class label
1.18k classes
class label
21 classes
package main import ( "fmt" "math" "strconv" "strings" ) func d2d(d float64) float64 { return math.Mod(d, 360) } func g2g(g float64) float64 { return math.Mod(g, 400) } func m2m(m float64) float64 { return math.Mod(m, 6400) } func r2r(r float64) float64 { return math.Mod(r, 2*math.Pi) } func d2g(d float64) float64 { return d2d(d) * 400 / 360 } func d2m(d float64) float64 { return d2d(d) * 6400 / 360 } func d2r(d float64) float64 { return d2d(d) * math.Pi / 180 } func g2d(g float64) float64 { return g2g(g) * 360 / 400 } func g2m(g float64) float64 { return g2g(g) * 6400 / 400 } func g2r(g float64) float64 { return g2g(g) * math.Pi / 200 } func m2d(m float64) float64 { return m2m(m) * 360 / 6400 } func m2g(m float64) float64 { return m2m(m) * 400 / 6400 } func m2r(m float64) float64 { return m2m(m) * math.Pi / 3200 } func r2d(r float64) float64 { return r2r(r) * 180 / math.Pi } func r2g(r float64) float64 { return r2r(r) * 200 / math.Pi } func r2m(r float64) float64 { return r2r(r) * 3200 / math.Pi }
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
void processFile(char* name){ int i,records; double diff,b1,b2; FILE* fp = fopen(name,); fscanf(fp,,&records); for(i=0;i<records;i++){ fscanf(fp,,&b1,&b2); diff = fmod(b2-b1,360.0); printf(,b2,b1,(diff<-180)?diff+360:((diff>=180)?diff-360:diff)); } fclose(fp); } int main(int argC,char* argV[]) { double diff; if(argC < 2) printf(,argV[0]); else if(argC == 2) processFile(argV[1]); else{ diff = fmod(atof(argV[2])-atof(argV[1]),360.0); printf(,argV[2],argV[1],(diff<-180)?diff+360:((diff>=180)?diff-360:diff)); } return 0; }
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor abstract class Angle implements Comparable<? extends Angle> { double value Angle(double value = 0) { this.value = normalize(value) } abstract Number unitCircle() abstract String unitName() Number normalize(double n) { n % this.unitCircle() } def <B extends Angle> B asType(Class<B> bClass){ if (bClass == this.class) return this bClass.getConstructor(Number.class).newInstance(0).tap { value = this.value * unitCircle() / this.unitCircle() } } String toString() { "${String.format('%14.8f',value)}${this.unitName()}" } int hashCode() { value.hashCode() + 17 * unit().hashCode() } int compareTo(Angle that) { this.value * that.unitCircle() <=> that.value * this.unitCircle() } boolean equals(that) { ? true : that instanceof Angle ? (this <=> that) == 0 : that instanceof Number ? this.value == this.normalize(that) : super.equals(that) } } class Degrees extends Angle { static final int UNIT_CIRCLE = 360 Number unitCircle() { UNIT_CIRCLE } static final String UNIT = " " String unitName() { UNIT } Degrees(Number value = 0) { super(value) } } class Gradians extends Angle { static final int UNIT_CIRCLE = 400 Number unitCircle() { UNIT_CIRCLE } static final String UNIT = " grad" String unitName() { UNIT } Gradians(Number value = 0) { super(value) } } class Mils extends Angle { static final int UNIT_CIRCLE = 6400 Number unitCircle() { UNIT_CIRCLE } static final String UNIT = " mil " String unitName() { UNIT } Mils(Number value = 0) { super(value) } } class Radians extends Angle { static final double UNIT_CIRCLE = Math.PI*2 Number unitCircle() { UNIT_CIRCLE } static final String UNIT = " rad " String unitName() { UNIT } Radians(Number value = 0) { super(value) } }
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
double alpha, accl, omega = 0, E; struct timeval tv; double elappsed() { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); int ret = (now.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000 + now.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec; tv = now; return ret / 1.e6; } void resize(int w, int h) { glViewport(0, 0, w, h); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, w, h, 0, -1, 1); } void render() { double x = 320 + 300 * sin(alpha), y = 300 * cos(alpha); resize(640, 320); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2d(320, 0); glVertex2d(x, y); glEnd(); glFlush(); double us = elappsed(); alpha += (omega + us * accl / 2) * us; omega += accl * us; if (length * g * (1 - cos(alpha)) >= E) { alpha = (alpha < 0 ? -1 : 1) * acos(1 - E / length / g); omega = 0; } accl = -g / length * sin(alpha); } void init_gfx(int *c, char **v) { glutInit(c, v); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB); glutInitWindowSize(640, 320); glutIdleFunc(render); glutCreateWindow(); } int main(int c, char **v) { alpha = 4 * atan2(1, 1) / 2.1; E = length * g * (1 - cos(alpha)); accl = -g / length * sin(alpha); omega = 0; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); init_gfx(&c, v); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
1,143Animate a pendulum
import Text.Printf class (Num a, Fractional a, RealFrac a) => Angle a where fullTurn :: a mkAngle :: Double -> a value :: a -> Double fromTurn :: Double -> a toTurn :: a -> Double normalize :: a -> a fromTurn t = angle t * fullTurn toTurn a = value $ a / fullTurn normalize a = a `modulo` fullTurn where modulo x r | x == r = r | x < 0 = signum x * abs x `modulo` r | x >= 0 = x - fromInteger (floor (x / r)) * r angle :: Angle a => Double -> a angle = normalize . mkAngle from :: forall a b. (Angle a, Angle b) => a -> b from = fromTurn . toTurn to :: forall b a. (Angle a, Angle b) => a -> b to = fromTurn . toTurn
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
typedef unsigned int uint; int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint top = atoi(argv[1]); uint *divsum = malloc((top + 1) * sizeof(*divsum)); uint pows[32] = {1, 0}; for (uint i = 0; i <= top; i++) divsum[i] = 1; for (uint p = 2; p+p <= top; p++) { if (divsum[p] > 1) { divsum[p] -= p; continue;} uint x; for (x = 1; pows[x - 1] <= top/p; x++) pows[x] = p*pows[x - 1]; uint k= p-1; for (uint n = p+p; n <= top; n += p) { uint s=1+pows[1]; k--; if ( k==0) { for (uint i = 2; i < x && !(n%pows[i]); s += pows[i++]); k = p; } divsum[n] *= s; } } for (uint p = (top >> 1)+1; p <= top; p++) { if (divsum[p] > 1){ divsum[p] -= p;} } uint cnt = 0; for (uint a = 1; a <= top; a++) { uint b = divsum[a]; if (b > a && b <= top && divsum[b] == a){ printf(, a, b); cnt++;} } printf(,top,cnt); return 0; }
1,144Amicable pairs
(defn angle-difference [a b] (let [r (mod (- b a) 360)] (if (>= r 180) (- r 360) r))) (angle-difference 20 45) (angle-difference -45 45) (angle-difference -85 90) (angle-difference -95 90) (angle-difference -70099.74 29840.67)
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
function angleConv(deg, inp, out) { inp = inp.toLowerCase(); out = out.toLowerCase(); const D = 360, G = 400, M = 6400, R = 2 * Math.PI;
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
(ns pendulum (:import (javax.swing JFrame) (java.awt Canvas Graphics Color))) (def length 200) (def width (* 2 (+ 50 length))) (def height (* 3 (/ length 2))) (def dt 0.1) (def g 9.812) (def k (- (/ g length))) (def anchor-x (/ width 2)) (def anchor-y (/ height 8)) (def angle (atom (/ (Math/PI) 2))) (defn draw [#^Canvas canvas angle] (let [buffer (.getBufferStrategy canvas) g (.getDrawGraphics buffer) ball-x (+ anchor-x (* (Math/sin angle) length)) ball-y (+ anchor-y (* (Math/cos angle) length))] (try (doto g (.setColor Color/BLACK) (.fillRect 0 0 width height) (.setColor Color/RED) (.drawLine anchor-x anchor-y ball-x ball-y) (.setColor Color/YELLOW) (.fillOval (- anchor-x 3) (- anchor-y 4) 7 7) (.fillOval (- ball-x 7) (- ball-y 7) 14 14)) (finally (.dispose g))) (if-not (.contentsLost buffer) (.show buffer)) )) (defn start-renderer [canvas] (->> (fn [] (draw canvas @angle) (recur)) (new Thread) (.start))) (defn -main [& args] (let [frame (JFrame. "Pendulum") canvas (Canvas.)] (doto frame (.setSize width height) (.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE) (.setResizable false) (.add canvas) (.setVisible true)) (doto canvas (.createBufferStrategy 2) (.setVisible true) (.requestFocus)) (start-renderer canvas) (loop [v 0] (swap! angle #(+ % (* v dt))) (Thread/sleep 15) (recur (+ v (* k (Math/sin @angle) dt)))) )) (-main)
1,143Animate a pendulum
import java.text.DecimalFormat as DF const val DEGREE = 360.0 const val GRADIAN = 400.0 const val MIL = 6400.0 const val RADIAN = 2 * Math.PI fun d2d(a: Double) = a % DEGREE fun d2g(a: Double) = a * (GRADIAN / DEGREE) fun d2m(a: Double) = a * (MIL / DEGREE) fun d2r(a: Double) = a * (RADIAN / 360) fun g2d(a: Double) = a * (DEGREE / GRADIAN) fun g2g(a: Double) = a % GRADIAN fun g2m(a: Double) = a * (MIL / GRADIAN) fun g2r(a: Double) = a * (RADIAN / GRADIAN) fun m2d(a: Double) = a * (DEGREE / MIL) fun m2g(a: Double) = a * (GRADIAN / MIL) fun m2m(a: Double) = a % MIL fun m2r(a: Double) = a * (RADIAN / MIL) fun r2d(a: Double) = a * (DEGREE / RADIAN) fun r2g(a: Double) = a * (GRADIAN / RADIAN) fun r2m(a: Double) = a * (MIL / RADIAN) fun r2r(a: Double) = a % RADIAN fun main() { val fa = DF("######0.000000") val fc = DF("###0.0000") println(" degrees gradiens mils radians") for (a in listOf(-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.2831853, 16.0, 57.2957795, 359.0, 399.0, 6399.0, 1000000.0)) for (units in listOf("degrees", "gradiens", "mils", "radians")) { val (d,g,m,r) = when (units) { "degrees" -> { val d = d2d(a) listOf(d, d2g(d), d2m(d), d2r(d)) } "gradiens" -> { val g = g2g(a) listOf(g2d(g), g, g2m(g), g2r(g)) } "mils" -> { val m = m2m(a) listOf(m2d(m), m2g(m), m, m2r(m)) } "radians" -> { val r = r2r(a) listOf(r2d(r), r2g(r), r2m(r), r) } else -> emptyList() } println("%15s %8s =%10s %10s %10s %10s".format(fa.format(a), units, fc.format(d), fc.format(g), fc.format(m), fc.format(r))) } }
