Long winded way of saying 🤷‍♂️
Musk doesn't know how to utilize CASH in a better way + he is hoping to offset the soon to come Sales, Revenue & regulatory credit(s) miss by MtM speculative gain in BTC.
A lot of people are butt hurt from this comment.
I took a number of call options not stock purchase. 😫
That will hurt when reality hits
Volkswagen is beating Tesla and Renault too in Europe... hope Musk comes with a cheaper car soon. Most of people can’t afford a $40k car. Nio is also destroying Tesla market share in China.
I believe your right as the shorts liquidate to cover losses $TSLA will be the first to go due to the profits taken... I’m ok with TSLA falling because it’s a great buying opportunity and the company is solid with so much room to grow.
I know, I feel your concern too, but it’s a long term hold as is often mentioned in these sorts of threads. If you’re comfortable hold onto your investment for 12-24 months to see ( In my opinion) the real gains. The rapid price growth of TSLA, was some what based around future price growth not the actual worth, I believe we are now in a long consolidation phase, at such point when it ends the price growth will continue.
Cathy will release the PT close to the end of the QTR when she will have an idea of how many vehicles Tesla will be delivering. That means next week will be a good time. It is strategic in that my reason is the end of QTR is the reason. ​ Stock will go up since, people are getting a sense from the TSLAQ crowd that watches what is shipped thru the "Shorty Air Force" , that the numbers will be up. A 50% increase in sales is very possible from first Qtr of 2020. Elon is targeting a 50% in sales. Ju
There are plenty people with just Tesla and it was long before the split. They may not be on Reddit though
Sounds like a tik tok financial analyst, you ever head of market cap? I like tsla but it's the flagship of overvalued growth stocks relative to it's cashflow.
😂😂😂😂.. that’s a good answer we’ll right now is the perfect time.. most likely not going to drop below the current resistance line.. possible to 1071.. you buy than what lol
And cows buy?
No can do! I have no more money left haha
Arkk sold 90 million arks? Bullish.
Today was terrible...but worse the trends are awful as well over the course of the last 30 days. There has been some smattering of good news here and there, look at what ARK said as well as individuals like Bill Gates, but at the same time you have the crypto investment and then randomly taking off one of your few vehicles off the config website with no doesn’t instill a whole lot of confidence...
Come on wonz. Money talks and bullshit walks. I choose you, marginal credit and cash flow. I’m driving the school bus today and can pick you up with the rest of the chicken shit kids. Peace and love. Sorry you missed the 5:1 sold shares for profit. I’m calling it the Fremont California million dollar trade. All for you to watch and learn the hard way.
I think the average investor doesn't really understand the Bitcoin investment. Bitcoin is still a no go for a lot of investors.
I didn’t...I waited and luckily it rebounded up...but I was close
Who knows, knowing Elon he might just be trying to not take a hand out. Given the whole "I want to pay taxes" thing, this could just be another version of that. Or he doesn't agree with what they want him to do. I'm not too worried about the quality of their batteries. I would guess the regulators want to throw some stupid rules in his way that have no basis in making vehicles better.
TSLA will dip but we will see 800 again
Couldn’t be worse, is the bottom.
I’m not sure why it was down today after the gains earlier this week. It may continue down or stabilize if there isn’t any other news before earnings. I think earnings will be good so I’m hopeful it will come back up, especially if it continues down and the earnings are better than expected. I feel like either it goes way up and then even if earnings are great it will crash since people were so excited, or it won’t see much upward movement and then earnings will shock everyone and it will spike. Or earnings
The only 2 days a stock price matters are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.
Like almost all government fleet bids, they’ll spread it around. GM, Ford, Tesla… all will be represented in federal EV fleets. Don’t kid yourself that the others won’t ramp up production by that time. It’s still a ways off. Also, the US federal government only buys about 50,000 vehicles each year. In many categories and shapes and sizes. Not enough to support a dedicated factory.
If tsla announcers a buy back or dividend vs buying bit coin, just imagine
bears will say it’s priced in
No time for fake news. It’s on their site.
You’re right, it doesn’t make any sense!!! You just weren’t watching the price action like I was today and earlier this week. This is not about hitting a certain price once. Of course a stock will hit every price at least once during its movement. The price was literally pinned to $1234 for a good part of today. And, then when it finally broke free from that range, it spiked up sharply and then dropped rapidly, right??? And, yes, if the stock ever gets to $4200 and stays pinned at that price I will ag
The above to me reads as a very bearish / would never consider buying for a long time. Was surprised by your response. Personally I see macro headwinds for next few months but yesterday could have been a turning point. Don’t think we’ll see the next serious breakout until FSD MRR is announced which should be soon.
I don’t understand why these new investors freaks out after a couple of pull backs? It happens to every stocks. Overall market is down. They have been running strong for a few weeks.
I do agree this sell off is pretty wide but it’s going to be more extreme with Tesla as its done everything with more energy the last year. If you pull a two year MACD, the real price drop and negative selling momentum is just getting started. It’s done all this dropping without any serious negative volume yet. If a large group of retail trades hit a limit soon or institutions sell off at all papa musk and cathie are gonna😭
hopefully your options are far out enough to ride this out
You sure did. Great heads up. Your awesome!!!
risk: elon on twitter
Now will be a good time to give Tesla some love and push it to $750
Unless VW is moving into the energy sector, I would say there is no competition. Automotive sector is $80B industry while the energy sector is $800B. Tesla is a technology company, not a car company, cars are just a small fractional segment of their business model.
Wild bet but good luck
Don't buy because of FOMO. [I made a video about it.](
Massive underestimate
Buy and hold long. I bought TSLA when I bought my Tesla in 2017. Not letting go of one share.
How about squeeze teslaq?
If you’re investing in individual stocks you shouldn’t have to ask others if you should buy X or not. You should have done your own research and ideally come up with your own pricing model. Else you won’t have the conviction to hold during price swings (especially for Tesla which has insane price swings). If you’re not going to do your own in depth research , I’d just recommend buying a total market ETF, like VTI
Serf the big waves and enjoy the Ride we careful not to fall enjoy enjoy
Once I got some big playing money I looked at Tesla because I knew from research that Tesla before gme and amc came along was the heaviest shorted company of all time.. and I looked at all the data and they still are they just went harder in the paint since 2018.. and they will continue to up their positions the more they lose.. most people don’t realize they don’t pay the same prices we do for calls they get that Costco wholesale discount.. and they don’t have to cover they just continue to pass the buck e
good man..! you have to convince these group of wrinkle brain retards to follow suit!
sold em all and waiting for dip to $200 to buy back in.
Think what Ford and Redwood Materials ARE doing in the energy space now.
Then sell a $1200 put.
I’m not gunna lie I haven’t been investing for long and have been testing the waters but when I seen TSLA so cheap i bought a full share, I realise this isn’t a lot to some people but it is to me haha, Gunna hold this bad boy indefinitely
Production Associates do most of the actual work and are held to "Achieving Excellence" in every move they make on shift...sadly tho, within the organization, if you are not an engineer, you aren't sh*t.
Shorting now is betting against the dumb investors who paid way too much for a stock, not against Elon or Tesla.
Lots of shill content hating on Tesla lately
I know. Why the hell does he do this to us
Aren't you confusing millions with billions? Hertz is buying 100 000 Model 3 for 4 billions.
The fact that tsla can maintain the 500$ range during all this negative shit. Shows the power of this stock
Because automobile manufacturing isn’t profitable for Tesla.
If you are worried then you probably shouldn’t own Tesla stock.
When exactly is 12pm and on?
The stock that went to $2000..... split, went from 400ish back to +$800 But you really wanna bash it by predicting 100’s. 😨
Yep, today was a fire sale! I picked up 110 more shares.
Nobody here knows what Tesla does, it will literally take 4 good days for Tesla to go back to 800, market is slow 8n Feb,March hopefully we might see a good April.
$550 may be the good entry point.
I'll be snapping some up. Riding this bitch to Mars
conjecture is worthless
55@340. Why would I leave? I just need to get better at adding more.
This is the competition at the top. It's steep as hell, rugged, and assuredly tough. I think it's a good way to combat types like Bezos, Gates, and others so he can get his part of The Pie.
I think the most suitable fit would be acquiring Redwood Materials, or another battery recycling company. Although acquiring a miner might not be the best in regards to sustainability short term, it might accelerate the overall mission, which is more important in the grand scheme of things.
In the US, probably it is true. However, China has several EV makers who learn from TSLA. China leveraged its industrial know-how to help TSLA build out capacity to the purpose to have TSLA drive its EV industry. Keep in mind China is a market even bigger than the US or EU. China can ban TSLA once everything they can learn has been learned. So I am saying that there are uncertainties down the road. Ideal scenario may happen but the road will be bumpy.
Thanks bro I needed that. Basically numb being down 35k in a month but I think it'll rebound as well
salute to all to of guys , new investor here , youll give me ideas where to invest too like Elon says Tsla would be the best ev car ever made
maybe by shorting tesla he was hedging that another elon did what elon was capable of doing, thus allowing profit that tsla would go down incase another tsla went up
Scooped up some dip!!
I have just under 1300 shares and do this with one lot of 100 to capture some of this juicy volatility I'm long Tesla for sure and plan on a big buy in late Fall
Big talker. Sill no money maker. I get it small credit line,no real funding, maybe you never drove any TSLA cars. Overall community does not support the bash or chicken shit short HF position. I don’t either.
Remember when you used to be able to get an oom call option for like a dollar? Those were the DAYS man.
Thats true. I tried to post a picture but this app didn't let me. The chart shows in 3 months post split the stock appreciated 7.8%, after 6 mths, 13.9%, and after a year 25.4%
Same boat for 700 strike expiring July 16th .. when is the best time to out?
But that is my opinion
I have 3x long Tesla 😅😅😅
I think Apple and Amazon are also overvalued, albeit not to the ridiculous degree that TSLA is. A lot of retail spending is about to shift back to brick and mortar as states are now opening up, which will hit Amazon’s margins. Apple’s markets are mature. There’s not much room for the iPhone market to grow. It’s non-iPhone product lines have never been as dominant as the iPhone. That’s why it’s looking to branch out into EVs. It needs an entirely new market to keep growing.
Forward PE down to 70, has been dropping significantly every quarter.
It might but it won' stay there for long. These consolidation periods have never turned their back to Elon so far. I'd doubt it occurs anytime soon so long as the numbers from China for January look pretty - which I am sure they do with full factory ramp up hitting.
$tsla 11.2 EBITDA Q3 2021. This quarter Q4 2021 - 30% deliveries growth. Expected EBITDA growth - 50% QoQ to 15-17b range. Annualized EBITDA growth at 120-150%. By Q4 2023 annualized EBITDA at 120% annual growth at 72.5b. This is only trading at 13 times that. Super cheap. 2022 end of year annualized EBITDA will be $30b at linear growth, which could be higher with Austin/Berlin going up. It is only trading at 30 times that with growth at 100%. This is cheap and free to buy at these levels.
I’m not sure if he actually knows what tech companies are worth based just on their financials. You might be overestimating his abilities based on past performance. I feel as though disruptive innovation is out of his depth. I’d love for him and Cathie Wood to sit down and discuss it.
20m Production will not be an issue. Issue will be competition, as TSLA won’t be a monopoly anymore past ~2025 like they are now. As a result, demand for Tesla inevitably will drop, as carmakers such as Lexus, Acura, Audi, MB, BMW start mass producing EVs and with high quality. That being said, I’m a TSLA bag holder, catching the 🚀 run til 2025 or so.
Bring it on ☝️
did she play the sell buy back cheaper game? I tend to lose that game with TSLA--
I have 2 open positions. Both are red right now. I am not even worried about it, because I know that this week or beginning of next week, Tesla will recover, and my sell limits will go though. Then I’ll do it again. LOVE TESLA STOCK!!!!
Hopefully because that's only one of many items needed to justify the stock price.
if you have cash, get it assigned. long term you will come out ahead. i got assigned at 1050. i have been wheeling it since then. so down -45k every week i have been making 3-4k. made 24k so far so -21k and i will breakeven pretty soon.