Yo voy a ser el rey león Y tú lo vas a ver Pues sin pelo en ese cabezón Un rey no puede ser No ha habido nadie como yo Tan fuerte y tan veloz Seré el felino más voraz ¡Y así será mi voz! Pues un gato suena más feroz Oh, yo voy a ser rey león Aún te queda mucho por andar, joven amo, si piensas que Nadie que me diga Bueno, cuando dije... Lo que debo hacer Claro, por supuesto, pero... Nadie que me diga Cómo debo ser ¡Basta ya! Libre para hacer mi ley Quítate eso de la cabeza Libre para ser el rey Es hora de que tú y yo hablemos de verdad No quiero escuchar a un pajarraco tan vulgar Si a eso llamas monarquía no hay por que seguir Yo me largo lejos de África, dimito y a vivir Total, tampoco tengo vocación, Simba Oh, yo voy a ser rey león Mira cómo bailo Mira cómo ando Mires dónde mires, Siempre estoy al mando Entonen sus canciones sin dudar En bosques, en sabanas y en el mar Dediquen al rey Simba su canción Oh, yo voy a ser rey león Oh, él va a ser rey león Oh, yo voy a ser ¡Rey león!
The roses in the window box Have tilted to one side Everything about this house Was born to grow and die Oh it doesnt seem a year ago To this very day You said Im sorry honey If I dont change the pace I cant face another day And love lies bleeding in my hand Oh it kills me to think of you with another man I was playing rock and roll and you were just a fan But my guitar couldnt hold you So I split the band Love lies bleeding in my hands I wonder if those changes Have left a scar on you Like all the burning hoops of fire That you and I passed through Youre a bluebird on a telegraph line I hope youre happy now Well if the wind of change comes down your way girl Youll make it back somehow And love lies bleeding in my hand Oh it kills me to think of you with another man I was playing rock and roll and you were just a fan But my guitar couldnt hold you So I split the band Love lies bleeding in my hands And love lies bleeding in my hand Oh it kills me to think of you with another man I was playing rock and roll and you were just a fan But my guitar couldnt hold you So I split the band Love lies bleeding in my hands Wah-ooh-ooh-ooh Wah-ooh-ooh-ooh Oh, oh, oh, oh Love lies bleeding in my hands
Time has told me Youre a rare rare find A troubled cure For a troubled mind And time has told me Not to ask for more Someday our ocean Will find its shore So Ill leave the ways that are making me be What I really dont want to be Leave the ways that are making me love What I really dont want to love Time has told me You came with the dawn A soul with no footprint A rose with no thorn Your tears they tell me Theres really no way Of ending your troubles With things you can say And time will tell you To stay by my side To keep on trying Till theres no more to hide So leave the ways that are making you be What you really dont want to be Leave the ways that are making you love What you really dont want to love Time has told me Youre a rare rare find A troubled cure For a troubled mind And time has told me Not to ask for more For some day our ocean Will find its shore
Através da tempestade Através da escuridão Através Da noite fria Através da depressão Apesar dos pés cansados Apesar da privação Apesar da injustiça Apesar da solidão — Ei! Estaremos sempre unidos Pra enfrentar O que vier Lutaremos lado a lado Enquanto der E as estrelas velam pelos nossos filhos E as estrelas mostram onde ir E as estrelas dizem que um mundo justo Vai ressurgir E as estrelas sabem nossa história E as estrelas olham ao redor E as estrelas dizem que o futuro é melhor Vamos dar as mãos em união Os corações estão cansados — E os pulmões... E os pulmões... — Não podem mais... Não podem mais — Nossas mãos... Nossas mãos — São calejadas... — Mas não vamos... Mas não vamos — Voltar atrás... Voltar atrás — Obrigado — Olha o jornal — Fiquem com as mamães Estaremos Sempre unidos Em qualquer Situação Nós vemos Nas estrelas A salvação... — Ele tá vindo! — Decidiram – Estamos em greve — Kevin — Fora daqui, seu fura-greve! — Kevin! Eu te disse pra não vir aqui. Vai pra casa agora — Fura-greve! Fura-greve desgraçado! Chegou a hora De reagir E juntos numa voz Resistir Chegou a hora De reagir E juntos numa voz Resistir Chegou a hora De reagir E juntos numa voz Vamos resistir — Billy, cê sabe por que tá todo mundo entrando em greve? — Tem a ver com a Maggie Thatcher, né? — Por quê? Que que ela fez? — Eu sei lá — Te vejo no boxe, então? — É, te vejo lá, Michael Se eu puder chegar mais alto Lá do céu vou enxergar Onde está meu caminho E descobrir como é voar Apesar da tirania Nossa voz não vão calar Vai nascer um novo dia Que virá nos libertar E então em harmonia Nós viveremos como iguais E assim o mundo vai Viver em paz E as estrelas lançam seu reflexo E as estrelas abrem nosso olhar E as estrelas sabem que a justiça Vai chegar E as estrelas ouvem nossos gritos E as estrelas sentem compaixão E as estrelas vão mostrar a direção Vamos dar as mãos em união Mãos em união Vamos dar as mãos Chegou a hora Vamos dar as mãos De reagir Vamos dar aos mãos E juntos numa voz Vamos dar as mãos Resistir Vamos dar aos mãos Chegou a hora Vamos dar as mãos De reagir Vamos dar aos mãos E juntos numa voz Vamos dar as mãos Resistir Vamos dar as mãos Chegou a hora Vamos dar as mãos De reagir Vamos dar aos mãos E juntos numa voz Vamos resistir
I remember when rock was young Me and Suzie had so much fun Holding hands and skimming stones Had an old gold Chevy and a place of my own But the biggest kick I ever got Was doing a thing called the Crocodile Rock While the other kids were rocking round the clock We were hopping and bopping to the Crocodile Rock Well, Crocodile Rocking is something shocking When your feet just cant keep still I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will Oh, lawdy mama those Friday nights When Suzie wore her dresses tight And the Crocodile Rocking was out of sight Laa, la-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa But the years went by and the rock just died Suzie went and left us for some foreign guy Long nights crying by the record machine Dreaming of my Chevy and my old blue jeans But theyll never kill the thrills weve got Burning up to the Crocodile Rock Learning fast as the weeks went past We really thought the Crocodile Rock would last Well, Crocodile Rocking is something shocking When your feet just cant keep still I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will Oh lawdy mama those Friday nights When Suzie wore her dresses tight And the Crocodile Rocking was out of sight Laa, la-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa I remember when rock was young Me and Suzie had so much fun Holding hands and skimming stones Had an old gold Chevy and a place of my own But the biggest kick I ever got Was doing a thing called the Crocodile Rock While the other kids were rocking round the clock We were hopping and bopping to the Crocodile Rock Well, Crocodile Rocking is something shocking When your feet just cant keep still I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will Oh lawdy mama those Friday nights When Suzie wore her dresses tight And the Crocodile Rocking was out of sight Laa, la-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa Laa, la-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa La-la-la-la-laa
Não acho muito apropriado Eu  ser assim santificado Não  tenho cara de um querubim Mas se aos meus pés estão Eu não vejo porque não Deixar  a farsa até o fim Até  o fim só pra você e para mim! Oh, meu Deus! É  duro ser um deus Ter a força de um Zeus Eu vejo que é tão fácil enganar Ser por todos adorado Muito  mais que um rei Vou ficar acostumado Farei a minha própria lei E quem sou eu sozinho Pra mudar o meu caminho? Se pra eles eu sou deus Não vou negar Depois se não for assim Como os homens querem Dá pra ver que eles podem nos matar É, você tem razão! Muito bem pensado! Então ser deus não é tão mal É... El Dorado, afinal... É melhor não os contrariar É bem melhor... É muito melhor Você não os contrariar! É duro ser um deus Mas se foi o que aconteceu Agradeça! É! Erga aos mãos, sem reclamar É, bom conselho! Se você está contente MIGUEL Não vacile Peça bis! Você é onipotente E o povo é feliz Sua força não tem limites Então ouça o meu palpite A nossa estrela agora vai brilhar Vai brilhar
Hakuna matata, vive y deja vivir ¡Hakuna matata, vive y sé feliz! Ningún problema debe hacerte sufrir Lo más fácil es saber decir Hakuna matata ¿Hakuna matata? Sí, es nuestro dicho ¿Qué dicho? Ninguno no te lo he dicho ¡Muy buena! ¡Pum! Esas dos palabras resolverán todos tus problemas Así es, fíjate en Pumba Verás, cuando era muy pequeñín Cuando era muy pequeñín ¿Cómo te sientes? Es una historia emotiva Notó que su aliento no le olía muy bien Los demás deseaban alejarsе de él Hay un alma sensible еn mi gruesa piel Me dolió no tener un amigo fiel Yo siempre te he apoyado y eso me ofende Qué gran dolor Sí, tenías pesadumbre Hasta quise cambiar de nombre ¿Y llamarte cómo? ¿Pepe? Y siempre me deprimía Cada vez que un pedo me salía... ¿qué pasa, qué no vas a pararme? ¡No pienso hacerlo, me das asco! Hakuna matata, qué bonito es vivir Hakuna matata, vive y sé feliz Ningún problema debe hacerte sufrir Lo más fácil es saber decir Hakuna matata Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Ningún problema debe hacerte sufrir Lo más fácil es saber decir Hakuna matata ! Hakuna matata, yeah Hakuna matata, oh, ah Ningún problema debe hacerte sufrir Lo más fácil es saber decir Hakuna matata Una vez más No, creo que ya está Está alli Estábamos justo empezando a pillarle el truco Es mejor dejarles con ganas de más Pesas 200 kilos más desde que empezamos a cantarla No como yo, que sigo pesando lo mismo Ningún problema, oh, yeah Le dices que pare Pero si tú insististe en cantarla ¿Qué yo insistí? ¡Fuiste tú! Es nuestra canción insignia No deberíamos compartirla con todos Sí, nuestra canción insignia Pero dile que pare ya Ningún problema Oh, ahora empieza con los giros, es una pesadilla Suena mejor, cada vez mejora más
Im a neanderthal man Youre a neanderthal girl Lets make neanderthal love In this neanderthal world
I remember yet before we met That every night and day I had to live the life of a lonely woman I remember meeting you Discovering love can be so true When its shared by two instead of one When you said you love me We could not be parted And I built my world around you Im so thankful that I found you And loving you is sweeter than ever Loving you has made my life sweeter than ever, sweeter than ever Each night I pray wed never part For the love within my heart grows stronger From day to day As best I can, and how I try To reassure and satisfy Cause Id be lost if you went away Cause I really need you And I need for you to need me too I have built my world around you Baby Im so thankful that Ive found you And loving you has made my life sweeter than ever before And loving you has made my life sweeter than ever So much sweeter Thats what loving you Cause I really love And Im thankful that you love me too I have built my world around you I am truly glad, I am truly glad That loving you has made my life sweeter than ever When Im loving you Me, you, us Sweeter than ever Loving you has made my life sweeter than ever Im loving you, you made my life sweeter than ever Sweeter than ever So much sweeter Loving you Loving you is sweeter than ever...
Hienas vulgares e infames Carentes de toda virtud Pero guiadas por mi talento e ingenio Mi reino llegará a su plenitud Ya sé que no sois muy despiertos No podéis razonar sin error ¡Oíd mi canción muy atentos! No habrá un momento mejor Tenéis el instinto atrofiado No oléis a carroña real Os hablo de un rey condenado ¡Si falláis, será vuestro final! Preparad vuestro olfato de hienas Pronto habrá novedades aquí Se acaba una era La nueva os espera ¿Y qué papel es el nuestro? Oid al maestro Ya sé que es odioso mas soy generoso Y yo siempre devuelvo un favor En justicia soy todo un león ¡Preparaos! Ya estamos preparados, Estaremos preparados ¿Para qué? ¡Para la muerte del rey! ¿Está enfermo? ¡No idiota le mataremos y a Simba también! ¡Excelente idea! ¿Quién necesita rey? ¡No rey, no rey, la la la la la la ! Idiotas! ¡Sí habrá un rey! Eh, has dicho... ¡Yo seré el rey! ¡Apoyadme, Y jamás volveréis a pasar hambre! ¡Sí! ¡Genial! ¡Larga vida al rey! ¡Larga vida al rey! ¡Larga vida al rey! Qué bueno es sentirse mandados Por un rey que provoca temor Cuidad un pequeño detalle Sed fieles o será peor Tenéis un futuro dorado Si no olvidáis quién manda aquí Mas quiero que quede bien claro ¡No daréis un bocado sin mí! Preparad vuestro golpe de estado Preparad vuestra risa voraz Sed meticulosos Y muy cautelosos Seréis mi venganza Mi gran esperanza Un rey absoluto Amado y astuto Temido, glorioso y audaz Ese trono es mi gran ambición ¡Preparaos! Ese trono es su gran ambición ¡Preparaos!
Seems as though Ive lived my life on the bad side of the moon To stir your dregs, and sitting still, without a rustic spoon Now come on people, live with me, where the light has never shone And the harlots flock like hummingbirds, speaking in a foreign tongue This is my life, this is my life, this is my life, my life It seems as though Ive lived my life on the bad side of the moon To stir your dregs, and sitting still, without a rustic spoon Now come on people, live with me, where the light has never shone And the harlots flock like hummingbirds Speaking in a foreign tongue Im a light world away, from the people who make me stay Sitting on the bad side of the moon This is my life, this is my life, this is my life, my life There isnt no need for watchdogs here, to justify our ways We lived our lives in manacles, the main cause of our stay And exiled here from other worlds, my sentence comes to soon Why should I be made to pay on the bad side of the moon Im a light world away, from the people who make me stay Sitting on the bad side of the moon This is my life, this is my life, this is my life, my life
Mufasa a toujours imposé trop de contraintes trop de lois en matière de chasse Quand je serai roi, je promets de nimposer quune loi, la loi du plus fort Parce que le ventre dune hyène nest jamais plein Mufasa est trop puissant impossible de le défier Mufasa fait partie du passé Dune époque finie, révolue Trop derreurs, trop déchecs répétés Notre heure est enfin venue Pour nous les lions, les temps ont changé Et pour les hyènes bientôt aussi Ma vision est claire et ordonnée Jai un projet pour les amis Soyez prêtes pour le coup le plus génial Soyez prêtes pour le plus beau scandale Je dis compromission Je dis conspiration Je crie humiliation ! Ces mots feront de moi Le roi incontesté Respecté, salué Le seul dieu vivant qu’on acclame Oui, le roi vous invite à la fête Soyez prêtes ! Soyez prêtes, soyez prêtes Soyez prêtes Soyez prêtes Oui, le roi vous invite à la fête Soyez prêtes !
What have I got to do to make you love me? What have I got to do to make you care? What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that youre not there? What do I do to make you want me? What have I got to do to be heard? Hold on, hold on What do I say when its all over? And sorry seems to be the hardest word Its sad, so sad Its a sad, sad situation And its getting more and more absurd Its sad, so sad Why cant we talk it over? Oh, it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word Hold on, hold on What do I say when its all over? And sorry seems to be the hardest word Its sad, so sad Its a sad, sad situation And its getting more and more absurd Its sad, so sad Why cant we talk it over? Oh, it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word What do I do to make you love me? What have I got to do to make you care? Hold on, hold on What do I say when its all over? What have I got to do? What have I got to do? When sorry seems to be the hardest word
Blue eyes Babys got blue eyes Like a deep blue sea On a blue blue day Blue eyes Babys got blue eyes When the morning comes Ill be far away And I say Blue eyes Holding back the tears Holding back the pain Babys got blue eyes And shes alone again Blue eyes Babys got blue eyes Like a clear blue sky Watching over me Blue eyes I love blue eyes When Im by her side Where I long to be I will see Blue eyes laughing in the sun Laughing in the rain Babys got blue eyes And I am home, and I am home again
Dada dum-da dadada dum-da Where its at Dada dum-da dadada dum-da Where its at Hes a man who knows most everything Of anything at all Tells a story of psychology And his story never falls Hes a man who wears a portobello yellow bill-bob hat Hes a man who knows exactly where its at Hes a man who draws illusions And he carves them on a tree Including all the love he found He gives to you and me And I dont even know his name But I surely promise that Hes a man who knows exactly where its at Roaming around from place to place He takes in all that he sees He notices the good things that please him He watches all the bad things that grieve him But he loves everybody and he knows just where its at He was born of Gypsy parenthood And hes always lived the land And if people who would talk to him Just cannot understand But no matter what they say of him Theyll always tell you that
Já faz quase um ano que estamos em greve, mas la gente desanimou? A gente desanimou? A gente desanimou? Não! Bem-vindos à segunda metade. A segunda metade do... Show de Natal dos Mineiros de Easington! Quem vem descendo a chaminé? Na noite especial É a nossa Maggie Thatcher A bruxa do Natal Ah, boas festas Maggie Thatcher Você merece o céu Nós rezamos sempre por você Boas festas Maggie Thatcher Vamos celebrar porque Falta menos pra você morrer Roubaram seus presentes E comeram seu peru Mas é pro bem de todos Não fique jururu Mamar nas tetas do governo Não é pro povão Melhor é depositar A fé no seu patrão Ah, boas festas, Maggie Thatcher Você merece o céu Nós rezamos sempre por você Boas festas Maggie Thatcher Vamos celebrar porque Falta menos pra você morrer E agora os fascistas Do poder judicial Já puseram numa pauta Um acordo nacional Pra que o nosso bom velhinho O Santo Nicolau Seja enfim privatizado Na noite de Natal Ah, boas festas, Maggie Thatcher Você merece o céu Nós rezamos sempre por você Boas festas, Maggie Thatcher Vamos celebrar porque Falta menos pra você morrer Ah, boas festas, Maggie Thatcher Você merece o céu Nós rezamos sempre por você Boas festas, Maggie Thatcher Vamos celebrar porque Falta menos pra você morrer
When are you gonna come down? When are you going to land? I should have stayed on the farm I should have listened to my old man You know you cant hold me forever I didnt sign up with you Im not a present for your friends to open This boys too young to be singing The blues Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah, ah So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You cant plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling, old owl in the woods Hunting the horny-back toad Oh, Ive finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah, ah What do you think youll do, then? I bet theyll shoot down the plane Itll take you a couple of vodka and tonics To set you on your feet again Maybe youll get a replacement Theres plenty like me to be found Mongrels who aint got a penny Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah, ah So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You cant plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling, old owl in the woods Hunting the horny-back toad Oh, Ive finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah, ah...
Hier encore, javais vingt ans Je caressais le temps, et jouais de la vie Comme on joue de lamour, et je vivais la nuit Sans compter sur mes jours, qui fuyaient dans le temps Jai fait tant de projets, qui sont restés en lair Jai fondé tant despoirs, qui se sont envolés Que je reste perdu, ne sachant où aller Les yeux cherchant le ciel, mais le cœur mis en terre Hier encore, javais vingt ans Je gaspillais le temps, en croyant larrêter Et pour le retenir, même le devancer Je nai fait que courir, et me suis essoufflé Ignorant le passé, conjuguant au futur Je précédais de moi toute conversation Et donnais mon avis, que je voulais le bon Pour critiquer le monde, avec désinvolture Hier encore, javais vingt ans Mais jai perdu mon temps à faire des folies Qui ne me laissent au fond rien, rien de vraiment précis Que quelques rides au front, et la peur de lennui Car mes amours sont mortes, avant que dexister Mes amis sont partis, et ne reviendront pas Par ma faute jai fait le vide autour de moi Et jai gâché ma vie, et mes jeunes années Du meilleur et du pire, en jetant le meilleur Jai figé mes sourires, et jai glacé mes pleurs Où sont-ils à présent... À présent mes vingt ans ? Mes vingt ans ?
Cest terrible, cest affreux Et ils se moquent de tout Lamour samène et nous pauvres pouilleux Ils nous jettent tous les deux Sous les diamants des étoiles Quel magique univers Mais dans cette romantique atmosphère Ça sent mauvais dans lair Lamour brille sous les étoiles Dune étrange lumière La terre entière en parfaite harmonie Vit un moment royal Je voudrais lui dire je taime Mais comment lui avouer Mon secret, mes problèmes ? Cest impossible Elle serait trop blessée Quel lourd secret cache-t-il Derrière tant de rancœur ? Moi je sais quil est ce roi en exil Qui règne dans mon cœur Lamour brille sous les étoiles Dune étrange lumière La terre entière en parfaite harmonie Vit sa plus belle histoire Lamour brille sous les étoiles Illuminant les cœurs Sa lumière éclaire à linfini Un sublime espoir Sils senfuient vers leur rêve ce soir Dans leur folle ronde Si notre ami nous dit au revoir Nous serons seuls au monde
Im dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten And children listen To hear sleigh bells in the snow Im dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white Im dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white
Chorus] Wop-bom-a-loowah, belah-bam-boom Tutti frutti oh rooty, tutti frutti oh rooty, tutti frutti oh rooty Tutti frutti oh rooty, tutti frutti oh rooty Wop-bom-a-loowah, belah-bam-boom Got a gal named Sue, she knows just what to do Got a gal named Sue, she knows just what to do She rocks me to the east, she rocks me to the west Shes the gal that I love best Wop-bom-a-loowah, belah-bam-boom Tutti frutti oh rooty, tutti frutti oh rooty, tutti frutti oh rooty Tutti frutti oh rooty, tutti frutti oh rooty Wop-bom-a-loowah, belah- wow!
This year, next year, sometime, never Will we ever get together I keep hoping things are gonna change Colours changing red to yellow Yesterday you said hello And from now on Ill never be the same Annabella Umberella Standing on the corner when the rain comes down Thats the way Ill always think of you When I first met you Annabella Umberella, child I wanna get to know you better Get to know your name And yet I know to me youll always be the same Sunshine sunshine go away Come again another day Raindrops fall, us both together How I love the rainy weather
Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things So many things to tell her But how to make her see The truth about my past? Impossible! Shed turn away from me Hes holding back, hes hiding But what, I cant decide Why wont he be the king I know he is The king I see inside? Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things Can you feel the love tonight? You neednt look too far Stealing through the nights uncertainties Love is where they are
In the morning theres a feeling As I free my eyes of sleep And think only of him running To the promise he must keep Such a love Ive never known It fills my life with joy Oh the miracles the morning brings The dark cannot destroy You may find if hes there It eases your mind And besides hes so kind It makes you feel fine In the morning Through my window comes a light Like none that I have known Well the night has passed between us And the love has grown and grown Like a river through a valley Where the waters never end Spinning down and always onward
Sometimes its hard to be a woman Giving all your love to just one man Oh, you have bad times, and you have good times Doing things that you dont understand Hey, but if you love him, youll forgive him Even though hes hard to understand And if you love him, be proud of him Cause after all, hes just a man Stand by your man Give him two arms to cling to And someone warm to come to When nights are cold and lonely Stand by your man And show the world you love him Keep giving all the love you can
Youre not a ship to carry my life You are nailed to my love in many lonely nights Ive strayed from the cottages and found myself here For I need your love your love protects my fears And I wonder sometimes and I know Im unkind But I need you to turn to when I act so blind And I need you to turn to when I lose control Youre my guardian angel who keeps out the cold Did you paint your smile on, well, I said I knew That my reason for living was for loving you Were related in feeling but youre high above Youre pure and youre gentle with the grace of a dove
Music by elton john Never released Ive served upon this railroad for longer than i know My father and his father did the same thing long ago To keep the western union rolling down towards the sea The benefits of this great line built for you and me So rolling western union, you can roll on to the sea Ten thousand miles of beatin steel has made a man out of me In every state ive driven home a rivet with my hands Oh its rolling western union rolling onward, onward through our land Its friends of mine who died upon the building of this line Irishmen and chinamen and some from the british isles Ive even seen the convicts come to work here for a while Before the law caught up with them and sent them back to trial I had a wife while on the job a hundred miles on back She died in oklahoma and i laid her by the track All thats left is a wooden cross upright on a mound And every time the train rolls past, it rumbles in the ground
Written by elton john Available on the various artists album disneys for our children
Quando eu for rei ninguém vai me vencer em nenhum duelo! Eu nunca vi um rei leão sem juba e sem pelo! A juba que eu vou ter vai ver, será de arrasar E todo mundo vai tremer quando me ouvir urrar! Mas por enquanto eu digo que não sei... O que eu quero mais é ser rei! Calma garotinho, ainda falta muito, viu? Espera só um pouquinho Ninguém dizendo! Não faça isso! Ou então, pare com isso! Vou dar um sumiço! Livre pra poder viver! Pra fazer o que quiser! Calma, calma que a monarquia não é bem assim não, viu? Acho que agora é a hora da gente conversar... Reis não tem que ter Calau nenhum pra aconselhar Eu vejo que a monarquia assim vai fracassar Eu vou me embora daqui da África! Eu vou me aposentar! Cuidar dessa criança eu não irei.. O que eu quero mais, é ser rei! Cuidado! Responsabilidade meu filho, cuidado, cuidado... Olhe pra esquerda! Olhe pra direita! Pra que lado olhe, eu estou em foco! Seus amigos todos vão vibrar Quando a boa nova se espalhar E o novo Rei, Simba vai reinar E o que eu quero mais é ser rei! E o que eu quero mais é ser rei! E o que eu quero mais é ser rei! Quero ser rei! Eu quero mais é ser rei Calma, você ainda tem muito o que crescer jovenzinho Calma, calma que sua hora chegará Eu quero mais é ser rei
Where have you been are you still on my side Is that love or regret that I see in your eyes How many years have we played out this game Every time we come close the answers always the same I guess some souls get restless under the skin Theres a shortage by half of marrying men You know that I love you but I love to be free So tell me what do you want, yeah from a gypsy like me I need a ring on my finger, champagne on ice One man to show me the best part of life Is that what you want Yeah, thats what I need A home and a family makes sense for us A solid foundation built out of trust Do you think you can find that with someone like me Two arms to hold you, one place to be Are just some of the things that a woman needs Ive been shortchanged and cheated so many times But youre all that Ive wanted For all of my life Ive searched for the reasons, known how Ive felt But what can I give you when I cant trust myself
She packed my bags last night, pre-flight Zero hour: 9:00 a.m And Im gonna be high as a kite by then I miss the Earth so much, I miss my wife Its lonely out in space On such a timeless flight And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone Mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids In fact, its cold as hell And theres no one there to raise them if you did And all this science I dont understand Its just my job five days a week A rocket man A rocket man And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no Im a rocket man Rocket man Burning out his fuse up here alone And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time And I think its gonna be a long, long time
What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to make you care What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that youre not there What do I do to make you want me What have I got to do to be heard What do I say when its all over And sorry seems to be the hardest word Its sad, so sad Its a sad, sad situation And its getting more and more absurd Its sad, so sad Why cant we talk it over Oh it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word What do I do to make you love me What have I got to do to be heard What do I do when lightning strikes me What have I got to do What have I got to do When sorry seems to be the hardest word
Ahhh, its a wicked world When the words are mean And those friends are wrong If I cry, some laugh When those wicked strike I have to hide my face I loose my way Gained weight about thinking Cold, cold heart Hardened by you Some things look better, baby Just passin through And its no sacrifice Just a simple word Its two hearts livin In two separate worlds But its no sacrifice No sacrifice Its no sacrifice at all Now those smiles are fake Came a time I weep Wish I had you Sweet smells of you All around my room Now am looking those frames And am looking by At the misery of life, Baby Cold, cold heart Hardened by you Some things look better, baby Just passin through And its no sacrifice Just a simple word Its two hearts livin In two separate worlds But its no sacrifice No sacrifice Its no sacrifice at all Cold, cold heart Hardened by you Some things look better, baby Just passin through And its no sacrifice Just a simple word Its two hearts livin In two separate worlds But its no sacrifice No sacrifice Its no sacrifice at all No sacrifice at all No sacrifice at all No sacrifice at all And its no sacrifice Its two hearts livin In two separate worlds
I should have known that it would be too good to last You took my colours and he nailed them to his mast And sailed on past It soon be happens to me every way I turn And if its true that pains the only way to learn Im learning fast So here I go again back to where I started Nine times out of ten Ill take it on the chin But I dont get depressed and I dont get downhearted Because every now and then the loser gets to win Every time I missed a ride thats come along My Mister Right keeps turning into Mister Wrong Its the same old song Something happens to me every time around But theres no way Im going to let it get me down Ill just keep right on So here I go again back to where I started Nine times out of ten Ill take it on the chin But I dont get depressed and I dont get downhearted Because every now and then the loser gets to win Well I believe that my ship is coming in The loser gets to win Well I believe that my ship is coming in The loser gets to win Nine times out of ten Ill take it on the chin But I dont get depressed and I dont get downhearted Because every now and then the loser gets to win Here I go again back to where I started Nine times out of ten Ill take it on the chin But I dont get depressed and I dont get downhearted Because every now and then the loser gets to win The loser gets to win Here I go again Nine times out of ten Ill take it on the chin But I dont get d
Já houve um tempo de acreditar Que a justiça iria renovar Nossa existência, nossas leis Ja fomos grandes Fomos reis A nossa fé não vai morrer Mesmo que tentem nos deter Podem até nos enterrar Mas os nossos sonhos irão brotar Nós somos fortes e somos um Todos juntos pelo bem comum Na terra fria o corpo dói Mas unidos podemos enfrentar Vai lá brilhar, moleque Valeu, Tony Há um lugar bem mais gentil Onde ninguém tem fome ou frio Não há tiranos, não há dor E toda vida tem valor Os cidadãos têm mais poder E liberdade pra escolher Nós chegaremos juntos lá É só lutar e acreditar Nós somos fortes e somos um Todos juntos pelo bem comum Na terra fria o corpo dói Mas unidos podemos enfrentar Vamos cair, mas será de pé Vamos cair sem perder a fé Vamos cair e levantar Pois unidos podemos enfrentar Ah... Ah... Ah... E unidos podemos enfrentar Somos fortes e somos um Todos juntos pelo bem comum Na terra fria o corpo dói Mas unidos podemos enfrentar Somos fortes e somos um Todos juntos pelo bem comum Na terra fria o corpo dói Mas unidos podemos enfrentar Somos fortes e somos um Todos juntos pelo bem comum Na terra fria o corpo dói Mas unidos podemos enfrentar
Hyenor dom saknar helt värde Dom är inte mycket att ha Men jag vill bli kung, jag begär det Och dom ger mig den hjälp jag vill ha Jag vet att ni saknar förmåga Att förstå allra enklaste sak Men trots att ni är mest en plåga Ska jag delge er nåt i min smak Ni har inte erfarenheten Inget begrepp hur man gör En kunglig entré och jag vet en Som ni nog snart bör buga er för Var beredd, här är chansen för livet Var beredd på en stor sensation En tid fylld av ära Den är ganska nära Och vad ska vi göra? Nu ska ni få höra Vad mästaren tänker, bеlöning jag skänker Ja, åtminstone lite bеröm Ett geni som har oanad bredd Var beredd! Ja, var beredd! Hehe, vi är beredda. På vad då? Att Kungen ska dö! Va? Är han sjuk? Jodå, snart är han död, liksom Simba också! Bra idé, vem behöver nån kung? Ingen kung, ingen kung, la la la la la la! Idioter! Det kommer en kung! Men du sa ju... Jag blir er kung! Följ med mig, Och ni ska aldrig behöva vara hungriga mer! Ja! Länge Leve kungen! Hyenor : Leve kungen! Leve kungen! Kom med allihop vi förenas För den kungen som bjuder till fest Än sen, bara sjung, Tack för senast Får ni uppdrag som ni klarar bäst Då kan ni ta hem första priset Bara lyd minsta vink som jag ger För utan min kraft och min vishet Är det tämligen ute med er! Var beredd på en kupp ojämnförlig Var beredd på ett brott helt perfekt Så noggrant planerat Och väl regisserat En nolla regerat Den tid som passerat Men snart är den över Den kung ni behöver Ska hyllas och vissas respekt Jag står högst och då vill jag bli sedd Var beredd! Jag står högst och då vill jag bli sedd Var beredd!
Ooh, I bet youre wondering how I knew About youre plans to make me blue With some other guy that you knew before Between the two of us guys You know I love you more It took me by surprise I must say When I found out yesterday Dont you know that I heard it through the grapevine Not much longer would you be mine Oh I heard it through the grapevine Oh and Im just about to lose my mind Honey, honey yeah I know that a man aint supposed to cry But these tears I cant hold inside Losing you would end my life you see Cause you mean that much to me You could have told me yourself That you love somebody else Instead I heard it through the grapevine Not much longer would you be mine Oh I heard it through the grapevine Oh and Im just about to lose my mind Honey, honey yeah People say believe half of what you see Son, and none of what you hear I cant help being confused If its true please tell me dear Do you plan to let me go For the other guy you loved before Dont you know that I heard it through the grapevine Not much longer would you be mine Oh I heard it through the grapevine Oh and Im just about to lose my mind Honey, honey yeah
You make me feel like I dont need another Come on baby lets pull back the covers And do our best to help one another Find out how much fun we can get into life You got me scorched where Id forgotten there was fire You got me foxed and you know I aint a liar Come on baby, help me try and Find out how much fun we can get into life Sit back, relax, weve got all night Feel the groove, nice and smooth Lets get it right I make the situate, maybe I I know a good place to land, so come on lets fly You make me feel like I dont need another Come on baby lets pull back the covers And do our best to help one another Find out how much fun we can get into life You got me higher than Ive been since I started Couldnt want you more if I tried any harder We could fall in love but I gotta Find out how much fun we could get into life We got whats what Lets make it work Feel the beat in your seat Dont make it jerk Settle down, look around, there aint no rush Theres a whole load of possibilities Just the two of us You make me feel like I dont need another Come on baby lets pull back the covers And do our best to help one another Find out how much fun we can get into life
The sound of one heart breaking, the sound of someone waking To the cold hard truth before the sun goes down If I could ever catch you a little bit of that Id wrap it up and bury it in the deep dark ground On the ledge with one last chance to beg To the deepest root of the oldest tree If we could only bottle a little bit of rain Wrung out from the history in its ancient leaves All we need is a candlelit bedroom All you ever wanted was a state of grace Every waking moment you believe that Love will always lead you to a better place The never ending stories of the victor and the spoils The treasure and the lesson to be learned If I could ever wrap up a little piece of this Id strike a match and watch the contents burn Love will always lead to a candlelit bedroom Only if you want it bad enough Every waking moment you believe that You must have a little faith in the light of love Every waking moment you believe that You must have a little faith in the light of love
You tell me theres an angel in your tree Did he say hed come to call on me For things are getting desperate in our home Living in the parish of the restless folks I know Everybody now bring your family down to the riverside Look to the east to see where the fat stock hide Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps Its time we put the flame torch to their keep Burn down the mission If were gonna stay alive Watch the black smoke fly to heaven See the red flame light the sky Burn down the mission Burn it down to stay alive Its our only chance of living Take all you need to live inside Deep in the woods the squirrels are out today My wife cried when they came to take me away But what more could I do just to keep her warm Than burn burn burn burn down the mission walls Bring your family down to the riverside Look to the east to see where the fat stock hide Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps Its time we put the flame torch to their keep Chorus
Have been thinking of you And the long years we moved through To be friends at the end Which was not the end But the start of understanding Have been thinking of you And the good things you told me Just to be friends till the end of the road and longer At the heart of understanding At the start of understanding And I have been thinking of you And the long years we moved through Just to be friends till the end Which was not the end But the start of understanding At the heart of understanding
Twentieth century blues are getting me down Blues, escape those dreary twentieth century blues Why, if theres a god in the sky, why shouldnt he grin High above this dreary twentieth century din In this strange illusion, chaos and confusion People seem to lose their way What is there to strive for, love or keep alive for Say, Hey hey, call it a day Blues, nothing to win or to lose, its getting me down Blues, escape those weary twentieth century blues Why is it that civilized humanity can make this world so wrong In this hurly-burly of insanity, our dreams cannot last long Weve reached a deadline, a press headline, every sorrow
If I wasnt born to love you, why was I born at all If I wasnt meant to hold you, what are these two arms for If I cant protect you, what are these muscles for If I cant enrich your life, I might as well be poor If I couldnt see you naked, I might as well be blind If I couldnt treat you right, wouldnt I be so unkind And you were made for me You were made for me You werent born to be alone And you were made for me You were made for me You were made for me Flesh and bone, its etched in stone That you were made for me If I couldnt translate fantasy, imagine how Id feel If I couldnt hear your secret, my ears would both be sealed And if I cant make love to you, this body has no use If you believe I loved you, you wouldnt need no proof And if I cant return to you, I wouldnt need my legs to run
Mufasa legt jullie te veel beperkingen op als het om de jacht gaat Met mij als koning zijn jullie vrij om te nemen wat jullie willen Want een hyenamaag is nooit vol Mufasa is veel te machtig om te verslaan Mufasa is over zijn top heen Zijn regime is verouderd, verzwakt De tijd vraagt in plaats van zon snob een Strateeg met visie en tact Het leeuwenrijk staat op een keerpunt Een kans voor hyena’s als groep Want ik heb een plan met als speerpunt Geen honger meer voor jullie troep Sta paraat voor een greep naar de macht en Doe mee aan mijn duivelse plan Na jarenlang wachten, met wraak in gedachten Is dit het moment, ja, dat ik word erkend, ja Als koning aller dieren, een naam die zal sieren Zal ik laten zien wat ik kan Wij zijn samen tot alles in staat Sta paraat Sta paraat, sta paraat Sta paraat Sta paraat Wij zijn samen tot alles in staat Sta paraat
Aint nothing like the real thing, baby Aint nothing like the real thing Aint nothing like the real thing, baby Aint nothing like the real thing I got your picture hanging on my wall But it cant seem to come to me When I call your name I realized its just a picture in a frame I read your letters but youre not here They dont move me, they dont groove me Like when I hear Your sweet voice whispering in my ear I play my games of fantasy I pretend I dont see reality I need the shelter of your arms to comfort me I got some memories to look back on Though they help me when youre gone Im well aware Nothing can take the place of you being there No other sound is quite the same as your name No touch can do half as much To make me feel better Lets stay together Im so So glad we got the real thing, baby So glad we got the real thing Aint nothing like the real thing, baby Aint nothing like the real thing
I said from the start that youd be mine But now it just seems Im just wasting your time If only you knew the hurt Ive been through Youll be sorry to see me go Youll be sorry to see me go Ive always done the best that I could To make you happy like I should If only you knew what Ive heard about you Youll be sorry to see me go Youll be sorry to see me go I could have been mistreated if Id been bad But people tell me Im the best that youve had So theres something I want you to know I think youll be sorry to see me go Youll be sorry to see me go You said from the start that youd be mine But now it just seems Im just wasting your time If only you knew the hurt Ive been through Youll be sorry to see me go
Não há muito que eu não dividi Com  você, por onde andei E  o amanhã vai existir Eu soube e ainda sei De repente vejo aqui Um  caminho que eu não vi Pra  onde pode me levar? Não me cabe perguntar Quem  está certo? Quem errou? Quem partiu ou quem ficou? Todo o rio segue o leito É o destino‚ eu aceito Amigos  nunca dizem adeus Nunca dizem adeus Nunca dizem adeus
Its been a bad day child On the side of sorrow Oooh its hard You cant always be so fine You know a kind of reason Still you try to bring it down Wishful dreamers tell me How can you say that youre lonely Only children cry Wait for tomorrow To come and may she greet you Through the darkness of the night It ends up changing Its been a bad day child Pray for the day But anytime you need some love Ill try try to understand How can you say you need some company Only children cry Youre the teacher Tell me the story Be a lovely lullaby Wait for tomorrow to come May she greet you The darkness of the night Gentle changes Its been a bad day child Pray for the day But anytime you need some love Ill try try to understand Ill try try to understand Ill try try to understand
Ich halte nicht viel von Hyänen Sie sind vulgär, so unerhört ordinär Doch sie für meine Bedürfnisse zu zähmen Ist so schlau, sowas stammt nur von mir Ich weiß, die Beschränktheit der Hyänen Ist bestimmt alles andre als klein Ich will nebenbei nur erwähnen Ich red nicht nur Löwenlatein Die stumpfen Visagen betonen Die obren Etagen sind leer Ich rede von Königen, von Thronen Und auch Unwissеn schützt euch nicht mehr! Seid bеreit für die Zeit eures Lebens Seid bereit für den größten der Coups Die goldene Ära Schleicht näher und näher Und was springt für uns raus? Ich lass euch schon nicht aus Ihr dämlichen Viecher Der Lohn ist euch sicher An dem Tag, wenn das Recht triumphiert Und mich endlich von Knechtschaft befreit Seid bereit! Ja, seid bereit. Wir sind immer bereit. Für was? Für den Tod des Königs! Wieso? Ist er krank? Nein, du Null, wir bringen ihn um, und Simba auch! Tolle Idee! Wer braucht schon nen König? Niemand, niemand, la la la la la la! Idioten! Es wird einen König geben! Aber du hast doch... Ich werde König sein, Haltet zu mir. Und ihr werdet nie wieder hunger leiden! Ja, klasse, lang lebe der König! Lang lebe der König! Lang lebe der König! Ja, wir sind bald Untertanen Eines Königs, den jedermann liebt Ich muss jedoch ernsthaft ermahnen Dass es für euch Pflichten noch gibt Die Zukunft gibt soviel zu plündern Das Meiste krieg sowieso ich Ich darf trotzdem höflichst erinnern Kein Krümelchen gibts ohne mich! Seid bereit für den Coup des Jahrhunderts Seid bereit für den teuflichsten Pakt Ich plane seit Jahren Trotz aller Gefahren Gerissen verbissen Ganz ohne Gewissen Als König geboren Zum Herrscher erkoren Erglänz ich in all meiner Pracht Meine Zähne sind blank wie mein Neid Seid bereit! Unsre Zähne sind blank wie sein Neid Seid bereit!
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba Sithi uhm ingonyama Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw enamabala Odkąd los rzucił nas tu na Ziemię Olśniewa wzrok słoneczny blask Jest tu więcej dróg, niż ktoś przejść by je mógł Więcej spraw, niż ogarnąć się da Istnienia sens, jak pojąć gdy Wokół nas niezbadany lśni ląd Ale Słońca twarz hen Nieba lazur się pnie To lśniąc to nie, nieskończony ciąg Wieczny Życia Krąg Co prowadzi nas Przez rozpaczy mrok W nadziei blask Aby dojść do tych dróg Własnych i pisanych W ten wspaniały Wieczny Życia Krąg Wieczny Życia Krąg Co prowadzi nas Przez rozpaczy mrok W nadziei blask Aby dojść do tych dróg Własnych i pisanych W ten wspaniały Wieczny Życia Krąg
Dont go breaking my heart I couldnt if I tried Oh honey, if I get restless Baby, youre not that kind Dont go breaking my heart You take the weight off of me Oh honey, when you knock on my door Ooh, I gave you my key Oo-hoo, nobody knows it When I was down I was your clown Oo-hoo, nobody knows it Right from the start I gave you my heart Oh-ho, I gave you my heart Dont go breaking my heart I wont go breaking your heart Dont go breaking my heart Nobody told us Cause nobody showed us And now its up to us, babe Ooh, I think we can make it Now, dont misunderstand me You put the light in my life Ooh, you put the spark to the flame Ive got your heart in my sights Oo-hoo, nobody knows it When I was down I was your clown Right from the start I gave you my heart Oh-ho, I gave you my heart Dont go breaking my heart I wont go breaking your heart Dont go breaking my Dont go breaking my Dont go breaking my heart
— Bom dia Majestade — Bom dia, Zazu — Eu lhe trago as notícias matinais — Vá falando Todos os filhotes continuam a crescer Já os elefantes me lembraram de esquecer Quanto aos crocodilos visitaram o pavão Quiseram meus ovinhos mais eu disse não, não, não Parece que os abutres vão querer emagrecer De modo que o almoço agora é ao anoitecer No relatório matinal A cobertura é total Todo reino animal Tem notícia real No relatório matinal — O que esta fazendo filho? — Caçando — Deixe o profissional lhe mostrar Se um búfalo tem uma queixa de alimentação — Mais baixo... rente ao chão Mas o javali se aproveitou da condição — Bem abaixado... certo Flamingos foram vistos arrumando confusão — Sem barulho E a nova moda é usar cor açafrão Mas se me permite um palpite com educação — Devagar mais um passo e... Acho que avisei que vamos ter uma grande confusão — Ahh! — Ha ha ha ha ha ha No relatório matinal A cobertura é total Todo reino animal Tem notícia real No relatório matinal
I may not seem your ideal when you look into my eyes I dont smoke, I dont tell jokes, Im not the custom made size But baby let me take you out on the highway for a while Ill show yow where the man in me is when he doesnt hide Well hes cruising in the fast lane, stuck behind the wheel Jekyll and Hyde going on inside when Im your automobile Let me be your car for a while child Shift me into gear and Ill be there Fill me up with five star gasoline girl Ill be your car, Ill take you anywhere Let me be your car, come on and drive me Im a speedy little boy down deep inside I got bucket seats and two speed window cleaners Just let me be your car, oh come on and ride I cant dance, I dont dig it, I cant see it at all You say Im just a specimen, and baby I can crawl Well my physique dont look the way the physiques really should But then again Ive got an engine underneath my hood When Im cutting up the road with a sports car on my tail Frankensteins inside my mind, and the winds inside my sails
Rosa Ahora Your song Yeah... ahá, baby... yeah... uh uhh... Its a little bit funny this feeling inside Im not one of those who can easily hide I dont have much money but if I did Id buy a big house where we both could live If I was a sculptor, but then again, no... Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show I know its not much but its the best I can do My gift is my song and this ones for you... yeah... And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that its done I hope you dont mind I hope you dont mind that I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world Open your world... hey... uuuwouhhh... ah, yeah... I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss Well a few of the verses well theyve got me quite cross But the suns been quite kind while I wrote this song Its for people like you that keep it turned on So... So excuse me forgetting but these things I do You see... Ive forgotten if theyre green or theyre blue Anyway, the thing is... what I really mean: Yours are the sweetest eyes Ive ever seen, yeah... And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but Ye-eh-ehh I hope you dont mind I hope you dont mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but Yeah hey hey I hope you dont mind I hope you dont mind that I put down in words How wonderful life is while youre in the world
Im just sitting counting all the cobwebs And wondering just when youll come along You said that youd be here an hour ago But an hour ago is hours ago from then No, and I dont know what to do Im drawing crazy patterns on my shoe And the sand in the hourglass slips on by Light another cigarette, watch the burning glow Catching spiders in my hand, and then I let them go Imagine pictures on the wall, watch the insects where they crawl They dont care about you and Ive nothing to do No, and I dont know what to do Im drawing crazy patterns on my shoe And the sand in the hourglass slips on by Maybe the bus didnt get there on time Maybe the train doesnt run on that line for some reason And she might not come Because she doesnt want to see you again No no no, that cant be true And Ive got nothing to do No, and I dont know what to do Im drawing crazy patterns on my shoe And the sand in the hourglass slips on by
Come back baby Come back to me yeah And you will see yeah How Ive changed Cause youre the only love that I ever had Youre the only love that I ever had Come back to me Come back baby I did you wrong yeah And now this song I sing I hope will bring you back to me Cause youre the only love that I ever knew Youre the only love that I ever knew Come back, come back Come back baby Come back and treat mе right Come back baby Come on back, Ill hold you tight Come back baby Comе back, Ill treat you right Come back baby Come on back Come back and hold me tight Come back baby Everythings gonna be fine right now Its gonna be fine right now Its gonna be fine right now Cause youre the only love that I ever had Yeah youre coming back and Im so glad Youre coming back to me
Im building a bird From the wreck of a story Something I once heard Sifting through this pile of words Im building a bird Im building a bird From a crack in the system Sunshine, its a dirty word Slippin out this naked world And building a bird Take a broken bird home Wrap it in barbed wire Saddest song I ever heard Was a bird in a house on fire Im building a bird From the wreck of a story Something I once heard Sifting through this pile of words Im building a bird All this scattered makeup From covering his curse All the scattered building blocks That never got to build a bird If you want it you can take it If you need it you dont know it If it moves screw it in the ground All around its all over Tools and nail and glue and feathers All thats left from building a bird Im building a bird From a crack in the system Sunshine, its a dirty word Slippin out of this naked world Im building a bird Building a bird Building a bird Building a bird
Its a human sign When things go wrong When the scent of her lingers And temptations strong Cold, cold heart Hardened by you Some things lookin better, baby Just passin through And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no And this is what I should have ever said Well, I thought it, but I kept it in Cold, cold heart Hardened by you Some things lookin better, baby Just passin through And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no And this is what I should have ever said Well, I thought it, but I kept it in Cold, cold heart Hardened by you Some things lookin better, baby Just passin through And I think its gonna be a long, long time Til touchdown brings me round again to find Im not the man they think I am at home Oh no, no, no And this is what I should have ever said Well, I thought it, but I kept it in
There is still a little love left for me in your heart Even though it seems to you that we are far apart You can turn your eyes to other guys, ignore me on the street But dont forget its bound to show if we should ever meet And there is still a little love left for me in your heart You can use a little love to make a brand new start For no matter how you try You just cannot deny There is still a little love in your heart But youre far too proud to say whats on your mind I can read you like a story book, do you think Im blind For every place I seem to be, you seem to be there too Standing in the wings of love and waiting for your cue
Акуна матата! Золотые слова Акуна матата! Ты знай свои права Набит желудок и пуста голова Закусил слегка И жизнь легка Акуна матата! Акуна матата? Да, это наш девиз Девиз? Это как? А так: нам вверх, всем вниз Всего два слова, а решают любые проблемы Да, вот Пумба, к примеру Итак Он юным свинёнком был Я юным свинёнком был Что за хрипы? Да расчувствовался Его чудный запах разносили ветра И саванна пустела, лишь поест он с утра Я ранимый душой, хоть и не изнежен А друзья воздух мне предпочли свой свежий Я-то всегда был рядом, и горжусь этим Я не знал, как быть Он не знал, как ему быть Я даже думал имя сменить И на какое? Фред? Начинал я пухнуть Перед тем как пукнуть Ты не заткнёшь мне рот? Нет, но ты – обормот! Акуна матата! Мысль очень проста Акуна матата! Всё, брат, суета Так будь свободен от ушей до хвоста Да, пой, малыш Закусил слегка И жизнь легка Акуна матата! Акуна матата! Акуна матата! Акуна матата! Акуна матата! Акуна матата! Акуна матата! Акуна матата! И ты свободен от ушей до хвоста Закусил слегка И жизнь легка Акуна матата! Акуна матата! Акуна матата! И ты свободен от ушей до хвоста Закусил слегка И жизнь легка Акуна матата! И ты свободен И ты свободен
Hakuna matata, mais quelle phrase magnifique ! Hakuna matata, oui quel chant fantastique ! Ces mots signifient que tu vivras ta vie Sans aucun souci philosophie Hakuna matata Hakuna matata? Oui, c’est notre vieux credo C’est quoi un credo ? C’est Pumbaa le vieux crado ! Trop fort ! Oh ! Ces deux mots régleront tous tes problèmes Oui, prend Pumbaa par exemple Eh bien, ce très jeune phacochère J’étais jeune et phacochère Ça va aller ? C’est chargé en émotions Un jour, quelle horreur, il comprit que son odeur Au lieu de sentir la fleur soulevait les cœurs Mais il y a dans tout cochon un poète qui sommeille Quel martyr, quand personne peut plus vous sentir Là tu me fais mal, moi j’ai toujours été là pour toi Disgrâce infâme Disgrâce infâme Qui inonde mon âme Oh, Ça pue le drame ! Je déclenche une tempête À chaque fois que je pète... oh Timon d’habitude tu m’arrêtes ? Non ça sert à rien, ça fait cent fois que je le répète ! Hakuna matata, mais quelle phrase magnifique ! Hakuna matata, quel chant fantastique ! Ces mots signifient que tu vivras ta vie Sans aucun souci philosophie Hakuna matata Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Hakuna matata! Ces mots signifient que tu vivras ta vie Sans aucun souci philosophie Hakuna matata ! Hakuna matata, yeah Hakuna matata, oh, ah Ces mots signifient que tu vivras ta vie Sans aucun souci philosophie Hakuna matata Une dernière fois Oh non, jcrois quça suffit là non Ouais Jessaie de trouver le bon rythme Faut se laisser désirer un peu Tas pris 200 kilos depuis qutas commencé Moi jai pas pris un gramme Ces mots signifient, oh, yeah Tu peux lui dire darrêter Cest toi qui as tenu à lui chanter la chanson Tu plaisantes, cest toi qui as insisté Cest notre chanson, On ne devrait pas la partager avec tout le monde ! Cest pas tout lmonde, cest notre duo Mais, dis-lui darrêter Ces mots signifient Simba tas pas envie de prendre une pause, cest un cauchemar Cest la partie plus belle
I thought I could be Someone other than me Playing the game Always the same Through it all now I see Cause love welcomes arms Who finally fall You gave me all that I need When you said i need you Well sit together and work it all out Well love together and work it all out And if it rains well Ill stand up and shout Lets sit together and work it all out I finally found Both feet on the ground Were like colours through to the end Take the hand of a friend Well sit together and work it all out Well love together and work it all out And if it rains well Ill stand up and shout Lets sit together and work it all out
Im stoned in the twilight Screaming on the inside Give me your water, help me survive Gonna miss the sunlight When I lose my eyesight Give me my red shoes, I want to dance They search for an answer But that old man wouldnt listen Back then I was handsome Back then he was ignorant And shave off the years now, its all inside my head The boy in the red shoes is dancing by my bed Put them in a box somewhere, put them in a drawer Take my red shoes, I cant wear them anymore Had garlands in the wings back then All the pretty little things back then Calling out my name, oh what fame brings After curtain calls and bows I cant see the front row now Hand me my red shoes just one more time They pushed aside our presence They refused to go the distance Back then I was Sigmund Back then he wouldnt listen
Goodbye, Norma Jeane Though I never knew you at all You had the grace to hold yourself While those around you crawled They crawled out of the woodwork And they whispered into your brain They set you on the treadmill And they made you change your name And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I wouldve liked to have known you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long bеfore Your legend еver did Loneliness was tough The toughest role you ever played Hollywood created a superstar And pain was the price you paid And even when you died Oh, the press still hounded you All the papers had to say Was that Marilyn was found in the nude And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I wouldve liked to have loved you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did Goodbye, Norma Jeane Though I never knew you at all You had the grace to hold yourself While those around you crawled Goodbye, Norma Jeane From the young man in the 22nd row Who sees you as something more than sexual More than just our Marilyn Monroe And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I wouldve liked to know you But I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did I wouldve liked to have known you Oh, but I was just a kid Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did
You put something better Inside of me You put something better Inside of me I could look out the windows Or stare at the wall But really it didnt matter No I just didnt care at all Could be sitting by the water
Já tive muitos sonhos Um brilho no olhar Era só um jovem Sem medo de voar Então aos 15 anos Eu fui ganhar meu pão Numa mina sob esse chão Sinto o vento frio cortar meu rosto Sinto a brisa quente me abater Mas não deixarei minha terra Ficarei aqui até morrer Já tive uma família Filhos para amar Mas eu fiquei sem mais ninguém Só olhando a vida andar Estou envelhecendo Em breve vou achar Meu descanso sob este chão Sinto o vento frio cortar meu rosto Sinto a brisa quente me abater Mas o meu amor por essa terra Ficarei aqui até morrer Sinto o vento frio cortar meu rosto Sinto a brisa quente me abater Mas o meu amor por essa terra Ficará em mim até morrer Já tive uma amada Minha luz, meu bem querer Nós éramos tão jovens Com tanto pra viver Eu tinha apenas 37 Quando a vida me traiu Ela foi dormir sob esse... Sinto o vento frio cortar meu rosto Sinto a brisa quente me abater Mas o meu amor por essa terra Ficará em mim até morrer — Feliz Natal, pai — Feliz Natal, filho
The grass in Ashfield Park is dying Where everybody dreams of deeds of crime And the Tartan Coloured Lady walks Behind the water colours of my mind And the Tartan Coloured Lady she is mine People speak of willow trees in autumn And my doesnt fit her anymore And the Tartan Coloured Lady that I wanted Talked of this place an hour or so before And the Tartan Coloured Lady lost her So if your crystal window isnt broken And theyve taken all the dust bins from your door Take yourself the Tartan Coloured Lady And smell the grass in Ashfield Park once more See the trees in Ashfield Park once more So I guess Ill read the comic books youve left me And play marbles on the floor And if the Tartan Coloured Lady calls me Just tell her I wont be home till four
Music by elton john Never released
Your cold heart As clear as ice I can see right through ya and it dont feel right, yeah yeah I said i love ya, you look away, aint no anxiety girl, it’s just you ain’t here to stay, cus i know you’ll run away Girl break my heart, 1 times 2 Come right back, ill give it all to you You’re the only for me, but i’m starting to doubt if i am for you But i’ll let you do you it over again Back to square one right where we began Because girl Youre addictive I know well Been here times before Here i stand With my heart in my hands Banging on your door I said i love ya, you look away, aint no anxiety girl, it’s just you ain’t here to stay, cus i know you’ll run away Girl break my heart 3 times 4 Come right back, cus im begging for more Youre the only one for me, but im not so sure Cus here we are again Square one You say the word, ill be quick as light Don’t wanna end this dreamy night You’re addictive, Im addicted
You tore my heart in pieces Now Im fighting all these demons All this pain is hurting Seeing your shadows Im hallucinating Reminiscing on the times we had And now I just want it to last Anyways I was fading away Couldnt see from a distance that far But its clear now You were meant to be Whenever you are next to me All I want to do Is to wake up next to you I got no idea where Im going So show me the way Making deals with the devil Like fighting your means Stop hiding your feels You tore my heart in pieces Now Im fighting all these demons All this pain is hurting Seeing your shadows Im hallucinating Reminiscing on the times we had And now I just want it to last
You know, I remember a few years ago Some funny things used to happen to me, About 1956-57 At that time there was no blues scene Or not really any kind of scene in London I used to go out and play my guitar in the streets And sing things with passing my hat down I remember one particular night I was playing the guitar in a little alleyway Just off of Wardour Street in Soho And I got busted by the police This policeman came up and dragged me and my guitar And my hat full of pennies off to the police station Anyway, the next day I had to appear in Marlboro Street Police Court And it was quite a day Police officer giving his evidence I was proceeding in a southerly direction, mi-lord When I heard strange sounds Coming from Wardour Place, mi-lord A sort of boogie-woogie music was being played On further investigation, I saw the defendant Standing there with a guitar and an old hat On the floor collecting pennies Well, I decided that he was contravening A breach of the peace there, as there was A traffic jam about five miles long down Wardour Street Wondering what all the fuss was about So then I arrested the defendant Ah, just one moment, officer Well, what is this boogie-woogie music Here were talking about? Oh, well, mi-lord, said the officer Getting out his notebook, obviously Been doing up his homework Its a kind of jazz-rhythm music Peculiar to the American-Negro Oh, and what was the defendant doing Playing this kind of music there in Wardour Street? Anyway I got off with a caution A years conditional discharge But Ill always remember that policeman And his boogie-woogie music So dont try to lay no boogie-woogie On the king of rock and roll
No te has dado cuenta Me huelo lo peor Porque ese par se va a enamorar Volvemos a ser dos. La brisa de la noche La luna y su color El clásico romance lleno de Desastres por amor Es la noche del amor El cielo trae paz El mundo está perfecto en su quietud Con todo en su lugar Quisiera ser sincero No sé que voy a hacer ¿Decirle la verdad? Imposible Hay mucho que esconder No quierе hablar, ¿qué esconde? No puedo comprеnder ¿Por qué no quiere ser quien debe ser El rey que veo en él? Es la noche del amor El cielo trae paz El mundo está perfecto en su quietud Con todo en su lugar Es la noche del amor Con todo en su lugar Más allá de toda oscuridad Hay amor y paz Feliz final, escrito está Es un gran error Se perderá sus juergas de león Y todo por amor
Warm the wine and give it to me one more time again Im just a rolling stone who needs a drop of rain And to taste your honey, Mona is like licking on the sun My trucks hid in the back yard so come here and give me some Said lady, thats the way Youve gotta rock me when hes gone You make me feel like a diesel train going home We got so much to give each other And weve only just begun So take me baby, break me lady Gotta rock me when hes gone Break the bread in two and you can give me half Ive ridden hard and fast just to make you laugh To make you laugh Ive stood knee-deep in mud outside your door Clutching in my hand a border rose from Baltimore
Hienas vulgares e infames Carentes de qualquer virtude Guiadas pelo meu talento e engenho Meu reino farão chegar á sua plenitude Eu sei que a tua inteligência Nunca foi, nem será generosa Mas prestem atenção, com paciência! Nas minhas palavras preciosas Prestem atenção, concentrem-se Pois quero que fiquem cientes Que quando um rei sai outro entra E é a razão para ficarem contentes! Preparados para terem boa vida Uma vida sensacional Chegou nova era A velha já era E a gente onde fica? Já tudo se explica A vossa presença terá recompensa Quando eu ocupar o meu trono Injustiças farei com que parem Preparados! Preparados, Estamos preparados Para quê? Para a morte do rei! Está doente? Não vamos matá-lo e ao Simba também! Grande ideia! Pra que serve um rei? Abaixo o rei, la la la la la la! Idiotas! Haverá um rei! Mas tu disseste... Eu serei rei! Sirvam-me, E nunca mais terão fome outra vez! É, Viva o rei! Longa vida ao rei! Viva o rei! Viva o rei! O rei é um bom camarada E o povo vai logo adorar Vocês que serão mais amadas Farão tudo o que eu mandar Vou distribuir prémios caros Aos que confiem em mim Mas quero deixar muito claro Não vão comer nada sem mim! Preparemos o crime deste século Preparemos o golpe mais baixo Bem premeditado E bem calculado Que um rei rejeitado Será coroado Por isso eu disputo Por isso eu luto Pelo trono que terá que ser meu Nem Mufasa, nem Simba, mas eu Serei rei! Que os amigos não te desamparem Preparados!
When are you gonna come down? When are you going to land? I should have stayed on the farm I should have listened to my old man You know you cant hold me forever I didnt sign up with you Im not a present for your friends to open This boys too young to be singing the blues Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You cant plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling old owl in the woods Hunting the horny black toad Well, Ive finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah What do you think youll do, thеn? I bet theyll shoot down your plane Itll takе you a couple of vodka and tonics To set you on your feet again Maybe theyll get a replacement Theres plenty like me to be found Mongrels who aint got a penny Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah So goodbye yellow brick road Where the dogs of society howl You cant plant me in your penthouse Im going back to my plough Back to the howling old owl in the woods Hunting the horny black toad Well, Ive finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah-ah, hmm
Cest moi Simba, cest moi le roi Du royaume animal Cest bien la première fois quon voit un roi Avec si peu de poils Je vais faire dans la cour des grands Une entrée triomphale En poussant très royalement Un rugissement bestial ! Majesté, tu ne te mouches pas du coude Je voudrais déjà être roi Il y a encore un long chemin à faire, votre altesse, je vous le dis Au roi on ne dit pas Dailleurs quand je dis ça, je... Tiens ta langue et tais-toi Ce que je veux dire... Surtout ne fais pas ça Restes ici, assieds-toi Restez ici ! Sans jamais dire où je vais Alors là cest inadmissible Je veux faire ce qui me plaît Il est grand temps, votre grandeur quon parle de cœur à cœur Le roi na que faire des conseils dune vieille corneille Si tu confonds la monarchie avec la tyrannie Vive la république, adieu lAfrique, je ferme la boutique Prends garde Lion, ne te trompe pas de voie, Simba Je voudrais déjà être roi Regardez bien à louest Regardez bien à lest Mon pouvoir sans conteste, Et sans frontières Cest une rumeur qui monte jusquau ciel Les animaux répandent la nouvelle Simba sera le nouveau Roi Soleil Je voudrais déjà être roi Il voudrait déjà être roi Je voudrais déjà Être roi !
Do you believe in faeries For the childrens rhymes are in my mind Seen through the colours of my eyes A rainbow in the sky With the flowers of seed Taken by the beautiful people who have gone Where have they gone Where have they all gone Theyre throwing coins in a velvet fountain Wishing on stars and floating on air Can somebody catch me if I stranger And the mystery beleives me a velvet fountain
When the day is done Down to Earth then sinks the sun Along with everything that was lost and won When the day is done When the day is done Hope so much your race will be all run Then you find you jumped the gun Have to go back where you begun When the day is done When the night is cold Some get by but some get old Just to show lifes not made of gold When the night is cold When the bird has flown Got no one to call your own Got no place to call your home Now the bird has flown When the games been fought Newspaper blowing across the court Lost much sooner than you would have thought Now the games been fought When the partys through Seems so very sad for you Didnt do the things you meant to do Now theres no time to to start anew Now the partys through When the day is done Down to Earth then sinks the sun Along with everything that was lost and won When the day is done Day is done When the day is done
Like I said baby If you go astray Well then, go on Go your sweet way I thought you knew by now You do just as you please And heres to the next time And heres to the next time How many times Have you gone before? And how many times Have I forgiven you once more? You never had to wait Just like I waited for you And heres to the next time Heres to the next time When youre gonе The time drags by I wish youd learn Not to makе me cry To make me cry So, if youre gonna leave me Never to come back Break it to me gently Or my world will crack So, be sure to let me know That Ill never will say Heres to the next time Heres to the next time Heres to the next time Heres to the next time Heres to the next time
Mufasa a toujours imposé trop de contraintes trop de lois en matière de chasse Quand je serai roi, je promets de nimposer quune loi, celle du plus fort Parce que le ventre dune hyène nest jamais plein Mufasa est trop puissant impossible de le défier Mufasa fait partie du passé Dune époque finie, révolue Trop derreurs, trop déchecs répétés Notre heure est enfin venue Pour nous les lions, les temps ont changé Et pour les hyènes bientôt aussi Ma vision est claire et ordonnée Jai un projet pour les amis Soyez prêtes pour le coup le plus génial Soyez prêtes pour le plus beau scandale Je dis compromission Je dis conspiration Je crie humiliation ! Ces mots feront de moi Le roi incontesté Respecté, salué Le seul dieu vivant qu’on acclame Oui, le roi vous invite à la fête Soyez prêtes ! Soyez prêtes, soyez prêtes Soyez prêtes Soyez prêtes Oui, le roi vous invite à la fête Soyez prêtes !
Every story, tale or memoir Every saga or romance Whether true or fabricated Whether planned or happenstance Whether sweeping through the ages Casting centuries aside Or a hurried brief recital Just a thirty-minute ride Whether bright or melancholy Rough and ready, finely spun Whether with a thousand players Or a lonely cast of one Every story, new or ancient Bagatelle or work of art All are tales of human failing All are tales of love at heart This is the story Of a love that flourished In a time of hate Of lovers no tyranny could separate Love set into motion on the Niles shore Destiny ignited by an act of war Egypt saw the mighty river as its very heart and soul Source of life for all her people That only Egypt could control Destruction of her southern neighbor, justified Nubia exploited, left with little more than pride, oh
I fell in love with you one September Between the ashes and the dying embers What happened to our dreams Nothing so it seems But I fell in love with you Remember If the phone forgets to ring this evening And Im left dazed and gazing at the ceiling Be sure to understand The futures in your hands Cause Im still in love with you Remember Ive loved enough to know When Im without a reason in hand Oh theres little doubt Ive loved enough to be sure Ive loved enough to know the reason has gone Theres little doubt the season has gone When I was young and so secure I wrote to you of romance made in heaven My words were touched with guilt, my sentences uneven What happened to the line I repeated time and time Im still in love with you Im still in love with you Im still in love with you
And did you think this fool could never win? Well look at me, Im a-coming back again I got a taste of love in a simple way And if you need to know while Im still standing You just fade away Dont you know Im still standing better than I ever did? Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid And Im still standing after all this time Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind Im still standing
A nossa cidade Nasceu  com mãos divinas E  por quem? Um milagre, criou Um paraíso a Dádiva Tem  paz e harmonia Sobre  nós Os humanos, se formou Se  fez El Dorado Magnifíco E dourado Há mil anos atrás El  Dorado El Dorado El Dorado
I aint got the strength to lift my fingers Cause you have robbed this love from me Nina I dont mind, thats the way its gotta be Cause Nina youre my woman now Just as long as it takes I will heal the mistakes Ive made in the past And our loves gonna last, oh its gonna last, its gonna last forever Cause Nina youre my woman now He may have told you that this love wont last But just allow me one more chance To prove to you that I love you More than any man can do Oh Nina I love you Believe this one baby Believe mе, Im no liar Just light the fuse inside of mе And set my soul on fire Cause Nina youre my woman now Just let the two of us together Forget these long gone times All I need is an answer Oh Nina, Nina change your mind Cause Nina youre, youre my woman now Cause Nina youre, youre my woman now
Un poderoso rey seré Sin oposición Pues yo nunca he visto un rey león Que no tenga mechón Nunca ha habido nadie así Seré la sensación Observa como rujo yo ¡Te causo un gran temor! Pues no parece nada excepcional Yo quisiera ya ser un rey Tiene un largo camino por recorrer mi señor si cree que Nadie que me diga Bueno, cuando dije que... Lo que debo hacer Quise decir que... Nadie que me diga Cómo debo ser ¡Pero mire aquí! Libre de correr seré Bueno, definitivamente eso no Todo lo que quiera haré Usted y yo tenemos que de cara a cara hablar Mira nada más al rey quien quiere aconsejar Si este es el rumbo que llevamos yo no voy Lejos yo me voy de África no me voy a quedar El chico cada día está mas mal, Simba Yo quisiera ya ser un rey Miren por aquí Miren por acá Donde me vean, Seré una estrella Y con cada criatura compartir Que fuerte por doquier se pueda oír Lo que el rey Simba tiene que decir Yo quisiera ya ser un rey Él quisiera ya ser un rey Yo quisiera ya ¡Ser un rey!
No te has dado cuenta Me huelo lo peor Porque ese par se va a enamorar Volvemos a ser dos La brisa de la noche La luna y su color El clásico romance lleno de Desastres por amor Es la noche del amor El cielo trae paz El mundo está perfecto en su quietud Con todo en su lugar Quisiera ser sincero No sé que voy a hacer ¿Decirle la verdad? Imposible Hay mucho que esconder No quiere hablar, ¿qué esconde? No puedo comprender ¿Por qué no quiere ser quien debe ser El rey que veo en él? Es la noche del amor El cielo trae paz El mundo está perfecto en su quietud Con todo en su lugar Es la noche del amor Con todo en su lugar Más allá de toda oscuridad Hay amor y paz Feliz final, escrito está Es un gran error Se perderá sus juergas de león Y todo por amor