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
(ns example (:gen-class)) (defn factors [n] " Find the proper factors of a number " (into (sorted-set) (mapcat (fn [x] (if (= x 1) [x] [x (/ n x)])) (filter #(zero? (rem n %)) (range 1 (inc (Math/sqrt n)))) ))) (def find-pairs (into #{} (for [n (range 2 20000) :let [f (factors n) M (apply + f) g (factors M) N (apply + g)] :when (= n N) :when (not= M N)] (sorted-set n M)))) (doseq [q find-pairs] (println q))
1,144Amicable pairs
package main import ( "log" "time" "" ) const ( msg = "Hello World! " x0, y0 = 8, 3 shiftsPerSecond = 4 clicksToExit = 5 ) func main() { s, err := tcell.NewScreen() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err = s.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } s.Clear() s.EnableMouse() tick := time.Tick(time.Second / shiftsPerSecond) click := make(chan bool) go func() { for { em, ok := s.PollEvent().(*tcell.EventMouse) if !ok || em.Buttons()&0xFF == tcell.ButtonNone { continue } mx, my := em.Position() if my == y0 && mx >= x0 && mx < x0+len(msg) { click <- true } } }() for inc, shift, clicks := 1, 0, 0; ; { select { case <-tick: shift = (shift + inc) % len(msg) for i, r := range msg { s.SetContent(x0+((shift+i)%len(msg)), y0, r, nil, 0) } s.Show() case <-click: clicks++ if clicks == clicksToExit { s.Fini() return } inc = len(msg) - inc } } }
range = { degrees=360, gradians=400, mils=6400, radians=2.0*math.pi } function convert(value, fromunit, tounit) return math.fmod(value * range[tounit] / range[fromunit], range[tounit]) end testvalues = { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 6.2831853, 16, 57.2957795, 359, 399, 6399, 1000000 } testunits = { "degrees", "gradians", "mils", "radians" } print(string.format("%15s %8s =%15s %15s %15s %15s", "VALUE", "UNIT", "DEGREES", "GRADIANS", "MILS", "RADIANS")) for _, value in ipairs(testvalues) do for _, fromunit in ipairs(testunits) do local d = convert(value, fromunit, "degrees") local g = convert(value, fromunit, "gradians") local m = convert(value, fromunit, "mils") local r = convert(value, fromunit, "radians") print(string.format("%15.7f %8s =%15.7f %15.7f %15.7f %15.7f", value, fromunit, d, g, m, r)) end end
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
import Graphics.HGL.Units (Time, Point, Size, ) import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Monad (Graphic, ) import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Text import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Font import Graphics.HGL.Window import Graphics.HGL.Run import Graphics.HGL.Utils import Control.Exception (bracket, ) runAnim = runGraphics $ bracket (openWindowEx "Basic animation task" Nothing (250,50) DoubleBuffered (Just 110)) closeWindow (\w -> do f <- createFont (64,28) 0 False False "courier" let loop t dir = do e <- maybeGetWindowEvent w let d = case e of Just (Button _ True False) -> -dir _ -> dir t' = if d == 1 then last t: init t else tail t ++ [head t] setGraphic w (withFont f $ text (5,10) t') >> getWindowTick w loop t' d loop "Hello world! " 1 )
package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "strings" "sort" ) func deranged(a, b string) bool { if len(a) != len(b) { return false } for i := range(a) { if a[i] == b[i] { return false } } return true } func main() { buf, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("unixdict.txt") words := strings.Split(string(buf), "\n") m := make(map[string] []string) best_len, w1, w2 := 0, "", "" for _, w := range(words) {
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use POSIX 'fmod'; my $tau = 2 * 4*atan2(1, 1); my @units = ( { code => 'd', name => 'degrees' , number => 360 }, { code => 'g', name => 'gradians', number => 400 }, { code => 'm', name => 'mills' , number => 6400 }, { code => 'r', name => 'radians' , number => $tau }, ); my %cvt; for my $a (@units) { for my $b (@units) { $cvt{ "${$a}{code}2${$b}{code}" } = sub { my($angle) = shift; my $norm = fmod($angle,${$a}{number}); $norm -= ${$a}{number} if $angle < 0; $norm * ${$b}{number} / ${$a}{number} } } } printf '%s'. '%12s'x4 . "\n", ' Angle Unit ', <Degrees Gradians Mills Radians>; for my $angle (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, $tau, 16, 360/$tau, 360-1, 400-1, 6400-1, 1_000_000) { print "\n"; for my $from (@units) { my @sub_keys = map { "${$from}{code}2${$_}{code}" } @units; my @results = map { &{$cvt{$_}}($angle) } @sub_keys; printf '%10g%-8s' . '%12g'x4 . "\n", $angle, ${$from}{name}, @results; } }
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
def map = new TreeMap<Integer,Map<String,List<String>>>() new URL('http:
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; public class Rotate { private static class State { private final String text = "Hello World! "; private int startIndex = 0; private boolean rotateRight = true; } public static void main(String[] args) { State state = new State(); JLabel label = new JLabel(state.text); label.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { state.rotateRight = !state.rotateRight; } }); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { public void run() { int delta = state.rotateRight ? 1 : -1; state.startIndex = (state.startIndex + state.text.length() + delta) % state.text.length(); label.setText(rotate(state.text, state.startIndex)); } }; Timer timer = new Timer(false); timer.schedule(task, 0, 500); JFrame rot = new JFrame(); rot.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); rot.add(label); rot.pack(); rot.setLocationRelativeTo(null); rot.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { timer.cancel(); } }); rot.setVisible(true); } private static String rotate(String text, int startIdx) { char[] rotated = new char[text.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { rotated[i] = text.charAt((i + startIdx) % text.length()); } return String.valueOf(rotated); } }
import Data.List (maximumBy, sort, unfoldr) import Data.Ord (comparing) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S groupBySig :: [String] -> [(String, S.Set String)] groupBySig = map ((,) . sort <*> S.singleton) equivs :: [(String, S.Set String)] -> [[String]] equivs = map (S.toList . snd) . M.toList . M.fromListWith S.union isDerangement :: (String, String) -> Bool isDerangement (a, b) = and $ zipWith (/=) a b pairs :: [t] -> [(t, t)] pairs = concat . unfoldr step where step (x:xs) = Just (map (x, ) xs, xs) step [] = Nothing anagrams :: [String] -> [(String, String)] anagrams = concatMap pairs . equivs . groupBySig maxDerangedAnagram :: [String] -> Maybe (String, String) maxDerangedAnagram = maxByLen . filter isDerangement . anagrams where maxByLen [] = Nothing maxByLen xs = Just $ maximumBy (comparing (length . fst)) xs main :: IO () main = do input <- readFile "unixdict.txt" case maxDerangedAnagram $ words input of Nothing -> putStrLn "No deranged anagrams were found." Just (a, b) -> putStrLn $ "Longest deranged anagrams: " <> a <> " and " <> b
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
PI = 3.141592653589793 TWO_PI = 6.283185307179586 def normalize2deg(a): while a < 0: a += 360 while a >= 360: a -= 360 return a def normalize2grad(a): while a < 0: a += 400 while a >= 400: a -= 400 return a def normalize2mil(a): while a < 0: a += 6400 while a >= 6400: a -= 6400 return a def normalize2rad(a): while a < 0: a += TWO_PI while a >= TWO_PI: a -= TWO_PI return a def deg2grad(a): return a * 10.0 / 9.0 def deg2mil(a): return a * 160.0 / 9.0 def deg2rad(a): return a * PI / 180.0 def grad2deg(a): return a * 9.0 / 10.0 def grad2mil(a): return a * 16.0 def grad2rad(a): return a * PI / 200.0 def mil2deg(a): return a * 9.0 / 160.0 def mil2grad(a): return a / 16.0 def mil2rad(a): return a * PI / 3200.0 def rad2deg(a): return a * 180.0 / PI def rad2grad(a): return a * 200.0 / PI def rad2mil(a): return a * 3200.0 / PI
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
package main import ( "fmt" "math/big" "strings" ) func factorial(n int64) *big.Int { var z big.Int return z.MulRange(1, n) } var one = big.NewInt(1) var three = big.NewInt(3) var six = big.NewInt(6) var ten = big.NewInt(10) var seventy = big.NewInt(70) func almkvistGiullera(n int64, print bool) *big.Rat { t1 := big.NewInt(32) t1.Mul(factorial(6*n), t1) t2 := big.NewInt(532*n*n + 126*n + 9) t3 := new(big.Int) t3.Exp(factorial(n), six, nil) t3.Mul(t3, three) ip := new(big.Int) ip.Mul(t1, t2) ip.Quo(ip, t3) pw := 6*n + 3 t1.SetInt64(pw) tm := new(big.Rat).SetFrac(ip, t1.Exp(ten, t1, nil)) if print { fmt.Printf("%d %44d %3d %-35s\n", n, ip, -pw, tm.FloatString(33)) } return tm } func main() { fmt.Println("N Integer Portion Pow Nth Term (33 dp)") fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 89)) for n := int64(0); n < 10; n++ { almkvistGiullera(n, true) } sum := new(big.Rat) prev := new(big.Rat) pow70 := new(big.Int).Exp(ten, seventy, nil) prec := new(big.Rat).SetFrac(one, pow70) n := int64(0) for { term := almkvistGiullera(n, false) sum.Add(sum, term) z := new(big.Rat).Sub(sum, prev) z.Abs(z) if z.Cmp(prec) < 0 { break } prev.Set(sum) n++ } sum.Inv(sum) pi := new(big.Float).SetPrec(256).SetRat(sum) pi.Sqrt(pi) fmt.Println("\nPi to 70 decimal places is:") fmt.Println(pi.Text('f', 70)) }
