you 're seeing now and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and , uh , what you 'd have with just the pure features , then maybe there is some problem of a {disfmarker} of a , uh , combination of these things , or correlation between them somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "If it really is that the net is hurting you at the moment , then I think the issue is to focus on {disfmarker} on , uh , improving the {disfmarker} the net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So what 's the overall effe I mean , you haven't done all the experiments but you said it was i somewhat better , say , five percent better , for the first two conditions , and fifteen percent worse for the other one ? But it 's {disfmarker} but of course that one 's weighted lower ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Y yeah , oh . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "so I wonder what the net effect is .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I {disfmarker} I think it 's {disfmarker} it was one or two percent . That 's not that bad , but it was l like two percent relative worse on SpeechDat - Car . I have to {disfmarker} to check that . Well , I have {disfmarker} I will .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , it will {disfmarker} overall it will be still better even if it is fifteen percent worse , because the fifteen percent worse is given like f w twenty - five {disfmarker} point two five eight .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Right . So the {disfmarker} so the worst it could be , if the others were exactly the same , is four ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Is it like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} and , uh , in fact since the others are somewhat better {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's four . Is i So either it 'll get cancelled out , or you 'll get , like , almost the same .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was {disfmarker} it was slightly worse .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Slightly bad . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it should be pretty close to cancelled out .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You know , I 've been wondering about something .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "In the , um {disfmarker} a lot of the , um {disfmarker} the Hub - five systems , um , recently have been using LDA . and {disfmarker} and they , um {disfmarker} They run LDA on the features right before they train the models . So there 's the {disfmarker} the LDA is {disfmarker} is right there before the H M", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So , you guys are using LDA but it seems like it 's pretty far back in the process .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , this LDA is different from the LDA that you are talking about . The LDA that you {disfmarker} saying is , like , you take a block of features , like nine frames or something , {comment} and then do an LDA on it ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then reduce the dimensionality to something like twenty - four or something like that .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , you c you c you can .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And then feed it to HMM .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} you know , you 're just basically i", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , so this is like a two d two dimensional tile .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You 're shifting the feature space . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So this is a two dimensional tile . And the LDA that we are f applying is only in time , not in frequency {disfmarker} high cost frequency . So it 's like {disfmarker} more like a filtering in time , rather than doing a r", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah . OK . So what i what about , um {disfmarker} i u what i w I mean , I don't know if this is a good idea or not , but what if you put {disfmarker} ran the other kind of LDA , uh , on your features right before they go into the HMM ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . No , actually , I think {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "m", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well . What do we do with the ANN is {disfmarker} is something like that except that it 's not linear . But it 's {disfmarker} it 's like a nonlinear discriminant analysis .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right , it 's the {disfmarker} It 's {disfmarker} Right . The {disfmarker} So {disfmarker} Yeah , so it 's sort of like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The tandem stuff is kind of like i nonlinear LDA .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . It 's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I g", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean , w but the other features that you have , um , th the non - tandem ones ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh . Mm - hmm . Yeah , I know . That {disfmarker} that {disfmarker} Yeah . Well , in the proposal , they were transformed u using PCA , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it might be that LDA could be better .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The a the argument i is kind of i in {disfmarker} and it 's not like we really know , but the argument anyway is that , um , uh , we always have the prob I mean , discriminative things are good . LDA , neural nets , they 're good .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , they 're good because you {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} you learn to distinguish between these categories that you want to be good at distinguishing between . And PCA doesn't do that . It {disfmarker} PAC - PCA {disfmarker} low - order PCA throws away pieces that are uh , maybe not {disfmarker} not gonna be helpful just because they 're small , basically .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "But , uh , the problem is , training sets aren't perfect and testing sets are different . So you f you {disfmarker} you face the potential problem with discriminative stuff , be it LDA or neural nets , that you are training to discriminate between categories in one space but what you 're really gonna be g getting is {disfmarker} is something else .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And so , uh , Stephane 's idea was , uh , let 's feed , uh , both this discriminatively trained thing and something that 's not . So you have a good set of features that everybody 's worked really hard to make ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and then , uh , you {disfmarker} you discriminately train it , but you also take the path that {disfmarker} that doesn't have that ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and putting those in together . And that {disfmarker} that seem So it 's kind of like a combination of the {disfmarker} uh , what , uh , Dan has been calling , you know , a feature {disfmarker} uh , you know , a feature combination versus posterior combination or something . It 's {disfmarker} it 's , you know , you have the posterior combination but then you get the features from that and use them as a feature combination with these {disfmarker} these other things . And that seemed , at least in the last one , as he was just saying , he {disfmarker} he {disfmarker} when he only did discriminative stuff , i it actually was {disfmarker} was {disfmarker} it didn't help at all in this particular case .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "There was enough of a difference , I guess , between the testing and training . But by having them both there {disfmarker} The fact is some of the time , the discriminative stuff is gonna help you .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And some of the time it 's going to hurt you ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and by combining two information sources if , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} if {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So you wouldn't necessarily then want to do LDA on the non - tandem features because now you 're doing something to them that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "That i i I think that 's counter to that idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Now , again , it 's {disfmarker} we 're just trying these different things . We don't really know what 's gonna work best . But if that 's the hypothesis , at least it would be counter to that hypothesis to do that .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , and in principle you would think that the neural net would do better at the discriminant part than LDA .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . Yeah . Well {disfmarker} y", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Though , maybe not .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Exactly . I mean , we , uh {disfmarker} we were getting ready to do the tandem , uh , stuff for the Hub - five system , and , um , Andreas and I talked about it , and the idea w the thought was , \" Well , uh , yeah , that i you know {disfmarker} th the neural net should be better , but we should at least have uh , a number , you know , to show that we did try the LDA in place of the neural net , so that we can you know , show a clear path .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "You know , that you have it without it , then you have the LDA , then you have the neural net , and you can see , theoretically . So . I was just wondering {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I think that 's a good idea .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Did {disfmarker} did you do that", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . No .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker} tha that 's a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker} that 's what we 're gonna do next as soon as I finish this other thing . So .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . No , well , that 's a good idea . I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We just want to show .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "i Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean , it {disfmarker} everybody believes it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , no it 's a g", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but you know , we just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "No , no , but it might not {disfmarker} not even be true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's {disfmarker} it 's a great idea . I mean , one of the things that always disturbed me , uh , in the {disfmarker} the resurgence of neural nets that happened in the eighties was that , um , a lot of people {disfmarker} Because neural nets were pretty easy to {disfmarker} to use {disfmarker} a lot of people were just using them for all sorts of things without , uh , looking at all into the linear , uh {disfmarker} uh , versions of them .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And , uh , people were doing recurrent nets but not looking at IIR filters , and {disfmarker} You know , I mean , uh , so I think , yeah , it 's definitely a good idea to try it .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , and everybody 's putting that on their {vocalsound} systems now , and so , I that 's what made me wonder about this ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , they 've been putting them in their systems off and on for ten years ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} but , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , what I mean is it 's {disfmarker} it 's like in the Hub - five evaluations , you know , and you read the system descriptions and everybody 's got , {vocalsound} you know , LDA on their features .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "And now they all have that . I see .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And so .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's the transformation they 're estimating on {disfmarker} Well , they are trained on the same data as the final HMM are .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so it 's different . Yeah , exactly . Cuz they don't have these , you know , mismatches that {disfmarker} that you guys have .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So that 's why I was wondering if maybe it 's not even a good idea .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I don't know . I {disfmarker} I don't know enough about it ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Um .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , part of why {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I think part of why you were getting into the KLT {disfmarker} Y you were describing to me at one point that you wanted to see if , uh , you know , getting good orthogonal features was {disfmarker} and combining the {disfmarker} the different temporal ranges {disfmarker} was the key thing that was happening or whether it was this discriminant thing , right ? So you were just trying {disfmarker} I think you r I mean , this is {disfmarker} it doesn't have the LDA aspect but th as far as the orthogonalizing transformation , you were trying that at one point , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think you were .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Does something . It doesn't work as well . Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , yeah , I 've been exploring a parallel VAD without neural network with , like , less latency using SNR and energy , um , after the cleaning up . So what I 'd been trying was , um , uh {disfmarker} After the b after the noise compensation , n I was trying t to f find a f feature based on the ratio of the energies , that is , cl after clean and before clean . So that if {disfmarker} if they are , like , pretty c close to one , which means it 's speech . And if it is n if it is close to zero , which is {disfmarker} So it 's like a scale @ @ probability value . So I was trying , uh , with full band and multiple bands , m ps uh {disfmarker} separating them to different frequency bands and deriving separate decisions on each bands , and trying to combine them . Uh , the advantage being like it doesn't have the latency of the neural net if it {disfmarker} if it can", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "g And {pause} it gave me like , uh , one point {disfmarker} One {disfmarker} more than one percent relative improvement . So , from fifty - three point six it went to fifty f four point eight . So it 's , like , only slightly more than a percent improvement ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "just like {disfmarker} Which means that it 's {disfmarker} it 's doing a slightly better job than the previous VAD ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "uh , at a l lower delay .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um , so , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} i d I 'm sorry ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "so {disfmarker} u", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "does it still have the median {pause} filter stuff ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It still has the median filter .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So it still has most of the delay ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "it just doesn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so d with the delay , that 's gone is the input , which is the sixty millisecond . The forty plus {pause} twenty .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , w i", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "At the input of the neural net you have this , uh , f nine frames of context plus the delta .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , plus the delta ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "right . OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that delay , plus the LDA .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh , so the delay is only the forty millisecond of the noise cleaning , plus the hundred millisecond smoothing at the output .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Um . So . Yeah . So the {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} di the biggest {disfmarker} The problem f for me was to find a consistent threshold that works {pause} well across the different databases , because I t I try to make it work on tr SpeechDat - Car", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "and it fails on TI - digits , or if I try to make it work on that it 's just the Italian or something , it doesn't work on the Finnish .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , um . So there are {disfmarker} there was , like , some problem in balancing the deletions and insertions when I try different thresholds .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} I 'm still trying to make it better by using some other features from the {disfmarker} after the p clean up {disfmarker} maybe , some , uh , correlation {disfmarker} auto - correlation or some s additional features of {disfmarker} to mainly the improvement of the VAD . I 've been trying .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Now this {disfmarker} this {disfmarker} this , uh , \" before and after clean \" , it sounds like you think that 's a good feature . That {disfmarker} that , it {disfmarker} you th think that the , uh {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} i it appears to be a good feature , right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What about using it in the neural net ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , eventually we could {disfmarker} could just", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} Yeah , so that 's the {disfmarker} Yeah . So we 've been thinking about putting it into the neural net also .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Because they did {disfmarker} that itself {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Then you don't have to worry about the thresholds and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "There 's a threshold and {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "but just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that {disfmarker} that 's , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . So if we {disfmarker} if we can live with the latency or cut the latencies elsewhere , then {disfmarker} then that would be a , uh , good thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Um , anybody {disfmarker} has anybody {disfmarker} you guys or {disfmarker} or Naren , uh , somebody , tried the , uh , um , second th second stream thing ? Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , I just {disfmarker} I just h put the second stream in place and , uh ran one experiment , but just like {disfmarker} just to know that everything is fine .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So it was like , uh , forty - five cepstrum plus twenty - three mel {disfmarker} log mel .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "And {disfmarker} and , just , like , it gave me the baseline performance of the Aurora , which is like zero improvement .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So I just tried it on Italian just to know that everything is {disfmarker} But I {disfmarker} I didn't export anything out of it because it was , like , a weird feature set .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , what I think , you know , would be more what you 'd want to do is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is , uh , put it into another neural net . Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "And then {disfmarker} But , yeah , we 're {disfmarker} we 're not quite there yet . So we have to {vocalsound} figure out the neural nets , I guess .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "The uh , other thing I was wondering was , um , if the neural net , um , has any {disfmarker} because of the different noise con unseen noise conditions for the neural net , where , like , you train it on those four noise conditions , while you are feeding it with , like , a additional {disfmarker} some four plus some {disfmarker} f few more conditions which it hasn't seen , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "from the {disfmarker} f f while testing .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} instead of just h having c uh , those cleaned up t cepstrum , sh should we feed some additional information , like {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the {disfmarker} We have the VAD flag . I mean , should we f feed the VAD flag , also , at the input so that it {disfmarker} it has some additional discriminating information at the input ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Hmm - hmm ! Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Wh - uh , the {disfmarker} the VAD what ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "We have the VAD information also available at the back - end .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if it is something the neural net is not able to discriminate the classes {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I mean {disfmarker} Because most of it is sil I mean , we have dropped some silence f We have dropped so silence frames ?", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "No , we haven't dropped silence frames still .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , still not . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Th", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the b b biggest classification would be the speech and silence . So , by having an additional , uh , feature which says \" this is speech and this is nonspeech \" , I mean , it certainly helps in some unseen noise conditions for the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} Do y do you have that feature available for the test data ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I mean , we have {disfmarker} we are transferring the VAD to the back - end {disfmarker} feature to the back - end . Because we are dropping it at the back - end after everything {disfmarker} all the features are computed .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "I see .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so the neural {disfmarker} so that is coming from a separate neural net or some VAD .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "OK . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker} which is certainly giving a", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "So you 're saying , feed that , also , into {pause} the neural net .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker} Yeah . So it it 's an {disfmarker} additional discriminating information .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "You could feed it into the neural net . The other thing {comment} you could do is just , um , p modify the , uh , output probabilities of the {disfmarker} of the , uh , uh , um , neural net , tandem neural net , {comment} based on the fact that you have a silence probability .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Right ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So you have an independent estimator of what the silence probability is , and you could multiply the two things , and renormalize .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , I mean , you 'd have to do the nonlinearity part and deal with that . Uh , I mean , go backwards from what the nonlinearity would , you know {disfmarker} would be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Through {disfmarker} t to the soft max .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} but , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} maybe , yeah , when {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But in principle wouldn't it be better to feed it in ? And let the net do that ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , u Not sure .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I mean , let 's put it this way . I mean , y you {disfmarker} you have this complicated system with thousands and thousand parameters", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and you can tell it , uh , \" Learn this thing . \" Or you can say , \" It 's silence ! Go away ! \" I mean , I mean , i Doesn't {disfmarker} ? I think {disfmarker} I think the second one sounds a lot more direct .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What {disfmarker} what if you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right . So , what if you then , uh {disfmarker} since you know this , what if you only use the neural net on the speech portions ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "That 's what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Well , I guess that 's the same . Uh , that 's similar .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , I mean , y you 'd have to actually run it continuously ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But I mean {disfmarker} I mean , train the net only on {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but it 's {disfmarker} @ @ {disfmarker} Well , no , you want to train on {disfmarker} on the nonspeech also , because that 's part of what you 're learning in it , to {disfmarker} to {disfmarker} to generate , that it 's {disfmarker} it has to distinguish between .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Speech .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "But I mean , if you 're gonna {disfmarker} if you 're going to multiply the output of the net by this other decision , uh , would {disfmarker} then you don't care about whether the net makes that distinction , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , yeah . But this other thing isn't perfect .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So that you bring in some information from the net itself .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right , OK . That 's a good point .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only thing that {disfmarker} that bothers me about all this is that I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} I {disfmarker} The {disfmarker} the fact {disfmarker} i i It 's sort of bothersome that you 're getting more deletions .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . But {disfmarker} So I might maybe look at , is it due to the fact that um , the probability of the silence at the output of the network , is , uh ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Is too high .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "too {disfmarker} too high or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So maybe {disfmarker} So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "If it 's the case , then multiplying it again by {disfmarker} i by something ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "It may not be {disfmarker} it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} it may be too {disfmarker} it 's too high in a sense , like , everything is more like a , um , flat probability .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh - eee - hhh .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "So , like , it 's not really doing any distinction between speech and nonspeech {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Uh , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "or , I mean , different {disfmarker} among classes .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Be interesting to look at the {disfmarker} Yeah , for the {disfmarker} I wonder if you could do this . But if you look at the , um , highly mism high mismat the output of the net on the high mismatch case and just look at , you know , the distribution versus the {disfmarker} the other ones , do you {disfmarker} do you see more peaks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , like the entropy of the {disfmarker} the output ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , for instance .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "But I {disfmarker} bu", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "It {disfmarker} it seems that the VAD network doesn't {disfmarker} Well , it doesn't drop , uh , too many frames because the dele the number of deletion is reasonable . But it 's just when we add the tandem , the final MLP , and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Now the only problem is you don't want to ta I guess wait for the output of the VAD before you can put something into the other system ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "u", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "cuz that 'll shoot up the latency a lot , right ? Am I missing something here ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Right .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . So that 's maybe a problem with what I was just saying . But {disfmarker} but {disfmarker} I I guess {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But if you were gonna put it in as a feature it means you already have it by the time you get to the tandem net , right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um , well . We {disfmarker} w we don't have it , actually ,", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "because it 's {disfmarker} it has a high rate energy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "the VAD has a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's kind of done in {disfmarker} I mean , some of the things are , not in parallel , but certainly , it would be in parallel with the {disfmarker} with a tandem net .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "In time . So maybe , if that doesn't work , um {disfmarker} But it would be interesting to see if that was the problem , anyway . And {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} and then I guess another alternative would be to take the feature that you 're feeding into the VAD , and feeding it into the other one as well .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "And then maybe it would just learn {disfmarker} learn it better .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} But that 's {disfmarker} Yeah , that 's an interesting thing to try to see , if what 's going on is that in the highly mismatched condition , it 's , um , causing deletions by having this silence probability up {disfmarker} up too high ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "at some point where the VAD is saying it 's actually speech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Which is probably true .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , m", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Cuz {disfmarker} Well , the V A if the VAD said {disfmarker} since the VAD is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is right a lot , uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Anyway . Might be .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , we just started working with it . But these are {disfmarker} these are some good ideas I think .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Yeah , and the other thing {disfmarker} Well , there are other issues maybe for the tandem , like , uh , well , do we want to , w uh n Do we want to work on the targets ? Or , like , instead of using phonemes , using more context dependent units ?", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "For the tandem net you mean ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , I 'm {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm thinking , also , a w about Dan 's work where he {disfmarker} he trained {vocalsound} a network , not on phoneme targets but on the HMM state targets . And {disfmarker} it was giving s slightly better results .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Problem is , if you are going to run this on different m test sets , including large vocabulary ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mmm . I was just thinking maybe about , like , generalized diphones , and {disfmarker} come up with a {disfmarker} a reasonable , not too large , set of context dependent units , and {disfmarker} and {disfmarker} Yeah . And then anyway we would have to reduce this with the KLT .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So . But {disfmarker} I don't know .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe . But I d I d it {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} i it 's all worth looking at ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "but it sounds to me like , uh , looking at the relationship between this and the {disfmarker} speech noise stuff is {disfmarker} is {disfmarker} is probably a key thing .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "That and the correlation between stuff .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So if , uh {disfmarker} if the , uh , high mismatch case had been more like the , uh , the other two cases {comment} in terms of giving you just a better performance , {comment} how would this number have changed ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm . Oh , it would be {disfmarker} Yeah . Around five percent better , I guess . If {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} i", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "y Like sixty ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Well , we don't know what 's it 's gonna be the TI - digits yet . He hasn't got the results back yet .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Yeah . If you extrapolate the SpeechDat - Car well - matched and medium - mismatch , it 's around , yeah , maybe five .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh - huh . Yeah . So this would be sixty - two ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Sixty - two .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Sixty - two , yeah .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Somewhere around sixty , must be . Right ? Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Well , it 's around five percent , because it 's {disfmarker} s Right ? If everything is five percent .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "All the other ones were five percent ,", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I d I d I just have the SpeechDat - Car right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's running {disfmarker} it shou we should have the results today during the afternoon ,", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but {disfmarker} Well .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well {disfmarker} Um {disfmarker} So I won't be here for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When {disfmarker} When do you leave ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I 'm leaving next Wednesday . May or may not be in in the morning . I leave in the afternoon . Um ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "But you 're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "so I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "are you {disfmarker} you 're not gonna be around this afternoon ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Oh , well . I 'm talking about next week . I 'm leaving {disfmarker} leaving next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Uh - huh .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "This afternoon {disfmarker} uh {disfmarker} Oh , right , for the Meeting meeting ? Yeah , that 's just cuz of something on campus .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Ah , OK , OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah . But , um , yeah , so next week I won't , and the week after I won't , cuz I 'll be in Finland . And the week after that I won't . By that time you 'll be {disfmarker} {comment} Uh , you 'll both be gone {pause} from here . So there 'll be no {disfmarker} definitely no meeting on {disfmarker} on September sixth . Uh ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "What 's September sixth ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker} Uh , that 's during Eurospeech .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , oh , right . OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So , uh , Sunil will be in Oregon . Uh , Stephane and I will be in Denmark . Uh {disfmarker} Right ? So it 'll be a few weeks , really , before we have a meeting of the same cast of characters . Um , but , uh {disfmarker} I guess , just {disfmarker} I mean , you guys should probably meet . And maybe Barry {disfmarker} Barry will be around . And {disfmarker} and then uh , uh , we 'll start up again with Dave and {disfmarker} Dave and Barry and Stephane and us on the , uh , twentieth . No . Thirteenth ? About a month ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So , uh , you 're gonna be gone for the next three weeks or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "I 'm gone for two and a half weeks starting {disfmarker} starting next Wed - late next Wednesday .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "So that 's {disfmarker} you won't be at the next three of these meetings . Is that right ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Uh , I won't {disfmarker} it 's probably four because of {disfmarker} is it three ? Let 's see , twenty - third , thirtieth , sixth . That 's right , next three . And the {disfmarker} the third one won't {disfmarker} probably won't be a meeting , cuz {disfmarker} cuz , uh , Su - Sunil , Stephane , and I will all not be here .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Oh , right . Right .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker} Mmm . {comment} So it 's just , uh , the next two where there will be {disfmarker} there , you know , may as well be meetings ,", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "but I just won't be at them . And then starting up on the thirteenth , {nonvocalsound} uh , we 'll have meetings again but we 'll have to do without Sunil here somehow .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When do you go back ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Thirty - first , August .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . So . Cool .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "When is the evaluation ? November , or something ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yeah , it was supposed to be November fifteenth . Has anybody heard anything different ?", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "I don't know . The meeting in {disfmarker} is the five and six of December . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "p s It 's like {disfmarker} Yeah , it 's tentatively all full . Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Mm - hmm .", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Uh , that 's a proposed date , I guess .", "speaker": "PhD D" }, { "content": "Yeah , um {disfmarker} so the evaluation should be on a week before or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "PhD C" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Yep . But , no , this is good progress . So . Uh {disfmarker} OK .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "Should we do digits ?", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "Guess we 're done . Digits ? Yep .", "speaker": "Professor B" }, { "content": "OK .", "speaker": "PhD A" }, { "content": "It 's a wrap .", "speaker": "Professor B" } ]
PhD C explained that the silence probabilities had a 100ms delay, the delta at the input had a 40ms delay, and a 10ms delay was created by LDA filters.
What did PhD C say about the breakdown of the latency?
