From the first chapter you want to discover more about the series, the three protagonists really combine and it seems so natural that I enjoyed watching it, I'm already excited waiting for the next chapters⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
La La Land is one big awards contenders of 2017, sweeping the Golden Globes and been nominated for 11 BAFTAs at the time of writing and received near universal acclaim. But is really worthy of this praise or has it been over-hyped? Mia (Emma Stone) and Seb (Ryan Gosling) are two artistic dreamers living in the City of Angels who inexplicably keeping each other in the metropolis. Mia is an aspiring actor and Seb is a jazz pianist who wants to open his own jazz club. They soon for start a relationship and encourage each other to follow their dreams, but the harsh reality of real life test them regarding the personal and professional life. Damien Chazelle is easily considered one of the great emerging directing having already made Whiplash and now has La La Land to his credit it has been announced he would be reuniting with Ryan Gosling to make a biopic about Neil Armstrong. La La Land opens with an excellent song-and-dance number on an LA freeway and Chazelle embraces the old-fashion nature of the film. The film celebrates the fact it was shot in cinemascope and it uses a lot of techniques that was common in the technicolor era, using long tracking shots (making the dance numbers even better) and the editing transitions. But some of the early songs do have the same structure, a soft beginning becomes a bigger numbers as the song process and then two-thirds through the song one singer has a moment of introspective before a huge finish. One of the best moments is a big tap-dancing when Mia and Seb start to get to know each other, wonderfully reflecting the musicals it's reflecting. When Seb and Mia finally get together the musical number pretty much stop and La La Land becomes more like a serious drama about a relationship. Whilst this part of the film of fine but it was not the pastel coloured detail that made the first act such a delight. It becomes a romantic drama about the highs and lows of a relationship. There is a logic in the film having less music during its middle act because of the reality of their situation but one of the big selling points of La La Land was it meant to be an all-singing-all-dancing aware. It doesn't go back to being a musical until the third act in an extremely drawn-out ending. The retro style and story about the struggles in Hollywood La La Land has similarities to 2011's The Artist, the story of a silent movie star whose career takes a downturn whilst an actress he helped out becomes a huge star. Both films were celebrations of a bygone era in Hollywood, using the same techniques that the films that were referred used. This is usually a great way for a film to gain awards attention. La La Land personally reminded me of John Carney's Begin Again, both similar openings, including showing two characters having bad days, plot points and themes about success vs. artistic integrity. La La Land also looks at the reality of a relationship and artistic lifestyle and it is essentially a story about the American Dream - looking at the sacrifices people need to achieve their goals. La La Land offered a lot of promise with its big opening and the film as a whole should have been a big song-and-dance feature throughout. There is too much of a lull after it's great opening act and whilst La La Land is enjoyable, it is not the masterpiece some have made it out to be. Moana is the best musical of 2016 and Chazelle's previous offering, Whiplash was a better film.
Visually pleasing, of course, since the way it was recorded is spectacular. But the plot didn't quite catch me
My wife was off the roof talking about this flick these past few days. Actually, I've read nothing but good reviews since its release, but I never got to watch it. Yesterday, my wife sat me and my daughter down on the couch an played it for us. I really thought it would be great, for what I've heard: an Agatha Christie's style mistery box! That can't go wrong, can it? Ooooohhhh, good gracious, yes it can! The script is unbelievably obvious. In fact, I knew who was the culprit when I saw the cast of characters. And the little attempts to missguide the audience fell short every time, almost childishly. I don't know who wrote it, but they are as far from having Christie's notion of mistery as the sun is far from the center of the galaxy. Filmmakers should stop producing anything oriented to a specific audience at a specific point in time (which, apparently, they have in very low standards) and make them for the general viewer, who enjoys the suspension of disbelief and would like to be really fooled or carried to wrong conclusions. To give it some credit, my wife and daughter liked it. Maybe the movie targets at a specific piece of demographics, with which it works, at the expense of excluding others. If that's the case, they nailed it. Happy new year to everyone!
I believe it was Woody Allen that made the point of entertainment being a distraction from our everyday lives. To be brief, as a fan of sci-fi films I found this one to be entertaining. It doesn't have to be viewed under a microscope, held against what we know from astrophysicists, or compared to classic literature. This story is meant to entertain and suspend us from our mundane existence while providing a strand of hope to cling to. A great series in which the entire family can enjoy together.
Avatar: The Last Airbender really tells the story of ancient Asian martial arts done by Western animation. In my view of this show, tells how well done the creators and producers done to show great animation. The story of where Aang was the next Avatar after Roku and left the temple to not be the avatar really talks about this newfound destiny. Centuries past and is to be found by Katara and Sokka was brilliant. Along on Aang's journey to master the other elements really explains the struggles of what he needs to fulfill his destiny, along with his friends to back him up to never give up. Sometimes, in the show, there are funny moments that not most of the time the show isn't about action. And to end the series with a final battle against the fire lord was putting blood, sweat, and tears into a finale that no one will ever forget.
In Bangladesh, the easiest way to market counterfeit goods is to make it exactly same looking as the target product and in the name remove or add a single letter. Example, hexisol became hexsol, oreo became doreo. Similarly, somehow this movie script is written by Jóe Russo, not by the Joe Russo, who wrote the avengers. It just can't be. Overall, it was pathetic show e2e. If you still want to know more, how bad it is, read the other reviews. And if you want to know how advertisement affects our decision making process, check the higher rating reviews!
I cannot phrase it better, so I will quote Rex Reed who called Inception's storyline "prattling drivel." A friend claimed Inception is a "thinking person's movie", but a thinking person will realize that it is only masquerading as a thinking person's movie. At bottom, intellectually, "there is no there there." Add to this that someone clearly believed the film needed to be pumped up with overwrought drama to qualify it as a "summer blockbuster." I couldn't wait for it to end, and when it did, the intrusiveness of the loud, schlocky music over the closing credits seemed to crystallize all the incipient negative feelings I had been having throughout the movie. I hope that this director will go back to doing smaller films that do not stretch his concepts beyond what they can support.
This movie was incredible, it so perfectly portrays the patriarchy and feministic ideas. It really stood out to me how the worst the Kens had to go through in Barbieland was being ignored and being not very important, while the second Barbie went to the real world she was harassed and objectified. It ended up STILL being up to Barbie to "apologize" to Ken at the end of the movie though she did nothing wrong! This movie was hilarious and saddening and perfect, and it did a fantastic job of showing patriarchal things and balancing the serious and sad, with the funny and tender moments. I love Great Gerwig and would for sure see this again.
Christopher Nolan has undoubtedly become one of the most important names in the business of contemporary filmed entertainment.He has taken us to places we did not know existed.He singlehandedly revived a languishing cartoon franchise and placed it in the pantheon of unforgettable classics. In his new adventure he takes on the uncharted universe of the subconscious. The premise in its scope is intriguing and unconceivable ambitious.he relies on the best movie making talent only a major movie studio can buy to achieve his goal.The special effects are terrific, the acting is pretty good, and the dialogue is also good, but the journey that started as an unrestrained adventure into the realms of the human thought generating universe turned half way thru into a tale of semi confusing scenes. The story never comes anywhere near of seducing its audience. The emotional factor is completely absent.The movie is worth watching and it does stand out mostly due to lack of quality competition, but it should not be an Oscar nominee. Christopher Nolan has done better work.