1,145Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi
import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class DerangedAnagrams { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(new File("unixdict.txt").toPath()); printLongestDerangedAnagram(words); } private static void printLongestDerangedAnagram(List<String> words) { words.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(String::length).reversed().thenComparing(String::toString)); Map<String, ArrayList<String>> map = new HashMap<>(); for (String word : words) { char[] chars = word.toCharArray(); Arrays.sort(chars); String key = String.valueOf(chars); List<String> anagrams = map.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()); for (String anagram : anagrams) { if (isDeranged(word, anagram)) { System.out.printf("%s%s%n", anagram, word); return; } } anagrams.add(word); } System.out.println("no result"); } private static boolean isDeranged(String word1, String word2) { for (int i = 0; i < word1.length(); i++) { if (word1.charAt(i) == word2.charAt(i)) { return false; } } return true; } }
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
package main import "fmt" func main() { for _, n := range []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 40, -1} { f, ok := arFib(n) if ok { fmt.Printf("fib%d =%d\n", n, f) } else { fmt.Println("fib undefined for negative numbers") } } } func arFib(n int) (int, bool) { switch { case n < 0: return 0, false case n < 2: return n, true } return yc(func(recurse fn) fn { return func(left, term1, term2 int) int { if left == 0 { return term1+term2 } return recurse(left-1, term1+term2, term1) } })(n-2, 1, 0), true } type fn func(int, int, int) int type ff func(fn) fn type fx func(fx) fn func yc(f ff) fn { return func(x fx) fn { return x(x) }(func(x fx) fn { return f(func(a1, a2, a3 int) int { return x(x)(a1, a2, a3) }) }) }
1,138Anonymous recursion
module Angles BASES = { => 360, => 400, => 6400, => Math::PI*2 , => 24 } def self.method_missing(meth, angle) from, to = BASES.values_at(*meth.to_s.split()) raise NoMethodError, meth if (from.nil? or to.nil?) mod = (angle.to_f * to / from) % to angle < 0? mod - to: mod end end names = Angles::BASES.keys puts + *names.size % names test = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2*Math::PI, 16, 360/(2*Math::PI), 360-1, 400-1, 6400-1, 1_000_000] test.each do |n| names.each do |first| res ={|last| Angles.send((first + + last).to_sym, n)} puts first + *names.size % res end puts end
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
import Control.Monad import Data.Number.CReal import GHC.Integer import Text.Printf iterations = 52 main = do printf "N.%44s%4s%s\n" "Integral part of Nth term" "10^" "=Actual value of Nth term" forM_ [0..9] $ \n -> printf "%d.%44d%4d%s\n" n (almkvistGiulleraIntegral n) (tenExponent n) (showCReal 50 (almkvistGiullera n)) printf "\nPi after%d iterations:\n" iterations putStrLn $ showCReal 70 $ almkvistGiulleraPi iterations almkvistGiulleraIntegral n = let polynomial = (532 `timesInteger` n `timesInteger` n) `plusInteger` (126 `timesInteger` n) `plusInteger` 9 numerator = 32 `timesInteger` (facInteger (6 `timesInteger` n)) `timesInteger` polynomial denominator = 3 `timesInteger` (powInteger (facInteger n) 6) in numerator `divInteger` denominator tenExponent n = 3 `minusInteger` (6 `timesInteger` (1 `plusInteger` n)) almkvistGiullera n = fromInteger (almkvistGiulleraIntegral n) / fromInteger (powInteger 10 (abs (tenExponent n))) almkvistGiulleraSum n = sum $ map almkvistGiullera [0 .. n] almkvistGiulleraPi n = sqrt $ 1 / almkvistGiulleraSum n facInteger n = if n `leInteger` 1 then 1 else n `timesInteger` facInteger (n `minusInteger` 1) powInteger 1 _ = 1 powInteger _ 0 = 1 powInteger b 1 = b powInteger b e = b `timesInteger` powInteger b (e `minusInteger` 1)
1,145Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi
#!/usr/bin/env js function main() { var wordList = read('unixdict.txt').split(/\s+/); var anagrams = findAnagrams(wordList); var derangedAnagrams = findDerangedAnagrams(anagrams); var longestPair = findLongestDerangedPair(derangedAnagrams); print(longestPair.join(' ')); } function findLongestDerangedPair(danas) { var longestLen = danas[0][0].length; var longestPair = danas[0]; for (var i in danas) { if (danas[i][0].length > longestLen) { longestLen = danas[i][0].length; longestPair = danas[i]; } } return longestPair; } function findDerangedAnagrams(anagrams) { var deranged = []; function isDeranged(w1, w2) { for (var c = 0; c < w1.length; c++) { if (w1[c] == w2[c]) { return false; } } return true; } function findDeranged(anas) { for (var a = 0; a < anas.length; a++) { for (var b = a + 1; b < anas.length; b++) { if (isDeranged(anas[a], anas[b])) { deranged.push([anas[a], anas[b]]); } } } } for (var a in anagrams) { var anas = anagrams[a]; findDeranged(anas); } return deranged; } function findAnagrams(wordList) { var anagrams = {}; for (var wordNum in wordList) { var word = wordList[wordNum]; var key = word.split('').sort().join(''); if (!(key in anagrams)) { anagrams[key] = []; } anagrams[key].push(word); } for (var a in anagrams) { if (anagrams[a].length < 2) { delete(anagrams[a]); } } return anagrams; } main();
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
def fib = { assert it > -1 {i -> i < 2 ? i: {j ->}(i-1) + {k ->}(i-2)}(it) }
1,138Anonymous recursion
use std::{ marker::PhantomData, f64::consts::PI, }; pub trait AngleUnit: Copy { const TURN: f64; const NAME: &'static str; } macro_rules! unit { ($name:ident, $value:expr, $string:expr) => ( #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] struct $name; impl AngleUnit for $name { const TURN: f64 = $value; const NAME: &'static str = $string; } ); } unit!(Degrees, 360.0, "Degrees"); unit!(Radians, PI * 2.0, "Radians"); unit!(Gradians, 400.0, "Gradians"); unit!(Mils, 6400.0, "Mils"); #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] struct Angle<T: AngleUnit>(f64, PhantomData<T>); impl<T: AngleUnit> Angle<T> { pub fn new(val: f64) -> Self { Self(val, PhantomData) } pub fn normalize(self) -> Self { Self(self.0% T::TURN, PhantomData) } pub fn val(self) -> f64 { self.0 } pub fn convert<U: AngleUnit>(self) -> Angle<U> { Angle::new(self.0 * U::TURN / T::TURN) } pub fn name(self) -> &'static str { T::NAME } } fn print_angles<T: AngleUnit>() { let angles = [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.2831853, 16.0, 57.2957795, 359.0, 399.0, 6399.0, 1000000.0]; println!("{:<12} {:<12} {:<12} {:<12} {:<12} {:<12}", "Angle", "Unit", "Degrees", "Gradians", "Mils", "Radians"); for &angle in &angles { let deg = Angle::<T>::new(angle).normalize(); println!("{:<12} {:<12} {:<12.4} {:<12.4} {:<12.4} {:<12.4}", angle,, deg.convert::<Degrees>().val(), deg.convert::<Gradians>().val(), deg.convert::<Mils>().val(), deg.convert::<Radians>().val(), ); } println!(); } fn main() { print_angles::<Degrees>(); print_angles::<Gradians>(); print_angles::<Mils>(); print_angles::<Radians>(); }
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
import Foundation func normalize(_ f: Double, N: Double) -> Double { var a = f while a < -N { a += N } while a >= N { a -= N } return a } func normalizeToDeg(_ f: Double) -> Double { return normalize(f, N: 360) } func normalizeToGrad(_ f: Double) -> Double { return normalize(f, N: 400) } func normalizeToMil(_ f: Double) -> Double { return normalize(f, N: 6400) } func normalizeToRad(_ f: Double) -> Double { return normalize(f, N: 2 * .pi) } func d2g(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 10 / 9 } func d2m(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 160 / 9 } func d2r(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * .pi / 180 } func g2d(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 9 / 10 } func g2m(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 16 } func g2r(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * .pi / 200 } func m2d(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 9 / 160 } func m2g(_ f: Double) -> Double { f / 16 } func m2r(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * .pi / 3200 } func r2d(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 180 / .pi } func r2g(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 200 / .pi } func r2m(_ f: Double) -> Double { f * 3200 / .pi } let angles = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 6.2831853, 16, 57.2957795, 359, 6399, 1_000_000] let names = ["Degrees", "Gradians", "Mils", "Radians"] let fmt = { String(format: "%.4f", $0) } let normal = [normalizeToDeg, normalizeToGrad, normalizeToMil, normalizeToRad] let convert = [ [{ $0 }, d2g, d2m, d2r], [g2d, { $0 }, g2m, g2r], [m2d, m2g, { $0 }, m2r], [r2d, r2g, r2m, { $0 }] ] let ans ={ angle in (0..<4).map({ ($0, normal[$0](angle)) }).map({ (fmt(angle), fmt($0.1), names[$0.0], fmt(convert[$0.0][0]($0.1)), fmt(convert[$0.0][1]($0.1)), fmt(convert[$0.0][2]($0.1)), fmt(convert[$0.0][3]($0.1)) ) }) }) print("angle", "normalized", "unit", "degrees", "grads", "mils", "radians") for res in ans { for unit in res { print(unit) } print() }
1,141Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion
import esMain from 'es-main'; import { BigFloat, set_precision as SetPrecision } from 'bigfloat-esnext'; const Iterations = 52; export const demo = function() { SetPrecision(-75); console.log("N." + "Integral part of Nth term".padStart(45) + " 10^ =Actual value of Nth term"); for (let i=0; i<10; i++) { let line = `${i}. `; line += `${integral(i)} `.padStart(45); line += `${tenExponent(i)} `.padStart(5); line += nthTerm(i); console.log(line); } let pi = approximatePi(Iterations); SetPrecision(-70); pi = pi.dividedBy(100000).times(100000); console.log(`\nPi after ${Iterations} iterations: ${pi}`) } export const bigFactorial = n => n <= 1n ? 1n : n * bigFactorial(n-1n);
1,145Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi
package main import "fmt" type bearing float64 var testCases = []struct{ b1, b2 bearing }{ {20, 45}, {-45, 45}, {-85, 90}, {-95, 90}, {-45, 125}, {-45, 145}, {29.4803, -88.6381}, {-78.3251, -159.036}, } func main() { for _, tc := range testCases { fmt.Println(tc.b2.Sub(tc.b1)) } } func (b2 bearing) Sub(b1 bearing) bearing { switch d := b2 - b1; { case d < -180: return d + 360 case d > 180: return d - 360 default: return d } }
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
fib :: Integer -> Maybe Integer fib n | n < 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ real n where real 0 = 1 real 1 = 1 real n = real (n-1) + real (n-2)
1,138Anonymous recursion
function love.load() text = "Hello World! " length = string.len(text) update_time = 0.3 timer = 0 right_direction = true local width, height = ) local size = 100 local font = size ) local twidth = font:getWidth( text ) local theight = font:getHeight( ) x = width/2 - twidth/2 y = height/2-theight/2 end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer > update_time then timer = timer - update_time if right_direction then text = string.sub(text, 2, length) .. string.sub(text, 1, 1) else text = string.sub(text, length, length) .. string.sub(text, 1, length-1) end end end function love.draw() (text, x, y) end function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat) if false then elseif key == "escape" then love.event.quit() end end function love.mousepressed( x, y, button, istouch, presses ) right_direction = not right_direction end
def angleDifferenceA(double b1, double b2) { r = (b2 - b1) % 360.0 (r > 180.0 ? r - 360.0 : r <= -180.0 ? r + 360.0 : r) }
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; class Pendulum extends JPanel implements Runnable { private angle = Math.PI / 2; private length; Pendulum(length) { this.length = length; setDoubleBuffered(true); } @Override void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); int anchorX = getWidth() / 2, anchorY = getHeight() / 4; def ballX = anchorX + (Math.sin(angle) * length) as int; def ballY = anchorY + (Math.cos(angle) * length) as int; g.drawLine(anchorX, anchorY, ballX, ballY); g.fillOval(anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7); g.fillOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14); } void run() { def angleAccel, angleVelocity = 0, dt = 0.1; while (true) { angleAccel = -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle); angleVelocity += angleAccel * dt; angle += angleVelocity * dt; repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(15); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} } } @Override Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(2 * length + 50, (length / 2 * 3) as int); } static void main(String[] args) { def f = new JFrame("Pendulum"); def p = new Pendulum(200); f.add(p); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); new Thread(p).start(); } }
1,143Animate a pendulum
use strict; use warnings; use feature qw(say); use Math::AnyNum qw(:overload factorial); sub almkvist_giullera_integral { my($n) = @_; (32 * (14*$n * (38*$n + 9) + 9) * factorial(6*$n)) / (3*factorial($n)**6); } sub almkvist_giullera { my($n) = @_; almkvist_giullera_integral($n) / (10**(6*$n + 3)); } sub almkvist_giullera_pi { my ($prec) = @_; local $Math::AnyNum::PREC = 4*($prec+1); my $sum = 0; my $target = ''; for (my $n = 0; ; ++$n) { $sum += almkvist_giullera($n); my $curr = ($sum**-.5)->as_dec; return $target if ($curr eq $target); $target = $curr; } } say 'First 10 integer portions: '; say "$_ " . almkvist_giullera_integral($_) for 0..9; my $precision = 70; printf(" to%s decimal places is:\n%s\n", $precision, almkvist_giullera_pi($precision));
1,145Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi
import Control.Monad (join) import Data.Bifunctor (bimap) import Text.Printf (printf) type Radians = Float type Degrees = Float bearingDelta :: (Radians, Radians) -> Radians bearingDelta (a, b) = sign * acos ((ax * bx) + (ay * by)) where (ax, ay) = (sin a, cos a) (bx, by) = (sin b, cos b) sign | ((ay * bx) - (by * ax)) > 0 = 1 | otherwise = -1 angleBetweenDegrees :: (Degrees, Degrees) -> Degrees angleBetweenDegrees = degrees . bearingDelta . join bimap radians main :: IO () main = putStrLn . unlines $ fmap ( uncurry (printf "%6.2f -%6.2f -> %7.2f") <*> angleBetweenDegrees ) [ (20.0, 45.0), (-45.0, 45.0), (-85.0, 90.0), (-95.0, 90.0), (-45.0, 125.0), (-45.0, 145.0) ] degrees :: Radians -> Degrees degrees = (/ pi) . (180 *) radians :: Degrees -> Radians radians = (/ 180) . (pi *)
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
package main import ( "" "" "" "" omath "math" "time" )
1,143Animate a pendulum
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Monad (Graphic, ) import Graphics.HGL.Draw.Picture import Graphics.HGL.Utils import Graphics.HGL.Window import Graphics.HGL.Run import Control.Exception (bracket, ) import Control.Arrow toInt = fromIntegral.round pendulum = runGraphics $ bracket (openWindowEx "Pendulum animation task" Nothing (600,400) DoubleBuffered (Just 30)) closeWindow (\w -> mapM_ ((\ g -> setGraphic w g >> getWindowTick w). (\ (x, y) -> overGraphic (line (300, 0) (x, y)) (ellipse (x - 12, y + 12) (x + 12, y - 12)) )) pts) where dt = 1/30 t = - pi/4 l = 1 g = 9.812 nextAVT (a,v,t) = (a', v', t + v' * dt) where a' = - (g / l) * sin t v' = v + a' * dt pts = map (\(_,t,_) -> (toInt.(300+).(300*).cos &&& toInt. (300*).sin) (pi/2+0.6*t) ) $ iterate nextAVT (- (g / l) * sin t, t, 0)
1,143Animate a pendulum
import mpmath as mp with mp.workdps(72): def integer_term(n): p = 532 * n * n + 126 * n + 9 return (p * 2**5 * mp.factorial(6 * n)) / (3 * mp.factorial(n)**6) def exponent_term(n): return -(mp.mpf() * n + 3) def nthterm(n): return integer_term(n) * mp.mpf()**exponent_term(n) for n in range(10): print(, n, ' ', int(integer_term(n))) def almkvist_guillera(floatprecision): summed, nextadd = mp.mpf('0.0'), mp.mpf('0.0') for n in range(100000000): nextadd = summed + nthterm(n) if abs(nextadd - summed) < 10.0**(-floatprecision): break summed = nextadd return nextadd print('\n to 70 digits is ', end='') mp.nprint(mp.mpf(1.0 / mp.sqrt(almkvist_guillera(70))), 71) print('mpmath is ', end='') mp.nprint(mp.pi, 71)
1,145Almkvist-Giullera formula for pi
public class AngleDifference { public static double getDifference(double b1, double b2) { double r = (b2 - b1) % 360.0; if (r < -180.0) r += 360.0; if (r >= 180.0) r -= 360.0; return r; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Input in -180 to +180 range"); System.out.println(getDifference(20.0, 45.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(-45.0, 45.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(-85.0, 90.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(-95.0, 90.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(-45.0, 125.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(-45.0, 145.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(-45.0, 125.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(-45.0, 145.0)); System.out.println(getDifference(29.4803, -88.6381)); System.out.println(getDifference(-78.3251, -159.036)); System.out.println("Input in wider range"); System.out.println(getDifference(-70099.74233810938, 29840.67437876723)); System.out.println(getDifference(-165313.6666297357, 33693.9894517456)); System.out.println(getDifference(1174.8380510598456, -154146.66490124757)); System.out.println(getDifference(60175.77306795546, 42213.07192354373)); } }
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
public static long fib(int n) { if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n can not be a negative number"); return new Object() { private long fibInner(int n) { return (n < 2) ? n : (fibInner(n - 1) + fibInner(n - 2)); } }.fibInner(n); }
1,138Anonymous recursion
function relativeBearing(b1Rad, b2Rad) { b1y = Math.cos(b1Rad); b1x = Math.sin(b1Rad); b2y = Math.cos(b2Rad); b2x = Math.sin(b2Rad); crossp = b1y * b2x - b2y * b1x; dotp = b1x * b2x + b1y * b2y; if(crossp > 0.) return Math.acos(dotp); return -Math.acos(dotp); } function test() { var deg2rad = 3.14159265/180.0; var rad2deg = 180.0/3.14159265; return "Input in -180 to +180 range\n" +relativeBearing(20.0*deg2rad, 45.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-45.0*deg2rad, 45.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-85.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-95.0*deg2rad, 90.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-45.0*deg2rad, 125.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-45.0*deg2rad, 145.0*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(29.4803*deg2rad, -88.6381*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-78.3251*deg2rad, -159.036*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" + "Input in wider range\n" +relativeBearing(-70099.74233810938*deg2rad, 29840.67437876723*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(-165313.6666297357*deg2rad, 33693.9894517456*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(1174.8380510598456*deg2rad, -154146.66490124757*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n" +relativeBearing(60175.77306795546*deg2rad, 42213.07192354373*deg2rad)*rad2deg+"\n"; }
