A lot of you guys are missing the eli5. 2000 calories is your body doing all the "keeping you alive" and it never stops and this is over 24 hours. 100 calories is you making the body work really fast but over a short period... 10 minutes say. If you keep that effort up for 24 hours, you'd be using err... 14,000 calories or so. The difference you're missing is the time frame. </s>
Your body is never doing nothing. It takes energy to keep your metabolism going—maintaining an appropriate internal temperature, digesting, breathing, circulating blood, etc. The number of calories burned by being alive varies by person. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How does your body burn 2000 calories a day, but you have to run a mile to burn 100 extra? Basically the title. I saw this thing about how much you have to exercise to burn off certain foods and was wondering how your body burns so many calories by doing nothing. [/INST]
You aren’t you. Everyone who was snapped are dead or still in another place and everyone who was brought back are different beings just inhabiting the bodies of those who were snapped. Eventually you’ll join together to take over Earth, murder everyone who wasn’t snapped, and then have more of your kind come into our world. </s>
Wakanda did it. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU] I was snapped and unsnapped. I’m coming up on my first Thanksgiving with my stupid conspiracy nut uncle. What bullshit should I be expecting to hear from him in regards to “what really happened” with The Snap? [/INST]
In the Hobbit, Bilbo sneaks up on Gandalf and the dwarves outside the goblin tunnels of the Misty Mountains while wearing the ring. Gandalf is very suspicious and surprised that he did not see Bilbo arriving but shortly after they begin to be chased by a goblin hunting party and so he is distracted. I think the invisibility works against Gandalf as well. Perhaps he could see past it if he focused and knew what to expect but we don't get the chance to see any proof of that. </s>
Best guess would be yes, he could see Frodo/the Unseen World since he's a Maiar. But the fact that Gandalf/Olorin is enshrined in flesh might hinder that compared to his natural angelic form. Maiar vs Istari abilities. I don't believe there's any canon example one way or the other but we do know that Sauron can see Frodo just fine when he's wearing The Ring. </s>
<s>[INST] [LOTR] Is Gandalf capable of seeing Frodo when he is wearing the ring? I know most normal living creatures cant but things that exist partly in the unseen realm could see him, like the Ringwraiths. [/INST]
Invest in good shoes. Watch your posture and always do the bunny dip~bend with your knees when you place things on the table </s>
Definitely good shoes as others have mentioned. Also consider exercise, as strengthening certain muscle groups (mainly in your core) can be helpful for support. </s>
<s>[INST] How can I stop my back hurting when working at a restaurant I have been working 6h/day in a restaurant for two months and my back hurts a lot at the end of service everyday. Is there a proper way to stand to avoid this or something else I am missing? [/INST]
None of this matters if you’re that guy who puts soap on your hands, then immediately puts them under running water (washing off the soap) and rubs for like 5 seconds and calls it good. Wet hands, apply soap, use GOOD FRICTION (that’s what matters most) for *at least* 15 seconds being sure to get wrists and under rings, then rinse. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. </s>
It's not. It is however, better for *cleaning* your hands. Solubility increases with temperature. Soap is already plenty soluble, but other things are not, so if you've got a lot of dirt, grime, etc on your hands, hotter water will help. It'll also help soften and loosen dirt </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why is hot water more effective than cold when washing your hands, if the water isnt hot enough to kill bacteria? [/INST]
In my head cannon that is exactly how Joker started out. He was a, funhouse, mirror of batman. Preferring big jokes and crazy gags over high body counts. But over time the Batman keeps stopping him, other criminals get more violent, and slowly the Joker stops caring if he kills someone, then actively starts to kill people, and then begins to add torture (especially psychological torture) to his crimes. It's like a comedian who has an OK joke, but instead of working on a new act he just tries to make that same joke louder & more ridiculous until it becomes not only not-funny but actively painful. </s>
It'd probably similar to how Flash deals with The Rogues. They don't kill anyone and he goes easy on them. </s>
<s>[INST] [DC] If The Joker had adopted an absolute no-kill rule from the start of his obsession with The Batman to mirror him, how different would this version of the Clown Prince of Crime be and would Batman regard him any differently? [/INST]
Vandal Savage has influenced nearly every aspect of human history and his actions in the past have sometimes saved humanity itself. Many of the most well known people in history were actually Vandal Savage, removing his influence would have unimaginable consequences. For example in the Young Justice TV series Vandal Savage helps establish major human civilizations and he defeats Starro when the alien attacks ancient Babylon. In the 12th century he impresses Darkseid and forms an alliance which prevented the Earth from being conquered by Apokolips. </s>
One word: Flashpoint. Just going back to his childhood changed history significantly for the worse. Imagine going back 50,000 years and how much it would change human existence (or even erasing it completely). </s>
<s>[INST] [DC Universe] Why don't Earth's heroes go back in time and stop the comet that granted Vandal Savage his immortality from ever reaching Earth? [/INST]
Why did Andre, the largest Superstar, not simply eat the other Superstars? </s>
Undertaker’s durability is OP, he’s a supernatural being akin to Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees, both of whom have tanked gunfire. I think it’s very reasonable to assume Undertaker can tank bullets if guns were allowed in wrestling </s>
<s>[INST] [WWE/Wrestling] Why don't they just shoot the undertaker? Apparently in the WWE he's come back from the dead, and he's not human, murdered his parents, and all this other supernatural demon shit Feels like you could get away with popping one between his eyes in a no DQ match, call it a TKO and score some brownie points with the Catholic church? [/INST]
If you were to go to an orange plantation and by oranges in bulk then they would cost a lot less then $1.89 for 22 oranges. You would likely be closer to $.89. However when you try to package, ship and store them you find out that oranges are heavy and cost a lot of money to bring home. But if you were to juice them and make concentrate then it is much lighter and easier to ship. </s>
The oranges you buy as oranges are the biggest, prettiest oranges possible, and had to be transported quickly and carefully to prevent spoilage before you buy them. The orange juice is made from the small or ugly or excess oranges, and they are turned into a concentrate that is easier to preserve ASAP and then stored up to a year before being sold if necessary. Most of the cost of an orange is in preserving and transporting it, not growing it. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why is it that the orange juice I buy that contains "Over 22 Whole Oranges" costs $1.89, yet I'd pay nearly 5x that to buy 22 whole oranges? [/INST]
Since you have the only copy of the lease, I would make electronic and hard copies of it if you have not done that already. </s>
You know where a fugitive is living? Do the sheriff and her victims a favor and call the sheriff's office and let them know. That may also benefit you in the long run. </s>
<s>[INST] Landlord claiming she needs to move back into the house i’m renting from her Hey, all!! This is in Oklahoma. I’m two months into a 6-month rental agreement with a family friend. We have a semi-formal written agreement that includes how long the lease is, rent amount, and the people living in the house. It’s signed by both of us. I have the only copy. This morning, she texted saying that she needs to move back home because she can’t afford the place she’s living in anymore. If it’s worth anything, she’s a fugitive from the law so I don’t think she’d go to the courthouse and actually file an eviction notice, but I can’t be sure. Can she send someone on her behalf? Any and all advice would be appreciated! [/INST]
In the US absolutely not and your wife would not be able to work. Better look elsewhere like the EU. </s>
I know people who've done this in the US, but it's not easy. PhD stipends range from about $23,000 to $33,000. You could look up the living wage in the school's county and try to compare to publicly available information about stipends for your program (Google for this -- there are a few databases, like One problem is that if your wife is just coming to follow you, she won't have a work visa and she won't legally be allowed to work. If there's some kind of situation where she could continue working remotely for a job she already has in your home country, that might be fine, but I don't know all the laws around that. </s>
<s>[INST] Living Costs as a PhD Student As a prospective PhD student in the US or Canada, is the stipend given to the PhD student in STEM enough if I bring my wife with me for the living costs for the two of us? [/INST]
Probably none. She revoked her consent to share medical information. Best of luck and hopefully she's turns out okay </s>
I am not a lawyer but I am a hospital Compliance Officer. You, unfortunately, have no rights here. There are certain instances in mental health where HIPAA may be waived, but this is not one of them. </s>
<s>[INST] My wife just went to the ER for suicidal intentions. She told the nurses to withhold any information from me. What are my rights as her husband [/INST]
He can’t just asked you to leave. He had to go through the court system to have you evicted. If you are paying rent and haven’t been evicted you can live there. He can’t have his cake and eat it too. You have a case against landlord. </s>
Contact your local tenants rights association, they will be able to give you better advice, when we lived in Texas and our landlord decided to be a dick they were very helpful </s>
<s>[INST] Roommate engaged in criminal activity. Landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. Roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. Landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. Can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? Some accompanying facts: - I am on the lease - There is no criminal activity clause in the lease - This took place in Texas - Roommate who was arrested is also on the lease [/INST]
