class label
1.18k classes
class label
21 classes
julia> x = [1, 2, 3] julia> ptr = pointer_from_objref(x) Ptr{Void} @0x000000010282e4a0 julia> unsafe_pointer_to_objref(ptr) 3-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 2 3
1,156Address of a variable
(require '[ io]) (def groups (with-open [r (io/reader wordfile)] (group-by sort (line-seq r)))) (let [wordlists (sort-by (comp - count) (vals groups)) maxlength (count (first wordlists))] (doseq [wordlist (take-while #(= (count %) maxlength) wordlists)] (println wordlist))
1,144Amicable pairs
<?php $ldap = ldap_connect($hostname, $port); $success = ldap_bind($ldap, $username, $password);
1,150Active Directory/Connect
import ldap l = ldap.initialize() try: l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) bind = l.simple_bind_s(, ) finally: l.unbind()
1,150Active Directory/Connect
e = {}
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
1,156Address of a variable
(defn c "kth coefficient of (x - 1)^n" [n k] (/ (apply *' (range n (- n k) -1)) (apply *' (range k 0 -1)) (if (and (even? k) (< k n)) -1 1))) (defn cs "coefficient series for (x - 1)^n, k=[0..n]" [n] (map #(c n %) (range (inc n)))) (defn aks? [p] (->> (cs p) rest butlast (every? #(-> % (mod p) zero?)))) (println "coefficient series n (k[0] .. k[n])") (doseq [n (range 10)] (println n (cs n))) (println) (println "primes < 50 per AKS:" (filter aks? (range 2 50)))
1,153AKS test for primes
from __future__ import annotations from enum import Enum from typing import NamedTuple from typing import Optional class Color(Enum): B = 0 R = 1 class Tree(NamedTuple): color: Color left: Optional[Tree] value: int right: Optional[Tree] def insert(self, val: int) -> Tree: return self._insert(val).make_black() def _insert(self, val: int) -> Tree: match compare(val, self.value): case _ if self == EMPTY: return Tree(Color.R, EMPTY, val, EMPTY) case -1: assert self.left is not None return Tree( self.color, self.left._insert(val), self.value, self.right ).balance() case 1: assert self.right is not None return Tree( self.color, self.left, self.value, self.right._insert(val) ).balance() case _: return self def balance(self) -> Tree: match self: case (Color.B, (Color.R, (Color.R, a, x, b), y, c), z, d): return Tree(Color.R, Tree(Color.B, a, x, b), y, Tree(Color.B, c, z, d)) case (Color.B, (Color.R, a, x, (Color.R, b, y, c)), z, d): return Tree(Color.R, Tree(Color.B, a, x, b), y, Tree(Color.B, c, z, d)) case (Color.B, a, x, (Color.R, (Color.R, b, y, c), z, d)): return Tree(Color.R, Tree(Color.B, a, x, b), y, Tree(Color.B, c, z, d)) case (Color.B, a, x, (Color.R, b, y, (Color.R, c, z, d))): return Tree(Color.R, Tree(Color.B, a, x, b), y, Tree(Color.B, c, z, d)) case _: return self def make_black(self) -> Tree: return self._replace(color=Color.B) def __str__(self) -> str: if self == EMPTY: return return f def print(self, indent: int = 0) -> None: if self != EMPTY: assert self.right is not None self.right.print(indent + 1) print(f) if self != EMPTY: assert self.left is not None self.left.print(indent + 1) EMPTY = Tree(Color.B, None, 0, None) def compare(x: int, y: int) -> int: if x > y: return 1 if x < y: return -1 return 0 def main(): tree = EMPTY for i in range(1, 17): tree = tree.insert(i) tree.print() if __name__ == : main()
1,146Algebraic data types
function sumDivs (n) local sum = 1 for d = 2, math.sqrt(n) do if n % d == 0 then sum = sum + d sum = sum + n / d end end return sum end for n = 2, 20000 do m = sumDivs(n) if m > n then if sumDivs(m) == n then print(n, m) end end end
1,144Amicable pairs
use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Math::Trig qw/:pi/; my $root = new MainWindow( -title => 'Pendulum Animation' ); my $canvas = $root->Canvas(-width => 320, -height => 200); my $after_id; for ($canvas) { $_->createLine( 0, 25, 320, 25, -tags => [qw/plate/], -width => 2, -fill => 'grey50' ); $_->createOval( 155, 20, 165, 30, -tags => [qw/pivot outline/], -fill => 'grey50' ); $_->createLine( 1, 1, 1, 1, -tags => [qw/rod width/], -width => 3, -fill => 'black' ); $_->createOval( 1, 1, 2, 2, -tags => [qw/bob outline/], -fill => 'yellow' ); } $canvas->raise('pivot'); $canvas->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1); my ($Theta, $dTheta, $length, $homeX, $homeY) = (45, 0, 150, 160, 25); sub show_pendulum { my $angle = $Theta * pi() / 180; my $x = $homeX + $length * sin($angle); my $y = $homeY + $length * cos($angle); $canvas->coords('rod', $homeX, $homeY, $x, $y); $canvas->coords('bob', $x-15, $y-15, $x+15, $y+15); } sub recompute_angle { my $scaling = 3000.0 / ($length ** 2); my $firstDDTheta = -sin($Theta * pi / 180) * $scaling; my $midDTheta = $dTheta + $firstDDTheta; my $midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + $midDTheta)/2; my $midDDTheta = -sin($midTheta * pi/ 180) * $scaling; $midDTheta = $dTheta + ($firstDDTheta + $midDDTheta)/2; $midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + $midDTheta)/2; $midDDTheta = -sin($midTheta * pi/ 180) * $scaling; my $lastDTheta = $midDTheta + $midDDTheta; my $lastTheta = $midTheta + ($midDTheta + $lastDTheta)/2; my $lastDDTheta = -sin($lastTheta * pi/180) * $scaling; $lastDTheta = $midDTheta + ($midDDTheta + $lastDDTheta)/2; $lastTheta = $midTheta + ($midDTheta + $lastDTheta)/2; $dTheta = $lastDTheta; $Theta = $lastTheta; } sub animate { recompute_angle; show_pendulum; $after_id = $root->after(15 => sub {animate() }); } show_pendulum; $after_id = $root->after(500 => sub {animate}); $canvas->bind('<Destroy>' => sub {$after_id->cancel}); MainLoop;
1,143Animate a pendulum
require 'rubygems' require 'net/ldap' ldap = => '', :base => 'o=companyname') ldap.authenticate('bind_dn', 'bind_pass')
1,150Active Directory/Connect
let conn = ldap3::LdapConn::new("ldap:
1,150Active Directory/Connect
import import import{LdapConnection, LdapNetworkConnection} object LdapConnectionDemo { @throws[LdapException] @throws[IOException] def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { try { val connection: LdapConnection = new LdapNetworkConnection("localhost", 10389) try { connection.bind() connection.unBind() } finally if (connection != null) connection.close() } } }
1,150Active Directory/Connect
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
t = {} print(t) f = function() end print(f) c = coroutine.create(function() end) print(c) u ="/dev/null","w") print(u) print(_G, _ENV)
1,156Address of a variable
package main import "fmt" func kPrime(n, k int) bool { nf := 0 for i := 2; i <= n; i++ { for n%i == 0 { if nf == k { return false } nf++ n /= i } } return nf == k } func gen(k, n int) []int { r := make([]int, n) n = 2 for i := range r { for !kPrime(n, k) { n++ } r[i] = n n++ } return r } func main() { for k := 1; k <= 5; k++ { fmt.Println(k, gen(k, 10)) } }
1,147Almost prime
(ns active-object (:import (java.util Timer TimerTask))) (defn input [integrator k] (send integrator assoc:k k)) (defn output [integrator] (:s @integrator)) (defn tick [integrator t1] (send integrator (fn [{:keys [k s t0]:as m}] (assoc m:s (+ s (/ (* (+ (k t1) (k t0)) (- t1 t0)) 2.0)):t0 t1)))) (defn start-timer [integrator interval] (let [timer (Timer. true) start (System/currentTimeMillis)] (.scheduleAtFixedRate timer (proxy [TimerTask] [] (run [] (tick integrator (double (/ (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start) 1000))))) (long 0) (long interval)) #(.cancel timer))) (defn test-integrator [] (let [integrator (agent {:k (constantly 0.0):s 0.0:t0 0.0}) stop-timer (start-timer integrator 10)] (input integrator #(Math/sin (* 2.0 Math/PI 0.5 %))) (Thread/sleep 2000) (input integrator (constantly 0.0)) (Thread/sleep 500) (println (output integrator)) (stop-timer))) user> (test-integrator) 1.414065859052494E-5
1,157Active object
public class almostprime { public static boolean kprime(int n,int k) { int i,div=0; for(i=2;(i*i <= n) && (div<k);i++) { while(n%i==0) { n = n/i; div++; } } return div + ((n > 1)?1:0) == k; } public static void main(String[] args) { int i,l,k; for(k=1;k<=5;k++) { println("k = " + k + ":"); l = 0; for(i=2;l<10;i++) { if(kprime(i,k)) { print(i + " "); l++; } } println(); } } }
1,147Almost prime
use POSIX 'fmod'; sub angle { my($b1,$b2) = @_; my $b = fmod( ($b2 - $b1 + 720) , 360); $b -= 360 if $b > 180; $b += 360 if $b < -180; return $b; } @bearings = ( 20, 45, -45, 45, -85, 90, -95, 90, -45, 125, -45, 145, 29.4803, -88.6381, -78.3251, -159.036, -70099.74233810938, 29840.67437876723, -165313.6666297357, 33693.9894517456, 1174.8380510598456, -154146.66490124757, 60175.77306795546, 42213.07192354373 ); while(my ($b1,$b2) = splice(@bearings,0,2)) { printf "%10.2f%10.2f =%8.2f\n", $b1, $b2, angle($b1,$b2); }
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
import urllib.request from collections import defaultdict from itertools import combinations def getwords(url='http: return list(set(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().split())) def find_anagrams(words): anagram = defaultdict(list) for word in words: anagram[tuple(sorted(word))].append( word ) return dict((key, words) for key, words in anagram.items() if len(words) > 1) def is_deranged(words): 'returns pairs of words that have no character in the same position' return [ (word1, word2) for word1,word2 in combinations(words, 2) if all(ch1 != ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(word1, word2)) ] def largest_deranged_ana(anagrams): ordered_anagrams = sorted(anagrams.items(), key=lambda x:(-len(x[0]), x[0])) for _, words in ordered_anagrams: deranged_pairs = is_deranged(words) if deranged_pairs: return deranged_pairs return [] if __name__ == '__main__': words = getwords('http: print(, len(words)) anagrams = find_anagrams(words) print(, len(anagrams),) print() print(' ' + '\n '.join(', '.join(pairs) for pairs in largest_deranged_ana(anagrams)))
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
package main import ( "fmt" "math" "sort" ) func totient(n int) int { tot := n i := 2 for i*i <= n { if n%i == 0 { for n%i == 0 { n /= i } tot -= tot / i } if i == 2 { i = 1 } i += 2 } if n > 1 { tot -= tot / n } return tot } var pps = make(map[int]bool) func getPerfectPowers(maxExp int) { upper := math.Pow(10, float64(maxExp)) for i := 2; i <= int(math.Sqrt(upper)); i++ { fi := float64(i) p := fi for { p *= fi if p >= upper { break } pps[int(p)] = true } } } func getAchilles(minExp, maxExp int) map[int]bool { lower := math.Pow(10, float64(minExp)) upper := math.Pow(10, float64(maxExp)) achilles := make(map[int]bool) for b := 1; b <= int(math.Cbrt(upper)); b++ { b3 := b * b * b for a := 1; a <= int(math.Sqrt(upper)); a++ { p := b3 * a * a if p >= int(upper) { break } if p >= int(lower) { if _, ok := pps[p]; !ok { achilles[p] = true } } } } return achilles } func main() { maxDigits := 15 getPerfectPowers(maxDigits) achillesSet := getAchilles(1, 5)
1,158Achilles numbers
empty = {} = 1
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
#![feature(box_patterns, box_syntax)] use self::Color::*; use std::cmp::Ordering::*; enum Color {R,B} type Link<T> = Option<Box<N<T>>>; struct N<T> { c: Color, l: Link<T>, val: T, r: Link<T>, } impl<T: Ord> N<T> { fn balance(col: Color, n1: Link<T>, z: T, n2: Link<T>) -> Link<T> { Some(box match (col,n1,n2) { (B, Some(box N {c: R, l: Some(box N {c: R, l: a, val: x, r: b}), val: y, r: c}), d) | (B, Some(box N {c: R, l: a, val: x, r: Some (box N {c: R, l: b, val: y, r: c})}), d) => N {c: R, l: Some(box N {c: B, l: a, val: x, r: b}), val: y, r: Some(box N {c: B, l: c, val: z, r: d})}, (B, a, Some(box N {c: R, l: Some(box N {c: R, l: b, val: y, r: c}), val: v, r: d})) | (B, a, Some(box N {c: R, l: b, val: y, r: Some(box N {c: R, l: c, val: v, r: d})})) => N {c: R, l: Some(box N {c: B, l: a, val: z, r: b}), val: y, r: Some(box N {c: B, l: c, val: v, r: d})}, (col, a, b) => N {c: col, l: a, val: z, r: b}, }) } fn insert(x: T, n: Link<T>) -> Link<T> { match n { None => Some(box N { c: R, l: None, val: x, r: None }), Some(n) => { let n = *n; let N {c: col, l: a, val: y, r: b} = n; match x.cmp(&y) { Greater => Self::balance(col, a,y,Self::insert(x,b)), Less => Self::balance(col, Self::insert(x,a),y,b), Equal => Some(box N {c: col, l: a, val: y, r: b}) } } } } }
1,146Algebraic data types
class RedBlackTree[A](implicit ord: Ordering[A]) { sealed abstract class Color case object R extends Color case object B extends Color sealed abstract class Tree { def insert(x: A): Tree = ins(x) match { case T(_, a, y, b) => T(B, a, y, b) case E => E } def ins(x: A): Tree } case object E extends Tree { override def ins(x: A): Tree = T(R, E, x, E) } case class T(c: Color, left: Tree, a: A, right: Tree) extends Tree { private def balance: Tree = (c, left, a, right) match { case (B, T(R, T(R, a, x, b), y, c), z, d ) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d)) case (B, T(R, a, x, T(R, b, y, c)), z, d ) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d)) case (B, a, x, T(R, T(R, b, y, c), z, d )) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d)) case (B, a, x, T(R, b, y, T(R, c, z, d))) => T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d)) case _ => this } override def ins(x: A): Tree =, a) match { case -1 => T(c, left ins x, a, right ).balance case 1 => T(c, left, a, right ins x).balance case 0 => this } } }
1,146Algebraic data types
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" ) func ambStrings(ss []string) chan []string { c := make(chan []string) go func() { for _, s := range ss { c <- []string{s} } close(c) }() return c } func ambChain(ss []string, cIn chan []string) chan []string { cOut := make(chan []string) go func() { var w sync.WaitGroup for chain := range cIn { w.Add(1) go func(chain []string) { for s1 := range ambStrings(ss) { if s1[0][len(s1[0])-1] == chain[0][0] { cOut <- append(s1, chain...) } } w.Done() }(chain) } w.Wait() close(cOut) }() return cOut } func main() { s1 := []string{"the", "that", "a"} s2 := []string{"frog", "elephant", "thing"} s3 := []string{"walked", "treaded", "grows"} s4 := []string{"slowly", "quickly"} c := ambChain(s1, ambChain(s2, ambChain(s3, ambStrings(s4)))) for s := range c { fmt.Println(s) } }
enum Color { case R, B } enum Tree<A> { case E indirect case T(Color, Tree<A>, A, Tree<A>) } func balance<A>(input: (Color, Tree<A>, A, Tree<A>)) -> Tree<A> { switch input { case let (.B, .T(.R, .T(.R,a,x,b), y, c), z, d): return .T(.R, .T(.B,a,x,b), y, .T(.B,c,z,d)) case let (.B, .T(.R, a, x, .T(.R,b,y,c)), z, d): return .T(.R, .T(.B,a,x,b), y, .T(.B,c,z,d)) case let (.B, a, x, .T(.R, .T(.R,b,y,c), z, d)): return .T(.R, .T(.B,a,x,b), y, .T(.B,c,z,d)) case let (.B, a, x, .T(.R, b, y, .T(.R,c,z,d))): return .T(.R, .T(.B,a,x,b), y, .T(.B,c,z,d)) case let (col, a, x, b) : return .T(col, a, x, b) } } func insert<A: Comparable>(x: A, s: Tree<A>) -> Tree<A> { func ins(s: Tree<A>) -> Tree<A> { switch s { case .E : return .T(.R,.E,x,.E) case let .T(col,a,y,b): if x < y { return balance((col, ins(a), y, b)) } else if x > y { return balance((col, a, y, ins(b))) } else { return s } } } switch ins(s) { case let .T(_,a,y,b): return .T(.B,a,y,b) case .E: assert(false) return .E } }
1,146Algebraic data types
isPrime :: Integral a => a -> Bool isPrime n = not $ any ((0 ==) . (mod n)) [2..(truncate $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n)] primes :: [Integer] primes = filter isPrime [2..] isKPrime :: (Num a, Eq a) => a -> Integer -> Bool isKPrime 1 n = isPrime n isKPrime k n = any (isKPrime (k - 1)) sprimes where sprimes = map fst $ filter ((0 ==) . snd) $ map (divMod n) $ takeWhile (< n) primes kPrimes :: (Num a, Eq a) => a -> [Integer] kPrimes k = filter (isKPrime k) [2..] main :: IO () main = flip mapM_ [1..5] $ \k -> putStrLn $ "k = " ++ show k ++ ": " ++ (unwords $ map show (take 10 $ kPrimes k))
1,147Almost prime
puzzlers.dict <- readLines("") longest.deranged.anagram <- function(dict=puzzlers.dict) { anagram.groups <- function( { sorted <- sapply(lapply(strsplit(,""),sort),paste, collapse="") grouped <- tapply(, sorted, force, simplify=FALSE) grouped <- grouped[sapply(grouped, length) > 1] grouped[order(-nchar(names(grouped)))] } derangements <- function( { pairs <- expand.grid(a =, b =, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) pairs <- subset(pairs, a < b) deranged <- with(pairs, mapply(function(a,b) all(a!=b), strsplit(a,""), strsplit(b,""))) pairs[which(deranged),] } for ( in anagram.groups(dict)) { if (nrow(d <- derangements( > 0) { return(d[1,]) } } }
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
import Control.Monad amb = id joins left right = last left == head right example = do w1 <- amb ["the", "that", "a"] w2 <- amb ["frog", "elephant", "thing"] w3 <- amb ["walked", "treaded", "grows"] w4 <- amb ["slowly", "quickly"] guard (w1 `joins` w2) guard (w2 `joins` w3) guard (w3 `joins` w4) pure $ unwords [w1, w2, w3, w4]
use strict; use warnings; use feature <say current_sub>; use experimental 'signatures'; use List::AllUtils <max head uniqint>; use ntheory <is_square_free is_power euler_phi>; use Math::AnyNum <:overload idiv iroot ipow is_coprime>; sub table { my $t = shift() * (my $c = 1 + length max @_); ( sprintf( ('%'.$c.'d')x@_, @_) ) =~ s/.{1,$t}\K/\n/gr } sub powerful_numbers ($n, $k = 2) { my @powerful; sub ($m, $r) { $r < $k and push @powerful, $m and return; for my $v (1 .. iroot(idiv($n, $m), $r)) { if ($r > $k) { next unless is_square_free($v) and is_coprime($m, $v) } __SUB__->($m * ipow($v, $r), $r - 1); } }->(1, 2*$k - 1); sort { $a <=> $b } @powerful; } my(@P, @achilles, %Ahash, @strong); @P = uniqint @P, powerful_numbers(10**9, $_) for 2..9; shift @P; !is_power($_) and push @achilles, $_ and $Ahash{$_}++ for @P; $Ahash{euler_phi $_} and push @strong, $_ for @achilles; say "First 50 Achilles numbers:\n" . table 10, head 50, @achilles; say "First 30 strong Achilles numbers:\n" . table 10, head 30, @strong; say "Number of Achilles numbers with:\n"; for my $l (2..9) { my $c; $l == length and $c++ for @achilles; say "$l digits: $c"; }
1,158Achilles numbers
package main import ( "fmt" "math" "strings" ) const threshold = uint64(1) << 47 func indexOf(s []uint64, search uint64) int { for i, e := range s { if e == search { return i } } return -1 } func contains(s []uint64, search uint64) bool { return indexOf(s, search) > -1 } func maxOf(i1, i2 int) int { if i1 > i2 { return i1 } return i2 } func sumProperDivisors(n uint64) uint64 { if n < 2 { return 0 } sqrt := uint64(math.Sqrt(float64(n))) sum := uint64(1) for i := uint64(2); i <= sqrt; i++ { if n % i != 0 { continue } sum += i + n / i } if sqrt * sqrt == n { sum -= sqrt } return sum } func classifySequence(k uint64) ([]uint64, string) { if k == 0 { panic("Argument must be positive.") } last := k var seq []uint64 seq = append(seq, k) for { last = sumProperDivisors(last) seq = append(seq, last) n := len(seq) aliquot := "" switch { case last == 0: aliquot = "Terminating" case n == 2 && last == k: aliquot = "Perfect" case n == 3 && last == k: aliquot = "Amicable" case n >= 4 && last == k: aliquot = fmt.Sprintf("Sociable[%d]", n - 1) case last == seq[n - 2]: aliquot = "Aspiring" case contains(seq[1 : maxOf(1, n - 2)], last): aliquot = fmt.Sprintf("Cyclic[%d]", n - 1 - indexOf(seq[:], last)) case n == 16 || last > threshold: aliquot = "Non-Terminating" } if aliquot != "" { return seq, aliquot } } } func joinWithCommas(seq []uint64) string { res := fmt.Sprint(seq) res = strings.Replace(res, " ", ", ", -1) return res } func main() { fmt.Println("Aliquot classifications - periods for Sociable/Cyclic in square brackets:\n") for k := uint64(1); k <= 10; k++ { seq, aliquot := classifySequence(k) fmt.Printf("%2d:%-15s%s\n", k, aliquot, joinWithCommas(seq)) } fmt.Println() s := []uint64{ 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, } for _, k := range s { seq, aliquot := classifySequence(k) fmt.Printf("%7d:%-15s%s\n", k, aliquot, joinWithCommas(seq)) } fmt.Println() k := uint64(15355717786080) seq, aliquot := classifySequence(k) fmt.Printf("%d:%-15s%s\n", k, aliquot, joinWithCommas(seq)) }
1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr); print refaddr(\my $v), "\n";
1,156Address of a variable
divisors :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] divisors n = filter ((0 ==) . (n `mod`)) [1 .. (n `div` 2)] data Class = Terminating | Perfect | Amicable | Sociable | Aspiring | Cyclic | Nonterminating deriving (Show) aliquot :: (Integral a) => a -> [a] aliquot 0 = [0] aliquot n = n: (aliquot $ sum $ divisors n) classify :: (Num a, Eq a) => [a] -> Class classify [] = Nonterminating classify [0] = Terminating classify [_] = Nonterminating classify [a,b] | a == b = Perfect | b == 0 = Terminating | otherwise = Nonterminating classify x@(a:b:c:_) | a == b = Perfect | a == c = Amicable | a `elem` (drop 1 x) = Sociable | otherwise = case classify (drop 1 x) of Perfect -> Aspiring Amicable -> Cyclic Sociable -> Cyclic d -> d main :: IO () main = do let cls n = let ali = take 16 $ aliquot n in (classify ali, ali) mapM_ (print . cls) $ [1..10] ++ [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488]
1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
package Empty; sub new { return bless {}, shift; } package main; my $o = Empty->new; $o->{'foo'} = 1;
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
package main import "fmt" func isPrime(n int) bool { switch { case n < 2: return false case n%2 == 0: return n == 2 case n%3 == 0: return n == 3 default: d := 5 for d*d <= n { if n%d == 0 { return false } d += 2 if n%d == 0 { return false } d += 4 } return true } } func sumDigits(n int) int { sum := 0 for n > 0 { sum += n % 10 n /= 10 } return sum } func main() { fmt.Println("Additive primes less than 500:") i := 2 count := 0 for { if isPrime(i) && isPrime(sumDigits(i)) { count++ fmt.Printf("%3d ", i) if count%10 == 0 { fmt.Println() } } if i > 2 { i += 2 } else { i++ } if i > 499 { break } } fmt.Printf("\n\n%d additive primes found.\n", count) }
1,154Additive primes
import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * from math import sin, cos, radians pygame.init() WINDOWSIZE = 250 TIMETICK = 100 BOBSIZE = 15 window = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWSIZE, WINDOWSIZE)) pygame.display.set_caption() screen = pygame.display.get_surface() screen.fill((255,255,255)) PIVOT = (WINDOWSIZE/2, WINDOWSIZE/10) SWINGLENGTH = PIVOT[1]*4 class BobMass(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.theta = 45 self.dtheta = 0 self.rect = pygame.Rect(PIVOT[0]-SWINGLENGTH*cos(radians(self.theta)), PIVOT[1]+SWINGLENGTH*sin(radians(self.theta)), 1,1) self.draw() def recomputeAngle(self): scaling = 3000.0/(SWINGLENGTH**2) firstDDtheta = -sin(radians(self.theta))*scaling midDtheta = self.dtheta + firstDDtheta midtheta = self.theta + (self.dtheta + midDtheta)/2.0 midDDtheta = -sin(radians(midtheta))*scaling midDtheta = self.dtheta + (firstDDtheta + midDDtheta)/2 midtheta = self.theta + (self.dtheta + midDtheta)/2 midDDtheta = -sin(radians(midtheta)) * scaling lastDtheta = midDtheta + midDDtheta lasttheta = midtheta + (midDtheta + lastDtheta)/2.0 lastDDtheta = -sin(radians(lasttheta)) * scaling lastDtheta = midDtheta + (midDDtheta + lastDDtheta)/2.0 lasttheta = midtheta + (midDtheta + lastDtheta)/2.0 self.dtheta = lastDtheta self.theta = lasttheta self.rect = pygame.Rect(PIVOT[0]- SWINGLENGTH*sin(radians(self.theta)), PIVOT[1]+ SWINGLENGTH*cos(radians(self.theta)),1,1) def draw(self):, (0,0,0), PIVOT, 5, 0), (0,0,0),, BOBSIZE, 0) pygame.draw.aaline(screen, (0,0,0), PIVOT, pygame.draw.line(screen, (0,0,0), (0, PIVOT[1]), (WINDOWSIZE, PIVOT[1])) def update(self): self.recomputeAngle() screen.fill((255,255,255)) self.draw() bob = BobMass() TICK = USEREVENT + 2 pygame.time.set_timer(TICK, TIMETICK) def input(events): for event in events: if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit(0) elif event.type == TICK: bob.update() while True: input(pygame.event.get()) pygame.display.flip()
1,143Animate a pendulum
class E {}; $e=new E(); $e->foo=1; $e->{} = 1; $x = ; $e->$x = 1;
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
public class additivePrimes { public static void main(String[] args) { int additive_primes = 0; for (int i = 2; i < 500; i++) { if(isPrime(i) && isPrime(digitSum(i))){ additive_primes++; System.out.print(i + " "); } } System.out.print("\nFound " + additive_primes + " additive primes less than 500"); } static boolean isPrime(int n) { int counter = 1; if (n < 2 || (n != 2 && n % 2 == 0) || (n != 3 && n % 3 == 0)) { return false; } while (counter * 6 - 1 <= Math.sqrt(n)) { if (n % (counter * 6 - 1) == 0 || n % (counter * 6 + 1) == 0) { return false; } else { counter++; } } return true; } static int digitSum(int n) { int sum = 0; while (n > 0) { sum += n % 10; n /= 10; } return sum; } }
1,154Additive primes
public class AlmostPrime { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int k = 1; k <= 5; k++) { System.out.print("k = " + k + ":"); for (int i = 2, c = 0; c < 10; i++) { if (kprime(i, k)) { System.out.print(" " + i); c++; } } System.out.println(""); } } public static boolean kprime(int n, int k) { int f = 0; for (int p = 2; f < k && p * p <= n; p++) { while (n % p == 0) { n /= p; f++; } } return f + ((n > 1) ? 1 : 0) == k; } }
1,147Almost prime
from __future__ import print_function def getDifference(b1, b2): r = (b2 - b1)% 360.0 if r >= 180.0: r -= 360.0 return r if __name__ == : print () print (getDifference(20.0, 45.0)) print (getDifference(-45.0, 45.0)) print (getDifference(-85.0, 90.0)) print (getDifference(-95.0, 90.0)) print (getDifference(-45.0, 125.0)) print (getDifference(-45.0, 145.0)) print (getDifference(-45.0, 125.0)) print (getDifference(-45.0, 145.0)) print (getDifference(29.4803, -88.6381)) print (getDifference(-78.3251, -159.036)) print () print (getDifference(-70099.74233810938, 29840.67437876723)) print (getDifference(-165313.6666297357, 33693.9894517456)) print (getDifference(1174.8380510598456, -154146.66490124757)) print (getDifference(60175.77306795546, 42213.07192354373))
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
static __typeof__(n) _n=n; LOGIC; } ACCUMULATOR(x,1.0) ACCUMULATOR(y,3) ACCUMULATOR(z,'a') int main (void) { printf (, x(5)); printf (, x(2.3)); printf (, y(5.0)); printf (, y(3.3)); printf (, z(5)); return 0; }
1,159Accumulator factory
fn perfect_powers(n: u128) -> Vec<u128> { let mut powers = Vec::<u128>::new(); let sqrt = (n as f64).sqrt() as u128; for i in 2..=sqrt { let mut p = i * i; while p < n { powers.push(p); p *= i; } } powers.sort(); powers.dedup(); powers } fn bsearch<T: Ord>(vector: &Vec<T>, value: &T) -> bool { match vector.binary_search(value) { Ok(_) => true, _ => false, } } fn achilles(from: u128, to: u128, pps: &Vec<u128>) -> Vec<u128> { let mut result = Vec::<u128>::new(); let cbrt = ((to / 4) as f64).cbrt() as u128; let sqrt = ((to / 8) as f64).sqrt() as u128; for b in 2..=cbrt { let b3 = b * b * b; for a in 2..=sqrt { let p = b3 * a * a; if p >= to { break; } if p >= from &&!bsearch(&pps, &p) { result.push(p); } } } result.sort(); result.dedup(); result } fn totient(mut n: u128) -> u128 { let mut tot = n; if (n & 1) == 0 { while (n & 1) == 0 { n >>= 1; } tot -= tot >> 1; } let mut p = 3; while p * p <= n { if n% p == 0 { while n% p == 0 { n /= p; } tot -= tot / p; } p += 2; } if n > 1 { tot -= tot / n; } tot } fn main() { use std::time::Instant; let t0 = Instant::now(); let limit = 1000000000000000u128; let pps = perfect_powers(limit); let ach = achilles(1, 1000000, &pps); println!("First 50 Achilles numbers:"); for i in 0..50 { print!("{:4}{}", ach[i], if (i + 1)% 10 == 0 { "\n" } else { " " }); } println!("\nFirst 50 strong Achilles numbers:"); for (i, n) in ach .iter() .filter(|&x| bsearch(&ach, &totient(*x))) .take(50) .enumerate() { print!("{:6}{}", n, if (i + 1)% 10 == 0 { "\n" } else { " " }); } println!(); let mut from = 1u128; let mut to = 100u128; let mut digits = 2; while to <= limit { let count = achilles(from, to, &pps).len(); println!("{:2} digits: {}", digits, count); from = to; to *= 10; digits += 1; } let duration = t0.elapsed(); println!("\nElapsed time: {} milliseconds", duration.as_millis()); }
1,158Achilles numbers
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; public class AliquotSequenceClassifications { private static Long properDivsSum(long n) { return LongStream.rangeClosed(1, (n + 1) / 2).filter(i -> n % i == 0 && n != i).sum(); } static boolean aliquot(long n, int maxLen, long maxTerm) { List<Long> s = new ArrayList<>(maxLen); s.add(n); long newN = n; while (s.size() <= maxLen && newN < maxTerm) { newN = properDivsSum(s.get(s.size() - 1)); if (s.contains(newN)) { if (s.get(0) == newN) { switch (s.size()) { case 1: return report("Perfect", s); case 2: return report("Amicable", s); default: return report("Sociable of length " + s.size(), s); } } else if (s.get(s.size() - 1) == newN) { return report("Aspiring", s); } else return report("Cyclic back to " + newN, s); } else { s.add(newN); if (newN == 0) return report("Terminating", s); } } return report("Non-terminating", s); } static boolean report(String msg, List<Long> result) { System.out.println(msg + ": " + result); return false; } public static void main(String[] args) { long[] arr = { 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488}; LongStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).forEach(n -> aliquot(n, 16, 1L << 47)); System.out.println(); -> aliquot(n, 16, 1L << 47)); } }
1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
class empty(object): pass e = empty()
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
foo = object() address = id(foo)
1,156Address of a variable
import Data.List (unfoldr) primes = 2: sieve [3,5..] where sieve (x:xs) = x: sieve (filter (\y -> y `mod` x /= 0) xs) isPrime n = all (\p -> n `mod` p /= 0) $ takeWhile (< sqrtN) primes where sqrtN = round . sqrt . fromIntegral $ n digits = unfoldr f where f 0 = Nothing f n = let (q, r) = divMod n 10 in Just (r,q) isAdditivePrime n = isPrime n && (isPrime . sum . digits) n
1,154Additive primes
function almostPrime (n, k) { var divisor = 2, count = 0 while(count < k + 1 && n != 1) { if (n % divisor == 0) { n = n / divisor count = count + 1 } else { divisor++ } } return count == k } for (var k = 1; k <= 5; k++) { document.write("<br>k=", k, ": ") var count = 0, n = 0 while (count <= 10) { n++ if (almostPrime(n, k)) { document.write(n, " ") count++ } } }
1,147Almost prime
library(DescTools) pendulum<-function(length=5,radius=1,circle.color="white",bg.color="white"){ tseq = c(seq(0,pi,by=.1),seq(pi,0,by=-.1)) slow=.27;fast=.07 sseq = c(seq(slow,fast,length.out = length(tseq)/4),seq(fast,slow,length.out = length(tseq)/4),seq(slow,fast,length.out = length(tseq)/4),seq(fast,slow,length.out = length(tseq)/4)) plot(0,0,xlim=c((-length-radius)*1.2,(length+radius)*1.2),ylim=c((-length-radius)*1.2,0),xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="") cat("Press Esc to end animation") while(T){ for(i in 1:length(tseq)){ rect(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[3],par("usr")[2],par("usr")[4],col = bg.color) abline(h=0,col="grey") points(0,0) DrawCircle((radius+length)*cos(tseq[i]),(radius+length)*-sin(tseq[i]),r.out=radius,col=circle.color) lines(c(0,length*cos(tseq[i])),c(0,length*-sin(tseq[i]))) Sys.sleep(sseq[i]) } } } pendulum(5,1,"gold","lightblue")
1,143Animate a pendulum
function ambRun(func) { var choices = []; var index; function amb(values) { if (values.length == 0) { fail(); } if (index == choices.length) { choices.push({i: 0, count: values.length}); } var choice = choices[index++]; return values[choice.i]; } function fail() { throw fail; } while (true) { try { index = 0; return func(amb, fail); } catch (e) { if (e != fail) { throw e; } var choice; while ((choice = choices.pop()) && ++choice.i == choice.count) {} if (choice == undefined) { return undefined; } choices.push(choice); } } } ambRun(function(amb, fail) { function linked(s1, s2) { return s1.slice(-1) == s2.slice(0, 1); } var w1 = amb(["the", "that", "a"]); var w2 = amb(["frog", "elephant", "thing"]); if (!linked(w1, w2)) fail(); var w3 = amb(["walked", "treaded", "grows"]); if (!linked(w2, w3)) fail(); var w4 = amb(["slowly", "quickly"]); if (!linked(w3, w4)) fail(); return [w1, w2, w3, w4].join(' '); });
x <- 5 y <- x pryr::address(x) pryr::address(y) y <- y + 1 pryr::address(x) pryr::address(y)
1,156Address of a variable
fun isPrime(n: Int): Boolean { if (n <= 3) return n > 1 if (n% 2 == 0 || n% 3 == 0) return false var i = 5 while (i * i <= n) { if (n% i == 0 || n% (i + 2) == 0) return false i += 6 } return true } fun digitSum(n: Int): Int { var sum = 0 var num = n while (num > 0) { sum += num% 10 num /= 10 } return sum } fun main() { var additivePrimes = 0 for (i in 2 until 500) { if (isPrime(i) and isPrime(digitSum(i))) { additivePrimes++ print("$i ") } } println("\nFound $additivePrimes additive primes less than 500") }
1,154Additive primes
def deranged?(a, b) {|char_a, char_b| char_a!= char_b} end def find_derangements(list) list.combination(2) {|a,b| return a,b if deranged?(a,b)} nil end require 'open-uri' anagram = open('http: {|s| s.each_char.sort} end anagram ={|k,list| list.size>1}.sort_by{|k,list| -k.size} anagram.each do |k,list| if derangements = find_derangements(list) puts break end end
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
sub recur (&@) { my $f = shift; local *recurse = $f; $f->(@_); } sub fibo { my $n = shift; $n < 0 and die 'Negative argument'; recur { my $m = shift; $m < 3 ? 1 : recurse($m - 1) + recurse($m - 2); } $n; }
1,138Anonymous recursion
class Empty end e = class << e attr_accessor:foo end = 1 puts f = = 1
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
import language.dynamics import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap class A extends Dynamic { private val map = new HashMap[String, Any] def selectDynamic(name: String): Any = { return map(name) } def updateDynamic(name:String)(value: Any) = { map(name) = value } }
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
>foo = >id = foo.object_id > % (id << 1)
1,156Address of a variable
function sumdigits(n) local sum = 0 while n > 0 do sum = sum + n % 10 n = math.floor(n/10) end return sum end primegen:generate(nil, 500) aprimes = primegen:filter(function(n) return primegen.tbd(sumdigits(n)) end) print(table.concat(aprimes, " ")) print("Count:", #aprimes)
1,154Additive primes
fun Int.k_prime(x: Int): Boolean { var n = x var f = 0 var p = 2 while (f < this && p * p <= n) { while (0 == n % p) { n /= p; f++ } p++ } return f + (if (n > 1) 1 else 0) == this } fun Int.primes(n : Int) : List<Int> { var i = 2 var list = mutableListOf<Int>() while (list.size < n) { if (k_prime(i)) list.add(i) i++ } return list } fun main(args: Array<String>) { for (k in 1..5) println("k = $k: " + k.primes(10)) }
1,147Almost prime
(defn accum [n] (let [acc (atom n)] (fn [m] (swap! acc + m))))
1,159Accumulator factory
1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
import Foundation let fooKey = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.alloc(1) class MyClass { } let e = MyClass()
1,155Add a variable to a class instance at runtime
let v1 = vec![vec![1,2,3]; 10]; println!("Original address: {:p}", &v1); let mut v2;
1,156Address of a variable
var n = 42; say Sys.refaddr(\n); # prints the address of the variable say Sys.refaddr(n); # prints the address of the object at which the variable points to
1,156Address of a variable
def getDifference(b1, b2) r = (b2 - b1) % 360.0 if r >= 180.0 r -= 360.0 end return r end if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME puts puts getDifference(20.0, 45.0) puts getDifference(-45.0, 45.0) puts getDifference(-85.0, 90.0) puts getDifference(-95.0, 90.0) puts getDifference(-45.0, 125.0) puts getDifference(-45.0, 145.0) puts getDifference(-45.0, 125.0) puts getDifference(-45.0, 145.0) puts getDifference(29.4803, -88.6381) puts getDifference(-78.3251, -159.036) puts puts getDifference(-70099.74233810938, 29840.67437876723) puts getDifference(-165313.6666297357, 33693.9894517456) puts getDifference(1174.8380510598456, -154146.66490124757) puts getDifference(60175.77306795546, 42213.07192354373) end
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
<?php function fib($n) { if ($n < 0) throw new Exception('Negative numbers not allowed'); $f = function($n) { if ($n < 2) return 1; else { $g = debug_backtrace()[1]['args'][0]; return call_user_func($g, $n-1) + call_user_func($g, $n-2); } }; return call_user_func($f, $n); } echo fib(8), ; ?>
1,138Anonymous recursion
use ntheory qw/divisor_sum/; for my $x (1..20000) { my $y = divisor_sum($x)-$x; say "$x $y" if $y > $x && $x == divisor_sum($y)-$y; }
1,144Amicable pairs
package main import ( "fmt" "math" "time" )
1,157Active object
class MyClass { } func printAddress<T>(of pointer: UnsafePointer<T>) { print(pointer) } func test() { var x = 42 var y = 3.14 var z = "foo" var obj = MyClass()
1,156Address of a variable
1,147Almost prime
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
object DerangedAnagrams { def groupAnagrams(words: Iterable[String]): Map[String, Set[String]] = words.foldLeft (Map[String, Set[String]]()) { (map, word) => val sorted = word.sorted val entry = map.getOrElse(sorted, Set.empty) map + (sorted -> (entry + word)) } def isDeranged(ss: (String, String)): Boolean = ss._1 zip ss._2 forall { case (c1, c2) => c1 != c2 } def pairWords(as: Iterable[String]): Iterable[(String, String)] = if (as.size < 2) Seq() else (as.tail map (as.head -> _)) ++ pairWords(as.tail) def readLines(url: String): Iterable[String] = io.Source.fromURL(url).getLines().toIterable val wordsURL = "http:
1,139Anagrams/Deranged anagrams
makeAccumulator(s) => (n) => s += n;
1,159Accumulator factory
class Integrator { interface Function { double apply(double timeSinceStartInSeconds) } private final long start private volatile boolean running private Function func private double t0 private double v0 private double sum Integrator(Function func) { this.start = System.nanoTime() setFunc(func) new Thread({ this.&integrate() }).start() } void setFunc(Function func) { this.func = func def temp = func.apply(0.0.toDouble()) v0 = temp t0 = 0.0.doubleValue() } double getOutput() { return sum } void stop() { running = false } private void integrate() { running = true while (running) { try { Thread.sleep(1) update() } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { return } } } private void update() { double t1 = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1.0e9 double v1 = func.apply(t1) double rect = (t1 - t0) * (v0 + v1) / 2.0 this.sum += rect t0 = t1 v0 = v1 } static void main(String[] args) { Integrator integrator = new Integrator({ t -> Math.sin(Math.PI * t) }) Thread.sleep(2000) integrator.setFunc({ t -> 0.0.toDouble() }) Thread.sleep(500) integrator.stop() System.out.println(integrator.getOutput()) } }
1,157Active object
object AngleDifference extends App { private def getDifference(b1: Double, b2: Double) = { val r = (b2 - b1) % 360.0 if (r < -180.0) r + 360.0 else if (r >= 180.0) r - 360.0 else r } println("Input in -180 to +180 range") println(getDifference(20.0, 45.0)) println(getDifference(-45.0, 45.0)) println(getDifference(-85.0, 90.0)) println(getDifference(-95.0, 90.0)) println(getDifference(-45.0, 125.0)) println(getDifference(-45.0, 145.0)) println(getDifference(-45.0, 125.0)) println(getDifference(-45.0, 145.0)) println(getDifference(29.4803, -88.6381)) println(getDifference(-78.3251, -159.036)) println("Input in wider range") println(getDifference(-70099.74233810938, 29840.67437876723)) println(getDifference(-165313.6666297357, 33693.9894517456)) println(getDifference(1174.8380510598456, -154146.66490124757)) println(getDifference(60175.77306795546, 42213.07192354373)) }
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
module Integrator ( newIntegrator, input, output, stop, Time, timeInterval ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar_, modifyMVar, readMVar) import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime) main = do let f = 0.5 t0 <- getCurrentTime i <- newIntegrator input i (\t -> sin(2*pi * f * timeInterval t0 t)) threadDelay 2000000 input i (const 0) threadDelay 500000 result <- output i stop i print result type Time = UTCTime type Func a = Time -> a timeInterval t0 t1 = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime t1 t0 newIntegrator :: Fractional a => IO (Integrator a) input :: Integrator a -> Func a -> IO () output :: Integrator a -> IO a stop :: Integrator a -> IO () data Integrator a = Integrator (MVar (IntState a)) deriving Eq data IntState a = IntState { func :: Func a, run :: Bool, value :: a, time :: Time } newIntegrator = do now <- getCurrentTime state <- newMVar $ IntState { func = const 0, run = True, value = 0, time = now } thread <- forkIO (intThread state) return (Integrator state) input (Integrator stv) f = modifyMVar_ stv (\st -> return st { func = f }) output (Integrator stv) = fmap value $ readMVar stv stop (Integrator stv) = modifyMVar_ stv (\st -> return st { run = False }) intThread :: Fractional a => MVar (IntState a) -> IO () intThread stv = whileM $ modifyMVar stv updateAndCheckRun where updateAndCheckRun st = do now <- getCurrentTime let value' = integrate (func st) (value st) (time st) now evaluate value' return (st { value = value', time = now }, run st) integrate:: Fractional a => Func a -> a -> Time -> Time -> a integrate f value t0 t1 = value + (f t0 + f t1)/2 * dt where dt = timeInterval t0 t1 whileM action = do b <- action; if b then whileM action else return ()
1,157Active object
package main import "fmt" func bc(p int) []int64 { c := make([]int64, p+1) r := int64(1) for i, half := 0, p/2; i <= half; i++ { c[i] = r c[p-i] = r r = r * int64(p-i) / int64(i+1) } for i := p - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2 { c[i] = -c[i] } return c } func main() { for p := 0; p <= 7; p++ { fmt.Printf("%d: %s\n", p, pp(bc(p))) } for p := 2; p < 50; p++ { if aks(p) { fmt.Print(p, " ") } } fmt.Println() } var e = []rune("") func pp(c []int64) (s string) { if len(c) == 1 { return fmt.Sprint(c[0]) } p := len(c) - 1 if c[p] != 1 { s = fmt.Sprint(c[p]) } for i := p; i > 0; i-- { s += "x" if i != 1 { s += string(e[i-2]) } if d := c[i-1]; d < 0 { s += fmt.Sprintf(" -%d", -d) } else { s += fmt.Sprintf(" +%d", d) } } return } func aks(p int) bool { c := bc(p) c[p]-- c[0]++ for _, d := range c { if d%int64(p) != 0 { return false } } return true }
1,153AKS test for primes
use strict; use warnings; use ntheory 'is_prime'; use List::Util <sum max>; sub pp { my $format = ('%' . (my $cw = 1+length max @_) . 'd') x @_; my $width = ".{@{[$cw * int 60/$cw]}}"; (sprintf($format, @_)) =~ s/($width)/$1\n/gr; } my($limit, @ap) = 500; is_prime($_) and is_prime(sum(split '',$_)) and push @ap, $_ for 1..$limit; print @ap . " additive primes < $limit:\n" . pp(@ap);
1,154Additive primes
<?php function sumDivs ($n) { $sum = 1; for ($d = 2; $d <= sqrt($n); $d++) { if ($n % $d == 0) $sum += $n / $d + $d; } return $sum; } for ($n = 2; $n < 20000; $n++) { $m = sumDivs($n); if ($m > $n) { if (sumDivs($m) == $n) echo $n..$m.; } } ?>
1,144Amicable pairs
require 'tk' $root = => ) $canvas =$root) do width 320 height 200 create TkcLine, 0,25,320,25, 'tags' => 'plate', 'width' => 2, 'fill' => 'grey50' create TkcOval, 155,20,165,30, 'tags' => 'pivot', 'outline' => , 'fill' => 'grey50' create TkcLine, 1,1,1,1, 'tags' => 'rod', 'width' => 3, 'fill' => 'black' create TkcOval, 1,1,2,2, 'tags' => 'bob', 'outline' => 'black', 'fill' => 'yellow' end $canvas.raise('pivot') $canvas.pack('fill' => 'both', 'expand' => true) $Theta = 45.0 $dTheta = 0.0 $length = 150 $homeX = 160 $homeY = 25 def show_pendulum angle = $Theta * Math::PI / 180 x = $homeX + $length * Math.sin(angle) y = $homeY + $length * Math.cos(angle) $canvas.coords('rod', $homeX, $homeY, x, y) $canvas.coords('bob', x-15, y-15, x+15, y+15) end def recompute_angle scaling = 3000.0 / ($length ** 2) firstDDTheta = -Math.sin($Theta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling midDTheta = $dTheta + firstDDTheta midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + midDTheta)/2 midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling midDTheta = $dTheta + (firstDDTheta + midDDTheta)/2 midTheta = $Theta + ($dTheta + midDTheta)/2 midDDTheta = -Math.sin(midTheta * Math::PI / 180) * scaling lastDTheta = midDTheta + midDDTheta lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta + lastDTheta)/2 lastDDTheta = -Math.sin(lastTheta * Math::PI/180) * scaling lastDTheta = midDTheta + (midDDTheta + lastDDTheta)/2 lastTheta = midTheta + (midDTheta + lastDTheta)/2 $dTheta = lastDTheta $Theta = lastTheta end def animate recompute_angle show_pendulum $after_id = $root.after(15) {animate} end show_pendulum $after_id = $root.after(500) {animate} $canvas.bind('<Destroy>') {$root.after_cancel($after_id)} Tk.mainloop
1,143Animate a pendulum
function amb (set) local workset = {} if (#set == 0) or (type(set) ~= 'table') then return end if #set == 1 then return set end if #set > 2 then local first = table.remove(set,1) set = amb(set) for i,v in next,first do for j,u in next,set do if v:byte(#v) == u[1]:byte(1) then table.insert(workset, {v,unpack(u)}) end end end return workset end for i,v in next,set[1] do for j,u in next,set[2] do if v:byte(#v) == u:byte(1) then table.insert(workset,{v,u}) end end end return workset end
public class Integrator { public interface Function { double apply(double timeSinceStartInSeconds); } private final long start; private volatile boolean running; private Function func; private double t0; private double v0; private double sum; public Integrator(Function func) { this.start = System.nanoTime(); setFunc(func); new Thread(this::integrate).start(); } public void setFunc(Function func) { this.func = func; v0 = func.apply(0.0); t0 = 0; } public double getOutput() { return sum; } public void stop() { running = false; } private void integrate() { running = true; while (running) { try { Thread.sleep(1); update(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } } private void update() { double t1 = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1.0e9; double v1 = func.apply(t1); double rect = (t1 - t0) * (v0 + v1) / 2; this.sum += rect; t0 = t1; v0 = v1; } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Integrator integrator = new Integrator(t -> Math.sin(Math.PI * t)); Thread.sleep(2000); integrator.setFunc(t -> 0.0); Thread.sleep(500); integrator.stop(); System.out.println(integrator.getOutput()); } }
1,157Active object
expand p = scanl (\z i -> z * (p-i+1) `div` i) 1 [1..p] test p | p < 2 = False | otherwise = and [mod n p == 0 | n <- init . tail $ expand p] printPoly [1] = "1" printPoly p = concat [ unwords [pow i, sgn (l-i), show (p!!(i-1))] | i <- [l-1,l-2..1] ] where l = length p sgn i = if even i then "+" else "-" pow i = take i "x^" ++ if i > 1 then show i else "" main = do putStrLn " putStrLn $ unlines [show i ++ ": " ++ printPoly (expand i) | i <- [0..10]] putStrLn " print (filter test [1..100])
1,153AKS test for primes
>>> Y = lambda f: (lambda x: x(x))(lambda y: f(lambda *args: y(y)(*args))) >>> fib = lambda f: lambda n: None if n < 0 else (0 if n == 0 else (1 if n == 1 else f(n-1) + f(n-2))) >>> [ Y(fib)(i) for i in range(-2, 10) ] [None, None, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
1,138Anonymous recursion
1,143Animate a pendulum
function Integrator(sampleIntervalMS) { var inputF = function () { return 0.0 }; var sum = 0.0; var t1 = new Date().getTime(); var input1 = inputF(t1 / 1000); function update() { var t2 = new Date().getTime(); var input2 = inputF(t2 / 1000); var dt = (t2 - t1) / 1000; sum += (input1 + input2) * dt / 2; t1 = t2; input1 = input2; } var updater = setInterval(update, sampleIntervalMS); return ({ input: function (newF) { inputF = newF }, output: function () { return sum }, shutdown: function () { clearInterval(updater) }, }); }
1,157Active object
import java.awt.Color import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit} import scala.swing.{Graphics2D, MainFrame, Panel, SimpleSwingApplication} import scala.swing.Swing.pair2Dimension object Pendulum extends SimpleSwingApplication { val length = 100 lazy val ui = new Panel { import scala.math.{cos, Pi, sin} background = Color.white preferredSize = (2 * length + 50, length / 2 * 3) peer.setDoubleBuffered(true) var angle: Double = Pi / 2 override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D): Unit = { super.paintComponent(g) val (anchorX, anchorY) = (size.width / 2, size.height / 4) val (ballX, ballY) = (anchorX + (sin(angle) * length).toInt, anchorY + (cos(angle) * length).toInt) g.setColor(Color.lightGray) g.drawLine(anchorX - 2 * length, anchorY, anchorX + 2 * length, anchorY) g.setColor( g.drawLine(anchorX, anchorY, ballX, ballY) g.fillOval(anchorX - 3, anchorY - 4, 7, 7) g.drawOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14) g.setColor(Color.yellow) g.fillOval(ballX - 7, ballY - 7, 14, 14) } val animate: Runnable = new Runnable { var angleVelocity = 0.0 var dt = 0.1 override def run(): Unit = { angleVelocity += -9.81 / length * Math.sin(angle) * dt angle += angleVelocity * dt repaint() } } } override def top = new MainFrame { title = "Rosetta Code >>> Task: Animate a pendulum | Language: Scala" contents = ui centerOnScreen() Executors. newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(). scheduleAtFixedRate(ui.animate, 0, 15, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } }
1,143Animate a pendulum
1,157Active object
use ntheory qw/divisor_sum/; sub aliquot { my($n, $maxterms, $maxn) = @_; $maxterms = 16 unless defined $maxterms; $maxn = 2**47 unless defined $maxn; my %terms = ($n => 1); my @allterms = ($n); for my $term (2 .. $maxterms) { $n = divisor_sum($n)-$n; last if $n > $maxn; return ("terminates",@allterms, 0) if $n == 0; if (defined $terms{$n}) { return ("perfect",@allterms) if $term == 2 && $terms{$n} == 1; return ("amicible",@allterms) if $term == 3 && $terms{$n} == 1; return ("sociable-".($term-1),@allterms) if $term > 3 && $terms{$n} == 1; return ("aspiring",@allterms) if $terms{$n} == $term-1; return ("cyclic-".($term-$terms{$n}),@allterms) if $terms{$n} < $term-1; } $terms{$n} = $term; push @allterms, $n; } ("non-term",@allterms); } for my $n (1..10) { my($class, @seq) = aliquot($n); printf "%14d%10s [@seq]\n", $n, $class; } print "\n"; for my $n (qw/11 12 28 496 220 1184 12496 1264460 790 909 562 1064 1488 15355717786080/) { my($class, @seq) = aliquot($n); printf "%14d%10s [@seq]\n", $n, $class; }
1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
func angleDifference(a1: Double, a2: Double) -> Double { let diff = (a2 - a1).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360) if diff < -180.0 { return 360.0 + diff } else if diff > 180.0 { return -360.0 + diff } else { return diff } } let testCases = [ (20.0, 45.0), (-45, 45), (-85, 90), (-95, 90), (-45, 125), (-45, 145), (29.4803, -88.6381), (-78.3251, -159.036), (-70099.74233810938, 29840.67437876723), (-165313.6666297357, 33693.9894517456), (1174.8380510598456, -154146.66490124757), (60175.77306795546, 42213.07192354373) ] print(
1,142Angle difference between two bearings
local seconds = os.clock local integrator = { new = function(self, fn) return setmetatable({fn=fn,t0=seconds(),v0=0,sum=0,nup=0},self) end, update = function(self) self.t1 = seconds() self.v1 = self.fn(self.t1) self.sum = self.sum + (self.v0 + self.v1) * (self.t1 - self.t0) / 2 self.t0, self.v0, self.nup = self.t1, self.v1, self.nup+1 end, input = function(self, fn) self.fn = fn end, output = function(self) return self.sum end, } integrator.__index = integrator
1,157Active object
public class AksTest { private static final long[] c = new long[64]; public static void main(String[] args) { for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) { coeff(n); show(n); } System.out.print("Primes:"); for (int n = 1; n < c.length; n++) if (isPrime(n)) System.out.printf("%d", n); System.out.println(); } static void coeff(int n) { c[0] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < n; c[0] = -c[0], i++) { c[1 + i] = 1; for (int j = i; j > 0; j--) c[j] = c[j - 1] - c[j]; } } static boolean isPrime(int n) { coeff(n); c[0]++; c[n]--; int i = n; while (i-- != 0 && c[i] % n == 0) continue; return i < 0; } static void show(int n) { System.out.print("(x-1)^" + n + " ="); for (int i = n; i >= 0; i--) { System.out.print(" + " + c[i] + "x^" + i); } System.out.println(); } }
1,153AKS test for primes
using System; class ColumnAlignerProgram { delegate string Justification(string s, int width); static string[] AlignColumns(string[] lines, Justification justification) { const char Separator = '$'; string[][] table = new string[lines.Length][]; int columns = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string[] row = lines[i].TrimEnd(Separator).Split(Separator); if (columns < row.Length) columns = row.Length; table[i] = row; } string[][] formattedTable = new string[table.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < formattedTable.Length; i++) { formattedTable[i] = new string[columns]; } for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { int columnWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; i++) { if (j < table[i].Length && columnWidth < table[i][j].Length) columnWidth = table[i][j].Length; } for (int i = 0; i < formattedTable.Length; i++) { if (j < table[i].Length) formattedTable[i][j] = justification(table[i][j], columnWidth); else formattedTable[i][j] = new String(' ', columnWidth); } } string[] result = new string[formattedTable.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { result[i] = String.Join(, formattedTable[i]); } return result; } static string JustifyLeft(string s, int width) { return s.PadRight(width); } static string JustifyRight(string s, int width) { return s.PadLeft(width); } static string JustifyCenter(string s, int width) { return s.PadLeft((width + s.Length) / 2).PadRight(width); } static void Main() { string[] input = { , , , , , , }; foreach (string line in AlignColumns(input, JustifyCenter)) { Console.WriteLine(line); } } }
1,160Align columns
var i, p, pascal, primerow, primes, show, _i; pascal = function() { var a; a = []; return function() { var b, i; if (a.length === 0) { return a = [1]; } else { b = (function() { var _i, _ref, _results; _results = []; for (i = _i = 0, _ref = a.length - 1; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) { _results.push(a[i] + a[i + 1]); } return _results; })(); return a = [1].concat(b).concat([1]); } }; }; show = function(a) { var degree, i, sgn, show_x, str, _i, _ref; show_x = function(e) { switch (e) { case 0: return ""; case 1: return "x"; default: return "x^" + e; } }; degree = a.length - 1; str = "(x - 1)^" + degree + " ="; sgn = 1; for (i = _i = 0, _ref = a.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) { str += ' ' + (sgn > 0 ? "+" : "-") + ' ' + a[i] + show_x(degree - i); sgn = -sgn; } return str; }; primerow = function(row) { var degree; degree = row.length - 1; return row.slice(1, degree).every(function(x) { return x % degree === 0; }); }; p = pascal(); for (i = _i = 0; _i <= 7; i = ++_i) { console.log(show(p())); } p = pascal(); p(); p(); primes = (function() { var _j, _results; _results = []; for (i = _j = 1; _j <= 49; i = ++_j) { if (primerow(p())) { _results.push(i + 1); } } return _results; })(); console.log(""); console.log("The primes upto 50 are: " + primes);
1,153AKS test for primes
use ntheory qw/factor/; sub almost { my($k,$n) = @_; my $i = 1; map { $i++ while scalar factor($i) != $k; $i++ } 1..$n; } say "$_: ", join(" ", almost($_,10)) for 1..5;
1,147Almost prime
fib2 <- function(n) { (n >= 0) || stop("bad argument") ( function(n) if (n <= 1) 1 else Recall(n-1)+Recall(n-2) )(n) }
1,138Anonymous recursion
def is_prime(n: int) -> bool: if n <= 3: return n > 1 if n% 2 == 0 or n% 3 == 0: return False i = 5 while i ** 2 <= n: if n% i == 0 or n% (i + 2) == 0: return False i += 6 return True def digit_sum(n: int) -> int: sum = 0 while n > 0: sum += n% 10 n return sum def main() -> None: additive_primes = 0 for i in range(2, 500): if is_prime(i) and is_prime(digit_sum(i)): additive_primes += 1 print(i, end=) print(f) if __name__ == : main()
1,154Additive primes
package main import "fmt" func accumulator(sum interface{}) func(interface{}) interface{} { return func(nv interface{}) interface{} { switch s := sum.(type) { case int: switch n := nv.(type) { case int: sum = s + n case float64: sum = float64(s) + n } case float64: switch n := nv.(type) { case int: sum = s + float64(n) case float64: sum = s + n } default: sum = nv } return sum } } func main() { x := accumulator(1) x(5) accumulator(3) fmt.Println(x(2.3)) }
1,159Accumulator factory