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
string.tacnoc = function(str)
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
function fibo(n) { if (n < 0) { throw "Argument cannot be negative"; } return (function(n) { return (n < 2) ? 1 : arguments.callee(n-1) + arguments.callee(n-2); })(n); }
1,138Anonymous recursion
use Tk; use Time::HiRes qw(sleep); my $msg = 'Hello World! '; my $first = '.+'; my $second = '.'; my $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new(-title => 'Animated side-scroller',-bg=>"white"); $mw->geometry ("400x150+0+0"); $mw->optionAdd('*Label.font', 'Courier 24 bold' ); my $scroller = $mw->Label(-text => "$msg")->grid(-row=>0,-column=>0); $mw->bind('all'=> '<Key-Escape>' => sub {exit;}); $mw->bind("<Button>" => sub { ($second,$first) = ($first,$second) }); $scroller->after(1, \&display ); MainLoop; sub display { while () { sleep 0.25; $msg =~ s/($first)($second)/$2$1/; $scroller->configure(-text=>"$msg"); $mw->update(); } }
(mapc #'use-package '(#:toadstool #:toadstool-system)) (defstruct (red-black-tree (:constructor tree (color left val right))) color left val right) (defcomponent tree (operator macro-mixin)) (defexpand tree (color left val right) `(class red-black-tree red-black-tree-color ,color red-black-tree-left ,left red-black-tree-val ,val red-black-tree-right ,right)) (pushnew 'tree *used-components*) (defun balance (color left val right) (toad-ecase (color left val right) (('black (tree 'red (tree 'red a x b) y c) z d) (tree 'red (tree 'black a x b) y (tree 'black c z d))) (('black (tree 'red a x (tree 'red b y c)) z d) (tree 'red (tree 'black a x b) y (tree 'black c z d))) (('black a x (tree 'red (tree 'red b y c) z d)) (tree 'red (tree 'black a x b) y (tree 'black c z d))) (('black a x (tree 'red b y (tree 'red c z d))) (tree 'red (tree 'black a x b) y (tree 'black c z d))) ((color a x b) (tree color a x b)))) (defun %insert (x s) (toad-ecase1 s (nil (tree 'red nil x nil)) ((tree color a y b) (cond ((< x y) (balance color (%insert x a) y b)) ((> x y) (balance color a y (%insert x b))) (t s))))) (defun insert (x s) (toad-ecase1 (%insert x s) ((tree t a y b) (tree 'black a y b))))
1,146Algebraic data types
int kprime(int n, int k) { int p, f = 0; for (p = 2; f < k && p*p <= n; p++) while (0 == n % p) n /= p, f++; return f + (n > 1) == k; } int main(void) { int i, c, k; for (k = 1; k <= 5; k++) { printf(, k); for (i = 2, c = 0; c < 10; i++) if (kprime(i, k)) { printf(, i); c++; } putchar('\n'); } return 0; }
1,147Almost prime
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Pendulum extends JPanel implements Runnable { private double angle = Math.PI / 2; private int length; public Pendulum(int length) { this.length = length; setDoubleBuffered(true); } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); int anchorX = getWidth() / 2, anchorY = getHeight() / 4; int ballX = anchorX + (int) (Math.sin(angle) * length); int ballY = anchorY + (int) (Math.cos(angle) * length); g.drawLine(anchorX, anchorY, ballX, ballY); g.fillOval(anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7); g.fillOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14); } public void run() { double angleAccel, angleVelocity = 0, dt = 0.1; while (true) { angleAccel = -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle); angleVelocity += angleAccel * dt; angle += angleVelocity * dt; repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(15); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} } } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(2 * length + 50, length / 2 * 3); } public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame f = new JFrame("Pendulum"); Pendulum p = new Pendulum(200); f.add(p); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); new Thread(p).start(); } }
1,143Animate a pendulum
<html><head> <title>Pendulum</title> </head><body style="background: gray;"> <canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"> <p>Sorry, your browser does not support the &lt;canvas&gt; used to display the pendulum animation.</p> </canvas> <script> function PendulumSim(length_m, gravity_mps2, initialAngle_rad, timestep_ms, callback) { var velocity = 0; var angle = initialAngle_rad; var k = -gravity_mps2/length_m; var timestep_s = timestep_ms / 1000; return setInterval(function () { var acceleration = k * Math.sin(angle); velocity += acceleration * timestep_s; angle += velocity * timestep_s; callback(angle); }, timestep_ms); } var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var prev=0; var sim = PendulumSim(1, 9.80665, Math.PI*99/100, 10, function (angle) { var rPend = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * 0.47; var rBall = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * 0.02; var rBar = Math.min(canvas.width, canvas.height) * 0.005; var ballX = Math.sin(angle) * rPend; var ballY = Math.cos(angle) * rPend; context.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.51)"; context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.fillStyle = "yellow"; context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,"+Math.max(0,1-Math.abs(prev-angle)*10)+")"; context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";; context.translate(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2); context.rotate(angle); context.beginPath(); context.rect(-rBar, -rBar, rBar*2, rPend+rBar*2); context.fill(); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(0, rPend, rBall, 0, Math.PI*2, false); context.fill(); context.stroke(); context.restore(); prev=angle; }); </script> </body></html>
1,143Animate a pendulum
(ns clojure.examples.almostprime (:gen-class)) (defn divisors [n] " Finds divisors by looping through integers 2, 3,...i.. up to sqrt (n) [note: rather than compute sqrt(), test with i*i <=n] " (let [div (some #(if (= 0 (mod n %)) % nil) (take-while #(<= (* % %) n) (iterate inc 2)))] (if div (into [] (concat (divisors div) (divisors (/ n div)))) [n]))) (defn divisors-k [k n] " Finds n numbers with k divisors. Does this by looping through integers 2, 3, ... filtering (passing) ones with k divisors and taking the first n " (->> (iterate inc 2) (map divisors) (filter #(= (count %) k)) (take n) (map #(apply * %)))) (println (for [k (range 1 6)] (println "k:" k (divisors-k k 10)))) }
1,147Almost prime
import java.awt.* import java.util.concurrent.* import javax.swing.* class Pendulum(private val length: Int) : JPanel(), Runnable { init { val f = JFrame("Pendulum") f.add(this) f.defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.pack() f.isVisible = true isDoubleBuffered = true } override fun paint(g: Graphics) { with(g) { color = Color.WHITE fillRect(0, 0, width, height) color = Color.BLACK val anchor = Element(width / 2, height / 4) val ball = Element((anchor.x + Math.sin(angle) * length).toInt(), (anchor.y + Math.cos(angle) * length).toInt()) drawLine(anchor.x, anchor.y, ball.x, ball.y) fillOval(anchor.x - 3, anchor.y - 4, 7, 7) fillOval(ball.x - 7, ball.y - 7, 14, 14) } } override fun run() { angleVelocity += -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle) * dt angle += angleVelocity * dt repaint() } override fun getPreferredSize() = Dimension(2 * length + 50, length / 2 * 3) private data class Element(val x: Int, val y: Int) private val dt = 0.1 private var angle = Math.PI / 2 private var angleVelocity = 0.0 } fun main(a: Array<String>) { val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(Pendulum(200), 0, 15, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) }
1,143Animate a pendulum
typedef const char * amb_t; amb_t amb(size_t argc, ...) { amb_t *choices; va_list ap; int i; if(argc) { choices = malloc(argc*sizeof(amb_t)); va_start(ap, argc); i = 0; do { choices[i] = va_arg(ap, amb_t); } while(++i < argc); va_end(ap); i = 0; do { TRY(choices[i]); } while(++i < argc); free(choices); } FAIL; } int joins(const char *left, const char *right) { return left[strlen(left)-1] == right[0]; } int _main() { const char *w1,*w2,*w3,*w4; w1 = amb(3, , , ); w2 = amb(3, , , ); w3 = amb(3, , , ); w4 = amb(2, , ); if(!joins(w1, w2)) amb(0); if(!joins(w2, w3)) amb(0); if(!joins(w3, w4)) amb(0); printf(, w1, w2, w3, w4); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import QBasicTimer, Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel class Marquee(QLabel): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.right_to_left_direction = True self.initUI() self.timer = QBasicTimer() self.timer.start(80, self) def initUI(self): self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.setText() self.setFont(QFont(None, 50, QFont.Bold)) self.setStyleSheet() def timerEvent(self, event): i = 1 if self.right_to_left_direction else -1 self.setText(self.text()[i:] + self.text()[:i]) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): self.right_to_left_direction = not self.right_to_left_direction def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: self.close() app = QApplication(sys.argv) w = Marquee() w.adjustSize() w.move(QApplication.instance().desktop().screen().rect().center() - w.rect().center()) sys.exit(app.exec())