[ { "content": "Hi everyone , hope you had a nice lunch . Um {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Alright we're moving on to conceptual design .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} 'Scuse me . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Bless you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , I'll just review what we did in our last meeting . Um , {vocalsound} under marketing we targeted our audience , and {disfmarker} Um , yeah . That was {vocalsound} generally {vocalsound} {disfmarker} how helpful that was .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , then we considered some design options with how it should look , um , we discussed an iPod-like button system which , uh , we haven't concluded but we're {disfmarker} Right , um {disfmarker} So , if you all have presentations to do , we can see what {disfmarker} where you've come from our last time . Does everyone have presentations ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Would anybody like to go first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I've been looking at the components design . Um . Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting . Um , so we need some custom design parts , and other parts we'll just use standard . Um , I assume we'll be custom designing our case , probably a hard plastic or some other material case , to protect the remote and the locator . And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board , because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time . But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out . Um , standard parts include the buttons and the wheels , um the iPod-style wheel . The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it . Um , we need a radio sender and receiver , those are standard . And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote . So we have some material options . Um , we can use rubber , plastic , wood or titanium . Um , I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy . Um , and the rubber case requires rubber buttons , so if we definitely want plastic buttons , we shouldn't have a rubber case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ? {vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hmm ? {vocalsound} Uh , well we can use wood . {vocalsound} I don't know why we'd want to . Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button , it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip . We can't use the minimal chip , we need the next higher grade , which is called regular . I don't think it's much more expensive , but it is more expensive . So that's what I've got on design .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'S good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , can I do next ? 'Cause I have to say something about the material", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "which is quite shocking .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ha . Mm . Right , um , I have been searching the current trends , um , both on the web and via fashion-watchers , and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh , fancy look and feel . Um . Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that . And th last thing is the easy to use um factor . Um , fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing , but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use . Um , our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided , well noticed , that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the {vocalsound} is the current trend", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want , you know , wh whatever our motto is . Um . For fashion , we go for fashion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The fashion in electronics . So we want to put the fashion electronics , we need to go fruit and vegetables . And also go for a spongy feel , so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer . As to the material should be limited to {disfmarker} I don't know how spongy it can be , should discuss this together , I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go . Um . I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but that's just a personal opinion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed , so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff , or should the actual remote look like a fruit ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and finally again with the spongy . It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find {disfmarker} come up with a solution that's better than mine . Um , yeah , to summarise these are the points that need to be um , touched in order to get a good decision , and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you for your attention .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's the next {disfmarker} it's the blue one , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , uh , there we go . {vocalsound} Uh . Okay . Um . Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I actually wasn't aware of the {vocalsound} new trends in electronics", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Neither was I . Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um {vocalsound} fabrics . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So so okay , let me get this right . Okay , uh {disfmarker} Okay , alright anyway . Um {vocalsound} here we go . Conceptual User Interface . Trying {disfmarker} we're gonna try to talk about , um {vocalsound} what kind of uh {disfmarker} how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control , based on fruit vegetable design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And , um , basically , so , this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system . {vocalsound} Uh , so people are going to be looking at this little screen . Um , kind of {disfmarker} I mean I assume , are we still on the screen idea ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this {disfmarker} it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um {vocalsound} the wheel", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen for it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it seems like you would need a screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song , like you know that band or whatever . With T_V_ channels it's , you know , one two three . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But like if you think about it {disfmarker} yeah but if {disfmarker} so is it just {disfmarker} okay . So , b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that , aren't you ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're , um , we're actually not having D_V_D_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Are we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that was one of th I I was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sorry ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I meant to update you on that . Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Alright . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But the screen can come up on the telly , the {disfmarker} she said .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That correct ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So anyway if {disfmarker} well we just {disfmarker} we need to {disfmarker} Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen {disfmarker} I think {disfmarker} I was thinking {disfmarker} okay . So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then ? And you're just gonna {disfmarker} I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a {disfmarker} right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Graphical interface ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah like you're g", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh on the {disfmarker} you can have it on the telly though .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can {disfmarker} okay we're not choosing that , I guess . But like choose channel control , like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like , um , you know , channels one two three four five six seven eight nine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} {gap} {disfmarker} people seems to be {disfmarker} well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've {disfmarker} Yeah , I know what you're saying , you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know . But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels . So um {vocalsound} I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because {disfmarker} So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if {disfmarker} or or {disfmarker} then again if you just {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But but imagine someone with s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "My flatmates actually had one with a wheel , and it it did show up on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh yeah ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels . Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause you'll have to like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have to r wheel really fast .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but you can quickly s you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "at least on theirs .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah if you do , it w so it would have to be {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of , you know , range we need to have on the wheel , and um {disfmarker} So you're either {disfmarker} you're {disfmarker} you know , th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that , you know , you can like tap for , um , different", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh , whatchamacallits , different um , you know , functions like volume or , like you can tap just to get to different channels . Like if you just wanted to go to like {disfmarker} from five to six you could tap or someth", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then there's also the concern about you know um {vocalsound} how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television , or if you want to um {vocalsound} you know switch around , I don't know , like , these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean with that many options , you'd {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker} I'd think that the screen would be better ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you could have that menu option , sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I would think so too , like {disfmarker} So I mean {disfmarker} and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it , you know , because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but then again it would {disfmarker} it does make kind of {disfmarker} if the screen's sort of just like an option that , like , is just there and you're not really using it , that's kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's more expensive according to the design people .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "m yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the only thing though .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have to get a {disfmarker} an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in , which is more expensive than the regular chip , which is more expensive than the minimal .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You can get to {disfmarker} you know , you can {disfmarker} Like maybe it'll be that central button that , like , then you hit that and then you can {disfmarker} it brings up like the menu on the T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you can just scroll around , like , to do the timer , to do the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the T_V_ is the screen , that {disfmarker} yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it would have all these different options of changing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Look it even has settings .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} you can just take theirs and just {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , well we don't want the screen I guess ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um {disfmarker} 'cause that just {disfmarker} it does seem like , it {disfmarker} that would be , like , incredibly expensive , but {disfmarker} I dunno , and then {disfmarker} so , it just im really all you need is , like , this little wheel then , and you can control everything .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , right . What if {disfmarker} I mean , if you're thinking of the design of it now , like the a you know , physical attributes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , and you just have this , it's like just a long silver thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or whatever we're thinking . I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before . I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah definitely .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , I think we're looking at something that could be , like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean it it needs to be easy to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but should be comfortable .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean how do how do {disfmarker} I'm not really {disfmarker} Like when I use an iPod , I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Or your thumb or something . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I use it like that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "W when we had the wheely remote control , we {disfmarker} it was on the top I think , if you held it like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But , were there buttons on there as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we just used the top part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} but I mean I think it could be pretty small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like , I d I mean , you you want it to be large enough that you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What if , um , you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much ? Like you {disfmarker} so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that ? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But can't you just get {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do {disfmarker} do you know what I'm talking about though ? Like , uh , yeah just something {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "K", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you can have it on the settings ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , that you can flip over , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , But , I mean , do you need that ? If if you can get to , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is is {disfmarker} if w I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That keeps it", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if we can do this , that'd probably be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "really {disfmarker} Yeah . Uh you wouldn't {disfmarker} I don't {disfmarker} I just don't think you would even need it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we have to look into the , um , like , the programming , how this {disfmarker} how they actually programme these things , and if that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_ ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . I mean it {disfmarker} would y would {disfmarker} that would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you can do it ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They already do it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_ , not inside the remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it's {disfmarker} it doesn't seem that hard . I mean I've never bought a remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well they usually are .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is a little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My {disfmarker} I've never bought just a remote , like , so I don't I don't really know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I guess that's right . It always comes with the T_V_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} but I mean it's {disfmarker} I've never had a hard time with like my remotes , like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever , you know . And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} most of the ones we've had have had the menu button , 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something . 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Well so {disfmarker} So , do we need {disfmarker} I dunno . Well I guess we have to you know think about {disfmarker} But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's what it does anyway .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out , because the problem with buttons is you {disfmarker} like , they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you don't know they mean , yeah , it's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I never get it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Never ever .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "oh , you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well on the telly .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or on the T_V_ too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the telly , okay , yeah . So yeah I think , I mean , I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those {disfmarker} like okay now I hit this {disfmarker} you know , you have your little guide out and you're like , hit this button twice , like to activate the date .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . And it is technologically innovative in a way ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so that fits with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I guess . And it is trendy , the iPods are {vocalsound} really hot right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "B Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did you did you get that pc picture on {disfmarker} did they provide you with that picture on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , by web research , yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's quite interesting . What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh god . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You said uh people want spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , one of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's {gap} in like those stress ball things . So , that would be spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , that would be cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just nice feel , but I hate spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , c that's e that would be kind of {disfmarker} oh , you know , usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type , you know , thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean definitely the area round it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're like {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I think it could work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or what if we integrated the {vocalsound} the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we somehow made it tactilely fash you know , we c tapped into that , so like it feels like", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a vegetable . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it could be like mobiles that just {disfmarker} you just put a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "An orange . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a small thing , you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which frankly I'm not particularly fond of ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know you had {disfmarker} there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit , apple machine and they have like the blueberry , like all the colours are named after fruits .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You could name it after fruits and vegetables , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And it could {disfmarker} the colour can fit your sitting room ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry , and then if you have a green one you can have {disfmarker} well I don't know . Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what if {disfmarker} what", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} this is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , colours .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking . If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand , so like what you're feeling is comfortable , and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I do I dunno . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just {disfmarker} the feedback we've just got about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe a ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A ball ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Know , a squashy ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} A relaxing squashy ball . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} That you can p", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's in the shape of a fruit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "well I {disfmarker} see you're thinking , it's weird , you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and I'm thinking how do you change the hard {disfmarker} would you put a um sticker sort of ? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is just {disfmarker} Okay . Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit . Squashy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , yeah . Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That {disfmarker} see I was thinking this s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Which is cheaper .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And like this {disfmarker} you could have like you could have like cherries and {vocalsound} things around there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh I like that shape .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I was thinking sort of a single ball shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was thinking if it was like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you're holding a squishy ball", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and then it has a {disfmarker} Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like it has to be s", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's almost like your thumb is farther up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so if if you could squish it lower then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it wouldn't be very big in either {disfmarker} like how big ? This big , and then you just do that , I suppose .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you meant , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What if , yeah , what if the squishy , oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable , and you can {disfmarker} so so maybe one you know {disfmarker} you can have like the broccoli squishy thing , and then you could have like the banana squishy thing {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you could get {disfmarker} you could have your choice , you know ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy , like a a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} well the question is , which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um . That's nicer . I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well that's not very neat , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean I think uh {disfmarker} and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely {disfmarker} So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a bit like those juggling balls , you can change shape according to your {disfmarker} to the way you hold it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah you could squish it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If it's got sand in it maybe , or something , you {disfmarker} it it just moulds to your hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . So where are the fruit and vegetables now ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front , or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fruits and veg .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We we don't know . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the rest is the company {disfmarker} the company colour's silver ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It was , yeah , silver and yellow . It l it looks like {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We could promote the banana one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Like {disfmarker} mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean that's another question , where are we gonna {disfmarker} we we should have the logo somewhere on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Should also fit the batteries , which we haven't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th and that would {disfmarker} that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Especially if you're switching out the squishy part . Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think , um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit . The part that you , yeah , can change into the different , you know , trendy vegetables and fruits .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well I dunno . You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand . Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No but it does it automatically .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it automatically ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But if someone {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "components concept . Question mark . Energy . Question mark .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That was me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Was that you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Oh right right . Yeah . Um , so what d but what do we know about energy ? I mean we're gonna use batteries right ? And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh we actually had an option of batteries , solar power , and um a dynamo ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is something I don't know what it is . Something to do with torches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , a dynamo is {disfmarker} ah , {vocalsound} it's a bicycle . It's a bicycle mechanism . It's the en it's like if if something moves , when it moves , it stores energy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Yeah , the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I sort of picked battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's quite sweet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power . Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think batteries sound good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It {vocalsound} it seems a little weird for a living room anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does everyone else think ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} The dynamo would be interesting {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . But dynamo {disfmarker} the the fact with dynamo is , the moment you move it , it c it {vocalsound} creates energy on its own .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about Kryptonite ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Which is quite cool . So if you throw it , it's gonna store loads of energy , and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying . But we need to find cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Don't know the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Didn't have enough data to actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Does anyone have costs on the on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "All it said was it gave sort of relative , some chips are more expensive than others , sort of things . It didn't give me any actual cost .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk . So I don't think it's that much of a problem . Like the chip is probably the most expensive part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does chip on print mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , for things like remote controls , um , they stamp out a chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "calculators too I think . Um , so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's not like a computer , you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls , it's like stamped onto the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right . So , chip on print is just {disfmarker} means like that they're mass-produced .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And case ? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Case is what we were discussing yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Casing . Yeah . {gap} thinking of like syntactic case and thi", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} let's see . Is there anything else we need to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "talk about ? Oh when we move on , you two are going to be playing with play-dough .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design . And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation . So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , thank you . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you soon . Does it matter that I end early ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} it's strange because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How how early is it ? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
This meeting was mainly about conceptual design. Industrial Designer, Marketing and User Interface gave presentations mainly on component design, current trend and interface design respectively, based on their research on the website incorporating the ideas from last meeting. A lot of discussions was centred around the fruit and vegetable theme, which was the current marketing trend. In the meanwhile, they had some discussions on physical attributes and the use of energy. They agreed that the screen was not necessary, and TV could be used as the screen instead. In addition, Kryptonite became their preferred energy.
Summarize the whole meeting.
[ { "content": "Hi everyone , hope you had a nice lunch . Um {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Alright we're moving on to conceptual design .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} 'Scuse me . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Bless you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , I'll just review what we did in our last meeting . Um , {vocalsound} under marketing we targeted our audience , and {disfmarker} Um , yeah . That was {vocalsound} generally {vocalsound} {disfmarker} how helpful that was .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , then we considered some design options with how it should look , um , we discussed an iPod-like button system which , uh , we haven't concluded but we're {disfmarker} Right , um {disfmarker} So , if you all have presentations to do , we can see what {disfmarker} where you've come from our last time . Does everyone have presentations ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Would anybody like to go first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I've been looking at the components design . Um . Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting . Um , so we need some custom design parts , and other parts we'll just use standard . Um , I assume we'll be custom designing our case , probably a hard plastic or some other material case , to protect the remote and the locator . And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board , because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time . But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out . Um , standard parts include the buttons and the wheels , um the iPod-style wheel . The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it . Um , we need a radio sender and receiver , those are standard . And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote . So we have some material options . Um , we can use rubber , plastic , wood or titanium . Um , I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy . Um , and the rubber case requires rubber buttons , so if we definitely want plastic buttons , we shouldn't have a rubber case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ? {vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hmm ? {vocalsound} Uh , well we can use wood . {vocalsound} I don't know why we'd want to . Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button , it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip . We can't use the minimal chip , we need the next higher grade , which is called regular . I don't think it's much more expensive , but it is more expensive . So that's what I've got on design .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'S good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , can I do next ? 'Cause I have to say something about the material", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "which is quite shocking .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ha . Mm . Right , um , I have been searching the current trends , um , both on the web and via fashion-watchers , and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh , fancy look and feel . Um . Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that . And th last thing is the easy to use um factor . Um , fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing , but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use . Um , our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided , well noticed , that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the {vocalsound} is the current trend", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want , you know , wh whatever our motto is . Um . For fashion , we go for fashion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The fashion in electronics . So we want to put the fashion electronics , we need to go fruit and vegetables . And also go for a spongy feel , so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer . As to the material should be limited to {disfmarker} I don't know how spongy it can be , should discuss this together , I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go . Um . I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but that's just a personal opinion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed , so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff , or should the actual remote look like a fruit ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and finally again with the spongy . It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find {disfmarker} come up with a solution that's better than mine . Um , yeah , to summarise these are the points that need to be um , touched in order to get a good decision , and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you for your attention .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's the next {disfmarker} it's the blue one , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , uh , there we go . {vocalsound} Uh . Okay . Um . Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I actually wasn't aware of the {vocalsound} new trends in electronics", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Neither was I . Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um {vocalsound} fabrics . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So so okay , let me get this right . Okay , uh {disfmarker} Okay , alright anyway . Um {vocalsound} here we go . Conceptual User Interface . Trying {disfmarker} we're gonna try to talk about , um {vocalsound} what kind of uh {disfmarker} how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control , based on fruit vegetable design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And , um , basically , so , this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system . {vocalsound} Uh , so people are going to be looking at this little screen . Um , kind of {disfmarker} I mean I assume , are we still on the screen idea ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this {disfmarker} it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um {vocalsound} the wheel", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen for it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it seems like you would need a screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song , like you know that band or whatever . With T_V_ channels it's , you know , one two three . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But like if you think about it {disfmarker} yeah but if {disfmarker} so is it just {disfmarker} okay . So , b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that , aren't you ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're , um , we're actually not having D_V_D_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Are we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that was one of th I I was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sorry ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I meant to update you on that . Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Alright . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But the screen can come up on the telly , the {disfmarker} she said .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That correct ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So anyway if {disfmarker} well we just {disfmarker} we need to {disfmarker} Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen {disfmarker} I think {disfmarker} I was thinking {disfmarker} okay . So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then ? And you're just gonna {disfmarker} I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a {disfmarker} right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Graphical interface ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah like you're g", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh on the {disfmarker} you can have it on the telly though .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can {disfmarker} okay we're not choosing that , I guess . But like choose channel control , like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like , um , you know , channels one two three four five six seven eight nine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} {gap} {disfmarker} people seems to be {disfmarker} well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've {disfmarker} Yeah , I know what you're saying , you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know . But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels . So um {vocalsound} I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because {disfmarker} So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if {disfmarker} or or {disfmarker} then again if you just {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But but imagine someone with s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "My flatmates actually had one with a wheel , and it it did show up on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh yeah ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels . Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause you'll have to like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have to r wheel really fast .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but you can quickly s you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "at least on theirs .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah if you do , it w so it would have to be {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of , you know , range we need to have on the wheel , and um {disfmarker} So you're either {disfmarker} you're {disfmarker} you know , th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that , you know , you can like tap for , um , different", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh , whatchamacallits , different um , you know , functions like volume or , like you can tap just to get to different channels . Like if you just wanted to go to like {disfmarker} from five to six you could tap or someth", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then there's also the concern about you know um {vocalsound} how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television , or if you want to um {vocalsound} you know switch around , I don't know , like , these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean with that many options , you'd {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker} I'd think that the screen would be better ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you could have that menu option , sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I would think so too , like {disfmarker} So I mean {disfmarker} and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it , you know , because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but then again it would {disfmarker} it does make kind of {disfmarker} if the screen's sort of just like an option that , like , is just there and you're not really using it , that's kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's more expensive according to the design people .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "m yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the only thing though .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have to get a {disfmarker} an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in , which is more expensive than the regular chip , which is more expensive than the minimal .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You can get to {disfmarker} you know , you can {disfmarker} Like maybe it'll be that central button that , like , then you hit that and then you can {disfmarker} it brings up like the menu on the T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you can just scroll around , like , to do the timer , to do the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the T_V_ is the screen , that {disfmarker} yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it would have all these different options of changing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Look it even has settings .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} you can just take theirs and just {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , well we don't want the screen I guess ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um {disfmarker} 'cause that just {disfmarker} it does seem like , it {disfmarker} that would be , like , incredibly expensive , but {disfmarker} I dunno , and then {disfmarker} so , it just im really all you need is , like , this little wheel then , and you can control everything .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , right . What if {disfmarker} I mean , if you're thinking of the design of it now , like the a you know , physical attributes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , and you just have this , it's like just a long silver thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or whatever we're thinking . I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before . I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah definitely .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , I think we're looking at something that could be , like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean it it needs to be easy to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but should be comfortable .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean how do how do {disfmarker} I'm not really {disfmarker} Like when I use an iPod , I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Or your thumb or something . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I use it like that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "W when we had the wheely remote control , we {disfmarker} it was on the top I think , if you held it like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But , were there buttons on there as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we just used the top part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} but I mean I think it could be pretty small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like , I d I mean , you you want it to be large enough that you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What if , um , you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much ? Like you {disfmarker} so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that ? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But can't you just get {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do {disfmarker} do you know what I'm talking about though ? Like , uh , yeah just something {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "K", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you can have it on the settings ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , that you can flip over , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , But , I mean , do you need that ? If if you can get to , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is is {disfmarker} if w I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That keeps it", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if we can do this , that'd probably be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "really {disfmarker} Yeah . Uh you wouldn't {disfmarker} I don't {disfmarker} I just don't think you would even need it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we have to look into the , um , like , the programming , how this {disfmarker} how they actually programme these things , and if that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_ ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . I mean it {disfmarker} would y would {disfmarker} that would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you can do it ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They already do it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_ , not inside the remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it's {disfmarker} it doesn't seem that hard . I mean I've never bought a remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well they usually are .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is a little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My {disfmarker} I've never bought just a remote , like , so I don't I don't really know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I guess that's right . It always comes with the T_V_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} but I mean it's {disfmarker} I've never had a hard time with like my remotes , like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever , you know . And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} most of the ones we've had have had the menu button , 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something . 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Well so {disfmarker} So , do we need {disfmarker} I dunno . Well I guess we have to you know think about {disfmarker} But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's what it does anyway .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out , because the problem with buttons is you {disfmarker} like , they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you don't know they mean , yeah , it's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I never get it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Never ever .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "oh , you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well on the telly .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or on the T_V_ too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the telly , okay , yeah . So yeah I think , I mean , I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those {disfmarker} like okay now I hit this {disfmarker} you know , you have your little guide out and you're like , hit this button twice , like to activate the date .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . And it is technologically innovative in a way ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so that fits with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I guess . And it is trendy , the iPods are {vocalsound} really hot right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "B Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did you did you get that pc picture on {disfmarker} did they provide you with that picture on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , by web research , yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's quite interesting . What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh god . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You said uh people want spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , one of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's {gap} in like those stress ball things . So , that would be spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , that would be cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just nice feel , but I hate spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , c that's e that would be kind of {disfmarker} oh , you know , usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type , you know , thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean definitely the area round it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're like {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I think it could work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or what if we integrated the {vocalsound} the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we somehow made it tactilely fash you know , we c tapped into that , so like it feels like", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a vegetable . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it could be like mobiles that just {disfmarker} you just put a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "An orange . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a small thing , you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which frankly I'm not particularly fond of ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know you had {disfmarker} there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit , apple machine and they have like the blueberry , like all the colours are named after fruits .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You could name it after fruits and vegetables , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And it could {disfmarker} the colour can fit your sitting room ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry , and then if you have a green one you can have {disfmarker} well I don't know . Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what if {disfmarker} what", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} this is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , colours .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking . If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand , so like what you're feeling is comfortable , and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I do I dunno . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just {disfmarker} the feedback we've just got about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe a ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A ball ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Know , a squashy ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} A relaxing squashy ball . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} That you can p", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's in the shape of a fruit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "well I {disfmarker} see you're thinking , it's weird , you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and I'm thinking how do you change the hard {disfmarker} would you put a um sticker sort of ? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is just {disfmarker} Okay . Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit . Squashy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , yeah . Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That {disfmarker} see I was thinking this s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Which is cheaper .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And like this {disfmarker} you could have like you could have like cherries and {vocalsound} things around there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh I like that shape .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I was thinking sort of a single ball shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was thinking if it was like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you're holding a squishy ball", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and then it has a {disfmarker} Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like it has to be s", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's almost like your thumb is farther up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so if if you could squish it lower then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it wouldn't be very big in either {disfmarker} like how big ? This big , and then you just do that , I suppose .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you meant , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What if , yeah , what if the squishy , oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable , and you can {disfmarker} so so maybe one you know {disfmarker} you can have like the broccoli squishy thing , and then you could have like the banana squishy thing {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you could get {disfmarker} you could have your choice , you know ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy , like a a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} well the question is , which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um . That's nicer . I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well that's not very neat , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean I think uh {disfmarker} and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely {disfmarker} So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a bit like those juggling balls , you can change shape according to your {disfmarker} to the way you hold it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah you could squish it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If it's got sand in it maybe , or something , you {disfmarker} it it just moulds to your hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . So where are the fruit and vegetables now ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front , or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fruits and veg .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We we don't know . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the rest is the company {disfmarker} the company colour's silver ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It was , yeah , silver and yellow . It l it looks like {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We could promote the banana one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Like {disfmarker} mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean that's another question , where are we gonna {disfmarker} we we should have the logo somewhere on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Should also fit the batteries , which we haven't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th and that would {disfmarker} that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Especially if you're switching out the squishy part . Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think , um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit . The part that you , yeah , can change into the different , you know , trendy vegetables and fruits .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well I dunno . You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand . Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No but it does it automatically .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it automatically ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But if someone {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "components concept . Question mark . Energy . Question mark .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That was me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Was that you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Oh right right . Yeah . Um , so what d but what do we know about energy ? I mean we're gonna use batteries right ? And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh we actually had an option of batteries , solar power , and um a dynamo ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is something I don't know what it is . Something to do with torches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , a dynamo is {disfmarker} ah , {vocalsound} it's a bicycle . It's a bicycle mechanism . It's the en it's like if if something moves , when it moves , it stores energy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Yeah , the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I sort of picked battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's quite sweet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power . Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think batteries sound good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It {vocalsound} it seems a little weird for a living room anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does everyone else think ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} The dynamo would be interesting {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . But dynamo {disfmarker} the the fact with dynamo is , the moment you move it , it c it {vocalsound} creates energy on its own .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about Kryptonite ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Which is quite cool . So if you throw it , it's gonna store loads of energy , and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying . But we need to find cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Don't know the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Didn't have enough data to actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Does anyone have costs on the on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "All it said was it gave sort of relative , some chips are more expensive than others , sort of things . It didn't give me any actual cost .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk . So I don't think it's that much of a problem . Like the chip is probably the most expensive part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does chip on print mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , for things like remote controls , um , they stamp out a chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "calculators too I think . Um , so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's not like a computer , you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls , it's like stamped onto the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right . So , chip on print is just {disfmarker} means like that they're mass-produced .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And case ? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Case is what we were discussing yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Casing . Yeah . {gap} thinking of like syntactic case and thi", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} let's see . Is there anything else we need to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "talk about ? Oh when we move on , you two are going to be playing with play-dough .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design . And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation . So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , thank you . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you soon . Does it matter that I end early ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} it's strange because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How how early is it ? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Marketing proposed that the fancy look and feel were more important than the functionality of the product. The fruit and vegetable theme was the current trend, and marketing himself preferred fruits to vegetables. Therefore, how spongy the material could be should be taken into consideration when choosing the materials. The potential materials to accomplish the fruit and vegetable theme could be a sort of rubber, which was used in the stress balls. The alternative option was to use a cover for it, and choose a colour that fits one's sitting room.
What did the group discuss about the current trend and potential materials?