According to this article modern hunter-gatherers have much lower incidence of acne than industrial peoples, although the causes are not known. I can't vouch for the article, but it's thoroughly referenced Edit to actually address the question: it's a reasonable inference from this that prehistoric people would also have less acne than modern industrialised people </s>
Based on responses here it made me wonder, are there cultures in the world that have more or less acne than others?? Like if you compared the average teen in USA vs the average teen in India, would one have more or less than the other?? </s>
<s>[INST] Has teen acne been around since prehistoric times? Did cave-dwellers have zits? Or is it related to modern eating, exercise, pollution, etc.? [/INST]
Not a lawyer. Before you do anything, you should absolutely talk to a lawyer versed in the laws concerning the illegal material. Destroying it and being found out later that it was in your possession could backfire terribly. You'd be destroying evidence after all. </s>
Not a lawyer This is the second CSAM post on this subreddit in the past week and I’m confused by all the advice to not report it. These are real children who are real victims. What if the images include adults that have not been identified by law enforcement yet and still have access to kids? I usually would never recommend talking to the police but turning these over could protect future victims. </s>
<s>[INST] found a stash of illegal stuff on my deceased dad's hard drive, what now? Going through my dad's stuff from storage, found a box with three external hard drives. Was not expecting them to work as they'd been in a non-climate-controlled garage several years but they work. I knew I'd find porn and I did, but it's definitely of the illegal variety. The files are dated 1999 and my dad has been dead close to ten years. What do I do? [/INST]
Some flavors like banana or peach only have 3-5 taste defining chemicals where as strawberry, raspberrys and watermelon rely on a more complex chemistry sometime relying on the fiber content holding it together for flavor too. I will try to find a source later. Too drunk and too mobile to sause ATM </s>
Not an expert, I just feel very strongly about fruit; here's what I know. Fruit flavors are caused by alcohols called esters. The overall flavor is a combination of those alcohols, sugars, and acids. Strawberry is a pretty complex flavor, so synthesizing all the molecules to replicate it is very difficult and/or costly, so most strawberry candy, while reminiscent of the fruit, is far too simple and artificial to pass. I couldn't tell you about peach, it likely is composed of fewer alcohols would be my guess. So, likely fewer molecules would need to be synthesized to taste more like actual peach. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How is peach flavoring so easily captured in gummies, water, etc, when so many other flavors taste obviously fake? [/INST]
Carrier pigeons knew where their home was, and if you took one in a cage and carried it with you somewhere else, it would fly back home when given the chance. So you would basically take the bird with you, attach a letter to it, let It go, and someone back at where the bird's home was would get that letter. </s>
They were trained to see a place as home, by raising them there. Then they were carted off to a different place in cages. From there, they'd tie a message to the bird and let them loose. The bird goes home, message reaches wherever bird's home is. The bird then needs to get carted off again before it can be used again. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How were birds (pigeons, ravens, etc.) trained to deliver messages back in the day? [/INST]
Think of it this way: If they're receiving multiple CVs, do they really want to dig through a digital stack of poorly labeled files? Or would it be better if the filename was First-Last-CV or the like? </s>
I had a student submit an assignment online titled “thebravesplayin5minutesso.” I guess he was telling me why he didn’t do the assignment properly? But your title isn’t a problem, but would be better if your last name was included. </s>
<s>[INST] Do Professors notice how you name your email attachments? I've been emailing potential PhD mentors with a CV pdf that's titled "Grad School CV". Am I risking shooting myself in the foot? [/INST]
If you’re not heat treating the end product, not keeping the entire process refrigerated, and not sterilizing all of your equipment, you’re unlikely to get any shelf life on a homemade beverage. </s>
If you aren't going to pasteurize it with some method then you need to sterilize all of the equipment and containers you are going to use. A small amount of salt will help give it a longer life too. You could also soak your almonds in water you bring to a boil first for less time, which would help eliminate any bacterial contaminants. In general any almond milk you make at home is going to have a shelf life of only a few days unless you pasteurize it. </s>
<s>[INST] Made fresh Almond milk...and it spoilt within 12 hours Made my first batch of almond milk last night. Got up today morning and the milk was totally spoilt. I had stored the milk in an airtight glass bottle and got a loud soda-like **pop** when I opened the cap. Here is the recipe I followed: * Soaked 1 cup almonds for 8 hours. Washed them after * Blend them with 3:1 water with a touch of vanilla and honey * Strain milk through nut-bag * Store milk in airtight glass bottle * Refrigerate I'm not sure where I messed up. Could use some advice on the same. Thanks! [/INST]
so if the orbital plane of a planet never transits the between the star and us, we would be unable to detect it? I thought i've also read planets are sometimes detected because the gravitational pull causes the star to "wobble"? </s>
The Earth is just under 1% the diameter of the sun, so if it was blocking the sun from far away it would cover (0.9%)^2 which is about 80 parts per million. </s>
<s>[INST] I read that we look for exoplanets by examining how much they reduce their stars' brightness when they transit. If aliens were observing us, how much would Earth and other planets reduce the sun's brightness? [/INST]
Do they? Don't condiments all have a variety of openings? </s>
Can you clarify? I know old mustard and ketchup and other condiments would have cone shaped nozzles but all the modern ones for inverted bottles are the same as well. What discrepancy are you talking about? </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why are the nozzles on squirt mustard bottles shaped the way they are, but other condiments all have the same short cylinder cap? [/INST]
When a dish needs to be cooked or finished with a heavy alcohol you need to let alcohol evaporate so it leaves a pleasant taste of spirits behind. The alcohol can evaporate by just increasing heat but I think flambé speeds up the process and adds show value too. </s>
Also it's a part of wok cooking, where intentionally getting some of the vaporized oil to catch fire while sauteing imparts a flavor: wok hei. </s>
<s>[INST] why do chefs make their pans catch fire 1. is it purely for show or there's actually something that you get .. [/INST]
It comes down to a combination of the facts that Gene has been utterly isolated for an indeterminable amount of time and that Genies are known liars. To re-iterate: taking anything a genie says at face value is beyond foolish, and expecting a being that has no frame of reference to estimate the passage of time equally so. </s>
I remember there is a head canon that Aladdin takes place in a post apocalyptic future. Genie references too many advanced stuff that shouldn't be there at the time period of the movie. It's likely that an advanced civilization create Genie and locked it away in an AI guarded self-destructing vault until they fell and 10k years later Jafar somehow scrapped enough together to reveal the existence and the location of the lamp. </s>
<s>[INST] [Aladdin] If Gene was trapped in the lamp for 10000 years, what was the world like at that time? Cavemen? [/INST]
No, there are noted cases of Jedi allowed to have sex and even sire offspring. Ki-Adi-Mundi’s species had notably low birth rates, so he was exempt from the Order’s vows regarding attachment. </s>
You think Obi-Wan *didn't* clap Duchess Satine's cheeks on the daily when he was on Mandalore? </s>
<s>[INST] [Star Wars] Attachments are forbidden by the Jedi Code, but are Jedi specifically forbidden from having no-strings sex? [/INST]
I think a lot of the concern about methane stems from the potential positive feedback loop that exists in polar regions. There's a ton of methane locked up in the 10's of millions of square kilometres of polar permafrost regions, and if these regions melt under climate change this adds to methane emissions, which adds to GHG emissions, which leads to more warming, which leads to more permafrost melting, etc. </s>
The short answer is that we don't, at least not all of us. I certainly don't. 2C is incredibly ambitious at this point, so I'm actually with you. However, the reasoning behind it is that CO2 to temperature isn't as simple as a 1 to 1 relationship where a CO2 level of X leads to a temperature of Y. There are many factors in play, of which CO2 is just one. More of it will always lead to a temperature increase, but the end value depends on a lot more, stuff like how much ice exists near the poles, solar energy, all kinds of stuff. So in a previous "configuration", this CO2 level will have led to warmer temperatures at times, and probably colder temperatures at times. But in this configuration, this is what we get at this level of CO2. </s>
<s>[INST] The last time atmospheric CO2 levels were this high the world was 3-6C warmer. So how do scientists believe we can keep warming under 2C? [/INST]
From my understanding, the oils in foods causes problems for the recycling machinery and ruin the resultant pulp (the wet, soggy paper pieces) that end up getting dried and pressed into new sheets. </s>
There is so many people giving away information on here that varies from city to city. Don't take any of it to heart CHECK YOUR CITY'S WEBSITE FOR RECYCLING INFORMATION. Just because the guy in Iowa can't recycle his soup cans/milk cartons/pizza box/whatever doesn't mean your city can't. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: What makes certain types of cardboard (like pizza boxes) un-recyclable? [/INST]
In Norway there's no infrastructure for gas, and liquid fossil for heating is banned. Electricity is used for everything, with assistance from wood in many houses. There are some houses with gas burners in the kitchen, but those use 5kg bottles. </s>