package main import "fmt" type Color string const ( R Color = "R" B = "B" ) type Tree interface { ins(x int) Tree } type E struct{} func (_ E) ins(x int) Tree { return T{R, E{}, x, E{}} } func (_ E) String() string { return "E" } type T struct { cl Color le Tree aa int ri Tree } func (t T) balance() Tree { if != B { return t } le, leIsT := t.le.(T) ri, riIsT := t.ri.(T) var lele, leri, rile, riri T var leleIsT, leriIsT, rileIsT, ririIsT bool if leIsT { lele, leleIsT = le.le.(T) } if leIsT { leri, leriIsT = le.ri.(T) } if riIsT { rile, rileIsT = ri.le.(T) } if riIsT { riri, ririIsT = ri.ri.(T) } switch { case leIsT && leleIsT && == R && == R: _, t2, z, d := t.destruct() _, t3, y, c := t2.(T).destruct() _, a, x, b := t3.(T).destruct() return T{R, T{B, a, x, b}, y, T{B, c, z, d}} case leIsT && leriIsT && == R && == R: _, t2, z, d := t.destruct() _, a, x, t3 := t2.(T).destruct() _, b, y, c := t3.(T).destruct() return T{R, T{B, a, x, b}, y, T{B, c, z, d}} case riIsT && rileIsT && == R && == R: _, a, x, t2 := t.destruct() _, t3, z, d := t2.(T).destruct() _, b, y, c := t3.(T).destruct() return T{R, T{B, a, x, b}, y, T{B, c, z, d}} case riIsT && ririIsT && == R && == R: _, a, x, t2 := t.destruct() _, b, y, t3 := t2.(T).destruct() _, c, z, d := t3.(T).destruct() return T{R, T{B, a, x, b}, y, T{B, c, z, d}} default: return t } } func (t T) ins(x int) Tree { switch { case x < t.aa: return T{, t.le.ins(x), t.aa, t.ri}.balance() case x > t.aa: return T{, t.le, t.aa, t.ri.ins(x)}.balance() default: return t } } func (t T) destruct() (Color, Tree, int, Tree) { return, t.le, t.aa, t.ri } func (t T) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("T(%s,%v,%d,%v)",, t.le, t.aa, t.ri) } func insert(tr Tree, x int) Tree { t := tr.ins(x) switch t.(type) { case T: tt := t.(T) _, a, y, b := tt.destruct() return T{B, a, y, b} case E: return E{} default: return nil } } func main() { var tr Tree = E{} for i := 1; i <= 16; i++ { tr = insert(tr, i) } fmt.Println(tr) }
1,146Algebraic data types
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
package main import "fmt" func pfacSum(i int) int { sum := 0 for p := 1; p <= i/2; p++ { if i%p == 0 { sum += p } } return sum } func main() { var a[20000]int for i := 1; i < 20000; i++ { a[i] = pfacSum(i) } fmt.Println("The amicable pairs below 20,000 are:") for n := 2; n < 19999; n++ { m := a[n] if m > n && m < 20000 && n == a[m] { fmt.Printf(" %5d and%5d\n", n, m) } } }
1,144Amicable pairs
char *name, *password; ... LDAP *ld = ldap_init(, 389); ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, name, password); LDAPMessage **result; ldap_search_s(ld, , LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, , NULL, 0, result); ldap_msgfree(*result); ldap_unbind(ld);
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
data Color = R | B data Tree a = E | T Color (Tree a) a (Tree a) balance :: Color -> Tree a -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a balance B (T R (T R a x b) y c ) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance B (T R a x (T R b y c)) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance B a x (T R (T R b y c) z d ) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance B a x (T R b y (T R c z d)) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d) balance col a x b = T col a x b insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a insert x s = T B a y b where ins E = T R E x E ins s@(T col a y b) | x < y = balance col (ins a) y b | x > y = balance col a y (ins b) | otherwise = s T _ a y b = ins s
1,146Algebraic data types
bearing = {degrees = 0}
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
fun fib(n: Int): Int { require(n >= 0) fun fib1(k: Int, a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (k == 0) a else fib1(k - 1, b, a + b) return fib1(n, 0, 1) } fun main(args: Array<String>) { for (i in 0..20) print("${fib(i)} ") println() }
1,138Anonymous recursion
divisors :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] divisors n = filter ((0 ==) . (n `mod`)) [1 .. (n `div` 2)] main :: IO () main = do let range = [1 .. 20000 :: Int] divs = zip range $ map (sum . divisors) range pairs = [(n, m) | (n, nd) <- divs, (m, md) <- divs, n < m, nd == m, md == n] print pairs
1,144Amicable pairs
rotate_string <- function(x, forwards) { nchx <- nchar(x) if(forwards) { paste(substr(x, nchx, nchx), substr(x, 1, nchx - 1), sep = "") } else { paste(substr(x, 2, nchx), substr(x, 1, 1), sep = "") } } handle_rotate_label <- function(obj, interval = 100) { addHandlerIdle(obj, handler = function(h, ...) { svalue(obj) <- rotate_string(svalue(obj), tag(obj, "forwards")) }, interval = interval ) } handle_change_direction_on_click <- function(obj) { addHandlerClicked(obj, handler = function(h, ...) { tag(h$obj, "forwards") <-!tag(h$obj, "forwards") } ) } library(gWidgets) library(gWidgetstcltk) lab <- glabel("Hello World! ", container = gwindow()) tag(lab, "forwards") <- TRUE handle_rotate_label(lab) handle_change_direction_on_click(lab)
(ns amb (:use clojure.contrib.monads)) (defn amb [wss] (let [valid-word (fn [w1 w2] (if (and w1 (= (last w1) (first w2))) (str w1 " " w2)))] (filter #(reduce valid-word %) (with-monad sequence-m (m-seq wss))))) amb> (amb '(("the" "that" "a") ("frog" "elephant" "thing") ("walked" "treaded" "grows") ("slowly" "quickly"))) (("that" "thing" "grows" "slowly"))
package main import ( "log" "" ) func main() { client := &ldap.LDAPClient{ Base: "dc=example,dc=com", Host: "", Port: 389, GroupFilter: "(memberUid=%s)", } defer client.Close() err := client.Connect() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to connect:%+v", err) } groups, err := client.GetGroupsOfUser("username") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error getting groups for user%s:%+v", "username", err) } log.Printf("Groups:%+v", groups) }
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
sub deranged { my @a = split('', shift); my @b = split('', shift); for (0 .. $ $a[$_] eq $b[$_] and return; } return 1 } sub find_deranged { for my $i ( 0 .. $ for my $j ( $i+1 .. $ next unless deranged $_[$i], $_[$j]; print "length ", length($_[$i]), ": $_[$i] => $_[$j]\n"; return 1; } } } my %letter_list; open my $in, 'unixdict.txt'; local $/ = undef; for (split(' ', <$in>)) { push @{ $letter_list{ join('', sort split('', $_)) } }, $_ } for ( sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } grep { @{ $letter_list{$_} } > 1 } keys %letter_list ) { last if find_deranged(@{ $letter_list{$_} }); }
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
function degToRad( d ) return d * 0.01745329251 end function love.load() g = rodLen, gravity, velocity, acceleration = 260, 3, 0, 0 halfWid, damp = g.getWidth() / 2, .989 posX, posY, angle = halfWid TWO_PI, angle = math.pi * 2, degToRad( 90 ) end function love.update( dt ) acceleration = -gravity / rodLen * math.sin( angle ) angle = angle + velocity; if angle > TWO_PI then angle = 0 end velocity = velocity + acceleration velocity = velocity * damp posX = halfWid + math.sin( angle ) * rodLen posY = math.cos( angle ) * rodLen end function love.draw() g.setColor( 250, 0, 250 ) "fill", halfWid, 0, 8 ) g.line( halfWid, 4, posX, posY ) g.setColor( 250, 100, 20 ) "fill", posX, posY, 20 ) end
1,143Animate a pendulum
module Main (main) where import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text (encodeUtf8) import Ldap.Client (Attr(..), Filter(..)) import qualified Ldap.Client as Ldap (Dn(..), Host(..), search, with, typesOnly) main :: IO () main = do entries <- Ldap.with (Ldap.Plain "localhost") 389 $ \ldap -> ldap (Ldap.Dn "") (Ldap.typesOnly True) (Attr "uid":= Text.encodeUtf8 "user") [] for_ entries $ \entry -> print entry
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LdapSearchDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, LdapException, CursorException { new LdapSearchDemo().demonstrateSearch(); } private void demonstrateSearch() throws IOException, LdapException, CursorException { try (LdapConnection conn = new LdapNetworkConnection("localhost", 11389)) { conn.bind("uid=admin,ou=system", "********"); search(conn, "*mil*"); conn.unBind(); } } private void search(LdapConnection connection, String uid) throws LdapException, CursorException { String baseDn = "ou=users,o=mojo"; String filter = "(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=" + uid + ")))"; SearchScope scope = SearchScope.SUBTREE; String[] attributes = {"dn", "cn", "sn", "uid"}; int ksearch = 0; EntryCursor cursor =, filter, scope, attributes); while ( { ksearch++; Entry entry = cursor.get(); System.out.printf("Search entry%d =%s%n", ksearch, entry); } } }
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
1,146Algebraic data types
import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; public class AmicablePairs { public static void main(String[] args) { int limit = 20_000; Map<Long, Long> map = LongStream.rangeClosed(1, limit) .parallel() .boxed() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), AmicablePairs::properDivsSum)); LongStream.rangeClosed(1, limit) .forEach(n -> { long m = map.get(n); if (m > n && m <= limit && map.get(m) == n) System.out.printf("%s%s%n", n, m); }); } public static Long properDivsSum(long n) { return LongStream.rangeClosed(1, (n + 1) / 2).filter(i -> n % i == 0).sum(); } }