[ { "content": "Hi everyone , hope you had a nice lunch . Um {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Alright we're moving on to conceptual design .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} 'Scuse me . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Bless you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , I'll just review what we did in our last meeting . Um , {vocalsound} under marketing we targeted our audience , and {disfmarker} Um , yeah . That was {vocalsound} generally {vocalsound} {disfmarker} how helpful that was .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , then we considered some design options with how it should look , um , we discussed an iPod-like button system which , uh , we haven't concluded but we're {disfmarker} Right , um {disfmarker} So , if you all have presentations to do , we can see what {disfmarker} where you've come from our last time . Does everyone have presentations ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Would anybody like to go first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I've been looking at the components design . Um . Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting . Um , so we need some custom design parts , and other parts we'll just use standard . Um , I assume we'll be custom designing our case , probably a hard plastic or some other material case , to protect the remote and the locator . And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board , because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time . But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out . Um , standard parts include the buttons and the wheels , um the iPod-style wheel . The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it . Um , we need a radio sender and receiver , those are standard . And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote . So we have some material options . Um , we can use rubber , plastic , wood or titanium . Um , I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy . Um , and the rubber case requires rubber buttons , so if we definitely want plastic buttons , we shouldn't have a rubber case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ? {vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hmm ? {vocalsound} Uh , well we can use wood . {vocalsound} I don't know why we'd want to . Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button , it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip . We can't use the minimal chip , we need the next higher grade , which is called regular . I don't think it's much more expensive , but it is more expensive . So that's what I've got on design .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'S good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , can I do next ? 'Cause I have to say something about the material", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "which is quite shocking .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ha . Mm . Right , um , I have been searching the current trends , um , both on the web and via fashion-watchers , and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh , fancy look and feel . Um . Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that . And th last thing is the easy to use um factor . Um , fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing , but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use . Um , our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided , well noticed , that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the {vocalsound} is the current trend", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want , you know , wh whatever our motto is . Um . For fashion , we go for fashion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The fashion in electronics . So we want to put the fashion electronics , we need to go fruit and vegetables . And also go for a spongy feel , so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer . As to the material should be limited to {disfmarker} I don't know how spongy it can be , should discuss this together , I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go . Um . I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but that's just a personal opinion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed , so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff , or should the actual remote look like a fruit ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and finally again with the spongy . It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find {disfmarker} come up with a solution that's better than mine . Um , yeah , to summarise these are the points that need to be um , touched in order to get a good decision , and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you for your attention .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's the next {disfmarker} it's the blue one , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , uh , there we go . {vocalsound} Uh . Okay . Um . Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I actually wasn't aware of the {vocalsound} new trends in electronics", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Neither was I . Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um {vocalsound} fabrics . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So so okay , let me get this right . Okay , uh {disfmarker} Okay , alright anyway . Um {vocalsound} here we go . Conceptual User Interface . Trying {disfmarker} we're gonna try to talk about , um {vocalsound} what kind of uh {disfmarker} how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control , based on fruit vegetable design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And , um , basically , so , this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system . {vocalsound} Uh , so people are going to be looking at this little screen . Um , kind of {disfmarker} I mean I assume , are we still on the screen idea ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this {disfmarker} it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um {vocalsound} the wheel", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen for it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it seems like you would need a screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song , like you know that band or whatever . With T_V_ channels it's , you know , one two three . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But like if you think about it {disfmarker} yeah but if {disfmarker} so is it just {disfmarker} okay . So , b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that , aren't you ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're , um , we're actually not having D_V_D_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Are we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that was one of th I I was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sorry ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I meant to update you on that . Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Alright . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But the screen can come up on the telly , the {disfmarker} she said .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That correct ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So anyway if {disfmarker} well we just {disfmarker} we need to {disfmarker} Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen {disfmarker} I think {disfmarker} I was thinking {disfmarker} okay . So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then ? And you're just gonna {disfmarker} I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a {disfmarker} right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Graphical interface ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah like you're g", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh on the {disfmarker} you can have it on the telly though .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can {disfmarker} okay we're not choosing that , I guess . But like choose channel control , like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like , um , you know , channels one two three four five six seven eight nine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} {gap} {disfmarker} people seems to be {disfmarker} well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've {disfmarker} Yeah , I know what you're saying , you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know . But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels . So um {vocalsound} I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because {disfmarker} So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if {disfmarker} or or {disfmarker} then again if you just {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But but imagine someone with s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "My flatmates actually had one with a wheel , and it it did show up on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh yeah ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels . Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause you'll have to like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have to r wheel really fast .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but you can quickly s you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "at least on theirs .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah if you do , it w so it would have to be {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of , you know , range we need to have on the wheel , and um {disfmarker} So you're either {disfmarker} you're {disfmarker} you know , th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that , you know , you can like tap for , um , different", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh , whatchamacallits , different um , you know , functions like volume or , like you can tap just to get to different channels . Like if you just wanted to go to like {disfmarker} from five to six you could tap or someth", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then there's also the concern about you know um {vocalsound} how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television , or if you want to um {vocalsound} you know switch around , I don't know , like , these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean with that many options , you'd {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker} I'd think that the screen would be better ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you could have that menu option , sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I would think so too , like {disfmarker} So I mean {disfmarker} and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it , you know , because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but then again it would {disfmarker} it does make kind of {disfmarker} if the screen's sort of just like an option that , like , is just there and you're not really using it , that's kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's more expensive according to the design people .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "m yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the only thing though .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have to get a {disfmarker} an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in , which is more expensive than the regular chip , which is more expensive than the minimal .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You can get to {disfmarker} you know , you can {disfmarker} Like maybe it'll be that central button that , like , then you hit that and then you can {disfmarker} it brings up like the menu on the T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you can just scroll around , like , to do the timer , to do the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the T_V_ is the screen , that {disfmarker} yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it would have all these different options of changing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Look it even has settings .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} you can just take theirs and just {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , well we don't want the screen I guess ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um {disfmarker} 'cause that just {disfmarker} it does seem like , it {disfmarker} that would be , like , incredibly expensive , but {disfmarker} I dunno , and then {disfmarker} so , it just im really all you need is , like , this little wheel then , and you can control everything .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , right . What if {disfmarker} I mean , if you're thinking of the design of it now , like the a you know , physical attributes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , and you just have this , it's like just a long silver thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or whatever we're thinking . I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before . I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah definitely .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , I think we're looking at something that could be , like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean it it needs to be easy to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but should be comfortable .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean how do how do {disfmarker} I'm not really {disfmarker} Like when I use an iPod , I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Or your thumb or something . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I use it like that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "W when we had the wheely remote control , we {disfmarker} it was on the top I think , if you held it like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But , were there buttons on there as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we just used the top part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} but I mean I think it could be pretty small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like , I d I mean , you you want it to be large enough that you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What if , um , you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much ? Like you {disfmarker} so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that ? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But can't you just get {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do {disfmarker} do you know what I'm talking about though ? Like , uh , yeah just something {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "K", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you can have it on the settings ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , that you can flip over , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , But , I mean , do you need that ? If if you can get to , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is is {disfmarker} if w I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That keeps it", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if we can do this , that'd probably be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "really {disfmarker} Yeah . Uh you wouldn't {disfmarker} I don't {disfmarker} I just don't think you would even need it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we have to look into the , um , like , the programming , how this {disfmarker} how they actually programme these things , and if that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_ ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . I mean it {disfmarker} would y would {disfmarker} that would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you can do it ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They already do it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_ , not inside the remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it's {disfmarker} it doesn't seem that hard . I mean I've never bought a remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well they usually are .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is a little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My {disfmarker} I've never bought just a remote , like , so I don't I don't really know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I guess that's right . It always comes with the T_V_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} but I mean it's {disfmarker} I've never had a hard time with like my remotes , like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever , you know . And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} most of the ones we've had have had the menu button , 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something . 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Well so {disfmarker} So , do we need {disfmarker} I dunno . Well I guess we have to you know think about {disfmarker} But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's what it does anyway .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out , because the problem with buttons is you {disfmarker} like , they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you don't know they mean , yeah , it's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I never get it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Never ever .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "oh , you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well on the telly .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or on the T_V_ too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the telly , okay , yeah . So yeah I think , I mean , I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those {disfmarker} like okay now I hit this {disfmarker} you know , you have your little guide out and you're like , hit this button twice , like to activate the date .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . And it is technologically innovative in a way ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so that fits with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I guess . And it is trendy , the iPods are {vocalsound} really hot right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "B Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did you did you get that pc picture on {disfmarker} did they provide you with that picture on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , by web research , yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's quite interesting . What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh god . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You said uh people want spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , one of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's {gap} in like those stress ball things . So , that would be spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , that would be cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just nice feel , but I hate spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , c that's e that would be kind of {disfmarker} oh , you know , usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type , you know , thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean definitely the area round it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're like {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I think it could work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or what if we integrated the {vocalsound} the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we somehow made it tactilely fash you know , we c tapped into that , so like it feels like", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a vegetable . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it could be like mobiles that just {disfmarker} you just put a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "An orange . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a small thing , you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which frankly I'm not particularly fond of ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know you had {disfmarker} there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit , apple machine and they have like the blueberry , like all the colours are named after fruits .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You could name it after fruits and vegetables , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And it could {disfmarker} the colour can fit your sitting room ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry , and then if you have a green one you can have {disfmarker} well I don't know . Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what if {disfmarker} what", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} this is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , colours .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking . If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand , so like what you're feeling is comfortable , and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I do I dunno . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just {disfmarker} the feedback we've just got about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe a ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A ball ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Know , a squashy ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} A relaxing squashy ball . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} That you can p", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's in the shape of a fruit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "well I {disfmarker} see you're thinking , it's weird , you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and I'm thinking how do you change the hard {disfmarker} would you put a um sticker sort of ? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is just {disfmarker} Okay . Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit . Squashy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , yeah . Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That {disfmarker} see I was thinking this s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Which is cheaper .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And like this {disfmarker} you could have like you could have like cherries and {vocalsound} things around there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh I like that shape .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I was thinking sort of a single ball shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was thinking if it was like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you're holding a squishy ball", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and then it has a {disfmarker} Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like it has to be s", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's almost like your thumb is farther up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so if if you could squish it lower then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it wouldn't be very big in either {disfmarker} like how big ? This big , and then you just do that , I suppose .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you meant , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What if , yeah , what if the squishy , oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable , and you can {disfmarker} so so maybe one you know {disfmarker} you can have like the broccoli squishy thing , and then you could have like the banana squishy thing {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you could get {disfmarker} you could have your choice , you know ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy , like a a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} well the question is , which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um . That's nicer . I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well that's not very neat , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean I think uh {disfmarker} and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely {disfmarker} So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a bit like those juggling balls , you can change shape according to your {disfmarker} to the way you hold it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah you could squish it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If it's got sand in it maybe , or something , you {disfmarker} it it just moulds to your hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . So where are the fruit and vegetables now ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front , or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fruits and veg .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We we don't know . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the rest is the company {disfmarker} the company colour's silver ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It was , yeah , silver and yellow . It l it looks like {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We could promote the banana one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Like {disfmarker} mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean that's another question , where are we gonna {disfmarker} we we should have the logo somewhere on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Should also fit the batteries , which we haven't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th and that would {disfmarker} that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Especially if you're switching out the squishy part . Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think , um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit . The part that you , yeah , can change into the different , you know , trendy vegetables and fruits .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well I dunno . You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand . Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No but it does it automatically .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it automatically ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But if someone {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "components concept . Question mark . Energy . Question mark .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That was me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Was that you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Oh right right . Yeah . Um , so what d but what do we know about energy ? I mean we're gonna use batteries right ? And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh we actually had an option of batteries , solar power , and um a dynamo ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is something I don't know what it is . Something to do with torches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , a dynamo is {disfmarker} ah , {vocalsound} it's a bicycle . It's a bicycle mechanism . It's the en it's like if if something moves , when it moves , it stores energy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Yeah , the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I sort of picked battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's quite sweet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power . Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think batteries sound good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It {vocalsound} it seems a little weird for a living room anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does everyone else think ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} The dynamo would be interesting {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . But dynamo {disfmarker} the the fact with dynamo is , the moment you move it , it c it {vocalsound} creates energy on its own .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about Kryptonite ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Which is quite cool . So if you throw it , it's gonna store loads of energy , and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying . But we need to find cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Don't know the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Didn't have enough data to actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Does anyone have costs on the on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "All it said was it gave sort of relative , some chips are more expensive than others , sort of things . It didn't give me any actual cost .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk . So I don't think it's that much of a problem . Like the chip is probably the most expensive part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does chip on print mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , for things like remote controls , um , they stamp out a chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "calculators too I think . Um , so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's not like a computer , you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls , it's like stamped onto the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right . So , chip on print is just {disfmarker} means like that they're mass-produced .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And case ? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Case is what we were discussing yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Casing . Yeah . {gap} thinking of like syntactic case and thi", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} let's see . Is there anything else we need to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "talk about ? Oh when we move on , you two are going to be playing with play-dough .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design . And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation . So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , thank you . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you soon . Does it matter that I end early ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} it's strange because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How how early is it ? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer thought some parts needed custom design, and other parts should just use standard. For example, the case needed custom design to protect the remote and the locator, and the circuit board needed custom design as well, while the buttons and the wheels, radio sender and receiver were all standard parts. In addition, beeper or other noise things were needed as well for locating the remote. Rubber, plastic, wood and titanium were options of materials, but better not titanium. Regular chips were required if the iPod-style wheel button was used.
What did the Industrial Designer say about component design?
[ { "content": "Hi everyone , hope you had a nice lunch . Um {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Alright we're moving on to conceptual design .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} 'Scuse me . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Bless you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , I'll just review what we did in our last meeting . Um , {vocalsound} under marketing we targeted our audience , and {disfmarker} Um , yeah . That was {vocalsound} generally {vocalsound} {disfmarker} how helpful that was .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , then we considered some design options with how it should look , um , we discussed an iPod-like button system which , uh , we haven't concluded but we're {disfmarker} Right , um {disfmarker} So , if you all have presentations to do , we can see what {disfmarker} where you've come from our last time . Does everyone have presentations ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Would anybody like to go first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I've been looking at the components design . Um . Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting . Um , so we need some custom design parts , and other parts we'll just use standard . Um , I assume we'll be custom designing our case , probably a hard plastic or some other material case , to protect the remote and the locator . And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board , because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time . But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out . Um , standard parts include the buttons and the wheels , um the iPod-style wheel . The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it . Um , we need a radio sender and receiver , those are standard . And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote . So we have some material options . Um , we can use rubber , plastic , wood or titanium . Um , I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy . Um , and the rubber case requires rubber buttons , so if we definitely want plastic buttons , we shouldn't have a rubber case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ? {vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hmm ? {vocalsound} Uh , well we can use wood . {vocalsound} I don't know why we'd want to . Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button , it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip . We can't use the minimal chip , we need the next higher grade , which is called regular . I don't think it's much more expensive , but it is more expensive . So that's what I've got on design .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'S good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , can I do next ? 'Cause I have to say something about the material", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "which is quite shocking .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ha . Mm . Right , um , I have been searching the current trends , um , both on the web and via fashion-watchers , and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh , fancy look and feel . Um . Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that . And th last thing is the easy to use um factor . Um , fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing , but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use . Um , our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided , well noticed , that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the {vocalsound} is the current trend", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want , you know , wh whatever our motto is . Um . For fashion , we go for fashion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The fashion in electronics . So we want to put the fashion electronics , we need to go fruit and vegetables . And also go for a spongy feel , so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer . As to the material should be limited to {disfmarker} I don't know how spongy it can be , should discuss this together , I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go . Um . I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but that's just a personal opinion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed , so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff , or should the actual remote look like a fruit ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and finally again with the spongy . It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find {disfmarker} come up with a solution that's better than mine . Um , yeah , to summarise these are the points that need to be um , touched in order to get a good decision , and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you for your attention .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's the next {disfmarker} it's the blue one , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , uh , there we go . {vocalsound} Uh . Okay . Um . Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I actually wasn't aware of the {vocalsound} new trends in electronics", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Neither was I . Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um {vocalsound} fabrics . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So so okay , let me get this right . Okay , uh {disfmarker} Okay , alright anyway . Um {vocalsound} here we go . Conceptual User Interface . Trying {disfmarker} we're gonna try to talk about , um {vocalsound} what kind of uh {disfmarker} how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control , based on fruit vegetable design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And , um , basically , so , this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system . {vocalsound} Uh , so people are going to be looking at this little screen . Um , kind of {disfmarker} I mean I assume , are we still on the screen idea ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this {disfmarker} it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um {vocalsound} the wheel", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen for it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it seems like you would need a screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song , like you know that band or whatever . With T_V_ channels it's , you know , one two three . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But like if you think about it {disfmarker} yeah but if {disfmarker} so is it just {disfmarker} okay . So , b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that , aren't you ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're , um , we're actually not having D_V_D_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Are we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that was one of th I I was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sorry ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I meant to update you on that . Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Alright . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But the screen can come up on the telly , the {disfmarker} she said .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That correct ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So anyway if {disfmarker} well we just {disfmarker} we need to {disfmarker} Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen {disfmarker} I think {disfmarker} I was thinking {disfmarker} okay . So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then ? And you're just gonna {disfmarker} I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a {disfmarker} right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Graphical interface ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah like you're g", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh on the {disfmarker} you can have it on the telly though .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can {disfmarker} okay we're not choosing that , I guess . But like choose channel control , like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like , um , you know , channels one two three four five six seven eight nine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} {gap} {disfmarker} people seems to be {disfmarker} well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've {disfmarker} Yeah , I know what you're saying , you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know . But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels . So um {vocalsound} I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because {disfmarker} So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if {disfmarker} or or {disfmarker} then again if you just {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But but imagine someone with s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "My flatmates actually had one with a wheel , and it it did show up on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh yeah ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels . Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause you'll have to like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have to r wheel really fast .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but you can quickly s you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "at least on theirs .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah if you do , it w so it would have to be {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of , you know , range we need to have on the wheel , and um {disfmarker} So you're either {disfmarker} you're {disfmarker} you know , th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that , you know , you can like tap for , um , different", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh , whatchamacallits , different um , you know , functions like volume or , like you can tap just to get to different channels . Like if you just wanted to go to like {disfmarker} from five to six you could tap or someth", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then there's also the concern about you know um {vocalsound} how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television , or if you want to um {vocalsound} you know switch around , I don't know , like , these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean with that many options , you'd {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker} I'd think that the screen would be better ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you could have that menu option , sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I would think so too , like {disfmarker} So I mean {disfmarker} and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it , you know , because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but then again it would {disfmarker} it does make kind of {disfmarker} if the screen's sort of just like an option that , like , is just there and you're not really using it , that's kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's more expensive according to the design people .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "m yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the only thing though .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have to get a {disfmarker} an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in , which is more expensive than the regular chip , which is more expensive than the minimal .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You can get to {disfmarker} you know , you can {disfmarker} Like maybe it'll be that central button that , like , then you hit that and then you can {disfmarker} it brings up like the menu on the T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you can just scroll around , like , to do the timer , to do the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the T_V_ is the screen , that {disfmarker} yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it would have all these different options of changing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Look it even has settings .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} you can just take theirs and just {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , well we don't want the screen I guess ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um {disfmarker} 'cause that just {disfmarker} it does seem like , it {disfmarker} that would be , like , incredibly expensive , but {disfmarker} I dunno , and then {disfmarker} so , it just im really all you need is , like , this little wheel then , and you can control everything .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , right . What if {disfmarker} I mean , if you're thinking of the design of it now , like the a you know , physical attributes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , and you just have this , it's like just a long silver thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or whatever we're thinking . I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before . I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah definitely .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , I think we're looking at something that could be , like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean it it needs to be easy to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but should be comfortable .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean how do how do {disfmarker} I'm not really {disfmarker} Like when I use an iPod , I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Or your thumb or something . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I use it like that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "W when we had the wheely remote control , we {disfmarker} it was on the top I think , if you held it like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But , were there buttons on there as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we just used the top part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} but I mean I think it could be pretty small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like , I d I mean , you you want it to be large enough that you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What if , um , you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much ? Like you {disfmarker} so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that ? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But can't you just get {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do {disfmarker} do you know what I'm talking about though ? Like , uh , yeah just something {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "K", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you can have it on the settings ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , that you can flip over , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , But , I mean , do you need that ? If if you can get to , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is is {disfmarker} if w I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That keeps it", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if we can do this , that'd probably be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "really {disfmarker} Yeah . Uh you wouldn't {disfmarker} I don't {disfmarker} I just don't think you would even need it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we have to look into the , um , like , the programming , how this {disfmarker} how they actually programme these things , and if that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_ ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . I mean it {disfmarker} would y would {disfmarker} that would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you can do it ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They already do it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_ , not inside the remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it's {disfmarker} it doesn't seem that hard . I mean I've never bought a remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well they usually are .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is a little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My {disfmarker} I've never bought just a remote , like , so I don't I don't really know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I guess that's right . It always comes with the T_V_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} but I mean it's {disfmarker} I've never had a hard time with like my remotes , like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever , you know . And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} most of the ones we've had have had the menu button , 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something . 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Well so {disfmarker} So , do we need {disfmarker} I dunno . Well I guess we have to you know think about {disfmarker} But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's what it does anyway .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out , because the problem with buttons is you {disfmarker} like , they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you don't know they mean , yeah , it's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I never get it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Never ever .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "oh , you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well on the telly .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or on the T_V_ too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the telly , okay , yeah . So yeah I think , I mean , I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those {disfmarker} like okay now I hit this {disfmarker} you know , you have your little guide out and you're like , hit this button twice , like to activate the date .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . And it is technologically innovative in a way ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so that fits with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I guess . And it is trendy , the iPods are {vocalsound} really hot right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "B Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did you did you get that pc picture on {disfmarker} did they provide you with that picture on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , by web research , yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's quite interesting . What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh god . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You said uh people want spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , one of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's {gap} in like those stress ball things . So , that would be spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , that would be cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just nice feel , but I hate spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , c that's e that would be kind of {disfmarker} oh , you know , usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type , you know , thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean definitely the area round it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're like {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I think it could work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or what if we integrated the {vocalsound} the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we somehow made it tactilely fash you know , we c tapped into that , so like it feels like", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a vegetable . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it could be like mobiles that just {disfmarker} you just put a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "An orange . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a small thing , you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which frankly I'm not particularly fond of ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know you had {disfmarker} there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit , apple machine and they have like the blueberry , like all the colours are named after fruits .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You could name it after fruits and vegetables , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And it could {disfmarker} the colour can fit your sitting room ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry , and then if you have a green one you can have {disfmarker} well I don't know . Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what if {disfmarker} what", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} this is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , colours .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking . If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand , so like what you're feeling is comfortable , and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I do I dunno . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just {disfmarker} the feedback we've just got about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe a ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A ball ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Know , a squashy ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} A relaxing squashy ball . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} That you can p", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's in the shape of a fruit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "well I {disfmarker} see you're thinking , it's weird , you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and I'm thinking how do you change the hard {disfmarker} would you put a um sticker sort of ? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is just {disfmarker} Okay . Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit . Squashy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , yeah . Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That {disfmarker} see I was thinking this s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Which is cheaper .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And like this {disfmarker} you could have like you could have like cherries and {vocalsound} things around there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh I like that shape .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I was thinking sort of a single ball shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was thinking if it was like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you're holding a squishy ball", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and then it has a {disfmarker} Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like it has to be s", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's almost like your thumb is farther up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so if if you could squish it lower then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it wouldn't be very big in either {disfmarker} like how big ? This big , and then you just do that , I suppose .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you meant , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What if , yeah , what if the squishy , oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable , and you can {disfmarker} so so maybe one you know {disfmarker} you can have like the broccoli squishy thing , and then you could have like the banana squishy thing {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you could get {disfmarker} you could have your choice , you know ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy , like a a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} well the question is , which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um . That's nicer . I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well that's not very neat , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean I think uh {disfmarker} and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely {disfmarker} So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a bit like those juggling balls , you can change shape according to your {disfmarker} to the way you hold it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah you could squish it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If it's got sand in it maybe , or something , you {disfmarker} it it just moulds to your hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . So where are the fruit and vegetables now ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front , or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fruits and veg .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We we don't know . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the rest is the company {disfmarker} the company colour's silver ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It was , yeah , silver and yellow . It l it looks like {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We could promote the banana one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Like {disfmarker} mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean that's another question , where are we gonna {disfmarker} we we should have the logo somewhere on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Should also fit the batteries , which we haven't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th and that would {disfmarker} that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Especially if you're switching out the squishy part . Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think , um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit . The part that you , yeah , can change into the different , you know , trendy vegetables and fruits .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well I dunno . You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand . Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No but it does it automatically .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it automatically ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But if someone {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "components concept . Question mark . Energy . Question mark .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That was me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Was that you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Oh right right . Yeah . Um , so what d but what do we know about energy ? I mean we're gonna use batteries right ? And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh we actually had an option of batteries , solar power , and um a dynamo ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is something I don't know what it is . Something to do with torches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , a dynamo is {disfmarker} ah , {vocalsound} it's a bicycle . It's a bicycle mechanism . It's the en it's like if if something moves , when it moves , it stores energy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Yeah , the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I sort of picked battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's quite sweet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power . Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think batteries sound good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It {vocalsound} it seems a little weird for a living room anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does everyone else think ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} The dynamo would be interesting {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . But dynamo {disfmarker} the the fact with dynamo is , the moment you move it , it c it {vocalsound} creates energy on its own .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about Kryptonite ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Which is quite cool . So if you throw it , it's gonna store loads of energy , and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying . But we need to find cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Don't know the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Didn't have enough data to actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Does anyone have costs on the on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "All it said was it gave sort of relative , some chips are more expensive than others , sort of things . It didn't give me any actual cost .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk . So I don't think it's that much of a problem . Like the chip is probably the most expensive part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does chip on print mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , for things like remote controls , um , they stamp out a chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "calculators too I think . Um , so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's not like a computer , you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls , it's like stamped onto the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right . So , chip on print is just {disfmarker} means like that they're mass-produced .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And case ? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Case is what we were discussing yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Casing . Yeah . {gap} thinking of like syntactic case and thi", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} let's see . Is there anything else we need to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "talk about ? Oh when we move on , you two are going to be playing with play-dough .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design . And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation . So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , thank you . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you soon . Does it matter that I end early ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} it's strange because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How how early is it ? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
User Interface assumed they were going to have a screen at first, since User Interface thought a screen was necessary for people to visualize things such as a specific song when looking for one. However, since adding a screen cost more money, and TV could be used as the screen, they finally decided that screen was not necessary.
What did people decide on screen usage when discussing the necessity of screen?