The useful output of a car engine is kinetic energy (to rotate the wheels), and these engines can transfer ~30% of their input energy (from the gas) to motion. The rest is lost as heat. The useful output of a furnace is heat, this means that what was previously wasted is actually useful. So there isn't too much of a difference in efficiency between electricity and gas heating. The biggest impact to overall efficiency for heating a house is making sure it is insulated as well as possible, so that heat isn't lost to the outside. </s>
<s>[INST] Eli5 if electric vehicles are better for the environment than fossil fuel, why isn’t there any emphasis on heating homes with electricity rather gas or oil? [/INST]
There are 2 types of "are you human" checks. One that tracks your mouse movements while the window is open and you click the pictures, and analyses this. Yes you could probably program a bot to replicate this, if you knew how they define a human. The other, where you click a square, does check the mouse movements also, but they also take a look of the browser itself. It uses information the browser can give it, what sites you been, how long for and things like cookies. If you have ever done few google searches a row trying to find something specific, you might get one of these form google to ask that you are a human. </s>
Yes they're monitoring mouse movements and what not to make sure you're human. But where do you think those machine learning algorithms learn how to identify trucks? They have to have a set of training data with pictures correctly flagged as trucks and not trucks. You're helping create those training data sets by identifying trucks in blurry or otherwise low quality photos </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why do some websites need you to identify trucks to prove you're human when machine learning can easily allow computers to do so? [/INST]
Thanks for the update, OP. Previous post for those who missed it. </s>
PSA: If you even suspect carbon monoxide poisoning or the presence of carbon monoxide in your home PLEASE call 911 Immediately. We have the proper air monitoring equipment and can provide immediate medical care. Plus, we're literally just waiting around at the fire station for you folks to call us. Seriously, we'll shoot right over and help you out. And if nothing's wrong we can charm you with our winning personalities and terrible jokes. </s>
<s>[INST] [UPDATE!] [MA] Post-it notes left in apartment. Thanks to everyone who sent suggestions and gave advice on how to proceeded– especially to those who recommended a CO detector... because when I plugged one in in the bedroom, it read at 100ppm. **TL;DR: I had CO poisoning and thought my landlord was stalking me.** [/INST]
That’s wildly inappropriate and unethical. Pain is not a condition that vets should EVER encourage in their patients. If the vet is worried about her being too active post-op, s/he can prescribe a mild sedative until she’s healed. Rarely will I ever slam another vet on the way they practice medicine, but if I saw a colleague doing this I would report it to their state board. Holy shit. </s>
Vet here. That's not normal. Ask for another doctor or go to a different clinic. </s>
<s>[INST] Is it normal to deny a dog pain meds after being spayed Our 45 lb bernese mountain dog mix 6 1/2 months old got spayed today. The vet said no pain meds for home because they want her to hurt some so she will stay inactive. She has been constantly whimpering and unable to sleep since we got home about 6 hours ago. Do I need to go to the vet in the morning and get her something for the pain? It seems odd to cut into an animal and rip out organs and NOT give pain relief. [/INST]
Wifi antennas are less than 1 watt, spread over an entire house. Microwave ovens use 1100 watts (where I live anyway), and the construction of the microwave keeps all those waves contained in a tiny box. So the difference is the concentration of that energy. The microwave is orders of magnitude more powerful and its energy is confined to a much smaller space. Edit: spelling </s>
Microwave ovens have an operating power of about 1000 W, depending on the model. Routers and access points, on the other hand, are limited by law in how much power they can use to broadcast. In many jurisdictions this limit is 0.1 W. Many devices will be below this legal limit. So a microwave is 10,000 times more powerful than a router. Given enough wifi routers, you could also heat up food. If you could somehow manage to stack them all in a small space (and even then the processing electronics of the device would generate more heat than the microwave radiation). </s>
<s>[INST] Why is wifi perfectly safe and why is microwave radiation capable of heating food? I get the whole energy of electromagnetic wave fiasco, but why are microwaves capable of heating food while their frequency is so similar to wifi(radio) waves. The energy difference between them isn't huge. Why is it that microwave ovens then heat food so efficiently? Is it because the oven uses a lot of waves? [/INST]
Generally they stop digging when the funding runs out. Although they can also take some reasonable guesses as to whether an area is likely to be worth the time. If they're digging in an established area and they see signs that they've reached the edge of the habitation, either in area of in time, there probably isn't much point in continuing to dig. There *might* be--there could be an adjacent settlement or one that existed earlier in time--but the chances are lower. It ends up being a bit of a judgment call. When establishing a new dig area, they typically conduct a number of different surveys to try to predict where they'll most likely find something. Satellite photos have become very popular for this but other methods exist, including picking an area and digging some random test holes. </s>
I work in western Canada, we stop when we reach sterile sediments which we interpret as glacial deposits because people weren’t here before glaciers. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How do archaeologists know when to stop digging? Couldn't there be many more dead sea scrolls if they just keep digging up more of the area? [/INST]
In addition to the HIPAA violation you might be able to sue for publication of private facts. It’s a tort that allows you to sue someone when they publish private facts that would be highly offensive to a reasonable person, even if the fact is true. This might qualify. You could consult a lawyer to get more info and discuss whether it would be worth doing considering the Streisand effect and whether she has enough assets to make it worthwhile (or whether her father would be liable as well). </s>
So if her dad told her about it, he broke HIPAA, she didn’t. </s>
<s>[INST] Cousin got an STD and a girl she knew from high school somehow got access to her medical papers (showing that she had an STD) and spread them all over snapchat as if it was "gossip". Is this a violation of HIPAA? Both my cousin and the girl are over the age of 18, state is Illinois. Advice? [/INST]
If you're on the west coast, earthquakes are the answer. Bricks don't hold up well in earthquakes. Well, most bricks. A guy named Moles had an earthquake brick that was going to revolutionize San Francisco housing but he over-voltaged his computer and destroyed it. </s>
Here in earthquake country of Oregon, even a properly built brick and mortar building is less safe. A wooden structure can better absorb the sway. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: why are most suburban houses in the US built with wood, instead of bricks and mortar? [/INST]
They probably did this as an attempt to defend against charges you are pursuing. It won’t work. Just make sure to get in touch with the prosecutor and let their office know. Also attend any court dates pertaining to the TRO. </s>
Did you file a police report when the attack happened? </s>
<s>[INST] [FL] Attacker got a restraining order against me Apparently while I was recovering from my injuries, my attacker got a temporary restraining order against me. I want to fight it because they live "within 500 ft" of me, so I guess that means now I'm homeless? And my friend says they come up on background checks so how do I even find a new place to live I also want to press charges against my attacker or sue them for medical bills or whatever the right legal thing here is. Where do I start? What kind of lawyer do I need? [/INST]
Subsequent movies had him needing the exoskeleton to walk. In *Endgame* you can see him having to crawl on his elbows after ejecting from his armor. </s>
I'm pretty sure Tony HAD to build the crutches for him because that fall paralyzed him. I know in the comics they use an inertia dampening gel in the suits that is supposed to allow them to fly without the g force breaking all their limbs and so on. I guess maybe something to do with that? He most certainly could have died from that fall, a few thousand feet at least I would imagine, in a powerless tin can, I'm not sure whether the suit would be protection or just a weight dragging him down even faster. </s>
<s>[INST] [Captain America: Civil War] Rhodey's fall. Should it have seriously paralyzed him or even killed him? Was he at risk for the latter? what were the chances he pulled through? We saw Stark build some braces for him but how close was he to being permanently paralyzed or dying as a result of the fall? [/INST]
It's possible that Gandalf was being somewhat poetic or metaphorical; the student of Aulë once called Mairon was not always The Abhorred, The Deceiver, The Lord of Gifts. It isn't known exactly *when* Melkor corrupted Mairon, but it was after the creation of Eä and Arda within it; it is certainly possible that the Discord of Melkor caused foul and nameless things to squirm in the deep places of the world well before Mairon's love of order caused him to turn to Melkor's cause, and become The Terrible Dread. In such a case, and from a certain point of view, the nameless things existed before *Sauron* came into being, even if the Maia that became Sauron existed before Eä itself. </s>
Older than Sauron incarnate on Arda is how I always understood that. Mairon descended to Arda only after Eru spoke it into existence. </s>
<s>[INST] [LotR] “Far, far below the deepest delving of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he.” What could be older than Sauron? It's my understanding that Sauron has been around since pretty much the beginning and definitely before Arda's creation [/INST]
We make sand do math which enables pretty much anything else that you guys are doing. </s>
semiconductors, specifically microcontrollers. The more i learn, the more crazy i realize i sound when i try to explain to people what i do. People look at me like i’m a genius but i’m really just a hardworking dumbass lmao. </s>
<s>[INST] Brag a little.. why is your industry or career choice better than mines [/INST]
Finishing carbonara with a drizzle of olive oil is not normal or, imo, welcome. But for things where it actually belongs, sure </s>
Pour some of it on a small serving plate, add balsamic vinegar (1/4 or 1/3 of oo), use some mild spices like thyme and red pepper flakes, add salt. Use it as a dip for your fresh bread. If you wanna spoil yourself, you can add in dry tomatoes as well. </s>
<s>[INST] Extra Virgin Olive Oil that smells and tastes a bit like freshly cut grass, can you use it as finisher or condiment? I used mine as a finisher for my carbonara but being on the other side of the world since birth, I didn't expect evoo to taste like that. Had other evoo local brands but they didn't smell or taste grassy like the one I bought from Italy. It didn't ruin the carbonara, but it did feel like I didn't prepare it well. Did I use it right? [/INST]
you can pick your "0" at any point. you might just as well split numbers into <0 and >=0 and you'll get the same result, without excluding one number. the answer simply is that there are equally infinite numbers in each half, however you split it. </s>
In addition to what others have said, you can enumerate in a way such that the answer would be "even". For example: 0, 1 -1, -2 2, 3 -3, -4 ... This way the numbers are neatly grouped in pairs. No number is without a pair. So the total number of numbers must be even! </s>
<s>[INST] I have a theory: If there is an infinite amount of negative numbers and there is an infinite amount of positive numbers then the total amount of numbers would be odd. Because 0 is in the center. For every positive number there is an negative counterpart. Am I right? Can we prove this with math? [/INST]
All respiratory tract diseases have fell off a cliff in terms of numbers in the last two years. Turkey had almost no influenza cases in the last two years for example. I have worked in the Pediatric Infectious Diseases department in Ankara Uni. and I can say the season passed relatively mildly in respect to past years. </s>
There was no gastroenteritis seasonal surge in France during winter 2020/2021. See link : "réseau sentinelle". Who could have thought that mask + hand washing could prevent gastroenteritis ? </s>
<s>[INST] Was there a decrease in other infectious diseases other than Covid due to wearing masks during the past two years? [/INST]
We’ll probably find out in Wakanda Forever. My guess is Shuri took over a leadership role, and that there was no Panther because there was no more heart shaped herb. </s>
Probably a council with M'Baku, Okoye and Ramonda leading it </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU] Who was king of Wakanda and who was the Black Panther during the 5 years of the blip? [/INST]
Don’t complain to me, complain to the Captain. Complaints go UP the chain of command </s>
Because you're an Army Ranger and you were trained to conduct small patrols behind enemy line and reconnaissance. Since PFC. Ryan's current location is unknown, it makes sense to send guys that know how to find stuff without drawing attention to themselves. There are no such specialized units at Utah. The fact that your company was reverse decimated ( instead of losing 10% of it's forces, it maintained 10%), so it has limited to no tactical value is a cherry on top. </s>
<s>[INST] [Saving Private Ryan] Why in the hell did my superiors send us, who landed on Omaha beach, to rescue some POS from the 101st? Didn't the 101st land much closer to Utah beach than Omaha beach? [/INST]
Instead of thinking of your finger touching the ant at velocity X, think about the ant touching your finger at the same velocity. </s>
The square-cube law means that smaller objects are stronger. Hit a car with a wrecking ball and it's crushed; hit a toy car with a ball bearing and nothing happens. Strength scales with the square of an object's size but mass scales with the cube so the toy car might be 100 times smaller and 10&#8239;000 times weaker, but the ball bearing weighs 1&#8239;000&#8239;000 times less than the wrecking ball. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old:How does an ant not die when flicked full force by a human finger? I did search for ants on here and saw all the explanations about them not taking damage when falling... but how does an ant die when flicked with full force? It seems like it would be akin to a wrecking ball vs. a car. Is it the same reasoning as the falling explanation? [/INST]
In addition to the other advice, I'd also take pictures of any damage and start making a list of what is missing or damaged. </s>
Talk to your real estate attorney. The items you listed are "fixtures" and are often included in the sale of the real property in the agreement of purchase and sale. </s>
<s>[INST] Bought a house, gave the sellers one week more to move out. They basically stripped the place... So I bought a house (location: california) but i'm now confronted with this situation: the sellers asked for 1 extra week (after purchase) to move out, since they had some bad luck finding another place. I didn't really mind, since they agreed to pay me for the week and I still had a place to live. So fast forward to today and I find out they left without notice, after taking all the interior doors, shower stall, sink, garden shed and some of the hardwood flooring (i'm guessing they didn't have enough time to remove all of it). Also some petty things like taking the batteries from the smoke detectors, removing every light bulb (it's literally pitch dark) and taking the mailbox. So.. where to go from here? [/INST]
If you're selling a TV, would you rather have A) someone walk up with $100 and take the TV or B) someone say their bank will give you $100 next week after the TV gets appraised, but only if it's appraised for the full $100 and after they sell their old TV? Obviously that's an extreme example, but cash offers are often faster and have less contingencies. When selling my house, I had eight offers ranging from $250,000 to $270,000. I took $264,000 cash. Why? I had the money in my account in three days and the sale was done. Would $270,000 have been better? Maybe, but what if the home inspection went bad, or the buyers didn't sell their house, or the appraisal was less than asking price? All those factored in, so I took cash for ease and a quick sale. </s>
"Cash" doesn't mean that the transaction is done using cash. It means that the buyer doesn't require financing in order to purchase the property. This removes the risk to the seller of having the buyer's financing fall through before the closing. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why do home sellers prefer a "cash" buyer? Wouldn't they get the same amount of $ as a check from the bank if the buyer has a home loan? [/INST]
It seems on the MCU that the effects of the Reality Stone have a limited range. For instance, he can make a bubble of a restored planet Titan, but the the effect isn't planet wide and these effects go away once he leaves the area. </s>
Basically any one of the stones could be used to achieve Thanos' goal, but only with all of them, together, can he do it simultaneously across the entire universe. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU] Couldn't Thanos just wipe out half of the universe's population with reality stone? After all, reality stone has the power to change reality itself? [/INST]
Scalping is big business, they have the budgets to develop software to automatically grab tickets. The other half of it is good old fashioned collusion /conspiracy where ticketmaster holds back a portion of the tickets to be resold at high markups. Sometimes even on the behalf of the performers. I am so glad the Justice Dept. just opened an antitrust investigation into live nation (who owns ticketmaster). </s>
Part of the problem is Ticketmaster IS a lot of the scalpers. They literally sell their own tickets to themselves under a different name and then scalp them. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How do scalpers actually get all the tickets faster than the average consumer? [/INST]
In the case of snakes, it’s either envenomated, and so it’s dead when eaten, or constricted to the point the lights go out due to lack of oxygen to the brain. Some species actually crush prey against an object in the environment, like indigo sakes. </s>
Many fish have pharyngeal or "throat" teeth that are used to grind up prey. You can usually see a cloud of blood/scales exit the gills of the fish when the grinding begins. I am pretty sure this is the direct cause of death for many of those prey items. </s>
<s>[INST] When an animal is eaten whole, how does it actually die? Suffocation? Digestive acid? [/INST]
Ah that's a shame. Have you got a freezer full of churros now? </s>
Time to make churro bread pudding with a ganache glaze! </s>
<s>[INST] UPDATE: I have to prep churro batter for 300 people this weekend. Am I able to make it tomorrow and hold it for the weekend? My boss said I should’ve just made it at the event I was working, so I did and made enough for at least 180 churros. Deep fryer was not working so I had to fry in the pot I made pate a choux in. Came out really well actually. Unfortunately, event was a dud and only like 100 people showed, of which few (sold 6 lol) got churros. So I do hate my life but I learned a lot so I guess that’s cool [/INST]
Schopenhauer likely pushed his old neighbour down the stairs and celebrated her death with a party. </s>
Sartre and de Beauvoir would groom and then have threesomes with female students of theirs. </s>
<s>[INST] Which philosophers were bad people in real life? Recently I have started to think about the personal shortcomings of Heidegger and his concerning affiliations with Hitler and it got me thinking about which other philosophers share a dark past! So what you got askphilosophy? [/INST]
Cat piss is horrendous and damned near impossible to fully get the smell out of fabrics and floors and such. With that said I'd just take a lose and chuck it. Sorry mate. </s>
Definitely throw it out. A cat peed on my family’s pizza stone a decade+ ago and no one noticed. We had people over for dinner and my mom preheated the stone in the oven. The whole house reeked of cat urine. </s>
<s>[INST] Cat peed on pizza stone. I bought a pizza stone and left it on the counter. Minutes later my cat peed on it. I've cleaned it with water and a brush, but just now I put it in the oven and it reeks horrendous. Does anybody have experience with something similar, can I remove the stench, or is it ready for the trash can? [/INST]
It depends on how specific the email is. What was the reason for them to change it? </s>
First thing to do is send a reply email with the prior email attached and ask why the amount has changed. It could be a mistake or they just might give you the prior amount to make you go away since they have other larger concerns with the downsizing. </s>
<s>[INST] Company offered generous severance package an is now trying to walk it back I work for a company that is going through downsizing - I was one of the casualties. When they gave me the news that I'd be let go, they verbally gave me the details of the severance package I'd be offered. They then followed that conversation up with an email that contained those same details. A week later they sent me the official separation agreement and the severance package is dramatically smaller. Do I have any legal recourse? Is their initial email at all legally binding? [/INST]
You can and should be reusing the confit oil for additional batches. Only going to intensify the flavor! </s>
As you use the garlic, you could also use the oil in cooking. That way you aren't wasting all that olive oil, and your eggs or whatever will get a flavor boost. </s>
<s>[INST] Can I re-use the olive oil from my garlic confit to make more garlic confit? I love spreading those little nuggets of garlicky bliss on just about anything, but it can get expensive to use so much oil. Can I be thrifty and re-use the olive oil from a recent batch to make more today, or would that damage the quality or oil itself too much? [/INST]
That strong urge you feel to go is actually the opposite, it's your body clinching its voluntary muscles trying to not cut loose with a large release before you can get to the toilet. Kind of like that feeling when you're doing everything you can not to throw up because you hate throwing up </s>
Put as many slices of bread, as you can fit, in your mouth. Hold it there and consider how hard you have press your lips together in order to keep it all in. Now, use a straw and such up as much water as your mouth will hold. Really expand those cheeks like the bread did. Now consider how much pressure your lips are using to keep the liquid in. Now apply that same logic to your rectum/sphincter. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: why does having diarrhea create such a strong urge to “go” for even a tiny little squirt, whereas a large log of regular stool may not create as strong an urge? [/INST]
Have you read the news lately? Awful stuff happens in a lot of countries around the world and nothing is done about it. Just think of Panem as the North Korea of their world. </s>
Considering there was climate change and wars and the US was devastated, it’s possible the rest of the world (if there are other nations) had their own problems to deal with and didn’t have the time, the resources, or the inclination to interfere in Panem affairs. </s>
<s>[INST] [Hunger Games] Why doesn't the rest of the world do anything about Panem? Why is the United Nations sitting on its collective a$$ while Panem treats its citizens horribly and kills teenagers in a sick game every year? [/INST]
Many Michelin stared restaurants use boxed wine. Higher quality ones from France but still a boxed wine. </s>
The best wines for restaurant kitchens are the mid-range boxed wines. They taste good, sometimes great, and they last longer because they don't let oxygen in when you use them. </s>
<s>[INST] When nice restaurants cook with wine (beef bourguignon, chicken piccata, etc), do they use nice wine or the cheap stuff? I've always wondered if my favorite French restaurant is using barefoot cab to braise the meats, hence the term "cooking wine" [/INST]
Should have been titled "Astrophysics for Young People Written and Edited in a Hurry" </s>
You're right. That was poorly written. </s>
<s>[INST] A trillion degrees Kelvin vs a trillion degrees Celsius Hi all, was reading the book "Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry" with my daughter and in the "How We Measure Temperature" section, Neil deGrasse Tyson writes: >Astrophysicists use Kelvin, a standard in which zero is really zero. You can’t get any colder. So, a trillion degrees Kelvin is much hotter than a trillion degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. This last statement sounded strange to me, since I would expect that N degrees K is colder than N degrees C.... Is something escaping me? Thanks a lot! [/INST]
One of the BEST restaurant-recipe experiences I ever had was when I complimented a dish once, asked a question about it, and the chef came out — told me he didn’t have the English language skills to tell me or write it, but if I’d show up at 9am the next morning and he’d teach it to me. I did, he did, it was delightful! It never hurts to ask. I’ve had restaurants tell me no, others have had some of their most popular recipes already printed and ready to go for people who ask. </s>
I’ve emailed to ask twice before, both times for unique dressing recipes. Both chefs responded! One sent the exact recipe and the other sent ingredients but said he was out of town and didn’t have it with him. Both were super nice about it! They were from restaurants I ate at on vacation and couldn’t visit regularly. I don’t think I’d ever ask for the recipe to a whole dish though! </s>
<s>[INST] Asking bakeries/restaurants for the recipe? I know stories of people asking bakeries or restaurants/businesses for the recipe for a specific item. Is this considered an appropriate thing to do, and if so, how does one go about doing it? I've always thought it was considered rude or at least a stupid or useless question, because I'd think that a business would never just tell a paying customer how to make their food at home. Has anyone ever successfully asked for a specific recipe? What did you do? [/INST]
if the second test was just a few weeks after the first, ita likely just a persistent positive and not a new infection, ie ok to be out of quarantine if her symptoms have resolved. not even sure why she'd be tested again so soon if thats the case </s>
No it’s not safe for her to sit with you without a mask on. Was her second diagnosis made from a nasal swab or a different kind of test? Also, a standard surgical mask alone will not protect you in sustained close contact with someone who has active COVID. If she’s not wearing a mask and coughing/exhaling/touching stuff in the house you are being exposed. This is some dangerously selfish behaviour from your mom. </s>
<s>[INST] (24f) is it safe to be around someone with covid????? i know how it sounds and short answer is No but hear me out; my mom got diagnosed with covid, got quarantined for about two weeks then said she doesn’t have it anymore. few days ago got diagnosed again with covid but this time she won’t quarantine and she says she ‘heard’ that it’s ok and safe to sit with us without a mask on even tho she has it. i’m not vaccinated yet. is wearing a mask going to protect me even tho we live in the same house?? [/INST]
I've always thought it was cool how Billy Batson/Shazam/Captain Marvel uses the lightning that transforms him when he calls our Shazam. I remember once seeing him fighting Superman, in one of the animated Justice League TV shows or movies, and he grabbed Superman from behind, positioned Superman between himself and the sky, and then kept calling out Shazam which resulted in Superman being repeatedly struck by lightning. It was so impressive because you don't usually see a hero's transformation process being used as an attack </s>
You could watch almost any anime with powers for this, It's their bread and butter. One Piece is a great example, who'd have thought being made of Rubber would be so versatile!? </s>
<s>[INST] [General Fiction] What are some examples of characters using seemingly useless powers in a creative and effective way? [/INST]
Think it's Superman pretending to be Clark to troll him and make him falsely believe that Clark Kent is Superman, thus making him target an innocent man, which just shows how much of a villain he is. He cannot comprehend someone as powerful and popular as Superman would disguise himself, and anything that contradicts this worldview is false. </s>
That’s neither Superman nor Clark’s personality so he’d assume it’s some weird shape shifter like a Martian playing some sort of practical joke on him. </s>
<s>[INST] [DC] Since Lex seems pretty fond of Clark Kent, how would he take it if Clark just took off his glasses, said "lol I'm Superman, dumbass" and flew away? [/INST]
Have you talked to her son about this? And at some point, surely the cops would stop taking her seriously. </s>
Fhave a lawyer send her a cease and desist then immediately file suit for defamation under florida's defamation per se law. Also call adult protective services </s>
<s>[INST] FL: My schizophrenic neighbor has over 30 times accused my 9 year old nephew (who I’ve adopted) of raping her and fathering her 20 year old son. He’s been taken twice by CPS (and then returned) and interviewed by police over 12. The cops won’t stop her because she hasn’t harmed herself or others [/INST]
I bet it uses massless frictionless pulleys! </s>
Ask them to explain specifically how it works. Also, who is involved in the conspiracy and why. Their opinion is unreasonable. If they let you, keep asking questions and get as granular of answers as you can. Be genuinely interested in their responses and make sure not to misrepresent any of their positions. Act as their critical thinking. Asking them to explain it is the only way for them to realize its ridiculous. Even then your chances are slim. </s>
<s>[INST] There is a conspiracy theory right now that a perpetual motion machine exists and that govt. and corporations are depriving us from our free energy. How do you debunk this to someone brainwashed by these dumb youtube videos? [/INST]
Ernesto de la Cruz poisoned his friend and allowed him to die nameless while his family thought he abandoned them. Mother Gothel was a manipulative abuser and kept Rapunzel locked up for years. </s>
Shan Yu and his army of Huns wiped out the majority of the Chinese army including Shangs father General Li and a whole village of innocent people which we know included children. I think that puts him up there with the highest body count at least. </s>
<s>[INST] [Disney] What is the worst thing crime wise that a Disney villain has ever done? I’m talking movies, games and Tv shows. [/INST]
Simple example: puns. How would you translate the joke "A man walked into a bar. Ouch." to a language where there isn't a single word that means both the drinking establishment and a long metal object? You can't. You either lose the double meaning and it's no longer a joke or you have to come up with a roughly similar joke in the target language. </s>
Not all languages have the same words. That means, there isn't going to be a 1:1 ratio when trying to describe an idea. On top of that, languages have different grammar rules and punctuation as well. Those rules and punctuation as clarity and emphasis to different text, so the translation has to match an idea with different punctuation and grammar rules with a partial word list. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why can’t everything be translated between languages? [/INST]
Ayn Rand is probably the most prominent example of a "pseudophilosopher". Her understanding of Kant is very bizarre (she views him as some kind of logic-hating religious fanatic), and her "objectivism" is pretty widely dismissed and excluded from academic philosophy. </s>
I know it's beating a dead horse these days but I'm throwing out Jordan Peterson. Specifically though I'd focus on "Post-modern neo-marxism" as a term that when examined critically turns out to have no real coherent meaning. It doesn't express anything and he applies it so broadly it's hard to argue that even he seems to know what it means. He's done some other milquetoast philosophy stuff and I've no comment about that part of his work, just the absolute incoherence of post-modern neo-marxism. </s>
<s>[INST] Notable Pseudophilosophies or Pseudophilosophers What/who are some notable pseudophilosophies or pseudophilosophers from current or recent times? Have there existed any psuedophilosophies that have drawn widespread condemnation from the academic community? [/INST]
You are correct, he needs to wash his goddamn hands. They're an adult, and they're risking getting you quite sick. This is non-optional. </s>
Washing meat shows a complete lack of understanding about food safety, bacterial growth, pathology, and fluid dynamics. </s>
<s>[INST] Is the risk of surface contamination from raw meat actually a significant risk, or a non-issue? My housemate washes their meat and doesn't seem to understand why it's important to wash their hands properly so as not to contaminate fridge/drawer handles and towels in the kitchen. Are my worries about this overly anxious, or is the risk a non-issue if I just replace tea towels, wash my own hands, and keep the awareness in mind? [/INST]
If you ignore it for long enough the ghost will get in bed with you. And take all the blankets. </s>
Freddy Krueger may not exactly be a ghost, but he won't tolerate this sort of thing. In Freddy's Dead, there's a running gag about a character he's tormenting. In the first dream he wakes up in bed, looks outside, and discovers his house is falling from the sky. Second dream: wakes up in bed, looks outside, everything is fine. He steps outside...and the house stays put but the entire earth falls away. Third time: dude wakes up, and says "He's not gonna get me again. Nothing is going to make me leave this bed." And suddenly he realizes the whole room is on fire and has to jump out the window. Yeah, Freddy is basically Bugs Bunny in that movie. Not his finest hour. </s>
<s>[INST] [General Horror] If I refuse to leave the bed to investigate a strange noise, would the ghost leave me alone for the night? I'm really tired. [/INST]
survivor bias. getting killed while taking a bear selfie makes it difficult to post the video later. </s>
Bears are not territorial so they don't react negatively to strangers at first contact. Territorial animals would consider you as an intruder. If they are not hungry on a hunt or protecting cubs or their food sources, they would be timid, but not aggressive </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How are there so many videos, etc. of people interacting with bears peacefully even though they aren't domesticated? [/INST]
I HATE cheap branded crap. I would rather not get anything than cheap junk I immediately throw away. </s>
A functional computer with access to most files/services available at the start of the first day, as set up by a cognizant manager. I cannot count how many times new hires are handicapped for days or weeks because their computer or permissions or software are simply not ready. </s>
<s>[INST] What would you like to get when you start with a new company? I’m working in our onboarding experience program. Is there any branded swag you’ve gotten that left an impression, or some procedure you think every company should follow when bringing on a new engineer? [/INST]
Try to put your rack upside down. Than it will bend less. Not like this \\__/ But like this /—-\ </s>
If the bottom element will be on (if your oven even has one, although most do), that’ll be a pretty sure fire way to totally scorch the bottom. Can you put it on a sheet pan on a rack to help distribute the weight a little more? </s>
<s>[INST] Can I put a dutch oven at the bottom of the oven? My dutch oven is really heavy and when i put it on a rack it bends, I am about to braise some short ribs and it will have to cook there in the dutch oven for 4 hours, I'm afraid it will either break or bend on an oven rack. I was wondering if i could just put it on the bottom of the oven, no sheet tray and no oven rack [/INST]
PhilosophyTube and Contrapoints are the obvious answers. People generally aren't interested in philosophy so if a channel is even modesty popular then there is a pretty good bet it is popular for something other than philosophy. PhilosophyTube and Contrapoints usually present the most cursory understanding of a concept mixed in with mostly entertainment (e.g. costume changes, characters). From their videos that I have seen I often feel like despite the length of the videos a lot of important stuff wasn't covered, and the philosophy actually covered could have been boiled down to a clip that is 1/10 the length of their videos. </s>
I’m not sure if he still labels himself a philosophy channel but, Stefan Molyneux is atrocious. </s>
<s>[INST] What are some "Bad" philosophy Youtube channels people should avoid We all know "The School of life" is the punching bag everyone makes fun of but what else would be bad for dilettantes to watch [/INST]
Labor has been undervalued for a long time, and there are companies that refuse to adjust to the correction happening. They’re the ones currently struggling to find employees for what they’re used to paying. These are the companies spewing “nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe.” My local McDonald’s is paying $18 starting, and that’s the local market rate for an EMT. One has irregular hours, high stakes, and requires certifications. Guess which one is experiencing a critical, nationwide shortage? </s>
The key here is, they aren't. There are more people who have exited the workplace site to early retirement or just deciding not to work. So unemployment is low, as those who want to work can find jobs. And at the same time, companies, mostly smaller ones at that, are having a hard time hiring the necessary staff. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old:Why is there a labor shortage when unemployment is low? Where is everyone working at? [/INST]
That tramp stamp won't come up until you decide you want to fast track your promotion. </s>
Depends where you work and if you can still be professional (aka are your tattoos offensive and can you cover them if necessary) my work has both office employees and a full fab shop, and being that fab shops tend to have a lot looser guidelines for tats and what not (because it is always associated with the lifestyle, true or not) that carries into our office. A lot of us have full sleeves and whatnot and wear them proudly. But we can also cover them up very easily for big government/customer meetings. </s>
<s>[INST] Are tattoos taboo in engineering world? In certain industries and walks of life, being decorated with ink can be a real setback. I wonder what’s the general stigma toward tattoos in the engineering world? [/INST]
Wormy Chestnut wood is prized for its unique holes, characteristics and woodgrain. It is really just American Chestnut that was eaten by insects in the 1900s-- but wood-lovers really loved this stuff. I lived in a house that had many kitchen cabinets made from wormy Chestnut and while it is beautiful I found the little holes too disturbing. The holes also off-gas in some way and I was constantly cleaning them to clear the "fog." </s>
Rose Onyx is a kind of marble that came from a quarry in Colorado. We used the entire supply of Rose Onyx building the state capitol building. To the point that when they built additions, they had to use a substitute pink marble or something. The difference is clear when you look at it. </s>
<s>[INST] Are there any resources that Earth has already run out of? We're always hearing that certain resources are going to be used up someday (oil, helium, lithium...) But is there anything that the Earth has *already* run out of? [/INST]
Controversial opinion: How about the lack of retirements so that new positions for new generations of PhDs can open. The age of retirement in academia is much older than in most careers. Couple this with a long refusal of retirements during and after the recession and you end up with a large portion of tenured faculty members nearing or over retirement age and a slew of PhDs who want their jobs. I don't mean this as an ageist attack but rather as something that many refuse to address. </s>
Expectations that a single academic will do everything - teach, do cutting edge research, manage people, do admin work, write papers, communicate science to general public, service equipment and so on. No support staff, no division of work between people, you need to do everything and be excellent in every aspect. </s>
<s>[INST] What are some obvious issues in academia, nobody wants to talk about? Like inter-departmental politics, everybody knows but people rarely talk about it to resolve it. [/INST]
Yes, but the pickle brine will be diluted a bit by the water in the cucumbers. </s>
101 uses! Or... at least four or five I can think of :) 1. Quick pickle other stuff in it 2. Add to simmering greens 3. Splash into salad dressings 4. Splash on a pile of cooked beans 5. Drink a shot when dehydrated along with a bunch of water... </s>
<s>[INST] Can you reuse pickle brine? I made refrigerator dill pickles and they were so good, they went fast. I was wondering if I want more should I start over or reuse the brine? [/INST]
Sounds fishy... &#x200B; Get a German lawyer for "Familienrecht" and let them contact her. </s>
Relevant laws and paragraphs: §§ 1591 – 1600e Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB), Viertes Buch – Abstammung §§ 372a Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO) – Untersuchungen zur Feststellung der Abstammung §§ 640 – 641i Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO) – Verfahren in Kindschaftssachen Standard procedure, but gets you on the hook for several financial obligations. And that alone will not get the child into your country on its own. </s>
<s>[INST] 8-month pregnant girlfriend of 8 years left in the middle of the night back to her family's home in Germany, had our daughter and didn't put me on the birth certificate. I'm obviously devastated and it's been a year now, does anyone have any suggestions on where to go from here? I want to support and be a huge part of my daughter's life and am at a loss as to what steps to take next. Talking isn't working. Any advice would be beyond appreciated. Thanks a million! I'm seriously starting to think I am now clinically depressed and cannot find joy in anything/anyone until this is resolved. [/INST]
Technical interview, fine. Free work? Nope. Doing your stupid homework assignment is work. I'm good. </s>
I submitted one a week ago that was honestly ridiculous and I haven't heard back yet. I'm talking like 20+ hours... so I agree with you. I would be more inclined to say no in the future, especially if this company ghosts me (which according to Glassdoor, is a possibility..). </s>
<s>[INST] How do we feel about technical presentations/take home assignments in the engineering job interview process? I've noticed these becoming increasingly popular for mid/senior level engineering positions that I have been interviewing for and I'm personally not a fan. I feel that an impromptu technical exercise during an interview is fair game. And jobs at say a product design firm that require a portfolio up front are fine. But anything that requires a candidate to do significant prep work between interviews (eg. slide deck, take home case study) is pushing it. Have you noticed this becoming more common? [/INST]
My company gave me a 20% raise, a 2% company bonus, and a 8% performance bonus. This was a rather unusual year though. </s>
You guys are getting bonuses? </s>
<s>[INST] What were your bonuses like this year? [/INST]
OP whatever advice you’re getting, a small company can blow you out in five minutes. Your best bet is find another job as soon as you can. They’ve now clearly shown you they don’t value you or respect you. Unfortunately you have little to no leverage, and even if it’s demonstrably illegal. They can blow you out, or you can report them and they retaliatory fire you. Point is you’re out of work with legal remedies years away. Find a new job and report them later. </s>
Federal law protects against discrimination for the *presence* (not absence) of children, but is silent on marital status. Michigan does protect on the basis of marital status, and in about half the states this does *not* apply to unmarried people. The Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act in Michigan apparently does apply in situations where an employer makes a decision based upon whether a job applicant or employee is married *or* single. You can contact the Michigan Department of Civil Rights to confirm. </s>
<s>[INST] MI- I was planning to visit my family out of state this holiday season but my supervisor told me (verbally) I can't have any time off this season because I'm single and have no children, she said said everyone else will get time off because they have children. Are they allowed to do this? [/INST]
"Growing pains" have not been demonstrated to correlate with growth spurts. It is a term used to describe limb pain in children between around six and twelve, but the causes are still unknown and there is no link with body growth. So the premise of this question doesn't quite work. </s>
There’s a documentary on Netflix called “Babies” where someone explains this. She did a case study where she would measure babies every day and ask the parents for any notable behaviors or what they did that day. She came to understand that babies grow one to two* centimeters in one day, not over time. The parents would report that the babies were particularly fussy or throwing tantrums on those days, so they actually do react. We just don’t always understand why since they can’t talk yet. Edit: *previously said several centimeters but it’s not quite that extreme. Here’s a link to the study if anyone is interested. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: As growing pains are a thing in adolescents, with bone, joint and muscle aches, why isn’t that pain also constantly present for infants and toddlers who are growing at a much faster rate with their bodies subject to greater developmental stresses? [/INST]
My solution is usually to just keep making and eating more tacos until it's all gone. </s>
Kenji’s method </s>
<s>[INST] How should I store my cilantro so that it doesn’t go bad so quick? I went to a farmers market for my produce and I got this huge bouquet of cilantro for less than $2. I was so thrilled but now I’m wondering how do I store it? The bouquet of cilantro is definitely too tall to stand in a glass of water in my fridge. I’m wondering if I should freeze some or if that’s not a good idea? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! [/INST]
Go for it. I bring my partner whenever I can. Lots of people don't attend to everything at the conference. It is like reading a book. You have to develop a sense of what is important and what is not. Enjoying yourself is good for your brain. At the same time, don't overlook the opportunity to network. This is an important part of these events, as well as of your career. Have fun! </s>
The only way I would do this is if my partner was 100% on board with not really spending any time with me the whole weekend. Conferences are great places for making new connections and strengthening old ones, but most of that happens after hours. </s>
<s>[INST] Is it bad form to bring your partner to a conference with you? I’m a grad student and just got my first conference proposal accepted. The conference is being held in a somewhat touristy city that’s in driving distance, and my partner would love to come with me, as he’s never seen it. Of course he would occupy himself during the conference sessions and such, but would like to grab dinner with me, see a museum, etc. I’ve never been to a conference, so I don’t really know what’s frowned upon and what isn’t. Would it be bad to bring him with me and enjoy some sightseeing together in my downtime? Or is that a no-no? [/INST]
Its makes it difficult when you are working at a place that doesnt have a set of CAD Standards in place and doesnt take the time on educating new hires on the way they do things. It makes it harder to edit because what might work for you might not work for someone else. Personally having additional layers labeled correctly and used correctly is beneficial in the long run because it makes it easier to identify and isolate for future changes. Thats just my take, hopefully its helpful. </s>
Ok we are replacing three diesel generators for a major hospital. The feeders from these gensets go in a trench, filled with concrete, 100 ft then into a switchgear room. This duct bank is going to be buried under a new building which is under construction. We specified six spare conduits. Enough for an extra generator and some control wires or something. The big boss got hold of this and found out the spare conduits would cost $20,000. He hit the ceiling and the spares were left out over my fervent, written objections. Six months after the concrete dried the same guy asked "can we add a fourth generator out there?' </s>
<s>[INST] I was once asked to stop separating things into separate layers in my drawings, because it made them "harder to edit". What's a request you've gotten that made you want to bang your head on the wall? It was a serious request. Apparently tabbing over to the sheet format layer to edit the title block was disrupting their workflow. What absurd requests have y'all gotten lately? [/INST]
They’ve been doing that shit forever, at least on LinkedIn. I think the position is constantly open, or they never found someone to take the position. They repost the job posting to show up on the top when candidates search for jobs. </s>
Many projects are being delayed or cancelled due to the pandemic, sometimes top management agrees to open more positions, but due to uncertainty they change their minds very often. Perhaps they are also looking for the most qualified candidate accepting the lowest possible salary. Tough times indeed... </s>
<s>[INST] What's going on with the job market? I'm seeing a job posting getting hundreds of applicants just for the exact same job to be posted a week later, then again a week later. Are companies even looking at these applications? [/INST]
Some birds have the ability to sleep uni-hemispherically. Meaning one half of their brain goes to sleep while the other half takes the wheel, and vice versa. This is how a lot of fish sleep too so they can keep swimming. In birds that don’t have that ability, I’m fairly sure I saw a David Attenborough documentary where some butterflies did an endurance flight across an ocean. Those who weren’t strong enough drowned, and those who were made it to land. I’m guessing this applies to the birds too? Edit - for those asking for links etc, the book: Why We Sleep by Dr Matthew Walker is one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever read, and my source. Thanks for all the upvotes guys. </s>
A bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica) just flew for 11 days straight from Alaska to New Zealand, traversing a distance of 7,500 miles (12,000 kilometers) without stopping, breaking the longest nonstop flight among birds known to scientists, </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Do birds fly for days while over the ocean? How do they sleep? [/INST]
>My employer can’t seem to hire people >pay straight time for overtime What a coincidence </s>
I'm paid for 40 hours so I work 40 hours. If I were paid OT I would but the multimillionaire owners don't need my charity. </s>
<s>[INST] How much overtime do you usually work a week? Employer is making us charge 46 hours every week. I’m an electrical engineer. My employer can’t seem to hire people so they decided to pay straight time for overtime as an incentive to get people to work more hours during this next quarter. The downside is that now they are requiring us to work 46 hours a week or we will be docked on our reviews which is used to determine our yearly salary increase/ promotions. My manager didn’t mention this to us but another manager told my coworker team that. Also this doesn’t include training, it’s only hours we directly charge to our program. I know I’ll have to work some overtime in engineering but this is ridiculous. How much overtime do you usually charge? [/INST]
My 5 year-old daughter loves your show. When my wife pointed out to her that you were pregnant and "had a baby in your belly" my daughter paused for a moment and said "What kind of baby? Like a science baby?" </s>
“Hi Ms Emily! I love your show and it’s really cool and it’s about science! Thank you and I love Emily’s wonderlab!” - 3 yr old “Thank you very very very very much we love your show, me and my little brother! Bye, yay!!” 6 yr old -I guess they’re too excited for questions. Your show is awesome! </s>
<s>[INST] AskScience AMA Series: I'm Emily Calandrelli, I have 4 degrees in science and engineering and I'm the host and co-Executive Producer of Emily's Wonder Lab on NETFLIX - AMA! Hi! I'm Emily Calandrelli. I'm the host and co-Executive Producer of the new Netflix show, Emily's Wonder Lab. My bachelors is in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from West Virginia University and I have Masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics as well as Technology and Policy from MIT. I have been working as a science TV show host, children's book author, and public speaker for the last 7 years. AMA! I'll be on at 2 PM ET (18 UT), AMA! Username: /u/emilycal [/INST]
Security theater. None of it actually works, It doesn’t make you any safer. But makes you think the airline is really secure and makes you feel safer. </s>
Because we spend all our efforts on security 'performances' rather than actual security. The dog and pony show that is airport security exists to make people feel safe. How much good they actually do is very much up for debate. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why do airlines throwaway single containers of liquids containing 100ml or more of it? [/INST]
Speculating - I wonder how painting the inside with a spiced syrup would go, or injecting some syrup. Touch of salt, too. </s>
Speculating here but, Candy it? Make a spiced syrup amybe with some booze and throw it in there on the lowest simmer for a while and dry it out a bit. </s>
<s>[INST] How to get flavor into a pumpkin as it bakes? I’m working on a recipe for a pumpkin cheesecake baked *inside* a pumpkin, like so [link]. As it stands, I have a delicious, well baked cheesecake surrounded by a somewhat bland baked pumpkin shell. Is there a way to get some flavor into the pumpkin itself? I’ve thought about scoring and spicing the inside of the pumpkin or maybe parbaking it to soften it up before trying to add some flavor, but I figured I’d ask if anyone else has suggestions/experience. [/INST]
The serum makes you peak human, so I don't think the end result would be different. Captain America is the absolute pinnacle of what a human body can be. </s>
None. Johann Schmidt was one of the finest soldiers in the German army. He got the serum, and was at Captain Americas level. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU] Had Steve Rogers been in above-average physical condition, how much of a difference would the post-serum results have been? Say Steve Rogers was different before the serum. In an alternate universe he was already over 6 feet, extremely muscular, and a supreme athlete, yet he retains the same personality as the sick, small Steve in the MCU. Should he take the same serum, would he have possessed higher physical stats than his canon counterpart from the get-go? [/INST]
In WWII they had flail tanks which were basically tanks that hit the ground with big chains, hoping to set off land mines. You can also use a big roller like a steam roller. However, these are not reliable for clearing all the mines, only clearing "a lot" of mines. For a unit moving through a mine field, that might be enough. For kids playing or farmers farming, not so much. There is a charity (HeroRats) that trains rats to sniff out mines. Rats are cheaper than dogs, and they are too light to set off mines. </s>
Actually hitting the landmine accurately with a rock is difficult. Even the large anti-tank mines are only as big as a dinner plate. Detonating any individual mine is relatively easy but it's almost impossible to tell if you've gotten them all. </s>
<s>[INST] eli5 Why can't we just drop rocks on landmines to make them explode? ok. this might sound stupid but in area with a high number of landmines. can't we just load up a lot of rocks on a airplane and drop them on the area to make them explode? you dont even need airplanes, just a catapult looking thingy to chuck rocks at the landmines to trigger them? [/INST]
My syllabus has the line, "if you need to miss lab for medical reasons, please notify me ahead of time via email. Do not include descriptions or pictures of your symptoms in this email." You can probably imagine why. </s>
That is actually hilarious. Considering how mischievous the science gods are, it will probably sail right through. But then you can send the $4000 bill to the student. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the wildest hijinks you never though you’d have to write a syllabus disclaimer about (and yet here we are)? This morning I woke up to an email from a top journal in my field confirming my submission. I definitely did not submit anything there. Eventually I realized that instead of submitting their term paper to Canvas, one of my students had somehow managed to submit it as a manuscript to a journal, under my name and identity. I can’t believe I have to put “do not submit your class papers as journal manuscripts under my name” in my syllabi. I just keep thinking about it and bursting into laughter. So, what are some of your “I can’t believe that just happened” teaching stories? This is not a thread for student bashing - just some good natured, end of the semester stress relief! [/INST]
Sgt Peppers was a departure from previous recordings of pop songs into much more involved music. In some sense it was in response to the Beach Boys Pet Shop Sounds record. Also the Beatles had tried an American concert tour which for them was a bad experience and wanted to focus entirely on studio recording. They had also matured as musicians out of quick three minute songs for AM radio into higher fidelity, multi-track recording technology where everyone was cutting their teeth with stereo and how to use it. Revolver was a good album by itself but Sgt. Peppers was an enormous work of varying complex compositions and experimentation. </s>
Here is a list of the top 100 songs of 1967, the year that Sgt. Pepper came out. Look at it. Look. At. It. The Turtles. The Young Rascals. The fucking Monkees. Frankie Valli. Now listen to Sgt. Pepper. Completely, totally, sometimes bizarrely revolutionary. We were like, "What the hell is this? Well, it's the Beatles so we better check it out." They were consistently, year after year, doing things we had never heard or thought of before. And it was good, some of it great, stuff. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why is The Beatles’ Sergeant Peppers considered such a turning point in the history of rock and roll, especially when Revolver sounds more experimental and came earlier? [/INST]
Bruce Wayne is well-known as a playboy. He will sometimes take a woman (or several women) out on the town, get "drunk", get her drunk, and leave her in a bedroom at Wayne Manor. (Perhaps even leaving several in separate bedrooms.) The following day, she wakes up and realizes nothing happened. She has a choice to make. Does she tell her friends that she *struck out* with *Bruce Wayne*, or does she make up some details of their night together and become the envy of her peers? Very few women are going to choose the truth here. After a time, everybody knows somebody who "slept" with Bruce Wayne, and nobody will ever admit that they didn't. They'll even convince themselves that it happened the way they talked about it. If the details are a bit fuzzy, it's because of the expensive wine. </s>
He has the occasional public fling with a well-compensated model here and there. But with his public relationships with Vicky Vale and Diana Prince, I don't think he has to try hard to convince people. Also, Talia Al Ghul is the mother of his son, so we know he knocks boots. </s>
<s>[INST] [Batman] For a' Playboy' billionaire, Bruce Wayne doesn't seem to have much time for girls. How Many people has he actually slept with? [/INST]
It changed into french, italian, spanish, etc. Languages constantly change and given enough time and isolation languages can become completely different. After the fall of the Roman empire communication and travel stopped being possible so these languages became isolated and then developed on their own. </s>
Plenty of folks have pointed out that it didn't die, it just transformed, as languages do. A more interesting question is: why do we *remember* Latin, and not all the other ancient language-forms? Old English, for example, is just as dead, but hardly anyone besides linguists knows about it or speaks it. The Church has kept the ancient version of this one language alive. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why did latin, a language spoken by a huge portion of Europe, completely die? [/INST]
There are many different setups for planetary systems, don't forget. There could be a planet in a highly eccentric orbit, where it gets close and far from the star. There could be a tidaly locked planet, where one side always faces the star and one always faces away. Or no rotation at all so that half the year you have sunshine and darkness for the other half. Stranger yet, the axis could be pointed toward the star like Uranus. All of these things could profoundly affect seasons. The planet could even orbit the barycenter of a binary star system, or just one star of a binary system, perhaps affecting the climate on geological time scales. </s>
There is actually a take on this in our own world! Japan has structured 72 “micro seasons.” They refer to certain natural phenomena such as certain plants blooming or animals hibernating/waking up. Here’s a link to a small article about them. </s>
<s>[INST] Can a planet have more than 4 seasons? After all, if the seasons are caused by tilt rather than changing distance from the home star (how it is on Earth), then why is it divided into 4 sections of what is likely 90 degree sections? Why not 5 at 72, 6 at 60, or maybe even 3 at 120? [/INST]
The issue is dogs usually aren’t worth much You can sue for the actual dollar value of the dog and any medical bills In small claims court because no lawyer will assist with this </s>
You can sue for the value of the dog </s>
<s>[INST] Dog died under care of negligent dog walker Our young (1yr 9 month old) dog whilst under the care of a dog walker. He was fully insured, DBS checked and we had a signed contract. The negligence came in three forms; firstly, he was walking her off lead very close to a 40mph road and at the same time has admitted he was not watching her (we have evidence to back both these statements). Secondly he did not inform us she was missing for well over 2 hours. Thirdly he left her there missing to go and drop off other dogs and continue to walk another, therefore continuing his dog walking business whilst she was lost. What is our best course of legal action here? Thank you in advance. [/INST]