1,144Amicable pairs
... char *name, *password; ... LDAP *ld = ldap_init(, 389); ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, name, password); ... after done with it... ldap_unbind(ld);
1,150Active Directory/Connect
unsigned long long bruteForceProperDivisorSum(unsigned long long n){ unsigned long long i,sum = 0; for(i=1;i<(n+1)/2;i++) if(n%i==0 && n!=i) sum += i; return sum; } void printSeries(unsigned long long* arr,int size,char* type){ int i; printf(,arr[0],type); for(i=0;i<size-1;i++) printf(,arr[i]); printf(,arr[i]); } void aliquotClassifier(unsigned long long n){ unsigned long long arr[16]; int i,j; arr[0] = n; for(i=1;i<16;i++){ arr[i] = bruteForceProperDivisorSum(arr[i-1]); if(arr[i]==0||arr[i]==n||(arr[i]==arr[i-1] && arr[i]!=n)){ printSeries(arr,i+1,(arr[i]==0)?:(arr[i]==n && i==1)?:(arr[i]==n && i==2)?:(arr[i]==arr[i-1] && arr[i]!=n)?:); return; } for(j=1;j<i;j++){ if(arr[j]==arr[i]){ printSeries(arr,i+1,); return; } } } printSeries(arr,i+1,); } void processFile(char* fileName){ FILE* fp = fopen(fileName,); char str[21]; while(fgets(str,21,fp)!=NULL) aliquotClassifier(strtoull(str,(char**)NULL,10)); fclose(fp); } int main(int argC,char* argV[]) { if(argC!=2) printf(,argV[0]); else{ if(strchr(argV[1],'.')!=NULL) processFile(argV[1]); else aliquotClassifier(strtoull(argV[1],(char**)NULL,10)); } return 0; }
1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
(function (max) {
1,144Amicable pairs
use strict; use warnings; use Net::LDAP; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( 'ldap://' ) or die "$@"; my $mesg = $ldap->bind( "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com", password => "password" ); $mesg->code and die $mesg->error; my $srch = $ldap->search( base => "dc=example,dc=com", filter => "(|(uid=gauss))" ); $srch->code and die $srch->error; foreach my $entry ($srch->entries) { $entry->dump } $mesg = $ldap->unbind;
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
char *sortedWord(const char *word, char *wbuf) { char *p1, *p2, *endwrd; char t; int swaps; strcpy(wbuf, word); endwrd = wbuf+strlen(wbuf); do { swaps = 0; p1 = wbuf; p2 = endwrd-1; while (p1<p2) { if (*p2 > *p1) { t = *p2; *p2 = *p1; *p1 = t; swaps = 1; } p1++; p2--; } p1 = wbuf; p2 = p1+1; while(p2 < endwrd) { if (*p2 > *p1) { t = *p2; *p2 = *p1; *p1 = t; swaps = 1; } p1++; p2++; } } while (swaps); return wbuf; } static short cxmap[] = { 0x06, 0x1f, 0x4d, 0x0c, 0x5c, 0x28, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x33, 0x31, 0x56, 0x52, 0x19, 0x29, 0x53, 0x32, 0x48, 0x35, 0x55, 0x5e, 0x14, 0x27, 0x24, 0x02, 0x3e, 0x18, 0x4a, 0x3f, 0x4c, 0x45, 0x30, 0x08, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x4f, 0x07, 0x20, 0x1d, 0x51, 0x3b, 0x11, 0x58, 0x00, 0x49, 0x15, 0x2d, 0x41, 0x17, 0x5f, 0x39, 0x16, 0x42, 0x37, 0x22, 0x1c, 0x0f, 0x43, 0x5b, 0x46, 0x4b, 0x0a, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x40, 0x12, 0x21, 0x3c, 0x36, 0x38, 0x1e, 0x01, 0x1b, 0x05, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x3d, 0x04, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x2a, 0x23, 0x34, 0x25, 0x2f, 0x2b, 0x50, 0x3a, 0x54, 0x47, 0x59, 0x13, 0x57, }; int Str_Hash( const char *key, int ix_max ) { const char *cp; short mash; int hash = 33501551; for (cp = key; *cp; cp++) { mash = cxmap[*cp % CXMAP_SIZE]; hash = (hash >>4) ^ 0x5C5CF5C ^ ((hash<<1) + (mash<<5)); hash &= 0x3FFFFFFF; } return hash % ix_max; } typedef struct sDictWord *DictWord; struct sDictWord { const char *word; DictWord next; }; typedef struct sHashEntry *HashEntry; struct sHashEntry { const char *key; HashEntry next; DictWord words; HashEntry link; short wordCount; }; HashEntry hashTable[HT_SIZE]; HashEntry mostPerms = NULL; int buildAnagrams( FILE *fin ) { char buffer[40]; char bufr2[40]; char *hkey; int hix; HashEntry he, *hep; DictWord we; int maxPC = 2; int numWords = 0; while ( fgets(buffer, 40, fin)) { for(hkey = buffer; *hkey && (*hkey!='\n'); hkey++); *hkey = 0; hkey = sortedWord(buffer, bufr2); hix = Str_Hash(hkey, HT_SIZE); he = hashTable[hix]; hep = &hashTable[hix]; while( he && strcmp(he->key , hkey) ) { hep = &he->next; he = he->next; } if ( ! he ) { he = malloc(sizeof(struct sHashEntry)); he->next = NULL; he->key = strdup(hkey); he->wordCount = 0; he->words = NULL; he->link = NULL; *hep = he; } we = malloc(sizeof(struct sDictWord)); we->word = strdup(buffer); we->next = he->words; he->words = we; he->wordCount++; if ( maxPC < he->wordCount) { maxPC = he->wordCount; mostPerms = he; he->link = NULL; } else if (maxPC == he->wordCount) { he->link = mostPerms; mostPerms = he; } numWords++; } printf(, numWords, maxPC); return maxPC; } int main( ) { HashEntry he; DictWord we; FILE *f1; f1 = fopen(,); buildAnagrams(f1); fclose(f1); f1 = fopen(,); for (he = mostPerms; he; he = he->link) { fprintf(f1,, he->wordCount); for(we = he->words; we; we = we->next) { fprintf(f1,, we->word); } fprintf(f1, ); } fclose(f1); return 0; }
<?php $words = file( 'http: FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES ); $length = 0; foreach ($words as $word) { $chars = str_split($word); sort($chars); $chars = implode(, $chars); $length = strlen($chars); $anagrams[$length][$chars][] = $word; } krsort($anagrams); foreach ($anagrams as $anagram) { $final_words = array(); foreach ($anagram as $words) { if (count($words) >= 2) { $counts = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { $counts[$word] = array($word); foreach ($words as $second_word) { for ($i = 0, $length = strlen($word); $i < $length; $i++) { if ($word[$i] === $second_word[$i]) continue 2; } $counts[$word][] = $second_word; } } $max = 0; $max_key = ''; foreach ($counts as $name => $count) { if (count($count) > $max) { $max = count($count); $max_key = $name; } } if ($max > 1) { $final_words[] = $counts[$max_key]; } } } if ($final_words) break; } foreach ($final_words as $final_word) { echo implode(, $final_word), ; } ?>
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
local function Y(x) return (function (f) return f(f) end)(function(y) return x(function(z) return y(y)(z) end) end) end return Y(function(fibs) return function(n) return n < 2 and 1 or fibs(n - 1) + fibs(n - 2) end end)
1,138Anonymous recursion
require 'tk' $str = $dir = :right def animate $str.value = shift_char($str.value, $dir) $root.after(125) {animate} end def shift_char(str, dir) case dir when :right then str[-1,1] + str[0..-2] when :left then str[1..-1] + str[0,1] end end $root = => )$root) do textvariable $str font pack {side 'top'} bind() {$dir = {:right=>:left,:left=>:right}[$dir]} end animate Tk.mainloop
package main import ( "log" "" ) func main() { client := &ldap.LDAPClient{ Base: "dc=example,dc=com", Host: "", Port: 389, UseSSL: false, BindDN: "uid=readonlyuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", BindPassword: "readonlypassword", UserFilter: "(uid=%s)", GroupFilter: "(memberUid=%s)", Attributes: []string{"givenName", "sn", "mail", "uid"}, } defer client.Close() err := client.Connect() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to connect:%+v", err) }
1,150Active Directory/Connect
module Main (main) where import Data.Foldable (for_) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text (encodeUtf8) import Ldap.Client (Attr(..), Filter(..)) import qualified Ldap.Client as Ldap (Dn(..), Host(..), search, with, typesOnly) main :: IO () main = do entries <- Ldap.with (Ldap.Plain "localhost") 389 $ \ldap -> ldap (Ldap.Dn "") (Ldap.typesOnly True) (Attr "uid":= Text.encodeUtf8 "user") [] for_ entries $ \entry -> print entry
1,150Active Directory/Connect
import; import; import; import; public class LdapConnectionDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws LdapException, IOException { try (LdapConnection connection = new LdapNetworkConnection("localhost", 10389)) { connection.bind(); connection.unBind(); } } }
1,150Active Directory/Connect
<?php $l = ldap_connect(''); ldap_set_option($l, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($l, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, false); $bind = ldap_bind($l, '[email protected]', 'password'); $base = 'dc=example, dc=com'; $criteria = '(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=username))'; $attributes = array('displayName', 'company'); $search = ldap_search($l, $base, $criteria, $attributes); $entries = ldap_get_entries($l, $search); var_dump($entries);
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
long long c[100]; void coef(int n) { int i, j; if (n < 0 || n > 63) abort(); for (c[i=0] = 1; i < n; c[0] = -c[0], i++) for (c[1 + (j=i)] = 1; j > 0; j--) c[j] = c[j-1] - c[j]; } int is_prime(int n) { int i; coef(n); c[0] += 1, c[i=n] -= 1; while (i-- && !(c[i] % n)); return i < 0; } void show(int n) { do printf(, c[n], n); while (n--); } int main(void) { int n; for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) { coef(n); printf(, n); show(n); putchar('\n'); } printf(); for (n = 1; n <= 63; n++) if (is_prime(n)) printf(, n); putchar('\n'); return 0; }
1,153AKS test for primes