[ { "content": "Hi everyone , hope you had a nice lunch . Um {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Alright we're moving on to conceptual design .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} 'Scuse me . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Bless you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , I'll just review what we did in our last meeting . Um , {vocalsound} under marketing we targeted our audience , and {disfmarker} Um , yeah . That was {vocalsound} generally {vocalsound} {disfmarker} how helpful that was .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , then we considered some design options with how it should look , um , we discussed an iPod-like button system which , uh , we haven't concluded but we're {disfmarker} Right , um {disfmarker} So , if you all have presentations to do , we can see what {disfmarker} where you've come from our last time . Does everyone have presentations ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Would anybody like to go first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I've been looking at the components design . Um . Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting . Um , so we need some custom design parts , and other parts we'll just use standard . Um , I assume we'll be custom designing our case , probably a hard plastic or some other material case , to protect the remote and the locator . And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board , because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time . But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out . Um , standard parts include the buttons and the wheels , um the iPod-style wheel . The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it . Um , we need a radio sender and receiver , those are standard . And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote . So we have some material options . Um , we can use rubber , plastic , wood or titanium . Um , I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy . Um , and the rubber case requires rubber buttons , so if we definitely want plastic buttons , we shouldn't have a rubber case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ? {vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hmm ? {vocalsound} Uh , well we can use wood . {vocalsound} I don't know why we'd want to . Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button , it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip . We can't use the minimal chip , we need the next higher grade , which is called regular . I don't think it's much more expensive , but it is more expensive . So that's what I've got on design .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'S good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , can I do next ? 'Cause I have to say something about the material", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "which is quite shocking .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ha . Mm . Right , um , I have been searching the current trends , um , both on the web and via fashion-watchers , and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh , fancy look and feel . Um . Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that . And th last thing is the easy to use um factor . Um , fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing , but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use . Um , our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided , well noticed , that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the {vocalsound} is the current trend", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want , you know , wh whatever our motto is . Um . For fashion , we go for fashion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The fashion in electronics . So we want to put the fashion electronics , we need to go fruit and vegetables . And also go for a spongy feel , so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer . As to the material should be limited to {disfmarker} I don't know how spongy it can be , should discuss this together , I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go . Um . I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but that's just a personal opinion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed , so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff , or should the actual remote look like a fruit ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and finally again with the spongy . It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find {disfmarker} come up with a solution that's better than mine . Um , yeah , to summarise these are the points that need to be um , touched in order to get a good decision , and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you for your attention .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's the next {disfmarker} it's the blue one , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , uh , there we go . {vocalsound} Uh . Okay . Um . Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I actually wasn't aware of the {vocalsound} new trends in electronics", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Neither was I . Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um {vocalsound} fabrics . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So so okay , let me get this right . Okay , uh {disfmarker} Okay , alright anyway . Um {vocalsound} here we go . Conceptual User Interface . Trying {disfmarker} we're gonna try to talk about , um {vocalsound} what kind of uh {disfmarker} how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control , based on fruit vegetable design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And , um , basically , so , this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system . {vocalsound} Uh , so people are going to be looking at this little screen . Um , kind of {disfmarker} I mean I assume , are we still on the screen idea ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this {disfmarker} it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um {vocalsound} the wheel", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen for it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it seems like you would need a screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song , like you know that band or whatever . With T_V_ channels it's , you know , one two three . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But like if you think about it {disfmarker} yeah but if {disfmarker} so is it just {disfmarker} okay . So , b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that , aren't you ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're , um , we're actually not having D_V_D_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Are we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that was one of th I I was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sorry ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I meant to update you on that . Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Alright . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But the screen can come up on the telly , the {disfmarker} she said .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That correct ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So anyway if {disfmarker} well we just {disfmarker} we need to {disfmarker} Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen {disfmarker} I think {disfmarker} I was thinking {disfmarker} okay . So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then ? And you're just gonna {disfmarker} I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a {disfmarker} right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Graphical interface ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah like you're g", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh on the {disfmarker} you can have it on the telly though .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can {disfmarker} okay we're not choosing that , I guess . But like choose channel control , like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like , um , you know , channels one two three four five six seven eight nine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} {gap} {disfmarker} people seems to be {disfmarker} well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've {disfmarker} Yeah , I know what you're saying , you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know . But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels . So um {vocalsound} I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because {disfmarker} So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if {disfmarker} or or {disfmarker} then again if you just {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But but imagine someone with s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "My flatmates actually had one with a wheel , and it it did show up on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh yeah ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels . Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause you'll have to like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have to r wheel really fast .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but you can quickly s you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "at least on theirs .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah if you do , it w so it would have to be {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of , you know , range we need to have on the wheel , and um {disfmarker} So you're either {disfmarker} you're {disfmarker} you know , th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that , you know , you can like tap for , um , different", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh , whatchamacallits , different um , you know , functions like volume or , like you can tap just to get to different channels . Like if you just wanted to go to like {disfmarker} from five to six you could tap or someth", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then there's also the concern about you know um {vocalsound} how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television , or if you want to um {vocalsound} you know switch around , I don't know , like , these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean with that many options , you'd {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker} I'd think that the screen would be better ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you could have that menu option , sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I would think so too , like {disfmarker} So I mean {disfmarker} and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it , you know , because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but then again it would {disfmarker} it does make kind of {disfmarker} if the screen's sort of just like an option that , like , is just there and you're not really using it , that's kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's more expensive according to the design people .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "m yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the only thing though .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have to get a {disfmarker} an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in , which is more expensive than the regular chip , which is more expensive than the minimal .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You can get to {disfmarker} you know , you can {disfmarker} Like maybe it'll be that central button that , like , then you hit that and then you can {disfmarker} it brings up like the menu on the T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you can just scroll around , like , to do the timer , to do the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the T_V_ is the screen , that {disfmarker} yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it would have all these different options of changing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Look it even has settings .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} you can just take theirs and just {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , well we don't want the screen I guess ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um {disfmarker} 'cause that just {disfmarker} it does seem like , it {disfmarker} that would be , like , incredibly expensive , but {disfmarker} I dunno , and then {disfmarker} so , it just im really all you need is , like , this little wheel then , and you can control everything .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , right . What if {disfmarker} I mean , if you're thinking of the design of it now , like the a you know , physical attributes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , and you just have this , it's like just a long silver thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or whatever we're thinking . I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before . I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah definitely .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , I think we're looking at something that could be , like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean it it needs to be easy to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but should be comfortable .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean how do how do {disfmarker} I'm not really {disfmarker} Like when I use an iPod , I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Or your thumb or something . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I use it like that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "W when we had the wheely remote control , we {disfmarker} it was on the top I think , if you held it like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But , were there buttons on there as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we just used the top part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} but I mean I think it could be pretty small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like , I d I mean , you you want it to be large enough that you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What if , um , you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much ? Like you {disfmarker} so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that ? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But can't you just get {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do {disfmarker} do you know what I'm talking about though ? Like , uh , yeah just something {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "K", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you can have it on the settings ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , that you can flip over , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , But , I mean , do you need that ? If if you can get to , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is is {disfmarker} if w I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That keeps it", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if we can do this , that'd probably be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "really {disfmarker} Yeah . Uh you wouldn't {disfmarker} I don't {disfmarker} I just don't think you would even need it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we have to look into the , um , like , the programming , how this {disfmarker} how they actually programme these things , and if that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_ ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . I mean it {disfmarker} would y would {disfmarker} that would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you can do it ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They already do it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_ , not inside the remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it's {disfmarker} it doesn't seem that hard . I mean I've never bought a remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well they usually are .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is a little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My {disfmarker} I've never bought just a remote , like , so I don't I don't really know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I guess that's right . It always comes with the T_V_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} but I mean it's {disfmarker} I've never had a hard time with like my remotes , like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever , you know . And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} most of the ones we've had have had the menu button , 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something . 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Well so {disfmarker} So , do we need {disfmarker} I dunno . Well I guess we have to you know think about {disfmarker} But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's what it does anyway .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out , because the problem with buttons is you {disfmarker} like , they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you don't know they mean , yeah , it's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I never get it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Never ever .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "oh , you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well on the telly .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or on the T_V_ too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the telly , okay , yeah . So yeah I think , I mean , I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those {disfmarker} like okay now I hit this {disfmarker} you know , you have your little guide out and you're like , hit this button twice , like to activate the date .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . And it is technologically innovative in a way ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so that fits with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I guess . And it is trendy , the iPods are {vocalsound} really hot right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "B Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did you did you get that pc picture on {disfmarker} did they provide you with that picture on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , by web research , yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's quite interesting . What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh god . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You said uh people want spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , one of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's {gap} in like those stress ball things . So , that would be spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , that would be cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just nice feel , but I hate spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , c that's e that would be kind of {disfmarker} oh , you know , usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type , you know , thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean definitely the area round it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're like {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I think it could work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or what if we integrated the {vocalsound} the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we somehow made it tactilely fash you know , we c tapped into that , so like it feels like", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a vegetable . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it could be like mobiles that just {disfmarker} you just put a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "An orange . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a small thing , you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which frankly I'm not particularly fond of ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know you had {disfmarker} there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit , apple machine and they have like the blueberry , like all the colours are named after fruits .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You could name it after fruits and vegetables , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And it could {disfmarker} the colour can fit your sitting room ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry , and then if you have a green one you can have {disfmarker} well I don't know . Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what if {disfmarker} what", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} this is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , colours .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking . If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand , so like what you're feeling is comfortable , and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I do I dunno . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just {disfmarker} the feedback we've just got about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe a ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A ball ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Know , a squashy ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} A relaxing squashy ball . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} That you can p", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's in the shape of a fruit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "well I {disfmarker} see you're thinking , it's weird , you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and I'm thinking how do you change the hard {disfmarker} would you put a um sticker sort of ? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is just {disfmarker} Okay . Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit . Squashy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , yeah . Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That {disfmarker} see I was thinking this s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Which is cheaper .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And like this {disfmarker} you could have like you could have like cherries and {vocalsound} things around there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh I like that shape .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I was thinking sort of a single ball shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was thinking if it was like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you're holding a squishy ball", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and then it has a {disfmarker} Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like it has to be s", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's almost like your thumb is farther up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so if if you could squish it lower then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it wouldn't be very big in either {disfmarker} like how big ? This big , and then you just do that , I suppose .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you meant , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What if , yeah , what if the squishy , oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable , and you can {disfmarker} so so maybe one you know {disfmarker} you can have like the broccoli squishy thing , and then you could have like the banana squishy thing {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you could get {disfmarker} you could have your choice , you know ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy , like a a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} well the question is , which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um . That's nicer . I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well that's not very neat , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean I think uh {disfmarker} and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely {disfmarker} So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a bit like those juggling balls , you can change shape according to your {disfmarker} to the way you hold it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah you could squish it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If it's got sand in it maybe , or something , you {disfmarker} it it just moulds to your hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . So where are the fruit and vegetables now ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front , or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fruits and veg .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We we don't know . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the rest is the company {disfmarker} the company colour's silver ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It was , yeah , silver and yellow . It l it looks like {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We could promote the banana one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Like {disfmarker} mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean that's another question , where are we gonna {disfmarker} we we should have the logo somewhere on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Should also fit the batteries , which we haven't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th and that would {disfmarker} that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Especially if you're switching out the squishy part . Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think , um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit . The part that you , yeah , can change into the different , you know , trendy vegetables and fruits .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well I dunno . You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand . Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No but it does it automatically .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it automatically ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But if someone {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "components concept . Question mark . Energy . Question mark .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That was me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Was that you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Oh right right . Yeah . Um , so what d but what do we know about energy ? I mean we're gonna use batteries right ? And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh we actually had an option of batteries , solar power , and um a dynamo ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is something I don't know what it is . Something to do with torches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , a dynamo is {disfmarker} ah , {vocalsound} it's a bicycle . It's a bicycle mechanism . It's the en it's like if if something moves , when it moves , it stores energy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Yeah , the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I sort of picked battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's quite sweet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power . Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think batteries sound good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It {vocalsound} it seems a little weird for a living room anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does everyone else think ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} The dynamo would be interesting {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . But dynamo {disfmarker} the the fact with dynamo is , the moment you move it , it c it {vocalsound} creates energy on its own .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about Kryptonite ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Which is quite cool . So if you throw it , it's gonna store loads of energy , and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying . But we need to find cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Don't know the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Didn't have enough data to actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Does anyone have costs on the on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "All it said was it gave sort of relative , some chips are more expensive than others , sort of things . It didn't give me any actual cost .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk . So I don't think it's that much of a problem . Like the chip is probably the most expensive part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does chip on print mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , for things like remote controls , um , they stamp out a chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "calculators too I think . Um , so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's not like a computer , you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls , it's like stamped onto the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right . So , chip on print is just {disfmarker} means like that they're mass-produced .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And case ? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Case is what we were discussing yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Casing . Yeah . {gap} thinking of like syntactic case and thi", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} let's see . Is there anything else we need to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "talk about ? Oh when we move on , you two are going to be playing with play-dough .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design . And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation . So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , thank you . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you soon . Does it matter that I end early ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} it's strange because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How how early is it ? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Battery, solar power, dynamo, Kryptonite were potential options of the energy. They ended up with a preference on Kryptonite. Even though they could not find an exact price for it, it would not be more expensive than a chip.
Summarize the discussion about potential options of energy.
[ { "content": "Hi everyone , hope you had a nice lunch . Um {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Alright we're moving on to conceptual design .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} 'Scuse me . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Bless you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , I'll just review what we did in our last meeting . Um , {vocalsound} under marketing we targeted our audience , and {disfmarker} Um , yeah . That was {vocalsound} generally {vocalsound} {disfmarker} how helpful that was .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , then we considered some design options with how it should look , um , we discussed an iPod-like button system which , uh , we haven't concluded but we're {disfmarker} Right , um {disfmarker} So , if you all have presentations to do , we can see what {disfmarker} where you've come from our last time . Does everyone have presentations ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Would anybody like to go first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I've been looking at the components design . Um . Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting . Um , so we need some custom design parts , and other parts we'll just use standard . Um , I assume we'll be custom designing our case , probably a hard plastic or some other material case , to protect the remote and the locator . And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board , because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time . But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out . Um , standard parts include the buttons and the wheels , um the iPod-style wheel . The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it . Um , we need a radio sender and receiver , those are standard . And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote . So we have some material options . Um , we can use rubber , plastic , wood or titanium . Um , I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy . Um , and the rubber case requires rubber buttons , so if we definitely want plastic buttons , we shouldn't have a rubber case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ? {vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hmm ? {vocalsound} Uh , well we can use wood . {vocalsound} I don't know why we'd want to . Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button , it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip . We can't use the minimal chip , we need the next higher grade , which is called regular . I don't think it's much more expensive , but it is more expensive . So that's what I've got on design .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'S good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , can I do next ? 'Cause I have to say something about the material", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "which is quite shocking .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ha . Mm . Right , um , I have been searching the current trends , um , both on the web and via fashion-watchers , and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh , fancy look and feel . Um . Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that . And th last thing is the easy to use um factor . Um , fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing , but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use . Um , our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided , well noticed , that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the {vocalsound} is the current trend", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want , you know , wh whatever our motto is . Um . For fashion , we go for fashion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The fashion in electronics . So we want to put the fashion electronics , we need to go fruit and vegetables . And also go for a spongy feel , so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer . As to the material should be limited to {disfmarker} I don't know how spongy it can be , should discuss this together , I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go . Um . I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but that's just a personal opinion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed , so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff , or should the actual remote look like a fruit ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and finally again with the spongy . It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find {disfmarker} come up with a solution that's better than mine . Um , yeah , to summarise these are the points that need to be um , touched in order to get a good decision , and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you for your attention .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's the next {disfmarker} it's the blue one , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , uh , there we go . {vocalsound} Uh . Okay . Um . Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I actually wasn't aware of the {vocalsound} new trends in electronics", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Neither was I . Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um {vocalsound} fabrics . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So so okay , let me get this right . Okay , uh {disfmarker} Okay , alright anyway . Um {vocalsound} here we go . Conceptual User Interface . Trying {disfmarker} we're gonna try to talk about , um {vocalsound} what kind of uh {disfmarker} how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control , based on fruit vegetable design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And , um , basically , so , this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system . {vocalsound} Uh , so people are going to be looking at this little screen . Um , kind of {disfmarker} I mean I assume , are we still on the screen idea ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this {disfmarker} it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um {vocalsound} the wheel", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen for it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it seems like you would need a screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song , like you know that band or whatever . With T_V_ channels it's , you know , one two three . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But like if you think about it {disfmarker} yeah but if {disfmarker} so is it just {disfmarker} okay . So , b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that , aren't you ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're , um , we're actually not having D_V_D_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Are we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that was one of th I I was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sorry ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I meant to update you on that . Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Alright . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But the screen can come up on the telly , the {disfmarker} she said .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That correct ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So anyway if {disfmarker} well we just {disfmarker} we need to {disfmarker} Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen {disfmarker} I think {disfmarker} I was thinking {disfmarker} okay . So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then ? And you're just gonna {disfmarker} I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a {disfmarker} right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Graphical interface ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah like you're g", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh on the {disfmarker} you can have it on the telly though .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can {disfmarker} okay we're not choosing that , I guess . But like choose channel control , like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like , um , you know , channels one two three four five six seven eight nine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} {gap} {disfmarker} people seems to be {disfmarker} well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've {disfmarker} Yeah , I know what you're saying , you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know . But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels . So um {vocalsound} I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because {disfmarker} So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if {disfmarker} or or {disfmarker} then again if you just {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But but imagine someone with s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "My flatmates actually had one with a wheel , and it it did show up on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh yeah ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels . Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause you'll have to like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have to r wheel really fast .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but you can quickly s you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "at least on theirs .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah if you do , it w so it would have to be {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of , you know , range we need to have on the wheel , and um {disfmarker} So you're either {disfmarker} you're {disfmarker} you know , th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that , you know , you can like tap for , um , different", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh , whatchamacallits , different um , you know , functions like volume or , like you can tap just to get to different channels . Like if you just wanted to go to like {disfmarker} from five to six you could tap or someth", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then there's also the concern about you know um {vocalsound} how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television , or if you want to um {vocalsound} you know switch around , I don't know , like , these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean with that many options , you'd {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker} I'd think that the screen would be better ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you could have that menu option , sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I would think so too , like {disfmarker} So I mean {disfmarker} and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it , you know , because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but then again it would {disfmarker} it does make kind of {disfmarker} if the screen's sort of just like an option that , like , is just there and you're not really using it , that's kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's more expensive according to the design people .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "m yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the only thing though .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have to get a {disfmarker} an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in , which is more expensive than the regular chip , which is more expensive than the minimal .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You can get to {disfmarker} you know , you can {disfmarker} Like maybe it'll be that central button that , like , then you hit that and then you can {disfmarker} it brings up like the menu on the T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you can just scroll around , like , to do the timer , to do the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the T_V_ is the screen , that {disfmarker} yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it would have all these different options of changing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Look it even has settings .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} you can just take theirs and just {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , well we don't want the screen I guess ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um {disfmarker} 'cause that just {disfmarker} it does seem like , it {disfmarker} that would be , like , incredibly expensive , but {disfmarker} I dunno , and then {disfmarker} so , it just im really all you need is , like , this little wheel then , and you can control everything .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , right . What if {disfmarker} I mean , if you're thinking of the design of it now , like the a you know , physical attributes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , and you just have this , it's like just a long silver thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or whatever we're thinking . I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before . I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah definitely .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , I think we're looking at something that could be , like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean it it needs to be easy to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but should be comfortable .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean how do how do {disfmarker} I'm not really {disfmarker} Like when I use an iPod , I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Or your thumb or something . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I use it like that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "W when we had the wheely remote control , we {disfmarker} it was on the top I think , if you held it like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But , were there buttons on there as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we just used the top part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} but I mean I think it could be pretty small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like , I d I mean , you you want it to be large enough that you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What if , um , you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much ? Like you {disfmarker} so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that ? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But can't you just get {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do {disfmarker} do you know what I'm talking about though ? Like , uh , yeah just something {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "K", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you can have it on the settings ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , that you can flip over , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , But , I mean , do you need that ? If if you can get to , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is is {disfmarker} if w I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That keeps it", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if we can do this , that'd probably be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "really {disfmarker} Yeah . Uh you wouldn't {disfmarker} I don't {disfmarker} I just don't think you would even need it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we have to look into the , um , like , the programming , how this {disfmarker} how they actually programme these things , and if that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_ ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . I mean it {disfmarker} would y would {disfmarker} that would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you can do it ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They already do it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_ , not inside the remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it's {disfmarker} it doesn't seem that hard . I mean I've never bought a remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well they usually are .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is a little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My {disfmarker} I've never bought just a remote , like , so I don't I don't really know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I guess that's right . It always comes with the T_V_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} but I mean it's {disfmarker} I've never had a hard time with like my remotes , like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever , you know . And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} most of the ones we've had have had the menu button , 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something . 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Well so {disfmarker} So , do we need {disfmarker} I dunno . Well I guess we have to you know think about {disfmarker} But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's what it does anyway .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out , because the problem with buttons is you {disfmarker} like , they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you don't know they mean , yeah , it's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I never get it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Never ever .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "oh , you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well on the telly .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or on the T_V_ too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the telly , okay , yeah . So yeah I think , I mean , I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those {disfmarker} like okay now I hit this {disfmarker} you know , you have your little guide out and you're like , hit this button twice , like to activate the date .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . And it is technologically innovative in a way ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so that fits with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I guess . And it is trendy , the iPods are {vocalsound} really hot right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "B Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did you did you get that pc picture on {disfmarker} did they provide you with that picture on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , by web research , yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's quite interesting . What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh god . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You said uh people want spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , one of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's {gap} in like those stress ball things . So , that would be spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , that would be cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just nice feel , but I hate spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , c that's e that would be kind of {disfmarker} oh , you know , usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type , you know , thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean definitely the area round it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're like {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I think it could work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or what if we integrated the {vocalsound} the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we somehow made it tactilely fash you know , we c tapped into that , so like it feels like", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a vegetable . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it could be like mobiles that just {disfmarker} you just put a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "An orange . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a small thing , you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which frankly I'm not particularly fond of ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know you had {disfmarker} there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit , apple machine and they have like the blueberry , like all the colours are named after fruits .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You could name it after fruits and vegetables , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And it could {disfmarker} the colour can fit your sitting room ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry , and then if you have a green one you can have {disfmarker} well I don't know . Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what if {disfmarker} what", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} this is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , colours .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking . If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand , so like what you're feeling is comfortable , and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I do I dunno . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just {disfmarker} the feedback we've just got about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe a ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A ball ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Know , a squashy ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} A relaxing squashy ball . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} That you can p", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's in the shape of a fruit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "well I {disfmarker} see you're thinking , it's weird , you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and I'm thinking how do you change the hard {disfmarker} would you put a um sticker sort of ? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is just {disfmarker} Okay . Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit . Squashy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , yeah . Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That {disfmarker} see I was thinking this s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Which is cheaper .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And like this {disfmarker} you could have like you could have like cherries and {vocalsound} things around there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh I like that shape .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I was thinking sort of a single ball shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was thinking if it was like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you're holding a squishy ball", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and then it has a {disfmarker} Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like it has to be s", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's almost like your thumb is farther up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so if if you could squish it lower then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it wouldn't be very big in either {disfmarker} like how big ? This big , and then you just do that , I suppose .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you meant , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What if , yeah , what if the squishy , oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable , and you can {disfmarker} so so maybe one you know {disfmarker} you can have like the broccoli squishy thing , and then you could have like the banana squishy thing {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you could get {disfmarker} you could have your choice , you know ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy , like a a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} well the question is , which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um . That's nicer . I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well that's not very neat , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean I think uh {disfmarker} and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely {disfmarker} So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a bit like those juggling balls , you can change shape according to your {disfmarker} to the way you hold it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah you could squish it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If it's got sand in it maybe , or something , you {disfmarker} it it just moulds to your hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . So where are the fruit and vegetables now ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front , or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fruits and veg .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We we don't know . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the rest is the company {disfmarker} the company colour's silver ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It was , yeah , silver and yellow . It l it looks like {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We could promote the banana one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Like {disfmarker} mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean that's another question , where are we gonna {disfmarker} we we should have the logo somewhere on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Should also fit the batteries , which we haven't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th and that would {disfmarker} that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Especially if you're switching out the squishy part . Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think , um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit . The part that you , yeah , can change into the different , you know , trendy vegetables and fruits .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well I dunno . You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand . Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No but it does it automatically .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it automatically ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But if someone {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "components concept . Question mark . Energy . Question mark .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That was me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Was that you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Oh right right . Yeah . Um , so what d but what do we know about energy ? I mean we're gonna use batteries right ? And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh we actually had an option of batteries , solar power , and um a dynamo ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is something I don't know what it is . Something to do with torches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , a dynamo is {disfmarker} ah , {vocalsound} it's a bicycle . It's a bicycle mechanism . It's the en it's like if if something moves , when it moves , it stores energy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Yeah , the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I sort of picked battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's quite sweet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power . Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think batteries sound good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It {vocalsound} it seems a little weird for a living room anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does everyone else think ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} The dynamo would be interesting {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . But dynamo {disfmarker} the the fact with dynamo is , the moment you move it , it c it {vocalsound} creates energy on its own .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about Kryptonite ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Which is quite cool . So if you throw it , it's gonna store loads of energy , and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying . But we need to find cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Don't know the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Didn't have enough data to actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Does anyone have costs on the on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "All it said was it gave sort of relative , some chips are more expensive than others , sort of things . It didn't give me any actual cost .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk . So I don't think it's that much of a problem . Like the chip is probably the most expensive part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does chip on print mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , for things like remote controls , um , they stamp out a chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "calculators too I think . Um , so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's not like a computer , you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls , it's like stamped onto the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right . So , chip on print is just {disfmarker} means like that they're mass-produced .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And case ? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Case is what we were discussing yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Casing . Yeah . {gap} thinking of like syntactic case and thi", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} let's see . Is there anything else we need to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "talk about ? Oh when we move on , you two are going to be playing with play-dough .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design . And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation . So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , thank you . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you soon . Does it matter that I end early ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} it's strange because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How how early is it ? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer preferred battery. Industrial Designer was not very familiar with dynamo. Wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power were all possible, but solar power would not be available with the rubber case.
What did the Industrial Designer think of the potential options of energy?
[ { "content": "Hi everyone , hope you had a nice lunch . Um {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Alright we're moving on to conceptual design .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} 'Scuse me . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Bless you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , I'll just review what we did in our last meeting . Um , {vocalsound} under marketing we targeted our audience , and {disfmarker} Um , yeah . That was {vocalsound} generally {vocalsound} {disfmarker} how helpful that was .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , then we considered some design options with how it should look , um , we discussed an iPod-like button system which , uh , we haven't concluded but we're {disfmarker} Right , um {disfmarker} So , if you all have presentations to do , we can see what {disfmarker} where you've come from our last time . Does everyone have presentations ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Would anybody like to go first ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I've been looking at the components design . Um . Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting . Um , so we need some custom design parts , and other parts we'll just use standard . Um , I assume we'll be custom designing our case , probably a hard plastic or some other material case , to protect the remote and the locator . And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board , because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time . But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out . Um , standard parts include the buttons and the wheels , um the iPod-style wheel . The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it . Um , we need a radio sender and receiver , those are standard . And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote . So we have some material options . Um , we can use rubber , plastic , wood or titanium . Um , I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy . Um , and the rubber case requires rubber buttons , so if we definitely want plastic buttons , we shouldn't have a rubber case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And why not wood ? {vocalsound} {gap} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "hmm ? {vocalsound} Uh , well we can use wood . {vocalsound} I don't know why we'd want to . Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button , it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip . We can't use the minimal chip , we need the next higher grade , which is called regular . I don't think it's much more expensive , but it is more expensive . So that's what I've got on design .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'S good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , can I do next ? 'Cause I have to say something about the material", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "which is quite shocking .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Ha . Mm . Right , um , I have been searching the current trends , um , both on the web and via fashion-watchers , and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh , fancy look and feel . Um . Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that . And th last thing is the easy to use um factor . Um , fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing , but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use . Um , our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided , well noticed , that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the {vocalsound} is the current trend", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want , you know , wh whatever our motto is . Um . For fashion , we go for fashion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The fashion in electronics . So we want to put the fashion electronics , we need to go fruit and vegetables . And also go for a spongy feel , so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer . As to the material should be limited to {disfmarker} I don't know how spongy it can be , should discuss this together , I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go . Um . I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but that's just a personal opinion .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed , so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff , or should the actual remote look like a fruit ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and finally again with the spongy . It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find {disfmarker} come up with a solution that's better than mine . Um , yeah , to summarise these are the points that need to be um , touched in order to get a good decision , and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thank you for your attention .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it's the next {disfmarker} it's the blue one , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , uh , there we go . {vocalsound} Uh . Okay . Um . Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I actually wasn't aware of the {vocalsound} new trends in electronics", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and and uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Neither was I . Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um {vocalsound} fabrics . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So so okay , let me get this right . Okay , uh {disfmarker} Okay , alright anyway . Um {vocalsound} here we go . Conceptual User Interface . Trying {disfmarker} we're gonna try to talk about , um {vocalsound} what kind of uh {disfmarker} how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control , based on fruit vegetable design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And , um , basically , so , this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system . {vocalsound} Uh , so people are going to be looking at this little screen . Um , kind of {disfmarker} I mean I assume , are we still on the screen idea ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this {disfmarker} it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um {vocalsound} the wheel", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen for it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it seems like you would need a screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song , like you know that band or whatever . With T_V_ channels it's , you know , one two three . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But like if you think about it {disfmarker} yeah but if {disfmarker} so is it just {disfmarker} okay . So , b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that , aren't you ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're , um , we're actually not having D_V_D_ ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Are we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "that was one of th I I was {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sorry ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I I meant to update you on that . Um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Alright . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But the screen can come up on the telly , the {disfmarker} she said .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That correct ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So anyway if {disfmarker} well we just {disfmarker} we need to {disfmarker} Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen {disfmarker} I think {disfmarker} I was thinking {disfmarker} okay . So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then ? And you're just gonna {disfmarker} I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a {disfmarker} right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Graphical interface ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah like you're g", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh on the {disfmarker} you can have it on the telly though .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can {disfmarker} okay we're not choosing that , I guess . But like choose channel control , like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like , um , you know , channels one two three four five six seven eight nine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that {disfmarker} {gap} {disfmarker} people seems to be {disfmarker} well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You've {disfmarker} Yeah , I know what you're saying , you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know . But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels . So um {vocalsound} I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because {disfmarker} So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if {disfmarker} or or {disfmarker} then again if you just {disfmarker} I guess {disfmarker} I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But but imagine someone with s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "My flatmates actually had one with a wheel , and it it did show up on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh yeah ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels . Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause you'll have to like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "They have to r wheel really fast .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but you can quickly s you can {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "at least on theirs .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah if you do , it w so it would have to be {disfmarker} you {disfmarker} I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of , you know , range we need to have on the wheel , and um {disfmarker} So you're either {disfmarker} you're {disfmarker} you know , th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that , you know , you can like tap for , um , different", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "uh , whatchamacallits , different um , you know , functions like volume or , like you can tap just to get to different channels . Like if you just wanted to go to like {disfmarker} from five to six you could tap or someth", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And then there's also the concern about you know um {vocalsound} how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television , or if you want to um {vocalsound} you know switch around , I don't know , like , these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean with that many options , you'd {disfmarker} {vocalsound} uh {disfmarker} I'd think that the screen would be better ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "because you could have that menu option , sort of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I would think so too , like {disfmarker} So I mean {disfmarker} and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it , you know , because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but then again it would {disfmarker} it does make kind of {disfmarker} if the screen's sort of just like an option that , like , is just there and you're not really using it , that's kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's more expensive according to the design people .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "m yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , that's the only thing though .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You have to get a {disfmarker} an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in , which is more expensive than the regular chip , which is more expensive than the minimal .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing , um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} You can get to {disfmarker} you know , you can {disfmarker} Like maybe it'll be that central button that , like , then you hit that and then you can {disfmarker} it brings up like the menu on the T_V_", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you can just scroll around , like , to do the timer , to do the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the T_V_ is the screen , that {disfmarker} yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So it would have all these different options of changing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Look it even has settings .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "On the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} you can just take theirs and just {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , well we don't want the screen I guess ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um {disfmarker} 'cause that just {disfmarker} it does seem like , it {disfmarker} that would be , like , incredibly expensive , but {disfmarker} I dunno , and then {disfmarker} so , it just im really all you need is , like , this little wheel then , and you can control everything .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , right . What if {disfmarker} I mean , if you're thinking of the design of it now , like the a you know , physical attributes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um , and you just have this , it's like just a long silver thing ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or whatever we're thinking . I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_ .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before . I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah definitely .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , I think we're looking at something that could be , like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean it it needs to be easy to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah but should be comfortable .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean how do how do {disfmarker} I'm not really {disfmarker} Like when I use an iPod , I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah . Or your thumb or something . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I use it like that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "W when we had the wheely remote control , we {disfmarker} it was on the top I think , if you held it like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But , were there buttons on there as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we just used the top part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , so {disfmarker} but I mean I think it could be pretty small .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like , I d I mean , you you want it to be large enough that you can {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "What if , um , you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much ? Like you {disfmarker} so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that ? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But can't you just get {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Do {disfmarker} do you know what I'm talking about though ? Like , uh , yeah just something {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "K", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you can have it on the settings ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , that you can flip over , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "no ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , But , I mean , do you need that ? If if you can get to , you know {disfmarker} if {disfmarker} so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "is is {disfmarker} if w I {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That keeps it", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "if we can do this , that'd probably be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "really {disfmarker} Yeah . Uh you wouldn't {disfmarker} I don't {disfmarker} I just don't think you would even need it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So I guess we have to look into the , um , like , the programming , how this {disfmarker} how they actually programme these things , and if that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_ ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . I mean it {disfmarker} would y would {disfmarker} that would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you can do it ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "They already do it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_ , not inside the remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you {disfmarker} it's {disfmarker} it doesn't seem that hard . I mean I've never bought a remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm not sure .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well they usually are .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is a little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "My {disfmarker} I've never bought just a remote , like , so I don't I don't really know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I guess that's right . It always comes with the T_V_ . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , um {disfmarker} but I mean it's {disfmarker} I've never had a hard time with like my remotes , like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever , you know . And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , it {disfmarker} most of the ones we've had have had the menu button , 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something . 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah . Well so {disfmarker} So , do we need {disfmarker} I dunno . Well I guess we have to you know think about {disfmarker} But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's what it does anyway .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out , because the problem with buttons is you {disfmarker} like , they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you don't know they mean , yeah , it's like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and I never get it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Never ever .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So , but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "oh , you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well on the telly .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or on the T_V_ too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the telly , okay , yeah . So yeah I think , I mean , I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those {disfmarker} like okay now I hit this {disfmarker} you know , you have your little guide out and you're like , hit this button twice , like to activate the date .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm . And it is technologically innovative in a way ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so that fits with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . I guess . And it is trendy , the iPods are {vocalsound} really hot right now , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "B Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did you did you get that pc picture on {disfmarker} did they provide you with that picture on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yeah , by web research , yeah , so {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "That's quite interesting . What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh god . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh , I was gonna say .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You said uh people want spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um , one of your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's {gap} in like those stress ball things . So , that would be spongy .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , that would be cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Ah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Just nice feel , but I hate spongy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , c that's e that would be kind of {disfmarker} oh , you know , usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type , you know , thing .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean definitely the area round it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're like {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I think it could work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Or what if we integrated the {vocalsound} the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we somehow made it tactilely fash you know , we c tapped into that , so like it feels like", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a vegetable . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well it could be like mobiles that just {disfmarker} you just put a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "An orange . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a small thing , you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which frankly I'm not particularly fond of ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "You know you had {disfmarker} there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit , apple machine and they have like the blueberry , like all the colours are named after fruits .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . You could name it after fruits and vegetables , or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And it could {disfmarker} the colour can fit your sitting room ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry , and then if you have a green one you can have {disfmarker} well I don't know . Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So what if {disfmarker} what", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} this is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah , colours .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking . If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand , so like what you're feeling is comfortable , and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is that kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I do I dunno . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just {disfmarker} the feedback we've just got about the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe a ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "A ball ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Know , a squashy ball .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} A relaxing squashy ball . {vocalsound} {vocalsound} That you can p", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That's in the shape of a fruit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "well I {disfmarker} see you're thinking , it's weird , you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and I'm thinking how do you change the hard {disfmarker} would you put a um sticker sort of ? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit , like a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is just {disfmarker} Okay . Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit . Squashy .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , okay , yeah . Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That {disfmarker} see I was thinking this s", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Which is cheaper .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And like this {disfmarker} you could have like you could have like cherries and {vocalsound} things around there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh I like that shape .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um but {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I was thinking sort of a single ball shape .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was thinking if it was like this {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So you're holding a squishy ball", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and then it has a {disfmarker} Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's like it has to be s", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's almost like your thumb is farther up ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so if if you could squish it lower then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . So it wouldn't be very big in either {disfmarker} like how big ? This big , and then you just do that , I suppose .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know what you meant , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "What if , yeah , what if the squishy , oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable , and you can {disfmarker} so so maybe one you know {disfmarker} you can have like the broccoli squishy thing , and then you could have like the banana squishy thing {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and you could get {disfmarker} you could have your choice , you know ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy , like a a cover .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} well the question is , which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um . That's nicer . I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm . Well that's not very neat , but {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . I mean I think uh {disfmarker} and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely {disfmarker} So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If it's a bit like those juggling balls , you can change shape according to your {disfmarker} to the way you hold it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah you could squish it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If it's got sand in it maybe , or something , you {disfmarker} it it just moulds to your hand .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . So where are the fruit and vegetables now ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front , or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Fruits and veg .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We we don't know . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And the rest is the company {disfmarker} the company colour's silver ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It was , yeah , silver and yellow . It l it looks like {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We could promote the banana one .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Like {disfmarker} mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean that's another question , where are we gonna {disfmarker} we we should have the logo somewhere on it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Should also fit the batteries , which we haven't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , th and that would {disfmarker} that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Especially if you're switching out the squishy part . Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think , um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit . The part that you , yeah , can change into the different , you know , trendy vegetables and fruits .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well I dunno . You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand . Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No but it does it automatically .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Does it automatically ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} But if someone {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "components concept . Question mark . Energy . Question mark .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That was me .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Was that you ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Oh right right . Yeah . Um , so what d but what do we know about energy ? I mean we're gonna use batteries right ? And {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh we actually had an option of batteries , solar power , and um a dynamo ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is something I don't know what it is . Something to do with torches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh , a dynamo is {disfmarker} ah , {vocalsound} it's a bicycle . It's a bicycle mechanism . It's the en it's like if if something moves , when it moves , it stores energy .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Oh okay . Yeah , the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So I sort of picked battery .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's quite sweet .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power . Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think batteries sound good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It {vocalsound} it seems a little weird for a living room anyways .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does everyone else think ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} The dynamo would be interesting {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No . But dynamo {disfmarker} the the fact with dynamo is , the moment you move it , it c it {vocalsound} creates energy on its own .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "What about Kryptonite ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Which is quite cool . So if you throw it , it's gonna store loads of energy , and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying . But we need to find cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Don't know the cost .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Didn't have enough data to actually {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Does anyone have costs on the on the web ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "All it said was it gave sort of relative , some chips are more expensive than others , sort of things . It didn't give me any actual cost .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Right .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk . So I don't think it's that much of a problem . Like the chip is probably the most expensive part .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What does chip on print mean ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , for things like remote controls , um , they stamp out a chip ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "calculators too I think . Um , so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But it's not like a computer , you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls , it's like stamped onto the chip .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right . So , chip on print is just {disfmarker} means like that they're mass-produced .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . And case ? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Case is what we were discussing yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah . Casing . Yeah . {gap} thinking of like syntactic case and thi", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} let's see . Is there anything else we need to", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "talk about ? Oh when we move on , you two are going to be playing with play-dough .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design . And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation . So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh , thank you . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Cool .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you soon . Does it matter that I end early ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I {disfmarker} it's strange because {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How how early is it ? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
The website did not give an actual cost, but most of the stuff was cheap. The chip would be the most expensive part anyway, so the group should not worry about the cost of the Kryptonite too much.
What was the cost of the Kryptonite when discussing potential options of energy?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
After a brief summary of the last meeting, the team discussed the conceptual design for new remote control, which covered the properties, materials, user interface and trend watching. Marketing shared feedback about the design of the device. Industrial Designer gave a presentation on the design and availability of actual components, whereas User Interface led the discussion about customer needs and feasibility on design and competitors' study. A final decision was reached regarding the design of the remote control such as using kinetic charging and a rubber cover.
Summarize the whole meeting.
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Kinetic charging will be adopted with LCD display on the top side of the flip top and rubberized buttons, such as volume control and channel control on the bottom. Two separate circuit boards will be joined by wires for standard and complex buttons respectively. Fruit and vegetable colours, such as chilli red or tomato red will be used for the rubber cover and the case will be plastic. The company logo will be incorporated into the design. The team hoped to incorporate voice recognition but financial feasibility will have to be checked and whistles or beepers could be used if not feasible.
What were the final decisions made by the team?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Teletext will not be used and there will not be a control for everything. The buttons should be easy to find. The image of the company is to be incorporated in the design and a flip design is decided. Voice recognition is left out. The shape of the remote will be different than normal, like a shell or something along those lines. An alarm will be added in case the remote is lost. The target market will be young business people.
What did the team decide on in the last meeting?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Market research was done with a hundred subjects and Marketing concluded the most important aspect required in the device is a fancy look and feel. The second and third important aspects are technologically innovative and being easy to use. Fruits and vegetables can be taken into consideration when thinking about design themes as they were the themes of fashion fairs in Paris and Milan. There is also a trend towards a spongy feel to materials.
Summarize the discussion about the feedback on the design of the remote control device.
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer explained that TA11835 is a chip used in pretty much every remote control to send out standard signals based on the input. On the other hand, most current remotes use a silicone printed circuit board (PCB board) which connects the circuits so that the messages would be sent to the chip. The size should be decided as the board can be custom made.
What are the actual components found in most remote controls that will be included in this remote design?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Standard AA and AAA are bulky but the cheapest. Dynamo and dual charging with normal batteries and solar charging take up too much space. Solar charging is the second cheapest but not resistant to dropping. Also, Project Manager believed it would limit the market. Kinetic charging is small and portable but market research should be done first. No rechargeable battery options were available. The remote could have a standby mode and the lights behind the buttons would be switched off after five or ten seconds when not in use.
What are the benefits and drawbacks for each battery option mentioned and what did Industrial Manager suggest to conserve battery life when discussing the design and availability of actual components?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Titanium is too expensive, would be easily dented and could only do a standard box shape whereas plastic could be made into different curved shapes. Marketing suggested making the basic mould out of plastic with a rubber cover, which would give a spongy feel and be a cheap way to change the look of the device. Industrial Designer, User Interface and Project Manager quickly jumped on board with this idea.
Summarize the discussion of the design of actual components regarding case material.
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
The team planned to do touch screen and there are two options to choose from, a bare PCB circuit board which could be in different colours and making a connection by the touch of fingers, and anti RSI rubber buttons with a LCD type of screen. Industrial Designer doubted whether a LCD screen is wanted as it would only be in black and white but have not thought out how to distinguish where to press if the bare PCB circuit board is used.
Summarize the discussion of the design of actual components regarding interface design.
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer thought it would be lost easily and Marketing responded that it would be easy and cheap to replace or a pencil or pen could be used instead. User Interface pointed out that a person who switches channels often or uses a particular function will find it irritating to use and might spoil the touchpad more easily compared to a button. Industrial Designer agreed with User Interface.
What did the team think about Marketing's suggestion of a sort of stylus to press the touch screen on the device when discussing the design of actual components?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Project Manager believed that it would not appeal to men as they were unlikely to use it when watching television. Marketing responded by leaving this idea on the side, and Industrial Designer and Project Manager agreed. In the end, Marketing gave up on the idea.
What did the team think of Marketing's idea of putting mirrors on the device when discussing the design of actual components?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
The chip TA11835 and PCB board will be used in the device. The use of kinetic charging was agreed by the team with a standby mode to save battery. The case of the device would be in plastic and would have a changeable rubber cover. LCD screens will be adopted. The idea of adding a stylus or a mirror to the device was rejected.
Summarize the design and availability of actual components.
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Mostly black and white colours, the normal ones are monotonous without consistency between models, and the buttons are very disorganized. The new remote will have a graphic user interface in the middle of the flip top and certain standard buttons with vibrant fruit colours. A newly developed speech recognition feature can be incorporated in the device and the idea was endorsed by customers. User Interface gave an example of using the feature - locating the remote. The idea was well-received by the team.
What are the designs of normal remotes and how can the new remote be different from the normal ones?
[ { "content": "I'll wait until you're all um hooked up .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh good grief .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Put it on in that way .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oops .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Thanks . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Welcome back everybody , hope you've had fun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "After lunch . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Right um this is our conceptual design meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "um {vocalsound} I think we're slightly ahead of ourselves from the last meeting ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah I was getting that impression as well .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I th I I think {disfmarker} yeah um .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "This is where we talk about um properties , materials , user-interface and trend-watching .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Etcetera .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So I think we've touched on a few things to do with that already , but we'll just go over it . Um the minutes from the last time . Um we had a couple of um changes in our plans in that we couldn't use teletext , it wasn't gonna be a control for everything um and that we had to incorporate the image of the company into it somehow . Um we have decided on a {disfmarker} leaving out the voice recognition , we've decided on there being a flip design and um a different shape from what's normal . We were thinking a shell , but something along those lines , just a different shape from what's normal , um . You were going to look into the rechargeable batteries", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we were gonna think about the port and an alarm for getting it lost ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um and our market was going to be young , business , kind of range .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so shall we start with the first presentation ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Shall I ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes if you feel {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . We just connect up .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Thank you . There we go . Okay um so we decided on our market and so this feedback from the marketing department is really about trend watching . Um {vocalsound} the methods we used to decide on uh current trends and so on , market trends , were that we did our traditional {disfmarker} uh our usual market research study uh with a hundred subjects and the the general feedback from them is that the most im uh w I'm sorry I'm slightly tongue-tied after lunch ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's okay {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "sorry Project Manager {vocalsound} . Um we decided on the most important aspect i uh required in a remote control device and we'll come to that later . So that was one of the first things we did . Also with our company um being forerunners in uh putting fashion into technology , we also looked at a fashion update um using our consultants on fashion and design in Paris and Milan . {vocalsound} Uh so the general findings from that was uh in the market trends the most important aspect for remote controls were people want a fancy look and feel , rather than the the current functional look and feel of remote controls . They also also want a remote control to be technologically innovative , and of course , as we predicted , that it should be easy to use . Now I should point out that the first of those findings , fancy look and feel , is the most important , is twice as important as the second , technologically innovative , which is in turn twice as important as being easy to use . So possibly that the feature that we put first is actually third is still important , but it's third in order of preference for the the subject group we looked at .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , um , now the fashion update which relates to very personal preferences among our subject group , um we found from our um consultants in Paris and Milan who des attended all the design and fashion fairs there , that fruit and vegetables are going to be the theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . So should we be thinking of using something like that in our remote control design too ? There also seems to be um a trend towards a spongy feel to materials , uh again in contrast to last year . So a lot of interesting feedback there , both from our market research departments and from our people in Paris and Milan . Be interesting to see what our design people make of that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay thank you very much . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "let's start from the inside and work our way out .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine . It's okay with me .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Unless anyone has any questions about that ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I don't think so , not yet .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Not yet ? 'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , yes , thank you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That screwed in ? {gap}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I hate those little things", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "especially if you do them on too tight and you can't get the leverage on them to undo them .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I know .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'Kay , {gap} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um this is uh all about the design of the actual components and the availability of the components we have in stock at the moment . Okay , first uh the {disfmarker} Into the method . The the main idea of the whole thing is just so you sh you just press buttons and it should activate things on the T_V_ and we discussed last meeting that it should be easy to find . Um also in this study I've looked into the availability of some of the materials , 'cause some of the things that we looked at last time aren't {disfmarker} un unfortunately aren't available .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay . {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , findings , I've got my nice little picture there . This is uh the chip called the T_A_ double one eight three five which is what's used in pretty much every remote control 'cause it sends out standard signals , based on your input and um it's pretty much used for all all T_V_ remotes at the moment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um and then we we're loo looking into battery options .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "There's um actually no rechargeable option available , so we {disfmarker} I saw the um the standard double A_ and triple A_ which we thought were a bit bit too bulky at the moment , dynamo charging , I thought that that might be a bit silly to be to be honest ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Wa {vocalsound} can you explain that ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "people won't {disfmarker} it's it's basically like wind-up radio .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like a {disfmarker} right , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you wind up your remote control before you use it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "How {vocalsound} {disfmarker} what kind of {disfmarker} how l long can you get out of that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It might {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean can you pick it up and then wind it for two minutes and then that's it for the night ? Or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You {disfmarker} Yeah , yeah , oh yeah I presu you wouldn't have to wind it for very long , but I don't I don't think it's really sort of necessary when you th you think of the next two options , like the the solar charging , 'cause most people have the light on in the room anyway so they could get {disfmarker} when when you got T_V_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That doesn't count though does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does does light charge as as sunlight does ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I thought it was U_V_ like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Artificial light ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is it ? Alright i", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Any , any {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Has to be solar .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep . Regarding those sizes , which one you think will be light because we we have to take into consideration size also , so maybe a standard triple A_ might take lesser space or {disfmarker} and dynamo might take more space .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah it would the d yeah the dynamo would take more space 'cause you actually need a physical sort of handle to wind up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm pretty sure that solar is from the sun .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh , I don't think it counts electric lights", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Artificial light , no .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no , but I mean not many {disfmarker} you don't want to limit your market .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's going to {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean people who live in basement flats there's not that many people , but there are people .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I know ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "different parts of the world too , if we're if we're marketing internationally .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and most people most people also watch T_V_ in the in the night anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Night .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , but then it would be charging through the day , I think the point is that it charges through the day and then you've got it charged for the evening .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But I I think I think the the next one's the best anyway .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The the kinetic charging which is like you get it in r you get it in wrist watches", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah I've seen {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you d you don't even notice it . I mean the amount the amount of probably moving around you'd be doing all the time would would charge it up , I don't think you'd ever need to actually physically start shaking it up to make it work .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And are these like uh {disfmarker} what are the life of the kinetic battery , it like it runs for long time ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um yeah it's {disfmarker} it charges into um some form of {disfmarker} it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause they use them quite frequently in watches .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And that'll that would l would last for um well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out {gap} .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "We c", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you're walking around , you're doing things , it is moving a lot of the time . If you'd {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah but then again", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Is it really gonna be enough ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I I think it is because if you think about it , the watch , although it's only a tiny amount it's it's um {vocalsound} it's always moving for the whole day and they don't run out over night when you leave them on the side .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And th for the same the same reason , you're only using it for a v incredibly short amount of time just to send the signal and then you're finished with it", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it's not {disfmarker} the draw on it isn't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and you put it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "no no I do I don't think the the draw on it would be {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Could I just ask {disfmarker} referring back to solar charging , is that compatible with um standard batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean , could people put standard batteries in but with a s you know they could leave it in the sunlight for solar charging", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Ye yeah I think I th uh g y you could have a dual um power thing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or the two things not compatible ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Like a dual kind of .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but the the thing with the solar cells is you would need to put them on the case and they {disfmarker} because , if you lie {gap} {disfmarker} on a calculator they they're qui they're quite big and they all they all look i identical .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm . So that affects the exterior design .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Solar would be slightly {gap} expensives .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Expensive as well . What kind of price are we looking at for {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're they're expensive , they don't {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's twelve point f", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I presume the normal batteries are the cheapest ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the normal batteries would be the cheapest I'd presume then it would actually be the the solar charging ones , um but the {disfmarker} It's i I think they're not very resistant to dropping ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Solar .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'cause if you drop stuff {disfmarker} yeah if you if you have y", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well they're not designed {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "the size you'd need to charge a remote wouldn't be that big but I mean if {disfmarker} remotes always get thrown around and stuff , so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Practical-wise okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Y I think {disfmarker} yeah , practically . I mean calculators you don't really throw around a lot {vocalsound} whereas remotes you do ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You do get a bit of wear", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "they can t", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but don't calculators have a battery in them as well ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah they do , they {disfmarker} yeah they've got dual things , but they're {disfmarker} the batteries are smaller I think .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Another question is like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Again it de", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sorry . W w which one would last the longest , because we don't want customers to be like you know charging like a mobile phone every day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A remote control , like ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "W m yeah", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we have to s look at the life also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so the {disfmarker} Yeah the the s if you if you had something du uh using the standard batteries and the solar charging , um , I don't think you'd {disfmarker} I think the {disfmarker} it would d well you know how long the standard double A_s would last in {disfmarker} or triple A_s would last .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It would just detract from the attractiveness of the of the whole feature ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah I think i I think it would , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "i {vocalsound} it's not gonna add anything , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , can we add in uh an attachment to closing feature ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we think about that ? 'Cause if we're doing the kinetic thing and it's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Shouldn't we do some market research on that first before we add it in because I I personally {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well add it in to think about um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because , where am I ? If it is the kinetic thing and it is small and it is portable and it is a different shape and the kinetic is something people don't do kind of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we're doing something original and different um but if you wore it if it's something you could just clip on your pocket then you would have that less , you you wouldn't lose it so much .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But then maybe that's looking at someone who's just sitting on their own rather than", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "the eternal battle for control of the controls .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not something that's come up in any of our uh focus groups and market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it's not a thing that people are looking for", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "when we threw it open to the field yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But it's something to put on the side to think about maybe .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , right .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , well I'll move on .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um , my second part of my findings uh the mo most current remotes use this silicone uh P_C_B_ board which {disfmarker} pr printed circuit board , which basically has these contacts that are really close together and then when you press down on the rubber button , it'll connect the circuit and each each switch is connected to two uh different legs on the chip and so sends a different message and that then uh gets translated by the chip into a code and then it's fired out of this L_E_D_ in the sequence of l on and off bursts .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "What kind of things do we have to consider there ? Can we {disfmarker} what kind of size , does it come in varying sizes or is it just one size and we would have to fit the design of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well well this {disfmarker} the thi the thing about is um they they can be as big or as small as you want them to be because you can you can print circuit board like that that it's it's simply spaced like that so you can have {disfmarker} fit the n the size of the nine buttons in . If you if you see how thin the tracks are , you could you could s you could put them virtually right next to each other and have a much smaller switch on each one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "if you if you wanted to but um the {disfmarker} there is an option to do to do it like that , or you could have some sort of array of switches which I'll speak about in the next bit", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so that {disfmarker} And then to {disfmarker} uh yeah , so to conserve battery life the remote should be in a standby mode no while not being used . Now what I was thinking about that was {disfmarker} 'cause sometimes when y when you have these things , they've got little lights on behind the buttons , so you can see what all the buttons are , like on a mobile phone , they do it more often than on a than on a T_V_ remote ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but you could you could have lights behind the buttons and um after like five or ten seconds of not being used I'd have that turned off , if we decided to go for buttons that could light up .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um , the case material , I've a been sent what the factory can actually give us , the {disfmarker} there's the plastic which I think we were gonna go for anyway as the main case {disfmarker} case housing", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the the main problems with the {disfmarker} well you could go for wood but I think it would be a bit impractical . Titanium um very expensive just to process ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which to make it is expensive , and rubber , well you're saying that people like this uh spongy feel this year , so perhaps uh some something made of rubber ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I was thinking more of the buttons , because the buttons which they've they've said that they've they've put across are what is used in some stress ball manufacture and it's meant to be anti R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm no I'm not sure how that would work because surely your fingers would still be moving over the short distances but that's what they said . Um the problem with the casing is that uh there's quite {vocalsound} um there's quite a few design restrictions that they've got on the shape of the case . If you go for titanium they can only do a standard box shape , whereas if you come to plastic they can they can be a little more {disfmarker} they can they can do sort of curved shapes . But whether whether or not {disfmarker} because we'd have it in two separate units", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Second thing is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hinged , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "for the flip phone .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah and second question is like , a mobile you can change the cover , you call it a skin or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So in this case if you're looking at like a customer can change the colour like from green , parrot green to chilli red or something like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So is that feature available in like uh titanium ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah I th", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "or it's like only specific to plastic or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh . Yeah in in titanium I don't I don't think it would be available at all really , the ju just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it w well you could make it available in the titanium , it was just it would be so expensive to buy a new case for it , because of the expense of how much titanium is is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "it's light and strong but I think it should be left for aircraft design rather than for for a remote .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It does mark quite easily too if you let it fall . I've got a mobile phone myself which is titanium and it does mark very easily if you drop it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I was just wondering if we make the basic mould out of plastic but have like a rubber cover that goes over ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Rubber , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "that would give the spongy feel , that also allows us to kind of have different fasciae for the phone .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you can peel them off yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So instead of the fascia that comes off being plastic , the fascia that comes off would be the rubber ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like a rubber sleeve almost , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Something like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "like those pens that you get with the grip , that you can you can pull that off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "That could be a good idea .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It could {disfmarker} it would be comfortable to hold on also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "T", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Very cheap way of changing the look of it and people can just buy a new one if they want to .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well that's been really popular with mobile phones so I don't see why not .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm . Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Also the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just just going back to the interface designs with the buttons , the {disfmarker} I kno we were planning to do some sort of touch screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Now what I was saying before about instead of having {disfmarker} you could have just a bare P_C_B_ circuit board and I'm sure you could probably get it in different colours and so just by touching it with your finger it'd make the connection over {disfmarker} if you had them close enough , that would be one option . Um the second option th they offer rubber buttons , but I thought that an L_C_D_ type of screen {disfmarker} 'cause one they're incredibly thin um and don't take up much space , two they {disfmarker} you can have them in a sort of array and you can arrange the buttons on the screen in a sort of set thing and you could have them like a touch", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Sorry I didn't get the last part , you're talking of {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "display . Uh what what {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just what you said I I didn't get the uh meaning of it completely , you're saying like {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh on the on the L_C_D_ screen you could {disfmarker} becau you could fit it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "the problem with it basically is that it's flat and so you can't do lots of curve {disfmarker} curved things with it ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but um you can {disfmarker} you wouldn't have {disfmarker} with the L_C_D_ you'd have the wires coming off , you wouldn't have that with the with the L_C_D_ , you'd only have that with the printed circuit board .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "With {disfmarker} W also with the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I don't {disfmarker} s sorry to interrupt , I don't see why the curved thing is a problem , if we for example had a shell , once we open that {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh it would be flat inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You could have a flat screen inside , yeah ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , so it'd be f yeah , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I'm just wondering whether we want an L_C_D_ screen inside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Have I misunderstood you ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It wouldn't be like full colour , it would just be black and white ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but there'd be touch touch buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so you wouldn't be pressing down on 'em , w or we could have rubber buttons which are made of this material which is anti-R_S_I_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think it would be good to have a contrast between , if the whole thing is gonna be this rubber thing it would be good to open it up and see something quite fancy looking inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Is rubber . Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Now how would you distinguish , if you had it bare , how would you distinguish where you had to press , I mean {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I hadn't I hadn't really thought of that to be honest .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I just had another idea , I don't know if it helps with that , but just to do with the R_S_I_ . {vocalsound} Is it possible , just as an option , when we open it up , people can use their fingers to press the button , or we have inside like a small pointer thing when people want to {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah you could , you could have some sort of stylus that you could pull out", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like one of the palm pop thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but I I think they could get a bit easily lost ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Absolutely , f for somebody who {gap} very often , if he would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'cause I had {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It would have to be attached .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "They're easy to replace as well , cheap .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "a person who switches channels very often or does use a particular function very often will find it very irritating to use a {gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and he might spoil the touch-pad very fast compared to a button like , if you keep punching with an pointer or whatever .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah just a thought {disfmarker} they wouldn't actually need one and they could use anything they've got , couldn't they ? A pencil or a pen , so they wouldn't really need a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , we'll talk about that {disfmarker} so if you finish your {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah that's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and we'll come back to that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah that {disfmarker} that's the end of m my {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That's you , right okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And just one small question before like you are {gap} , regarding the circuit , since we are hav having a flip-top , we can customise the two circuits for different type of buttons", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like we are keeping the standard buttons on the top and the more complex buttons under this thing , so we can divide the circuit like you know .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh yeah . Yeah yeah that that would be fairly simple ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I mean you'd you'd actually have two separate {disfmarker} you'd have two separate circuit boards but they'd be joined by wires or like some cabling between them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "'cause in the in the actual flip bit you'd have some linking .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'll just raise another point while it occurs to me , it kind of applies to both our designers here , so I'm not sure how it would fit in .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "If we flip open , now you know how you've got some mirrors in nightclubs that are mirrors when you turn to them and you turn away and it gives like an advertising display , you seen those ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they kind of respond to the turn of your body . Is it possible that when we open our flip-top shell it's a little compact mirror and when you press a button it then goes onto the phone display {disfmarker} th uh the remote control display thing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "We're marketing to guys as much as we are to women .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They don't look at themselves ? Just a thought .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well it's a remote control , you were sitting watching T_V_ are you gonna want to sort of open it and say oh shit I should go and have a shower and do my hair before I put the T_ {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . I know what you mean , it's with us using the ideas for a mobile ph {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "it's with us using the ideas for mobile phones I kinda got sidetracked onto that I think , okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah , no , no .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap} trying to think of other features we can build in that wouldn't cost too much", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but {gap} maybe we'll leave that one on the side .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean you can {disfmarker} you could do it , you could have a {disfmarker} 'cause if you if you just put the full charge through an L_C_D_ display it'll completely blank it out ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I don't know if you could get any mirror effect on it , I'm not sure about {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Oh I think {gap} forget about the mirror", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "that was just a very quick passing thought yeah {vocalsound} .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , uh would like to share something which I did here . First thing is uh basically on design we just took the input from the previous meeting , especially from the marketing and industrial design , to check on the customer needs and feasibility . Second is we checked into competitors , the picture here shows one of the standard models offered by competitors here . So y you generally see there's not much of variety and like marketing team said uh , people need trendy , they are bored of black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So you generally see rectangular shape , very monotonous kind of designs here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And uh second thing is there's too much of confusion here . No particular remote is standard .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Like , some some people have a {disfmarker} {vocalsound} Here you see this ? This is on a {disfmarker} I I I found th that uh only common feature is the ch uh channel control and uh volume control , rest other buttons , they are in a very disorganized and they are not consistent th with other models and all .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay , and second as already discussed with William , we are going to have m maybe a G_ G_U_I_ interface in the f in the middle of the flip-top", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and g graphic user interface", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sorry what does that stand for ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Which means {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "basically which is what we d do in computer , have icons or touch pad or whatever ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "which is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "If you if {disfmarker} yeah if you have like buttons that appear on the screen in this L_C_D_ screen .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Like you have on a l uh {disfmarker} icons or something y you have {disfmarker} is a good example of G_U_I_ graphic user interface .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So basically {gap} not point or click {gap} {disfmarker} Press any particular device , he just has to click on that particular icon to simplify .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And on the top m repetitive buttons which are like volume or channel changing and all could be on the pointing device , that means the use of button . So he need not use a pointer to keep changing the channel if a person is frequent surfer .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we are having a combination of boards , so f on the s simpler board , on the top we have this button , rubber buttons , to keep frequently changing the channels .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Can we swap that round so th that the ones that we use all the time are on the bottom part ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "'Cause if you're thinking about holding it you would be using your thumbs to press , just like a mobile phone .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No you'd hold it {disfmarker} you don't {disfmarker} if you flip it open then you'd be {disfmarker} Wouldn't you ? Isn't that the idea ? You us if we just use the shell as an example again , you open that , you've got your L_C_D_ display there and you've got the buttons there so you're holding it in the palm of your hand , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah . That's what I was just saying ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah but you can do it with your thumb li", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then have the and then have the L_C_D_ at the top", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and then be able to touch that for the {vocalsound} other controls ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay and you mean to the {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so have the um the volume and the programme , things like that ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And the lower distance .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the lower side .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Oh f perfect .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So the findings are too many cluttered buttons . Repetition of certain but buttons which I already explained , example the volume and channel control buttons . All are confusing and in inconsistent . Okay we had a latest finding of voice recognition , there was a mail which mentions that our division has developed a new speech recognition s feature . We have to check into the {disfmarker} for financial f feasibility whether we can incorporate it {disfmarker} this at a low cost , but for {disfmarker} like we had g um s response from the customers that they would like to have the feature of finding it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So it could be like , where is the remote , and the remote answers I am here .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Some kind of thing or it gives a b bleep sound or some kind of sound", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "and if this can be incorporated this would be more uh {disfmarker} you can say trendy also ? And technologically innovative also .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we we can check into the financial feasibility of incorporating this . My personal preferences would be like , as already {gap} uh marketing department , they want something to do with fruit so I wouldn't say the design should be like a fruit , but yeah we can take inspiration from fruit colours , like the vibrant colours , uh red chilli uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "tomato red or whatever and second thing is cer certain standard buttons we should have , like for example , i if you see the previous slide uh", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , yeah we {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think most of the users would now be well acquainted with this cer central pattern , here , so we we we would not change h that particular pattern", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "because i this is the most consistent thing in all remote controls .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I can't see that , is that play and stop and things ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This is central one , the one you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or is that volume and channel ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "yeah volume and channel . So keep that m {disfmarker} that standardised because that's the most common feature across all models , if you look at all the models , it's here . This and voice recognition .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Right . Okay . Um I'm not sure how long we've got left , but we need to make a decision about um the things we've discussed . So , we agree on {disfmarker} Do we agree on the battery ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The kinetic .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Kinetic ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um , that means that there's no function for li the port , you know that it sits in , then pressing the button then having {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so we could incorporate voice recognition for the finding it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah I think {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's a bi i it's like a g it's a gadget , it's a", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I mean if {disfmarker} Yeah it is it is qui it's quite a cool feature to have", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "selling point .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and also if they've got it {disfmarker} if they've got these parts already in stock , then it won't be cheap to re-manufacture them ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "uh or it will be cheap sorry to re-manufacture them . So do you reckon that's a good idea that , where's the remote , I'm here thing ? I think that would be quite fun .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I think the only", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I think the only pitfall that we would have would be how much it's going to cost if that means we have to cut down somewhere else ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but I think pretty much we've used cheap {disfmarker} relatively cheap and simple things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "The L_C_D_'s not cheap .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah to s th well it's it's not as expensive as it would be if it was full colour 'cause if we've just got a black and white one ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "I mean they use them in calculators so .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Maybe we could start with the black and white .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "That that way we could upgrade later {gap} .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you could {disfmarker} yeah . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , we talked about kinetic charging ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we've deci seem to have decided on that , did we decide on double A_ or triple A_ batteries ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well you cou um .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Do you want like a back-up ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No , one of the decisions we had to make was whether we had double A_ or triple A_ batteries 'cause they've still got to be charged this way haven't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "K no the kinetic ones come come with um a sort of w watch {disfmarker} a battery that goes in a watch .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I oh I see . Right , okay , got you .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So it's a lot smaller , so it would {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Got you on that okay , didn't realise .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay so we've got battery . The inside components is pretty standardised across the board isn't it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So there's not a {disfmarker} really a decision to be made there , um . The buttons {disfmarker} what did you give us as our {disfmarker} The bare-board L_C_D_ or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah the {disfmarker} well I think were {disfmarker} we're going for the L_C_D_ on that one , on the buttons ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "on the on the on on the top one we're gonna", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "On the top one okay you've got the touch", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "okay and then {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "On the bottom we were gonna have the rubber , the rubber ones , the anti-R_S_I_ ones .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sorry could you repeat that last part ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , okay on {disfmarker} we've got the flip the flip-screen , the top one is gonna be the L_C_D_ and the bottom one is gonna be the rubberised buttons .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "L_C_D_ screen . Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And for the {disfmarker} sorry .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , it's fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the body design I think plastic , uh w yeah", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Plastic ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "we could use the body ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For the inside .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "for the inside and uh rubber as a padding or for the grip , something like to add to the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so we decided on a rubber casing for the plastic shell , a variety of designs ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Plast right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Oh I think so , I think so .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "okay . and it is just uh {disfmarker} although it's rubberised and spongy , apart from that we're just going to go for sort of vegetable and fruit colours , we're not gonna try and make it actually a vegetable or fruit design or anything else , like a shell that we discussed ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm no .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No I think I {vocalsound} {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "just go for the colours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we don't wanna be tacky if we've got a kind of different shape anyway", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um the fact {disfmarker} the m the material that we would be using would be cheap , so we could make it red , we could make it um psychedelic , you know , we could make it black and white zebra stripes ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but that's not really what we're focusing on , what we're focusing on is the m you know {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The feel .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yes . So we could just pick anything .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Kay . Mm-hmm . Is that going to be {disfmarker} this image I've got in my head of something kind of shaped like that , maybe about that size , made of plastic , fits into the palm of the hand , rubberised cover that's spongy . Is that really going to fit fancy look and feel which was the major thing that people wanted , market research ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Uh I {disfmarker} it's different .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's just different", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is that fancy {gap} ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "it's just different from everything else and I mean , I'm trying to imagine um clean looking houses ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sort of beige and black", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "um so you either want something that goes with that , which is what's on the market anyway ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "or you want something that contrasts as {vocalsound} you know like you get clocks now that are more of a talking point than an actual clock because they're so interesting and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . {vocalsound} Yeah . I'm just kind of pushing at that to see if you came out with anything else , but I mean I totally agree . We looked at those remotes , I mean they are kind of anonymous , very similar looking things .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "This would definitely be different enough , I just wondered if anybody could come up with something even more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "And you would just have an {disfmarker} across the b you would have so many different options that you could do , you could have um a plain black one , you could have sparkly pink glittery ones for your little {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well the thing is the rubberised covers are going to be s relatively cheap to produce , that if in a year's time we we get feedback from the design fairs that show something else is coming {disfmarker} I mean it's so easy for us to just produce that and it can be slipped on ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And ones tha ones that have rubbery spikes {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "which is another beauty of it .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "y you know , you could just go so far with it ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You can you can just {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Acupressure , you could talk of acupressures .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "like a puffer fish , you could just , you could take it wherever ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I think that's quite a flexible thing .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And finally the body should be retouchable , may maybe ch you can change the body or the case {disfmarker} casing {disfmarker} the case outside ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "it should be moulded {disfmarker} it {disfmarker} with {disfmarker} the design in such a way you can change it every time .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah j with these rubber these rubberised ca", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "not the actual uh plastic outside case , just the rubber thing that goes round the outside .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . The rubber .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah . Okay we've got five minutes , {vocalsound} um , or that might've been up for a while .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm , so can I just recap uh Sarah ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} for the decisions that we've made , kinetic charging , the watch-type batteries , um {vocalsound} L_C_D_ display on th the top side of the flip top , rubberised buttons on the bottom side , we're gonna use fruit and vegetable colours for the rubber cover , the case itself is plastic . That's how far we've got , what else do we have to add to our decisions here ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine , uh we were talking of voice recognition also", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "because that {disfmarker} we are not {gap} for how to look it uh remote control if it's lost .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So , are we looking at voice {gap} ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , it was just , there was just a cost issue with that , but it's a good idea we just need to check on the cost ,", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Or maybe like uh William was suggesting in the last thing some devices you put on key chains .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "is that right ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "For l yeah , the whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah , yeah the whistle ones , yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "So we can {disfmarker} if financially voice recognition is not feasible we could go for a whistle .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And incorporating the company logo ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Have you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh sorry I didn't mention this , but we'll be incorporating in the design .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "'Cause I took it from the feedback you gave in the last meeting from y from y your report , it's not just a case of having a little R_R_ hidden somewhere , they do want it to be obvious that it's our product", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Well they do ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "don't they ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "but I think we can {disfmarker} you could {disfmarker} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Since it's the only one of its kind on the market it's obviously gonna be ours .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "well it is , it is , I think you just address that with um advertising .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um , you associate the name with the individual product that it is", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and that does the work for you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Obviously it'll have a logo on it just like everything , but everything else has a logo on it . The point is that it's got to stand out somehow differently but I think it does , without that", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I'm not worried about that .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Did we {disfmarker} I know at the last meeting we spoke about a beeper , I think that was you talked about a beeper for a location , have we just rejected that in favour of voice recognition then ?", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Depending on how i {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , depending on the expense of it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I mean we've got this memo saying that it's something that the company's looking into , so", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And they've got in stock , so yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um that seems to make sense , but if it turns out that it's hugely expensive we'd have to cut down somewhere else , then it's worth thinking about . But I think we'll find out more about cost afterwards .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Right I'm going to wrap it up there .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Fine .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I got a end meeting now message on my mo", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "yeah", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Did it ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so . Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Again a questionnaire huh ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "so I think we've probably got {disfmarker} it says , closing we have forty minutes", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You got to go through .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "so I um think we've probably got about that time before we come back .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's either that or we only had forty minutes to discuss what we just discussed and don't know how long that took {gap} .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I think we are pretty going in a clear direction now .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Is everyone happy ? {vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" } ]
Industrial Designer said that it would be cheaper to re-manufacture if these parts were already in stock. Project Manager pointed out that the other materials used were relatively cheap and simple. Though the LCD would be expensive, it would be cheaper with black and white than full colour so User Interface suggested that they could start off with black and white and upgrade later.
How can the cost be cut down if the speech recognition feature is adopted?
[ { "content": "G good morning .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , Flores . Marketing Expert .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are you ready ? You should put the laptop uh right into the square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For i for the cameras , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the cameras Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Good morning , Sebastian .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , {vocalsound} Mister P_M_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} {disfmarker} I'm fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} How are you today ? How was your business trip to Boston ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um well , actually I didn't go , didn't feel like it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Geez .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Do you want to open it as read-only .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I guess I should close it here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sen oh stand-by . Close the the window .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} That's right . Ruud .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um project kick-off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is there a schedule for this meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . Good morning , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh it's important um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I shall close the door .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , great . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Okay . Okay . Um we're here to develop uh a new product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . Um you are here in a specific role . Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert , Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer . Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's correct .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , so we should keep that in mind .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is ? Yeah , there is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No problem .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um okay , this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , a television remote control . Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals , um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop . {vocalsound} Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The market , we should have a look at the market . Um {vocalsound} we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , um which consists of three different design stages . Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the {gap} {disfmarker} the the progressions , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Progressions . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , and we will um make a specific {disfmarker} uh specification of that . Um {vocalsound} the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Well in this case control t the the television I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's for the vision . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Um the other design stages , uh we will discuss that later . So we'll kop it {disfmarker} keep it with the functional design . {vocalsound} Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . Um as you see now I can give a presentation . {vocalsound} Um it's also possible to use this one as well . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . Um {vocalsound} to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , which is on your desktop , at least it should be . Um then we have this electronic white-board system . {vocalsound} Um yeah , I will show that now . Um you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sensors .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sensors , so do not grab it here , but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end . Um well , it {disfmarker} it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . Okay , so not too fast writing . Um {vocalsound} you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . It's quite the same . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . Just use this one uh during the day . {vocalsound} Um you can use the eraser to make something go away .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But we all use the same white-board file", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can work together on it while we're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "or should we only use it in the in the meetings ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , in the meetings , only in the meetings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , alright . Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um you can choose the format , um {disfmarker} sorry . Uh {disfmarker} Let me see . Um {disfmarker} Well {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected . Yep . Current colour , you can choose another colour . And um for example black , and you c I can choose the line width . Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Okay . Quite easy , if you uh do have any questions , just c ask me . Um {vocalsound} to um {disfmarker} oh well , I'm {disfmarker} I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us . Um as a little training {vocalsound} um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um green .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "An animal . Okay . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh a wee rabbit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a bunny . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A rabbit . Okay , well great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But of course , Flores .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Blank .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sebastian is thinking about the animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'm think about it too . {vocalsound} Format {gap} . Well , it looked more than a bunny than a cat , but {vocalsound} it works ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I'll give it a try . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It it should be a cat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I'm guessing a horse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "With a very small {vocalsound} legs . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I was very good in drawing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You should feed that uh that animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I guess you uh get the idea . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , okay . {vocalsound} Beautiful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Beautiful .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . Um any questions {disfmarker} well , just just let me know . Um okay , back to our project . Um {vocalsound} the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , which is quite a number . {vocalsound} Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we uh we will focus this internationally , so the product will be sold um , if there is market uh interest , uh in in more than one country . And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development , {vocalsound} um because uh , well , those are important numbers . Um then the discussion , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , because uh there might be some uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Limitations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "influations influences .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ? {vocalsound} Okay . Um first about my role , role of the Industrial Designer . I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . So that's one . {vocalsound} Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that , but {disfmarker} well , these are quite the same . Sorry about that . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion . One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device {disfmarker} diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for a cell phone ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it could come in handy . We should discuss that . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's cost-effective . Yes . Mm-hmm . Well , not all , not all .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "y you you can {disfmarker} Most of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's the point .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or you shou sh use a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe , but that's uh something we should discuss", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and uh about every everybody should think about it . So that's just my role , I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input , and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but take these things into account when you start the discussion .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , and and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the way of communicating with these equipments .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay , good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} that was your presentation ? Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} okay . Great . Um {vocalsound} I'll go back to my own presentation . Um {disfmarker} Mm . Okay . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um {vocalsound} how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . Um so let's start with you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I had a few uh things in mind . Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um {disfmarker} Yeah uh , what is it , devices ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , I think it should be something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "not {disfmarker} we're we're {disfmarker} it's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I do I don't know that . It's no I have uh {disfmarker} don't have the information for it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , so it should fit to every device .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh Ruud , y do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I think they're right , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker} Well , the techni fu technical function uh {gap} {disfmarker} what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_ . That's just the basic f technical function .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that was my {disfmarker} really my part for uh this session . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , that's just the fu the technical function is {vocalsound} pure what should the remote control do , wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It just should change the T_V_'s state .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's it . Um but furthermore {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , with buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or are there any o other controls ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are there only {disfmarker} any other cont Well , {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know these things . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They're very vu vulnerable .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "w yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , on on a chapters , you know , on a D_V_D_ player . So maybe that's an idea ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you must {vocalsound} point everywhere , so maybe infrared is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe not even pointed . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just don't even point it , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh is that uh {disfmarker} are there restriction for the range , the operating range too ? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you g if you go to radio or or {disfmarker} yeah . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in {disfmarker} outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , gentlemen , um uh just a reminder , we d we have five minutes left for this meeting", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two more things .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , s yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um {vocalsound} in dark too .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So when it's dark {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Those are two really uh user interface {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Is tha {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap} {disfmarker} That's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do do you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the {disfmarker} such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think most most things have already been said , like uh control multiple devices .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well , he said about n abo what he said about pointing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh lots of devices already use infrared . So {disfmarker} we'll probably have to implement that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . Okay , Sebastian , did you have any other ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um well yes , I had , uh about three minutes ago ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I've seem to forget them {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forgot them . Um {disfmarker} oh yes , I remember . Um you said something about visibility in the dark .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? Which makes it easier to operate it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe I um {disfmarker} but it it can be quite simple ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The uh the the digits in black .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} well , it can be for design , of course .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , okay , because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , but there's a cost limitation too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , that's more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "twelve Euro fifty , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's a big problem , I think . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The cost price is very low .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just remind something .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have a m uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Very good point . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . The marks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker} Necessary , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah . I dunno , it's uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that's more Sebastian's uh um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But then Bluetooth uh might be problem .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause I think Bluetooth uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's use uh a lot of uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know it from the cell phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm not sure . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's {disfmarker} it seems to work uh quite okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So uh technically it will be possible .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , you cannot .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's over ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . Um so this was it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you in thirty minutes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "User Interface" } ]
This is the kick-off meeting of the new television remote control project. The team got acquainted with each other and Project Manager described the scope of the project. Industrial Designer claimed that he could support any practical ideas technically and proposed that they could make an interoperable remote control. User Interface agreed and pointed out that people changed the state of the TV by pressing the button. Then he proposed that people should be able to feel the buttons without having to look at them and the buttons should be visible in dark. In terms of the way to connect the remote control to the TV, Industrial Designer suggested that infrared could be substituted by Bluetooth.
Summarize the whole meeting.
[ { "content": "G good morning .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , Flores . Marketing Expert .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are you ready ? You should put the laptop uh right into the square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For i for the cameras , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the cameras Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Good morning , Sebastian .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , {vocalsound} Mister P_M_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} {disfmarker} I'm fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} How are you today ? How was your business trip to Boston ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um well , actually I didn't go , didn't feel like it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Geez .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Do you want to open it as read-only .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I guess I should close it here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sen oh stand-by . Close the the window .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} That's right . Ruud .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um project kick-off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is there a schedule for this meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . Good morning , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh it's important um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I shall close the door .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , great . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Okay . Okay . Um we're here to develop uh a new product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . Um you are here in a specific role . Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert , Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer . Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's correct .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , so we should keep that in mind .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is ? Yeah , there is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No problem .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um okay , this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , a television remote control . Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals , um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop . {vocalsound} Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The market , we should have a look at the market . Um {vocalsound} we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , um which consists of three different design stages . Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the {gap} {disfmarker} the the progressions , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Progressions . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , and we will um make a specific {disfmarker} uh specification of that . Um {vocalsound} the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Well in this case control t the the television I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's for the vision . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Um the other design stages , uh we will discuss that later . So we'll kop it {disfmarker} keep it with the functional design . {vocalsound} Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . Um as you see now I can give a presentation . {vocalsound} Um it's also possible to use this one as well . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . Um {vocalsound} to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , which is on your desktop , at least it should be . Um then we have this electronic white-board system . {vocalsound} Um yeah , I will show that now . Um you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sensors .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sensors , so do not grab it here , but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end . Um well , it {disfmarker} it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . Okay , so not too fast writing . Um {vocalsound} you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . It's quite the same . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . Just use this one uh during the day . {vocalsound} Um you can use the eraser to make something go away .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But we all use the same white-board file", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can work together on it while we're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "or should we only use it in the in the meetings ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , in the meetings , only in the meetings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , alright . Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um you can choose the format , um {disfmarker} sorry . Uh {disfmarker} Let me see . Um {disfmarker} Well {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected . Yep . Current colour , you can choose another colour . And um for example black , and you c I can choose the line width . Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Okay . Quite easy , if you uh do have any questions , just c ask me . Um {vocalsound} to um {disfmarker} oh well , I'm {disfmarker} I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us . Um as a little training {vocalsound} um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um green .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "An animal . Okay . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh a wee rabbit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a bunny . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A rabbit . Okay , well great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But of course , Flores .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Blank .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sebastian is thinking about the animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'm think about it too . {vocalsound} Format {gap} . Well , it looked more than a bunny than a cat , but {vocalsound} it works ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I'll give it a try . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It it should be a cat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I'm guessing a horse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "With a very small {vocalsound} legs . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I was very good in drawing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You should feed that uh that animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I guess you uh get the idea . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , okay . {vocalsound} Beautiful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Beautiful .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . Um any questions {disfmarker} well , just just let me know . Um okay , back to our project . Um {vocalsound} the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , which is quite a number . {vocalsound} Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we uh we will focus this internationally , so the product will be sold um , if there is market uh interest , uh in in more than one country . And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development , {vocalsound} um because uh , well , those are important numbers . Um then the discussion , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , because uh there might be some uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Limitations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "influations influences .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ? {vocalsound} Okay . Um first about my role , role of the Industrial Designer . I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . So that's one . {vocalsound} Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that , but {disfmarker} well , these are quite the same . Sorry about that . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion . One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device {disfmarker} diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for a cell phone ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it could come in handy . We should discuss that . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's cost-effective . Yes . Mm-hmm . Well , not all , not all .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "y you you can {disfmarker} Most of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's the point .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or you shou sh use a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe , but that's uh something we should discuss", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and uh about every everybody should think about it . So that's just my role , I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input , and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but take these things into account when you start the discussion .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , and and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the way of communicating with these equipments .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay , good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} that was your presentation ? Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} okay . Great . Um {vocalsound} I'll go back to my own presentation . Um {disfmarker} Mm . Okay . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um {vocalsound} how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . Um so let's start with you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I had a few uh things in mind . Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um {disfmarker} Yeah uh , what is it , devices ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , I think it should be something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "not {disfmarker} we're we're {disfmarker} it's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I do I don't know that . It's no I have uh {disfmarker} don't have the information for it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , so it should fit to every device .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh Ruud , y do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I think they're right , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker} Well , the techni fu technical function uh {gap} {disfmarker} what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_ . That's just the basic f technical function .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that was my {disfmarker} really my part for uh this session . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , that's just the fu the technical function is {vocalsound} pure what should the remote control do , wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It just should change the T_V_'s state .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's it . Um but furthermore {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , with buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or are there any o other controls ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are there only {disfmarker} any other cont Well , {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know these things . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They're very vu vulnerable .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "w yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , on on a chapters , you know , on a D_V_D_ player . So maybe that's an idea ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you must {vocalsound} point everywhere , so maybe infrared is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe not even pointed . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just don't even point it , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh is that uh {disfmarker} are there restriction for the range , the operating range too ? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you g if you go to radio or or {disfmarker} yeah . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in {disfmarker} outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , gentlemen , um uh just a reminder , we d we have five minutes left for this meeting", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two more things .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , s yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um {vocalsound} in dark too .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So when it's dark {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Those are two really uh user interface {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Is tha {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap} {disfmarker} That's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do do you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the {disfmarker} such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think most most things have already been said , like uh control multiple devices .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well , he said about n abo what he said about pointing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh lots of devices already use infrared . So {disfmarker} we'll probably have to implement that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . Okay , Sebastian , did you have any other ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um well yes , I had , uh about three minutes ago ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I've seem to forget them {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forgot them . Um {disfmarker} oh yes , I remember . Um you said something about visibility in the dark .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? Which makes it easier to operate it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe I um {disfmarker} but it it can be quite simple ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The uh the the digits in black .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} well , it can be for design , of course .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , okay , because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , but there's a cost limitation too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , that's more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "twelve Euro fifty , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's a big problem , I think . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The cost price is very low .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just remind something .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have a m uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Very good point . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . The marks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker} Necessary , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah . I dunno , it's uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that's more Sebastian's uh um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But then Bluetooth uh might be problem .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause I think Bluetooth uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's use uh a lot of uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know it from the cell phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm not sure . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's {disfmarker} it seems to work uh quite okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So uh technically it will be possible .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , you cannot .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's over ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . Um so this was it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you in thirty minutes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "User Interface" } ]
Industrial Designer proposed that a modern remote control should control a diverse subset of equipment. User Interface agreed and revealed that the function of the remote control is to change the state of the TV, which could be realized by pressing the button.
Summarize the discussion about remote control functions.
[ { "content": "G good morning .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , Flores . Marketing Expert .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are you ready ? You should put the laptop uh right into the square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For i for the cameras , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the cameras Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Good morning , Sebastian .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , {vocalsound} Mister P_M_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} {disfmarker} I'm fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} How are you today ? How was your business trip to Boston ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um well , actually I didn't go , didn't feel like it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Geez .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Do you want to open it as read-only .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I guess I should close it here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sen oh stand-by . Close the the window .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} That's right . Ruud .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um project kick-off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is there a schedule for this meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . Good morning , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh it's important um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I shall close the door .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , great . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Okay . Okay . Um we're here to develop uh a new product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . Um you are here in a specific role . Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert , Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer . Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's correct .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , so we should keep that in mind .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is ? Yeah , there is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No problem .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um okay , this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , a television remote control . Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals , um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop . {vocalsound} Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The market , we should have a look at the market . Um {vocalsound} we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , um which consists of three different design stages . Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the {gap} {disfmarker} the the progressions , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Progressions . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , and we will um make a specific {disfmarker} uh specification of that . Um {vocalsound} the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Well in this case control t the the television I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's for the vision . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Um the other design stages , uh we will discuss that later . So we'll kop it {disfmarker} keep it with the functional design . {vocalsound} Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . Um as you see now I can give a presentation . {vocalsound} Um it's also possible to use this one as well . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . Um {vocalsound} to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , which is on your desktop , at least it should be . Um then we have this electronic white-board system . {vocalsound} Um yeah , I will show that now . Um you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sensors .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sensors , so do not grab it here , but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end . Um well , it {disfmarker} it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . Okay , so not too fast writing . Um {vocalsound} you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . It's quite the same . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . Just use this one uh during the day . {vocalsound} Um you can use the eraser to make something go away .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But we all use the same white-board file", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can work together on it while we're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "or should we only use it in the in the meetings ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , in the meetings , only in the meetings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , alright . Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um you can choose the format , um {disfmarker} sorry . Uh {disfmarker} Let me see . Um {disfmarker} Well {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected . Yep . Current colour , you can choose another colour . And um for example black , and you c I can choose the line width . Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Okay . Quite easy , if you uh do have any questions , just c ask me . Um {vocalsound} to um {disfmarker} oh well , I'm {disfmarker} I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us . Um as a little training {vocalsound} um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um green .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "An animal . Okay . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh a wee rabbit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a bunny . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A rabbit . Okay , well great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But of course , Flores .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Blank .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sebastian is thinking about the animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'm think about it too . {vocalsound} Format {gap} . Well , it looked more than a bunny than a cat , but {vocalsound} it works ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I'll give it a try . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It it should be a cat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I'm guessing a horse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "With a very small {vocalsound} legs . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I was very good in drawing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You should feed that uh that animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I guess you uh get the idea . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , okay . {vocalsound} Beautiful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Beautiful .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . Um any questions {disfmarker} well , just just let me know . Um okay , back to our project . Um {vocalsound} the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , which is quite a number . {vocalsound} Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we uh we will focus this internationally , so the product will be sold um , if there is market uh interest , uh in in more than one country . And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development , {vocalsound} um because uh , well , those are important numbers . Um then the discussion , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , because uh there might be some uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Limitations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "influations influences .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ? {vocalsound} Okay . Um first about my role , role of the Industrial Designer . I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . So that's one . {vocalsound} Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that , but {disfmarker} well , these are quite the same . Sorry about that . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion . One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device {disfmarker} diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for a cell phone ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it could come in handy . We should discuss that . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's cost-effective . Yes . Mm-hmm . Well , not all , not all .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "y you you can {disfmarker} Most of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's the point .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or you shou sh use a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe , but that's uh something we should discuss", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and uh about every everybody should think about it . So that's just my role , I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input , and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but take these things into account when you start the discussion .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , and and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the way of communicating with these equipments .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay , good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} that was your presentation ? Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} okay . Great . Um {vocalsound} I'll go back to my own presentation . Um {disfmarker} Mm . Okay . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um {vocalsound} how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . Um so let's start with you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I had a few uh things in mind . Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um {disfmarker} Yeah uh , what is it , devices ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , I think it should be something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "not {disfmarker} we're we're {disfmarker} it's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I do I don't know that . It's no I have uh {disfmarker} don't have the information for it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , so it should fit to every device .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh Ruud , y do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I think they're right , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker} Well , the techni fu technical function uh {gap} {disfmarker} what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_ . That's just the basic f technical function .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that was my {disfmarker} really my part for uh this session . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , that's just the fu the technical function is {vocalsound} pure what should the remote control do , wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It just should change the T_V_'s state .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's it . Um but furthermore {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , with buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or are there any o other controls ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are there only {disfmarker} any other cont Well , {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know these things . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They're very vu vulnerable .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "w yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , on on a chapters , you know , on a D_V_D_ player . So maybe that's an idea ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you must {vocalsound} point everywhere , so maybe infrared is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe not even pointed . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just don't even point it , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh is that uh {disfmarker} are there restriction for the range , the operating range too ? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you g if you go to radio or or {disfmarker} yeah . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in {disfmarker} outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , gentlemen , um uh just a reminder , we d we have five minutes left for this meeting", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two more things .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , s yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um {vocalsound} in dark too .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So when it's dark {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Those are two really uh user interface {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Is tha {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap} {disfmarker} That's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do do you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the {disfmarker} such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think most most things have already been said , like uh control multiple devices .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well , he said about n abo what he said about pointing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh lots of devices already use infrared . So {disfmarker} we'll probably have to implement that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . Okay , Sebastian , did you have any other ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um well yes , I had , uh about three minutes ago ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I've seem to forget them {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forgot them . Um {disfmarker} oh yes , I remember . Um you said something about visibility in the dark .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? Which makes it easier to operate it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe I um {disfmarker} but it it can be quite simple ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The uh the the digits in black .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} well , it can be for design , of course .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , okay , because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , but there's a cost limitation too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , that's more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "twelve Euro fifty , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's a big problem , I think . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The cost price is very low .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just remind something .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have a m uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Very good point . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . The marks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker} Necessary , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah . I dunno , it's uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that's more Sebastian's uh um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But then Bluetooth uh might be problem .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause I think Bluetooth uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's use uh a lot of uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know it from the cell phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm not sure . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's {disfmarker} it seems to work uh quite okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So uh technically it will be possible .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , you cannot .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's over ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . Um so this was it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you in thirty minutes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "User Interface" } ]
User Interface agreed with Industrial Designer and supposed that the remote control could be interoperable. That is to say, it could be a universal remote control that fits every device. He also revealed that the function of the remote control was to change the state of the TV and this could be realized by pressing the button.
What did User Interface think about remote control functions?
[ { "content": "G good morning .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , Flores . Marketing Expert .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are you ready ? You should put the laptop uh right into the square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For i for the cameras , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the cameras Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Good morning , Sebastian .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , {vocalsound} Mister P_M_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} {disfmarker} I'm fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} How are you today ? How was your business trip to Boston ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um well , actually I didn't go , didn't feel like it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Geez .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Do you want to open it as read-only .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I guess I should close it here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sen oh stand-by . Close the the window .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} That's right . Ruud .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um project kick-off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is there a schedule for this meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . Good morning , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh it's important um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I shall close the door .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , great . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Okay . Okay . Um we're here to develop uh a new product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . Um you are here in a specific role . Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert , Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer . Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's correct .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , so we should keep that in mind .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is ? Yeah , there is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No problem .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um okay , this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , a television remote control . Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals , um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop . {vocalsound} Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The market , we should have a look at the market . Um {vocalsound} we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , um which consists of three different design stages . Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the {gap} {disfmarker} the the progressions , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Progressions . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , and we will um make a specific {disfmarker} uh specification of that . Um {vocalsound} the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Well in this case control t the the television I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's for the vision . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Um the other design stages , uh we will discuss that later . So we'll kop it {disfmarker} keep it with the functional design . {vocalsound} Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . Um as you see now I can give a presentation . {vocalsound} Um it's also possible to use this one as well . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . Um {vocalsound} to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , which is on your desktop , at least it should be . Um then we have this electronic white-board system . {vocalsound} Um yeah , I will show that now . Um you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sensors .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sensors , so do not grab it here , but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end . Um well , it {disfmarker} it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . Okay , so not too fast writing . Um {vocalsound} you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . It's quite the same . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . Just use this one uh during the day . {vocalsound} Um you can use the eraser to make something go away .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But we all use the same white-board file", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can work together on it while we're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "or should we only use it in the in the meetings ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , in the meetings , only in the meetings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , alright . Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um you can choose the format , um {disfmarker} sorry . Uh {disfmarker} Let me see . Um {disfmarker} Well {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected . Yep . Current colour , you can choose another colour . And um for example black , and you c I can choose the line width . Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Okay . Quite easy , if you uh do have any questions , just c ask me . Um {vocalsound} to um {disfmarker} oh well , I'm {disfmarker} I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us . Um as a little training {vocalsound} um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um green .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "An animal . Okay . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh a wee rabbit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a bunny . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A rabbit . Okay , well great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But of course , Flores .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Blank .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sebastian is thinking about the animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'm think about it too . {vocalsound} Format {gap} . Well , it looked more than a bunny than a cat , but {vocalsound} it works ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I'll give it a try . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It it should be a cat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I'm guessing a horse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "With a very small {vocalsound} legs . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I was very good in drawing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You should feed that uh that animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I guess you uh get the idea . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , okay . {vocalsound} Beautiful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Beautiful .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . Um any questions {disfmarker} well , just just let me know . Um okay , back to our project . Um {vocalsound} the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , which is quite a number . {vocalsound} Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we uh we will focus this internationally , so the product will be sold um , if there is market uh interest , uh in in more than one country . And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development , {vocalsound} um because uh , well , those are important numbers . Um then the discussion , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , because uh there might be some uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Limitations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "influations influences .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ? {vocalsound} Okay . Um first about my role , role of the Industrial Designer . I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . So that's one . {vocalsound} Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that , but {disfmarker} well , these are quite the same . Sorry about that . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion . One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device {disfmarker} diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for a cell phone ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it could come in handy . We should discuss that . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's cost-effective . Yes . Mm-hmm . Well , not all , not all .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "y you you can {disfmarker} Most of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's the point .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or you shou sh use a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe , but that's uh something we should discuss", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and uh about every everybody should think about it . So that's just my role , I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input , and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but take these things into account when you start the discussion .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , and and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the way of communicating with these equipments .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay , good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} that was your presentation ? Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} okay . Great . Um {vocalsound} I'll go back to my own presentation . Um {disfmarker} Mm . Okay . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um {vocalsound} how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . Um so let's start with you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I had a few uh things in mind . Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um {disfmarker} Yeah uh , what is it , devices ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , I think it should be something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "not {disfmarker} we're we're {disfmarker} it's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I do I don't know that . It's no I have uh {disfmarker} don't have the information for it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , so it should fit to every device .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh Ruud , y do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I think they're right , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker} Well , the techni fu technical function uh {gap} {disfmarker} what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_ . That's just the basic f technical function .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that was my {disfmarker} really my part for uh this session . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , that's just the fu the technical function is {vocalsound} pure what should the remote control do , wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It just should change the T_V_'s state .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's it . Um but furthermore {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , with buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or are there any o other controls ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are there only {disfmarker} any other cont Well , {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know these things . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They're very vu vulnerable .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "w yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , on on a chapters , you know , on a D_V_D_ player . So maybe that's an idea ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you must {vocalsound} point everywhere , so maybe infrared is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe not even pointed . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just don't even point it , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh is that uh {disfmarker} are there restriction for the range , the operating range too ? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you g if you go to radio or or {disfmarker} yeah . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in {disfmarker} outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , gentlemen , um uh just a reminder , we d we have five minutes left for this meeting", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two more things .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , s yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um {vocalsound} in dark too .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So when it's dark {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Those are two really uh user interface {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Is tha {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap} {disfmarker} That's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do do you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the {disfmarker} such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think most most things have already been said , like uh control multiple devices .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well , he said about n abo what he said about pointing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh lots of devices already use infrared . So {disfmarker} we'll probably have to implement that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . Okay , Sebastian , did you have any other ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um well yes , I had , uh about three minutes ago ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I've seem to forget them {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forgot them . Um {disfmarker} oh yes , I remember . Um you said something about visibility in the dark .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? Which makes it easier to operate it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe I um {disfmarker} but it it can be quite simple ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The uh the the digits in black .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} well , it can be for design , of course .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , okay , because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , but there's a cost limitation too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , that's more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "twelve Euro fifty , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's a big problem , I think . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The cost price is very low .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just remind something .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have a m uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Very good point . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . The marks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker} Necessary , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah . I dunno , it's uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that's more Sebastian's uh um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But then Bluetooth uh might be problem .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause I think Bluetooth uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's use uh a lot of uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know it from the cell phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm not sure . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's {disfmarker} it seems to work uh quite okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So uh technically it will be possible .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , you cannot .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's over ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . Um so this was it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you in thirty minutes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "User Interface" } ]
Industrial Designer believed that a modern remote control should control a diverse subset of equipment. That means, one remote control should control one or more pieces of equipment.
What did Industrial Designer think about remote control functions?
[ { "content": "G good morning .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , Flores . Marketing Expert .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are you ready ? You should put the laptop uh right into the square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For i for the cameras , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the cameras Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Good morning , Sebastian .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , {vocalsound} Mister P_M_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} {disfmarker} I'm fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} How are you today ? How was your business trip to Boston ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um well , actually I didn't go , didn't feel like it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Geez .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Do you want to open it as read-only .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I guess I should close it here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sen oh stand-by . Close the the window .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} That's right . Ruud .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um project kick-off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is there a schedule for this meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . Good morning , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh it's important um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I shall close the door .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , great . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Okay . Okay . Um we're here to develop uh a new product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . Um you are here in a specific role . Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert , Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer . Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's correct .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , so we should keep that in mind .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is ? Yeah , there is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No problem .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um okay , this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , a television remote control . Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals , um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop . {vocalsound} Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The market , we should have a look at the market . Um {vocalsound} we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , um which consists of three different design stages . Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the {gap} {disfmarker} the the progressions , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Progressions . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , and we will um make a specific {disfmarker} uh specification of that . Um {vocalsound} the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Well in this case control t the the television I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's for the vision . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Um the other design stages , uh we will discuss that later . So we'll kop it {disfmarker} keep it with the functional design . {vocalsound} Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . Um as you see now I can give a presentation . {vocalsound} Um it's also possible to use this one as well . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . Um {vocalsound} to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , which is on your desktop , at least it should be . Um then we have this electronic white-board system . {vocalsound} Um yeah , I will show that now . Um you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sensors .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sensors , so do not grab it here , but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end . Um well , it {disfmarker} it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . Okay , so not too fast writing . Um {vocalsound} you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . It's quite the same . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . Just use this one uh during the day . {vocalsound} Um you can use the eraser to make something go away .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But we all use the same white-board file", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can work together on it while we're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "or should we only use it in the in the meetings ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , in the meetings , only in the meetings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , alright . Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um you can choose the format , um {disfmarker} sorry . Uh {disfmarker} Let me see . Um {disfmarker} Well {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected . Yep . Current colour , you can choose another colour . And um for example black , and you c I can choose the line width . Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Okay . Quite easy , if you uh do have any questions , just c ask me . Um {vocalsound} to um {disfmarker} oh well , I'm {disfmarker} I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us . Um as a little training {vocalsound} um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um green .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "An animal . Okay . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh a wee rabbit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a bunny . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A rabbit . Okay , well great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But of course , Flores .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Blank .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sebastian is thinking about the animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'm think about it too . {vocalsound} Format {gap} . Well , it looked more than a bunny than a cat , but {vocalsound} it works ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I'll give it a try . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It it should be a cat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I'm guessing a horse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "With a very small {vocalsound} legs . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I was very good in drawing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You should feed that uh that animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I guess you uh get the idea . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , okay . {vocalsound} Beautiful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Beautiful .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . Um any questions {disfmarker} well , just just let me know . Um okay , back to our project . Um {vocalsound} the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , which is quite a number . {vocalsound} Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we uh we will focus this internationally , so the product will be sold um , if there is market uh interest , uh in in more than one country . And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development , {vocalsound} um because uh , well , those are important numbers . Um then the discussion , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , because uh there might be some uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Limitations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "influations influences .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ? {vocalsound} Okay . Um first about my role , role of the Industrial Designer . I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . So that's one . {vocalsound} Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that , but {disfmarker} well , these are quite the same . Sorry about that . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion . One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device {disfmarker} diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for a cell phone ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it could come in handy . We should discuss that . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's cost-effective . Yes . Mm-hmm . Well , not all , not all .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "y you you can {disfmarker} Most of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's the point .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or you shou sh use a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe , but that's uh something we should discuss", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and uh about every everybody should think about it . So that's just my role , I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input , and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but take these things into account when you start the discussion .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , and and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the way of communicating with these equipments .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay , good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} that was your presentation ? Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} okay . Great . Um {vocalsound} I'll go back to my own presentation . Um {disfmarker} Mm . Okay . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um {vocalsound} how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . Um so let's start with you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I had a few uh things in mind . Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um {disfmarker} Yeah uh , what is it , devices ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , I think it should be something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "not {disfmarker} we're we're {disfmarker} it's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I do I don't know that . It's no I have uh {disfmarker} don't have the information for it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , so it should fit to every device .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh Ruud , y do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I think they're right , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker} Well , the techni fu technical function uh {gap} {disfmarker} what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_ . That's just the basic f technical function .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that was my {disfmarker} really my part for uh this session . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , that's just the fu the technical function is {vocalsound} pure what should the remote control do , wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It just should change the T_V_'s state .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's it . Um but furthermore {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , with buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or are there any o other controls ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are there only {disfmarker} any other cont Well , {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know these things . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They're very vu vulnerable .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "w yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , on on a chapters , you know , on a D_V_D_ player . So maybe that's an idea ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you must {vocalsound} point everywhere , so maybe infrared is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe not even pointed . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just don't even point it , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh is that uh {disfmarker} are there restriction for the range , the operating range too ? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you g if you go to radio or or {disfmarker} yeah . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in {disfmarker} outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , gentlemen , um uh just a reminder , we d we have five minutes left for this meeting", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two more things .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , s yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um {vocalsound} in dark too .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So when it's dark {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Those are two really uh user interface {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Is tha {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap} {disfmarker} That's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do do you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the {disfmarker} such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think most most things have already been said , like uh control multiple devices .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well , he said about n abo what he said about pointing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh lots of devices already use infrared . So {disfmarker} we'll probably have to implement that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . Okay , Sebastian , did you have any other ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um well yes , I had , uh about three minutes ago ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I've seem to forget them {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forgot them . Um {disfmarker} oh yes , I remember . Um you said something about visibility in the dark .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? Which makes it easier to operate it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe I um {disfmarker} but it it can be quite simple ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The uh the the digits in black .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} well , it can be for design , of course .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , okay , because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , but there's a cost limitation too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , that's more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "twelve Euro fifty , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's a big problem , I think . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The cost price is very low .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just remind something .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have a m uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Very good point . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . The marks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker} Necessary , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah . I dunno , it's uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that's more Sebastian's uh um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But then Bluetooth uh might be problem .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause I think Bluetooth uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's use uh a lot of uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know it from the cell phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm not sure . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's {disfmarker} it seems to work uh quite okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So uh technically it will be possible .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , you cannot .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's over ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . Um so this was it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you in thirty minutes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "User Interface" } ]
Industrial Designer pointed out that infrared connection is old-fashioned so they should choose a novel one, such as Bluetooth. Project Manager added that the device should be rechargeable and not consume too much power.
What did the group discuss about the connection of remote control and TV?
[ { "content": "G good morning .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , Flores . Marketing Expert .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are you ready ? You should put the laptop uh right into the square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For i for the cameras , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the cameras Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Good morning , Sebastian .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , {vocalsound} Mister P_M_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} {disfmarker} I'm fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} How are you today ? How was your business trip to Boston ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um well , actually I didn't go , didn't feel like it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Geez .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Do you want to open it as read-only .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I guess I should close it here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sen oh stand-by . Close the the window .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} That's right . Ruud .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um project kick-off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is there a schedule for this meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . Good morning , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh it's important um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I shall close the door .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , great . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Okay . Okay . Um we're here to develop uh a new product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . Um you are here in a specific role . Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert , Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer . Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's correct .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , so we should keep that in mind .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is ? Yeah , there is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No problem .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um okay , this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , a television remote control . Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals , um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop . {vocalsound} Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The market , we should have a look at the market . Um {vocalsound} we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , um which consists of three different design stages . Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the {gap} {disfmarker} the the progressions , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Progressions . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , and we will um make a specific {disfmarker} uh specification of that . Um {vocalsound} the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Well in this case control t the the television I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's for the vision . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Um the other design stages , uh we will discuss that later . So we'll kop it {disfmarker} keep it with the functional design . {vocalsound} Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . Um as you see now I can give a presentation . {vocalsound} Um it's also possible to use this one as well . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . Um {vocalsound} to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , which is on your desktop , at least it should be . Um then we have this electronic white-board system . {vocalsound} Um yeah , I will show that now . Um you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sensors .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sensors , so do not grab it here , but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end . Um well , it {disfmarker} it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . Okay , so not too fast writing . Um {vocalsound} you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . It's quite the same . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . Just use this one uh during the day . {vocalsound} Um you can use the eraser to make something go away .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But we all use the same white-board file", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can work together on it while we're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "or should we only use it in the in the meetings ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , in the meetings , only in the meetings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , alright . Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um you can choose the format , um {disfmarker} sorry . Uh {disfmarker} Let me see . Um {disfmarker} Well {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected . Yep . Current colour , you can choose another colour . And um for example black , and you c I can choose the line width . Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Okay . Quite easy , if you uh do have any questions , just c ask me . Um {vocalsound} to um {disfmarker} oh well , I'm {disfmarker} I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us . Um as a little training {vocalsound} um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um green .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "An animal . Okay . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh a wee rabbit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a bunny . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A rabbit . Okay , well great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But of course , Flores .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Blank .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sebastian is thinking about the animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'm think about it too . {vocalsound} Format {gap} . Well , it looked more than a bunny than a cat , but {vocalsound} it works ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I'll give it a try . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It it should be a cat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I'm guessing a horse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "With a very small {vocalsound} legs . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I was very good in drawing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You should feed that uh that animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I guess you uh get the idea . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , okay . {vocalsound} Beautiful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Beautiful .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . Um any questions {disfmarker} well , just just let me know . Um okay , back to our project . Um {vocalsound} the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , which is quite a number . {vocalsound} Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we uh we will focus this internationally , so the product will be sold um , if there is market uh interest , uh in in more than one country . And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development , {vocalsound} um because uh , well , those are important numbers . Um then the discussion , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , because uh there might be some uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Limitations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "influations influences .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ? {vocalsound} Okay . Um first about my role , role of the Industrial Designer . I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . So that's one . {vocalsound} Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that , but {disfmarker} well , these are quite the same . Sorry about that . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion . One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device {disfmarker} diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for a cell phone ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it could come in handy . We should discuss that . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's cost-effective . Yes . Mm-hmm . Well , not all , not all .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "y you you can {disfmarker} Most of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's the point .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or you shou sh use a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe , but that's uh something we should discuss", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and uh about every everybody should think about it . So that's just my role , I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input , and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but take these things into account when you start the discussion .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , and and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the way of communicating with these equipments .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay , good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} that was your presentation ? Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} okay . Great . Um {vocalsound} I'll go back to my own presentation . Um {disfmarker} Mm . Okay . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um {vocalsound} how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . Um so let's start with you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I had a few uh things in mind . Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um {disfmarker} Yeah uh , what is it , devices ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , I think it should be something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "not {disfmarker} we're we're {disfmarker} it's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I do I don't know that . It's no I have uh {disfmarker} don't have the information for it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , so it should fit to every device .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh Ruud , y do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I think they're right , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker} Well , the techni fu technical function uh {gap} {disfmarker} what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_ . That's just the basic f technical function .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that was my {disfmarker} really my part for uh this session . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , that's just the fu the technical function is {vocalsound} pure what should the remote control do , wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It just should change the T_V_'s state .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's it . Um but furthermore {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , with buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or are there any o other controls ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are there only {disfmarker} any other cont Well , {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know these things . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They're very vu vulnerable .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "w yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , on on a chapters , you know , on a D_V_D_ player . So maybe that's an idea ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you must {vocalsound} point everywhere , so maybe infrared is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe not even pointed . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just don't even point it , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh is that uh {disfmarker} are there restriction for the range , the operating range too ? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you g if you go to radio or or {disfmarker} yeah . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in {disfmarker} outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , gentlemen , um uh just a reminder , we d we have five minutes left for this meeting", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two more things .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , s yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um {vocalsound} in dark too .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So when it's dark {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Those are two really uh user interface {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Is tha {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap} {disfmarker} That's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do do you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the {disfmarker} such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think most most things have already been said , like uh control multiple devices .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well , he said about n abo what he said about pointing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh lots of devices already use infrared . So {disfmarker} we'll probably have to implement that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . Okay , Sebastian , did you have any other ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um well yes , I had , uh about three minutes ago ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I've seem to forget them {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forgot them . Um {disfmarker} oh yes , I remember . Um you said something about visibility in the dark .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? Which makes it easier to operate it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe I um {disfmarker} but it it can be quite simple ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The uh the the digits in black .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} well , it can be for design , of course .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , okay , because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , but there's a cost limitation too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , that's more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "twelve Euro fifty , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's a big problem , I think . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The cost price is very low .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just remind something .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have a m uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Very good point . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . The marks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker} Necessary , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah . I dunno , it's uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that's more Sebastian's uh um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But then Bluetooth uh might be problem .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause I think Bluetooth uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's use uh a lot of uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know it from the cell phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm not sure . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's {disfmarker} it seems to work uh quite okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So uh technically it will be possible .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , you cannot .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's over ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . Um so this was it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you in thirty minutes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "User Interface" } ]
Industrial Designer proposed to change the way how the remote control and the TV communicate with each other as the infrared connection was not hot technical and suggested using Bluetooth.
What did Industrial Designer suggest when discussing the connection of remote control and TV?
[ { "content": "G good morning .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , Flores . Marketing Expert .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Oh yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Right .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are you ready ? You should put the laptop uh right into the square .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "For i for the cameras , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "For the cameras Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Good morning , Sebastian .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning , {vocalsound} Mister P_M_ .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap} {disfmarker} I'm fine .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} How are you today ? How was your business trip to Boston ? {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um well , actually I didn't go , didn't feel like it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} {vocalsound} Geez .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} Do you want to open it as read-only .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I guess I should close it here .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have the same message of uh Windows cannot um", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{gap}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "sen oh stand-by . Close the the window .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay , the waiting is for our Marketing Expert , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker} That's right . Ruud .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um project kick-off .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Is there a schedule for this meeting ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , there is actually . Um I will li list the agenda for today . For this meeting . Good morning , Ruud .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Good morning . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Uh it's important um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I shall close the door .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "yeah , great . It's important that the laptops are um exactly on the square , um for the cameras . Okay . Okay . Um we're here to develop uh a new product .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um I'm sure you've had a mail from our account manager about it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} and um this is the first meeting to to generate some uh uh some ideas about it . Um you are here in a specific role . Uh Ruud is here as the Marketing Expert , Roo is here as the User Interface Designer and Sebastian is here uh in the role of Industrial Designer . Is that correct ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's correct .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} we're going to do um uh uh a little tool training uh for the tools we are going to use uh during uh the meetings we are going to have here . Um then I will tell you a little bit about my idea of the project plan , uh and we will have a discussion . Uh this meeting should take no more than twenty five minutes , so we should keep that in mind .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Um is there any room for a little presentation ? Uh maybe during the discussion uh section ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "There is ? Yeah , there is .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} No problem .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um okay , this new product we are are g are going to develop , um it's a remote control , a television remote control . Um and first of all it should be original , it should be trendy and user-friendly . Those are kind of easy um uh uh goals , um and I'm sure we can find more goals for the for the product we are going to develop . {vocalsound} Um we will discuss uh later on more ideas about uh how the remote should look and how it sh it should function and all those kind of things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "The market , we should have a look at the market . Um {vocalsound} we are going to use a a pred a project method uh during uh this development , um which consists of three different design stages . Uh the functional design , the conceptual design and the detailed design , um all of these stages um um mean that we do some individual work , prepare , and then uh meet to discuss our uh uh the {gap} {disfmarker} the the progressions , yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Progressions . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um the first stage , the functional design um we are going to search for the user requirements , and we will um make a specific {disfmarker} uh specification of that . Um {vocalsound} the second is the technical functional design , um what effect should the remote have ? Well in this case control t the the television I think .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "It's for the vision . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um and the last one is the working design . How exactly does it work in the technical sense . Um the other design stages , uh we will discuss that later . So we'll kop it {disfmarker} keep it with the functional design . {vocalsound} Okay , um before we think about remote control we will um work with some of the tools we have uh here . Um as you see now I can give a presentation . {vocalsound} Um it's also possible to use this one as well . You can uh uh display pr uh two presentations if you want to . Um {vocalsound} to um presentate , to show us uh a file you'll need to uh place it in your project documents folder , which is on your desktop , at least it should be . Um then we have this electronic white-board system . {vocalsound} Um yeah , I will show that now . Um you can draw on the board using this pen . There are little um uh", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Sensors .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "sensors , so do not grab it here , but a lit more a little bit more to the uh to the end . Um well , it {disfmarker} it's on the um eraser now , so we click the pen button . Okay , so not too fast writing . Um {vocalsound} you can insert a new um slide or or white-board uh uh file um by either using the insert function or by clicking the next button or the blank button . It's quite the same . Um all our um whi um uh SMARTboard um notes should be kept in the same file . So do not m make a new file . Just use this one uh during the day . {vocalsound} Um you can use the eraser to make something go away .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But we all use the same white-board file", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So we can work together on it while we're {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "or should we only use it in the in the meetings ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah , in the meetings , only in the meetings .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "It's really like like a regu regular whiteboard .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , alright . Yep .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um you can choose the format , um {disfmarker} sorry . Uh {disfmarker} Let me see . Um {disfmarker} Well {disfmarker} {vocalsound} I guess it's maybe because I'm not s uh pen selected . Yep . Current colour , you can choose another colour . And um for example black , and you c I can choose the line width . Um so now I d have a different line width and uh colour . Okay . Quite easy , if you uh do have any questions , just c ask me . Um {vocalsound} to um {disfmarker} oh well , I'm {disfmarker} I wrote down the documents uh should be in the project documents folder if you want to uh discuss it with us . Um as a little training {vocalsound} um I will ask Ruud first to draw uh uh your own animal on a new slide uh with uh a different colour and a different line width than the one uh now selected . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay . Um green .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "An animal . Okay . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh a wee rabbit .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It's a bunny . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "A rabbit . Okay , well great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Alright .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um Roo , could you do the same please ? But a different animal with a different colour and a different line width .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But of course , Flores .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Blank .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Sebastian is thinking about the animal .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "I'm just uh guessing what should be my favourite animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I'm think about it too . {vocalsound} Format {gap} . Well , it looked more than a bunny than a cat , but {vocalsound} it works ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I'll give it a try . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "It it should be a cat .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Mm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I'm guessing a horse .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Very good . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "With a very small {vocalsound} legs . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} I was very good in drawing . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "You should feed that uh that animal . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Well , I guess you uh get the idea . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yes , okay . {vocalsound} Beautiful .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Beautiful .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so um you can use this at any time during the presentation if you want to . Um any questions {disfmarker} well , just just let me know . Um okay , back to our project . Um {vocalsound} the remote control we are going to develop um will have a selling price of about twenty five Euros . Uh the profit we are looking for for this product is fifty million Euros , which is quite a number . {vocalsound} Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "we uh we will focus this internationally , so the product will be sold um , if there is market uh interest , uh in in more than one country . And um the production costs should not be more than uh twelve Euro fifty , so we should keep that in mind by uh w w during the development , {vocalsound} um because uh , well , those are important numbers . Um then the discussion , maybe the time for Sebastian to show his presentation .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , um I have some technical uh issues which I would like to present to you uh before we start the discussion , because uh there might be some uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Limitations .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "influations influences .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , great .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay ? {vocalsound} Okay . Um first about my role , role of the Industrial Designer . I would like to think about uh the implementation of uh of things , and the technical possibilities and impossibilities . So if someone of you comes up with uh ideas , uh I'll try to translate them in technical functions , but uh there might be some impossibilities . So that's one . {vocalsound} Uh I also will propose some uh um uh some implementations for that , but {disfmarker} well , these are quite the same . Sorry about that . Um and I also will remind people of some new technical possibilities which are available and which might be interesting to implement in our product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I have some uh initial ideas about some things um which are maybe nice to take with you in the upcoming uh discussion . One thing about uh interopera operability . Um I think a modern uh remote control should uh control a device {disfmarker} diverse subset of equipment . Uh for instance , uh D_V_D_ players , cell phones , video and audio equipment . So one re uh one remote control for all your equipment .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for a cell phone ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Well , there should be some interoperabi interoperability between them .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , okay . Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I think it could come in handy . We should discuss that . Um and we should think about the way how these things uh should communicate with each other . We're not uh living in the uh nineteen eighties anymore , so infrared is not uh", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "is not really uh hot uh technical stuff anymore . But you should uh think about the things like uh Bluetooth .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah , but the infrared , it's uh , well , a little bit old-fashioned , if you would call it like that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But all the T_V_s are uh equipped with infrared , so", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "But it's cost-effective . Yes . Mm-hmm . Well , not all , not all .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "y you you can {disfmarker} Most of them .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So that's the point .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Or you shou sh use a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "you should equip infrared and Bluetooth together in one remote .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Maybe , but that's uh something we should discuss", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "and uh about every everybody should think about it . So that's just my role , I'll just uh give you uh everybody some technical input , and I think now the time is to have a little discussion about what uh the product should be and how it should look ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "but take these things into account when you start the discussion .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , so the the main por uh the main points you are uh telling us are focus on the inter uh operability ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "and {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "so one thing uh one remote control should uh control one or more uh pieces of equipment ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , and and uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "and the way of communicating with these equipments .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay , good .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} that was your presentation ? Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "That's it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um {vocalsound} okay . Great . Um {vocalsound} I'll go back to my own presentation . Um {disfmarker} Mm . Okay . Um I I do think it's time now to to discuss uh mm some things .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um Sebastian told us a few things about the technical implemen uh implications . Um there are other things like um {vocalsound} how to make it trendy , which is I think uh um most uh Ru uh Ruud's uh role . Um the way how it should be controlled by the user , which is uh Roo uh r uh during this part . Um so let's start with you .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "H how do you think the remote should um function for the user ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , I had a few uh things in mind . Um well , the interoperability , just like uh Sebastian said , um the remote should work on different T_V_s or even different uh um {disfmarker} Yeah uh , what is it , devices ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yep .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um so i i I think it's a universal remote control for customers to buy just new in uh a store .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yes , I think it should be something like that .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It's not for uh for uh for uh Philips or whatever to buy our remote for their own product ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , so we're we're going business to consumer ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "right ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "not {disfmarker} we're we're {disfmarker} it's not a {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I do I don't know that . It's no I have uh {disfmarker} don't have the information for it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "We're not developing this product for a specific vendor , are we ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No . No .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "No ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "No , okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "we're just developing this product , and we want to sell it to a very broad uh public , so it should fit to every device .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh Ruud , y do you agree ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I think I think they're right , yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Um {disfmarker} Well , the techni fu technical function uh {gap} {disfmarker} what you said is just by pressing the button you should change the state of the T_V_ . That's just the basic f technical function .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that was my {disfmarker} really my part for uh this session . Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "So is that ease of use or uh is that more like um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {vocalsound} {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well , that's just the fu the technical function is {vocalsound} pure what should the remote control do , wh what is his task uh as an uh as an uh device .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "It just should change the T_V_'s state .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So that's it . Um but furthermore {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "And you you see uh the buttons as a as a means of doing this ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Yeah , with buttons .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Or are there any o other controls ?", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , or maybe you want a touch-screen or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Are there only {disfmarker} any other cont Well , {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I've seen these remote controls with uh this little stick uh which you can move forward , sidewords .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh-huh .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You know these things . And um it's very easy for a user to to switch {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "They're very vu vulnerable .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "w yes ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "to to switch b uh between uh channels or uh change uh between tracks on a on a C_D_ , on on a chapters , you know , on a D_V_D_ player . So maybe that's an idea ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "And for other user interface I had um , well , it's more industrial thing . Uh point at a T_V_ , I think it's it's quite disturbing when you always have to point directly to the T_V_ ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "so you must {vocalsound} point everywhere , so maybe infrared is {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Maybe not even pointed . Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , just don't even point it , so in that case infrared should uh maybe uh be restriction to that .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh is that uh {disfmarker} are there restriction for the range , the operating range too ? So when you're not able to point at the device um the range is very limited .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , if you g if you go to radio or or {disfmarker} yeah . For T_V_ , you're always in in the neighbourhood of a T_V_ , so I don't think think the range should be a problem to that ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "but if you want to uh get it working with a radio , and you're in {disfmarker} outside your garden with just one uh speaker , then maybe the range should be uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , gentlemen , um uh just a reminder , we d we have five minutes left for this meeting", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But {disfmarker} Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Two more things .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um You should able to feel the buttons without uh it mis um {disfmarker} {vocalsound} you have to know what you do without looking at the buttons , so it should be as user interface um for feeling should be uh good to understand .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , s yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You must feel the buttons for volume or whatever , I think .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And of course you don't always know where all buttons are , so it should be visible al um {vocalsound} in dark too .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So when it's dark {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Those are two really uh user interface {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Uh I'll write down glow in the dark . Is tha {vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . {gap} {disfmarker} That's perfect . {vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um uh I just want to hear uh Ruud's um input for this meeting .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Do do you {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Um do you have anything already w um ab idea about how the market uh will respond to the {disfmarker} such a product ? Or what we should take um in account when developing such a product ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh I think most most things have already been said , like uh control multiple devices .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "And uh , yeah , infrared might be an issue .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Because ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Uh well , he said about n abo what he said about pointing .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But uh lots of devices already use infrared . So {disfmarker} we'll probably have to implement that .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Okay . Okay . Okay , Sebastian , did you have any other ideas ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Um well yes , I had , uh about three minutes ago ,", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "but I've seem to forget them {disfmarker} {vocalsound} forgot them . Um {disfmarker} oh yes , I remember . Um you said something about visibility in the dark .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um uh would it be nice for a user to have display on this uh remote control , on which you can see functions ? Which makes it easier to operate it .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah . Well , maybe I um {disfmarker} but it it can be quite simple ,", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "I I don't know .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "you can just have white buttons with a black mark on it .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The uh the the digits in black .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Uh then it's already visible in dark . So it it don't have to be a lightning or or a fancy", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "{disfmarker} well , it can be for design , of course .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah , yeah , okay , because because we wa we want to develop a trendy product . So {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yes , but there's a cost limitation too .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah ,", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , that's more {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "twelve Euro fifty , yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "So that's a big problem , I think . I think the the financial part of this project uh implicates that it's not going to be a high high-end product .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "The cost price is very low .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Just remind something .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "The digits of uh the the painting on the buttons should not fade .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay , okay .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "You have a m uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Very good point . Yeah .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Always have s the soft buttons , always uh clear the the the paint on it . The marks .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Okay , um I ha I have one point f um which which comes in mind now . Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Mm-hmm . Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "um or it should not consume too much um power . Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} So um maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "But um {disfmarker} Necessary , yeah .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "yeah . I dunno , it's uh {disfmarker} {vocalsound} that's more Sebastian's uh um {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah . But then Bluetooth uh might be problem .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Hmm .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "'Cause I think Bluetooth uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's use uh a lot of uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Well does it ?", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Yeah , I know it from the cell phone .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "well {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "I'm not sure . Uh {disfmarker}", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Well , cell phones have uh integrated Bluetooth also and , well , it's {disfmarker} it seems to work uh quite okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "Yeah .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "So uh technically it will be possible .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "But you can't you can't use Bluetooth all the time , twenty four hours a day .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "Okay . Gentlemen , I'm afraid we do not have any more time .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Does it {disfmarker}", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "No , you cannot .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} It's over ?", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound}", "speaker": "Marketing" }, { "content": "Um", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "Industrial Designer" }, { "content": "{vocalsound} so we will go back to our own uh work . Um next meeting starts in thirty minutes and um , well , you know your o your individual actions or your personal coach will probably email you about th it . Um so this was it .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Okay .", "speaker": "User Interface" }, { "content": "See you in thirty minutes .", "speaker": "Project Manager" }, { "content": "Great .", "speaker": "User Interface" } ]
Project Manager believed that remote control should not consume too much power. Therefore, as the cellphone would consume power very quickly when the Bluetooth was on, User Interface was concerned that it might be a problem.
Why did User Interface disagree to use Bluetooth in the discussion of connection of remote control and TV?