10. Small foot was better. Waiting for wick ch 4. ....... ...... ......,
As a person who is not fond of gore and thriller shows, this one really blew my mind and changed my perception of what a well written show should be. A huge bonus is the complex relationship between Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter and these questions of what is good and evil. Absolutely amazing.
This show is a masterpiece. For me, this is the best adaptation of Thomas Harris' novel, Red Dragon. The acting all around is spectacular. Hugh Dancy is the definitive Will Graham. The best performance of the show goes to Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter. I highly recommend that you go watch this if you're a fan of horror or a fan of Thomas Harris' novels.
American Fiction is such a great film that really has it all. The writing is some of the best I've seen in recent times. The script is witty and razor sharp with such brilliant humour that effortlessly cuts to moments of deep emotion and poignancy so effectively. There is such terrific character exploration which feels so natural and real. As if this isn't enough it also centres around really thought provoking commentary on the relationship to art produced by different communities and how that is digested and perceived. How so much is crammed into a relatively short film is mind boggling to be honest. Such a brilliant script and story deserves a terrific cast and American Fiction really delivers on this. Jeffrey Wright leads the charge with a commanding yet sensitive lead performance, and every cast member alongside him is pitch perfect. The characters feel lived in and the relationships feel real which elevates the film to a whole other level. To bring all this together in this way director Cord Jefferson deserves a lot of credit. His direction is sensitive but punchy, navigating the various tones and emotional beats of the story so well, where other directors may have stumbled and created a more choppy disjointed affair. American Fiction is definitely one of the finer films I've seen in recent times and really took me by surprise. An absolute must watch.
Just a dc version of Captain America, and ww1 background that's it... I don't know how IMDb can have 8.5 good rate? Gal Gadot is hot,that's why i still give 5 out of 10 otherwise i don't see any point of this movie No more DC movies for me. Just a dc version of Captain America, and ww1 background that's it... I don't know how IMDb can have 8.5 good rate? Gal Gadot is hot,that's why i still give 5 out of 10 otherwise i don't see any point of this movie No more DC movies for me. Just a dc version of Captain America, and ww1 background that's it... I don't know how IMDb can have 8.5 good rate? Gal Gadot is hot,that's why i still give 5 out of 10 otherwise i don't see any point of this movie No more DC movies for me. Just a dc version of Captain America, and ww1 background that's it... I don't know how IMDb can have 8.5 good rate? Gal Gadot is hot,that's why i still give 5 out of 10 otherwise i don't see any point of this movie No more DC movies for me.
You know, after watching this I looked up the director and saw Guy Ritchie there and was like, "Why does that name sound familiar? Didn't a Guy Ritchie do The Gentlemen? That can't be this Guy, can it?" I was legitimately shocked when I looked up Ritchie's filmography to find what might be one of the most insane, all over the place lists I've ever scene. How could the same Guy that did great movies like Man from U. N. C. L. E., The Gentlemen and Snatch (haven't seen Lock Stock yet but hear good things) have also done such abominations as the live action Aladdin, King Arthur and these two messes? What is happening here that has his level of quality so all over the map? I was pretty surprised to look this up and find a lot of people really like this movie and my stance is probably not going to make me any friends but here goes. I think this is hyper-stylized trash. This is a moneygrab of a movie if I ever saw one. Lets take a well known property (Sherlock) and throw in an actor that recently blew up to epic proportions (a post Iron Man RDJ) and a hunky side piece (Law) coupled with a gorgeous femme fatale (McAdams) and a dude that has the perfect voice for a villain (Strong) and just hope the cast and the editing can turn this into something. Don't get me wrong, the cast is all pretty great, but at the same time, how could they not be? The problem is really on the editing room floor because holy cow did they need to dial this stuff back. The voice over fighting, which was neat once but then that's kinda enough of that, the slow motion observation, the whole camera filter on the movie and the general shallowness of what is normally a pretty dark affair. It's not helped by the fact that one year later BBC would come out with Sherlock, a tv series that does all of this so so so SO much better. Overall, this is a background movie at best. I think actually watching this is and paying attention to it allows the style choices to get too obnoxious but if you just catch little glimpses of things it could be fun. Watching RDJ use a super clockwork taser on a giant is ridiculous as part of a movie but in a little short scenes is kinda funny. That's so much of this movie, things that make for decent gifs and clips but the overall thing is just a mess.
This show is amazing. it's audience is supposed to be kids. thats why it's so amazing. because it's so much more than a kids show. there are life lessons to learn from this show, things that I believe in and have lived by long before watching this show. Things that are written in the book "The Alchemist". Things that I've learned in life, from complex experiences.. This show is about spiritual experience that leads to the realization that love, peace, acceptance, and being present in the moment are the purpose of life. other than the complex things that are hidden behind the mask of an innocent kids show, there are many many positive subliminal messages that are aimed towards children. messages that are there to teach them about love, about listening, about accepting, about will, and about passion. messages that contradict our social norms, or maybe not contradict, but rather just there to remind us what's really important, because in the day to day life we tend to forget.. This show is for everyone. it's funny, special, it can be dramatic but the main focus is on the flow of the world. the flow of "destiny" you can call it that. the flow of energy or life, doesn't matter the word. the flow of things I suppose. This series is clean of ego or control of anything. it makes you feel free.
Another piece of feminist inspired politically correct tripe. It's funny how feminists complain about "tropes" but here we have the bungling John Robinson, who is no longer a professor but a tagalong man who can't seem to do anything right while his genius wife Maureen is in command. And of course there's the predictable divorce and kids who don't respect him. I find this so offensive. You would think the writer could come up with something less stupid after watching this slop for some 30 or so years now. Plus, the "science" is so stupid it would insult a 1st grader. The characters are annoying at best, although the character of Major West shows some promise. It's hard to believe Netflix also came up with Altered Carbon, which at least had some realistic acting and an interesting plot. Also, The Expanse was fantastic by comparison, with strong women characters who were not emancipating feminist tropes. Give it a try if you like this sort of thing. If not, good for you.
I won't go into the details of the plot which can be read elsewhere but simply give me impressions. Well directed, interesting story (even if there were some clunky moments), good acting, good dialogue but way too long. People are raving about PARASITE. I'm not one of them. Masterpiece? Hardly. All the characters are supremely unlikable. Perhaps that was intentional. Ironically, the rich family provoked more sympathy which I doubt WAS intentional. I racked my brain wondering why people are so enthralled by this movie. Do you suppose bc it has a sub text? I mean, of course it has a sub text. it is a satire on the relationship btn the rich and poor in Korea. But that is plainly obvious. It's not subtle. Actually it's not even a sub text, it IS the text. But up against Hollywood cinema which rarely has ANY sub text and usually just presents us with a story on the screen writ large PARASITE then is seen as sophisticated. I didn't rate PARASITE very highly. That's my loss I guess.
You could say that the animation and fight scenes are what makes this series. You could also say it's the world building and adventure that we have by learning more about the Avatar universe. This show has all of that, but what makes this perfect egg into a tasty omelet is the writing and characters. The characters are so well written and they all have great arcs. Most notably the best one is Zuko's. But of course we get plenty from the other characters too. There are moments that I genuinely cried from how well this show was taken care of especially during the emotional moments. I really commend on how well a show is if it can make us really feel unexpected for a villain. One of the villains is the most hated one, but getting to understand that villain more and then witnessing an emotional breakdown from said villain honestly got me emotional because of how well executed it was. Gosh I just feel so good after watching this show.
Kung Fu Hustle has near perfect choreography making it seem almost like a mid-20th century Hollywood musical ... except it's a martial arts comedy. I like Asian horror and some comedies but I've never been a fan of martial arts flicks, with the exception of the Japanese cat parody of the Edo period, Neko Samurai. I can't even watch Jackie Chan films like Mr. Nice Guy without groaning and rolling my eyes, they just do nothing for me, a series of ridiculous and unrealistic martial arts stunts done in the style of a 1920s silent comedy. Yes you're right I also hate superhero action films. BUT KUNG FU HUSTLE IS DIFFERENT. Set in 1940s China, a gang war usually confined to the wealthy areas of downtown suddenly disrupts the lives of poor villagers. The stunts are absolutely impressive and the jokes are actually hilarious. Whatever Kung Fu Hustle lacks in substance it more than makes up for with style. There is a fable with a moral to the story so it's not a completely pointless action flick.
The drama pulled me in on the one hand, and I stayed away from the show on the other. It is progressing well but not at the level I want. That's why I stopped watching in episode 3. There is a script that I can say good to add.
I could have done with just audio illustration with my head on the pillow just reflecting light... if you can read, keep your ears open and eyes closed.
One of the most affectionately crafted and truly hilarious films of all time! Usually, a slight exhale through my nose is enough for me to classify a movie as funny but 'Barbie' had me laughing loud enough to annoy the whole cinema. It was jam-packed with line after line after line of hilarity - I couldn't even get a chance to catch my breath! Greta Gerwig's script had me snorting and crying from laughter, especially when paired with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling's flawless delivery of it. 'Barbie' was full of such in-touch and specific references that the whole audience could relate to. From the Kens mansplaining 'The Godfather' to the inclusion of Weird Barbie who'd been "played with too hard", Gerwig made the film feel highly personal, which is quite a feat considering the impersonal nature of the subject of the movie. But it was more than just a comedy; the film touched on much deeper themes of feminism and existentialism. When Barbie left the matriarchy of Barbie Land and entered the Real World, the film acted as a political and social commentary on issues surrounding misogyny and womanhood. With Gerwig's depiction of not only what it means to be a woman, but also what it means to be human, she beautifully and skillfully brought the humanity to a plastic doll. The set design, casting, acting, writing and directing were all executed phenomenally and came together to create a poignant, multifaceted and rollicking movie. In Ken's wise words, it absolutely was "sublime"!
I am really sick and tired or reading in the press about the umpteenth effort to save that "great show" Arrested Development. Enough with the PR campaign. You got three years out of a badly made show. Let it go already!! If only you had put more thought into how to shoot and edit your show, you might have had a hit, but instead the attitude was "it's brilliant it just needs to be discovered." Guess what, most people tried to watch this show and didn't like it! The bad camera-work and editing are the reason. Just like that other badly made show The Office, no amount of saying it's "documentary-style" will hide the fact that documentaries are much better shot and that that "style" is only used because the creators are too low on film-making talent to make an actual good show. Too bad. The cast deserved a lot better from the producers of AD.
Like every other Spidey fan i was disappointed when Tobey n Raimi left the Spiderman franchise..but still had expectations from The Amazing Spiderman after seeing the talented cast n the buzz this movie has created .. But,it was a Collosal Disappointment..!! The story is pretty one dimensional..and the character development is poor.. the attributes that made us to emote our feelings towards peter parker are missing.. The action lacked the energy and innovativeness that Raimi had introduced with the spider-man..there wasn't a moment where i wanted to root for spider-man.. Coming to the romance the chemistry between the lead pair was good but i think it was over catered for a superhero wasn't necessary.. Rhys Ifans lizard isn't terrifying enough to make a super villain..Emmastone has a good presence and Andrew Garfield was impressive but his character was poorly even he couldn't save the sinking ship.. In the end a mark Webb and the amazing spider-man will leave you disappoint in a big way..!!
Superbad is an unbelievable comedy about the lives of three high school seniors right before graduation who are trying to get laid before they go off to college... but wait, I've heard this plot before. But this is a new century for this American Pie, and Superbad fully succeeds in its attempts to create humor and entertainment like the classic would have wanted. The new line of comedy from which Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Steve Carell are all a part of has been killing at the box office as of late, and if you haven't hopped on this bandwagon yet, you're long behind. Even though all these movies have the same main cast of characters, each one is different and unique to a specific degree. Superbad has a special entity which derives differently from such titles like Knocked Up or The 40 Year Old Virgin. This movie was much more for teens, whereas Knocked Up was for slightly older partiers and 40 Year Old Virgin was for middle-aged men but could also include all ages due to its humor. Thankfully, these men have worked Superbad in very well to their line of titles. Superbad has whatever the average teen would want to see: brief nudity, sexual situations, comedic punchlines to use on your friends, etc. Everything from A to Z to McLovin has been covered and Superbad leaves little left for you to need. Overall the movie was very entertaining. The plot was constructed well and everything tied in together nicely. The ending was decent but I would have liked more significance in terms of letting us leave it to our imaginations... don't worry, no spoiler. I would give this movie a solid 7 as a comedy. It could be better in a sense that it attracts more of a diverse audience, but as a comedy it does not disappoint. Well done Seth, well done.
There are other series that deserves great popularity, why dis show?
Got the Blue ray and DVD for $5.92 including postage. Then lost 2 hours trying to watch it. It's not West Side Story or 7 Brides for 7 Brothers nor any Shirley Temple song and dance. Kept thinking "Springtime for Hitler" would be more enjoyable. After all the hype, no wonder the media has lost credibility.
Any film, no matter how hot the franchise is or has been, needs a plot and some coherence. This film had neither in my opinion. I, luckily, waited and rented it on DVD, but still feel like I wasted my money. Robert Downy, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, and Rebecca Hall did a good job with a horrible plot line and terrible dialogue, but that's not enough to save a terrible film. If you want to know how the producers, director, writers and crew could waste so much money producing this bad a film, look at the bonus features on the DVD. The sole feature is 17 minutes on how they made repeated skydives to make the special effects sequences of about a minute of the 130 minute movie realistic because computer graphic images (cgi) are not. Then after shooting all these skydives they replaced the real background and much of the actors parts with cgi. Instead of telling a story, they spent the majority of the production time playing and being fascinated with special effects. That may have amused some of the cast and the crew, but does not and will not amuse or entertain the audience. What a terrible shame.
I love this show. ive been watching it since the begining of it and i can truly say that this episode is the best after (hero). we finally get to know all of the secrets we wanted to know, what do we want more ?
Most of the flow and dialog of the episodes is terribly painful with rhythm akin to a junior high school play. They skew off in odd directions just to try to be tricky without rhyme or reason and most end feeling like they need another 15 minutes to completely finish, just chopping off the story when the allotted time is up. 2 part episodes would be a much better I really wanted to like this show as the original comics were a favorite of mine back in the day, but this show needs a serious overhaul to be anywhere near that good. The one plus was a few decent episode ideas, although not handled very well.
This could have been so much more, great cast, great mystic setting - in theory. Visual effects are stunning eye candy. Story is dumb, dialogues bland to angering at times. Pitty.
I was hoping for what I would call, a "guilty pleasure" movie such as Transformers (2007) was, but...... No. Just no. This was so stupid, that it actually hurt to watch through to the end. The car chase in the beginning was kinda' fun, but nothing after that. That is where the movie should have ended. I mean, every single scene one after another was thoroughly and utterly, mind meltingly, terrifyingly stupid, that I had to take brakes between cuts.
I expected to love this film. The first Spiderman film was beautifully done and I'm a big fan of Sam Rami's work. I never dreamed it would turn out to be so badly plotted, poorly scripted, self-indulgent, over-stuffed and under-edited. To be fair, there were several good points. J.K. Simmons is a joy to watch as he nails the J. Jonah Jameson character -- his scenes are the best in the movie -- and the Doc Ock role could not have been more perfectly cast than with Alfred Molina. The action scenes were the best I've ever seen when it comes to capturing the feel of comic book action sequence. Unfortunately, much of the writing was equally true to capturing the feeling of comic book thought balloons -- and in a movie, that's bad. Worse, much of the plot made no sense at all -- the entire subway fight was spectacular but completely contrary to the villain's objectives. The resolution to the Doc Ock threat was insipid at best, and the entire first hour was painfully dull. Everything in it could have been fully established and better done in 30 minutes -- 40, tops. Raimi's usually deft touch with humor was painfully absent. The broad comedy was overdone, highly repetitious and delivered with a sledge hammer. At the end, I felt I'd just watched Spiderman Meets Abbott and Costello, with poor Tobey Maguire being forced to play Spiderman and Abbott and Costello. This was a terrible disappointment for this Sam Raimi (and Spiderman) fan.
My greatest fear while watching Nolan's new movie if that just because he has delivered back to back world-wide hits and seen as the most intelligent film-maker; critics and Nolan-fans are obliged to given 10/10 ratings even if the movie is very average or even bad. Dunkirk finally turned my fear into reality. The movie is simply plain boring. You don't feel attached to any character. I don't even care if they die. The Aerial shots featuring Tom hardy all seem repetitive. It was not "immersive", "out of the world" experience as many critics are saying. One critic wrote that there was pin-drop silence in theater. Yes, I agree but not because people are tense but perhaps they are sleeping. And dear western media, I know world needs a anti-war message right now but that doesn't mean you start giving rave reviews to such a pathetic movie. ALL PEOPLE know wars are bad. EVEN TRUMP knows that. EVEN Hitler knew that. We don't need a Nolan-movie to realize that. Half-hour into the movie and I was desperately waiting for it to get over. The only people who might like it are Britons because they have heard Dunkirk stories growing up and might relate to it. But for rest of the world, it is simple plain boring. Save your money and better watch Dark knight at home. Giving 1 star to bring some sanity back into the world. Although the movie might deserve 6/10.
Some barely plausible characters end up starting a podcast on a murder that happens in the tower block they live in. I loved the characters and I thought the casting was excellent - I had never heard of Selena Gomez but I loved her in this. It is very light going with a scattering of jokes and mild drama. There is the odd speciality episode like the one without any spoken dialogue. Other reviewers have stated that, although alright, this is not as great as people make out. Technically they are absolutely right - it isn't ground shattering stuff. But as a fan of the likes of "Monk", "Jonathan Creek", "Rizzoli & Isles" it feels like there has not been anything new in the same vein for quite a while. This is good, honest, light, sleuthy fun and the smile on my face as I watched every episode justifies my 9 star rating alone. *EDIT SEASON 2* Season 2 starts of very shaky with some clumsy attempts at humour that don't land and Amy Schumer stomping through the middle of the plot like a bull at a tea party. But by episode 3 it is all back on track Well done!
Goosebumps on "How's Is The Josh"!!! The movie you can't even drop your eyes for some point of moment
I feel I've been too lenient with my star ratings in the past. The Irishman is the perfect place to start correcting my mistakes. You would think the star power of Deniro, Pacino, Keitel, and Pesci would make this movie great, on top of directing by Scorsese. It didn't. This was pretty bad. Mind you I didn't finish watching the movie. But here's the story from what I recall. A man who begins his career as a driver for the meat industry begins getting into more risky mob related jobs. These are sometimes violent. He rises up and makes a name for himself. Somewhere along the line he joins sides with Jimmy Hoffa, the teamster leader. There he uses his skills to help the guy along the way. I do not know how the story ends, but I am assuming I would have to watch it sometime or another. This movie was basically about a bunch of old people. It was almost like a PG rated Scorsese mafia movie. Netflix always seems to screw up good movies. They take directors and writers, and back them up, only to turn out horrible end results. This is a prime example. It was interesting having a driver character rise the ranks. There was some dread there. Also, parts throughout the movie had their moments, but were few and far between all the lame moments. It would have been cool to see some young guys in there with these old guys. And it would have been cooler to see the old guys taking on positions of the mob boss roles seen in Goodfellas and Casino. I would say skip it 4 stars
I did not manage to care one bit about the 2 main caracters , this made the movie even longer and more boring then already is .
Season one was good...two was pretty meh. My expectations were low for season three - but they really delivered. It may have even been better than the first.
Clumsy editing, poor character development, and a lack of historical basis make this one of the worst war films to come along in recent years. What WW2 films did I like best? In no particular order - The Longest Day, a Bridge too far, A Walk in the Sun, Hell in the Pacific, The Great Escape, Saving Private Ryan, Bridge over the River Kwai, Attack, Hangmen Also Die, The Dirty Dozen, Kanal, Das Boot, Run Silent Run Deep, etc.
DevD is a romantic black comedy movie starring Abhay Deol and debutant Mahie Gill and Kalki Koechlin with Dibyendu Bhattacharya. This movie is a typical Anurag Kashyap Brainchild with Sex, Drugs, liquor and very little violence although Anurag Kashyap is known for violence. The film tells the story of modern Devdas and his life. The movie is been scripted and directed very well and full credit should be given to the director and scriptwriter. The screenplay of the movie is also good and will keep you glued to the movie. Also special mention of the background score of the movie as it supports the scenes with an apt. The special mention to the MMS scandal which shook the country was beautifully linked with the story and also showed the aftermath of that scandal. As far as acting is concerned Abhay Deol is one of the most underrated talent of the Bollywood and he had done an amazing role. Mahie Gill was also very good although she was doing her first film but was very impressive. In my opinion Kalki koechlin is one of the most overrated actress and her immaturity as a fresher can be seen many times during the movie. Overall an entertaining typical 'Anurag Kashyap' movie.
Seriously, I held off watching this one because the public hype machine usually leads to disappointment. Here is a great example. People who never watch well made alien sci-fi suddenly see Sandra Bullock then are 'amazed' at the plot and suspense. This is pure garbage. Horriblly written, poorly acted, poorly executed and takes itself too seriously. It is laughably bad on all fronts. It is 'A Quiet Place' plot with no sight instead of no speech. 'A Quiet Place' was also over-hyped but better quality. Skip it.
This is a complete failure. An expensive one. The acting is very childish, as if they are in an animation for 5 year old kids, and very similar to some Greek soap operas where they speak in a fake manner as if they are comedic robots. The plot ? There is no plot at all, and no mystery to solve!!! Because nothing happens, they keep talking without cause. Daniel Craig delivered a completely different acting comparing to Knives Out, so there is no continuity. And all the actors perform badly. Only Edward Norton which is a great actor, performs a little better, as he knows to work his face expressions better. But the Director makes him and all of them move their hands in a ridiculous and unrealistic way, and I bet that Edward Norton acted as a professional and kept his word and participated (obviously they offered lots of money), otherwise he would have left the minute he understood that the Director failed so much this time. But what was the worst, even worse than the cheap and horrible production design in the interiors, was the cinematography. In the first movie it was a piece of art. But here.... Oh my ... was a disaster. By all means. Also the light was so flat!!!!! There was not a hint of art in this film. They say it was filmed in Greece, but I truly doubt!... Only 2 minutes in the whole film, and I cannot trust that it's not green screen, as the rest of the film! Nothing authentic. Also the music score and soundtrack was a failure. They show Greek locations and the composer delivers Arabic music.... I rest my case. Knives out was a masterpiece. This one is a disappointment. I think that they spent too much money for the stars that forgot the art.
That scene where Fury was ambushed is one I've watched umpteen times and there's something about the ensemble cast that works better here than the Avengers. Overall, a delightful masterpiece that's been hard to top. IMO, of course.
Personally, I believe that "The Godfather Part II" is by far the greatest of the trilogy, and therefore the greatest movie ever made. Every aspect of the movie is flawless and no other movie (except the first, and Citizen Kane) comes close to its quality. This is by far Al Pacino's best role and which he, nor any other actor, will eclipse. The Godfather Part II is also the best acted movie of all time containing career making or establishing roles for Dianne Keaton, Robert De Niro and John Cazale. Just talking about what an accomplishment this movie was is making me want to put everything I am doing down and watch the movie again. Easily a perfect 10 out of 10!
It's little wonder this show was the darling of awards shows-pandering to every possible subset of the Hollywood weirdo enclave. Don't misunderstand-the first few seasons, up through about season 5, it had potential and often found itself uproarious and profoundly funny; then the lot of creators got far too big for their britches and begun jumping sharks at every opportunity- desperately trying to find the revelry it had once bathed in. Coupled with some of the absolute worst child-turned-somewhat-adult actors known to man, and it found itself the has-been comedy that just couldn't redeem itself. Too bad, had they just stuck with the formula that rose them to the top, the show could have gone out on a high note rather than the *womp womp* we're left with. Take note, Hollyweird, America is tired of your pathetic attempts to preach down when you should consider yourselves blessed to be invited into our homes in the first place.
In once sentence: " This movie is far far better than "Chak De...!!" Don't miss it, a big eye opener.... Save the youth from all that corruption, drugs, politically being misused AND engage them in to something +ve that can definitely change their lives, regardless from which Country they come from (avoiding Cast, Race, Religion & Gender too). Excellent work - I gave 10/10 stars to this movie and 2 thumbs Ups 👍👍
I won't write about the movie much more because other people did that very well. I just want to comment on Vidya's acting. She was so natural and was perfect for the role of Lolita. Sure Saif did a very good job, but he has been acting for so many years. But this new face is really great, she fits the role like a glove in a hand. Someone mentioned that she resembles Madhori Dixit. That's so true! Way to go Vidya. She is the opposite of Diya Merza who can't really act. She's just a pretty face who can't handle a leading role and is destined to settle for a supporting roles and guest appearance. I also loved the song Piyu Bole very much. The movie length is perfect, not to long. I think that they rushed the end a little bet, but that's not really a big deal. I give it 8/10.
Entertaining series, but the two leads lack chemistry and it makes their relationship seem silly.
When was the last time you saw Dhaka in a Hollywood film? Probably never. Chris Hemsworth was amazing as usual, loved the scenes of Old Dhaka shot by the Bangladeshi team, perfectly done. The Cinematography in this movie was top notch. They almost replicated the entire Old Town perfectly in Ahmedabad, India. However, I personally didn't like the Bangla dialogues used in the movie, seemed very weak. And the Bengali accent used in the movie was West Bengal's one, would have been much more better if they replicated Old Dhaka or atleast Bangladesh's Bangla accent properly. The Indian cast was a bit weak in the acting part, but they tried. The story lacked details of the timeline and many other things too. Loved the action scenes. Enjoyed the movie, I would recommend you to watch it, but Dhaka looks much more gorgeous in real life. Chris Hemsworth was a treat to watch. Really want to see Bangladeshi Cast and more of Bangladesh in Hollywood Films in the future.
American Fiction is a rightfully angry satire that gets a lot of laughs out of showing how the industry isn't as progressive as it thinks it is. What makes it even better is that it's also a surprisingly investing family drama that is exactly the kind of film it's complaining there aren't enough of. The only thing that doesn't entirely land is the ending. It's still on point with everything the film has been saying for the past 2 hours and it is gloriously meta but it feels like it comes at the cost of an actually satisfying resolution to the character based drama it's been focusing on. Regardless, it's an interesting swing. Jeffrey Wright is amazing in an all too rare leading role. It's the constant shock at how gullible everyone is, the glee in writing his parody book (which is visualised in a fun way) and the quieter moments of reflection. It offers further proof of his comedic talents and shows he can command the screen, though that was never in doubt. With tons of charisma and a restrained sadness, Sterling K. Brown is really good, even if this performance doesn't feel Academy Award worthy. However, that's more of a general complaint with watching films after the nominations are announced since it adds a distracting and unfair disadvantage to any performance nominated. Cord Jefferson makes an impressive debut with both his screenplay and direction. The writing has so much wit and the direction has the visual staging to back it up for some very clever gags. Laura Karpman's score accomplishes the difficult task of being a constant presence without becoming overbearing thanks to its calm and easygoing nature.
I went to great lengths in my review of "Captain America: The First Avenger" to point out that Cap was my favorite comic book character growing up, and how pleased I was that Marvel had stayed true to his origin story by making the movie a true World War II based storyline. I'm pleased to say that "The Winter Soldier" also is a good depiction of the overall vibe of the 80's, 90's and 2000's Captain America comics that I grew up reading. Supporting characters and villains such as The Falcon, Batroc the Leaper, and Arnim Zola all feature prominently in a film that demonstrates the fun action of comics in general, the suspense of Captain America comics, and the feel of a comics based Bourne Trilogy film. Having seen all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, I'm comfortable saying that this movie is among the best of the movies the studio has produced. The plot is immersive and consuming in its complexity and its thrill. The acting is well done, and you can tell that many of the MCU actors are growing into their characters as time goes on. The special effects are well done, and the fight scenes and chase scenes are fantastic without being overdone. It's seldom that I give movies a perfect 10, but I did give this film that score upon seeing it in the theater. My pre-Avengers 2 viewing saw me continued to be impressed with this exemplary offering from Marvel. I really don't have anything negative to say about this movie. Bravo! 10/10.
The underlying message in this film is great; that no matter what choices you make or what path you choose in life, all that matters is love, hope, and kindness. But the execution of that message in EEAAO was chaotic, violent, and just plain painful to watch. Imagine being in a well-stocked kitchen preparing a huge pot of everything in the pantry and fridge. Everything. Just open every damn can, jar, bottle, carton, package, spice, and dump it all in the pot; flavors you like, and flavors that you find horribly distasteful. Dinner guests would likely find the concept unique, but would not likely find the dish itself palatable. That is my take in this film. Far too much for far too long. The 3 stars are for acting, otherwise I'd give this a very reluctant 1 star (only because I can't give zero).
Season 1 is really good but Season 2 gets lost in trying to figure out who the bad guys are. Doesn't mean it isn't worth watching, but you get spoiled by Season 1. FWIW - the episodes can get pretty gruesome. In fact, they can get as gruesome as anything on TV can be. So be warned. I really enjoyed the acting especially in Season 1.
What a great first half of a film a star studded line up and i loved all the setting up of what could of been a cool whodunnit .....? But then it just got messy and lost its way and over complicated the whole film , at the end i just felt frustrated that the second half failed to be as cool as the first ....... Meh 6/10 .....!!!!!
Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor is back to save the day, in this "magical" adventure! He has a bow tie, but he doesn't have his fez. Always carrying his Tardis, in the shape of a suitcase, he finds new companions who help him on his fight against his arch-nemesis, the Master (wink, wink). If you like Doctor Who, you'll love this movie, since it's a 99% rip-off of the best british TV series of all time! Way to go, J. K. Rowlings!
It's a decent show but not worthy of a 9 or 10. Like everyone else i was looking forward to it because it's a TVF production but it doesn't have the charm like other TVF shows do.
There are two types of spy stories: the totally unrealistic, fast moving, glamourised "à la" James Bond and the slower, more realistic ones. This film belongs to the second category, while main character Dominka, perhaps would fit better in the first, being a big, attractive, young blonde. Obviously, your appreciation of this movie depends on your preferred style. A large part of the audience would definitely prefer the cheap thrills of a violent, fast and furious travelogue with an invincible hero bedding everybody (we live in equal opportunities times, very soon even Bond will be bisexual 😉) I prefer the second type, even if I find slightly boring most movies based on Le Carré novels. But we're not in "Tinker, tailor" territory because Lawrence is too young and beautiful to disappear in the background like a good spy should (except the "Sparrows" of course). Spies should not attract too much attention for obvious reasons. In this case there is a reasonable compromise between the too flashy appearance of the lead character and the miserable, dreary and dangerous daily life of spies. Expect also a considerable degree of gore, because of a torture instrument I'd never seen before and hope never to see again.
Nolan's recent blockbusters stand like looming corporate architecture: shining and cerebral; stately and sexless. His scripts are like visitors' guides to these spaces, proudly explaining every detail, surgically removing every doubt. His tell-don't-show insistence is of an artist possessing consummate technical skill and curiosity, but one unwilling to allow his crafted geometric edges to be rounded off with anything approaching satire or self-effacement. Nolan's style is rigorously formal and conservative, eliding evidence of the author in favour of ruthless aesthetic efficiency. Handsome and functional but lacking personality: Apple iPod films. His sort-of-superhero trilogy began with Batman Begins, an elegant, taut, stirring comic book thriller, in which Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) struggled with his entrenched internal fears, and how to externalise them and use them as a weapon. It was followed by The Dark Knight, which had some fantastic scenes, usually involving the Joker, and maintained a convincing sense of dread up to a point. But it was dogged by hyper-plotting, scattergun characterisation and maddening verbosity - and sadly its successor continues and extends these trends. The third film is set eight years after The Dark Knight, and we meet Wayne as a limping recluse, still suffering physically and emotionally from his sacrifice. The first hour is a spaghetti mass of new characters and reintroduced characters and references to characters, but it's pretty much the same plot as Avengers Assemble, with a bad guy (in this case Bane, played by Tom Hardy) threatening to use a powerful yet unstable energy source as a weapon of mass destruction. Bane was "born in hell on Earth". He's built like Lord Humungous from Mad Max 2, his gas mask looks like a Predator mouth, and he speaks like Darth Vader. Not nice. Luckily Batman has help from cat burglar Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway), feisty rookie cop Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and the usual wholesome oldies, Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman) and Alfred (Michael Caine). There's a great central scene in which Batman is lured to Bane's hideout, and the two go head-to-head, elbow-to-elbow. It's the one satisfying action scene in the film. (There's nothing to rival Begins' monorail showdown or The Dark Knight's truck chase.) Bane is still a seething, menacing presence at this point. All physicality: the embodiment of rage and fearlessness. But soon after he starts speaking at length, and his voice rises and his mystery evaporates, and he becomes just a man, much less than the horrible primeval idea he'd been before. If anyone could have done with a media spokesperson, it's Bane. The film then enters zeitgeist territory, with Bane's army tearing down Wall Street (or whatever the Gotham equivalent might be), nullifying the police presence, and staging the ultimate Occupy protest, while the meek Gotham citizens cower indoors. By this point serious questions about plot logic and group dynamics emerge - a lot of "How did he end up there?" and "Why don't they just...?" type enquiries. This is what happens when writers follow every digression their story allows. The Dark Knight Rises isn't a terrible film, but at nearly three hours the content must more compelling than this. I don't mind its neo- conservative messages; the worship of the feted elite is not new to the superhero canon. I can cope with the portentousness. Even Christian Bale's funny Batman voice doesn't bother me. These are all matters of taste. But if we're expected to take this stuff seriously then excessively exposition-heavy screen writing, narrative over-complexity in lieu of profundity, plot chasms, extraneous characterisation, and editorial indiscipline are inexcusable. Remove the cumbersome political overtones and you're left with something disappointingly generic: a doubtful hero (with attachment issues, of course) facing up to a brutish nemesis, a city in peril, and an explosive showdown. So you might as well watch Avengers Assemble again.
The movie has many major flaws like how there's no character development. Nobody is memorable and nothing really happens during the movie. There is no story nor plot and the only stakes are the other nameless characters die ye hat we have no attachment to. It's entertaining, sure, but when it stacks up to other films from Nolan it's really kind of a disappointment. I feel if they would've fleshed out the characters and had storys and trauma a bit more, it would've had a amazing chance to be up with some of his best works, because in theory Christopher Nolan making a World War II movie sounds amazing but I genuinely cannot tell you any of the characters names and just about nothing happens. I get the movie was trying to go for the message that even surviving in war is difficult, but it was pretty boring except for a few moments that do shine. 5.4/10.
You have to love this or hate it, I can see why it divides opinions. Leans a little heavy on the art house flick for me but a good friend loves it. If you are fan of minimal dialogue and even greater minimal cast then you possibly will enjoy it No CGI is fine but what it lacks is the overwhelming sense of numbers on the beaches Don't get me wrong it's not a bad film and taken as a stand alone project is watchable It just won't have greater appeal to all, try it and tell me if I'm wrong or right
The list of genres for this production should include "mystery" as the first one. This show is a crazy fun time and, while the family saw only two shows on Thanksgiving Day, my wife and myself binged the entire eight episodes on our own. Typically Tim Burton is known for his odd take on cinema and this work is simply superb...most everything seems plausible regardless of how it's portrayed. Excellent screenplay. Excellent acting. The entire production team should be awarded Oscars. Jenna Ortega is priceless and has captured her character Wednesday perfectly. Her demeanor reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator.
Didn't live up to the hype for me. I thought it would be significantly better based on the high reviews.
I loved venom a fight scene which lasted for 1min with the swat team and yeah when venom bonds with tom hardy are worth admiring only point here is Venom should be R rated it should be and Sony doesn't care unless it's coffers are not filled.. can see marvel fanboys say ignore the critics . but why marvel would have done 100X times better than this and kinda childish to say reviews are fake . boss battle are kinda cringy .. SONY just wanna dump more movies Remember how people supported ghostbusters even though it was a cringe fest yeah that's how movies work. IT's TIME TO STOP SONY.
The first season was excellent 10/10. The fifth season was a joke. Is it because it's American? I dont know, but it sux.
Episode on episode.. its being a black and white issue like any local newspaper edited by any black man in USA.
I thought over all this was a great movie and I agree a lot what people were saying about the landscapes and how they made the movie. What really bugged me was the ending because it didn't tell a lot. Also,What happened to the briefcase that was buried in the snow. Who found it? was it found? I would have much rather preferred to know some of the blanks they left us, but on the other hand some of the best movies are the best movies because of endings like that. last I think that people who think this movie is garbage are garbage, it obviously is a great movie regardless of your opinion, IMDb 92? Yea it must have been a horrible movie(with a little sarcasm)
I'm writing this review after only watching 9 episodes but if you're on the fence about trying this show or you want to get into anime like me, watch this show. It's great, it's fast paced and each episode ends on a cliffhanger making it easy to keep watching. I'm sure my rating will increase as I keep going.
I have made my IMDb account just to rate this movie..... It's mind blowing. . .
By Jonathan L Hermitt Another courageous effort made by Steve McQueen and John Ridley as they take the true and painful story of Solomon Northup to the big screen. Hollywood is carefully pulling the curtains aside- revealing the dark anecdotes built by their four fathers but also the western culture as a whole. Finally! More bold moves are being taken in mainstream feature film- and McQueen and Ridley are contributing. Based on a true story and extracted from the book written by Solomon Northup himself- tells the emotionally harsh tale of a free black man who lives with his wife and children in Saratoga, New York and is deceived, kidnapped and sold as a slave in Washington D.C. There begins to tell and show the suffering, fear, cruelty of the slave trade, the cold, malice actions of the slavers but also the struggle of hope for Solomon's return home. The honesty of the narrative was so strong it elevated the emotive response and the connection with the characters. Chiwetel Ejiofor (Solomon Northup) offered a riveting and grasping performance in each stage of his development; accompanied by the dramatic irony of the entire story, the audience remains empathetic to his betrayal. Sarah Paulson and Michael Fassbender outstanding work also have to be recognised due to not shying away from their character's persona but furthermore, understanding them- creating a tense ambiance by only entering the scene. This may appear surprising or outlandish although I think that it could have been more honest in terms of the brutality of the violence. In such harsh scenes Tarantino would have been well suited. Exploring more into the "slave-making" and punishment techniques apart from the cracking of the whip and bat would have truly opened our eyes in the struggle of the Africans. As I feel as a generation we are becoming desensitised by the generic whipping of slaves to a point where we've almost forgetting what these people actually went through and the monumental, ongoing fight to get where we are today. I mention this because the arc of the story felt a little rushed, and missed some substance that one might have received from the actual book. Nonetheless, the only way this film can be described is honest, hurtful but necessary. It tells the story of slavery from different perspective which to some extent is refreshing. I think this film deserves a lot of credit and criticism and it would be anticipated to be an Oscar nominee or winning film.
Don't think I am going to talk about a compromise between the Iron Man and Captain America. But the compromise by each of the viewers of this movie to its director, camera man and script writer, for testing the patience with their not at all promising job. Script.. New style scripting makes sure that, 90% of the viewers will never understand what's going on the screen. Direction... I don't think the director has taken this movie seriously with some proper home work, except a few graphic works here and there and dragging scenes. Camera Man - Its pretty clear in the scenes that, the camera man was over excited about the action scenes, or he him self was cutting vegetables keeping camera in one hand. Camera movement was faster than the speed at which the cars in the scenes move around... viewers needs to strain the eyes to understand what is going on.. Poor camera handling at all. After all, those who want to loose money in big screen and those who wants to sleep in theater, its a nice choice. I am wondering, how come this movie has a big rating of 8.5 in IMDb? Bogus !!
I could barely watch the first episode. It was boring, I could not get invested in the plot, the dialogue is stale, the infected people are mostly funny and not scary, and they are very careless with the details. I'll give you just one example: you cannot burn bodies like that, out in the open, and just sit so carelessly near them. They stink horribly, they make a very thick smoke and no one does that. In both world wars, for example, they either dug ditches and threw lime over them or used a crematorium. I've read some reviews saying that this gets worse, I'm curious how is that possible. Oh well, guess I'll never find out (sad face)
Quentin, Brad and Leo apparently got together to share their collective midlife crises for the admiring zombies of la la land. The shallow artificiality and preening self-satisfaction of these worn out hollywood dingbats is both awkward and amusing. This aimless, yammering script is completely devoid of the slightest traces of depth, subtlety or nuance. The direction of course is classic Quentin: bombastic, retro-tacky mcmovie kitsch. Worse yet is the shameless profiteering off a hideous crime committed against a pregnant woman and her friend. Which is why this cinematic version of thrown fecal matter is so appropriately titled. Hollywood is the sewer pipe of idiocy and degeneracy to the world. It is the place where taste, class and artistic integrity go to die. Who better to represent it than Q, Brad and Leo, the triune godhead of hollywood vapidity, sanctimony and self-righteousness.
I'm only a few minutes in and I feel that Amanda was a terrible pick. Her overbite is too much and her attempt at a deep voice is laughable. I didn't realize Amanda was such a bad actress.
It seems to be typical Netflix (with the exception of a few shows that continue to be great throughout like House of Cards). The first season of ST was great. And then I watch Season 2, and it is just boring and pathetic. It's the same way with Sense8 and Hemlock Grove, to name a few examples of this trend. S01 is great, S02 is pathetic. Oh, well, there are plenty of awesome shows out there to watch from networks that are much better than Netflix.
Totally not for Children. The satanic possession elements they have chosen to include in this season are incredibly disappointing. We will no longer be watching this show with the direction they have decided to take it.
If Safdie Brothers could cut the language in half or even two-third, this movie would be salvageable with a better score than the current C+ Cinemascore, which is probably in reaction to the non-stop barrage of F-bomb throughout this movie. If Safdie Brothers -- given their youthful age past age 30 -- cannot make the future movies without filling in excessive and constant language, then they are problematic in their delusional thinking that the more frequent and foul the profanity is, the better and more intense the movie is. This is one of the most foul movies I've seen, the other irredeemable lurid trash Summer of Sam. This said, I enjoyed the suspenseful structure, even though it's constantly shouting and yelling that confound me as to who's saying who, with shaky cinematography and frenetic editing. But, the insanely constant barrage of profanity is ultimately distracting that made this movie feel emotionally numb and hollow, leaving a bad and glum mood in the audience as we leave the theatre. If only Safdie Brothers simply tone down the language, then this movie would be slightly redeemable. But F-bomb is just too much even for me to the point of vexation that "profanity as the only screenplay" undermines the movie, regardless of good acting by the leads and supporting. If Safdie Brothers cannot make a movie without F-word as the only dialogue filler every few seconds or less, then they deserve to be called out as the hack filmmakers, because they literally do not know how to and cannot make movies without carpet bombing of the four-letter word, among other profanities and blasphemies, thus demonstrating their filmmaking talent to be much less. They simply hate the audiences and think the audiences can take excessive profanity without complaint. Profanity without point and as strictly filler only undermine the story, because overrelying on profanity to tell the story is ultimately hackneyed and insulting to the audience. And I blame Martin Scorsese for this adverse influence of overreliance on language to move the story along, since he is credited as executive producer of this movie.
This is one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. Along with Godfather 1 it's a masterpiece! Robert De Niro brings such a vibrant performance to the young Corleone - just amazing!
It's a good British drama with strong start and weak finish. I don't mind watching clichés, as long as they are done right. And this show has done it rightly so. The premise and setup is amazing, opening scenes alone can put you on edge of your couch. Transformation of the characters are done perfectly. The only problem is it gets a weak ending. It's not the worse but couldn have been better. If you have time go check it out, 'British service agents are lot more better than the US agents.' Some bonus points , Keeler Hawes's hot , also Sophia Rundle is hot, even the dude Richard Madden is hot. So it's treat for everybody.
The picture is good. The visual department is a movie, like pi. There are loopholes in the plot, but the flaws do not hide the yo. Overall, the plot in low earth orbit shows all the features of CG and IMAX 3D
This movie has got to be one of my favorites in my collection. The Cohen brothers always make good movies but this one in my eye definitely takes the cake. The script is gold, so very believable and hilarious. Every single actor in this movie played their parts so well I think H. Macy really did a great job as well as Buscemi. This movie is about a man who needs money so he tries to scam his rich father in law to pay a ransom to two men he hired to kidnapp his wife. The kidnappers hit the road as Jerry is put under more and more pressure. This movie is not only my favorite Cohen films it is in my top ten. Everything about this movie is as close to perfection as you get if you haven't seen this movie go watch it right away.
I gave 2 rating for the message, otherwise, I'd have given 1. Let me ask you one question, have you ever watched Bollywood movie? In any of your answer I'd like to conclude that Bollywood movies are boring because they have song concept & a dance concept in the middle of the movie. Well, it follows the same way. IF YOU WATCH THIS MOVIE your life will become different. YOU WILL DEFINITELY SEE YOUR TIME MORE PRECIOUS & WILL NEVER TRY TO WATCH THESE type of melodramatic movies again. And if you have free time, you may like it. It's just too much of overrating. I REALISED THAT Oscar CAN BE GIVEN TO ANY senseless MOVIE.
The action scenes were pretty good but the accent was messed up.
Like many reviews I've read, the premise/trailer promised so much and underdelivered. Once the motive for the entire film becomes clear, this is where I really felt let down. The characters (with the exception of ATJ) lack any real development, so there's no interest in their character arcs. The performance of Fiennes as the chef de patron of the restaurant lacked any real exploration in terms of a back story(save a vague reference) which really stunted the film. The supporting cast played their roles well given the constraints of knowing the bare bones about each. Overall a film that could have been a great satirical take fell short and I was glad once it was over.
Such a waste of time plus Hinduphobic movie. Everyone should boycott movies who don't respect other religions
When we hear of Nolan ..a war movie is not the first thing that comes to mind .His movies are the ones that are totally mind boggling .Leaves us with an open question at the end.Despite that he has delivered to us a war movie about the more unknown war or rather Allied retreat at Dunkirk.Yes move over US invasion of Normandy chaps ! its time for Dunkirk. The plot of the story, if there is any is mostly covered in the trailers.I understand this was a real incident and there is little room for theatrics when its presented by Nolan.Then again it gets too repetitive planes flying over one another , shooting each other down .Even the dialogues " can practically see it from here " its 3 times in the movie.Yes i counted. You may watch it and like it if you are an ardent Nolan fan ,or a critic who is confused if he should right away disapprove a particular "Nolan" movie.
I am not going to write hundreds of words describing the almost infinite number of flaws in this movie as others have said it all very eloquently. If directors want to make a cartoon version of an event then surely they should have the guts to tell us it is a cartoon? This movie is about an historical event called 'Dunkirk' and any person with an iota of knowledge about that seminal event in British history would expect to see a story that closely approximates that event. This is not that story!
Steins gate is an anime I've always heard good things about but never had the time to get around to, this summer I had a lot of time and I gave it a shot. The first few episodes felt very slow but it shortly picked up quickly and the next thing I know. I finished the entire show the next morning. Steins gate is a title that is deserving to be considered as one of the best animes ever produced, up there with Death note, Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion and much more. This anime has a little bit of every, it's seriously thought provoking but easy to follow, never found myself confused with the material at any point. Great take on time travel that is easy to follow. All characters had great depth, great design, and great voice actors behind them. The chemistry between characters was flawless in my opinion. The animation was good. The plot in the later half of the show was incredibly engaging, I was watching intently all the way to the very end. And the ending surprised me in a good way. I enjoyed this anime a lot my only issue was the slow pace at the beginning but after watching the entire show I realize those first few episodes are perfect the way they are. This show has a lot of rewatchability. Easy 9/10. The only thing I would recommend to anybody interested in watching would be to try your best to watch it all at once so you won't get lost. This is an anime meant to be binged in my opinion, more enjoyable that way. One last thought, the soundtrack for this anime was sick. Hacking to the gate? Fire. Never skipped the opening.
Absolutely the dumbest film ever made. The only that Brown does is stare at something.
I watched two episodes and I feel this show is in love with itself but emotionally empty. I loved the books because they were so well made but the show did not hold my interest. It's very hipster - kinda meaningless - emotionless - sorta pretending to be jaded but not really saying much. I did not care for it. :(
The show is really good but, Jenna Ortega is unbelievably good. Her delivery of her lines and actions are what make the show. She must have studied very hard and long to act like the character so well. I would recommend this to anyone. The other cast members are also very good but, she steels the show. I hope there is a 2nd season and I hope the story is a bit better. I know if there is she will do an excellent job. I hope we can see more of her parents in the next season they were very good and funny characters. Also her brother Pugsley should have a bigger part. I hope to watch her in a few of her other shows soon.
OK, here is my take: You will probably love it if you've played the game. This is typically true of most book and game adaptations because it is exciting and fun to see your imagination come to life. Unfortunately if you have not played the game, you have nothing to relate to and it isn't really that exciting at all. I am 47 years old and I love post apocalyptic, Sci fi, and zombie movies, but this is VERY boring. It is basically just following around a girl with not a lot really happening. It drags on horribly at times. Characters come and go and you don't really even have much attachment to them. If you have not played the game, I wouldn't waste your time. It will not be nearly what you are hoping for.
The storyline is perfect...The animation is good and the best part is the character development... Its a great series to watch..And there is also a litte romance..:)
It's still a good action movie, but the plot trick start to getting old. I almost knw how this movie was gonna take me to from the minute 30. But it's still fun to watch
Watched this movie & when it was over all I can say is it was nowhere near all the hype. If you compare it to musicals from years ago it's horrible. Not a fan.
A bunch of cheesy lines. The story was all over the place. Tons of plot holes and things that weren't explained or didn't make sense. The new characters were uninteresting and I had no reason to care about them. I heard that they wanted to make something a bit different and new (like a horror-style Marvel movie) and it just didn't work. The CGI wasn't even very good, which was surprising. This is definitely a huge step down for Marvel, especially after Spider-Man: No Way Home. It's like they put all their time and energy into that and other, bigger, projects and gave this movie no consideration. Hopefully future Marvel movies are better.
Just another dumb kids movie, with some tacked-on grrl power BS. Quite disappointing and unnecessarily overlong. I was surprised to see Supergirl make a cameo appearance, especially in a Marvel movie. Something for the teens to get excited about, but a long 3 hours for any intelligent adult.
I don't watch this kind of movie until now unique. ..great Acting great Camera work great Direction great Screenplay great Plot great Story great .......... You have to watch it