void memoizeIsPrime( bool * result, const int N ) { result[2] = true; result[3] = true; int prime[N]; prime[0] = 3; int end = 1; for (int n = 5; n < N; n += 2) { bool n_is_prime = true; for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { const int PRIME = prime[i]; if (n % PRIME == 0) { n_is_prime = false; break; } if (PRIME * PRIME > n) { break; } } if (n_is_prime) { prime[end++] = n; result[n] = true; } } } int sumOfDecimalDigits( int n ) { int sum = 0; while (n > 0) { sum += n % 10; n /= 10; } return sum; } int main( void ) { const int N = 500; printf( , N ); bool is_prime[N]; memset( is_prime, 0, sizeof(is_prime) ); memoizeIsPrime( is_prime, N ); printf( ); int count = 1; for (int i = 3; i < N; i += 2) { if (is_prime[i] && is_prime[sumOfDecimalDigits( i )]) { printf( , i ); ++count; if ((count % 10) == 0) { printf( ); } } } printf( , count ); return 0; }
1,154Additive primes
use 5.010; use strict; use warnings qw(FATAL all); my $balanced = qr{([^<>,]++|<(?-1),(?-1),(?-1),(?-1)>)}; my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $y, $z) = map +qr((?<$_>$balanced)), 'a'..'d', 'x'..'z'; my $col = qr{(?<col>[RB])}; sub balance { local $_ = shift; if( /^<B,<R,<R,$a,$x,$b>,$y,$c>,$z,$d>\z/ or /^<B,<R,$a,$x,<R,$b,$y,$c>>,$z,$d>\z/ or /^<B,$a,$x,<R,<R,$b,$y,$c>,$z,$d>>\z/ or /^<B,$a,$x,<R,$b,$y,<R,$c,$z,$d>>>\z/ ) { my ($aa, $bb, $cc, $dd) = @+{'a'..'d'}; my ($xx, $yy, $zz) = @+{'x'..'z'}; "<R,<B,$aa,$xx,$bb>,$yy,<B,$cc,$zz,$dd>>"; } else { $_; } } sub ins { my ($xx, $tree) = @_; if($tree =~ m{^<$col,$a,$y,$b>\z} ) { my ($color, $aa, $bb, $yy) = @+{qw(col a b y)}; if( $xx < $yy ) { return balance "<$color,".ins($xx,$aa).",$yy,$bb>"; } elsif( $xx > $yy ) { return balance "<$color,$aa,$yy,".ins($xx,$bb).">"; } else { return $tree; } } elsif( $tree !~ /,/) { return "<R,_,$xx,_>"; } else { print "Unexpected failure!\n"; print "Tree parts are: \n"; print $_, "\n" for $tree =~ /$balanced/g; exit; } } sub insert { my $tree = ins(@_); $tree =~ m{^<$col,$a,$y,$b>\z} or die; "<B,$+{a},$+{y},$+{b}>"; } MAIN: { my @a = 1..10; for my $aa ( 1 .. $ my $bb = int rand( 1 + $aa ); @a[$aa, $bb] = @a[$bb, $aa]; } my $t = "!"; for( @a ) { $t = insert( $_, $t ); print "Tree: $t.\n"; } } print "Done\n";
1,146Algebraic data types
#[cfg(feature = "gtk")] mod graphical { extern crate gtk; use self::gtk::traits::*; use self::gtk::{Inhibit, Window, WindowType}; use std::ops::Not; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; pub fn create_window() { gtk::init().expect("Failed to initialize GTK"); let window = Window::new(WindowType::Toplevel); window.connect_delete_event(|_, _| { gtk::main_quit(); Inhibit(false) }); let button = gtk::Button::new_with_label("Hello World! "); window.add(&button); let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(false)); let lock_button = lock.clone(); button.connect_clicked(move |_| { let mut reverse = lock_button.write().unwrap(); *reverse = reverse.not(); }); let lock_thread = lock.clone(); gtk::timeout_add(100, move || { let reverse =; let mut text = button.get_label().unwrap(); let len = &text.len(); if *reverse { let begin = &text.split_off(1); text.insert_str(0, begin); } else { let end = &text.split_off(len - 1); text.insert_str(0, end); } button.set_label(&text); gtk::Continue(true) }); window.show_all(); gtk::main(); } } #[cfg(feature = "gtk")] fn main() { graphical::create_window(); } #[cfg(not(feature = "gtk"))] fn main() {}
import scala.actors.Actor.{actor, loop, reactWithin, exit} import scala.actors.TIMEOUT import scala.swing.{SimpleSwingApplication, MainFrame, Label} import scala.swing.event.MouseClicked case object Revert object BasicAnimation extends SimpleSwingApplication { val label = new Label("Hello World! ") val rotator = actor { var goingRight = true loop { reactWithin(250 ) { case Revert => goingRight = !goingRight case TIMEOUT => if (goingRight) label.text = label.text.last + label.text.init else label.text = label.text.tail + label.text.head case unknown => println("Unknown message "+unknown); exit() } } } def top = new MainFrame { title = "Basic Animation" contents = label } listenTo(label.mouse.clicks)
import import import import java.util.logging.Level import java.util.logging.Logger class LDAP(map: Map<String, String>) { fun run() { var connection: LdapNetworkConnection? = null try { if (info)"LDAP Connection to $hostname on port $port") connection = LdapNetworkConnection(hostname, port.toInt()) try { if (info)"LDAP bind") connection.bind() } catch (e: LdapException) { log.severe(e.toString()) } try { if (info)"LDAP unbind") connection.unBind() } catch (e: LdapException) { log.severe(e.toString()) } } finally { try { if (info)"LDAP close connection") connection!!.close() } catch (e: IOException) { log.severe(e.toString()) } } } private val log = Logger.getLogger( private val info = log.isLoggable(Level.INFO) private val hostname: String by map private val port: String by map } fun main(args: Array<String>) = LDAP(mapOf("hostname" to "localhost", "port" to "10389")).run()
1,150Active Directory/Connect
import ldap l = ldap.initialize() try: l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) bind = l.simple_bind_s(, ) base = criteria = attributes = ['displayName', 'company'] result = l.search_s(base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, criteria, attributes) results = [entry for dn, entry in result if isinstance(entry, dict)] print results finally: l.unbind()
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "log" "os" ) type SomeStruct struct { runtimeFields map[string]string } func check(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func main() { ss := SomeStruct{make(map[string]string)} scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) fmt.Println("Create two fields at runtime: ") for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ { fmt.Printf(" Field #%d:\n", i) fmt.Print(" Enter name : ") scanner.Scan() name := scanner.Text() fmt.Print(" Enter value: ") scanner.Scan() value := scanner.Text() check(scanner.Err()) ss.runtimeFields[name] = value fmt.Println() } for { fmt.Print("Which field do you want to inspect? ") scanner.Scan() name := scanner.Text() check(scanner.Err()) value, ok := ss.runtimeFields[name] if !ok { fmt.Println("There is no field of that name, try again") } else { fmt.Printf("Its value is '%s'\n", value) return } } }
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
package main import ( "fmt" "unsafe" ) func main() { myVar := 3.14 myPointer := &myVar fmt.Println("Address:", myPointer, &myVar) fmt.Printf("Address:%p%p\n", myPointer, &myVar) var addr64 int64 var addr32 int32 ptr := unsafe.Pointer(myPointer) if unsafe.Sizeof(ptr) <= unsafe.Sizeof(addr64) { addr64 = int64(uintptr(ptr)) fmt.Printf("Pointer stored in int64:%#016x\n", addr64) } if unsafe.Sizeof(ptr) <= unsafe.Sizeof(addr32) {
1,156Address of a variable
use Net::LDAP; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new('ldap://') or die $@; my $mesg = $ldap->bind( $bind_dn, password => $bind_pass );
1,150Active Directory/Connect
typedef struct { double (*func)(double); struct timeval start; double v, last_v, last_t; pthread_t id; } integ_t, *integ; void update(integ x) { struct timeval tv; double t, v, (*f)(double); f = x->func; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); t = ((tv.tv_sec - x->start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec - x->start.tv_usec) * 1e-6; v = f ? f(t) : 0; x->v += (x->last_v + v) * (t - x->last_t) / 2; x->last_t = t; } void* tick(void *a) { integ x = a; while (1) { usleep(100000); update(x); } } void set_input(integ x, double (*func)(double)) { update(x); x->func = func; x->last_t = 0; x->last_v = func ? func(0) : 0; } integ new_integ(double (*func)(double)) { integ x = malloc(sizeof(integ_t)); x->v = x->last_v = 0; x->func = 0; gettimeofday(&x->start, 0); set_input(x, func); pthread_create(&x->id, 0, tick, x); return x; } double sine(double t) { return sin(4 * atan2(1, 1) * t); } int main() { integ x = new_integ(sine); sleep(2); set_input(x, 0); usleep(500000); printf(, x->v); return 0; }
1,157Active object
require 'rubygems' require 'net/ldap' ldap = => 'hostname', :base => 'base') ldap.authenticate('bind_dn', 'bind_pass') filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.pres('objectclass') filter &= Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('sn','Jackman') filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.construct('(&(objectclass=*)(sn=Jackman))') results = => filter) puts results[0][:sn]
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
import import{LdapConnection, LdapNetworkConnection} object LdapSearchDemo extends App { class LdapSearch { def demonstrateSearch(): Unit = { val conn = new LdapNetworkConnection("localhost", 11389) try { conn.bind("uid=admin,ou=system", "********") search(conn, "*mil*") conn.unBind() } finally if (conn != null) conn.close() } private def search(connection: LdapConnection, uid: String): Unit = { val baseDn = "ou=users,o=mojo" val filter = "(&(objectClass=person)(&(uid=" + uid + ")))" val scope = SearchScope.SUBTREE val attributes = List("dn", "cn", "sn", "uid") var ksearch = 0 val cursor =, filter, scope, attributes: _*) while ( { ksearch += 1 val entry = cursor.get printf("Search entry%d =%s%n", ksearch, entry) } } } new LdapSearch().demonstrateSearch() }
1,149Active Directory/Search for a user
class A { final x = { it + 25 } private map = new HashMap() Object get(String key) { map[key] } void set(String key, Object value) { map[key] = value } }
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime